What Are You Currently Playing? 5.05: You Are (Not) A Gamer

Started by Avaitor, August 30, 2012, 09:19:39 PM

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I bought Other M for like $8 a month ago (seriously, that's all it is on Amazon now). Still haven't broken into it yet, though.

One of these days...


I've been enjoying this Free Xbox Live Weekend. I've been playing Soul Calibur IV and Bomberman Live online last night and this morning. :thumbup:
"Ryu is like the Hank Hill of Street Fighter." -BB_Hoody

Spark Of Spirit

The golden nunchuck will apparently be back in stock in January, so if you're interested: keep a note!
"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

So, I just played the DmC demo, and here are some of my thoughts on the game:

The first thing I noticed, to this game's credit, is that not only does it have great looking graphics, but it has a really good art design, too. The level never looks or feels monotonous, and while this game is going for a "darker" feel to it (and failing miserably at it so far, I might add), its at least nice to see that it has nice, bright, and colorful level design. So, that aspect of the game is actually pretty pleasant to look at.

As for this game's Dante, its story, and the cutscenes, there's nothing new here in this demo that I haven't already seen in previews, and just like then I have the same level of distaste for now that I did then.

The most important thing is, of course, the gameplay. Not having a lock-on targeting feature in this game is a big mistake, IMO, and there were certainly times it could have helped. For instance, when I wanted to target the flying enemy types to take them out first, sometimes Dante would attack the ground enemies instead, when I really wanted to prioritize taking out the flying enemies first. This could be a real issue in later parts of the game. Also, I don't necessarily have a problem with the ability to launch enemies into the air having its own assigned button, but what I dislike is how its handled. If you want to air combo an enemy, you don't just naturally go up into the air with them (unless I missed how to pull off that move in this game). Instead you have to launch them and then jump up into the air yourself, and that just feels like a really bizarre way to control Dante compared to previous games. I'd rather just lock-onto an enemy, and then press the melee attack button while pointing my control stick in the opposite direction. Maybe its just me but that method of launching enemies just makes more sense to me, personally. For what its worth, the auto-targeting is competent, and while the game is only 30 FPS the combat moves at a satisfying speed (though I feel like pros will never be able to play as crazy fast as they can with Dante in DMC 3 or 4 with this game's mechanics, but I'll have to wait and see until the final product is released), but in that regard if I try to compare this game to Ninja Gaiden Black or NG2 (or the Sigma games), its combat doesn't quite measure up to those games (I can say with utmost certainty, though, that this game is miles better than NG3 or even Razor's Edge). To be fair its possible that the final game may have weapon upgrades and more weapons with more nuanced combos and such, but I'm pretty sure that the game will only stick with its main 3 weapons.

Speaking of which, I dislike how you have to hold the left or right triggers to gain access to your alternate weapons. Why can't Dante just tap those buttons to switch to the weapon that he wants? The button for targeting things to latch onto and pull towards your or pull yourself towards with your hook-shot like thing could easily be assigned to the LB button (or L2 on the PS3 controller), which as far as I can tell has no purpose in this game thus far, going by the demo.

As for the difficulty, I did manage to unlock Son of Sparda, but I haven't played the game on that difficulty yet, so I'll reserve comment on that for a later time. I did play on the highest available difficulty when I started, and I didn't die once (including not using any gold orbs), unless you count me idiotically falling from a ledge into a bottomless pit at one point in the level (though the game didn't count it as a death, so I won't either). To be fair, DMC4 was laughable easily on its bottom 2 difficulty settings as well, but I just hope that Son of Sparda and Dante Must Die mode offer up a much more fitting challenge. I'd also like to see a return of Heaven or Hell mode, which was a really fun idea for a mode that puts an interesting spin on the game. Hell and Hell is welcome as well, but I'll never be good enough at a DMC game to ever put up with that mode, even this one.

Overall, the combat is OK, but it doesn't feel nearly as tight as in past DMC games, and I can't really tell how deep and nuanced it is compared to previous games as the demo only gives me so much to work with.

