The Legend of Zelda Series

Started by talonmalon333, May 27, 2011, 03:27:33 PM

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I feel like, to a certain extent, Twilight Princess did what you guys are talking about.

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

Quote from: Rynnec on June 15, 2013, 03:04:11 PM
It's certainly possible for Zelda to take a Ninja Gaiden approach to the combat, now that Aonuma is wanting to change up the formula a bit. Darksiders II showed that a Zelda-style game with a deep combat system can work, and Ninja Gaiden Black/Sigma also had a little bit of Zelda influence in them (in fact, didn't Itagaki state that Ocarina of Time is one of his favorite games?).

Yes. In interviews about Ninja Gaiden, people often questioned Itagaki on what influenced the design of that game, and most of them assumed it was Devil May Cry, which he always denied, but its obvious that he definitely took at least some influence from that game. However, he said that his primary influence for making Ninja Gaiden (being that this was his first ever action game and he had no experience making one from scratch before) was Ocarina of Time, which is something that I can believe based on the level design that he used in Ninja Gaiden.

I think its fine for a Zelda game to mainly just stick to Link using his sword as his primary (and in most cases only) melee weapon throughout the entire game, but they could add a bit of depth to it by giving him different combat styles that he could switch between, with a unique move-set for each of those styles. That could all help spice up the game's combat and it would only be an improvement, just so long as the game still put as much focus on adventure and puzzle-solving elements as previous great Zelda titles have.

Spark Of Spirit

So, the Nintendo Direct just said that the Link in A Link Between Worlds is not the Link from A Link To The Past but takes place much later. Essentially, it takes place between Zelda 1 and Link's Awakening. Apprently there's a cutscene discussing that Link and hopefully telling what happened to him after Link's Awakening. You also go into the "Other World" (It's not called the Dark World for some reason) by slipping through cracks in rocks and the layout is entirely different from the LTTP one.

Also, the game is looking awesome.
"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton


So a bit of the songs were updated in Wind Waker HD. Click here for direct comparisons.



^ Best developer response ever.

Also, here is a video that directly compares Wind Waker footage with Wind Waker HD footage.

It's shaping up pretty well.

Spark Of Spirit

3D Majora's Mask is on the way, I bet.

Anyway, Link Between Worlds is becoming my most 3DS game. I've been purposely avoiding all information on it for a while now because I want to be surprised. Should be fun.  :)
"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton


Wow, I had my doubts, but they delivered. The bloom is nowhere near as bad as it was when they announced it. Looks damn good.

The re-recorded music is really good as well. I just hope Dragon Roost Island's theme still sounds as sexy as it did in the original version...


Finally bit on the Wii U, picked up this today.  Also took advantage of their buy two get one free deal and got NSMBU, Rayman Legends, and The Wonderful 101.
It doesn't matter what you say, soon you'll be dead anyway.

Spark Of Spirit

So here's the hook of the new Zelda game.

You can go to the shop and rent any item you want, then go to any dungeon you want in any order you want and complete at your leisure. When you beat the dungeon you then have the option of permanently purchasing the item you rented.

Effectively it is like Zelda 1 where you can go to any dungeon you want but with the improvements of the games that followed. Why nobody is talking about this game or hyping it is beyond me.
"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton

Spark Of Spirit

Aonuma explains the shop system:

QuoteIn today's Nintendo Direct, we revealed the name of the character in the A Link Between Worlds screenshot I posted here last time. His name is Ravio, and we also announced that you can rent and purchase items from his shop. You may be wondering what in the world we mean by "renting" items. Well, let me explain.

In Ravio's shop, each of the items you can use in the game are on display from the beginning. But Ravio only has one of each item in stock, so if he sells them he'll go bust! For this reason, he set the purchase price for each item at an outrageously high rate. Unfortunately, that means Link can't move forward and Ravio can't sustain his business, so he decided to start renting the items at reasonable prices. The rental period for each item is unlimited, so you can rent them for as long as you?d like, but if Link falls during his adventure and it's game over, the items will be returned to the shop. If you want to continue playing, you'll have to rent them again. After a while, you can eventually purchase the items, and once you do, you'll be able to keep using them even if you game over.

This may seem similar to the three day system in Majora's Mask where all your items are lost when you reach the end of the third day, but you'll be able to rent every item from the beginning if you can afford it. So unlike past Zelda games, you won't run into a scenario where you can't do something because you need a certain item that won?t be available until later. I hope all of you will experiment with many different items and play as you like.

The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds comes out on November 22nd. There?s still a lot more information to come, so please stay tuned.
"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton


Got the Wind Waker HD today. But golly gee, where's the Ganondorf action figure? You know, the only reason I bought this stupid thing? Oh, what's that, Gamestop? I had to preorder specifically the collector's edition the first day I could? And you didn't specify this when I asked about it weeks ago? And now I'm stuck with a $60 paperweight of a game I've already played the shit out of and have no intention of ever playing again? Well fuck you then!  :anger:


So here's what we've learned about A Link Between Worlds. Spoilers inside.


- It will be top down (this is good).
- It will be a story sequel to ALttP.
- Many gameplay elements of the game will be taken from ALttP.
- The look of the game, though it has its similarities with ALttP, is heavily rooted in the DS Zelda games.
- There is a dark realm called Lorule (I like to think that Aonuma had his little kid name it).
- There is an alternate Zelda who goes by the name "Hilda".
- Majora's Mask will appear in the game and will likely be more than just an easter egg hanging on the wall, and that something in the game will be related to it... Seriously, fuck you, Nintendo.
- New villain who looks like a cross between Ganon and Ghirahim from Skyward Sword.

Yeah, yeah, I know it's too early to say anything about this game. But there's just some much they have revealed that I don't like. It's almost like Zelda is becoming a parody of itself. The fact that it's reminicent of ALttP seems more rehash-ish than anything and almost makes the game seem like fanfiction. Wouldn't be surprised if they reveal an upside down dark Triforce.

And I seriously hope this part is a misinterpretation and an overreaction on my part, but if they try to "go into" more of the story of Majora's Mask (referring to the mask itself), I will not be pleased. Everything about that game's story and setting is just something that should be left alone, never to be touched again. It doesn't bode well that this game features what appears to be a sort of dark tribe (it is said that some sort of dark tribe created Majora's Mask during the events of MM).

I've always had my issues with Aonuma being in charge of Zelda, but it's gotten worse. I feel like Zelda just isn't what it used to be.


Doesn't A Link to the Past take place in a different timeline from Majora's Mask? That would make nothing in A Link Between Worlds canon to MM and vice-versa.


Quote from: Foggle on October 12, 2013, 03:04:29 PM
Doesn't A Link to the Past take place in a different timeline from Majora's Mask? That would make nothing in A Link Between Worlds canon to MM and vice-versa.


True, but the mask still exists on the other timelines. It's not just the story of MM that I think should be left untouched, but everything about it (Termina itself, the backstory of the mask, etc.). Explaining anything just sort of taints and de-mystifies it. Besides, it's also confusing why'd they'd go back and delve more into the backstory of the mask, when much of the lore of Hyrule that deserves development is being left underdeveloped.

But again, I really hope that I'm just worrying too much over something that could end up just being something minor, like an in-game confirmation that MM 3DS is being made.