What Are You Currently Playing? 5.05: You Are (Not) A Gamer

Started by Avaitor, August 30, 2012, 09:19:39 PM

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"Ryu is like the Hank Hill of Street Fighter." -BB_Hoody


But back to Twin Snakes for a sec, you guys said the voice acting isn't nearly as good. And while it's a bit hammy at times... was the original voice acting really that good? I mean for its time, it was excellent. But other than that...

And I still think that some people might just find it hard to go back to the original MGS, after the gameplay improvements made in 2.


"Ryu is like the Hank Hill of Street Fighter." -BB_Hoody


Bought the new Sonic racing game. Addicted to the flying sections, specifically in levels where there are battles going on in the environment. This blows Mario Kart 7 out of the water.


Quote from: gunswordfist on December 15, 2012, 07:45:08 AM
Is F.E.A.R. for 360 any good?
Only the PS3 version is bad. The 360 port doesn't run quite as well as it does on the PC, but it's still really good.

Quote from: talonmalon333 on December 15, 2012, 11:41:20 AM
But back to Twin Snakes for a sec, you guys said the voice acting isn't nearly as good. And while it's a bit hammy at times... was the original voice acting really that good? I mean for its time, it was excellent. But other than that...
Twin Snakes' acting really isn't much different, but most people (myself included) prefer Gray Fox's original voice actor and the side characters having foreign accents. MGS 1's voice work is a lot more distinctive and memorable on the whole.

QuoteAnd I still think that some people might just find it hard to go back to the original MGS, after the gameplay improvements made in 2.
While true, MGS 1 is not designed to be played with the gameplay improvements of the sequels. The first MGS is designed more like the original Metal Gear games than what came after it, so having the ability to go into first-person completely negates most of the challenge.

Quote from: gunswordfist on December 15, 2012, 11:48:29 AM
Foggle, have you played Hitman Absolution yet?
Not much, unfortunately. I'm waiting for the patch that fixes the disguise system.


Quote from: Nel_Annette on December 15, 2012, 12:08:30 PM
Bought the new Sonic racing game. Addicted to the flying sections, specifically in levels where there are battles going on in the environment. This blows Mario Kart 7 out of the water.
Stupid question: Does this game have offline split-screen multiplayer? I'm only saying this due to the demo.

And thanks Foggle. I'll be getting Fear for 360 Goozex. I hear the disguise system in the 360 version of Absolution has problems.
"Ryu is like the Hank Hill of Street Fighter." -BB_Hoody


Quote from: gunswordfist on December 15, 2012, 03:13:57 PM
I hear the disguise system in the 360 version of Absolution has problems.
Yeah, it's only really playable like a traditional Hitman game on Normal mode, which is way too easy. On the harder difficulties, especially Purist, it's literally just a more frustrating Splinter Cell. From what I hear though, they're taking feedback on this and using it to make the disguise system work more like it used to.


Quote from: gunswordfist on December 15, 2012, 03:13:57 PM
Quote from: Nel_Annette on December 15, 2012, 12:08:30 PM
Bought the new Sonic racing game. Addicted to the flying sections, specifically in levels where there are battles going on in the environment. This blows Mario Kart 7 out of the water.
Stupid question: Does this game have offline split-screen multiplayer? I'm only saying this due to the demo.

Sorry dude, no idea. No one in real life wants to play with me.  :P But I'd assume so, the bottom of the menu has a "player 2/3/4 press A to join".

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

I just bought 2 new games with the money that I never used back from my birthday which I didn't celebrate this year thanks to college being ridiculously stressful (more so than ever, this semester). The 2 games I got were Devil May Cry HD Collection (to satisfy my hack n' slash game craving) and Super Street Fighter IV Arcade Edition (to satisfy my fighting game craving, even though I'm also having fun with GMOW, but this game does offer up more content than that one). I got both games used for $20, so I ended up spending a total of $40, and I consider that a good deal, personally.

I played through the first 2 missions of DMC1, and I feel like the art design of the game has aged surprisingly well. Sure, the graphics are nothing special anymore, even being re-rendered in HD (which I can't fully appreciate due to being forced to play on an SD TV for now, which also causes a slight camera problem as part of the screen is cut off on both sides), but the actual level design and look of each environment create a really memorable atmosphere that DMC4 completely failed to capitalize on. My only gripe with the game so far is its camera. While old-school hack n' slash games like DMC and Ninja Gaiden are railed on for their camera, I feel that the DMC sequels as well as NGB and onward did a good job of making the camera angles pretty manageable and not much of a nuisance once you got used to it. The fact that DMC1 was originally meant to be a Resident Evil game really shows in its fixed camera angles which really don't suit a hack n' slash game all that well. I'm so used to being able to adjust camera angles to my liking, but its infuriating when I realize that I'm stuck with what I get in this game, which more often than not offers you up less than ideal camera angles. That said, its not a game-breaker by any means, and if you can look past the camera, the rest of the game has been really fun so far. I do have to say that the combat in this game does feel a bit shallow in comparison to DMC3, 4, and Bayonetta, though (I'm specially comparing those games since they utilize the same general style of combat). Its certainly fun to play, but it does feel a bit limited compared to what I've played of those games. I'll update my thoughts on the game as I progress further through it.


I have no clue why they didn't add camera controls to the game. So obvious.
"Ryu is like the Hank Hill of Street Fighter." -BB_Hoody

Spark Of Spirit

Twin Snakes acting felt like they were trying to make it cheesy, while the original MGS came off that way naturally. Snake specifically doesn't even sound serious and Grey Fox is awful. Honestly, they should have just made an original Metal Gear game.

Quote from: gunswordfist on December 15, 2012, 03:13:57 PM
Quote from: Nel_Annette on December 15, 2012, 12:08:30 PM
Bought the new Sonic racing game. Addicted to the flying sections, specifically in levels where there are battles going on in the environment. This blows Mario Kart 7 out of the water.
Stupid question: Does this game have offline split-screen multiplayer? I'm only saying this due to the demo.
Yes it has 4 player split screen in pretty much every mode on the PS360 and PC. It is 5 player on the Wii-U. It is a great racing game.
"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

So, I played through most of a single round of arcade mode in SSF4 as Adon. I ended up getting to the 2nd round with Seth (the 1st round with him is pretty easy), but then I got my ass-kicked over and over again. I didn't get a chance to beat him since after a few tries I had to turn the game off and go down stares since my dad needed to use his room to sleep (and his TV was the only one I had available to me to hook up my XBOX360). Oh well, I still have 4 weeks off from school now that my finals are done, so I have plenty of time to play the hell out of this game as well as DMC HD Collection. ;D

I have to admit, though, I've been spoiled by playing Garou quite a bit over the past few weeks. I've gotten so used to its combat system that its really awkward adjusting to a completely different one in SSF4.


One thing I'll mark against the new Sonic racing game though is that you have to beat ball-bustingly hard challenges to unlock everyone (and the character roster is kind of shit at that). The first All Stars Racing did it better with Sega Miles. The more you played, the more you unlocked, basically. It rewarded you for playing the game longer. The world tour thing is just annoying.

Still a good title though. I just don't like that aspect. Also, I really, really wish I could map the drift to the A button. Driving with Right Trigger while drifting with Left Trigger just messes with my brain function for some reason.  :oo:

Spark Of Spirit

Quote from: Nel_Annette on December 16, 2012, 02:31:17 AM
One thing I'll mark against the new Sonic racing game though is that you have to beat ball-bustingly hard challenges to unlock everyone (and the character roster is kind of shit at that). The first All Stars Racing did it better with Sega Miles. The more you played, the more you unlocked, basically. It rewarded you for playing the game longer. The world tour thing is just annoying.
Yep, the game is already astoundingly hard, but the fact that it takes 16 stars to unlock Danica Patrick and yet 120 to unlock Gillius (I'm currently at 116 stars) is quite annoying considering I have no desire to play as the former. Especially considering that at a certain point you have to move up difficulty to get more stars.

I really hope we get DLC for some better characters. Everybody wanted Ryo to return from the first game, and yet we got Pudding? Come on.

QuoteAlso, I really, really wish I could map the drift to the A button. Driving with Right Trigger while drifting with Left Trigger just messes with my brain function for some reason.  :oo:
I'm pretty sure you can change this on the Wii-U version. I guess it isn't in every version?
"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton


Yeah, 360 only gives you two options, you either use the back shoulder buttons (triggers) or the front ones.