Devil May Cry Series

Started by Dr. Ensatsu-ken, January 06, 2013, 09:21:27 PM

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So I'm hype for the game. I'm happy we even got a DMC5, but there's been a lot of complaining about facial features and I'm like really? Are DMC fans really this fickle? First hair (or rather that's what it seemed like it turned into) now faces? I get people want an anime-ish style like DMC3/4, but my goodness can companies take risks anymore? I'm glad we even got a DMC5 because of the backlash from DmC it was a good possibility that we wouldn't get another DMC.

Speaking of which. Nero looks a lot like Dante from DmC. I'm of the impression this has been in the works since DMC4 ended, or since the outsourcing to Ninja Theory, but Capcom didn't have a clear cut direction on where to go with it until now. That's the vibe I'm getting.

Anyone else hype? Impressions?
3S - Ken, Ryu, Makoto, Dudley, Yang
USF4 - Evil Ryu, Ryu, Cody, Dudley
SF6 - Ken, Ed, Jaime {Terry}

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

The complaining is ridiculous, though thankfully not that prevalent as of yet. Resident Evil 7 had a very similar character design overhaul and nobody complained about that. The thing is, it's been ten years since DMC4 and things are a bit different now. Capcom at large has moved away from the more anime-esque designs that were prevalent for their games in the last decade. That doesn't really bother me though since it's easy enough to adjust to once you realize that the actual approach to gameplay remains the same.

Additionally, this trailer was absolutely oozing with classic DMC style from beginning to end. The cheesy one-liners going hand-in-hand with the over-the-top action was in full-force, so unlike DmC it's clearly not making the mistake of taking itself too seriously.

I also just trust in Itsuno's proven ability to craft an excellent action game with an amazing combat system and interesting enemies and bosses. This trailer is the definition of hype for me, and if anything I'm not really expecting anything else from E3 to match the feelings that I got from this reveal. The event could just end here and I'd be satisfied.



This is easily one of my most hyped games now!

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

I was looking all over for this:

I seriously hope this is the new battle theme for the vocal portions. This song is so damn catchy that I can't get it out if my head.


I'm not a fan of the colour palette myself, but the tone and gameplay look as stylish and over-the-top as ever so if anything it's the inverse of DmC (good colours and environments, boring tone overall). I really hope we get more gameplay footage in the following days.

Quote from: Dr. Ensatsu-ken on June 11, 2018, 12:15:20 AM
I was looking all over for this:

I seriously hope this is the new battle theme for the vocal portions. This song is so damn catchy that I can't get it out if my head.

The style sounds very similar to the vocal songs used in the Pachislot game a couple years ago. That also had incredibly catchy tunes so I'm incredibly happy that that style of music transferred to a mainline game.


Quote from: Mustang on June 10, 2018, 08:11:21 PM

So I'm hype for the game. I'm happy we even got a DMC5, but there's been a lot of complaining about facial features and I'm like really? Are DMC fans really this fickle? First hair (or rather that's what it seemed like it turned into) now faces? I get people want an anime-ish style like DMC3/4, but my goodness can companies take risks anymore? I'm glad we even got a DMC5 because of the backlash from DmC it was a good possibility that we wouldn't get another DMC.

Speaking of which. Nero looks a lot like Dante from DmC. I'm of the impression this has been in the works since DMC4 ended, or since the outsourcing to Ninja Theory, but Capcom didn't have a clear cut direction on where to go with it until now. That's the vibe I'm getting.

Anyone else hype? Impressions?
I was thrown off by DmC face Nero and I thought it was just straight up DmC Dante..but with white hair. I didn't know they made Nero look much younger (and Dante much older) until I heard so after I saw the trailer. But it still looks a billion times better than DmC and more importantly, the gameplay looks amazing and that's all that matters! I'm so happy that the best series ever had returned.
"Ryu is like the Hank Hill of Street Fighter." -BB_Hoody


3S - Ken, Ryu, Makoto, Dudley, Yang
USF4 - Evil Ryu, Ryu, Cody, Dudley
SF6 - Ken, Ed, Jaime {Terry}


There will be new gameplay footage at Gamescom. I don't know if I want to see it because they may reveal too much (in terms of the story), but after gamescom I'm on media blackout from this, Ghost of Tsushima, Sekiro and Kingdom Hearts 3. Maybe even Dragon Quest 11 and Spiderman.

A lot of the games I've been anticipating over the last 2 years have more or less been disappointments and that's my fault because I feel like I've looked at every leak or footage due to announcements and they killed the hype / my interest. So for at least those games I don't want anymore info.
3S - Ken, Ryu, Makoto, Dudley, Yang
USF4 - Evil Ryu, Ryu, Cody, Dudley
SF6 - Ken, Ed, Jaime {Terry}

Mustang (trailer) (demo)

I was skeptical about the demo because people don't play to my liking, but whatever on that. Seeing it now, Capcom probably could've went full open world. The trailer show so much more of the possibilities than the demo and all I can say is that I miss this. While I'm not trying to shit on the Dark Souls-like games I feel like there have been too many of them and I miss this. This is what I need. I get it, people want a challenge. Me, I just want to feel good playing my games and seeing what Nero could do alone only leave me salivating at the mouth (especially, if Vergil is playable)

Can't wait to see folks like doguri get their hands on this. I can't wait to get my hands on this.
3S - Ken, Ryu, Makoto, Dudley, Yang
USF4 - Evil Ryu, Ryu, Cody, Dudley
SF6 - Ken, Ed, Jaime {Terry}

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

My only two gripes are the lack of lighting (which could easily just be my computer screen and not the game) and so far the enemy designs look kind of generic. Granted, these are clearly only base level enemies like the scarecrows from DMC4 which were equally generic, so I have faith that the game will show off some truly inspired designs later on.

Putting that aside, to echo Mustang, I've missed honest to goodness raw hack n' slash gameplay like this, so, so much.

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

Getting a new animated series from the Castlevania producer:

I still have yet to see Castlevania on Netflix, so I'm not sure if it's any good, but I at least hope that this is better than the anime that we got from MadHouse a decade ago.


I haven't watched any of season 2 yet, but from what I saw of Castlevania I thought it was good. A little slow for my taste, but good for sure.

If it's going to Netflix I'll check it out.
3S - Ken, Ryu, Makoto, Dudley, Yang
USF4 - Evil Ryu, Ryu, Cody, Dudley
SF6 - Ken, Ed, Jaime {Terry}

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

I've been playing the shit out of DMCV, and I've already blown past the first 7 missions. This is already easily my favorite action game of this console generation. I have sorely missed this more old-school approach to hack n' slash combat. In addition to having an in-depth combat system, the game also has outstanding enemy design, especially when it comes to the bosses. They go beyond just simple gimmicks that are carbon-copied between different enemy sets (looking at you Spider-Man PS4), but are truly nuanced with multiple interesting ways to fight them. Every boss fight I've gone through so far has felt different and memorable.

Nero's new Devil Breakers are among the most inventive and game-changing additions to DMCV that makes what seems like a simple tweek actually make you approach his whole playstyle in a completely different way from DMC4 with his Buster arm. Having them be so fragile and break on you if you are careless with them is also a great way to encourage players to try and experiment with different types and not get too comfortable just using one that they feel comfortable with. Also V is one of the most unique and interesting playable characters that I've ever played as in an action game. His attack style using summons almost exclusively leads to a very high-risk/reward system, and Griffon has so much personality that he has already become one of my favorite secondary characters in the franchise.

All this and I haven't even gotten to Dante yet. I'll say it bluntly: DMCV is the action game that I've been waiting years for. It already puts most other action games from this generation to shame, and I'd much prefer this to be more indicative of the future of the franchise than the new God of War.


Hopefully going to start it tonight!

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

Also, I love how V is basically a perfect homage to DMC1 with him using a tougher enemy type and smaller version of a boss from that game. They even have the same attacks as those enemies. I'm genuinely curious to know the lore behind this version of Griffon and if he's in anyway related to the one from the original DMC.

Also, Balrog for Dante in this game is the best version of his staple gauntlet weapon-set in any DMC game. Having both a classic style and a boxing-style with which he can wield it us fucking genius.