Electronic Arts

Started by Kiddington, August 21, 2011, 05:43:06 PM

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...or, aka, depending on who you ask; the axis of evil of in the video game industry.

Honestly, though; it's been a while since I've heard their name come up as often as I used to (most likely due to me not following the in's and out's of video game news as closely as I once did, but... eh). I'm pretty much thinking, as far as this gen is concerned, it's a two-way tie between Activision and Capcom for "shittiest business practices" and "worst overall company", though I still can't imagine EA is that far behind.

Thoughts?  :humhumhum:


EA sucks, but Activision, Capcom, and UbiSoft are far worse, each for different reasons.

Spark Of Spirit

They gave me Mirror's Edge and this...

So I can't really dislike them. They do make some dumb business related decisions but compared to where they used to be, at least they're trying.

"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton


Quote from: Foggle on August 21, 2011, 07:01:40 PM
EA sucks, but Activision, Capcom, and UbiSoft are far worse, each for different reasons.
Oh, wow... yeah, I completely forgot about Ubisoft (not even sure how, since they're probably one of my least favorite companies in the biz right now, and I generally tear them apart any chance I get).

You could probably make that a three-way tie. As bad as Activision and Capcom both are, Ubisoft is the undisputed king of shovelware.


Quote from: Kiddington on August 21, 2011, 07:23:32 PM
Ubisoft is the undisputed king of shovelware.
That list... good lord. :whuh:

Their insane DRM scheme and slapdash ports haven't won them any PC fans, either. Nor has their decision to wait months in between the releases of console games and their PC counterparts.

Spark Of Spirit

On the plus side, Red Steel 2 and Shadow Wars were pretty cool. I haven't really liked much else they've put out this gen.
"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton

Rosalinas Spare Wand

EA's online play policy is a big reason I haven't bought a game from them in the last few years. Then again, I'm not really the kind of guy who plays Madden or Battlefield anyway.

But yeah, at least they're trying to support small devs instead of absorbing and killing them now. They've still got a ways to go, but Activision stole their title of worst 3rd party publisher this gen.


I miss when EA used to make games like the Strike series. I remember that had one (I believe Jungle) free on their site.
"Ryu is like the Hank Hill of Street Fighter." -BB_Hoody


Dr. Ensatsu-ken

You know, after hearing tons of negative shit about gaming companies and establishments in the way of terrible decision-making and ridiculous conditions they put on gamers in order for them to just be able to play a fucking game, one has to wonder if by now they know how we'll react to news like this and if somehow they actually pull shit like this on purpose, as if they're trying to piss us off. I mean, I'm finding it harder and harder to believe that so many companies these days, including EA, can unintentionally do thinks to piss off millions of gamers on an extremely consistent basis.

I'm starting to miss those days in which you could just....you know, buy a game....and then play it, with no other shit like that in-between the process....But that'd just be a fool's talk in this day and age, wouldn't it? :imnothappy:



I'll still buy it. Anything to knock the Call of Duty franchise off the cliff of the mountain. Doubt it will sell beyond COD, but at least more people will be exposed to mass warfare gaming.

Fifa Soccer 12 looks the same...as usual.