
Started by gunswordfist, December 06, 2011, 10:43:18 AM

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What remakes do you like and what games do you want to get remade? Me?:

Mass Effect 1 (not anytime soon though)

Final Fantasy VIII- I would want them to fix the Junction system and have them let you unlock the ability to draw increments of 10, 25, 50 etc. etc. of magic from enemies and instead of the magic you actually use boost stats, I'd like to see them let use up to another 100 seperately for each stat. Also, give this game a hell of a lot more minigames and be able to explore much more places in cities.

Streets Of Rage- Have it look like a HD version of Streets Of Rage 2 with 3 player online co-op. Give Shiva his own secret level and make the boss fight with him harder than Mr. X. then be able to unlock him for 4 player co-op afterwards.

Any good shoot em up- 4 player co-op, dammit.


Phantasy Star IV: End Of The Millenium- Whoops, can't believe I forgot to mention my favorite turn based RPG. It's pretty much why I made this thread. Anyway, on top of the obvious graphical updates (I just want HD graphics and not a 3D remake), I want battles to have a better perspective, more secret/side missions on other planets, more boss fights on the ship (the one they had was a pleasant surprise), the boss fight with Daughter to not be so fucking stupid, the interior of high tech places to not look exactly alike and to be able to have a secret mission where you revive a certain character and also have the boss fight with said character be better (and to be able to actually fight that other boss). Also, maybe be able to actually go to where the Dark Force comes from. I was kind of expecting the game to go there.
"Ryu is like the Hank Hill of Street Fighter." -BB_Hoody


Resident Evil 2. Because Capcom has proven they are awesome at it.

After that, screw remakes. Let's just make new stuff.


Quote from: talonmalon333 on December 06, 2011, 10:50:15 AM
Resident Evil 2. Because Capcom has proven they are awesome at it.

After that, screw remakes. Let's just make new stuff.
I still need to play all the discs after the first one on RE2.
"Ryu is like the Hank Hill of Street Fighter." -BB_Hoody


Quote from: gunswordfist on December 07, 2011, 08:45:40 AM
Quote from: talonmalon333 on December 06, 2011, 10:50:15 AM
Resident Evil 2. Because Capcom has proven they are awesome at it.

After that, screw remakes. Let's just make new stuff.
I still need to play all the discs after the first one on RE2.

Yes. You do. Right now. :whuh:



Resident Evil 2 and 3. 2 is by far the series' best in concept (but no longer in execution), and if redone in a way similar to the GameCube version of the original, it could be the most brilliant game in years. And 3 would certainly benefit from some extra time in the oven.

Serious Sam 2. The current version is fine, I guess, but make it more like the other games and it'll be a winner for sure.

Mass Effect. Seriously, the first game is a chore to play. It would also greatly benefit from a rewritten script... the dialogue is pretty stilted somewhere around 50% of the time.

SiN. Awesome but not very well known FPS from 1998 that was completely overshadowed by Half-Life's release. The second half of the game is basically crap and the whole thing has glitches out the ass... a retooling could really make this flawed gem shine.

Anachronox. One of the best RPGs of all time... but holy fuck is it unstable! The game barely works, especially on newer machines, and was almost unplayable until community patches were released. This brilliant title deserves to be redone in a more competent fashion and unleashed upon the world.

System Shock 1 and 2. Don't change 'em to be more like BioShock, just give 'em better graphics and make 'em play better. AND DON'T CHANGE ANY OF THE AUDIO.


"Ryu is like the Hank Hill of Street Fighter." -BB_Hoody


Quote from: gunswordfist on January 19, 2012, 01:21:10 PM
What's Anachronox?
A turn-based cyberpunk comedy RPG by the guys who made Deus Ex 1.

Spark Of Spirit

Clash At Demonhead - Contra meets Metroid style exploration. The game is a bit undercooked, though, and could really use a remake.

Shenmue 1 and 2 - Remake in the Yakuza engine in one package. Easy.

Zelda 2 - Remake it to fix the unbalanced difficulty. Then make a new one in this style.

Sonic 4: Episode 1 - Put it in the Generations engine, please. The game is hard to play after playing that because it just doesn't control right. Also, fix the soundtrack, the instruments sound awful.
"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton


Quote from: Foggle on January 19, 2012, 01:44:46 PM
Quote from: gunswordfist on January 19, 2012, 01:21:10 PM
What's Anachronox?
A turn-based cyberpunk comedy RPG by the guys who made Deus Ex 1.
Where can I send them my money?

