Talk about life.

Started by talonmalon333, December 29, 2010, 11:20:38 PM

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I'm sure she'll be back on her feet before you know it. :)


Thanks a bunch! ;) I just got back from seeing her. She looked a lot better than she did when they wheeled her to surgery, but she was exhausted. I can't wait to see her again tomorrow.


Just another update. Mom is doing better each day. She was talking even better than yesterday, and yesterday was good. She still needs thoughts and prayers though! ;)


That's great!

Good luck to you guys!  :)

Spark Of Spirit

Quote from: Peanutbutter on April 17, 2013, 12:15:42 PM
Just another update. Mom is doing better each day. She was talking even better than yesterday, and yesterday was good. She still needs thoughts and prayers though! ;)
I'm glad to hear it. Keep us updated!
"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton


So I just accidentally entered this when coming to this site:'

Doing so got me this message:



That's just amazing. It made my day.



Refresh the page and the picture changes. Oh, and try clicking the question mark...


I still say that we have to buy the domain tonzone as well.
Life is not about the second chances. It's about a little mouse and his voyage to an exciting new land. That, my friend, is what life is.

Sir, do you have any Warrants?
I got their first CD, but you can't have it, motherfucker!

New blog!


Mom is having a C.A.T. scan done soon. She's still okay medically, but she's been miserable. :( She tried getting out of her bed when she wasn't supposed to twice. Otherwise, she's still okay. She still needs all the support she can get.


Mom's C.A.T. scans have turned up normal, but she had a bad episode this morning. One of the nurses told my aunt that she got belligerent and had to kept under control. She's resting now, but they're keeping a closer eye on her. Because of this, none of us are allowed to see her yet until she gets more rest. :(


I continue to wish your mom the best of luck, Peanutbutter! I know she'll be fine. Hopefully you'll get to see her again today? :)

I have decided to dedicate myself to actually learning Japanese. I always wanted to do this in high school, but I had a shitty work ethic back then. Now I'm different, and have committed myself to figuring out how to read, write, and speak the language... even if it kills me!


Mom is having a test today to see if she'll need her feeding tube still. If she doesn't, she can get back to drinking water and other fluids.

I should be able to see her this afternoon, after my dad drops my brother off at the airport (he took vacation time off work).

Rosalinas Spare Wand

Quote from: Foggle on April 22, 2013, 03:14:50 AM
I have decided to dedicate myself to actually learning Japanese. I always wanted to do this in high school, but I had a shitty work ethic back then. Now I'm different, and have committed myself to figuring out how to read, write, and speak the language... even if it kills me!

I'll give you tree fitty to translate doujins of my choosing.


Best of luck from me too, Peanutbutter. I hope she gets better soon!


So I am currently in the final stretch of the school year, and it is officially hell. And I attribute all of that to math. It's been really rough on me this whole spring semester, but now it's just brutal. I'm going to be honest, I don't know if I will pass it. My grade, as of now, is hanging about 10 points above a failing grade. And in these next few weeks, I'm going to have a test (which will be hard enough), and the final exam, which I'm dreading. Heck, even the homework assignment I'm doing right now, which is due Friday, is nearly overwhelming.

And it certainly doesn't help that the grading system for this class is just broken (seriously, it only applies to this class, at least in my school). There are two ways you can fail. The first way, obviously, is if you fall below the passing grade (which is normal of course, no problems here). However, the second way you can fail is by simply failing the final exam. That's it. So basically, you can get a perfect score on every test, every homework, every major exam, and all that. But if you reach the end of the year and fail the exam by a single point, the teacher can just fail you. Besides which, and as this post might make clear, I'm not good at math. It's always been one of my harder subjects.

I feel like I've just been in a rut lately, overall. I've been second guessing my decision to go into biology, largely to do with the math involved in it and in getting to that point. I ultimately want to go into marine biology, and so far, I don't know of much math involved in this field at all. But even still, I can imagine that the math needed in getting to that field will be hard enough. That's in addition to the fact that I feel like I've just been running around in circles ever since I began college nearly four years ago. I mean, I could've been graduating at the end of this semester, but I've still got ways to go before I then. And even once that's over, biology will still take me into post-graduate school for more years. It's all been frustrating me so much lately, with the crumbling math class being the brunt of the stress and essentially emphasizing the negativity of this post.

In short, I will never get out of school. :cry: