E3 (Electronic Entertainment Expo) 2012

Started by Spark Of Spirit, May 04, 2012, 06:39:53 PM

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Spark Of Spirit

We're around a month away from E3, the traditional biggest event in North America for gaming. Back in the 1990s and early 2000s, E3 was the best time to be into the hobby where we saw such legendary reveals as this, and this. As well as such catastrophic failures as well... *shudder*

Between 2007-2009 E3 was scaled back significantly drastically hurting the event (and everyone involved) but it has since regained its position in the industry as the go-to show in North America.

But it's an always exciting time where new games and systems are shown off for the first time, major surprises, and shocking announcements are made. Which is why this thread is here. Half the fun is the hype! Post some predictions and news in this thread and we'll cover the conferences one month from now.
"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton


I want to see some legitimate footage from Dishonored, Thief 4, Yakuza 5, Resident Evil 6, and Devil's Third. Maybe the announcement of a new proper Ratchet & Clank to close out the PS3.

And how about some goddamn info on Half-Life 3, Valve? :wth:

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

Quote from: Foggle on May 04, 2012, 11:03:45 PM
I want to see some legitimate footage from Dishonored, Thief 4, Yakuza 5, Resident Evil 6, and Devil's Third. Maybe the announcement of a new proper Ratchet & Clank to close out the PS3.

On that note, THQ reported that they won't be having a booth at E3 this year due to their financial troubles. I'm hoping Itagaki still gets to show us just how far in development his game has come, but if he does it'll be on his own, because it definitely won't be presented by THQ at this year's E3. :(

Honestly, I'm more interested in seeing new gameplay footage from stuff like BioShock: Infinite and Resident Evil 6 than I am in seeing new game releases, since there aren't any other sequels that I'm really too interested in, to be honest. I would like to see some new IPs that look fresh and could potentially blow my mind, preferably in the hack n' slash genre, but I'm not holding my breath for any new game announcements that really catch my interest.


Well, Dishonored is a new IP, and it's likely to blow my mind. ;)

THQ isn't doing too well right now. Really hope DIII doesn't get cancelled...

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

Well, I just hope that if THQ goes under, they will sell off the DIII IP to another publisher or let Itagaki contract with another publisher and terminate their existing contract, or however something like that would work. It would really suck if the game doesn't get released after Valhalla has been working on it for well over 2 years, now.


I'm looking forward to find out more about the Wii U. When they revealed it last year I felt underwhelmed. I want them to wow me and show me some games.

Also, Resident Evil 6 please! And more!

Oh wow I forgot how bad this Sony show was.


Still hoping Konami will shock everyone and reveal an epic Suikoden VI for the PS3.

And maybe we'll get a NA release of Tales of Xilia.

Other than that, I don't give a rat's ass about E3. I almost totally ignore modern video game releases these days.


Rumour's of Retro's newest project.

Whether it's Star Fox or a new IP, I'm looking forward to this one either way.

Spark Of Spirit

As long as it's not Zelda or Metroid, I'm good. We just had a 3D Zelda, and Metroid needs a bit of a break.
"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton

Spark Of Spirit

Here's what is most likely to be shown by Sony at E3:

PlayStation 3:
God of War Ascension
The Last of Us
The Last Guardian
PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale
LittleBigPlanet Karting
Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time
The Unfinished Swan
Papo & Yo

PlayStation Vita:
Call of Duty Vita
Assassin's Creed Vita
LittleBigPlanet Vita
Killzone Vita
Soul Sacrifice
Gravity Rush

and others:
New Syphon Filter
David Cage's new game
New game from Media Molecule
New game from Guerrilla Games

On Sony's E3 site it says there will be "20 new gaming experiences", so I think that's pretty close to what we'll get.

And in my opinion that's not enough for the Vita. None of that did anything for the PSP, it won't help here.
"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton


God of War Ascension - The most depressing thing about Ascension is that it might actually end up being the best hack 'n slash of the next five years
The Last of Us - Cautiously optimistic about this one
The Last Guardian - Oh fucking boy. I just love the great gameplay of Ico and Shadow of the Colossus
PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale - *yawn*
Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time - Looks to be the best Sly game ever
The Unfinished Swan - uh
Papo & Yo - "Puzzle platformer based on designer's abusive relationship with his father, who was an alcoholic." Yeah, no thanks

Call of Duty Vita - BEST FPS SERIES EVER
Assassin's Creed Vita - BEST STEALTH SERIES EVER
Soul Sacrifice - Might be cool
Gravity Rush - Looks interesting but not really fun

New Syphon Filter - When was the last time a Syphon Filter game was actually good?
New game from Media Molecule - Hope it's not LittleBigPlanet 3 lol
New game from Guerrilla Games - Probably not going to be interested

Wow, I'm being a cynical douchebag today. Sorry about that. Regardless, this sounds pretty damn awful, and I say that as someone who legitimately loves his PS2, PS3, and PSP.

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

Well, at least it'll most likely be better than Microsoft's line-up of exclusive titles at this year's E3, which will probably consist of the following:

Halo 4


The end. Show's over.


Maybe they'll have something from Alan Wake 2 as well.

Honestly though, I think it's a good thing when the console manufacturer line-ups are shit. It just means that all the good games will be multi-platform. I don't think there's a single exclusive I'm excited for this year, unless you count the Ratchet & Clank HD Collection and free(!) Hard Reset DLC. Oh, and New Super Mario Bros. 2.

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

Quote from: Foggle on May 05, 2012, 09:03:44 PM
Maybe they'll have something from Alan Wake 2 as well.

I think that Remedy said that the next game they make will be for next-gen consoles, so if Microsoft is staying true to their word and not revealing the next XBOX at this year's E3, then I doubt that we'll see any news on Alan Wake 2 or any new Remedy game until a new console is revealed (unless they are moving Alan Wake to the WiiU or something).

QuoteHonestly though, I think it's a good thing when the console manufacturer line-ups are shit. It just means that all the good games will be multi-platform. I don't think there's a single exclusive I'm excited for this year, unless you count the Ratchet & Clank HD Collection and free(!) Hard Reset DLC. Oh, and New Super Mario Bros. 2.

I honestly kind of miss the days when each console had their must-play games that made you happy that you owned that console. Back for this gen, the XBOX had Ninja Gaiden Black and Halo, the Gamecube had Metroid Prime and The Wind Waker, and the PS2 had a shit-ton of stuff ranging from DMC and God Hand to Yakuza and a plethora of JRPGs that I'm sure a lot of people probably liked.

This gen, there are hardly any games for my XBOX360 that make me feel like it was worth owning the console just to experience those games. I'd say Ninja Gaiden II, but that game was flawed and not nearly as good as the first game, and as much as I love it I do feel as though its just not enough to justify my choice of getting the XBOX360. To me, the Wii is the only console that has exclusives that really interest me in getting the console just to play and experience those games.

To put things straight, I WANT to like my XBOX360. I really do. But honestly I've just grown to find most of its exclusives to be stale, and what is good still isn't quite enough to justify my purchase of the console over others. To be clear, the PS3 isn't much better in my eyes, but I now really wish I had decided to go with the Wii, but to be fair that console had a shitty line-up for the first 2 years of its life-cycle, so its not really my fault that I decided against it at the time. I didn't realize that it'd take it a few years to really step up its game, but man did it really come through, even if it took its own sweet time in doing so.

Spark Of Spirit

Oh yeah, I forgot about R&C HD collection. Add that to the list. It's not looking too good for the Vita.

Shame about Alan Wake 2. I would be interested if it was for the 360, but I'm not really interested in the next Xbox at this point and one game isn't gonna do it for me.
"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton