Things That Bother You About Gaming

Started by Spark Of Spirit, May 17, 2011, 03:10:13 PM

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Dr. Ensatsu-ken

Spark Of Spirit

Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on July 11, 2012, 12:06:34 AM

Anyway, I just found out the Metal Slug 3 copy I bought doesn't work on the 360. That's fine since I got it so cheap and as part of a deal, but it is lame that the 360 wasn't fully BC with the XBOX. And with rumors that the PS4 won't have any physical BC, I'm getting a little worried. Backwards compatibility was the best idea Sony had with the PS2- it was their edge at the time. I'm getting worried that it seems to be disappearing and most gamers don't seem to care (if internet comments are to be believed), but I do. Especially as we get more and more systems to comb through almost every other year (or two or three), the loss of it stings.

Then you get games like DuckTales that just sit in limbo, which is just awful.
"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton


I'll never fathom people who say that Backwards-compatibility is overrated. BC makes purchasing new consoles easier, as you could just trade in the previous console to get the new one and still be able to play games from both consoles, something you couldn't do in the pre-PS2 days. In fact, lack of full backwards-compatibility is what kept me from trading in and Xbox for a 360 (among other reasons), there's just no way BC can be a bad thing.

Of course, to these new-age gamers, lack of backwards-compatibility doesn't mean anything if a system can play Netflix, Hulu, Blu-Ray's, and what-have-you.

Spark Of Spirit

Yeah, it says a lot that I was more excited for the Wii and Virtual Console BC announcements this past E3 than the whole Netflix thing they were showing off. It's a shame that we're losing Gamecube BC, but I can hope at the very least that it will join the VC on the Wii-U. At least the 3DS kept DSiWare and DS compatibility.

Microsoft stopped their classics program (WHY) short of getting a lot of good games on there, and I'm betting the Durango (or whatever it's called) will have the same level as BC as the 360 does which is, IMO, not going to be good enough this time. The original XBOX didn't have the biggest library so it was somewhat acceptable, but it still doesn't explain why I can't play Metal Slug 3, Timesplitters Future Perfect, or Otogi on it... or even on the download service.

And Sony... forget about it. If PS4 drops Cell (as rumored), we might not even have PSN BC for download games. Forget about PS1 or PS3 games at that point. I'm not even going to bring up the annoyances of the Vita's lack of an option for physical content owners.

I guess it doesn't bother people who play only the latest releases, but I like having options. And being able to shuffle around fewer consoles to actively play them would be nice.
"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton


Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on July 10, 2012, 11:44:04 PM
Quote from: talonmalon333 on July 10, 2012, 11:40:19 PM
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on July 10, 2012, 11:32:11 PM
IMO, I still think

Just can't get past the redundancy of this. :P
IMO, I'm not surprised.


I agree that claiming backwards compatibility is dumb, is lame by the way.


Quote from:'s latest action title Anarchy Reigns debuted in eighth place with 21,199 units on PlayStation 3. The Xbox 360 [version] debuted in 28th place with 4,170 units. Both versions were beaten by Ghost Recon Future Soldier, which also debuted this week on both platforms [and sold 23,021 units on PS3/4,954 on 360].
Japan actually had tons of advertising for Max Anarchy. And Japanese gamers hate western-made shooters. And a decent amount of people imported copies to the west.

Fuck this industry. The general population wouldn't know a good game if it attacked them with a shovel.

Spark Of Spirit

Quote from: Foggle on July 11, 2012, 10:10:17 AM
Quote from:'s latest action title Anarchy Reigns debuted in eighth place with 21,199 units on PlayStation 3. The Xbox 360 [version] debuted in 28th place with 4,170 units. Both versions were beaten by Ghost Recon Future Soldier, which also debuted this week on both platforms [and sold 23,021 units on PS3/4,954 on 360].
Japan actually had tons of advertising for Max Anarchy. And Japanese gamers hate western-made shooters. And a decent amount of people imported copies to the west.

Fuck this industry. The general population wouldn't know a good game if it attacked them with a shovel.
Yep, Japanese gamers are not supporting their own games at all. Unless of course you throw in tons of moe and dating sim options.
"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

Well, the thing about Japan is that gaming isn't as big there as it once was (and I can see why with the current generation), and its nowhere close to as big as it is in the West right now. In Japan, most of the top selling games (other than stuff like Mario and Final Fantasy and the other extremely popular well-established franchises there) only manage to sell over 100,000 copies there in their first few weeks, and cumulatively they may sell a few hundred thousand overall. So, as you can imagine, if well-performing games only sell that much over there, then niche games are pretty much doomed to low sales in that country. Over here, even niche games can usually safely sell a couple hundred thousand copies due to the large general gaming population in the West (unfortunately there are some exceptions, like a good number of Suda's games). So, yeah, great games like the ones made by Platinum only managing to sell 20,000+ copies in its own country is sad but unsurprising. At least if Anarchy Reigns got released in the West it would probably net a few hundred thousand in sales, which still isn't as much as it deserves but its better than the criminally low number of sales that its been getting in Japan.


I think I read somewhere on this board that a frickin' K-ON game manage to top sales charts in Japan. If that's true, then it's not about how many Japanese gamers buy games, but their taste in gaming.

That being said, the fact that Pokemon Black & White 2 managed to top sales charts in Foggle's link softens the blow of MA's poor sales, somewhat.

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

But stuff like Pokemon, much like Final Fantasy, has the luxury of being a long-established franchise that gets tons of sales through recognition alone, even from many non-gamers who only play that particular select series because they have been a fan of it for a long time. As for new IPs, if they don't cater to the hardcore Otaku crowd (who unfortunately make up most of Japan's gaming population if those sales figures are indeed accurate), they are doomed to poor sales.


Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on July 11, 2012, 09:06:22 PM
But stuff like Pokemon, much like Final Fantasy, has the luxury of being a long-established franchise that gets tons of sales through recognition alone, even from many non-gamers who only play that particular select series because they have been a fan of it for a long time.


QuoteAs for new IPs, if they don't cater to the hardcore Otaku crowd (who unfortunately make up most of Japan's gaming population if those sales figures are indeed accurate), they are doomed to poor sales.

Wouldn't be half as bad if said Otaku-pandering games had solid gameplay to make up for its pandering. Instead, most Otaku-centric games tend to be Visual Novel's with cookie-cutter stories, or lackluster Rhythm-games (at least from what I can tell).

Spark Of Spirit

"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton


I still don't get the point behind that Kotaku article. In fact one guy on Twitter showed 2 different articles about Ralph being in SALRT. He showed Destructoid and Kotaku. Destructoid actually kind of got why Ralph would be in the game in the first place and that's mostly due to his game hopping which is something you would know if you watched any of the trailers. While Kotaku, I couldn't read it with a straight face. Not at all. reminds me why I don't voluntarily visit Kotaku these days.

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

Was that article really meant to be taken seriously? If so, journalists at Kotaku really are as far gone as people say they are. Damn....

Rosalinas Spare Wand