Survival Horror

Started by Dr. Ensatsu-ken, May 10, 2011, 12:11:17 AM

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So, do any of you guys think Silent Hills will, one day, happen?


I do think Kojima and Del Toro will probably end up making a horror game together someday, and I'm sure Konami will eventually farm the SH license out to another developer, but the "true" Silent Hills is dead, man.


Quote from: Foggle on August 15, 2015, 09:22:55 PMI do think Kojima and Del Toro will probably end up making a horror game together someday

Kojima? Probably. Del Toro? Nope. He's done.

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

Quote"I have proven to be the albatross of video games," he says. "I joined THQ, and THQ goes broke. I join Kojima, and Kojima leaves Konami. I have decided, in order not to destroy anyone else's life, I have decided I will never again get involved in video games. Otherwise, I'll join someone and his house will explode, or something."

I don't know, maybe he should give it another shot by developing a brand new project...with EA, then with Ubisoft, followed by Capcom, and work his way around to KoeiTecmo after that. One by one, he can thoroughly dismantle the corrupt establishments that run a tyranny over the video game industry. :humhumhum:



Quote from: Foggle on August 15, 2015, 09:22:55 PM
I do think Kojima and Del Toro will probably end up making a horror game together someday, and I'm sure Konami will eventually farm the SH license out to another developer, but the "true" Silent Hills is dead, man.

If Shenmue III can happen, anything can.

Spark Of Spirit

Quote from: talonmalon333 on August 15, 2015, 06:11:05 PM
So, do any of you guys think Silent Hills will, one day, happen?
Nope, Konami is done with video games. You might as well ask if we'll be getting a new Suikoden, Contra, Gradius, Castlevania, or Rocket Knight Adventures.

The series is done. You'll have to get your survival horror fix elsewhere.
"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton


Quote from: talonmalon333 on August 16, 2015, 04:04:20 PM
If Shenmue III can happen, anything can.

Also, it does make me wonder. If Konami never ended up selling the brand (not saying this will happen, but let's just assume for the sake of discussion), will no Silent Hill game ever get re-released again?

Spark Of Spirit

Unfortunately, Konami has been really bad with rereleases. People have been waiting for Gradius V, for instance, to release on PSN for like 5 years now. They have never rereleased a single Rocket Knight Adventures game, and their classic late 80s-early 90s arcade games have been all but forgotten.

Unless someone outright buys the franchises from them and gets the rights to those games, I don't think we can ever hope to see them properly released again.

When I said Konami is one of the worst game companies, I didn't just mean in one area. They're terrible at everything nowadays.
"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton


The original Silent Hill trilogy still hasn't gotten its PC release (a proper re-release, not like the PS3 and 360 versions which removed the fog). Konami is so bad.


Silent Hill 2 and 3 don't really need re-releases on PC (except maybe through Steam or GOG), though, as they're already the definitive versions of the games, and have been since they came out. SH2 is a bit tricky to get working on modern hardware, but both of them sport better graphics and framerates than their console counterparts (and they have fog!).


I actually forgot their previous PC releases. But it would still be really nice if all three games could get convenient releases on Steam.

I've heard some criticism of the PC versions of 2 and 3. Do you know why that is? Also, why is it harder getting 2 working on modern hardware?


Quote from: talonmalon333 on August 17, 2015, 04:12:06 PM
I've heard some criticism of the PC versions of 2 and 3. Do you know why that is? Also, why is it harder getting 2 working on modern hardware?
Because they're hard to find and don't control well with the keyboard, maybe? I'm honestly not sure. I've also played the PS2 and PS3 versions of the games (and the original Xbox version of SH2), and both titles to be far superior on PC. Just plug in a USB controller and you're good to go.

Silent Hill 2 on PC doesn't support processors with multiple cores. Trying to run the game on modern hardware will inevitably cause it to lag and freeze... but this can be easily fixed by manually setting it to only use one of your cores from the task manager. SH3 has no such problems, as far as I know.


It looks like the PC version of 2 is a lot more expensive to buy nowadays. I guess it's more rare.


Man, these prices are awful. :bleh:


To be honest, I just torrented them. I have no qualms with piracy if copies of a game are no longer being manufactured. Neither the developer nor publisher will ever see any money from the PC versions of SH2 and 3 again anyway, unless they do a Steam or GOG re-release... in which case, I'll promptly purchase them. ;)