Reviews & Features Discussion

Started by Foggle, December 27, 2010, 04:00:22 PM

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Dr. Ensatsu-ken

Let's see, this season, here's what I'm following in order of preference:

1. Fate/Stay Night: Unlimited Blade Works- Thanks in large part to Fate/Zero
2. Rage of Bahamut: Genesis- Great production values, and seemingly fun characters
3. Parasyte- It plays out like an awesome horror comedy, even if some of the comedy is unintentional
4. Mysterious Joker- A really fun Saturday morning cartoon style kids show
5. Amagi Brilliant Park- Everyone else here loves it, I think it's "meh" so far, but I'll see where it goes

There are still some more shows to premiere, so I may add more to my list.

Here's what I consider to be the worst of the season so far, based on what I've seen:

1. Cross Ange: Rondo of Angel and Dragon
2. World Trigger
3. When Supernatural Battles Became Commonplace


In some respects, it's no wonder I like this season so much, because the bulk of what I wanted to keep up with are part of franchises I'm already a fan of in the first place, and those are the most likely to be the ones I will end up sticking with through to end. Of the bunch, though, Parasyte is my #1 priority, bar none, for reasons I've already explained, but of course Mushi-shi is also one of my top favorite anime, so it's final season is something I'm not likely to let slide by me either. This really is quite an above-average season, though. I think the good stuff far outweighs the bad.

Lord Dalek



Great write-ups again, everyone.  :)

The original soundtrack is ill-matched, completely juxtaposing the show – dubstep and body horror anime do not blend well together.

EXACTLY! I'm glad someone else agrees with me on this.

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

Great write-ups, guys! :thumbup:

Also, give it a rest already. I feel like that's all you ever talk about whenever you bring up the show. You sound like a broken record. :P



I wrote a spoiler-free review of Daisuke Jigen's Gravestone. I hope you like it!


Great write-up, Doc. I was optimistic about this season going into it, but it got progressively worse each episode and half-way through I figured it was just going to continue to do so and I gave up and dropped it. From what I've heard from just about everyone blogging it, though, that seems for the best. By far the most disappointing anime of the year. Hopefully the film will be good and wash the bad taste of it from everyone's mouths.

Dr. Insomniac

Reading the blogs of people who watched the show is like listening to those video game logs where characters record stuff as they slowly go insane. I think one blogger went missing after finishing the show. They've only been able to find his shoes.


Ah, I remember hearing about that last year. Those sorts of series confound me as to their appeal. If it just had hot teenage vampires that would be one thing, but why are abusive relationships some sort of fetish in so many shojo and josei romance series? I will never understand that, and I don't think I want to.


drooling over teenage relationships is bad enough.
"Ryu is like the Hank Hill of Street Fighter." -BB_Hoody