What Games Do You Want That They Aren't Making

Started by gunswordfist, June 14, 2011, 12:01:38 PM

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Spark Of Spirit

Road Rash. Where is Road Rash?

EA, why are you ignoring Road Rash? It was one of your biggest series in the 16 bit and 32 bit era and you just stopped making them. Why? The racing genre is pretty stale right now, something like Road Rash is exactly the shot in the arm it needs! Meanwhile, there's like a new Need For Speed every year from these guys and no one cares because Need For Speed has been tired for over two generations now! They even had a game where you're chased by cops and hassled by other drivers only it wasn't as good because it's not the same unless you're riding a bike! JUST GIVE ME FREAKING ROAD RASH ALREADY AND STOP TEASING ME.

EA has so many good series just rotting away for no conceivable reason, it's just annoying.
"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton


Never got to play any good of the 32 bit Road Rashs. I used to love it when a friend came over with the newest 16 bit one. Or at least I think it was new.

I also want new Jet Moto.
"Ryu is like the Hank Hill of Street Fighter." -BB_Hoody

Spark Of Spirit

QuoteIn a feature about Nintendo, Nikkei mentions a plan from the company to revive other publisher's titles on the 3DS as part of a strategy to bring new strong titles to the system. The paper mentions Seaman as an example of this, but does not provide specifics.
Yes! And they're starting with Seaman getting a 3DS title! Looks like some of the games we've mentioned here might be a reality after all!

I'm going with:

Jet Set Radio
Streets Of Rage
Road Rash
Power Stone
Mega Man
2D Castlevania
2D Ninja Gaiden
Trap Gunner
Silent Bomber
Panzer Dragoon
Burning Rangers
Rival Schools

Okay, I'm getting crazy now. Nonetheless, the potential for this is HUGE.
"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

As long as Hayashi is in-charge of Team Ninja, I wouldn't hold my breath for a 2D Ninja Gaiden title. It'll probably be more like Dragon Sword....though to be fair I'm not exactly opposed to that since I did enjoy DS, but I would much prefer a classic 2D title if only because its been so damn long since we got one (as in 20+ years ;) ).

Spark Of Spirit

Maybe 2D Rygar, then? Surely they will approach Tecmo with this plan of theirs since they're so buddy-buddy, and those would be the most obvious ones to bring up.
"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton


A Bomberman game with a strong single-player mode. The 3DS game seemed to be such a game. Then Konami fucked everything up and canceled it. Because they're poopy doo-doo heads.


Seaman? Seriously? Nothing against that game, really... but why?

Jet Set Radio and Shenmue or bust.

Spark Of Spirit

Seaman is a huge seller in Japan. But I think of it as the first of many. Sega has so many great franchises just rotting away, this is just the first step.

Or even Capcom. A new Strider, Mega Man, Final Fight, or Viewtiful Joe would be amazing.
"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton


A game based on Black Rock Shooter that's a Bayonetta/DMC-style hack'n slash. Why this hasn't been made I have no idea, the character and (general) setting(s) lend themselves well to a hack'n slash game.






Back to Bomberman. For some reason while playing Ocarina Of Time, I was thinking it would be cool  if Bomberman had a 'sticky bomb' type of powerup where, if you had the power glove, you can pick up rows of bombs that'll be sticked together and throw them. For lines of bombs that land on blocks or whatever, they could snap off and the bombs will bounce until they land in an opening, including continuing to bounce off of other snapped off bombs that have already filled all the openings in the direction the bombs were thrown in. I hope all of that makes sense. :sweat:
"Ryu is like the Hank Hill of Street Fighter." -BB_Hoody