As for Mass Effect- Fix the graphics. Do the best possible to fix Mako. Taking it out completely would be stupid. Put stairs on the Normandy. Fix the controls, the gunplay. Axe the dumb costumes in favor of customizable ones. Fix the glitches. Shorten the load times. Make sure the outer Citadel level is beautiful as hell. *imagines Geth busting through glass* Clean up the classes. Lots of pointless shit in there. Much less useless guns but not narrowed down as much as ME2. No fucking loading just to look at clusters or whatever in the Galaxy Map. Every space station and interior is COMPLETELY different. Don't make it the same size. Also don't make the outside of the underground building look all the same. Same goes for any building. Shepard talks during side missions.
"Ryu is like the Hank Hill of Street Fighter." -BB_Hoody


All the Master System and Game Gear Sonic games.
"Ryu is like the Hank Hill of Street Fighter." -BB_Hoody


Devil May Cry 1 - remake the gameplay in the same style as DMC3/4/Bayonetta. Have Dante, Trish, and Vergil be voiced by their current VA's. Modify the story so it'd fit in with the retcons made by the later games and anime (more focus on Nelo Angelo, Dante uses Rebellion, etc). Add in more Devil Arms. Add a "Dual Wielding" feature for certain weapons that would add to the combo system.

Also, change the underwater mechanics (or better yet, get rid of the swimming levels entirely), and have the controls for the first part of the Mundus fight not inverted.

Spark Of Spirit

Klonoa 2

Remake like the Wii version of 1 and add levels. Klonoa 2 was a great game but it didn't actually improve on Klonoa 1 at all. There were WAY too many story sequences and not enough levels between them. Klonoa 1 felt like an adventure because you played every aspect of the journey from point A to B while cutscenes would happen between. Klonoa 2 doesn't quite do that but has weird jump cuts between locations (I counted at least 5 places where levels would have been MORE than welcome) and it manages to have less content than 1 does.

I mean, Klonoa has about 15 levels with a mirror mode and a challenge tower level along with 6 rescue-able characters in each level. Klonoa 2 has 14 levels with about 4 of them being remixes of previous levels in a harder version. Now those levels are all good, but they're too brief in the midst of all the story going on. The game needs more levels.
"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton


Quote from: Rynnec on April 24, 2012, 10:21:40 PM
Devil May Cry 1 - remake the gameplay in the same style as DMC3/4/Bayonetta. Have Dante, Trish, and Vergil be voiced by their current VA's. Modify the story so it'd fit in with the retcons made by the later games and anime (more focus on Nelo Angelo, Dante uses Rebellion, etc). Add in more Devil Arms. Add a "Dual Wielding" feature for certain weapons that would add to the combo system.

Also, change the underwater mechanics (or better yet, get rid of the swimming levels entirely), and have the controls for the first part of the Mundus fight not inverted.
No please at Rebellion over Alastor. I want to Alastor and Ifrit switched like weapons in 3/4, more guns, Bloody Palace mode, Trish playable like Kamiya originally wanted but ran out of time. He said he wanted to make her faster and more acrobatic than Dante. What's there not to like? I'd want her to go to a completely separate part of the castle than Dante and after she gets revived, have her go on a few missions (at least 3 would be lovely) with Sparda, with a few new enemies and bosses and maybe have those demons' mission be getting Sparda from Trish. Two player Bloody Palace mode, Sparda costume has more of an unique move set, after beating the game, Dante can go through Trish's levels and vice versa, Boss Rush with the option to  put the order any boss fight in whatever order you want, including fighting the same boss as many times in a row as you want to, maybe an option to select different areas to fight bosses, change levels to have less backtracking, Trish has no backtracking whatsoever, Dante, Sparda and Trish boss fights in Bloody Palace/Boss Rush mode...Jeez, I can go on forever. It is my 2nd favorite game
"Ryu is like the Hank Hill of Street Fighter." -BB_Hoody


Quote from: gunswordfist on April 24, 2012, 11:44:37 PM
Quote from: Rynnec on April 24, 2012, 10:21:40 PM
Devil May Cry 1 - remake the gameplay in the same style as DMC3/4/Bayonetta. Have Dante, Trish, and Vergil be voiced by their current VA's. Modify the story so it'd fit in with the retcons made by the later games and anime (more focus on Nelo Angelo, Dante uses Rebellion, etc). Add in more Devil Arms. Add a "Dual Wielding" feature for certain weapons that would add to the combo system.

Also, change the underwater mechanics (or better yet, get rid of the swimming levels entirely), and have the controls for the first part of the Mundus fight not inverted.
No please at Rebellion over Alastor.

I'm actually talking about Dante using Rebellion over Force Edge. Force Edge can be limited to the dual wielding-style I mentioned much like how Yamato was only usable in Dark Slayer-style in 4. However, that'd still make Dante having 2 Claymore styled weapons redundant. I guess you can give Alastor its own unique moveset seperate from Rebellion/Force Edge, as long as its DT stays the same. Admiteddly, the only reason I want Rebellion in in the first place is for conistency's sake.

Everything you suggested sounds pretty sweet. A playable Trish would be very welcome, and she can even replace Nightmare as the penultimate boss.


The final fight with Nightmare is so putrid. Ugh. Mundus is pretty underwhelming, too...