Clearly these poseurs like Plasmatic Vasquez who’ve already complained about the wonderful Japanimation series that bares the name of the most beautiful poem known to man are insane cock-knockers who clearly are only into generic pablum like Fate/Zorro and Maduka Maguca. It is therefore up to moi to settle this matter in an appropriate manner. Flowers of Evil is the greatest Japanimation since Momotoro’s Divine Sea Warriors, and only I can share with you how never has there been a tale of such woe as that of Naramura and her Taka-o.
Obviously this animation is so life like and realistic that it represents the true humanity of the being within. Some foolish “critics” complained about how it was “ro-to-sco-ped” and that it was done in an unnatural, choppy manner. They claim a series named “Gurgangchia” poses far more detailed and fluid animation as the result of a higher budget and an accomplished studio named Production Ig Nobel. POPPYCOCK, I say! This is the most true to life animation I have ever seen in my entire life. The character designs are such a gigantic improvement over the flat, alien, inhuman original man-ga that I cannot believe that embarrassing series has lasted for five years. But then it occurs to me that this incredible television program was what it was building to all this time, the genius original man-gak-a knew traditional animation was bad for his work.
But as well animated as it is, the storyline is clearly what shines above all others. The protagonist Taco’s moral quandary is so monumental that no one could ever overcome such a difficulty in real life. You know he cannot return the gym clothes because that would destroy his fragile mind forever turning him into an ordinary unenlightened unintelligent member of the masses. OH THE HUMANITY! To counterbalance this conflicted man, we have a figure of such diabolique cunning that we have not seen since the days of Milky McDoogal in Cubrik’s A Clockwise Naranja. Naramura’s psychosis burns through the screen like silky sheets of hot lead. I especially love the scene where she assaults Takao in the library. The outstanding animation only accentuates the primal nature of the incredibly witty intelligent script, something we haven’t seen outside of the brilliant work by legendary novelist Nisio Isin.
Again the cowardly Liberati slam this show. They claim it’s too slow, that it goes nowhere and wastes time on sequences that ultimately mean nothing. Again, what fools they are! This series is a masterpiece of expert slowburn suspense and pacing. I especially love Episode 7 and its long opening sequence of people walking calculating their own imminent dread. Those who fail to see the symbolism are clearly only into the works of noted hack Gin Oogieboogie or watch those horrible “A-Doramas” on the HbeeOH(!). Clearly that network has not run anything worth seeing since they canceled that classic series Arliss.
So yes do not listen to these foul curs and watch Flowers of Evil. It will show the true meaning of anime. The meaning Anno was trying to achieve with Evangelion but failed to until his masterwork Evangelion 3.0, but we’ll discuss that horrid badly written diatribe by this Foghat character who probably didn’t like it only because it’s not like the show another time. I leave you with this, do drown in the river of shit you will find the serenity within!