I think my interest in gaming is waning

Started by Eddy, September 01, 2012, 03:34:21 PM

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I don't know, lately I just seem to be unexcited and unimpressed with video games. Maybe I'm just burnt out on seeing brown shooter after brown shooter and sequel after sequel. Call of Duty this, Medal of Honor that. I hardly find myself playing games anymore. This is mostly due to lack of time but also a lack of desire. I still have to finish Lollipop Chainsaw (which isn't due to a lack of desire, I just got distracted, I love this game) but other than that, Telltale's The Walking Dead, and Minecraft I haven't been playing much. I have games in my collection I've hardly touched just because I can't really get myself that interested in playing them like Mass Effect, for example.

There's not even much on the horizon I really find myself caring about. I'm going to get Borderlands 2, Resident Evil 6, and BioShock: Infinite but aside from those three games I'm drawing a blank on anything else I want. The Kirby anniversary collection, I guess, but I don't know if I count that since I've played and beaten the games on it. And I still don't have a 3DS so the games I want for that I can't really count either.

But yeah, I'll be getting those four games. I want to get a 3DS eventually. And I'll probably get a Wii U close to it's launch date or down the road. But other than that, I don't know. Video games just don't excite me the way they used to.

I'm thinking of getting a Supa Boy to have a portable SNES.

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

I've been feeling this way for a couple of years now, but after playing RE4 I came to realize that its not that my interest in gaming as a whole is waning, but that my interest in modern games and the mentality of the modern gaming industry in general is pretty much gone now. I don't "hate" modern games like Call of Duty and such, but I find them very boring, myself, and the lack of great platformers and adventure games on the HD consoles is a big turn-off for me. People consider the Batman Arkham games to be GREAT action/adventure games. They are decent at best, but nowhere near great. I really feel like modern gamers either have lower standards than what I have come to expect of great gaming, or that they just have entirely different standards that don't match with my criteria for fun and great games at all (to be fair, its probably just the latter).

Stuff like Uncharted and God of War are considered the pinnacle of the single-player gaming front for action/adventure games, and if that's the direction that games will be moving in from now on, then count me out of the next-gen, because I just can't stand that style of gaming. I don't mean any disrespect to anyone who likes those games (if you do, then great for you), but I have just come to detest that style of gaming, and I can't find the appeal or fun-factor in those kinds of games, myself.

That said, I wouldn't say that I'm done with gaming as a whole. I'm just no longer interested in modern gaming. I have found that it is now a better time for me to be looking into great classic games that I have missed out on, and there are A LOT of classic gems which I have not yet played (primarily PC games) now that I look back on it, so my main interest in gaming is now focused on hunting down more of the games that I should have already played but never got the chance to.


To me, it's hard to keep up with gaming like I want to, primarily due to money issues. There's a lot of things I want to try, from current releases to a lot of older stuff, but I can only afford so much at a time.

It's always been this way for me, in that I'd have to wait for my birthday or Christmas, which are pretty close together, to get new games. And even when I do have more money, it has to go to other things, so I'll always be behind, no matter what generation I'm on.

But I do feel you. Sometimes I get burned out on gaming., for various reasons.
Life is not about the second chances. It's about a little mouse and his voyage to an exciting new land. That, my friend, is what life is.

Sir, do you have any Warrants?
I got their first CD, but you can't have it, motherfucker!

New blog!

Spark Of Spirit

If it wasn't for the Wii, I probably would have already been done with the whole hobby this generation.

I plan on investing in a Wii-U for this generation and that will probably be it for me and modern gaming. By the time that is done (seven years from now) the industry will either be dead or I will just plain no longer care anymore. Other than that I will continue with retro games and systems for curiosity's sake, but I'm just not finding all that much reason to get new systems anymore.

Not to mention the hateful and extremely childish and selfish game "press", the horrendously uncreative "industry", and the rise of David Cage and the like of people who don't think games main purpose are to be "fun" (read a dictionary sometime, buddy) is showing this industry is becoming a terrible money sink of vapid ideas and milked out game-play ideas that get increasingly shallow. On top of the destruction of single player content and couch multiplayer (as well as a real social experience) for socially shallow online multiplayer that is nowhere near as fun to play, on-disc DLC, DRM, always online... None of that is fun.

Gaming isn't fun anymore because nobody in it wants it to be outside of rapidly diminishing minority (which used to be the majority), despite the highest selling games of the generation not being the types of games that these people push.

Remember when Reggie said that NSMBWii would outsell the COD game releasing at the same time and everyone laughed him off? Then you look at the actual sales and you can just imagine at why there's such a major disconnect from what the majority wants and what a vocal minority thinks everyone wants. In the process they are shrinking the industry and killing studios, if costs rise again, the industry will be dead by the end of the coming generation. Go back and play Pong and wonder to yourself if this is where this industry was supposed to come.

Downers aside, I'm really enjoying my 3DS and am looking forward to the Wii-U.
"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton


Quote from: Avaitor on September 01, 2012, 04:55:15 PM
To me, it's hard to keep up with gaming like I want to, primarily due to money issues. There's a lot of things I want to try, from current releases to a lot of older stuff, but I can only afford so much at a time.

It's always been this way for me, in that I'd have to wait for my birthday or Christmas, which are pretty close together, to get new games. And even when I do have more money, it has to go to other things, so I'll always be behind, no matter what generation I'm on.

This is exactly me. Also, I'm too neglectful on the games I do have. I need to get past the first five minutes of Shattered Dimensions.

Can't day I'm bored with this generation because I'm so far behind.
"Ryu is like the Hank Hill of Street Fighter." -BB_Hoody

Rosalinas Spare Wand

The only game I actually planned on buying this year was Virtue's Last Reward. Will definitely pick it up, but when the 3DS is filled with series I love and I'm not feeling compelled to pick any of them up, there's definitely a problem.

I don't know, its been like this for me for the last 2 years, and I think its more to due with the game industry just at a standstill and refusing to treat customers properly, instead many are so focused on their own selfish goals.


I think for me, it's that I'm not excited for the same old IPs anymore. Haven't enjoyed Zelda since 2006, Mario, Mario Kart and Mario Party etc., for all the little tweaking the titles have, are pretty much the same game over and over again, Kingdom Hearts has convoluted its story into crap land, Assassin's Creed feels like it's dragging at this point, Donkey Kong Returns and Kirby's Return to Dream Land did nothing for me, Pokemon's last two generations have been underwhelming barring the Gold/Silver remakes, and I've been losing patience with dungeon crawlers and RPGs in general. Everything feels stagnant, like they just keep repeating themselves, and whenever series I like try something new, it falls flat on its face. Oh, and Mega Man's kind of dead in the water right now.

Sonic, on the other hand, has been getting better, and I'm actually looking forward to those titles more and more thanks to Colors and Generations.

I find myself actually enjoying new IPs though. The Binding Of Isaac, Spelunky, Cave Story, other indie games and such have been pleasantly surprising me over and over. I also purchased some new RPGs to see how those go (Xenoblade, The Last Story). I'm eagerly awaiting XSeed to bring out the rest of the Trails In The Sky game. Easily one of the best and most humorous turn-based RPGs I've played in years.


Meh, I've been more excited for new games this year than ever. Max Anarchy, Shank 2, Max Payne 3, and The Darkness 2 were totally sweet. Bring on Borderlands 2, Resident Evil 6, Dishonored, Hitman: Absolution, Rise of the Triad, Ratchet & Clank: Full Front Assault, and Project P-100!

EDIT: And Yakuza 5, but that'll probably never see a US release.


It is possible that I'm just in a gaming rut. It's happened before. But I am burnt out on all the shooters and how so many games seem to be favoring multiplayer experiences as opposed to the single player experience.


If you like stealth and/or games that are more about critical thinking than fast reflexes, I recommend trying Dishonored and Hitman when they come out. Really impressive-looking single player experiences with little focus on gunplay. :joy:


I'll try to check those out, thanks. ;) My gaming plate is going to be pretty full in the coming months (Borderlands 2 is right around the corner, RE6 not long after) but I'll keep those games in mind.


My problem with gaming is constantly being a generation behind. I mean, look at me; I own a Wii, yet I've barely even scratched the surface of what it has to offer.

I'd like to think things will change once I get a job again, but it's just too hard to tell though. I've been unemployed for so long, I've got too many other things I'd rather to put that money towards, so who even knows then.

I really need to try GameFly or something one of these days. There just has to be a better way.

Spark Of Spirit

Well, there were a lot of under the radar games last gen on all three systems whereas this gen they are mostly on the Wii. IMO, it isn't really that difficult to catch up to this gen as opposed to last.
"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton