Unpopular Opinions You Hold About Web Series/Reviewers

Started by Dr. Ensatsu-ken, June 08, 2013, 02:38:08 PM

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I haven't heard anything about him- I can't imagine after that phenomenal Shakespeare month that he's hurting from low view counts. Those videos are some of the best TGwtG / Chez Apocalypse could ever hope to accomplish. If I thought for a second that viewers weren't digging it, I'd throw up. And I don't even know anything about Shakespeare- that's how entertaining, informative, engaging, and just the epitome of what review videos should be those videos were. I don't know how he managed all those videos in 1 month.

I wish he did specialty months more often.
Well, I got so burned out on the road
Too many fags, too much blow
And then Mick and I split up and I said,
"Kid, it's time to take a little bit of a hiatus."
So I got myself a gig at the coffee shop
and I love it.
Why don't you take that corner booth,
I'll take your order in a minute...


I've recently started watching How It Should Have Ended, which I like but I think the Honest Trailers series sucks.

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

I feel the exact opposite. I love Honest Trailers but find HISHE to come off as bad fan parodies, myself. Hell, half the time it's not even about the ending of the movie, but just making fun of random scenes.

Anyways, Cinema Sins is better than either of them, IMO.


How some feel about Tumblr... I feel about Cinema Sins.

The only decent idea they have is pairing the movie images with audio from different sources. Their execution, as much as their idea, is purely arrogant and doesn't come from a funny place.
Well, I got so burned out on the road
Too many fags, too much blow
And then Mick and I split up and I said,
"Kid, it's time to take a little bit of a hiatus."
So I got myself a gig at the coffee shop
and I love it.
Why don't you take that corner booth,
I'll take your order in a minute...


Over the past week I've been watching episodes of The Completionist, and I think the big problem I'm having with these is Greg. He's not funny. At all. And his jokes draaaaaag. The worst is when he starts singing. Jirard's side of the thing is fine though. I actually find that stuff interesting.

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

Quote from: Nel_Annette on October 29, 2014, 01:15:11 PMOver the past week I've been watching episodes of The Completionist, and I think the big problem I'm having with these is Greg. He's not funny. At all. And his jokes draaaaaag. The worst is when he starts singing. Jirard's side of the thing is fine though. I actually find that stuff interesting.

Wow, what a coincidence. I've been watching his videos over the past month, myself, and I love Jirard's input on the games, which is why I keep watching them, but I totally agree about Greg. He's so fucking annoying. No offense to the guy himself, who seems like a chill enough dude in real life, but the character is just fucking irritating and unfunny, and drags down an otherwise great review show. I'm surprised that not enough people complained about it, because clearly they seem to think that it's good enough to keep it on the channel. The Ninja Gaiden review from last week itself was just painful to watch because of that stupid Ryu joke that Greg just ran into the ground. Seriously, who thinks that shit is funny?

Despite all of the negative things that I've said, I still must make it clear that I like this show thanks to Jirard. He, himself is a great reviewer, and he has genuinely interesting things to say about the games that he reviews. If it was just him, this show would be a favorite of mine among Internet review shows. Sadly, Greg prevents it from being as great as it could be, IMO.


Well, the reason I started watching them is because they were in Jesse Cox's P.T. playthrough a month or two back, and now they're all playing games together as the "Scary Game Squad" with the current playthrough being Fatal Frame. Greg's actually tolerable when he's just being himself. Like you said, he's very chill. Those videos prove that. But in The Completionist, yeah, I'm banging my head on the screen muttering "shut up" over and over again.

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

Speaking of which, I've just been watching their P.T. playthrough, and even with their hilarious commentary and reactions to the game, it still fails to take me out of the immersion of having this game creep me right the fuck out. I don't think that I've ever experienced the same amount of sheer terror from any other video game ever, especially not from just watching some other people play it.

And the thing is, it's not like in other games where you're hiding or running away from something. Those can be plenty scary as well since you can't flat-out just fight your opposition, but in this game not only can you not fight, you flat out can't even really understand what your opposition is. I mean, yeah, the easy answer would be that it's the haunting memories of the people that your character probably murdered, but what I mean is that the way you are being haunted is so cryptic. You just flat-out don't know when you are on the verge of being killed or not. Every time you have to turn a corner or even so much as turn around, I feel like I'm about to piss my pants in anticipation of what happens next, and I'm not afraid to admit it.

Somehow I doubt that the actual game that this is a teaser for will be able to sustain this level of immersion and horror throughout the entire experience. There,so just something about the mysterious and the unknown that makes this demo so goddamn effective.


Well, Ensatsu, just a few months after we talked about it... Greg's off the show. Personally, I think this'll be an improvement, but clearly a lot of people are upset, so I feel for them.


Dr. Ensatsu-ken

For what it's worth, I found that he got more tolerable in later episodes, but....yeah, I can't say that I'll particularly miss his presence. To be brutally honest, I think that this may actually be better for the quality of the show.


From what I gathered, it wasn't anything due to health or family or anything. Apparently Jirard posted on Twitter that they were "still friends to an extent" and Greg flat out responded by saying "No, we are not friends." So some shit went down behind the scenes. My original theory, based on Jirard's repeating "you all have to remember, we're people too" was that Greg had finally had enough of commenters shitting on him, but I guess that's not the case. People can only speculate for now. Still, though, as much as the whole situation sucks, I feel the show can finally reach its potential without Greg's sense of humor constantly bringing the show to a grinding halt every thirty seconds.

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

Yeah, while I'm sure that Greg had his fans, I believe that most people would agree that he was just dragging the show down. While it sucks that he had to leave on such bad terms, this is one of those cases where I feel like it needed to happen eventually if the show was going to keep moving forward and trying to improve.

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

Well, the first Greg-less episode of The Completionist has been released. Interestingly enough, I believe that it was written before Greg's abrupt departure, so you get Jirard saying a lot of lines and jokes that seemed like they were meant for Greg. Admittedly, it felt a bit awkward listening to Jirard's voice in places where you'd normally expect Greg to chime in, but overall it honestly still feels so much less annoying without him around, IMO. I do still feel that this is better for the long run.


You beat me to posting about it by about 5 minutes. XD Yeah, the humor feels a tad forced, so I hope Jirard will find his footing soon enough (and hopefully not bring in a replacement right away, if at all). But the comments section. My god. I can't believe how many people legitimately found Greg hilarious.

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

Well, Jirard did say in his farewell video to Greg that he had no intentions of replacing him. Aside from the occasional guest-reviewer appearance, this will just be Jirard's solo act, as it probably should've been to begin with.