The boss fight in this demo was actually fairly entertaining for what it was, and while nothing memorable, its easily better than most of what DMC4 had to offer in the boss department, save for Credo and Dante fights which were easily the highlights of that particular game. I like how in this boss fight, at least, it required more than just hitting the boss (lets face it, DMC games have never had the most creative boss fights :D ). I'll even admit that I did actually die once on this boss (in terms of using up one gold orb). As for the banter, though, I could have done without the F-bombs, but its Ninja Theory, so that's pretty much what they think counts as witty dialogue, I suppose. I mean, hell, they actually had the nerve to put in this little tid-bit:

Demon: "Fuck You!"
Dante: "Fuck YOU!"
Demon: "Fuck You!"

Even the cheesy one-liner spewing Dante of true DMC games could have come up with a wittier comeback than this dumb-shit. For what its worth, though, there is one particular line at the end of the boss fight that I did like, in which the boss falls into the body of acid, and Dante follows up with the line, "You're dumped." Now THAT actually sounds like the cheesy, fun-spirited sort of one-liner that the real Dante would say. Too bad it was probably an unintentionally spot-on line that we aren't likely to see much more of with this Dante.

On the whole, though, this seems like it'll be a decent, possibly somewhat above average hack n' slash game. It definitely doesn't feel, and never will be (from my perspective), a true DMC game, though. Still, I may give this title a shot when it comes down in price to $20 much later into next year.


You actually CAN automatically lift yourself up in the air with the launcher by holding the buttonwhen the launcher connects.

Quote from: Ensatsu-kenSpeaking of which, I dislike how you have to hold the left or right triggers to gain access to your alternate weapons. Why can't Dante just tap those buttons to switch to the weapon that he wants? The button for targeting things to latch onto and pull towards your or pull yourself towards with your hook-shot like thing could easily be assigned to the LB button (or L2 on the PS3 controller), which as far as I can tell has no purpose in this game thus far, going by the demo.

I don't see why they needed two evade buttons either. Why couldn't they just map evasion to one shoulder button, and use the other one for lock-on?

QuoteDemon: "Fuck You!"
Dante: "Fuck YOU!"
Demon: "Fuck You!"

What's hilarious (and sad) is that someone on Ninja Theory thinks this is legitimately funny humor. Made even more hilarious is that they're promoting this game's story as something that can rival books and films. :D


What the hell? The DMC series has great bosses and DMC4 has more than two worth mentioning. (Echidna's my personal favorite. The frog demon is good too.)
"Ryu is like the Hank Hill of Street Fighter." -BB_Hoody


Quote from: gunswordfist on December 02, 2012, 11:26:02 AM
The frog demon is good too.
I hate that fight. :thinkin:

But yeah, DmC seems like a fun game, but nothing really special. Definitely nowhere near as good as 1 or 3. Though I still think the fanbase is overreacting.




So guys... it appears as though a 3DS is finally in the cards for me this Christmas.

Aside from the obvious "must-haves" (Super Mario 3D Land, NSMB2, Ocarina of Time 3D, Sticker Star), what else should I be on the lookout for? I'd like to get a good start on my library while I have the chance.


Got up to level 20 in episode 2 of Doom II yesterday. These last few levels seem easier.

Also, over the weekend I had fun playing one free Xbox Live. I played Battlefield Bad Company 2, Soul Calibur IV, Marvel vs Capcom 3, Rainbox Six Vegas 2, Bomberman Live and Doom. With my cousin, I played Bomberman online and offline we played Sonic 2, then 3 and then Streets Of Rage 2 on my copy of Sonic's Ultimate Genesis Collection, I destroyed her on Street Fighter IV and we also played Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2. I've also been playing N +, including with my baby brother yesterday. He made some decent stages. ;D
"Ryu is like the Hank Hill of Street Fighter." -BB_Hoody


Quote from: Cosmonaut on December 04, 2012, 08:48:09 AM
So guys... it appears as though a 3DS is finally in the cards for me this Christmas.

Aside from the obvious "must-haves" (Super Mario 3D Land, NSMB2, Ocarina of Time 3D, Sticker Star), what else should I be on the lookout for? I'd like to get a good start on my library while I have the chance.

