Talk about life.

Started by talonmalon333, December 29, 2010, 11:20:38 PM

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A long while ago I mentioned being banned on FAN, a wrestling board for anyone new here. I'm able to at least browse it, which I do from time to time. Out of nowhere, I actually got mentioned by someone. This led to a member there I was friends with to state he misses me.

Really wish I had some way of contacting the dude, but.....I don't.  :??:


So I was sick this past weekend coming into this week. You would've sworn I had CoVid from the symptoms I had, but turns out I had a bad sinus infection. I just really recovered today, more or less. I think I got sick because of some of the things that happened to people around me (nothing happened to me directly) last month (and a combination of others).

So last month I believe, my grandmother passed away and while I wasn't that closed to her like I should've been I was more worried about my father and how he was handling her passing. He already had a hard time trying to visit her because of the distance. Having 1 vehicle tied him up as well. Not to mention he's 70+ years old and a heart patient. He handled it better than I thought he did.

2 weeks ago again, my father's best friend passes away. Damn. Wondering how my father is handling it. This one hit a little more because he was talking about having some of the same issues that his friend passed away from, but I think his friend passed from no oxygen getting to his brain or something like that, but was also a heavy drinker too. My father didn't have any of those issues, but he was saying he's been constipated for some days. So he went into the hospital a couple days later and not exactly sure what's completely going on, but he's fine.

Within that same 2 weeks, fighting game community stuff happening. Lot's of talk. Ridiculous talk going on. Alright cool. But at this time I'm also looking for streams, or whatever just to venture off to and just vibe and enjoy talking, watching and learning fighting games. Not finding much success because everybody is complaining about something. I even posted in the Fighting Game thread here about some of the garbage on my mind at that time. Last week was the straw that broke the camels back. There was some absolute bullshit that happened back to back in the matter of 2 days. I'm at work going off. People that know me know that I LOVE FIGHTING GAMES and trying to get more involved with the community aspect of things. Had my boy Yipes in tears seeing the shape the FGC is in right now, trying to spread love and show the positive side of the FGC. Like I said I was at work going ham, and this was last Friday. In the midst of this talk that's happening online, offline at work talking to coworkers about movies and whatnot to take my mind off of it. 1 of my coworkers said something stupid and I'm unhinged at that point.

This past Saturday-Yesterday, as I said, sick. Got tested and came back negative. That ole saying "stressing will make you sick" or something along those lines. Boy, that's so true. I just thought I'd share some of my drama to say never again. I'LL BE DAMNED if I ever let any community bring me down that way again. If I ever see myself getting to that point where I'm stressing over a damn community I'll quit the whole damn thing (fighting games included).  More important things in life than stressing over a niche genre to begin with.

Had to get that off my chest.  :sweat:
3S - Ken, Ryu, Makoto, Dudley, Yang
USF4 - Evil Ryu, Ryu, Cody, Dudley
SF5CE - Ken, Akira, Karin, Poison, Laura
SF6 - Ken, Ed, Jaime {Terry}


Hey everyone! I see this site got a new look.

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

Cool to see you on here, talon!