Unpopular Opinions On Gaming

Started by Dr. Ensatsu-ken, November 09, 2011, 11:23:42 PM

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Quote from: talonmalon333 on May 27, 2013, 02:59:54 PM
That about sums up my feelings here. DKCR, as a game that was designed for home console, I preferred the Wii version.
I dunno, a lot of GBA games especially look pretty glorious in fullscreen on PC. Lets you really appreciate the little details put into the graphics that you might miss on a smaller screen.


Quote from: Foggle on May 27, 2013, 03:02:39 PM
Quote from: talonmalon333 on May 27, 2013, 02:59:54 PM
That about sums up my feelings here. DKCR, as a game that was designed for home console, I preferred the Wii version.
I dunno, a lot of GBA games especially look pretty glorious in fullscreen on PC. Lets you really appreciate the little details put into the graphics that you might miss on a smaller screen.

Occasionally, there are handheld to PC/console conversions that I consider exceptions to my above rule. ;)

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

Quote from: Foggle on May 27, 2013, 03:00:27 PM
There's this new thing called USB controllers. I think Microsoft makes a really popular one with a big X button in the center. :P

A fair point, but I probably should have mentioned that even with a USB controller, I tend to prefer playing games on the control input that they were intended for.

Basically, for a game that was specifically designed to be played on a keyboard and mouse, in those cases I'd probably take that option. By the same token, for a game that was designed for a specific console or set of consoles, I would prefer the console version. And then for a handheld game, I would prefer the actual handheld device. With DKCR, I haven't even played the game so I can't comment on that, but what I could say is that I like Yoshi's Island better on a Super Nintendo than playing in on the GBA (the GBA version is still an excellent port, though, but I prefer an SNES controller). Likewise, even if I could play something like Oracle of Ages/Seasons on a console, I'd prefer an actual GBC or GBA to play it with, as that just feels way more natural to me (which I do, as I actually still own both games in perfect, working condition). I also love the advantage of taking portable consoles wherever I go. I can basically go to a room that's quiet and play in the most comfortable way that I want, which sometimes is a problem with consoles when a bunch of people are at my house.

At any rate, its all basically just a preference thing. That's just an explanation of my personal preference.


Yeah, I understand always wanting to have the intended controls! My problem with portable consoles is that I always end up craning my neck, which then gets me stuck like a flamingo for several hours. :lol: :lol:


Playing Game Boy game on a console is not the most pleasant experience. The low sound quality really sticks out. :P

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

I actually usually just lean back on something in a lazy position and play on handheld games when I hold them up above my face. It both feels comfortable to me, and does a good job of preventing glare from hitting my screen. If my hands ever get tired, I can always change positions to let the console rest on my lap, so I find it to be very convenient to have a portable console, myself.


Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on May 27, 2013, 03:22:06 PM
I actually usually just lean back on something in a lazy position and play on handheld games when I hold them up above my face. It both feels comfortable to me, and does a good job of preventing glare from hitting my screen. If my hands ever get tired, I can always change positions to let the console rest on my lap, so I find it to be very convenient to have a portable console, myself.

When I do that, I usually end up either with a headache, or getting tired. :sweat:


Regarding playing games on handhelds vs. consoles, I have Resident Evil Revelations for the 3DS and haven't beaten it yet and I'm having a hard time not getting the HD version just to play it on a TV because of how much I'd prefer doing that.


Yeah, I'm considering getting Revelaitons on PC. Haven't played it yet so I think that'd be the ideal way.

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

I don't have a 3DS, but I did actually play the Revelations demo on my XBOX360, and it seemed pretty decent, but to be honest, despite how much people have always complained about not being able to move and shoot in RE games, as one of the few RE games that grants you this very ability, I really didn't find myself using it at all in this demo. I usually just stood in the same spot and took out enemies like in a classic RE game. Maybe in the full game its more necessary to move and shoot, but honestly I never felt like it was a detriment to the gameplay of RE4 when I had to stand in one spot while I was aiming and shooting. Sometimes I think people just like to complain about stuff. Whether you can aim while you're moving or not, RE4 is still a better game than any other TPS that I've tried from last-gen.


Quote from: Foggle on May 27, 2013, 03:00:27 PM
Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on May 27, 2013, 02:47:59 PM
I'll take playing a game on a portable console over a PC keyboard any day. Sometimes if a PC and emulator are the only option I have then I'll just do that, but when I can, I'd much rather play something like the Zelda Oracle games or any other handheld game on the actual device that they were designed for. The same goes for console games as well. Except for those games that are designed with a keyboard in mind, I can't stand using a keyboard for gaming. Its so un-intuitive and uncomfortable to play on.
There's this new thing called USB controllers. I think Microsoft makes a really popular one with a big X button in the center. :P

Just bein' snarky, not mean. ;)
I was going to tell that dumbass that. It's so easy to hook up a PS3 controller on a pc.

I want to check out this Revelations game. I know next to nothing about it and I know I'll love being able to not just stand still like an idiot to shoot.
"Ryu is like the Hank Hill of Street Fighter." -BB_Hoody


Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on May 27, 2013, 04:02:20 PM
I don't have a 3DS, but I did actually play the Revelations demo on my XBOX360, and it seemed pretty decent, but to be honest, despite how much people have always complained about not being able to move and shoot in RE games, as one of the few RE games that grants you this very ability, I really didn't find myself using it at all in this demo. I usually just stood in the same spot and took out enemies like in a classic RE game. Maybe in the full game its more necessary to move and shoot, but honestly I never felt like it was a detriment to the gameplay of RE4 when I had to stand in one spot while I was aiming and shooting. Sometimes I think people just like to complain about stuff. Whether you can aim while you're moving or not, RE4 is still a better game than any other TPS that I've tried from last-gen.
You like it more than Max Payne 1 & 2? :o

But yeah, I agree, move and shoot isn't really necessary in any RE game. Except for the levels where enemies have guns in RE6.

Spark Of Spirit

If you could run n gun in a survival horror, what would be scary about it?

Quote from: Foggle on May 27, 2013, 02:15:56 PM
I don't like playing games on portable consoles, give me a computer monitor or a TV any day of the week. Also, I agree with Talon about preferring the Wii version's better graphics and higher difficulty.
It has the same difficulty, it just has an optional easier mode. And honestly, I'd rather have better controls and bonus content over graphics any day.

Which is possibly why I also prefer the GBA version of DKC3 over the SNES version.
"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton


Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on May 27, 2013, 05:31:00 PM
better controls
That'd be the Wii version for me. Portable consoles are not comfortable for me.


Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on May 27, 2013, 05:31:00 PM
Which is possibly why I also prefer the GBA version of DKC3 over the SNES version.

I like the GBA version more entirely for the music. :P