Er... save your money on NSMB2 and Sticker Star, I'd say. They're crap. Real crap. Well, I guess Sticker Star is okay in its own right. Just don't expect anything near as endearing as the previous Paper Mario titles.


Quote from: Foggle on December 04, 2012, 12:46:33 AM
Ah, a true masterpiece, and MGS 2.

I wonder if Foggle likes or doesn't like MGS2. :awesome:

Quote from: Cosmonaut on December 04, 2012, 08:48:09 AM
So guys... it appears as though a 3DS is finally in the cards for me this Christmas.

Aside from the obvious "must-haves" (Super Mario 3D Land, NSMB2, Ocarina of Time 3D, Sticker Star), what else should I be on the lookout for? I'd like to get a good start on my library while I have the chance.

If you liked Star Fox 64, SF643D is another good remake.


Quote from: talonmalon333 on December 04, 2012, 11:57:28 AM
I wonder if Foggle likes or doesn't like MGS2. :awesome:
Well, I don't really hate it, but it's easily my least favorite Metal Gear game, aside from Snake's Revenge.


Finally got around to playing the DmC demo after having it downloaded like a week ago.


OK, so Mundus is a guy in a suit and Dante shows up to his door butt naked? Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww to both. I don't know if that beginning video was a highlight reel clip or actually how they handled the first cutscene.

I started off that level by playing with the controls. So you have to hold down the triggers to use the weapons, huh? One plus would be being able to do 3 weapon combos easier...but it's still a pain in the ass to try. At least for now. I tried out all the buttons I saw that they had not one but two button for the same kind of dodge!!! What in the fuck?!!!!! They don't even need one button for this! I knew the game didn't have lockon thanks to EK's comment a few posts back (and funny enough, I forgot all about it every time I fought) but with lockon they could have not needed to waste two fucking buttons. As I finally went on to the first battle I was like, NO, not THIS kind of rock?!!" I hate that kind of rock. Terrible music. And then I beat up the enemies I barely looked at. Very easy (Yeah, I know, first level) The only trouble I had was with flying enemies and those jackasses that did those invincible chainsaw charges but I never died.

I like how the game doesn't kill you for falling into a bottomless pit, just like DMC games are supposed to be like. When I was trying out the whip moves or whatever, I thought it was silly that they had two different button combinations for the same move but then I actually paid attention and being able to pull enemies and pull yourself toward them like that is not bad. What I didn't like was that angel pull, or whatever it's called was LT + X, instead of RT + X. I naturally kept on going for the ladder combination. You'd think the much more often used and clearly more importantly combination would be on the right hand side, huh? I fell down too many times scrambling to try and get it right.

Anyway, I love the parts where the level tried to kill you. A 3D version of how 2D games have autoscrolling levels. Fun breakups in between fights. But I'm sure this is why Ninja Theory made the game 30 FPS and I'd rather have faster combat anyday.

Oh and the regular sword animation is so dull.

Then, next was the boss fight. I was thinking, "Is this the boss fight I loved from the video I watched?" I went on the side and used the copper key to get to the special stage. Why it had no music is beyond me. After two or so tries, I beat it and then proceeded to the boss.

A Futurama joke is the first thing Dante said. NICE!...then the "FUCK YOU!" part. Not so nice. Did I mention that this was in fact the boss I was talking about? The video I watched a while back is one that I commented on here. I said that I liked how the battle naturally followed instead of making it impossible for you to get in the boss' face and fight him and not having to rely on QTEs. It played exactly how I wanted to. Bayonetta (ironically) is the only hack n slash that has recently done giant bosses right. It looks like DmC will be another. I had a good time hitting that chunky bug-like demon in the face and then being able to hit the dodge button to dodge his attacks without having to worry about one of those annoying knockback quick attacks that discourages getting in close on bosses like this and...well hitting them like you're supposed to be able to. I just rolled and went right back to using my axe and I loved it. That boss fight did everything right except I wish there was a bit more variety and I didn't care for all the little cutscenes in between the action but that was just the first part of it so they might have something for the former.

So all in all, I thought it was decent. The biggest problem I see is I think the enemies may make me fall asleep.
"Ryu is like the Hank Hill of Street Fighter." -BB_Hoody