Most Anticipated Video Games

Started by Spark Of Spirit, December 27, 2010, 06:00:40 PM

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The Sony stream was probably the most exciting E3 presentation since 2017 for me! So many colorful 3D platformers and indie games that resembled something you would see on the PS2, even more space/cyberpunk science-fiction games, Resident Evil 8, Deathloop, Ghostwire, and, of course, a new Ratchet & Clank that looks like proper sequel to the PS3 games!!! I was very satisfied with the showcase and would genuinely be willing to buy everything they showed off aside from the sports games and GTA port. :joy:

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

It's actually the less high-profile titles that caught my interest here. I'm sure I'll play Miles Morales since I'm a fan of the character (even if the gameplay is average like Spider-Man PS4) and eventually RE8 (but not for a long while since I have to go through the rest of the series), but most of the other AAA offerings are really only a "maybe" at this point. Granted, my interests have largely shifted to retro gaming, hence why the Nintendo Switch and Sega Genesis Mini currently have most of my attention these days due to their offering of many classic titles.


No love for Shinji Mikami's insane exorcist FPS or blaxploitation Dishonored? :( I guess I am the only one here who really cares about the latter's genre. :il_hahaha: Miles Morales looks cool but I still haven't played the PS4 game's DLC so I didn't really pay much mind to that one, especially once the Ratchet & Clank trailer hit. :swoon: But I do think the indie announcements were more interesting and surprising overall. Supposedly Resident Evil 8 is being directed by the guy who came up with the bizarre bug-eating swamp man beat 'em up RE7 DLC so I'm mega-hyped for that one.

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

I am interested in Mikami's new game, but it's hard to know what to make of it through previews. It's one of those things that I'd just need to play for myself when it comes out. Plus, much like with RE, I have a backlog of his other games that I still want to go through. :sweat:

I also haven't played any Dishonored games yet, either, so it'll be a while before I even work my way around to that series.


I finally got around to watching it. All the games looked good, speaking purely on graphics, but as far as the games themselves, it's a hard pass for me at the moment. None of those games were for me outside of Spider-Man Miles Morales (maybe) and Ratchet and Clank and that would only be for the nephew when he wants to watch me play games. Other than that, yeah, I might have to invest in a gaming PC (especially since the price tag is rumored to be at $700)
Tekken 8 - Steve
Street Fighter 6 - Terry

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

Actually, speaking of RE, I just bought RE7 in the PS Store which was on sale for $10, so I thought: "Eh, why not?"

I also dropped another $5 for Rayman legends which was also on sale. I don't plan on playing either game all that soon, but it's nice to have them for cheap and I will get around to them within the next year for sure.

If I do beat RE7 then I'll probably hit up 8 after it comes out (provided that I own a next-gen console by then), since it seems like it's more of a direct sequel to that rather than the rest of the series, and 7 itself was somewhat of a soft reboot for the franchise.


Watching all of these Summer Game Fests and seeing all these Indie titles I finally have 1 game that I can look forward to and that's Sea of Stars. You can certainly see a lot of Chrono Trigger in there, and that's probably my favorite JRPGs of all time.
Tekken 8 - Steve
Street Fighter 6 - Terry

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

So, I'm not going to lie, while I've largely lost interest in the current state of XBOX, the fact that the Series X is supposedly backwards compatible XBOX360 AND original XBOX games is really enticing for me. There are plenty of great classic XBOX games that I still want to get around to (and it's hard enough to get one SD console to work on my modern TV), and unlike a lot of other consoles from over a decade ago, most used XBOX games go for a fairly reasonable to outright cheap price even today.

Obviously that alone isn't enough to convince me to buy a product, but it's a damn good incentive.


I agree 100%. None of these games that I've seen for the PS5 are for me and I'm not sure how far back Sony is going for the PS5 backwards compatibility and the catalog for Xbox, while it's not all that great, honestly, all I need is Ninja Gaiden 1, 2 and Halo 1-Reach and I'm set.
Tekken 8 - Steve
Street Fighter 6 - Terry


Just finished watching Xbox showcase. It was awful. I was only watching for Halo Infinite anyway but still, the constant talking made me bored of everything. I wasn't impressed with Halo, but I didn't think it looked bad either. I was kinda hoping to go over the shoulder instead of first person. Lately, FPS games have been messing with my eyes, like getting a little nauseated which is why I'm kinda over Cyberpunk but I hope it does well. That showcase, if you haven't seen it, skip it and just watch the trailers.
Tekken 8 - Steve
Street Fighter 6 - Terry

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

The XBOX showcase was maybe the most boring video game showcase that I've seen in years, and that's saying something.

And I honestly have no interest in an open world Halo that will probably just end up trying to be another version of Destiny. I think that the series should have been allowed to rest after Reach.


