Unpopular Opinions On Gaming

Started by Dr. Ensatsu-ken, November 09, 2011, 11:23:42 PM

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Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on November 20, 2011, 01:28:00 AM
In terms of FPS games, I like the level designs of games like DOOM
I was meaning to say this. FPSs should still be based off of Doom. They should have explorable worlds with no forced paths and all the improved AI and etc. of today.
"Ryu is like the Hank Hill of Street Fighter." -BB_Hoody


- I can't get into inFamous. I've tried it just... does nothing for me. At all. I have no desire to play it or progress in it. I just don't find it interesting. Thank god I got it for free from that whole PlayStation Network fiasco.

- I enjoyed Bomberman Hero more than Bomberman 64.

- A lot of Harvest Moon fans hated it but I loved Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life.

- I thought Resident Evil 5 was a fun game. Yeah, the story was pretty horrible and it was nothing like how a Resident Evil game should be (RE4 was more action based but at least it still had an RE-vibe to it. RE5 is like Gears of War gritty with Resident Evil characters), but I had a blast playing through the game on co-op with my friends. (That said, they really need to make the games feel like Resident Evil again. The Lost in Nightmares DLC was a step in the right direction.)

- I enjoyed South Park 64.

- Limbo is overrated. Vastly overrated. And I know the word "overrated" is thrown around too often but that's the best word I can use to describe Limbo. If it weren't for the unique visual style nobody would have cared about Limbo. At it's best, it's a subpar puzzle platformer with a good looking visual style. I couldn't even bring myself to finish Limbo because eventually I just got bored with it. And trust me, I wanted to love Limbo.

- The Wii U doesn't excite me much at all.

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

I was planning on giving RE5 another shot, myself, once I finish up with RE4 (and by finish up, I mean beat the Separate Ways missions as well as to beat the game on its hardest difficulty setting), however since I have barely played any classic RE games my main problems with RE5 had nothing to do with it not feeling RE-like enough since I didn't even have a good sense of what RE-like felt like. Instead, I felt that it had solid mechanics and would have been a ton of fun on single-player if I didn't have to deal with a dumb-ass AI partner like Sheva. Most of the time I lost was because she ended up getting stuck and killed, rather than me dying of my own actions when playing as Chris. Now, when I played about half-way through the game on co-op with my older brother, it was a completely different experience and WAY more fun than single-player. I think that RE5 is a terrific co-op game, but the bad AI for your partner really hurts the single-player experience, IMO, and if they at least if they made Sheva invincible while still keeping her as useless as she is when controlled by a computer, it would have made the experience much less frustrating.

Still, maybe I'll be good enough to deal with the handicap of having her on my side after coming back to RE5 from RE4. That said, RE4 pretty much confirms my thoughts from having played RE5 before-hand, in that the game would be great as long as I could just play by myself the whole time. Of course, in RE4 you have to protect Ashley, but the game is designed pretty well by having her always stay right behind you unless you tell her to wait or hide somewhere, and if she is in your line-of-fire she usually ducks to give you clear aiming. So, overall, it works out perfectly.


RE 5 can be fun in co-op... unfortunately, the middle sections of the campaign are so monotonous and boring that even playing with your friends won't make them enjoyable, IMO. It's not the fact that the game never even attempts horror despite the tagline being "fear you can't forget" that makes me hate it, it's that the game is one of the most straight up unexciting third person shooters I've ever played. Since it was basically Gears of War in Africa instead of an action-horror adventure, they really should have just gone all the way and given it better controls.

The DLC levels were pretty cool, though. Far superior to the main game.

Quote from: Eddy on November 23, 2011, 03:47:31 AM
- I can't get into inFamous. I've tried it just... does nothing for me. At all. I have no desire to play it or progress in it. I just don't find it interesting. Thank god I got it for free from that whole PlayStation Network fiasco.
Infamous is boring as hell. The second one is even worse since it has less platforming.

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

Actually, speaking of Gears of War, I have this to say:

-I actually don't mind the whole gritty generic space-marine thing that it and various other games have going for it. I also didn't mind the mostly brown and grey color-palettes (even though it got to look kind of boring after a while) that the game used for its art style, back when Gears 1 came out. For the space-marine thing, its stupid....but its also funny, at least on GoW. I just find it funny because its quite clear that the writers intended you to take the story and character seriously, but that dialogue is just so abysmal that quite honestly it almost comes off as comedic genius, if it weren't for the fact that it was unintentionally funny. Either way, I get a good laugh out of how horrible the dialogue, characters, and story are. And for what its worth I actually enjoy the gameplay. I just don't feel that those games brought much to the table aside from supporting a genuinely good cover system. I don't hate on them either, though, because they are entertaining for what they are. I just hate the uninspired clones that over-saturate the TPS market.

