E3 2015

Started by Spark Of Spirit, May 18, 2015, 11:38:37 PM

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Spark Of Spirit

Actually it seems to be the game Monster has been trying to make since Excite Truck but have been sidetracked with all sorts of strange problems.

Should this be true, then Retro most likely is NOT working on a Donkey Kong game. Which opens up speculation to what they're doing.
"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton


Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on June 10, 2015, 01:26:50 PM
Actually it seems to be the game Monster has been trying to make since Excite Truck but have been sidetracked with all sorts of strange problems.
Great! This should be an excellent sequel, then.

QuoteShould this be true, then Retro most likely is NOT working on a Donkey Kong game. Which opens up speculation to what they're doing.
I hope it's either a new IP or a revival of another older Nintendo property. Retro made some of the freshest first-person shooters and side-scrolling platformers in recent memory. Can't wait to see what they do next.


This is just reminding me how much I love Ratchet, even though I've barely played the series.
"Ryu is like the Hank Hill of Street Fighter." -BB_Hoody


According to Insomniac, the Bouncer was actually not planned to be in the game; it was added because Sony requested they have a pre-order bonus. That makes me feel a little better.

Also, they've implied that there will be a classic control scheme which doesn't require TPS-style aiming.

Spark Of Spirit

I would hope they do. I really can't stand strafe lock for platforming.

But as for the Bouncer not being in, I'm a bit confused. What other classic guns didn't make the cut?
"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

So, I was going back to the old NG board which I visit from time to time, and here's the funny/depressing thing:

The people there are super excited for a bunch of announcements at E3, and especially for the new PG game that's going to be announced. However, absolutely none of them give a shit about any NG or Team Ninja related announcements. Pretty much any NG discussion on that board (and to be fair, there is still a certain amount of active discussion), has to do with either NGB or NG2, with some discussion about NG3RE on occasion, as people always do score runs and various other types of stuff regarding insanely hard replays of those games.

But, it's pretty telling how far NG has fallen as a series since Hayashi's reign.

To be fair, most aren't really excited for Devil's Third either, but that has more to do with it being a TPS, which isn't exactly a very popular genre on that board to begin with, aside from maybe Vanquish and Gears of War to some extent.

Well, that and because it's also a Wii-U exclusive, and to be quite honest a majority of that board aren't really big fans of Nintendo, either.


Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on June 10, 2015, 03:04:02 PM
I would hope they do. I really can't stand strafe lock for platforming.
Well, Into The Nexus isn't strafe-locked, you just have to aim and shoot (which also causes you to strafe). If you aren't aiming, it plays like a platformer. The PS4 game looks to be the same way, but with the resurrected option for old-school L2 to strafe and O (maybe R1) to shoot with auto-aim.

QuoteBut as for the Bouncer not being in, I'm a bit confused. What other classic guns didn't make the cut?
It looks like it's going to be half new weapons and half returning ones from the entire series rather than just ones from the first game. The gameplay footage shows the Combustor (TOD), the Pyrocitor (R&C1), the Warmonger (ITN), and an entirely new gun called the Pixelizer. It also seems to feature a much improved version of the Predator Launcher from TOD, and the Megacorp logo appears on an advertisement during gameplay, implying there will probably be other GC guns aside from the Bouncer. And of course there's the iconic mainstays like the Groovitron and Mr. Zurkon.

Quote from: Dr. Ensatsu-ken on June 10, 2015, 03:15:58 PM
So, I was going back to the old NG board which I visit from time to time, and here's the funny/depressing thing:

The people there are super excited for a bunch of announcements at E3, and especially for the new PG game that's going to be announced. However, absolutely none of them give a shit about any NG or Team Ninja related announcements. Pretty much any NG discussion on that board (and to be fair, there is still a certain amount of active discussion), has to do with either NGB or NG2, with some discussion about NG3RE on occasion, as people always do score runs and various other types of stuff regarding insanely hard replays of those games.

But, it's pretty telling how far NG has fallen as a series since Hayashi's reign.
I don't think the series will ever be relevant again unless they somehow manage to make a truly excellent NG4 on par with the first two. Which is unfortunately probably not going to happen. :(

Spark Of Spirit

Tecmo should just let WayForward make a 2D NGIV. Build up some good will first after the last two bombs.
"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

It just frustrates me that the idiots left at Team Ninja and Tecmo really could be this far-gone in their logic as to completely and utterly miss the point of what people loved about the earlier NG games. Even when they caved into the difficulty complaints and made NG3RE challenging again, they royally fucked up and proved how much that they don't get it by making it the most frustrating kind of difficult there is in gaming: long and tedious. The challenge comes from having to kill many enemies at one time while only having very little room for error since enemies do way too much damage to you. This of course, doesn't mean that they bothered to balance the enemy attacks or combat well enough to make undergoing such an ordeal fun. They just made it hard for the sake of being hard.

The first two NG games were about going through much quicker fights and staying alive by being both smart and efficient with your gameplay, and you were encouraged to finish fights as quickly as possible (which felt really satisfying when you were skilled enough to do that), rather than trying to drag out fights and make them last long until your concentration wavered and you screwed up and had to repeat an entire 10+ minute section again. That's just the most devastating part of it all. Even when they are trying to appease fans, they just don't get it. I don't understand how a developer and publishing company can be THIS goddamn blind as to why their series was so successful in the past and is not successful now.


Quote from: Dr. Ensatsu-ken on June 10, 2015, 04:00:14 PM
Even when they caved into the difficulty complaints and made NG3RE challenging again, they royally fucked up and proved how much that they don't get it by making it the most frustrating kind of difficult there is in gaming: long and tedious. The challenge comes from having to kill many enemies at one time while only having very little room for error since enemies do way too much damage to you. This of course, doesn't mean that they bothered to balance the enemy attacks or combat well enough to make undergoing such an ordeal fun. They just made it hard for the sake of being hard.
I noticed this early on. The game is actually somewhat fun until you realize that you've been in the same room for 5 minutes and the 40th cloned enemy spawns... Design like that just plain isn't fun, and NG3RE utilizes it constantly.


Apparently Platinum is teasing Vanquish 2. The one game I never expected them to make.

My body is so ready. BRING THAT SHIT


Quote from: Foggle on June 10, 2015, 09:52:09 PM
Apparently Platinum is teasing Vanquish 2. The one game I never expected them to make.

My body is so ready. BRING THAT SHIT
That's for real? :swoon:
"Ryu is like the Hank Hill of Street Fighter." -BB_Hoody

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

If this is true, then....I approve. :joy:

Spark Of Spirit

Okay, I guess. I liked it so I wouldn't mind a sequel.

Quote from: Dr. Ensatsu-ken on June 10, 2015, 10:25:15 PM
If this is true, then....I approve. :joy:
But not when it was W102?  :imnothappy:
"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton


*gsf withholds* his comment
"Ryu is like the Hank Hill of Street Fighter." -BB_Hoody