Black Myth Wukong

Okay, another Souls/Borne game. Let me say this first. I'm getting sick of these type of games.

That being said, GOOD GOD ALMIGHTY did this game catch me off guard. To say "another Souls/Borne" wouldn't do this justice. This is almost akin to Nioh IMO. If companies are gonna copy FromSoftware style of game I need companies to explore in the combat department. I need more than just some IF dodge rolling garbage. And for the most part I saw a lot of rolling here and then I saw a flip which got a loud "YESS!!!" from me. All I know is this game is being made by some developer in China. Don't know if it's next gen or not. If this is next gen then I finally got a reason to get a next gen console.

I gotta speak on something about China. This game looks so good but I don't want to get my hopes up because we're still waiting on Lost Soul Aside and don't even know if that's actually going to ever come out. Genshin Impact finally got a release (some time this fall). I know they're in a completely different situation than Japan, but man, can we get some games released? Please?

Now, let me speak on AAA games and big time devs. I recently saw a clip from Mortal Shell. For me all well known devs are on notice. Mortal Shell is an indie game that looks gorgeous. I'm assuming the dev that's making Black Myth Wukong are also an indie dev. It is 2020, almost 2021 (damn). The next gen is right around the corner. We shouldn't be speaking about graphics at all. If an indie developer is making a game that looks better than yours, scrap your shit and start over. This goes double for fighting games. If you're putting out garbage that looks like MVCI in 2020 scrap your project.
Tekken 8 - Steve
Street Fighter 6 - Terry


I'm assuming everyone saw both Gotham Knights and Suicide Squad trailers right?

Neither one had me jumping for joy or anything but with Gotham Knights letting me play as characters I want to play as is a plus. I hope WB learn a lesson from Arkham Knight and not force driving because I didn't care for it in Arkham Knight. And while I'm on WB I might as well state this here. Despite how buggy it is/was I actually like Arkham Origins. Yeah it was a carbon copy of Arkham City but that didn't bother me. I liked how everything was handled. Probably could've brushed up on Deathstroke (sorta wish he was kind of a final boss type of character even though that fight was fuego), don't know how, probably more Teen Titan-ish kind of vibe where he'd be more menacing.

Suicide Squad, I don't know. I'm curious to see how will Rocksteady handle characters like Deadshot, Boomerang and the shark guy, specifically the shark guy. I don't know him at all, and don't really care to know him but from the little conference I heard he was some demi-god. I'm looking at him specifically because I can't help but wonder why Suicide Squad? Everybody and there mother wants Justice League or Superman. Going by how the shark guy play will convince me if Rocksteady can do a Superman game or not. I wish they would've showed some gameplay because overall I wasn't feeling the game despite loving Outkast BOB.

So far still not thrilled about next gen right now.
Tekken 8 - Steve
Street Fighter 6 - Terry

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

Can't say I'm terribly excited for either. Gotham Knights looks like another Arkham game but with co-op, and I'm all burned out on that formula. Also, that frame-rate looks pretty choppy and clearly dipped below 30 more than a few times during the game play demo. I also had to internally groan when I saw that they were adding RPG elements to this game. I'm just so burned out on stats being a part of every action game these days. Seriously, if it weren't for games like DMC5 I'd probably lose all my faith in traditional action games ever being a thing anymore. I'm really needing Bayonetta 3 at this point, and while I do still love Nioh for what it is, I really could use a new proper Ninja Gaiden game from Team Ninja.

The Suicide Squad one is admittedly too early to judge since it's just a CG trailer with no actual game play to speak of (though it also seems to have a co-op focus), but I'll be honest in saying that I don't think Rocksteady is all that impressive of a developer to me. They made three alright action games (if I'm being generous) in their Arkham series, and both sequels were highly derivative of the first with fairly shallow gameplay that wears thin after a few hours (for me at least). I'm not sure I really have much faith in them to excel at something outside of their comfort zone.


I don't think either looks particularly interesting, but hey, at least they look way better than that Avengers game...

Quote from: Dr. Ensatsu-ken on August 23, 2020, 10:08:44 PM
I'll be honest in saying that I don't think Rocksteady is all that impressive of a developer to me. They made three alright action games (if I'm being generous) in their Arkham series, and both sequels were highly derivative of the first with fairly shallow gameplay that wears thin after a few hours (for me at least). I'm not sure I really have much faith in them to excel at something outside of their comfort zone.
They made one other game before Arkham Asylum, which played completely differently, and it was bad. I will still go to bat for AA, mostly because I think the writing in it is fantastic (until the ending...) and because it doesn't wear out its welcome like the sequels do by virtue of not being open-world. Arkham City was one of my biggest disappointments of last gen and the less said about Arkham Batmobile Driver the better.

Also, if Gotham Knights is supposed to be the fifth (sixth? seventh?) Arkham game, why isn't it called Arkham Knights :kabapu: