Survival Horror

Started by Dr. Ensatsu-ken, May 10, 2011, 12:11:17 AM

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No Pyramid Head in that game would've been a good thing, if you ask me.


Any of you guys played Slender the Arrival yet? I saw a video of it on Team Four star's website, and they really improved it. Supposedly the Marble Hornets creators wrote the story too. I might get my brother to download it.


Quote from: talonmalon333 on May 11, 2013, 03:44:29 PM
No Pyramid Head in that game would've been a good thing, if you ask me.

Oh, I agree 100%. Pyramid Head had no place in Homecoming. I just wish he was successful in getting him taken out.


Ugh, the only horror games I've completed are Sweet Home and Resident Evil 3...I forgot, RE: Survivor too...but let`s not talk about that. Oh and some other sorry lightgun type RE, I think. :sweat: I've never played RE1, only Leon's disc in RE2, I've never played 4, 5, CV, 6, any Fatal Frame or Silent Hill game. I am way behind.
"Ryu is like the Hank Hill of Street Fighter." -BB_Hoody


So that time of the year, the horror season, is rolling in. I'm going to use that as my go-to excuse and replay Silent Hill 1, 2, and 3 to go for endings that I hadn't gotten before.

A part of me is dreading the first game though, but in a good way; it's by far the scariest game I've ever played, and I'm afraid of facing that hospital again. :shit:

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

So, I saw this well-done review for the original Clock Tower on SNES, and much like Sweet Home it caught my interest from a story perspective in that this was one of the horror games that predates RE and has atmosphere to it which potentially makes it scarier, despite only supporting 16-bit graphics. Has anyone ever played this game or any of its sequels?


The only Clock Tower I've played has been the SNES original and, I agree, it makes excellent use of the SNES graphical limitations to deliver as solid horror experience. It's pretty short but the multiple endings gives it a good amount of replay value. I've considered getting a reproduction cart of the game so I could actually play it on my SNES.

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

Looks like I'll try an emulated version if I can find one. I think I'd like this game.


I've played a little bit of it. You might like it. From what I can tell, it's a good game, but my only problem is that, as a point and click game, a mouse would have been a more suitable way to play it than a controller (being that it was made for the Super Nintendo). They should have allowed it to be playable with the SNES Mouse.


Hideo Kojima is making the next Silent Hill game with Guillermo del Toro.

Here's the trailer.

Lord Il

Quote from: Daikun on August 13, 2014, 05:04:39 AM
Hideo Kojima is making the next Silent Hill game with Guillermo del Toro.

Here's the trailer.
Damn, I'm kinda excited for this. One of the most unexpected combos I could imagine to be working on a new Silent Hill game. And the guy who plays Daryl in Walking Dead appears to be in it. Obviously going to be a lot of money pumped into this latest game. Interesting..

Lord Il

Someone told me today that they played the PT (playable teaser) of this latest Silent Hill game and it scared the shit out of them..... This from a mere playable demo? I love it already!  8-)

This demo is a short, very simple loop which takes you through a hallway of a house. Interaction with a limited amount of things (mostly doors) is predetermined by the number of times you've looped the hall. Each time through this hallway feels more creepy than the last as changes gradually occur.


I'm confused. They've been making Silent Hill games since 1-3?

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

I'm still just looking forward to The Evil Within. It looks like the RE4 sequel that we never got.


So, Dr. E-K, are you excited for the Five Nights at Freddy's sequel that just got announced? :>