
Started by gunswordfist, December 06, 2011, 10:43:18 AM

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I agree, Resident Evil 2 and 3 need a REmake styled remake. Or an RE4 styled remake while maintaining the creepy atmosphere.

And, considering how much Capcom loves to re-release games, I'm surprised they haven't done this: rather than make Dead Rising 2 again with Frank, I would have rather seen the original Dead Rising remade using all the improvements DR2 brought to the series.


Quote from: Rynnec on April 25, 2012, 12:29:44 AM
Quote from: gunswordfist on April 24, 2012, 11:44:37 PM
Quote from: Rynnec on April 24, 2012, 10:21:40 PM
Devil May Cry 1 - remake the gameplay in the same style as DMC3/4/Bayonetta. Have Dante, Trish, and Vergil be voiced by their current VA's. Modify the story so it'd fit in with the retcons made by the later games and anime (more focus on Nelo Angelo, Dante uses Rebellion, etc). Add in more Devil Arms. Add a "Dual Wielding" feature for certain weapons that would add to the combo system.

Also, change the underwater mechanics (or better yet, get rid of the swimming levels entirely), and have the controls for the first part of the Mundus fight not inverted.
No please at Rebellion over Alastor.

I'm actually talking about Dante using Rebellion over Force Edge. Force Edge can be limited to the dual wielding-style I mentioned much like how Yamato was only usable in Dark Slayer-style in 4. However, that'd still make Dante having 2 Claymore styled weapons redundant. I guess you can give Alastor its own unique moveset seperate from Rebellion/Force Edge, as long as its DT stays the same. Admiteddly, the only reason I want Rebellion in in the first place is for conistency's sake.

Everything you suggested sounds pretty sweet. A playable Trish would be very welcome, and she can even replace Nightmare as the penultimate boss.
Oh right! Force edge!  :-[ Maybe they can redesign the last Nightmare boss fight and make him barely do anything while Dante basically just fight Trish (instead of getting randomly blasted by her)
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