Unpopular Opinions On Gaming

Started by Dr. Ensatsu-ken, November 09, 2011, 11:23:42 PM

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Spark Of Spirit

Quote from: Foggle on January 28, 2013, 06:37:11 PM
Jak 2's harder levels aren't even about platforming, for the most part.
That's usually as hard as the genre gets, I mean. Maximo might be considered challenging, for example, but that game even gives you an upgradable life bar. SMG2 doesn't give you any such leeway.
"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton


This is an unpopular opinion that is based entirely on this site, even though it doesn't necessarily hold true on every site.

I think the Wii is low tier Nintendo. Don't get me wrong, it's still a great console. But now that it's dead and I look back on its lifespan, I see that it was severely lacking in some ways. The main Nintendo games were generally as good if not better than every (Did you guys know that I happen to be a fan of the Mario Galaxy games? :happytime:), but the console didn't even come close to the NES or SNES in terms of third party support. I'd also say that the GameCube did better in this category; the Wii didn't have Killer 7, Eternal Darkness, Resident Evil 4, etc. This holds it back. I still think it's a better console than the N64, though that isn't saying much as the N64 had practically nothing beyond Nintendo and Rareware.

Also, it lacked Star Fox and F-Zero.

Spark Of Spirit

Quote from: talonmalon333 on January 30, 2013, 11:05:00 PM
This is an unpopular opinion that is based entirely on this site, even though it doesn't necessarily hold true on every site.

I think the Wii is low tier Nintendo. Don't get me wrong, it's still a great console. But now that it's dead and I look back on its lifespan, I see that it was severely lacking in some ways. The main Nintendo games were generally as good if not better than every (Did you guys know that I happen to be a fan of the Mario Galaxy games? :happytime:), but the console didn't even come close to the NES or SNES in terms of third party support. I'd also say that the GameCube did better in this category; the Wii didn't have Killer 7, Eternal Darkness, Resident Evil 4, etc. This holds it back. I still think it's a better console than the N64, though that isn't saying much as the N64 had practically nothing beyond Nintendo and Rareware.
Yes it did. It had the best version, too. Eternal Darkness is not a third party game, either. It was commissioned by Nintendo.

It also had Madworld, House Of The Dead Overkill, Tatsunoko Vs. Capcom, NMH1 and 2, and tons of excellent 2D platformers as well as WiiWare and the VC. Check my thread for plenty of examples.

I do not agree with your opinion.  :thinkin:
"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton


I think the Wii was a damn good console, and the PS3 as well. This gen has actually been pretty sweet IMO, especially in regards to PC gaming.


Yep. The big mainstream AAA titles have been lackluster, but shady/stupid  business decisions aside everything else has been fantastic as far as actual games are concerned.

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

The funny thing is that very few of the big 3rd party games that have come out this generation really interest me at all. Most of them are just not my kind of game.

The XBOX360 and PS3 had their own fair share of exclusives, however with the XBOX most of the good exclusives got ported over to the PC anyways (and obviously the PC versions are superior), and with the PS3 most of the exclusives for that system aren't really up my alley like most of the 3rd party games that I'm not really into (games like Yakuza and Ratchet and Clank are among the few exceptions that I want to try).

The Nintendo Wii, IMO, has a lot of exclusives that seem up my alley, from niche games to new games in classic franchises. I don't care about how "un-modernized" most of those games are. I don't care about the modern style of gaming, and I love classic games. From what I've played of stuff like Donkey Kong Country Returns, New Super Mario Bros. Wii, and No More Heroes (just to name a few Wii exclusives that I have tried decent chunks of), those games feel like the types of games that I wouldn't want to miss out on, but unfortunately did. On the other hand, after playing a lot of big 3rd party games that were so hyped up, I couldn't help but feel like they weren't really worth all that much in the end. Maybe I'm just too picky, but that's just how I honestly feel. I haven't been satisfied with a lot of what I've gotten to play in that regard.

For what its worth, I don't know if I'll really be biting for ANY of the next-gen consoles (maybe the Wii-U will persuade me, but for now there's hardly enough meat to it for me to invest in). As I've stated before, at this point I'd much rather save up for a good modern PC that can at least last mew for a few years in terms of running all kinds of games at reasonable settings.

Spark Of Spirit

I haven't seen much argument for people to wait for the PS4 or 720. Outside of first party games (which are becoming less and less original and distinctive), there isn't much of a drive for me to be interested.

