What are you currently playing? 4.0

Started by Dr. Ensatsu-ken, December 27, 2010, 05:53:19 PM

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Pretty ashamed to admit this, but I downloaded a save so I could play the last couple of levels with unlimited ammo. Probably going to sell this game; the latter half is so difficult that I just can't have fun with it. I guess rail shooters just aren't really my thing, though I still love every House of the Dead.

Spark Of Spirit

Quote from: Foggle on February 17, 2012, 06:04:49 PMI guess rail shooters just aren't really my thing

Have you tried Ghost Squad? It's another Sega rail shooter and it's pretty awesome. It's short, but it's also dirt cheap.
"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton


Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on February 17, 2012, 08:52:31 PM
Quote from: Foggle on February 17, 2012, 06:04:49 PMI guess rail shooters just aren't really my thing

Have you tried Ghost Squad? It's another Sega rail shooter and it's pretty awesome. It's short, but it's also dirt cheap.
When I said that, I meant more that I'm horrid at them. :lol: I still enjoy playing them! Then again, it might just be that Umbrella Chronicles is too much for me. I just started Darkside Chronicles... and I LOVE this one! Normal mode is far more manageable and fun for me than UC's Easy mode was, the story-telling is surprisingly excellent, the atmosphere is perfect (it's actually somewhat scary), and the graphics are amazing for the Wii. The shaky-cam is kind of annoying, but it's still very fun to play. It's more cinematic, but it's also more arcadey, which I really like.

I have not tried Ghost Squad, but I shall since you recommend it.

Spark Of Spirit

Quote from: Foggle on February 17, 2012, 09:24:02 PM
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on February 17, 2012, 08:52:31 PM
Quote from: Foggle on February 17, 2012, 06:04:49 PMI guess rail shooters just aren't really my thing

Have you tried Ghost Squad? It's another Sega rail shooter and it's pretty awesome. It's short, but it's also dirt cheap.
When I said that, I meant more that I'm horrid at them. :lol: I still enjoy playing them! Then again, it might just be that Umbrella Chronicles is too much for me. I just started Darkside Chronicles... and I LOVE this one! Normal mode is far more manageable and fun for me than UC's Easy mode was, the story-telling is surprisingly excellent, the atmosphere is perfect (it's actually somewhat scary), and the graphics are amazing for the Wii. The shaky-cam is kind of annoying, but it's still very fun to play. It's more cinematic, but it's also more arcadey, which I really like.

I have not tried Ghost Squad, but I shall since you recommend it.
Oh, cool!  ;D

So Darkside Chronicles is the better of the two? I might end up eventually getting them both after all.
"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton


I definitely prefer it. I can see why people wouldn't like it as much as Umbrella, but I personally think it's a lot better. Here's why:

- Zombies don't take 10+ pistol shots to kill
- Normal difficulty is just that: challenging without being frustrating - meanwhile, the easy modes are actually good for beginners and the harder difficulties are as tough as UC is and likely fun for veterans
- The boss battles aren't lengthy, precision-heavy battles of attrition like they were in UC
- There aren't nearly as many quick time events, and the ones that do exist don't require split-second reflexes
- Operation Javier >>>> Umbrella's End
- It actually treats the source material with respect
- Mr. X behaves like series fans would expect; completely unlike the bullshit that was Nemesis in UC
- Some cool jump scares
- No weird anime bullshit (UC's plot and especially its Wesker levels are full of this)
- Very good graphics for a Wii game and some of the best voice acting in the series

Literally, the only downside is the shaky-cam. Many reviews called it boring, saying that there's too much downtime between enemy encounters, but I don't see it. The progression is only a tiny bit slower than other zombie rail shooters (including UC) so far.


Meh, I didn't like DC. UC wasn't much better, but to me it was more like what a rail-shooter should be. DC was too flashy. Shaky camera, in-game cutscenes, slower pace... UC got straight to the nitty gritty, straight to the point. There was some dialogue, but it was all in the heat of things. There wasn't any stopping to completely break the pacing.

Oh, and there's a certain fight around the end that's simply atrocious for numerous reasons, but I'll wait before mentioning it.


Quote from: talonmalon333 on February 17, 2012, 10:14:58 PM
Shaky camera, in-game cutscenes, slower pace...
The shaky camera is definitely a valid complaint, but the in-game cutscenes are completely skippable and the pace is barely any slower. But I think the most important thing is that DC doesn't make me want to kill myself due to insane difficulty.

QuoteOh, and there's a certain fight around the end that's simply atrocious for numerous reasons, but I'll wait before mentioning it.
Oh god... :shit:


Quote from: Foggle on February 17, 2012, 10:37:34 PM
Oh god... :shit:

To be honest, you might not hate it, or at least not like I did. Gameplay-wise, it's not terrible. But there's stuff about the fight that just... bug me to no end.


I was pretty disappointed in myself for giving up on UC, so I started a new file to prove that I could beat it properly (still on Easy, though; sorry, I'm a pussy).

Anyway, imagine my surprise when I'm nearing the end of the game and normal zombies don't take 10+ pistol shots to kill. Imagine my surprise when there are more green herbs scattered throughout the levels and I don't get completely buttblasted by every BOW and boss I encounter. Imagine my surprise when I inquisitively put the game on Hard mode and discover that my first file was glitched from the start and, despite saying I was playing Easy mode, was locked on Hard difficulty.

Yeah. I don't know what the hell happened. But suddenly I don't feel so bad about my rail shooter skills...

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

Hey, don't feel too bad. I'm sure the same has happened to other people with other games. I mean, I know for a fact that this very thing happened to THOUSANDS of people when DMC3 was originally released here, and Normal mode in the U.S. was actually locked-in as Japan's Hard mode. It made so many people question just how badly they sucked at video games. ;)

Anyways, I love rail-shooters, but I also admit that I pretty much suck at them. Still, I'd gladly fork over up to $20 for a perfectly emulated version of The Lost World rail-shooter, and a good arcade-gun peripheral to go with it.


Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on February 18, 2012, 04:16:12 PM
Still, I'd gladly fork over up to $20 for a perfectly emulated version of The Lost World rail-shooter, and a good arcade-gun peripheral to go with it.
Oh man, I love that game! I can't quite recall whether that or Time Crisis 1 was my first rail shooter, but I seriously had a blast playing that when I was 5.


Woo, just beat Dark Legacy 1 on my first try! Didn't even need the first aid spray. Going to wrap this bitch up, finish playing through Darkside Chronicles, then go back and tackle UC on Normal mode. Great goddamn games.



My friend let me borrow Battlefield 3 and Red Dead Redemption 4 or so days ago. I've been trying to beat Assassin's Creed (ugh!) and get to 2 so I can beat it and let him borrow that game.
"Ryu is like the Hank Hill of Street Fighter." -BB_Hoody

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

Unless you just really feel the need to finish the first game for the sake of completion, you should probably just skip it and go to the 2nd one. I myself haven't played the 2nd game (though I here its a much better game, not that I care to get suckered into another AC game again), but the 1st game is one of the most horribly overrated pieces of shit to have been so successful this gen. I mean, it had some brilliant marketing behind it, so maybe that's why it sold well, but it really didn't deserve it. The game is atrociously repetitive in all of the worst ways, and the story is so laughably bad that it makes the writers of Resident Evil games look like freaking scholars. I did actually beat the game all the way through, and I really had to struggle to do so, as it was just so  damn tedious that I got bored after just 1 measly hour of playing. Sure the graphics were really good and it had large expansive environments, but I always felt like there was basically nothing to do in the entire game aside from the same lame-ass, boring tasks. The climbing mechanics were kind of cool but got old fast, the combat is some of the most shallow and boring that I have ever seen, and the assassinations (you know, the actual highlight of the game) basically just boil down to striking down your target in broad daylight for EVERYONE to see so a bunch of guards can chase you until you hide somewhere that's extremely easy to find yet the guards are designed to be dumb enough to not notice you.

When I think of a game about assassins, I think of getting creative with methods to take out a target, sneaking around at night and using various mechanics to perform feats that no normal person without intense training could do, and being able to successfully take out a target inconspicuously and leave long before you have a chance to be noticed. That would be a rewarding experience, and honestly its one of the few times I was sold on a concept of stealth, but this game didn't even take that approach and IMO was a complete waste of a great idea for a game.