What are you currently playing? 4.0

Started by Dr. Ensatsu-ken, December 27, 2010, 05:53:19 PM

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Dr. Ensatsu-ken

I continued playing Yoshi's Island today for the first time in over a month, since I had some down time and I remembered that I was still in the middle of it.

Seriously, best platformer of all time. I don't care what anyone else says. No platformer I've ever played even comes close to this one in terms of creativity and fun.


Rosalinas Spare Wand

Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on June 15, 2012, 12:43:53 AM
Oh yeah, today I picked up Pikmin 2 for the Wii today.

I never played it before, so I'm hoping it's as interesting as I heard. I didn't like the time limit in the original.

Good man. Pikmin 2 is one of my favorite GameCube games, and the sequel just about puts the first one to shame. The story is a little less impactful, but the gameplay improvements make the first game look like a tech demo. Also, prepare to get frustrated with the dungeons. Some of them just drag on and some are filled with the most bullshit group of enemies.


Played more of Ocarina Of Time late last night/early this morning. Didn't get anywhere important, just apparently saw Juba Juba before I was supposed to, found my first Fairy's Fountain and got.two heart container pieces at that river and beat the diving game for the second time.
"Ryu is like the Hank Hill of Street Fighter." -BB_Hoody


Quote from: gunswordfist on June 17, 2012, 12:48:06 AM
Played more of Ocarina Of Time late last night/early this morning. Didn't get anywhere important, just apparently saw Juba Juba before I was supposed to, found my first Fairy's Fountain and got.two heart container pieces at that river and beat the diving game for the second time.




"Ryu is like the Hank Hill of Street Fighter." -BB_Hoody


Ugh, Tenchu... 3D games are unplayable for me with just the D-pad. Gonna' have to play it on my PC with an emulator. :butbut:


Finally got everything I know of in Fez. The "good" ending was disappointing, but whatever. Fun little mindfuck of a puzzle game, a younger me would have enjoyed the decoding stuff but I just don't have the patience for it now, so thanks internet for all the codes. XD


So I recently finally got a good PC. Now I can finally play some games I've wanted to get to for ages.

Think it also means I can finally stop supporting Sony consoles in the future.



So I worked with my friend on beating all of Devil May Cry 2 last night, and what a piece of shit fuckfest that was.

First of all, aside from the RPG Maker-quality tanks that I've talked about before (and the awful chopper boss which is actually pretty easy if you bother to upgrade your guns beforehand), you have the Mission 8 boss, quite possibly the worst boss fight in all of gaming. I don't think this guy even actively attacks you. He just makes a fire ring around himself while you spend 3 minutes stun-locking him with your pistols until he dies. Absolutely disgraceful.

In fact, every boss in this game - aside from Bolverk and Arius - is exceptionally lame and can be defeated using only Ebony & Ivory. The real kicker is when they bring back Phantom from the original DMC for a battle near the end of the game, and he's actually easier than in his first appearance in that one! Also, the game pumps up the screen blurring effects here to mind-numbingly terrible levels, which makes it feel like you're fighting him while drunk.

Of course, the worst boss in the entire game is the final one. It's a giant blob composed of previous bosses (and Griffon, for some reason), so it effectively acts as a massive turd where all the other baddies are slightly popped out of it to attack you. You can also cheese half of these bosses by standing off to the side and shooting them (you won't get hit at all). So yeah, the last boss is the boss gauntlet. But wait! He also has a second form, which is an autonomous, androgynous version of what appears to be the Devil May Cry logo. I like to think of it as a metaphor for this game; Capcom is Dante, and they were doing their damnedest to kill this franchise with DMC 2.

The actual level design is also trash. Every environment looks awful, many of them are confusing, and all of them are loaded with pointless backtracking and braindead puzzles. Fun! The combat is horrible and you can actually attain S style ranks by spamming stinger and shooting.

TL;DR Devil May Cry 2 is an iceberg of shit in an ocean of diarrhea. The fact that anyone can defend this game at all just blows my mind.


I was going to try out DMC2 just to test out the Majin Form, but after your post, I'm not sure if I want to waste my time with the game. :sweat:

Apparently, DMC2 wasn't even supposed to be a DMC-title, but Capcom made it one so it could rush a sequel out to the market. That would certaintly explain a lot. Like why Dante has no personality in the game despite the manual stating he has a "more trash-talking attitude", why none of the bosses never talk despite some of thier backstory (one of them apparently even lost a duel to Dante's father), the lack of Devil Arms, etc.


Here you go, the only good part of the entire game. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ipS2Hxv-SY&t=3m42s I just saved you approximately 4 hours of boredom.

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

Now, that scene actually seemed like a classic DMC moment, or at least like it belonged in a proper DMC game. We had hilariously over-the-top voice acting from the villain, and Dante pulling off a cheesy but somewhat witty one-liner before shooting the guy down.


I also thought the scene where Dante took out Despair Embodied was kinda cool, the only thing it needed was a "Jackpot!".



Greatest comeback from a villain, EVER! :D