Steven Universe

Started by Daikun, May 22, 2013, 02:05:51 PM

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Yup, I knew it. I frickin' knew it.  :awesome:


Pearl really dodged a bullet in this episode, not having to tell Steven about the dream she had about his mom. That could have been awkward.
Of course, she could just have spun it as "I was with Rose Quartz and we were surfing on a pizza-slice, end of story" and chances are that Steven would have bought it. Then again, Amethyst would probably have spilled everything.

Anyway, this has been a really strong season so far and it only further cements Steven Universe's position as one of my favorite animated shows.
In every age
In every place
The deeds of men
Remain the same.


Today's episode was great! Loved that it directly followed yesterday's episode. I hope Ruby and Sapphire have more appearances than in just this episode, I believe Rebecca Sugar and her crew said they would appear more. We got to see what their powers are, Sapphire makes things freeze while Ruby generates heat. We also saw Ruby summon her glove weapon, and Sapphire's entire face! Now we know more about which of their components make up Garnet. I wonder when we'll get to see them fight individually?

What I really love about this week is already seeing Garnet's stoicness shatter even more. She's been way more emotional this half of the season than she ever was in the early days. I love the entire scene outside the diner when Ruby and Sapphire rushed off after Steven. As Garnet or as themselves, they're just as much Steven's mom(s) as Pearl is. Just how they both deliver his name was heartwarming to me. It was especially a nice touch seeing Sapphire go from her usual monotone to sounding so hurt that she made Steven blame himself for what was wrong. This show really knows how to play with emotions just like Inside Out.


Quote from: Avaitor on June 19, 2015, 03:44:56 PM
Loving this one so far. Also, it's a surprising touch to see the new Warner animation logo in the show's opening. I wonder if this is going to be a thing for the other CN shows.

I know this is kind of a late response - I don't check this thread much - but that was an accident. The WBA logo was caught from the tail end of the show preceding it.


Life is not about the second chances. It's about a little mouse and his voyage to an exciting new land. That, my friend, is what life is.

Sir, do you have any Warrants?
I got their first CD, but you can't have it, motherfucker!

New blog!


Onion Friend and Historical Friction did great at fleshing out characters that haven't been featured much. We got to see more of Onion's home life. No surprise Vidalia was indeed his mom, but it was a genuine surprise she was an old friend of Amethyst's. From their talk, she met Marty through Vidalia which confirms my theory about Marty showing up more in Greg's past soon. I'm still positive he'll turn up in the present. How cool would it be if he became a major threat to the Gems despite being human? Anyway, I don't know who played her Vidalia was a fun character. She has great chemistry with Amethyst, and considering her rock groupie past it makes sense they would hit it off with each other. What's really cool is she seems to be a very good mom. They easily could have portrayed her as being neglectful, but they didn't. I hope to see more of her.

Then of course, there was Jaime's play. I love seeing his aspiring career expanded upon. It's very amusing seeing the Mayor basically try to force fan fiction on him. The Mayor should be on this a lot more. What's really nice is we've now seen Garnet, Amethyst, and Pearl all have their own reactions to what happened with Sardonyx. You know they must have something really special planned with this arc. Also, was it me or does the guy in the audience with an eyepatch look suspiciously a lot similar to Lil Butler?

Can't wait to see what happens today when we get back to the story!  :)


So overall, now that its over, what do you guys think about the Sardonyx Arc?


I quite enjoyed it! It wasn't as strong as the previous Steven Bombs IMO, but it was still a fun watch. Peridot keeps getting funnier with each appearance, it was nice seeing Ruby and Sapphire again, and Sardonyx is one of the best new Gem fusions we've seen in a while.

I was surprised how light the tone was, though, compared to the other Steven Bombs. Maybe that's why I didn't care for this one as much as the other two. None of the footage from the Comic-Con preview (which was screened the weekend earlier) aired during the marathon, so I was expecting more out of this.


The arc overall was great, because not only did Pearl get more dimensions in her development, everyone got to shine by showing different sides to them. Even Onion, Jaime, and the Mayor had good character development! I have to say Ruby and Peridot's expressions in this arc were hilarious.  ;D

By the way, the show goes back to it's weekly schedule on August 6th. Just two more weeks!  :thumbup:


For the most part, I really liked this batch of episodes, although I think that the previous Steven Bomb was probably more exciting to watch. But I like how there was an arc throughout this batch, and that it offered ample character development from everybody.

My favorite episode was the one where Ruby and Sapphire split up. Not only did it allow for Garnet to explore both sides of her disgust towards Pearl's actions in the previous episodes, but I really liked Greg and Steven's stuff here. Greg really is a good dad, so I liked seeing him try his best to keep Steven's spirits up during the trip. Even when it didn't start to look that promising.
Life is not about the second chances. It's about a little mouse and his voyage to an exciting new land. That, my friend, is what life is.

Sir, do you have any Warrants?
I got their first CD, but you can't have it, motherfucker!

New blog!


Quote from: Avaitor on July 27, 2015, 12:06:49 AM
For the most part, I really liked this batch of episodes, although I think that the previous Steven Bomb was probably more exciting to watch. But I like how there was an arc throughout this batch, and that it offered ample character development from everybody.

My favorite episode was the one where Ruby and Sapphire split up. Not only did it allow for Garnet to explore both sides of her disgust towards Pearl's actions in the previous episodes, but I really liked Greg and Steven's stuff here. Greg really is a good dad, so I liked seeing him try his best to keep Steven's spirits up during the trip. Even when it didn't start to look that promising.

Yeah, I loved all of the Sardonyx Arc, but Keystone Motel was my favorite out of the bunch. Aside the reasons I already gave for why I love it, it showed Garnet's reaction to what happened in Cry For Help a lot more than we saw from Pearl and Amethyst in the other in-between episodes. It may not have as much seriousness as Keep It Together did, but I felt this Steven Bomb was as good as the others. I hope we can get more story arcs like this one even if they go back to the regular schedule next week.



Quote from: Cartoon X on August 02, 2015, 12:29:25 AM
Actually, new episodes won't return until September.

Yeah, it was a spur-of-the-moment announcement. One of the new episodes was still scheduled for this week, but they got pushed back a month. It sounds like the staff are taking a month long vacation. Honestly, it's fine with me because we got to have a generous amount of season two episodes. Plus, one month isn't long to wait compared to the FOUR month one last year which was after they had only sixteen episodes if I remember right. And they hadn't even aired any of the main story arc episodes either.


Tomorrow is the end of the winter hiatus. We've got Steven Bomb 4 this week for Steven's Birthday!

I'm really excited because the first episode alone features Ruby and Sapphire, and the preview hints that Yellow Diamond is finally on her way to debut.....


Fantastic art galore in this episode! Especially the part in the forest next to the lake when Ruby and Sapphire were dancing. We got to see Rose and Pearl look awesome together. Of course there are still some pieces left from the past with how they met Amethyst, how Pearl first met Rose and the start of their rebellion; and what happened with the Gem War.

One down and four to go!