My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic

Started by Spark Of Spirit, March 28, 2011, 11:20:42 PM

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Spark Of Spirit

According to Wikipedia (yeah, I know) season 3 will only be 13 episodes after all.

I'm a bit confused as to why nothing can ever go beyond 65 episodes anymore.
"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton

Dr. Insomniac

I remember hearing in an interview that the staff deny this is the last season though. So we have to wait before speculating first.

Mr. Big

It's going to get season 4. They hired a new writer back in April, when the last of the season 3 scripts were being finished.

The question is if it's going to get season 5.

Mr. Big

I was asked to write an article about Merriwether Williams, and today it got posted.

What do you think?


I tried to watch this but my pups took it over.
"You don't have to eat the entire turd to know that it's not a crab cake." - Bean, Shadow of the Hegemon


Not sure how many of you guys care at this point, but it appears as though Season 1 is getting a full DVD release.

This show has soured on me too much to really get excited over, but I suppose if it's cheap enough someday, I may give it a shot.


If I can get it for a fiver or less, I'll buy one copy each for all of my friends who detest this show as much as I do so I can leave it on their doorsteps, ring the bell, and run. :happytime:


You know, I thought for the longest time it was the disgusting fanbase that was ruining this for me, but upon giving it another couple of viewings after being a way from it for a while... I've come to realize that it just isn't a very good show to me. Not rewatchable at all. I mean, it's still cute, but I've hardly found myself laughing at any of these bits (really not sure what I seen in it the first time around). A lot of it just gets on my nerves now.


Barring the odd episode here or there, I still find it to be a fantastic show. Pre-ordered.


I've actually been starting to think that I'm watching too many shows, and have been planning on dropping some before the season starts. Like Kidd, MLP doesn't have much replay value to me (the morals grate on me, I'm still not crazy on the CMC, and even during first viewings, I've never found it to be a laugh-out-loud funny show), and I don't even record it, so why bother sticking around?
Life is not about the second chances. It's about a little mouse and his voyage to an exciting new land. That, my friend, is what life is.

Sir, do you have any Warrants?
I got their first CD, but you can't have it, motherfucker!

New blog!


Haven't seen you guys talk about this but, am I the only one that didn't hate that Mysterious Mare-Do-Well episode? The bronies whine that the message is broken because the other Mane Six bragged about their exploits to Dash, but that wasn't it at all. They were giving her a taste of her own medicine. And they didn't bother asking her to tone it down because they knew with her ego that she wouldn't listen, not to mention how much of a cliche that is.

Even if one despises this episode, that doesn't change the fact that how this fanbase treats Merriwether Williams is utterly ridiculous.

Mr. Big

Pre-ordered that DVD. Oh yeah.

As for Merriwether Williams, yeah, she's getting a lot of flack. I tried to defend her in this article, but if the comments are any indication...


Who is Merriwether Williams and why do people have such a problem with her work? ???

Mr. Big

As I'm writing this that season 1 DVD is ranking #3 in "Movies & TV" DVD category (and #12 overall). Yeah, they're gonna sell plenty of copies.

Quote from: Foggle on September 07, 2012, 09:48:00 PM
Who is Merriwether Williams and why do people have such a problem with her work? ???
Read the article I linked. I pretty much answer all the questions you asked.


Great article man! You should write for us sometime. :)

I think her work on the show sounds quite good, though I suppose I can understand why people would hate it if it's so stylistically and tonally different from the other episodes.