Things That Bother You About Gaming

Started by Spark Of Spirit, May 17, 2011, 03:10:13 PM

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"Ryu is like the Hank Hill of Street Fighter." -BB_Hoody

Spark Of Spirit

Honestly, those series have already basically been dead for awhile so I'm pretty used to not getting new games in the series.

Nintendo could buy the properties and outsource them to the original teams (Castlevania to Iga's team, Goemon to Good Feel, Contra to wherever Nakazato ends up and WayForward, etc.) and maybe something like Silent Hill to the Fatal Frame team, but if the IPs aren't ever used again it isn't much different than how they were basically dumped over the past decade anyway.
"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton


But isn't it kind of sad to have to say it doesn't matter because they were already dead? :P

Spark Of Spirit

It's a bit sad that Konami became a horrible company and failed their fans, employees, and brands, yes.

But for those of us that have been waiting for a new Contra game, it makes little difference today that they're not making one than it did a few years ago when they weren't making one. A Contra game is still not being made.

And all this only happened within the last two generations. Throughout the arcade, NES, 16-bit, and 32-bit, eras Konami (like Capcom, and Sega, and Square Enix, and . . .) had a wide net of properties and ideas, and IPs and licenses, as well as all sorts of talent in the industry. Konami gave up what made them what they were and tried chasing the AAA dragon that killed so many studios and continues to do so. Any hope of them going back to the properties that made their name became less and less likely and by the time of Lords of Shadow and Iga's departure, I knew they were done and had no interest in embracing what made them what they were. This Metal Gear mess is only the final nail in a coffin they've been lying in for years.

I'm used to my favorite companies failing me as a fan by now. They've been doing it constantly for years without any regard for their business or brands and they don't realize why they're failing, either. It's a tough time to be a gamer, never mind an old school one.
"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton


It's good that indie gaming is continuously growing, because now people that grew up playing these classics are making games.

Spark Of Spirit

Of course, now that the N64 generation is getting in there we get some ridiculous stuff like this.

Yes, I realize they were too young to have grown up with Contra, Bubble Bobble, Rescue Rangers, Jackal, Rampage, River City Ransom, Shadow of the Ninja, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II, III, and IV, Double Dragon, Final Fight, Secret of Mana, Smash TV, Goof Troop, Gunstar Heroes, and similar games, but I mean, it's not like a little research would have hurt.
"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton


Square Enix seems to be coming back at least, and doing triple duty with classic IPs, Eidos IPs, and new IPs.


Oh yeah, Square was amazing at E3. Not to mention that Sony blew down the house too. Square-Enix was actually decent before they revealed plans (Hitman, Tomb Raider, Deus Ex) it's just that it was from IPs that weren't originally theirs.  :sweat: But that's changing.
"Ryu is like the Hank Hill of Street Fighter." -BB_Hoody

Dr. Ensatsu-ken


I thought the super heavy handed gameplay was bad enough :srs:
"Ryu is like the Hank Hill of Street Fighter." -BB_Hoody



First: The Nintendo Direct never specified that the pre-order CD that came with TP HD was a GameStop exclusive. It implied that it would just come with the first print of the game. Then today they spring this exclusivity shit on us. After the GameStop preorders have sold out unless you buy the $99.99 with the stupid player's guide. Everyone already made their pre-orders, guys. I got mine from Amazon for the free shipping, with the intent of getting that CD. Whole thing's kind of shady bait and switch bullshit.

Second: I am not THAT miffed, because the CD turned out just to be a "soundtrack selection." But that's the other thing, too. Don't call the damn thing an official soundtrack when it's got like one-tenth of the game's music on it. Companies like Atlus do this too sometimes and it always just seems like such a waste. Give me a way to buy a complete, physical game soundtrack without having to import. Or include it with a special edition of the game at a higher price. None of this sampler stuff.


So, everyone always talks about how bad sites like Polygon and Kotaku are. And, indeed, they are usually pretty terrible. But I submit to you a new contender for worst game journalism site of all time: Kill Screen.

These guys have been on my radar for some time, and every single one of their articles is terrible. Many of their editorials are pretentious drivel seemingly written by people with a deep-seated loathing for game developers. Some examples:

"Final Fantasy VII was my childhood, and my childhood was terrible"
"Being optimistic about the game industry is bad, actually"
"I am very angry that someone tried to make an emotional video game"

There's a lot more I can't remember off the top of my head, some of them even worse. What a load of absolute bollocks.


Quote from: Foggle on February 09, 2016, 01:52:30 PM
So, everyone always talks about how bad sites like Polygon and Kotaku are. And, indeed, they are usually pretty terrible. But I submit to you a new contender for worst game journalism site of all time: Kill Screen.

These guys have been on my radar for some time, and every single one of their articles is terrible. Many of their editorials are pretentious drivel seemingly written by people with a deep-seated loathing for game developers. Some examples:

"Final Fantasy VII was my childhood, and my childhood was terrible"
"Being optimistic about the game industry is bad, actually"
"I am very angry that someone tried to make an emotional video game"

There's a lot more I can't remember off the top of my head, some of them even worse. What a load of absolute bollocks.

Never heard much about them. If they're that terrible, you can always use Wayback Machine's Archive to archive any links that way won't get any clicks from the rest of us.

Dr. Insomniac