Super Smash Bros.

Started by Spark Of Spirit, April 28, 2012, 09:19:58 PM

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I'd say to differentiate between Mario and Luigi, his ghost-catcher macine should be implemented, then I remembered how one of my biggest hopes for new Smash would be the removal of FLOOD on Mario, so you might as well drop that.

I think the reason I preferred Luigi to Mario in Brawl was because Luigi kept their classic down-B move. But if you want an idea, how about for his final Smash, you have Luigi pull out a journal and read from it to bore the fighters to KOs, ala Paper Mario?
Life is not about the second chances. It's about a little mouse and his voyage to an exciting new land. That, my friend, is what life is.

Sir, do you have any Warrants?
I got their first CD, but you can't have it, motherfucker!

New blog!


To be honest, I think they've been separating Mario and Luigi little by little with each game. In the original he was just a clone, but in Brawl he practically feels like his own separate character.

Spark Of Spirit

Quote from: Avaitor on June 13, 2013, 06:13:51 PM
I'd say to differentiate between Mario and Luigi, his ghost-catcher macine should be implemented, then I remembered how one of my biggest hopes for new Smash would be the removal of FLOOD on Mario, so you might as well drop that.

I think the reason I preferred Luigi to Mario in Brawl was because Luigi kept their classic down-B move. But if you want an idea, how about for his final Smash, you have Luigi pull out a journal and read from it to bore the fighters to KOs, ala Paper Mario?
The problem with FLUDD is that it should have been an item. It was totally useless in Brawl and made Luigi far better to use than Mario.

Quote from: Rynnec on June 13, 2013, 06:08:32 PMAnother idea I had for the clones is to make them alternate outfits and share the same slots with their originals. Like Dr. Mario would be an alt for Mario,  Masked Marth could be an alt for Marth, just with a different voice and such, and so on and so forth.
This is the easiest idea. Like take Ness and make an alternate 'costume' of "Ninten" and just change the voice and announcer call. You can do the same with Doctor Mario, Roy (if need be), Mr. L, Daisy, or even Pokemon Trainer designs ("Hoenn Trainer" for example) which would make a lot of fans happy AND it would be relatively easy to do without wasting roster space.

It would also help cut down on clones.

QuoteOn the whole though, I don't think both versions having the exact same roster is that good of an idea if it means the other would have to suffer.
I think it's a good idea so they can focus on the same cast of characters for balancing.
"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton


More info!

Quote- each version of the game has completely different stages
- cross-platform play wouldn't work
- each version will interact with one another
- take characters you've customized and transfer them to the Wii U version
- customizatios won't be costumes and they won't be something that players have to unlock
- different costumes would take away from what makes each character unique
- wants to avoid boring, repetitive tasks
- "stress free, easy connectivity" between the two versions
- no comment on level editor

Will there at least be alternate costumes, and customizable colour pallet's ala King of Fighters XIII?

Spark Of Spirit

That sounds intriguing. What exactly can you customize?
"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

Have all the new characters for this game been confirmed yet? If not, I still hold out the slightest bit of hope that Ryu Hayabusa would be a playable character in this game, but it'll probably never happen for 2 reasons:

1. The classic NES Ninja Gaiden games are long forgotten by most modern gamers.

2. Team Ninja Dog has completely whore'd out the modern iteration of the series, making it almost an embarrassment at this time, which may mean that Nintendo would have no interest in that property or its star character whatsoever. It really sucks, though, because I always felt that Ryu would be perfect for a Smash Bros. game, especially because even though everyone on the planet but me has forgotten it, he's just as classic of a character as the original Mega Man, and in his day he was pretty much just as well-liked and popular. Unfortunately, the days of classic Ryu (and classic NG in general) are a thing of the past.

Simon Belmont is another classic character who would be perfect for a Smash Bros. game but will never be used, because clearly Konami is only interested in whoring out Snake and marketing their MGS series instead.


Having Simon in here would be pretty cool, especially when you consider the fact that Pit and Megaman are also in the game. ;)

Regarding Ryu, in the unlikely event he makes it in, they'll most likely use his current design, but most of the references will be to the NES trilogy.

