Game Recommendations

Started by gunswordfist, November 28, 2011, 11:19:49 AM

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Dr. Ensatsu-ken

Well, I don't own a DS or a Wii, but both Desensitized (Spark of Spirit) and Foggle could more than cover for you on that end.

As for the XBOX360, I could give you some recommendations, myself, but it really depends on what kind of game that you're looking for. Is it something more modern like a first or third person shooter? Or are you looking for action games in the vein of Ninja Gaiden or Devil May Cry? Or do you want a more classic arcade-like experience with the various XBLA offerings on the XBOX360? I can only really make (or not make) recommendations based on where your preferences lay.

The Shadow Gentleman

I don't really have much of a preference at the moment. I do tend to lean towards first and/or third person shooter/action games, but that's about it. I don't really have experience with other genres so I plan on looking into those.


Deus Ex: Human Revolution if you like stealth.
Borderlands 2 if you like FPS.
Fatal Frame 2 if you like horror (Xbox game, but it works on the 360).
Anarchy Reigns if you like beat 'em ups and online gaming (don't know how active the XBL community is, though).
No More Heroes 1/2 if you like crazy Japanese games.
Resident Evil 4 (HD or Wii Edition) if you like action-adventure.

The Shadow Gentleman

Quote from: Foggle on February 09, 2013, 02:21:56 PM
Borderlands 2 if you like FPS.
No More Heroes 1/2 if you like crazy Japanese games.
Resident Evil 4 (HD or Wii Edition) if you like action-adventure.

Duly noted.

Action-adventure and FPS are my preference, probably. I'm open to other types as well.


Go for RE4 first! It's really cheap, and it has a ton of content. One of the best games everrrrrrr.

The Shadow Gentleman

Quote from: Foggle on February 09, 2013, 02:35:47 PM
Go for RE4 first! It's really cheap, and it has a ton of content. One of the best games everrrrrrr.


Adding that and the Borderlands to my list..


If you like RE4, you should also pick up Vanquish! It's basically the Bayonetta version of RE4, as in it's FAST AND CRAZY AND HOLY SHIT I'M JET-BOOSTING AROUND THE ARENA SHOOTING A GIANT ROBOTIC CRAB OH MY GOD. In fact, go play the demo for that game right now. ;)

Quote from: Graywulf on February 09, 2013, 02:38:56 PM
Adding that and the Borderlands to my list..
I love both games with all my heart, but the first one is kind of slow and most people seem to only like it in co-op (I enjoyed the hell out of it solo, though). The second one offers a much better and funnier storyline, as well as a more exciting single-player experience. But if you do decide to pick up the first one, grab the GOTY edition, because the DLC packs (especially Knoxx) are some of the best I've ever played.

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

I'll second RE4, but go for the Wii version of the game if you can. It has 2 control schemes, and I hear that the motion controls are actually quite good for it, but even if you don't want to play the game with motion controls, then it supports the classic control scheme as well. If you really want the game in HD, though, then go for the XBOX360 version, though to be honest the game still looks pretty damn good even in SD, IMO.

If you want to try some classic action/adventure games, I'd recommend the DMC HD collection for DMC 1 and 3 (you could flat-out skip 2, which I would recommend). Its reasonably priced and you get 2 great games for the price of 1/2 of 1 (and once again, that's completely ignoring DMC2 ;) ). You could also try Ninja Gaiden Black, which is my personal favorite action/adventure game of all time, but in that case just go for the disc version which is BC on the XBOX360, since the download version has been giving me problems that have prevented me from playing it for a while, now.

Of course, if I had to recommend one action/adventure game to you, I'd say go for Bayonetta. its far more accessible than either DMC or NG, and its just as deep and satisfying as either of those games with its combat system. It also handles the adventure elements better, as well.

For shooters, I would recommend F.E.A.R. (the XBOX360 version is a really good port), F.E.A.R. 2 (not as good as the first game, but still good), The Orange Box (for Half-Life 2 and its expansions), BioShock (a perfect atmospheric shooter), and Halo: Reach (JUST for the campaign mode, and maybe Firefight as well if you have friends to play with). For third person shooters specifically, I'd definitely recommend checking out Alan Wake (a perfect blend of horror, atmosphere, story, and action) and Vanquish (which is just bad-ass).


Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on February 09, 2013, 02:45:20 PM
I'll second RE4, but go for the Wii version of the game if you can. It has 2 control schemes, and I hear that the motion controls are actually quite good for it, but even if you don't want to play the game with motion controls, then it supports the classic control scheme as well. If you really want the game in HD, though, then go for the XBOX360 version, though to be honest the game still looks pretty damn good even in SD, IMO.
Personally, I prefer RE4HD because - honestly - I don't like aiming with motion controls. But I'm in the minority there. Both versions have their pros and cons, but they're pretty much the same thing.

The Orange Box
Alan Wake
MOTHERFUCK how did I forget about these games!?

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

Quote from: Foggle on February 09, 2013, 02:51:12 PM
Personally, I prefer RE4HD because - honestly - I don't like aiming with motion controls. But I'm in the minority there. Both versions have their pros and cons, but they're pretty much the same thing.

Yeah, but doesn't the Wii version offer up the classic control-scheme, anyways?

I do know that the motion control aiming is far more lenient when it comes to the accuracy of your guns, and its supposedly WAY easier to beat those bonus target-practice games when using the motion controls.

QuoteMOTHERFUCK how did I forget about these games!?

Its OK, I'm always here to pick your slack, Foggle. :>

The Shadow Gentleman

F.E.A.R./F.E.A.R. 2
The Orange Box
Alan Wake

Already got Bioshock (played 3 times through) and all the Halos (with found memories of screwing around with my brother in multi player).

I'm also playing Fallout New Vegas and Arkham Asylum.


Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on February 09, 2013, 03:04:06 PM
Yeah, but doesn't the Wii version offer up the classic control-scheme, anyways?
Yeah, but if you use the classic controller, the controls are all fucked up. It's not a big deal if you've never played Resident Evil before, but I simply cannot get used to pressing the right-most face button to fire. It works just fine with a GameCube controller, though figuring out how to use one is a bit obtuse (and it doesn't tell you in the manual). You have to turn the game on with a nunchuck plugged into your Wiimote and the GC controller unplugged from the Wii, then once you hit the main menu, unplug the nunchuck and plug in the controller, or it won't work.

QuoteI do know that the motion control aiming is far more lenient when it comes to the accuracy of your guns, and its supposedly WAY easier to beat those bonus target-practice games when using the motion controls.
If you have good hand-eye coordination, yeah. But I am the worst of the worst when it comes to light gun shooters and stuff.

The Shadow Gentleman

Ok, platformers, RPGs, and hack n slashers are genres I have a great interest in but next to no experience playing. Any recommendations there?


Super Mario Galaxy 1/2
Donkey Kong Country Returns
New Super Mario Bros. Wii
Tomb Raider: Anniversary

Chrono Trigger
Lost Odyssey
Xenoblade Chronicles
Tales of Symphonia
Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey
Infinite Space
Skyrim (if you're enjoying Fallout)

Hack 'n Slashers
Ninja Gaiden Black/2
Devil May Cry HD Collection (for 1 and 3), DMC 4
Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance (not out yet, but it will be soon; try the demo, it's excellent)

The Shadow Gentleman

WHOOOO!1! 10OTH PO-*shot*


Quote from: Foggle on February 09, 2013, 05:51:40 PM
New Super Mario Bros. Wii
Already played DS version, but I might consider it.

QuoteSkyrim (if you're enjoying Fallout)
Understatement of the month.