Unpopular Opinions On Gaming

Started by Dr. Ensatsu-ken, November 09, 2011, 11:23:42 PM

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You can use a controller on the PC. So, in that aspect, it is the best way to play games. You can also do shit with your computer to make it use a Wiimote or Kinect if you really want to. Not even trying to start a console war here; the PC having the most control options is a fact.

Also, a game that is exactly the same across all platforms but has a higher frame rate or better graphics on one of them would probably make that version of it the superior product. That's not even a "PC is the best" argument, either. Observe:
Mass Effect 3 - PC version is the best because it has better FPS, better graphics, the ability to import saves from both previous games, no disc-swapping, and more control options
Resident Evil 4 - Xbox 360/PS3 and Wii versions are the best because they have the best graphics, the best FPS, all the extra content, and more control options (Wii only)
Bayonetta - Xbox 360 version is the best because it has cleaner graphics, higher FPS, and less lag spikes

I actually haven't seen that many PC elitists in the last year or so, but I've noticed a growing increase in console elitists. They're just as bad.

Spark Of Spirit

It depends on the PC. My PC isn't even as powerful as a Sega Saturn.
"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton


Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on March 18, 2012, 08:09:56 PM
It depends on the PC. My PC isn't even as powerful as a Sega Saturn.
I'm assuming that the PC in question has roughly the same relative power as the current-gen consoles. ;)

Adding to my list, the best version of Grand Theft Auto 4 is the Xbox 360 one. The PS3 version tends to act up a lot and you're lucky if you can even get the PC version running.

No console is superior to any other (that includes the PC). The selection of games (which is subjective) or the performance of games can be better on one than the others, but that still doesn't make it better. It's all about what's right for you. Which is why platform wars and elitism on either side are just fucking stupid.

Spark Of Spirit

I don't even really care about "superior" versions. As long as the version isn't fundamentally broken, then it's good enough for me.

Except when I had to rebuy Sonic 3 & Knuckles on the Virtual Console because the XBLA version has no save slots, a bit of a weird framerate, and no multiplayer. Sigh... Backbone. I even got 200/200 in both games in less than fifteen minutes, so it wasn't even worth that.
"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton


Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on March 18, 2012, 08:18:36 PM
I don't even really care about "superior" versions. As long as the version isn't fundamentally broken, then it's good enough for me.
Aside from Mass Effect 3, all of those games I mentioned do have fundamentally broken versions. And, surprise surprise, two out of the three are the PC versions.

Elitists are stupid.

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

Quote from: Foggle on March 18, 2012, 08:06:54 PM
You can use a controller on the PC. So, in that aspect, it is the best way to play games. You can also do shit with your computer to make it use a Wiimote or Kinect if you really want to. Not even trying to start a console war here; the PC having the most control options is a fact.

Also, a game that is exactly the same across all platforms but has a higher frame rate or better graphics on one of them would probably make that version of it the superior product. That's not even a "PC is the best" argument, either. Observe:
Mass Effect 3 - PC version is the best because it has better FPS, better graphics, the ability to import saves from both previous games, no disc-swapping, and more control options
Resident Evil 4 - Xbox 360/PS3 and Wii versions are the best because they have the best graphics, the best FPS, all the extra content, and more control options (Wii only)
Bayonetta - Xbox 360 version is the best because it has cleaner graphics, higher FPS, and less lag spikes

I actually haven't seen that many PC elitists in the last year or so, but I've noticed a growing increase in console elitists. They're just as bad.

Honestly, none of the things you mentioned are really things that I care much about. Well, with the exception of lag. If the console versions of a game have considerable lag but the PC version doesn't, then that's certainly a big deal. However if the console versions run the game at a locked 60FPS (and many console games can do that just fine these days), then I couldn't care less how much better the game runs on the PC, even if its at a higher frame-rate (and considering that the human eye can only see about 60FPS on average, I highly doubt that it would make much of a difference to me). I care more about gameplay.

As for the multiple control options, I wasn't saying that the PC didn't have them, but I was just pissed about the PC elitists who claim that its just about the best control option there is, not taking into account that the PC has more control options and that some control options work better for other game types. Also, motion controls working on the PC is a well-known fact, but how many people do you think actually have the knowledge, skills, and time necessary to program something like that to work on a computer? Furthermore computer gaming may have superior FPS and graphics (stuff like imported saves and other convenient features are nice but honestly they don't mean a thing to me, personally), but there are added headaches of extra expenses like making sure you upgrade your PC every few years (console generations shift every few years as well, but I'm just using that as a counter-argument that PC gamers make against consoles), sometimes unless you have a top of the line PC you won't be able to run the latest releases of games, and in general PCs are just a much more expensive form of gaming in terms of the hardware. Sure, Steam reduces the costs of games (but in that regard I only ever buy used games for consoles these days, so I get almost all of my purchases for $20 or less), but it just can't be ignored that its more expensive to buy a new PC that has high enough specs to run most modern games than it is to buy a new console.

