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Started by Daxdiv, December 31, 2010, 11:27:16 PM

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"Ryu is like the Hank Hill of Street Fighter." -BB_Hoody


slam dunk just went off. still my favorite episode.
"Ryu is like the Hank Hill of Street Fighter." -BB_Hoody


speaking of muscle man's upcoming wedding, i can't remember the last time i've seen a wedding in a non-adult cartoon.
"Ryu is like the Hank Hill of Street Fighter." -BB_Hoody


I'm sure I'm wrong, but part of me thinks they're going to have Mordecai propose to CJ at Muscle Man's wedding.


i hope so (you being wrong.). that would be mordecai taking things way too fast...for once. i hope mordecai has little to do in the episode, like how i imagine it going. about as much screentime as he has in rigby-centric episodes, like bank shot. tl;dr i hope mordo doesn't ruin muscle man's wedding with another relationship screwup. lol
"Ryu is like the Hank Hill of Street Fighter." -BB_Hoody


so it looks like cj and margaret are trying to get along. this could be good or end horribly. i am hoping for the former.
"Ryu is like the Hank Hill of Street Fighter." -BB_Hoody


Quote from: gunswordfist on November 30, 2013, 09:16:27 PM
My favorite episodes:
10. "Bad Kiss", "Stick Hockey" (tied)

9. "Cool Bikes" (CHECK IT OUT, SON! I think the pre-trial events of this show are kind of weak by rewatching the trial this month a few times has won me over. Also cool to see Benson go out of his way to save the fellas)

8. "Camping Can Be Cool" (2nd favorite Mordecai/Rigby/Margaret/Eileen episode. I love those episodes.)

7. "A Bunch Of Full Grown Geese" - I didn't like this episode at first because it confirmed my dislike of the baby ducks but those geese beating the crap out of Pops/Rigby/Mordecai's sandwich, the Acme style scenes of Mordecai and Rigby trying to get rid of the geese and Rigby trying to call out Benson on his threat of firing them and then promptly getting him and Mordecai ran out the room by a screaming, red Benson are gold.

6. "World's Best Boss" - I love the ending battle so much.

5. "High Score" - Put it here basically because it's the favorite episode to watch with my baby brother. Ugh. Giant Beardo Face!

4. "Death Bear" - The ultimate Mordecai/Rigby/Margaret/Eileen episode that I've seen so far. Death Bear's costumes slays. I am chuckling as I type this.

3. "TGI Tuesday" - The start of the extremely addictive trio. Probably my 2nd most watched episode, if not the first. A pretty fun episode where, despite what Rigby says, no one's life is at stake for once. I just love watching that dance battle.

2. "Silver Dude" - Probably my most watched episode. This came out of nowhere. I thought this would be a throwaway episode after the season ended up being the other way around. I still have Rigby's and Mordecai's freestyles stuck in my head. Screw Rap It Up, this episode clearly has the best rapping in the series.

1. "Slam Dunk" - I had to stop rewatching this episode so I wouldn't wear it I want to watch it again.
New additions to my favorites list. I can't really put up a new list from start to finish due to it being so long since I've seen my favorite episodes but I will note that High Score is no longer on there since it's been so long since I've watched all of it, even though I saw most of it a week or two ago for the first time in years and liked it. It's high ranking still might be due to nostalgia though.

Bank Shot - I didn't like this episode too much when I first saw it. Maybe because it was basically the sequel episode to my favorite episode in the series. I did like how it's one of the VERY few episodes to make Rigby shine and I was entertained by that shine much more upon my last viewing of Bank Shot. Rigby: Oh yeah! My shots are like the best part of the alphabet! LMN- All: Oooooooo! It's a joy to see a Rigbone showing where he doesn't get turned into a freaking giant. Seriously, there's at least 3 frickin' episodes of his where exactly that happens.

Picking Up Margaret - I have no clue why this has never reached my favorites. A Mordecai/The Warriors adventure? Sign me up!

Cruisin' - The lengths these two go to just get some digits.  :D A pretty funny Eileen/Margaret/Mordecai/Rigby episode.

The White Elephant Gift Exchange - I explained most of what I would say about White Elephant around Christmas. Eligible for top 5 status in the show.

Trash Boat - My favorite Rigby episode. I really have no freaking clue why this one is not listed yet, I might have saw it afterwards, idk. One of the only times where Rigby looking like an idiot and laughable loser is not cringworthy/almost cringworthy. It goes from decently humorous to downright hilarity with a character beatdown done right being responsible for some of the laughs. Mostly the rhythmic comedy does it for though. The part where the fat rocker rhythmically screams as he bashes into the bank door, the laser musical instruments battle, So I've come back in time to keep you from changing your name to Trash Boat. (Sings) By killing you...these 3 parts are some of the series' funniest. I am pretty sure I just talked myself into liking this episode more than White Elephant.

And that's all..I think. I think I may have another episode but that was probably Trash Boat.
"Ryu is like the Hank Hill of Street Fighter." -BB_Hoody


*sighs* How many times do we have to go through this?
"Ryu is like the Hank Hill of Street Fighter." -BB_Hoody


Not that happy myself, but I knew things would have to come to a head again before CJ becomes friends with Margaret, which I think is where they're going with this. Margaret has a boyfriend, so that cements her not getting back with Mordecai. Thankfully, CJ took all the blame and didn't let Mordecai carry one ounce of it so that softened the ending a bit for me.


I'm at least glad that CJ took some responsibility for getting angry and jumping to conclusions instead of dog piling Mordecai for his misunderstandings and reading things the wrong way.

With that said, I think it might the smart move to dump CJ. Now, I'm not saying that he should go back to Margaret or anything, but he really should think twice about dating a girl with issues like that.


Yeah, this is the 2nd time she attempted to kill him. The first time was her debut. Seriously. It wasn't out of character at all for her to overreact. And just when I was trying to get used to her. Ugh.
"Ryu is like the Hank Hill of Street Fighter." -BB_Hoody


Honestly, I'm expecting the season finale to be Muscle Man and Starla's wedding, and for Mordecai to propose to CJ during. And their inevitable split will be what the movie consists of.
Life is not about the second chances. It's about a little mouse and his voyage to an exciting new land. That, my friend, is what life is.

Sir, do you have any Warrants?
I got their first CD, but you can't have it, motherfucker!

New blog!


Mordecai better not ruin Muscle Man's wedding. >:(

Yeah, that's exactly what's going to happen. :gonk:
"Ryu is like the Hank Hill of Street Fighter." -BB_Hoody


Holy shit! This week's episode just went full Gurren Lagann on us! :shakeshakeshake:


Just when I lose the channel...
"Ryu is like the Hank Hill of Street Fighter." -BB_Hoody