Kill la Kill

Started by Foggle, October 03, 2013, 03:07:11 PM

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Dr. Ensatsu-ken

But, that's kind of the job of a good show. To get viewers invested in the characters.

As it stands, I am somewhat invested in the characters. I just haven't been given enough reason yet to feel more invested in them than I already do, though as CX mentioned, it's only 7 episodes into the show, and few shows can really grab you that much until at least half a season's worth of episodes (including some of my favorites), so I don't really hold that against the series since it's too early on.


Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on November 17, 2013, 03:14:51 PM
But, that's kind of the job of a good show. To get viewers invested in the characters.
Right, and it works for me. :P

Spark Of Spirit

It might change as you go along in the show and then retroactively parts of the earlier episodes will stand out more. Most of my favorite anime have done that.

I've been enjoying your series, Foggle, though I haven't been watching the show yet. I will get around to it, but for now I'm enjoying "reading" along with them through your posts. You do make it sound very entertaining and certainly something worth giving attention to.

Though all the "rape subtext" comments floating out there are pretty annoying. It's basically why I keep all my knowledge of this show to the thread. Do you know how many episodes this show will be, by the way?
"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton


Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on November 19, 2013, 01:24:55 PM
Do you know how many episodes this show will be, by the way?

It'll be 25 episodes in total.


I'm glad you're enjoying my blogs, though really they're meant to be read after watching the episodes! :D

There is no "rape subtext" in Kill la Kill. There is one rape joke in the first episode. That's it.

Spark Of Spirit

It's the same reaction either way!  ;)

Quote from: Foggle on November 19, 2013, 01:59:07 PMThere is no "rape subtext" in Kill la Kill. There is one rape joke in the first episode. That's it.
According to some people, everything is a rape joke.
"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton


Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on November 19, 2013, 03:01:39 PM
According to some people, everything is a rape joke.
I don't know what to tell them. There is literally one rape joke in the entire show, maybe two if you're really reading into the sexual humor.

Spark Of Spirit

From your descriptions, it doesn't appear to be any real sexual humor outside of nudity which isn't necessarily sexual on its own.

I guess I would have to see it myself to be sure, but when anime does sexual humor, it's usually pretty obvious.
"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton


The jokes aren't really about sex, but the comedy is overtly sexual in its presentation. Nearly every major character (male or female) gets naked at least once, with one of them constantly stripping for the protagonist in almost every appearance, but the sexual humor is usually derived from misunderstandings in dialogue (puns and double entendres) rather than the typical anime boob grab garbage. There is a lot of nudity/partial nudity in Kill la Kill, but it's not really that blatant or intended to be titillating IMO - it's just part of the show's style. The cartoony artwork and lack of detailed pandering lead me to believe that most of the people getting mad at this series are either extreme prudes or new to anime in general, because it's about as "tasteful" as this kind of thing gets in the medium.

Also, I would like to make very clear, if KLK actually had rape subtext or an abundance of rape jokes, I would hate it. That was one of the many things that made me detest Future Diary. I have a feeling that the people you're hearing this kind of crap from haven't watched past episode 2.

Spark Of Spirit

So it's like Harvey Birdman where the sex jokes are not the focus but piled on top of the story already? I frequently find sex a boring topic (which is why most comedies bore me nowadays), but when it's not the focus I usually have no problem with it. Because from your articles, you have a lot to say about it that has little to do with sexual humor which leads me to believe it's not the point but just the window-dressing.

That's all beside the whole rape-joke thing. A one-off line is not the same as a rape scene.

I'm not hearing it from anyone in particular, it's just an annoying mentality from certain types who either find these types of things in everything or want to hate it. I don't even know why I paid it any mind.
"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton


Well, the second episode has A LOT of sex jokes (perhaps to balance out the first installment which has only one), but aside from that, the sexuality is basically just window dressing on top of the story. The nudity and such go hand in hand with the over the top action to give Kill la Kill its atmosphere of unrestrained insanity.

The "rape joke" is difficult to describe/explain. I wrote about it in my first blog entry. Personally, I don't even think they were intending to make light of rape, I just think it's a product of the Japanese having different standards for what kind of sexual humor is acceptable compared to westerners. I can absolutely see why some would consider it uncomfortable or tasteless (I do myself, in fact), but I think when put into context with the content of the rest of the show, what kind of anime Trigger's staff have previously worked on, and Japanese culture in general, its impact is greatly lessened. And as far as currently airing anime go, Diabolik Lovers, Freezing Vibration, Valvrave the Liberator, and even the beloved Monogatari are FAR more "rapey" than Kill la Kill.

Spark Of Spirit

I just watched the first episode. That wasn't a rape joke- it wasn't blatant enough to be one. It was a living uniform that wanted to be worn by her. That's a bit different than what a rape is.

Otherwise it was exactly what I expected. A bit too fast paced at times, but enjoyable.
"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton


Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on November 19, 2013, 06:02:39 PM
I just watched the first episode. That wasn't a rape joke- it wasn't blatant enough to be one. It was a living uniform that wanted to be worn by her. That's a bit different than what a rape is.
That's pretty much how I felt the first time I watched it. Of course, all the essays I saw online painted my opinion of it upon the second viewing, and I can kind of see where they're coming from, but I don't really agree.

QuoteOtherwise it was exactly what I expected. A bit too fast paced at times, but enjoyable.
Glad you liked it! The series starts to get progressively better at episode 3. 2, while still great, is the weakest installment IMO.

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

I think that episode 5 is the weakest, personally.


Good episode as always. My blog is actually on time this week!