Things That Bother You About Gaming

Started by Spark Of Spirit, May 17, 2011, 03:10:13 PM

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Bastion's OST and voice acting are complete gold, even if the game itself isn't that great (though I still need to find out for myself). But Guardian of Light is fantastic IMO.

Spark Of Spirit

I dunno, I played through Guardian Of Light co-op and it was a decent game, but I didn't find it particularly great.
"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton


Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on July 30, 2012, 07:36:36 PM
I played Tony Hawk HD at my friend's house just last week...

It's not too hot. For one, the physics feel weird and there's annoying input delay in the controls. For two, the soundtrack is terrible and you can't skip songs or turn off certain ones. For three, the level selection is really light and some spots are wasted on those downhill levels nobody liked from Tony Hawk 1 that were removed from every game afterward (except that one game based on them) at the expense of levels like Philadelphia. For four, there is absolutely no couch co-op in the game. For five, the rag-doll physics are totally unneeded and jar with the skating. For six, the lighting has an orange tinge that looks like everything is soaked in urine. For seven, it feels like a mod, and doesn't ever feel like proper Tony Hawk.

It's totally overpriced for a really disappointing remake. They should have priced it lower or put more into it to be worth the price-tag. Seriously, just upscale Tony Hawk 2X to HD and throw in more courses from the first 3 games and that would have been enough.

Ah, damn.  I was rather looking forward to it.

When the hell does Jet Set Radio come out?
It doesn't matter what you say, soon you'll be dead anyway.


At first I thought Castle Crashers score was a little low, but then I remember that the game did ship with a few bugs. Like how multiplayer crashed on us when we all tried to play the game. So I do imagine that something like that affected the scoring from critics.

Though looking at that chart does make me wonder when SoXBLA started to suck? I'm guessing 2012 will be the year critically since it does seem like every year had it's dud in both fan favorites and critical reception. Turtles in Time remake being the obvious one.


Quote from: Foggle on July 30, 2012, 07:46:59 PM
Bastion's OST and voice acting are complete gold, even if the game itself isn't that great (though I still need to find out for myself). But Guardian of Light is fantastic IMO.

As someone who has played it, this was pretty much how I felt. The narration is awesome, but the gameplay itself just felt kind of sucky.

Spark Of Spirit

SoXBLA started to go downhill, IMO, when they started to focus more on flash and less on substance.

Look at the very first year, and notice how few of those games are flashy. Other than Braid they were all substance over style. The second year fell more in line with this outside of TMNT Reshelled (which is a far worse remake than the Tony Hawk one IMO) and the third one was a shade weaker but still solid.

The fourth year was pretty bad as a whole. The best games were average and the worst ones were awful. This year seems to follow more along those lines. The first three games are all pulled on by their graphic styles (and nostalgia in THPS's case), but it seems for some reason unlike Braid or Limbo it wasn't enough to wow critics this time.

Oh, and Jet Set Radio is still listed as "summer"... IMO, it should have been in this promotion. It really does hold up.
"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton


Sega is dragging their feet on JSR for some reason. Even though they completely diverted their efforts from the western release of Anarchy Reigns to focus on releasing it. I guess releasing an upscaled port is harder than one might think.




Seriously Japan, was this game not "KAWAII DESU NYA~!" for you to play?


Seems the only way a non-otaku pandering game will ever sell in Japan is if it's a Fighter or an RPG. :-\


Anarchy Reigns IS a fighter. Well, kind of. :shit:


Paid $60 for a brand new copy of Skyrim at Gamestop. What does the asshole behind the counter do? Grabs an open case on the shelf, takes a disc out of some flimsy little paper, and sticks it in there. I got home and tried to play. Disc is unreadable every time. It loaded once, but never got past the title screen. I looked at the disc: scratched to hell and back. I fucking haaaaate Gamestop. When I pay $60 for a new game, I want a god damn sealed copy, not their display case bullshit.

The only reason I still go is for niche titles, but after my remaining pre-orders come in, I'm sticking to online shopping only.  :anger:


Wow. That really sucks. :(

Not every GameStop is like that, by the way; back when I worked there, the manager made damn sure we told customers if we were selling them the display copy as well as ask if that was acceptable beforehand and give them a discount. Austin must be weird or something, since I've never had a problem with GameStop (outside of the idiotic way they put stickers on their used games) and actually enjoy shopping there.

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

My Game Stop isn't that bad, either. I've never once had a game that didn't work on me from the store near my house, and the costumer service at my local shop is actually surprisingly good, as the guys who work there (who I sort of am familiar with, by now), are pretty patient in helping you out with any questions you have, and they never pester me anymore about bonus membership and stuff like that. Since they are also familiar with me since I stop by their to look around a lot, they already know that I'm not interested in that stuff. Also, they won't bother newcomers to the store, either, as long as they just say they're not interested (the only reason they even keep asking about that stuff is because they are required to for the sake of their jobs).

I really think it depends on where you shop at. I mean, I won't deny that Game Stop has some pretty crappy business practices, but that doesn't mean that every store in existence is pure shit. Just like with any other franchise store brand, it really depends on where you shop at and how much the people who work there actually care about doing a good job.


I guess you guys just lucked out with yours. There are about seven Gamestops around here to choose from (which I honestly consider overkill since five of them are on the same street), and in the past three years I've had multiple bad experiences at all of them. I've pretty much had it.