Super Smash Bros.

Started by Spark Of Spirit, April 28, 2012, 09:19:58 PM

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Rosalinas Spare Wand


Totally fake. Sakurai picks only first level stages or famous ones, not awesome stages that have a ton of potential for fun.

Spark Of Spirit

Here's another fun rumor that bites into the first one:

QuoteIn addition to the Tower of Smash mode being available. The 3DS is also getting a new mode when the Wii U Version comes out.

This mode will be called ? Smash World ?

This mode will be a mode where players can challenge players around the world in various formats of smash battles. The thing that differentiates this mode from others is that this mode can level your play skills and match you with players around your same skill. More features include daily challenges that must be met! If you play Smash World every day of the week, each day you will earn a prize and each day the prize will get better! Prizes include NEW Mii accessories, Coins, Smash Points, and for great performances, special powerups in future Smash World matches!

In addition to this mode, there will be another two characters available first on the Nintendo Wii U for a limited time! Those who do not get those characters in the time given, will be able to purchase those characters in the eShop.

Also the Wii U and 3DS will be given a new feature! A ?Shop? mode where players can buy various items with the coins and money achieved.

When players are given Impa, Ridley, Chorus Men, Dixie Kong, and Mewtwo, two more characters still remain available!

Those characters are Isaac from Golden Sun and Wonder-Red from Wonderful 101!

This Special DLC pack will be released in 2015 with the release of ?Splatoon!?

A new ink blaster item will be added, a brand new Splatoon stage awaits your arrival! And maybe a special guest will appear to battle!

This all comes in Super Smash Bros. For Nintendo Wii U and 3DS!!
I do so want this to be real, but I don't want to get my hopes up. Shame so many people have spread false rumors around.

I still want Vaati more than Impa, though.
"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton

Spark Of Spirit

I was bored so I decided to use that roster creator thing and make my dream roster. Yes, it's 78 characters. I admit to being insane.

Never going to happen in a million years, but it's fun to wonder about.

Dr. Mario, Roy, Dark Pit, and Pichu as alternate costumes. Giygas is specifically the boss from Mother 1, by the way. Yes, I went overboard with retro and third party characters. What can I say?

I'm not actually sure who else I would add, honestly.
"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton


I'd probably throw in Bomberman, Bandana Dee, Hector/Lyn. and Mona/Ashley. In that exact order of relevance.

Not sure why Ganon gets his own slot when having Ganondorf's FS operate more similarly to Bower's would work just as well though.

Spark Of Spirit

It's wizard Ganon specifically. He's not much like Ganondorf at all, so it's not really a Link/Toon Link situation. More Zelda characters are always welcome to me, though.

Edit: Did one for retro stages I'd like to see in Wii U, too.

I tried to avoid stages in the 3DS version and retro stages from previous games. Except for stages like Big Blue. I just like them too much.
"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton

Spark Of Spirit

My copy just shipped. I should have it by Friday. Few new games excite me more than experiencing a brand new Smash game, so I can't wait.

First thing's first, Mega Man play-through of classic mode. Then maybe I'll see some of you guys online.  :)
"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton


Not sure when I'll get the 3DS version, but I decided to pre-order the Wii U version bundle with the Gamecube controller and plug-in.

Spark Of Spirit

Early impressions:

Stages: Really good so far. I haven't payed them all yet, or unlocked them all, but I haven't run across a stage like Venom or 75m yet where I just say "Nope, off" after a really annoying play. My favorite stages so far include Magicant, Rainbow Road, Paper Mario, Spirit Tracks, and Arena Ferox. Least favorites are Mushroomy Kingdom and Distant Planet which are returning stages so they hardly count.

Characters: I played a few faves and new characters, so here's so random impressions for each.

Mario: He's insanely good now. Other than Fludd which I just don't like, every move hits hard and fast. He's Final Smash can hook other characters into it, making it harder to avoid. Be wary if you run up against him, he's got good priority.

Luigi: He's even better than in Brawl. My first time playing as him I got crazy K.O.s all over the place. His uppercut seems to hit harder even if not a critical, the green missile charges faster with less lag, and the green tornado is incredible. He's running attack is probably now one of the best in the game because it can no longer be punished, his smash attacks hit hard, and his jump is really high. He just gets better with every game.

Toon Link: His front smash was nerfed and his down air no longer pogos, but he's still pretty good. He's the way he was supposed to be in Brawl, a faster version of normal Link but not as strong. So now you can basically choose which Link suits your playstyle more. They seem about equal to me now.

EDIT: Uh, forget what I said. I forgot the forward smash needed two inputs... it's still pretty deadly. Toon Link is still awesome.

Robin: Not my usual type of character, but he has both range and strength. Of the three Fire Emblem characters (so far), he's clearly the best to me. I don't know how often I'll use him, but he's pretty great.

Kirby: Pretty much identical to Brawl except that his throws are stronger and his smash attacks all hit hard. His air attacks lag less now and his new final smash is way better than the old one. He's not at Smash 64 levels, but neither is he at Melee levels of awful. He's as balanced as he was in Brawl but better.

Little Mac: Too good. Little Mac is hard to grab, hard to hit, incredibly fast, and has insane reach and priority on the ground. Of course his recovery is bad and his aerials are terrible, but you don't need them at all, trust me. Any of his moves connecting HURT. Giga Mac is not very good, though, and it hardly lasts.

Ness: This is the weird one. His aerials, throws, and b-moves were all buffed a lot (PK Thunder is next to impossible to gimp now) but his smash attacks are about the same as Brawl. Also, his down air is really hard to time for a spike now, though at least it isn't awful like it was in Melee. He now has priority on the ground and his tilts remain strong not to mention PK Starstorm got a CRAZY buff now. For those that want to know, he has nothing of Lucas' except custom specials.

Captain Falcon: No longer garbage! Captain Falcon was next to unusable in Brawl, but no more! His priority and range is back, and all his moves have been buffed. The blue falcon has range now, too, so his final smash is even better. If you hated what happened to him in Brawl, have no fear here!

Pac-Man: He's not really my style, but he's versatile. His smash attacks are hard if they connect and his specials come out fast and hurt a lot. That said, his normal attacks don't work for me at all so it was hard for my to get into his playstyle. That said, he's really good. His final smash is surprisingly weak, though.

Mega Man: I played him a bunch in the demo so I'm used to him by now. Slash Claw, his tilts, the slide, and Mega Upper are crazy strong as are his smash attacks. I see people are having problem with him, but he's a ranged character, so if you mix up his projectiles with his tilts, you can really get a good beatdown going. His final smash goes without saying-- it's awesome.

Sonic: Imagine Brawl Sonic with priority, kill moves, a down air spike, and buffed smash attacks. In other words, he's buffed all around. Super Sonic was nerfed only in amount of time active, otherwise he's still incredibly strong.

So far I'm not seeing any downsides with the roster. They're all pretty good so far.

EDIT: Onett and Smashville were just confirmed for the Wii U version. It looks like the Tower of Smash leak might be real at this rate...
"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton


Got my copy this morning and have been playing quite a bit of it. Meta Knight took a little getting used to with the glide mechanic remove, but other than that he still plays great and doesn't feel anywhere near as broken as in Brawl. Yoshi also felt pretty good to, and the general consensus is that it's the best version of Yoshi yet.

My only real complaint aside from the cuts is the lack of an online Smash Run.

Spark Of Spirit

Dr. Mario is really strong. Having the tornado back is nice, but he really hits hard on top of it.

I still have a few characters and stages to unlock, but I'm having a blast. There's a lot to do here.

EDIT: OH GOOD, there's a second challenge panel. I was getting worried that 35 challenges was it.
"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton


After an hour long online session with a friend, I can safely say that this games online blows Brawl's out of the water. I could only recall one time where there was any noticeable lag, and it went by pretty quickly. Granted we live in the same town, but it's still a pretty good sign.


I unlocked everyone by doing my favorite method that I did back in the Brawl days, I just used One Stock Smash options and played over 120 matches like that. The only ones I unlocked before doing that were Falco and Lucina aka female Marth voiced by Laura Bailey. (also that voice cast list when I completed Classic mode. Saw so many names, yet so little time to read them all. Mostly noticed stuff like Tom Wayland and Patrick Seitz) Surprisingly, I only need one stage and that's Game and Watch. checking my sources, I need to complete the first line in the challenges. Now to play the other features in this game since, well... people put time into making that so you might as well play it.


Welp, I have no idea what I'm doing with Shulk. Probably should not have made him the first character I tried. But I'm having a blast with Mario.

Rosalinas Spare Wand

Diddy still the best after all these years.

Do all of you have your friend codes here? I have to make do with my brothers DS but I'm sure no one really minds.

Spark Of Spirit

So far I've been swapping between Kirby, Ness, Toon Link, Luigi, Dr. Mario, Little Mac, Captain Falcon, Duck Hunt, Mega Man, Sonic, and Ludwig, not able to decide on a main. There are so many good characters this time.

Quote from: Rosalinas Spare Wand on October 04, 2014, 08:15:29 PM
Diddy still the best after all these years.

Do all of you have your friend codes here? I have to make do with my brothers DS but I'm sure no one really minds.
Yep, the Gamer Tags thread has all the information you need. You can add yours, too, if you wish.
"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton