What Are You Currently Playing? 5.05: You Are (Not) A Gamer

Started by Avaitor, August 30, 2012, 09:19:39 PM

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Dr. Ensatsu-ken

So, I was playing Bloody Palace mode in DMC3 today just so that I could try and finish getting my Royal Guard style maxed out at level 3, rather than trying to do it in story mode. I ended up leveling it up after passing about a thousand or so floors, and then I quite Bloody Palace mode only to realize that I had to die in order for my progress on that mode to be saved. So I then had to slap myself over the face and begrudgingly do it all over again, and after that I decided that I'd try and just keep playing until I died, but I was hardly ever taking any damage as most of the fights I kept being thrown into just weren't that challenging. So I said "fuck all" to myself and decided to just let myself be killed to get it over with and save my progress in terms of having leveled up my Royal Guard style as well as the shit-ton of extra red orbs that I had collected through playing that mode. Now, the funny part is that I decided to do this on a floor with no other enemies but Blood-goyles, so I just set my controller aside and waited for them to kill me. The only problem is that they take extremely long to attack, so I decided to leave the game running and go downstairs to get a drink of water. Then I came back up an the fuckers STILL hadn't managed to finish me off (I still had about half of my health left). And then I laughed my ass off. :D

Also I beat Mission 13 on Very Hard mode. I was REALLY sloppy on the Vergil boss fight and played it horribly, but only because I had a bunch of items that I had on me that I hadn't used in forever and didn't really plan to use, so I decided to just experiment with this boss fight and try new strategies, knowing full well that I'd be punished for it, but it just gave me an excuse to get rid of those items that I was never going to use otherwise, anyways. In retrospect I probably should have saved them for the Arkham boss fight which I always dread playing, but even then I could just stock up on more items by that point, anyways. The only real problem with using items is that I take a huge hit in ranking for doing so, but I don't care about it that much since my rankings have usually never been that great (I always tend to average around a B for most missions in the game).


I propose that we all start referring to the Xbox One as Dew Doritos Xbox and Ultra Street Fighter 4 as Super Street Fighter IV Ultra Arcade 2012 Turbo HD Remix 2013 Edition.


For the most part it still Street Fighter 3 and 4, but I can only spend about 2-3 hours tonight (basically from now to about 7-8:00) before I get sleepy and decide to turn in. I worked last Saturday, and will be working tomorrow, and probably working on Saturday's for a while just to get a little bit of extra money so I can pay off my student loan(s). More than likely most of my gaming time will probably be on Saturday night and Sunday afternoons. In the meantime I'll be watching high level footage of both games.

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

I really should be getting back into BioShock: Infinite, since I still haven't beaten that game yet, but I got REALLY ticked off at those Lady Comstock boss fights that I just had to take a break from that game. I can't believe that even a high-budget game like this would recycle a terrible boss fight like that in rapid-succession. For crying out loud, even DMC games aren't THAT shameless.

Speaking of DMC, I cleared my way past 3,400 floors in Bloody Palace today. Once again I wasn't really trying to go all out here, but rather I was just trying to max out my Gunslinger style. Unfortunately, even after playing that much I didn't get quite enough experience to level it up all of the way, but I'm almost there, now. I also got a shit-ton of red orbs from the process, so it was still worth it. Now, had I been playing with a style that I'm actually good at using like Trickster or Sword Master, I likely could have made my way past at least 5,000 floors.

In addition to Bloody Palace, I beat Mission 14 in story mode on Very Hard mode. Its a pretty forgettable mission that's really just there for padding (as are the next 2 missions in the game), so there really isn't much for me to say about it other than I cleared it without too much trouble.


I thought Lady Comstock was a pretty fun fight... the first time. The recycling was fucking stupid, though.

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

Maybe I'm just playing it wrong, but I kept getting downed by all of the damn enemies she summoned on me. It basically became a "camping" game for me, in that I had to sit and wait for her to show up every minute or so by herself and then I could take a few pot-shots at her before she tried to attack me, and then I evaded her, she disappeared, and I had to rinse and repeat the process until she was dead. It was especially frustrating if I ever got surrounded by the soldiers that she resurrected, because if I got downed and revived, she would regain ALL of her health and I'd have to start the whole process over from scratch, and it always pretty much came to that since I eventually had to leave my cover for more ammo to use against her.

I just don't find that boss fight to be any fun, myself. I was really enjoying the rest of the game up to that point, but it was that 2nd fight with her that actually frustrated me enough to take a hiatus from the game, which shows you just how unpleasant that fight was for me. I'll try and return to playing the game tomorrow, though.


Really, just focus all your firepower on her directly while keeping the mooks at bay with vigors. Take her out head-on, and only use cover for healing. They were tough, but I didn't really have much trouble with those fights, to be honest.


Started a second profile in my AC town, just to fill the town with more crap.

I'd like to just draw a picture of the Villager sitting at the giant tree from New Leaf, smiling calmly like always, holding his net, with a few desolate, dilapidated villager houses in the back. His slightly blood-stained net.


Dr. Ensatsu-ken

So, I played some more DMC3 today, and I finally got my Gunslinger style up to level 3, which means that I officially have Dante maxed on on all of his skills and abilities, and I got the Trend Setter achievement for maxing out all of my styles. I may fool around and experiment with the Gunslinger style for a bit, but I don't think I'll be using it that much since in order to use it properly, I'd need to re-work my entire control scheme around it, and I've just gotten so used to my current set-up that I'm not interested in doing so. On that end, I think I'll stick with Trickster and tough fights in the game in general, and I'll use Sword Master for everything else.

I also beat mission 15 on Very Hard mode today, so I'm getting close to the end of the game on this difficulty setting. After that, I'll probably go ahead and go back to Easy mode not just to complete it for the sake of completion, but also to stock up on red orbs and also finish the rest of the secret missions in the game to max out Dante's life-bar, so that way I can have a fully optimized Dante ready for DMD mode when I finally get to it. After that, I'll beat the game with Vergil once, and then I'll probably be done with DMC3 for a while, and will go back to DMC1 and try and beat that game on its higher difficulty settings.


I beat Shank 2 today. Fun short game and the last boss was easy. Now I need to play the first game...
"Ryu is like the Hank Hill of Street Fighter." -BB_Hoody


Giving The Last Story another go after two months away. And I don't remember how to play this for shit. Keep getting killed.  :wth:


Will I ever beat NSMB2?

It's a good game, but I'm having a horrendous time trying to get motivated enough to finish it.

Spark Of Spirit

Quote from: Kiddington on July 29, 2013, 12:22:51 AM
Will I ever beat NSMB2?

It's a good game, but I'm having a horrendous time trying to get motivated enough to finish it.
It revels in my least favorite Mario cliche. That being randomly placed hidden blocks to get beanstalks for hidden exits/star coins.

It's barely used in NSMBWii and U, but for some reason it's everywhere in 2.

It still beats the DS game, though. Haters of the NSMB games really try to overrate that one.
"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton


Uninspired is the word that comes to mind for NSMB2. It's just a "been there, done that" kind of game for me. And it's piss-easy. Beat the thing in two sittings. Worth $40 it was not.

I prefer the first one.  :thinkin:

Spark Of Spirit

I really don't see what's so great about the first one, honestly. It's the easiest Mario platformer by far, you can skip two worlds without even trying, there are no flight power-ups, the mega-mushroom is basically the equivalent of a scripted event, and the shell power-up is terrible.

Heck, it even took until U for the mini-mushroom to be worth using.

I really don't see what DS adds that's of any value.
"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton