Opinions On Various Popular Games/Franchises

Started by Dr. Ensatsu-ken, January 14, 2012, 07:18:08 PM

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Super Smash Bros.- Along with Burnout and SSX Tricky, this is as addictive as a game can get. I love the original and Melee. Fox and Samus are my favorites. I had fun with Dr. Mario too...God, nostalgia is kicking in like crazy now. Dr. Mario was pretty damn cool. Just look at those graphics on his jacket.

I've never played Brawl. I want to though. 1 of 3 Wii games I'm interested in.
"Ryu is like the Hank Hill of Street Fighter." -BB_Hoody

Spark Of Spirit

^What are the other two? Wario Land Shake It and Lost In Shadow?

Mortal Kombat - I enjoyed the first two a lot as a kid, and while they haven't aged all that well, the new one manages to bring the old style up to date to give me pretty much all I want out of the series. It's honestly the most fun I've had this gen with a fighter next to TvC.

Tekken - I have never been able to get into this series since day one and I've tried pretty much every game in it.

Super Smash Bros. - The first is one of my all time favorite games. I enjoyed the more simplistic approach and the more lax pacing, and the levels managed to be fun and tricky without being boring (like most of Melee's stages) or broken (like a chunk of Brawl's stages) and I'm really looking forward to the new games. Especially looking forward to the 3DS one since Sakurai said he's going for a more SB64 approach on it. Melee remains my least favorite entry in the series.

Earthbound - Someone said it once, that Earthbound is underrated by the gaming world and overrated by fans, and that's probably true. The first two game are fun RPGs where gameplay is front and center, but the sequel probably has one of the best stories in any RPG and the gameplay is improved further. Would it really be so bad for Nintendo to just make a compilation of these and give us a chance to play them legally? They even have official translations of all 3 games.

Uncharted - Easily the worst franchise Naughty Dog has developed for so far. Not to say it's bad as it's got a lot of flashy lights and big set pieces, it would make a pretty fun popcorn movie. Unfortunately, it's supposed to be a game. And like pretty much every movie game, there's only one way to play through it which means you will die a lot trying to do anything other than what the game wants you to and that there's little to no replayability. I don't really like how they've gone from making fun games for all ages (like Crash Bandicoot) to expansive games with lots of ideas (the Jak games) to making HD Indiana Jones movies instead. If I want to watch a movie; I'll watch a movie, I won't put in a video game.
"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton


We need more games like the Jak and Daxter series. Seriously, they were a near flawless combination of 3D platforming, racing/driving, 3rd person shooting, and skateboarding in an open world with a great story, high difficulty, and legitimately good comedy. The insane amount of variety makes it the ultimate franchise and one of gaming's crowning achievements in my eyes. There hasn't been anything like it since, and with the direction the industry's going in now, there probably never will be.


Quote from: Foggle on January 17, 2012, 11:48:45 AM
We need more games like the Jak and Daxter series. Seriously, they were a near flawless combination of 3D platforming, racing/driving, 3rd person shooting, and skateboarding in an open world with a great story, high difficulty, and legitimately good comedy. The insane amount of variety makes it the ultimate franchise and one of gaming's crowning achievements in my eyes. There hasn't been anything like it since, and with the direction the industry's going in now, there probably never will be.
Is this a fucking joke? Jak's targeting system was horrible.

The other 2 are Cave Story Wii and Castlevania Adventure. Maybe New Super Mario Bros. Wii if it can be played with no motion sensoring.
"Ryu is like the Hank Hill of Street Fighter." -BB_Hoody


Quote from: gunswordfist on January 17, 2012, 12:58:01 PM
Quote from: Foggle on January 17, 2012, 11:48:45 AM
We need more games like the Jak and Daxter series. Seriously, they were a near flawless combination of 3D platforming, racing/driving, 3rd person shooting, and skateboarding in an open world with a great story, high difficulty, and legitimately good comedy. The insane amount of variety makes it the ultimate franchise and one of gaming's crowning achievements in my eyes. There hasn't been anything like it since, and with the direction the industry's going in now, there probably never will be.
Is this a fucking joke? Jak's targeting system was horrible.
Looks like someone was bad at the game... :sly:


Quote from: Foggle on January 17, 2012, 01:13:50 PM
Quote from: gunswordfist on January 17, 2012, 12:58:01 PM
Quote from: Foggle on January 17, 2012, 11:48:45 AM
We need more games like the Jak and Daxter series. Seriously, they were a near flawless combination of 3D platforming, racing/driving, 3rd person shooting, and skateboarding in an open world with a great story, high difficulty, and legitimately good comedy. The insane amount of variety makes it the ultimate franchise and one of gaming's crowning achievements in my eyes. There hasn't been anything like it since, and with the direction the industry's going in now, there probably never will be.
Is this a fucking joke? Jak's targeting system was horrible.
Looks like someone was bad at the game... :sly:
:D I'm sorry that targeting system was bad. And look who's talking Foggle "Target Assist"....Foggle. :sly:
"Ryu is like the Hank Hill of Street Fighter." -BB_Hoody


Quote from: gunswordfist on January 17, 2012, 01:24:32 PM
Quote from: Foggle on January 17, 2012, 01:13:50 PM
Quote from: gunswordfist on January 17, 2012, 12:58:01 PM
Quote from: Foggle on January 17, 2012, 11:48:45 AM
We need more games like the Jak and Daxter series. Seriously, they were a near flawless combination of 3D platforming, racing/driving, 3rd person shooting, and skateboarding in an open world with a great story, high difficulty, and legitimately good comedy. The insane amount of variety makes it the ultimate franchise and one of gaming's crowning achievements in my eyes. There hasn't been anything like it since, and with the direction the industry's going in now, there probably never will be.
Is this a fucking joke? Jak's targeting system was horrible.
Looks like someone was bad at the game... :sly:
:D I'm sorry that targeting system was bad. And look who's talking Foggle "Target Assist"....Foggle. :sly:
That just proves that it's clearly not bad if even I can do it. :>


I gotta chime in on this even though I'm a year late.

Super Mario Bros - Honestly, any Nintendo game I feel I may come off as overcritical, so I'll just say I grew out of the franchise after the SNES game (I think it's Super Mario World?)

Zelda - Like Mario, I grew outta the series although I only played OoT, MM, bits of WW and bits of TP. After MM, I was basically done.

Metroid - Never played.

Metal Gear Solid - One of the best franchises out there. And despite MGS2 being relatively bad in terms of the story, I still thought was fairly solid. I'd still say it's better than most games in other franchises. I've played bits of MGS4, and I think in the end I'll end up thinking it's the best game in the franchise, but at the moment MGS3 is the best.

Halo - I'm beginning to hold this series in the same standard as the MGS franchise. But this is with Bungie. While I have Halo 4, I've yet to play it. Deep down I find the Halo games to be just like any other shooting game, but Halo stands out to me because I find Master Chief to be such a dominant character. I vaguely remember Halo 2, but Halo 1 as well as Halo Reach were truly the standout titles for me. Halo 3 was good, no doubt. I felt that Reach was more impactful though.

Mass Effect - Another series I'm beginning to hold in the same standard as the MGS franchise. I'm not a huge fan of RPGs in general, let alone WRPGs, but I find the ME games to be the best RPGs out there. But then again this could be because of the funk I was in when it came to JRPGs. ME1 was the first WRPG that I've played and it was a breath of fresh air because I was not using a character that wield a sword. ME2 greatly improved on what ME1 started out and made it into one of the greatest games I've played. I've yet to play ME3, but at the same time I've yet to complete ME2 (I still don't want to see the game end yet)

Assassin's Creed - A series that've been rather hated as of late. Honestly, I could careless what others think about this series since I enjoy it. AC1 was on the boring side, and had a rather annoying leading character in Altair, but the freedom it gave you in assassinating stood out. AC2 on the other hand blows AC1 out the water but it does limit you in a way because the targets are set in specific areas and they keep standing in said area. I think in AC1 your targets are constantly on the move. I've yet to play Brotherhood, Revelations and AC3 (although, I think I may skip out on that altogether). I hear AC4 is going back to the freedom that was AC1.

Uncharted - Fun series.

Call of Duty - Never played and not interested.

Resident Evil - Only played bits of RE2, and I hated it. Haven't played any since then.

Grand Theft Auto/Red Dead Redemption - Never played. Not interested.

Elder Scrolls - Only tried on ES5, and it's not for me at all. I'm not a fan of Bethesda in general though.


You need to play Super Metroid ASAP, you heathen.  All the rest can be forgiven, except that one.
It doesn't matter what you say, soon you'll be dead anyway.


Quote from: ComeauYou need to play Super Metroid ASAP, you heathen.  All the rest can be forgiven, except that one.

Ah, you don't know where I stand on retro games. I can go in on them if you want. :)

Nah, truth be told, the games back on the SNES were missed out on because I was heavily into the fighting games and not always in the house to play them. Those were the days where going out to play was actually fun at least for me.

Unfortunately, I don't really care about the retro titles anymore.

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

Resurrecting this thread just because....

Metal Gear- My opinion on this franchise remains the same as before, with the exception that I think MGRR is awesome, and the only game in the franchise that I really like, so far.

Ninja Gaiden-  I love the classics, even if they haven't aged all that gracefully. I love NGB (best game ever, IMO), and NG2 is seriously flawed, but looking past those I still really enjoy it for its combat. Also, DS is underrated. While I don't approve of most of the changes made in the a Sigma games, both are fine, really. The general NG community accepts Sigma 2 as a legitimately great game, just with a different design philosophy than the Vanilla version, so I can at least respect it on some level. I detest NG3 and RE, though, and am very disappointed to see that a fair number of fans have come to accept RE only due to lowered expectations from NG3. Also, I haven't played Yaiba and I never plan to.

Devil May Cry- I love the first game, and can even agree that it's still the "best" game in the series, even if I prefer 3, but 2 is a piece of shit. I think 3 has the best combat, though my only major gripe with the game is that I can't stand DMD mode. I like DMC4 well enough, but it feels less inspired and lazier in design than 1 and 3 were. As for DmC, I honestly think it's a decent game that should have just been its own IP. It's my least favorite "good" DMC game by far, but it really doesn't deserve the massive amount of flak that it gets, either. Overall, it's a fun series.

Bayonetta- I'm envious of Wii-U owners, as I won't be getting one for quite some time, but I'm sure Bayonetta 2 will be GOTY. As for the first game, I'm still playing it and probably find it to be the least flawed and technical "best" in the genre, even though I prefer NGB on a personal level.

Darksiders- I never cared for the first game, but I enjoyed most of the second game until it started dragging out towards the end. That Earth section was dreadful. I doubt that I'll ever play the third game if it ever even comes out.

Spark Of Spirit

Metal Gear - My opinion pretty much remains the same. I would dig a new overhead game, but just don't care for the 3D ones. Revengence is kind of a different breed.

Ninja Gaiden - About the only classic series Tecmo still uses. The 3D games were difficult for me to get into, but they were well made, and the 2D games were easy to get into, but had quite a few challenging parts. What I'm saying is that this series is never not difficult.

DMC - Only ever played the first game once and beat it without the shotgun... somehow. It was pretty great, but I never got around to the other games.

Bayonetta - Played the first, not really my thing. As far as Platinum/Kamiya goes I prefer Viewtiful Joe and Wonderful 101.

Darksiders - *Shrug*
"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on July 21, 2014, 04:54:51 PMNinja Gaiden - What I'm saying is that this series is never not difficult.

And then Ninja Gaiden 3 came out.

QuoteDMC - Only ever played the first game once and beat it without the shotgun... somehow. It was pretty great, but I never got around to the other games.

It's not like you really needed the shotgun in that game. I mean it's useful against the Shadows for sure, but the grenade launcher pretty much trumps it for almost everything else. I miss how useful the guns in that game were, in general. The sequels really merged their stopping power (except for 2, but we don't speak of that game).

QuoteBayonetta - Played the first, not really my thing. As far as Platinum/Kamiya goes I prefer Viewtiful Joe and Wonderful 101.

B-b-but....combat and stuff....

QuoteDarksiders - *Shrug*

That is an excellent argument against the Dynasty Warriors/Musou series. Not sure why you called it Darksiders, though. Do they have a game under that name?

Spark Of Spirit

When it comes to Musou, I tend to get one game a generation and that's usually enough to satiate me. Sometimes something simple and dumb is all I want to play.

Zelda Musou will probably be enough for this gen.
"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

Bayonetta is simple and fun (and only overly complex if you want it to be, but it's really not). It's also far more imaginative in enemy and level design than a DW type game. Why is a Musou game more preferable? I'm just asking out of curiosity, not to instigate you or anything.

I don't know, though. I just have a strong bias against that series. I'm all for simplicity, but I can't stand how it sells way more than it deserves when it's just mash a single button to win most of the time. Contrary to popular belief, you can mash in Ninja Gaiden, DMC, and Bayonetta as well. It's just that you need to also mind enemies and not get hit too much, and the games reward you for understanding enemy patterns a bit better.