Things That Bother You About Gaming

Started by Spark Of Spirit, May 17, 2011, 03:10:13 PM

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Dr. Ensatsu-ken

So, in other words, TOR would be good if it was actually a KOTOR game. ;)


The whole monthly subscription model is so outdated and backwards. Guild Wars 2 looks to be the finest MMORPG of all time (it plays like an action game and has excellent graphics), and that's going to be buy-to-play rather than pay-to-play. TOR and WoW have no excuse now.


Do I have to shoot both Foggle and EK? Because I will.
"Ryu is like the Hank Hill of Street Fighter." -BB_Hoody


Quote from: gunswordfist on May 06, 2012, 02:42:24 PM
Do I have to shoot both Foggle and EK? Because I will.
You like paying $15/month to play Space WoW?


Quote from: Foggle on May 06, 2012, 02:50:40 PM
Quote from: gunswordfist on May 06, 2012, 02:42:24 PM
Do I have to shoot both Foggle and EK? Because I will.
You like paying $15/month to play Space WoW?
I hate KOTOR so no.
"Ryu is like the Hank Hill of Street Fighter." -BB_Hoody

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

Quote from: gunswordfist on May 06, 2012, 03:26:34 PM
I hate KOTOR so no.

I'd still play it over that garbage called Mass Effect any day (and yes, I'm including its shitty sequels as well).

At least KOTOR knows how to tell a story and doesn't try to be a lame Gears of War rip-off with its combat system. ;)


You poor dumb bastard. I hate Mass Effect 1 almost as much as you do. OK, I don't hate it but I certainly don't like it. In fact, Foggle likes it more than I do.
"Ryu is like the Hank Hill of Street Fighter." -BB_Hoody


Yeah, ME 1 is trash compared to the sequels... though the entire trilogy is ruined retroactively by 3. You guys should just pretend that ME 2 is the only game in the series.


Is this a parody? I can't tell...


*Talks about how tough a gamer she is*

"I play with the Kinect"


Spark Of Spirit

"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

I kind of saw this coming, but I haven't entirely lost hope. If THQ doesn't have any problems with Itagaki moving to another publisher, it'd be great if DT could still continue development. It'd be a shame to just drop it after having been developed for about 2 whole years, now.

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

Here's some more info on the status of Devil's Third. The good news is that THQ has at least confirmed that they are going to sell it off rather than just drop it altogether. This means that Itagaki can still get his game out as long as Valhalla finds a suitable publisher to buy them out. Then again, any big-name publisher would probably just take advantage of them and somehow force their studio to be closed down, so maybe its not good news. That said, at least the game still has a chance of coming out in this case.

I guess it makes sense for THQ to sell this IP off since Japanese developed games, whether they are amazingly good or terrible, just don't make a lot of money anymore, and in their current state they can't afford to lose anymore money.

Spark Of Spirit

Well here's hoping Activision or EA doesn't get a hold of it.

Though I'm struggling to think of who would be a suitable partner for it. First parties wouldn't be good. Nintendo would require it being a Wii-U exclusive which means porting even if it would be a smart pick for them (to get "mature" games), and Microsoft or Sony means cutting off half the potential audience of the other. Sega would be obvious if they didn't just have that restructuring... And I can't really think of anyone else off the top of my head.
"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

Well, at the very least, anyone would be better than Capcom....

Actually, EA, Activision, and Ubisoft would be just as bad, honestly. The sad thing is that if this game does get sold off, it would be most likely to go to one of them, but even they probably won't shot a lot of interest in a Japanese developed game, especially since they are all about making as much profit as possible over getting out any quality titles.

Getting bought out by a first-party developer wouldn't be as bad, but it'd also drastically cut their potential sales. Then again, I wouldn't mind if Microsoft bought the game and then allowed it to at least be released on the XBOX360 and the PC, which would still leave the title open to a lot more people than just being limited to a console. I don't think Sony would care to buy it since they already have enough exclusives under their belt that they are overseeing, though it wouldn't be a bad idea for Nintendo to try and secure an M-rated title like this for the reason that you mentioned, but I honestly don't see them buying it, either. Itagaki has worked with Microsoft before, though, and while he was working at Tecmo both DOA and NG games were usually XBOX exclusives, so being that he has a bit of a history with Microsoft, maybe they'll buy the rights to DT, and they could certainly use a good new IP exclusive, but even that is highly unlikely.

Wouldn't it be the most hilarious situation if Tecmo ended up agreeing to publish Itagaki's game? :D