E3 2013

Started by Foggle, June 10, 2013, 04:20:12 PM

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I'm definitely on the fence on the Wii U. I mean, I'll pick one up eventually, but it'd probably be in a year or something. Mario, Zelda, Metroid, Smash, and DK will pull me to it eventually. But I've got plenty of games I've been meaning to get to in the meantime. Those Nintendo games aren't going to be forceful.


I'm also on the fence about the Wii-U. My will to purchase every Platinum Games release is strong, but outside of Bayonetta 2 and The Wonderful 101, I just don't see any must-owns for the console yet. I mean, I like Smash Bros, but only in multiplayer, and I'm sure my friends will be picking up copies of that, so I don't really need to bother there. Sonic: Lost World looks cool, but while I loved Colors and Generations, I'll definitely have to wait for reviews, given that it's a modern Sonic game and all. And 2D Mario is great, but I have like 15 of those already.

At this point, I'm ready to just go PC-only.


I actually feel like, if Mario and Zelda fail, I could pull myself away from future Nintendo consoles. I love Smash, DK, Metroid, and that stuff. But not enough that they can practically force me to get a console. And besides, Metroid has been going through rough times, and DK Tropical Freeze looks similar enough to Returns. Smash is fun, but none of my friends will be getting a Wii U anyway, so I'll have less time with that one unless I lug my Wii U around. And I don't see a great future for third-party games on the console.

So yeah, if I ever detach myself from Mario and Zelda, I'll probably be leaving consoles permanently... As things are, Mario has given me one of the biggest disappointments ever by announcing the next 3D game as forgoing evolution and the next big step for Mario, in favor of a glorified 3D Land. Can't say much for Zelda yet. But I do somewhat worry if it'll pull the same conservative crap as Mario, or if it'll be on the same level of quality as Skyward Sword. :thinkin:

Heck, as things are, I can probably name at least 20 current games I need to catch up on. I definitely don't feel a need to get the Wii U in the near future.