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Started by Avaitor, August 30, 2012, 09:19:39 PM

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Quote from: Foggle on June 14, 2013, 12:18:46 PM
Quote from: talonmalon333 on June 14, 2013, 12:09:12 PM
Foggle just called MGS2 "excellent", and suggested it's not the worst game in the series. Never thought this day would come. :D
No, I called it "pretty good". Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake is excellent. :P

And MGS2 is far from the worst game in the series. Snake's Revenge and the NES Metal Gear (which I used to like, but now see as lame compared to the MSX one) come to mind...
MGS2 is a lot of fun. It's just the nonsense that brings it down.
"Ryu is like the Hank Hill of Street Fighter." -BB_Hoody


Quote from: Foggle on June 14, 2013, 12:18:46 PM
No, I called it "pretty good". Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake is excellent. :P

Someday, I dream of learning how to read posts thoroughly.

Quote from: Foggle on June 14, 2013, 12:18:46 PMAnd MGS2 is far from the worst game in the series. Snake's Revenge and the NES Metal Gear (which I used to like, but now see as lame compared to the MSX one) come to mind...

Those games are non-canon unacknowledged garbage. So it's safe to still call MGS2 the worst game in the series. :P

Quote from: gunswordfist on June 14, 2013, 02:59:15 PMMGS2 is a lot of fun. It's just the nonsense that brings it down.

As far as gameplay goes, MGS2 blows MGS1 out of the water... But that damn story is just ridiculous. And it doesn't help that the Big Shell (or whatever it was called, I couldn't be bothered to check) wasn't the most interesting setting and had little variety.


 Yeah, Big Shell itself was a peoblem. They tried to hard to make the game like Michael Bay's The Rock.
"Ryu is like the Hank Hill of Street Fighter." -BB_Hoody


I actually didn't mind the Big Shell. Compared to other designs in the MGS series, yes it's the weakest, but I had no issues playing it itself. My only issue with MGS2 (which is fairly small, but also makes me never want to play MGS2 again) is trying to find Emma and guiding her back. That has to be the worst thing ever in a MGS game. Matter fact I hated guiding Eva as well in MGS3, but it's not nearly as bad as guiding Emma since you could put Eva to sleep and drag her, not to mention you don't have to traverse through water, and a freakin corridor that's easy to get lost in. As bad as MGS2 is and sounds, it still blew a lot of other titles out the water by a large margin.

I was watching Harley's Revenge in Batman: Arkham City, and looking at Robin's combat I have to say, even though I like Batman, Robin just look more fun to play as. I guess that's because he's using a weapon instead of just straight hand to hand. I also tried watching Nightwing's gameplay which I found to be on the boring side, but I'm assuming that was because the guy that was playing was just playing so lame.

Of course I'm still playing Super Street Fighter 4: Arcade Edition. Despite not wanting to play as Ryu I decided to go back to him anyway. I recall saying that I wanted to stay away from the shoto's, but deep down I can't do that, especially Ryu since he's been the main character I played as since Street Fighter 2. I just find him so boring here in SSF4, but this could be due to the training mode being lackluster. He has all the tools and most people say beginners should play as him just to get the basics down which is pretty much what I'm going to do, at least until I can get my combos down. I also decided to start playing as Gouken as well. Hard hitter who seems to be fairly basic. The only thing I'd have to work on with him is reading my oppoent. He don't have any of those combos that other characters have. Most of his combos are heavy hitting, just gotta time them right (which is kind of why I'm picking up Ryu). I'm not giving up on Yun yet either. I just want to put the rushdown characters aside for a bit until I get a little better at the game because I'm eventually going to pick Yun back up. He's too beastly to let go, not to mention he does what Guy have a hard time doing, and on top of that he's also cool.


