
Started by Spark Of Spirit, June 21, 2011, 12:05:59 AM

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From what I played, I like Super Mario Bros. 1 more than Donkey Kong Country. I've of course beat neither and got nowhere near beating DKC.
"Ryu is like the Hank Hill of Street Fighter." -BB_Hoody


Nostalgia has been kicking me in the ass out of nowhere and I've been really wanting to play Ape Escape. I've only played the demo all those years ago but damn did I love it. Why can't they make demos with nearly that much content anymore? I want a new good Ape Escape and I wish I didn't ignore the Ape Escape mode in MGS3.

That Clank puzzle in A Crack In Time after Ratchet's mission where he goes back in time and hits Dr. Nefarious in the face with a grenade was pretty damn hard. It took me a few hours to figure it out. I wanted to just have the game do it for me, but then I remembered how stubborn I am.
"Ryu is like the Hank Hill of Street Fighter." -BB_Hoody

Spark Of Spirit

Epic Mickey 3DS news: You can summon Scrooge and he does the same pogo bounce attack that he does in the NES DuckTales games.

Stop teasing and make a DuckTales game, Disney!
"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton

Spark Of Spirit

So as I played through Ratchet & Clank 5 (I guess it's technically 5) I realized just how much better it was now that I'm familiar with the series. I managed to skip entire sequences with the right jumps, I took out entire squads of enemies with the weakest weapons in the game on hard (with low levels) and the game still never got boring. One of the few games I even bothered to Platinum on my PS3 (other than Sly 1 and Jak & Daxter), because it was just that good.

Really, I don't know why Naughty Dog gets all the glory, IMO Insomniac completely surpassed them with Going Commando / Jak II and it hasn't been close since.
"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton


Which one do you consider 5? Tools of Destruction, Quest For Booty, or Crack In Time?

Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on October 05, 2012, 07:51:01 PM
Really, I don't know why Naughty Dog gets all the glory, IMO Insomniac completely surpassed them with Going Commando / Jak II and it hasn't been close since.
Agreed. R&C > J&D >>> Uncharted

Spark Of Spirit

Quote from: Foggle on October 05, 2012, 07:57:10 PM
Which one do you consider 5? Tools of Destruction, Quest For Booty, or Crack In Time?
Ratchet & Clank
Going Commando
Up Your Arsenal
Tools Of Destruction
A Crack In Time

I meant full games, so ACIT. Deadlocked isn't Ratchet & Clank, and QFB is basically the same and more of a side game.

ACIT is probably the best game I've played on a HD system this generation.

Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on October 05, 2012, 07:51:01 PM
Really, I don't know why Naughty Dog gets all the glory, IMO Insomniac completely surpassed them with Going Commando / Jak II and it hasn't been close since.
Agreed. R&C > J&D >>> Uncharted
Not to mention that they've also made a party game, three shooters, and some DLC games at the same time as their platformers. Yet it's always Naughty Dog that gets the glory. :(
"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton


You know how some fans are. Whoever came first is the best....somehow.
"Ryu is like the Hank Hill of Street Fighter." -BB_Hoody

Spark Of Spirit


This is shaping up great. It's like they took the best parts of 1 and 2 and made everything better. I really can't wait to play this. They really deserve tons of kudos for bringing back dedicated platformer levels.
"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton


Looks decent. The ninja Cooper is the Steven Jay Blum character, right?

I was going to tell my brother to get this game for Christmas before it was delayed to February of next year and before I heard that R&C Full Frontal Assault is already out.
"Ryu is like the Hank Hill of Street Fighter." -BB_Hoody


Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on December 10, 2012, 10:36:42 PM

This is shaping up great. It's like they took the best parts of 1 and 2 and made everything better. I really can't wait to play this. They really deserve tons of kudos for bringing back dedicated platformer levels.

Fully agree. Hope this has as many levels as 2 did. Can't get enough of the Cooper Gang.  :D

Spark Of Spirit

"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton


Jak 2 is one of my all-time favorite games and I will never understand the hate it receives. :thinkin:

Spark Of Spirit

The GTA stuff is the only material I legitimately loathed in the game. While some platforming missions were hard and frustrating (some checkpoints were honestly terrible) I wouldn't call any of it terrible as much as unforgiving at times.

I do wish I had unlocked the level select though, I just couldn't find the orbs as I was too busy trying to not die to explore.
"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton


I want a good 4 player 3D platformer.
"Ryu is like the Hank Hill of Street Fighter." -BB_Hoody

Spark Of Spirit

Hey, has anyone played Mark Of The Ninja from XBLA? It's by the guys who made Shank and it seems to be a 2D stealth platformer. Since I haven't turned my 360 on in forever, I have no idea what it's like or if it's good.

Any impressions?
"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton