SUDA 51 and Grasshopper Manufacure

Started by Eddy, July 15, 2011, 12:31:34 AM

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FACT: SUDA 51 is a certified badass. And he makes awesome games.

This is the thread to talk about his awesome games and how awesome he is. What games as he made, you ask? Well there was Killer7 on the GameCube and PS2. He also made No More Heroes and No More Heroes 2: Desperate Struggle for the Wii. He also has a game called Flower, Sun, & Rain, originally a PS2 game only released in Japan, which was recently ported to the US as a DS title. His latest game is Shadows of the Damned, which he made with Shinji Mikami (Resident Evil) and Akira Yamaoka (Silent Hill).

Killer7 is what I would consider the most under appreciated game of the last gen. It was actually a game that I had wanted to get for a while when it came out, but I sort of forgot about it. But then I saw it on G4's Cinematech (remember? when G4 used to have video game shows all those years ago?) and what I saw was just so crazy and amazing I just knew I had to get the game. The next day I went out to GameStop and bought it and it's now one of my favorite GameCube games. A lot of people didn't like it because it's not your everyday game but that's one of the reasons why I loved it. I had never played a game like it. If you've never played Killer7 do yourself a favor and go find a copy. It's a game everyone should give a chance.

No More Heroes 1 & 2 are two must-have games for anyone with a Wii and make better use of the Wii's motion controls than most Nintendo developed games do. Performing those finishing moves on your foes is just so satisfying. The first game may have succeeded in story and characters but the second game was a huge improvement on the gameplay. But really, both games deserve to be played.

I just got Shadows of the Damned and completed the first chapter and defeated the first major boss. I fucking love the game already. It's like Resident Evil 4 mixed with Alan Wake with that classic Suda madness. Oh, and the soundtrack is awesome (as it should be with the Silent Hill composer behind it).

The only game of his I haven't played (that I know of) is Flower, Sun & Rain. I need to pick that one up eventually.


I will buy any game this man contributes to.

Quote from: Eddy on July 15, 2011, 12:31:34 AM
The only game of his I haven't played (that I know of) is Flower, Sun & Rain. I need to pick that one up eventually.
There's also Samurai Champloo: Sidetracked (the precursor to No More Heroes gameplay-wise), Michigan (official English version only released in Europe), Fatal Frame 4 (fan-translated English patch exists; game only released in Japan), and a few others, including Super Fire Pro Wrestling Special - the SNES wrestling game that made him (in)famous. How so?
QuoteThe plot follows the path of a fictional pro wrestler attempting to prove himself as the strongest there is. Through a long train of ranked matches, he slowly gains notoriety as a wrestler as well as the grudging respect of his contemporaries.

The hero encounters Akira Maeda's fictional sister and falls in love with her, but she spurns his romantic intents, causing him to fall into a deep depression. To make matters worse, just before his championship match, he watches as his American trainer is killed right before his eyes. Even after becoming the undisputed pro wrestling champion of the world, it's a hollow victory without anyone to share it with. Deciding that everything was all a waste of time, he commits suicide.
This was back in 1994. Truly a game ahead of its time, and the first sign of Suda51's brilliance in the video game world.

Oh yeah, and I can vouch for Fatal Frame 4 being amazing and worthy of importing. Second best game in the series, IMO. Never played Michigan or any of his other import-only titles, though.


Oh, right, I forgot about Fatal Frame 4. I fully intend to import that one of these days.

And I think I need to get me a ROM of that Super Fire Pro Wrestling game.


So... Shadows of the Damned bombed harder than any other game in recent memory. I really hope this doesn't hurt Grasshopper in any way. :(


Did it really? People better start buying it because it's a fucking awesome game.  :(


It's just sad. SotD is what RE 5 should have been, but no one even knows it exists because EA didn't market it at all. People say a game like this is difficult to advertise, but honestly, how hard would it have been to slap "From The Guys That Made Resident Evil 4 And No More Heroes & The Dude Who Did The Music For Silent Hill" on the box and a couple of TV commercials? It wouldn't have suddenly turned into a blockbuster, but it would have sold more than fucking Naughty Bear had they done that.


Yeah, seriously. Fuck you, EA.

This is why the gaming industry has become and endless sea of sequels and run-of-the-mill war shooters.

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

Now I feel bad that I haven't bought this game yet. Next time I'll save up money to buy this game, even if I don't buy full-priced games anymore. I suppose Bayonetta can wait a little bit longer. I'll try and convince some of my friends to get it, too.


Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on July 17, 2011, 12:02:55 PM
Now I feel bad that I haven't bought this game yet. Next time I'll save up money to buy this game, even if I don't buy full-priced games anymore. I suppose Bayonetta can wait a little bit longer. I'll try and convince some of my friends to get it, too.
Keep fighting the good fight! :joy: Hope you like it. Tons of great dick jokes in there. :lol:

Spark Of Spirit

Quote from: Foggle on July 17, 2011, 09:43:16 AM
So... Shadows of the Damned bombed harder than any other game in recent memory. I really hope this doesn't hurt Grasshopper in any way. :(
Mikami, too. This guy made fucking Resident Evil, and yet nothing else he does is given the light of day by the public. God Hand, Vanquish, and now this with Suda.

What is happening to all the gamers out there?
"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton


Suda's newest game looks like it will... probably sell well in Japan.

I'm sure it'll end up being just as awesome as Grasshopper's other titles, but I don't really know what to think of this at the moment.

Spark Of Spirit

That... is not what I want at all.

Look, I know they need a hit in Japan desperately, but these are the types of games that sell jack shit here in NA. I hope it's successful, but... I'm not interested at all. These types of games just don't appeal to me at all.
"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton


I would be inclined to agree, but... it's Grasshopper. I think they'll find a way to make it work. By principle, I will buy any of their games day 1. Same with Platinum.

Of course, if it does turn out to be nothing more than OneChanbara with a chainsaw, then I'll probably just wait for it to hit the bargain bin.

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

Given Suda51's previous works, I expect that it won't put the style over the gameplay, so it should at least have good gameplay mechanics going for it. Still, I'm not really digging this Ecchi style to the game. Suda's previous games have plenty of perverted humor, but they are done in a very tongue-in-cheek sort of way that works. Based on screens, concept art, and descriptions so far from this new game, it seems like the ditzy, jiggly boobs, no personality sort of high-school girl themed game that you would expect out of a visual novel, but knowing Suda it'll probably be really over the top so at the very least I'm sure it won't take itself the least bit seriously.


Just ordered Killer7. I've only played about 30 minutes of it, and that was three years ago or more. What am I in for?