Overall, though, I'm not a console elitist and I'm not saying that one form of gaming is better than the other. I never said that PCs weren't the superior hardware, but honestly the stuff that it is superior in (the technical aspects of gaming), are things that honestly don't matter to me all that much. They are nice to have, but aside from FPS, most of them would do little to change my actual gaming experience.


I like my gaming PC, but even I like to play games on console from time to time.  To me, there are some games that feel natural to play on my computer like FPS, I kind of prefer Mouse & Keyboard, especially when playing Left 4 Dead. I can't really see how a game like DotA 2 would work on a console. Would feel a little weird though.

While some games like Sonic Generation and Psychonauts benefit from having a controller. Provided I do have a Batman Arkham City Controller I got to fix those problems and it pretty much feels great and makes me feel cool. But even then I kind of hate how PC gamers refer to console tech being outdated and looking down on people. Of course it's outdated, this shit came out when I was finishing High School.

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

That's another thing with gamers in general. If hardware is outdated they seem to look down on it like its obsolete. Outdated and obsolete are 2 completely different things. Like I said, I'd much rather be playing Yoshi's Island on an "outdated" SNES than Battlefield 3 on the most high-end computer that's commercially available; and I don't mean this as bashing PC gaming, as this would also apply to something like playing Gears of War on the XBOX360, but I used the example of PCs since those are the most powerful pieces of gaming hardware that you can find.


Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on March 18, 2012, 08:54:43 PM
However if the console versions run the game at a locked 60FPS (and many console games can do that just fine these days), then I couldn't care less how much better the game runs on the PC, even if its at a higher frame-rate (and considering that the human eye can only see about 60FPS on average, I highly doubt that it would make much of a difference to me).
I use vsync (not a big fan of screen tearing), so I don't get frame rates above 60 anyway. Plus, my computer isn't really hardcore enough to get more than that. :P ME 3 runs at a capped 30 FPS on Xbox (but it's more like 20 on the PS3), whereas it stays at a constant 60 on PC, though.

Quotebut it just can't be ignored that its more expensive to buy a new PC that has high enough specs to run most modern games than it is to buy a new console.
This is basically true, yeah. A computer that can run modern games with graphics below the level of the Xbox is actually cheaper than a current-gen console, though. ;)

QuoteOverall, though, I'm not a console elitist and I'm not saying that one form of gaming is better than the other.
I wasn't trying to call you one. I know you aren't. I'm just saying that nowadays I've been seeing a lot of console elitism in the places where I used to find PC elitism.

Quote from: Daxdiv on March 18, 2012, 08:58:51 PM
But even then I kind of hate how PC gamers refer to console tech being outdated and looking down on people. Of course it's outdated, this shit came out when I was finishing High School.
And unless you upgrade your hardware every month, your high-end gaming PC is most likely also outdated. ;)


I'd like to mention that, in the long run, having a PC is also cheaper than always getting new consoles.


Quote from: talonmalon333 on March 18, 2012, 09:03:52 PM
I'd like to mention that, in the long run, having a PC is also cheaper than always getting new consoles.
This is also true, but if you aren't smart/careful, the cost of upgrading can get away from you. Thankfully, I'm relatively smart and careful. ;)


Quote from: Foggle on March 18, 2012, 09:02:26 PM
Quote from: Daxdiv on March 18, 2012, 08:58:51 PM
But even then I kind of hate how PC gamers refer to console tech being outdated and looking down on people. Of course it's outdated, this shit came out when I was finishing High School.
And unless you upgrade your hardware every month, your high-end gaming PC is most likely also outdated. ;)

Oh, I know there's probably a branch of PC gamers out there that probably buy the latest Graphics card or whatever high tech parts whenever it's released and update them. That either real dedication or wasting a shitton of money. But who am I to talk about wasting money. Really the only thing I'm looking into right now for my PC is adding another hard drive, just for more space.


Even though I'm not a PC gamer, one thing I do like about PC games are seeing the mods players create for some games. Otherwise, as much as I'd like to play games on my laptop more, there's always the prospect of my laptop getting a virus or something (not from the games, but just from general internet browsing) and being unable to play games because of it. That'd be pretty inconvienient for me.


Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on March 18, 2012, 08:18:36 PM
I don't even really care about "superior" versions. As long as the version isn't fundamentally broken, then it's good enough for me.

Except when I had to rebuy Sonic 3 & Knuckles on the Virtual Console because the XBLA version has no save slots, a bit of a weird framerate, and no multiplayer. Sigh... Backbone. I even got 200/200 in both games in less than fifteen minutes, so it wasn't even worth that.
My God Backbone. First I get fucked over because SUGC doesn't have lockon for Sonic 3 & Knuckles and now I can't even get a good alternative to a game I own? WTH?
"Ryu is like the Hank Hill of Street Fighter." -BB_Hoody


Sequels should always be numbered and have the subtitle come afterward and not replace the number. Unless it's not a real sequel, of course. I'd rather 132 at the end instead of just "The Darkening" or some shit. Makes it seem like a fake sequel every time.
"Ryu is like the Hank Hill of Street Fighter." -BB_Hoody