We've only scratched the surface in regards to newcomers, at least I hope so. I'd be pretty disappointed if these are the only new faces we get.

Spark Of Spirit

Ryu is the only rep from Tecmo that would ever realistically happen. Wait to see what they announce next for Ninja Gaiden, if the next game avoids the Wii-U I doubt he'll make it in. If he is in, I expect an alternate costume based on his NES garb like they had in the 3D games.

The only confirmed slots are:

Donkey Kong
Mega Man
Wii Fit Trainer

I'd say likely inclusions are:

Captain Falcon

To fill in the OG roster.

After that you can make some healthy guesses at those who could tilt on inclusion:

Diddy Kong
Metaknight (here come the nerfs!)
King DeDeDe
Pokemon Trainer (maybe with different Pokemon?)
Mr. Game & Watch
Ice Climbers

Those that seem to have lesser chances:

MewTwo (Only with the newer design does he have a chance)
Toon Link (The Spirit Tracks stage make this pretty obvious)
Falco/Wolf (I don't see them both in unless one is substantially changed)

That's how I see it anyway.

EDIT: Oh yeah, and the three rumored characters-

Little Mac
"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton


With Toon Link's likely disclusion, I say they buff Link to make him not sucky.

For the Pokemon Trainer, they can use the Unova Trainers and their starter Pokemon, with Reshiram/Zekrom as a possible Final Smash.

Mewtwo's new design makes him pretty likely to return.

Spark Of Spirit

That's 43 characters, too. With Zero Suit Samus and Sheik that would make it 45 (since I'm fairly sure they're separate this time because Samus' final smash didn't seem to destroy her suit).

I think it's safe to say there will be a few cuts. I see this tapping out around 40 max.
"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton


Guess a Bamco character isn't guaranteed

Even adding Pokemon characters is apparently more of a hassle than we thought.

Spark Of Spirit

I'm still gonna guess on Pac-Man's inclusion, but I guess any other Namco character is right out. Unless someone reminds him of Klonoa and his cool ring combo possibilities.
"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton


It would seem a shame to not have ROB come back, him being such a unique character with a very original moveset. Also, I think Mewtwo is coming back. He was going to be in Brawl (he had the most data of any of the cut characters), he's still one of the most popular Pokemon ever, and with the new movie coming out I'd say his chances are very high. I think his new form will be implemented into his Final Smash.

Characters I could see being cut:
Toon Link (I kind of hope he isn't because I love Toon Link and I hate being regular Link)
Wolf (I don't consider anyone in Brawl to be a clone, really, but it's still pretty ridiculous it had three Star Fox characters all with the same Final Smash)
Ike (in favor of the current FE star, like how Ike took the place of Roy)
Snake (I just don't see it happening with the limited 3rd party space and there are characters much better suited than him, as much as I liked him)
Zero Suit Samus (I think we would have seen Samus' armor fall of in the trailer)
Lucas (I want him to stay, but I could see him going. Ness is safe because he's an original cast member and Mother 2/EarthBound re-release is big news.)

I kind would rather not have a Mii as a character. I'm all for and super excited for the Wii Fit Trainer but I could do without a Mii. Also, given Sakurai's recent statement, I'm starting to think Pac-Man won't show up after all. But if there is a Namco character it's going to be Pac-Man.


They did joke about Mewtwo being playable in the Pok?mon Round Table, though since they responded first with "We don't have clearance for that yet and We'll see" it could be possible. Though if we end up getting Mewtwo and his new forme, I can see it being more of a switchable costume, kind of like how Wario had his Wario Ware gear and his traditional clothing.


Quote from: Daxdiv on June 14, 2013, 01:00:48 AM
They did joke about Mewtwo being playable in the Pok?mon Round Table, though since they responded first with "We don't have clearance for that yet and We'll see" it could be possible. Though if we end up getting Mewtwo and his new forme, I can see it being more of a switchable costume, kind of like how Wario had his Wario Ware gear and his traditional clothing.

Would he get his armor from the first movie? Because that was pretty sweet.

I guess I wouldn't mind the Mii being included if it weren't for the fact that they have to cut down characters.

Even though he's technically not a "Villain", I'd rather Wolf stay and Falco get the boot. Smash is kinda low on villains reps.