Most Anticipated Video Games

Started by Spark Of Spirit, December 27, 2010, 06:00:40 PM

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So trying to tune into Maximilian's stream because he was going to be playing 3rd Strike, I happened to find him watching Capcom's presentation at TGS. It's pretty much been DMC5 and nothing else.

Showed a lot of Dante's combat abilities. Looks like his gauntlets is gonna be funner than ever. Spinning on his back and doing capoeira -like moves. Also showed a boss fight that looks like Nelo-Angelo.

I'm gonna go out on a limb and just say it. Despite my anticipation of Ghosts of Tsushima, Kingdom Hearts 3 (not a big fan but it looks good), and Sekiro, DMC5 is going to be my game of the year.
Tekken 8 - Steve
Street Fighter 6 - Terry

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

Hell, it'll be game of the decade as far as I'm concerned. Suck it, Dark Souls.


Tekken 8 - Steve
Street Fighter 6 - Terry


And Project Judge will win Best New IP!

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

I swear to God, this game....

They brought back fan-favorite weapon Cerberus, and all of the new weapons look beyond amazing, and they show off SEVERAL of them.

Also, did anyone notice how many homages this game has to other action game titles? The new gauntlet weapons Balrog has Dante taking a fighting stance similar to Gene from God Hand, the flaming spin-kick is clearly referencing Ken's super move from many of the Street Fighter games, and while an uppercut has always been a staple of these weapons, the fact that it's a flaming uppercut makes it a clear reference to Ken's version of the Shoryuken (and I didn't just make that up, as Itsuno himself refers to it as such). And anyone catch Dante's pose with the Faust hat? Does that remind any of you of a certain character from Bayonetta?

This game is pure love. I want to just crawl into a time capsule and let it wake me back up in March of next year.


If only Capcom showed this much love to their fighting games. Anyway, I don't usually get deluxe or limited editions of anything, but I will be buying a deluxe edition for this game.
Tekken 8 - Steve
Street Fighter 6 - Terry

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

Same. I actually wouldn't mind splurging on a collector's edition box set if Capcom decides to do one, if it comes with enough good stuff to be worth the asking price (and I never typically do that for anything).


What's the latest on Doom Eternal? I haven't seen or heard anything about the game since that time I got interested in it (E3 maybe?). I don't mind not hearing anything, I just find it weird that there has been no leaks (Thank GOD) when everything seems to be getting leaked some kind of way.
Tekken 8 - Steve
Street Fighter 6 - Terry


So Nintendo Direct was yesterday. They have quite a few games now that interest me, but Astral Chain really stood out to me. I'm not exactly the biggest fan of Platinum games. Something about them don't click with me, but Astral Chain looks like a I can support.
Tekken 8 - Steve
Street Fighter 6 - Terry

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

If this was late 2000's to early 2010's Platinum Games, I'd say they were one of the top-tier developers around. However, they've been disappointingly inconsistent with their turnout in the past few years. Obviously they still have some good games like Nier: Automata, but there have lately been more mediocre titles than great ones from them, IMO.

I'm hoping that Astral Chain will be a return to form for them.


Well, I mean, it's not like they've actually released many games recently. TMNT did suck quite a bit, and Star Fox was disappointing due to its awful control scheme (which was mandated by Nintendo), but those were back in 2016 and the only thing they've put out since is Nier, which IMO is the best game of 2017. This will also be their first original title since Bayonetta 2, and everything they made up until that point was fantastic. Not necessarily saying you should give them the benefit of the doubt, but they haven't really put out enough games lately to indicate that they've lost their touch.

I'm most excited for Super Mario Maker 2 and the Link's Awakening remake, though. Gimme!


I'd say Platinum had more hits than misses considering all the noise that people make around them. Outside of Metal Gear Rising they never had any games to draw me in.

I don't see myself getting Link's Awakening but that games looks like all sorts of good vibes that might cause me to get it anyway.

Astral Chain
Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3 - I don't know how I feel with Team Ninja being behind this one though
Dragon Quest XI - Most certainly will double dip for this
Fire Emblem Three Houses - I've never played a FE game but I've always been curious about the series

Those are all the games that I'd buy for the Switch. I don't know if I'll put anymore money towards another Final Fantasy 7 game unless it's the remake and even then I'm very skeptical about that remake. I never played Final Fantasy 9 and while I'm curious to see why people clamor to this over FF8 so much I don't see myself putting money or time into it either.

Let me say this about the Switch. I won't say Nintendo has won me over by a long shot, but they have been killing it with games that I like or will give a shot. I'm almost considering investing in a gaming PC. I swear if it weren't for the exclusives on the PS4 I'd consider selling it and being satisfied getting a Switch and a PC.
Tekken 8 - Steve
Street Fighter 6 - Terry

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

I have some fond memories of playing the first two MUA games on co-op with my older brother back in the day. That said, I probably couldn't get into them anymore like I used to since the combat is quite dull and repetitive, even for it's sub-genre.

However, Team Ninja being behind this game is weird. I didn't even know that they had any involvement in this game until I read it in an article over a month after the game was announced. They certainly haven't been vocal about Team Ninja as the developer in the marketing for this game (their name doesn't show up anywhere on the trailer). It makes me wonder if they just have limited involvement like how they did for Hyrule Warriors (Omega Force was the primary developer for it, with Team Ninja helping out mostly just with aesthetic designs for characters and bosses and with animations). However, no other developers are listed for this game, and with the developer already in the middle of production on two other big titles (DOA6 and Nioh 2), I can only assume that they've assigned their C-team to this one. I mean, it certainly looks that way from gameplay footage so far. It doesn't look anything like a normal Team Ninja game would. I get that aesthetically, but the combat also looks more in line with the other MUA games rather than the types of action games that Team Ninja is known for developing. Good for those fans who will enjoy it, though.


The Direct had some cool announcements, but when will my Animal Crossing return from war?
Life is not about the second chances. It's about a little mouse and his voyage to an exciting new land. That, my friend, is what life is.

Sir, do you have any Warrants?
I got their first CD, but you can't have it, motherfucker!

New blog!


I'm sure AC is a big enough title that the next direct it's in will make it the main feature. I mean, if they made a point to say the main focus of this one was Fire Emblem, then AC will totally have its time to shine.