I only got a Wii-U because I knew I would get one eventually for all the obvious (and not so obvious like W101) Nintendo games and potential for the pad. When it comes to third parties... well, what they're selling is increasingly becoming what I'm not interested in.
"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton


Fair enough about RE4 and VC, Spark. But I give credit where it's due, and in my opinion, that's the consoles that these games were made for.

Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on January 30, 2013, 11:09:36 PM

It also had Madworld, House Of The Dead Overkill, Tatsunoko Vs. Capcom, NMH1 and 2, and tons of excellent 2D platformers as well as WiiWare and the VC. Check my thread for plenty of examples.

I do not agree with your opinion.  :thinkin:

I personally didn't care for Madworld, Overkill, and No More Heroes. As for 2D platformers, which games specifically do you refer to? Most of them were Nintendo, and I think DKCR is the only one that stood out as mindblowing.

Quote from: Foggle on January 30, 2013, 11:10:43 PM
I think the Wii was a damn good console, and the PS3 as well. This gen has actually been pretty sweet IMO, especially in regards to PC gaming.

Oh I agree 100%. I think the Wii is a great console, as is the PS3 (I can probably name more PS3 games that I like, but most of them being available on the PC makes me favor the Wii). I still think the last gen was better, but this as been a very fine generation, too.

Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on January 30, 2013, 11:42:59 PM
For what its worth, I don't know if I'll really be biting for ANY of the next-gen consoles (maybe the Wii-U will persuade me, but for now there's hardly enough meat to it for me to invest in). As I've stated before, at this point I'd much rather save up for a good modern PC that can at least last mew for a few years in terms of running all kinds of games at reasonable settings.

I'm pretty much cutting off ties with other consoles as well. Though I think I'll be definitely getting a Wii U eventually, as a secondary gaming platforming to the PC and a way to get my Nintendo exclusives fix.


Quote from: talonmalon333 on January 30, 2013, 11:56:15 PM
I'm pretty much cutting off ties with other consoles as well. Though I think I'll be definitely getting a Wii U eventually, as a secondary gaming platforming to the PC and a way to get my Nintendo exclusives fix.
Yep, same here. I'll also probably end up getting a PS4 once they're like $100 to play the inevitable R&C and Yakuza sequels.

Spark Of Spirit

Come on, man.  :humhumhum:

The thing is, I didn't care for most first party games on the Gamecube outside of Wind Waker, Paper Mario, and Double Dash. I found the others were all pretty disappointing as a whole. Nintendo on the Wii was the strongest they'd ever been since the SNES. As for third parties, the only ones I liked a lot were Viewtiful Joe and the Monkey Ball games and outside of those I enjoyed every game in my thread far more.

The other thing is, between releases I could go on WiiWare or the VC and get games like Mega Man 9 or classics I never played before like Monster World IV with a brand new translation or DoReMi. So I never had much of a drought problem like I had with the N64 or the Gamecube.
"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton


Spark Of Spirit

"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton


I'm not going to go through every individual game on that list. But I do stand by my opinion. I didn't care for quite a few of those games. As far as first party games go, I agree that the Wii was better, particularly because of Mario (Super Mario Galaxy, Super Mario Galaxy 2, and New Super Mario Bros. Wii vs. Super Mario Sunshine)... But on the other hand, GameCube had a very solid F-Zero game. And while the Star Fox games were nothing to write home about (especially Assault) at least that franchise got recognition. I just feel like the Wii dropped the ball when it came to those franchises. And then there's the issue of Zelda. Wind Waker and Twilight Princess were fantastic even by the franchise's standard. Skyward Sword was fairly average compared to the other games. Metroid also had it a lot better on the GameCube. Two Prime games versus one Prime game and a... yeah...... The Wii takes the win on Kirby. I didn't care for Air Ride. But truthfully, I didn't care for Epic Yarn either, beyond its visuals. Return to Dreamland was great, though.

And no matter what, we both know that you can't stand up to this argument:

Quote from: Foggle on January 31, 2013, 12:15:11 AM
wee is 4 babbys :sly:



Dr. Ensatsu-ken

Something that just randomly came to mind:

I think that Aladdin on the SNES is a better game than Aladdin on the Genesis. I have played and enjoyed both games, but everyone else who I know of claims that the Genesis version is miles better, which is something that I have always just flat-out disagreed with. The SNES version is a pure platformer and, IMO, is absolutely terrific at utilizing that style of gameplay. The Genesis version feels more like an action game combined with a platformer, but its platforming elements never felt as tightly designed or as fluid as the SNES version did to me, and the action elements were decent, but nothing that I would call great, myself.

Of course, being in the minority in thinking that, I figured that this perfectly qualifies as yet another unpopular opinion of mine. ;)