What Are You Currently Playing? 5.05: You Are (Not) A Gamer

Started by Avaitor, August 30, 2012, 09:19:39 PM

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I've been playing Duke Nukem 3D, Super Street Fighter 4 AE online, beat Metal Slug XX for the 3rd time and have been playing Combat School and I tried my forced restart of Blood Dragon.
"Ryu is like the Hank Hill of Street Fighter." -BB_Hoody


Quote from: Avaitor on July 11, 2013, 08:06:33 PM
With me and Animal Crossing, I get obsessed for a few months, then just stop playing all together, the odd visit or two aside.

Usually I do tend to grow bore, but since I've noticed my gaming habits of playing mostly PC and 3DS games, along with the socialization bonus of New Leaf making it easier due to Street Tags (I bring my 3DS with me to my job and have it in my pocket for the Play Coins and get an occasional tag, which so far since the game has came out, I get like 1 or 2 tags from people that pass me.), I can see myself playing well after my birthday has passed. Really, I think the only thing that will usurp New Leaf will be the new Pokemon game, and those aren't coming out until October, so I do have a lot of time.


Played Soul Calibur II with a few friends last night. It's been so long since I played that game, but it's still a blast to play. Though my time away from it really shows as I wasn't nearly as good as I used to be. I kind of sucked with Seung-Mina, who was always my favorite and best character to play as. I had a much easier time picking up and relearning Cassandra, despite her always having been my second best character (admittedly though, she's an easier character to pick up in general).

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

I've been playing some more DMC3 today. I think that I'm finally starting to get the hang of the Royal Guard style. I'm able to get a good approximate timing of when to use it for certain attacks, and Royal Release is also a pretty useful ability against certain slow enemies with tons of health.

Anyways, today I beat Mission 11 with Dante on Very Hard mode. The only part that I had some trouble with is that one fight after the puzzle involving moving those stone sculptures into those open spaces. After that I had to fight a Hell Vanguard with about 3 Soul Eaters. Now, on their own, neither of these enemies is particularly too difficult to handle. But in combination they are fucking annoying as hell to fight, especially since they can all strike at me through the air, and those damn Soul Eaters kept coming at me from off-screen while I was focusing on the Hell Vanguard. If I tried to take them out first, then the Hell Vanguard would just warp near me and do an air-dash, slicing right through me and taking away a ton of health. Now, I was stuck with having to use the Royal Guard ability during this fight, whereas I think it would have been much easier to deal with it using Trickster, but I still probably would have inevitably gotten hit, anyways, as I was finding any particular enemy to focus on and attack at any given time during the fight. It took me a total of 4 tries to beat it, but after that the rest of the level was a breeze. Beowful is such a joke of a boss fight for me, now, even on Very Hard mode. If you fight him using Trickster, its actually really hilarious since you can just dash THROUGH him and end up behind him in the middle of one of his attacks, and then if you wait just a second, he'll stop completely for a moment when he realizes that he doesn't know where you are, before he finally thinks to look behind him and gets pissed off and tries to start smashing you again. Its little touches in games like this that I really appreciate from developers. It just shows that even the enemies in this game have some semblance of actual personality to their AI's behavior, which I really like.


Playing Crash Bandicoot: WARPED.

Damn it, this game is nowhere near as good as Spyro. I'm trying to appreciate it as the classic that it is, but it's no wonder the purple dragon eclipsed Crash for the last years of the PS1's life.


Right now, I rented The Last of Us. Very good game. It matches the hype. That may sound strange to say, but it does. The story is amazing in it. We need a talkback for it if we don't have one.

Rosalinas Spare Wand

Tried out Far Cry Blood Dragon. I don't know why I tried the PS3 version, I absolutely cannot find a layout comfortable enough for my hands. Then again, I have never been that good at FPS games.


I'm replaying FEAR 2 again. While I still definitely like it, it just doesn't grab me that much anymore like the first one does. Maybe I'm burned out on it, though I haven't actually touched it in years. I just think, while it's still an awesome game, it never truly captured the magic of the original.

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

Quote from: Foggle on July 15, 2013, 05:11:06 PM
I'm replaying FEAR 2 again. While I still definitely like it, it just doesn't grab me that much anymore like the first one does. Maybe I'm burned out on it, though I haven't actually touched it in years. I just think, while it's still an awesome game, it never truly captured the magic of the original.

I agree wholeheartedly, but that's kind of how I always felt about the game, myself. I feel that most fans were just too harsh on it when it came out. A lot of them dismissed it as a crappy sequel from what I could tell. While I definitely agree that it never even comes close to the original; well, with the exception of one particular level, which was the only part in the game that I felt was worthy of the original game (try to guess which one it is); I still think it was a great FPS in its own right. The levels had a very varied and interesting look, and the shooting mechanics felt really tightly crafted and solid. The AI was probably my biggest disappointment with the game, however. This game had all of the elements necessary to surpass the original, but Monolith just didn't focus on what really made the original stand-out in the first-place, which was the intense enemy encounters, and on that ground the game suffered for it. Also, while the levels "looked" better, that came at the cost of them feeling far less atmospheric than the claustrophobic and eerily haunting environments of the first game, which to me were the most creepy BECAUSE of how normal most of the locations you visited looked, yet how empty and silent they were. I understand that they couldn't just rehash that for the sequel, but the levels that they did come up with looked good aesthetically, but also looked sort of like "generic b-movie horror stuff" that didn't do the least to actually engage me.


Trying to play Anarchy Reigns online is like... you have this delicious steak - the best you've ever tasted - right in front of you, but on the plate next to it is a large dog turd. And every time you take a bite of the steak, the turd seeps over a little bit, getting closer and closer to your food. You don't want to stop eating the steak because it tastes so good, but then it gets fecal matter all over it and becomes disgusting. Through tears, you finish your steak, and then feel a sharp tinge of regret over the fact that you did.

I think that's the best way to describe it.


So I'm in the middle of Metal Gear 1 but am a little frustrated with the game now. I saved the doctor who tells you how to destroy Metal Gear, but can't go any further at this point. I checked every do with every card key I possess, but none of them seem to work. Perhaps I need to go back to the first building where the game started to get something. But the thing is that I only just did that recently. Why do I have to make another trip? :burn:

Looks like this might fall into the typical 8-bit tiring trap of just checking every single spot in the game.


I just beat Blood Dragon a few minutes ago. I beat it in a day after I started all the way over because my original save file is on my bro's 360. Despite being so short, I had a blast and a lot of laughs. I actually got as far as I did on my first save file right before midnight and that's not including the 5 garrisons I liberated and the side missions I did, which in total were longer than the main story. I love how fast I got the exploding sniper ammo. I was blowing people away with it since before the dam mission
"Ryu is like the Hank Hill of Street Fighter." -BB_Hoody


Dark Souls is fucken hard and - to be honest - somewhat poorly designed, but I love it. Beat The Depths without dying once, then co-oped the boss twice with Micki!, taking damage only a single time. Felt like a champ...!


I started on the secret Duke Nukem 3d level, Tier Drops. Such creative level design. Then I beat the rest of episode 3. So the first level of Forever is based off the last level of episode 3? It donned on me the second I saw the level name. Then I played episode 4's first map. Man, a decently sized level with a Mission Impossible theme and it already had a new enemy type? Doom could learn from the latter seeing how the classic games just recycle enemy types by the time you get to the final episode. Anyway, the level renewed my love for DK3D. I started to just trudge through levels before that.
"Ryu is like the Hank Hill of Street Fighter." -BB_Hoody


The Birth is definitely my favorite episode. IT'S FUCKING HARD THOUGH.