Vanquish is the only game that I know of, which I've played bits and pieces of, that took the TPS cover mechanic from Gears of War but did way more with the other TPS mechanics that most games just kept at status-quo. The sense of speed and fluid movement of the game is unmatched by any other TPS game from this gen, IMO. I also think that the generic space-marine theme that it uses is intentionally over the top and funny, which is another thing that I like about it.


Oh yeah, RE5 is a mess in single player. The AI never really got me killed but without an actual human partner it makes RE5's flaws all the more noticeable. I've only played it once with the AI. After that I could only play it with a friend.

Oh, and I guess this is a gaming opinion so I'll put it here:

I hate Angry Birds. Hate it. I've played the game itself for maybe five minutes and didn't see what the big deal was. But it seems like the entire world is acting like it's the biggest game since Super Mario Bros. Everywhere I go I see those damn birds. Everywhere. Walmart, Hot Topic, Kohl's--they even make dog toys of the damn things. It's gotten to the point where I just get annoyed every time I see them anywhere.


Dude, I've seen Gummi Snacks for Angry Birdsin colorful boxes at the supermarket I work at and they even have it's own display case. Man, it's times like this that make me wonder how the guy that made this game and Notch live like? I assume they live like motherfucking kings.

Rosalinas Spare Wand

Notch swims in a jacuzzi filled with the butthurt tears of the Beta users and from those who attended Minecon.

Also, does the Angry Birds merch actually move? I've seen it everywhere from the local marts to BM stores like Wal-Mart, but the stock never seems to shrink. It's always the same plushs/keychains stuff too. I remember hearing from a friend of mines that the halloween costumes sold out fast but I have no clue how the rest of the merch fares.


I too, am puzzled by Angry Birds' popularity. ANd somewhat unnerved since Birds are my most hated species.


Quote from: Rosalinas Spare Wand on November 24, 2011, 02:37:07 AM
Notch swims in a jacuzzi filled with the butthurt tears of the Beta users and from those who attended Minecon.
Minecraft is one of those games that's extremely fun to play with your friends but has an insufferable fanbase that takes it way too seriously and gets extremely emotional over a few problems in a goddamn beta.

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

To me, I can understand that Angry Birds is probably a good time-killer for most people. Like if they have 5-10 minutes to wait at a bus-stop or something and sit down on a bench and play that to pass the time by, which is why my cousin did back when I was staying and working with him in Kentucky over the summer. However, I never saw why people would take it so seriously and why its seen as a high quality game, which its not. I'd be perfectly fine if people just saw it for what it is, which is a time killer. Nothing more and nothing less.

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

-I actually don't hate MvC3's Roster at all. The thing is, I've never known that many Marvel or Capcom characters, but I've always liked how it combines some really cool looking characters from both companies, so in that regard I'm both indifferent to the Rosters of all 3 games, but I also like them just enough since I end up thinking of many of the characters more as their own fighting game characters than thinking of them in regards to their own Universes. That said MvC3 probably has more characters that I can at least recognize, like Iron Man, Deadpool, Dante, and at least a half dozen other characters.


I don't hate the roster of MvC3 either. I still really think they should have included Mega Man and there are some characters I don't really think belong in the game (Sentinel) but overall, especially with Ultimate, I'm pretty satisfied.

Rosalinas Spare Wand

Quote from: Foggle on November 24, 2011, 02:45:05 AMMinecraft is one of those games that's extremely fun to play with your friends but has an insufferable fanbase that takes it way too seriously and gets extremely emotional over a few problems in a goddamn beta.

You're telling me. The game already looked amazing before it was officially finished, and yet the most rabid fans act like Notch is the second coming of Gabe Newell and treat him just as bad too.

QuoteI don't hate the roster of MvC3 either. I still really think they should have included Mega Man and there are some characters I don't really think belong in the game (Sentinel) but overall, especially with Ultimate, I'm pretty satisfied.

UMvC3's roster is a lot more respectable than Vanilla MvC3's. My problems never really was with the characters, it had more to do with the game lacking content and depth, and ever since I played Mortal Kombat 9 and now King of Fighters XIII, MvC3's system really does look like a joke now.

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

MvC Games never had very deep or balanced combat systems to begin with, though. That was never really their appeal, either (at least not for me). I'm sure that KoF is a much more respectable fighting game series and has more depth to it, but I haven't played any of those games. I know that by contrast, though, MvC3's combat is much less balanced, and while its not short on combos they probably don't have many strategic uses since its easy to spam attacks in the game, but if its considered to be a joke then I guess I have a ton of fun playing with a joke of a combat system, because for me its still really satisfying to pull off combos in that game and string attacks together while switching between different characters on my team. I guess its just more fun for me, personally.