On 2nd thought, I think I'm going to just use Ryu, Evil Ryu and Yun. I was trying to go by an honor system somewhat and stay away from Ryu since he's the most used character in the game and I've used him all my life in the older games (outside of SF3), not to mention my brother-in-law uses him as his main character, and I didn't want to do any mirror matches. Screw all that noise now. As for Yun, like he's too beastly and fun to not use, and besides, he's a good sub to cover for Ryu's bad match-ups (Guile, Dhalsim, etc.). And Evil Ryu because I need a heavy hitter. Now I just gotta stop wanting to learn so many other characters due to some fancy looking combos (That's gonna be hard because I am easily influenced by fancy combos). Freakin character crisis.


"Ryu is like the Hank Hill of Street Fighter." -BB_Hoody


Yes, it just so happens that mines suddenly got onto this big oil rig thingy and they placed themselves. That was a bad decision in level design. That whole sequence just got on my nerves.


Quote from: gunswordfist on June 16, 2013, 08:25:49 AM
The swimming is the worst
I have no idea why developers still try to put swimming levels in their games. There are probably five good ones in existence.


Yeah, I hate those so much that I tried to make a case for why it's good that the new Tomb Raider won't have any swimming.

Ok, my mama came over with a new copy of The Last Of Us she apparently preordered for herself. She got it because she got into the hype. She almost never plays games so my baby brother and me will guide her through it. I'll tell y'all what I think of the game.
"Ryu is like the Hank Hill of Street Fighter." -BB_Hoody


Batman: Arkham City
I finished it on the normal difficulty. Can't say it was a difficult experience, but it certainly was more annoying with all the guns, but the sad part is that the folks with the guns weren't my biggest problems. It was the folks with the shields and the folks wielding electric sticks. Don't get me wrong, I'm not downgrading the game at all because I still got that level of satisfaction when taking them out. I just wasn't expecting them to be that annoying.

Catwoman's missions were annoying to no end because of her lack of equipment. One thing I liked about playing as Batman was being able to temporarily disable the thugs from using guns and then picking them off last. Catwoman has no way of doing that, at least I don't think she do.

I also take back what I said about Nightwing. He plays like a beast. The guy that was playing as him was just playing far too lame for me.

I will say that after this playthrough I will say that I was more satisfied. I don't think it's nearly as good as DMC3 and DMC4, but I do think it's a great game now compared to when I last played it. This is probably due to me upping the difficulty and just getting the satisfaction of taking out multiple thugs as Batman.


My mama didn't want to play anymore of The Last Of Us due to the violence :D so I'll just do it myself. I also had no clue she didn't know how to play 3D games.
"Ryu is like the Hank Hill of Street Fighter." -BB_Hoody


Got a lot of fun pictures of me playing Saints Row The Third with Micki!. :)

Got a photo op amidst the carnage

Micki! died from fall damage, so I had to valiantly jump (flop) in and save him.


Fucking cars. :(


Just thought these looked cool tbh

What is even going on here

We got our car stuck on the roof, so we had to get it off somehow...!

Micki! got his head stuck in the ground



On the 18th, after my baby brother beat the gane, I started The Last Of Us. So far, not much freedom has been in the game. It's been a lot of running through paths with the most freedom coming from stealth sequences. I've spent mostof my play time with two AI partners but thankfully they are smart and there has been no problems. IYesterday is the first time I've had a real encounter with the creatures in the game. I still need to wrap my head around the stealth rules of this game.
"Ryu is like the Hank Hill of Street Fighter." -BB_Hoody


Got a few games for my birthday! Call of Juarez: Gunslinger, Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth, Stealth Bastard Deluxe, and Sonic & All Stars Racing Transformed.


Batman: Arkham City
Finished up Harley's Revenge, and for the most part it's the same as the regular story, just a lot shorter. And thinking about it even more, developers, when it comes to DLC in terms of making side stories that can be beaten within 2-4 hours, I'd actually be willing to pay for this kind of content if they don't cost no more than $3, especially since it seems like nobody can make a complete product anymore.


Beat Banjo Kazooie, started right on Tooie, and... I'm not really liking it. Where the first game just tossed the plot at you and Mumbo's Mountain only took less than a half-hour to 100%, the second one starts with a long-ass cutscene, and after that, a lot of stuff to go through before finally getting to the first level, which in itself is taking a long-ass time to get through. What the hell? o.O