My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic

Started by Spark Of Spirit, March 28, 2011, 11:20:42 PM

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Mr. Big

It's Spitfire alright, but yeah, she got a different voice actor.

It didn't bother me much, personally. He didn't get many lines in previous appearances anyway. I didn't even notice until somebody pointed it out.


Just saw it, and it was really good. Man, season three has been on a roll. This may have just taken the best Rainbow Dash episode spot for me. I love how even though she was disappointed in not being the Lead Pony of her team, she was reluctant to follow along with Lightning Dust showing up the rest of the class almost each time. And the scene where she walks into Spitfire's office to tell she doesn't want to be a Wonderbolt if they reward recklessness was a strong character building moment.

This is one of the other reasons I hopped on the Pony train. Even though the show is episodic, MLP: Friendship is Magic has some pretty darn good characterization.

As for Spitfire, I don't recall a single line of dialogue that implied she didn't recognize Rainbow Dash. Unless you want to count her saying she looked like the weakest flyer, but I'm positive that was just drill-sergeant talk.

Spark Of Spirit

The look Fluttershy got when she didn't fly to save herself  near the end was pretty funny.

I agree, this episode was probably Rainbow Dash's best appearance simply because she wasn't a jerk throughout. All in all, this was pretty good. The season itself has been pretty strong, too.
"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton


I also think it was the best Dash episode yet, and I'm not the biggest fan of Dash episodes. But I really liked her in this one.

I agree that Pinkie was pretty annoying in this one, though. And I usually really like Pinkie.

Spark Of Spirit

We just got season 1 and 2 here on Netflix and I watched the Christmas episode just to see what it looked like on the screen. It's nice to have the series in a decent place.
"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton

Mr. Big

Mr. Big

Today's episode was...well, average. This is one of the most "slice of life" ep we're gonna get, and it was alright. Nothing major happened, just a family reunion gone awry.

The highlight for me was the return of Babs Seed. I didn't expect her to show up again so soon. She's one of the more interesting Season 3 characters so I'm okay with her making guest appearances throughout the rest of the show's run.

And it seems that they did took care of her bullying problems. She mentioned that she's at a new school now.

Also, this is the 60th episode of the show. Man, it just seemed like yesterday when I first discovered the show, which only had 12 episodes out at the time.

Mr. Big

So they just announced the synopsis for the first 2013 episode. HE'S BACK!!! :shakeshakeshake:

QuotePrincess Celestia tasks the ponies with reforming Discord, a mischievous spirit of disharmony, but Fluttershy is the only one who is willing to give him a chance.

Spark Of Spirit

Well, she was the only one who wasn't really tricked by him before, so that's understandable.
"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton

Mr. Big

Discord returned in today's episode. What'd you all think?

Oh, and it was written by a 15-year old brony. Seriously.

Spark Of Spirit

I like that they brought Discord back like that. He's too good of a character to leave as a one-shot, and logically it should have been Fluttershy since his powers were the least effective on her in the first place.
"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton

Mr. Big

By now everybody knows that Twilight will become a princess in the season finale, and yeah, it appears to be permanent.

And man, are the reactions hilarious! Seriously, I think this may bring interesting things to the show. The wait for season 4 is going to be murder.


Quote from: Mr. Big on January 29, 2013, 09:12:34 PM
By now everybody knows that Twilight will become a princess in the season finale, and yeah, it appears to be permanent.

And man, are the reactions hilarious! Seriously, I think this may bring interesting things to the show. The wait for season 4 is going to be murder.

You're nakak, right? Thanks for bringing some common sense to the TZ thread. I can't believe the meltdown people are having over this.

Why must a show end just because characters reach their goal or the end of their story arc? Can we not just start a new story arc based on that development? Can the characters still not participate in the zany antics of Ponyville just because they've realized their dreams? What the hell, people?

And as much as I love Lauren Faust, she's gone. People need to let that "original vision" thing go. You either roll along with what the current team is doing or you don't. As I said in the other thread, I can't stand talking to bronies anymore because of shit like this.

Spark Of Spirit

Wow, you guys weren't kidding about the meltdowns.

I dunno, the whole thing makes sense to me. But then, I don't expect the show to pander to me, I'm not in the demographic or the target audience.
"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton