What Movie Did You Just Watch

Started by Avaitor, December 27, 2010, 08:32:36 PM

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Dr. Insomniac

While Emma Frost's actress was lacking, I definitely loved watching the movie. Felt kind of like a 007 film but with superheroes.

Lord Dalek

X-men First Class. Well made and entertaining if somewhat emotionally hollow.


I'm amazed that Pirates had lines out the door the first two weekends, but last Friday it was just four people in the entire theater.

Movie was alright; wonder if that Doctor Who episode snagged the idea from the film. Best part was that they filmed in Hawaii and lots of characters get to do pirate talk again...arrr.
"You don't have to eat the entire turd to know that it's not a crab cake." - Bean, Shadow of the Hegemon

Spark Of Spirit

Add me to the list of people who liked X-Men. Definitely a step up from the last two, and was quite enjoyable to watch.
"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton

Dr. Insomniac

Arsenic and Old Lace. I have found my favorite Golden Age movie.


Watched Green Lantern the other day. One word and two syllables: Aw-ful. It's hard to believe Warner Bros was payed extra money to improve designs. There were chuckle moments where they shouldn't be. Hated the way how the lanterns moved, all of them looked like no-bone humans.

Almost the entire theater laughed at the guardians. I couldn't blame em, especially when they had jellyfish heads. Enough ranting on the designs though, the plot was great. If only the execution was better then I wouldn't have to post a rant. Ryan Reynolds as Hal Jordan was a horrible choice. It got to the point where it wasn't Hal Jordan on the screen, but plain ol' Ryan. Go back to being Deadpool and wear a mask next time.

Tried not to spoil it. I give it a 2/5, partly because I care for the franchise and anticipated the movie. Save your lives, read the comics, or wait for the animated series.

Replay value: Zero.

Spark Of Spirit

Poor DC, they just don't seem to get it.
"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

I could already pretty much guess how this movie would turn out based on its extremely poor quality trailers. Usually trailers show off the best parts of a movie and get you pumped for it, even if you know its going to be a bad movie when you see the full product, but the trailer itself almost made me want to throw up a little. It was really that bad. I can't imagine actually being able to sit through the full movie just based on the trailers alone (to be fair, I have seen shit trailers for great movies, but there are times when I can already tell that nothing about the movie will be good, and this was one of those times).

I'd love to see a great Green Lantern film. As someone who has never read any of the comic books and barely knows anything about the character or his history, I have always been interested in him as a superhero and wanted to learn more about him, but unfortunately this movie just turned me away from getting into GL for the time-being. Perhaps on a day that I can actually afford to buy stuff again, I'll pick up some recommended comic books relating to the character if I can.

On a positive note, the 2nd Captain America trailer is a huge improvement over the first, and while it doesn't look great, it at least has me interested enough in wanting to see the movie. I still have to admit that the costume looks completely ridiculous in live-action no matter how much they try to make it look cool and bad-ass, but considering that other movies have had ridiculous looking costumes yet made me completely overlook that with some extremely well-done writing, story, and character development, it certainly isn't impossible for this movie to do the same for me if it turns out to be good (and just for the record, the movie that surprised me like that in the past was The Dark Knight....come on, you all know that the Batman costume in that movie looks completely ridiculous if you just stop to picture it by itself without all of the other great things happening in the film....).

Lord Dalek

Transformers 3. The epitome of lifeless and dull cinema.

Spark Of Spirit

How bad can it be? Don't things blow up well?
"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton

Lord Dalek

The big invasion scene is represented by a few seconds of footage interspersed with lengthy stretches of black frames.

That's something you'd find in a trailer, not the actual film.

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

Eh, By now I learned not to care all that much about how shitty a movie is. I feel that people go out of their way to hate on something, even if it is garbage, just for the sake of doing so. As for me, I think the Transformers movies are shit, but I won't feel ashamed to admit that I get a guilty pleasure out of seeing them for the over-the-top action scenes and my friends and I get a kick out of making fun of the terrible action, writing, and crappy dialogue. Its one of those movies that I just have fun watching because its so bad (keep note that I haven't seen the new film yet, so I can't comment on that). What I don't get is why people who already decided that they hate the franchise and already know that the next movie will be bad waste their time and money to see it just so they can bash it. I mean, in that case just bash it since you know its bad, since that seems like it would be a lot easier to me. As for me, I think the whole hate for Michael Bay thing goes a bit overboard at times. The guy just makes big-budget movies with crappy writing and almost no attempt at story for the most part (his older films are ironically is best since he actually had some story and real acting going on in those back before he had the resources to make the entire movie out of almost nothing but special effects and explosions), but its not like he's the only director ever guilty of doing this, its just that his movies happen to make the most money. Honestly, though, I've seen my plethora of shit out there, and while Transformers definitely ranks in the shit, its far from the worst I've seen, and I've seen far more dull movies, personally.

Spark Of Spirit

I still don't know what the fuck happened in Transformers 2. I saw it, but I don't remember anything about it all other than it didn't make a lot of sense.
"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

Nobody goes to those movies because they want a story that make sense, or a story at all. Even Michael Bay gladly admits that its a pile of shit thrown together that blows off a huge amount of money on special effects rather than any characterization. To be honest, I think that the original Transformers cartoon is shit too when I look back on it, so I can't say I'm pissed about the films fucking with source material, and in general anyone who sees them just goes there for a bunch of random action scenes. Its basically the highest calibur of idiocy in film in terms of bad writing, acting, directing, and so on, but I just watch them if I want to turn off my brain for a bit and be entertained by the over-the-top action and cheesiness of it all.


So is it worth watching even after seeing the commercial trailers? And is it meant to be watched in 3D?
I might be the only person who got bored of Transformers 1 and gave up after 20 minutes.

Then again, I've been watching airplane quality movies like Sucker Punch.
"You don't have to eat the entire turd to know that it's not a crab cake." - Bean, Shadow of the Hegemon