GSF is a little shit, but he agreed that it's time to start a new thread, so here you go. :blush:
I've been playing Metal Slug X.
I really dig the music in the train level.
Blu-Ray re-release is already here.
The first Rayman game is hard as balls in some parts, holy fuck.
Quote from: Comeau on August 30, 2012, 09:27:05 PM
The first Rayman game is hard as balls in some parts, holy fuck.
You're at the music level, yeah?
It doesn't get easier. :sweat:
Any reason we decided a new thread was in order?
Blame my time on toonzone, but I feel that if certain threads run for too long, then they become too cluttered to function. I used to close down these threads and restarted more regularly back on the previous board, but let it run for a while longer.
I thought that we could use a new one after 100 pages though, which is why I remade.
It's fine with me, it's easier to keep track of this way.
That certainly caught my attention, EK's illegitimate child.
I want to get some more downloadable games for my 360. Megaman 9 and a Metal Slug game is at the top of my list. Beyond Good & Evil HD is not too far behind. What else should I get?
Spelunky HD? That's a fun one.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on August 30, 2012, 11:12:07 PM
It's fine with me, it's easier to keep track of this way.
Quote from: gunswordfist on August 31, 2012, 12:14:33 AM
I want to get some more downloadable games for my 360. Megaman 9 and a Metal Slug game is at the top of my list. Beyond Good & Evil HD is not too far behind. What else should I get?
You haven't played Resident Evil 4 yet, right? Get RE4HD.
Quote from: Nel on August 31, 2012, 12:20:48 AM
Spelunky HD? That's a fun one.
Yeah, that's around the top of my list. I played the hell out of that demo and beat the free version.[quote
Quote from: gunswordfist on August 31, 2012, 12:14:33 AM
I want to get some more downloadable games for my 360. Megaman 9 and a Metal Slug game is at the top of my list. Beyond Good & Evil HD is not too far behind. What else should I get?
You haven't played Resident Evil 4 yet, right? Get RE4HD.
If you every run into any problems with RE4HD on the XBOX360 like I did, you can just delete the game and re-download it without losing your saved data (that also usually fixes the problem). I had to do it 3 times, though, since the 1st time was when I got stuck in the middle of the game, the 2nd time was when the end credits wouldn't appear, and the 3rd time was in order for me to be able to access Ada Wong's Separate Ways missions. Its really fucking stupid, but I guess that I'm just plain unlucky.
Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on August 31, 2012, 12:12:16 PM
If you every run into any problems with RE4HD on the XBOX360 like I did, you can just delete the game and re-download it without losing your saved data (that also usually fixes the problem). I had to do it 3 times, though, since the 1st time was when I got stuck in the middle of the game, the 2nd time was when the end credits wouldn't appear, and the 3rd time was in order for me to be able to access Ada Wong's Separate Ways missions. Its really fucking stupid, but I guess that I'm just plain unlucky.
I think it's just bad luck, I haven't really heard about anyone else having problems like that. I know it works great on my friend's Xbox and my PS3.
So... the internal battery in my original Pokemon Silver cart finally died on me.
It was a good 12 years.
Does that mean you can't play it anymore, or what?
You can still play the game once the internal battery runs out, you just won't be able to save, and your data gets erased on top of all that.
OH wow, that really sucks. :'( Do all of the Pokemon games have that "feature"?
Quote from: Foggle on August 31, 2012, 12:30:44 PM
Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on August 31, 2012, 12:12:16 PM
If you every run into any problems with RE4HD on the XBOX360 like I did, you can just delete the game and re-download it without losing your saved data (that also usually fixes the problem). I had to do it 3 times, though, since the 1st time was when I got stuck in the middle of the game, the 2nd time was when the end credits wouldn't appear, and the 3rd time was in order for me to be able to access Ada Wong's Separate Ways missions. Its really fucking stupid, but I guess that I'm just plain unlucky.
I think it's just bad luck, I haven't really heard about anyone else having problems like that. I know it works great on my friend's Xbox and my PS3.
I was wondering about that. I hope I don't run into any problems with the game.
Quote from: Foggle on August 31, 2012, 02:31:35 PM
OH wow, that really sucks. :'( Do all of the Pokemon games have that "feature"?
As far as I can tell, only the three main 2nd gen games (Gold, Silver, and Crystal) ever had this problem.
Yeah it sucks, but I guess at the very least, it
can be fixed. I just need the motivation, the proper kind of replacement battery, and a small enough screwdriver to open the cartridge up. Easier said than done though, obviously.
Actually any cartridge game that uses battery to save your game has the potential to eventually have the battery die(all the way back to The Legend of Zelda on NES), but the reason that Gold and Silver are the most notorious is because of the time system in the games. The internal clock runs constantly in the game whether it's being played or not, and gradually the battery wears down. I don't think there are very many copies left of the games that still have their original batteries and are able to save the game.
Pokemon Crystal somewhat fixed this issue, as it's not as susceptible to the problem, but it still happens.
Telltale's The Walking Dead is an amazing game. I highly recommend it to everyone with means to play it.
And this is coming from someone who hasn't read any of the comics and only saw the first season of the TV show.
My Pokemon Silver battery ran out years ago. Man was that a frustrating experience. :o
Speaking of games dying; My Wii has stopped reading any of my disks properly.
If I can't find a lens cleaning kit anywhere, I may have to send it to Nintendo. :(
Quote from: Eddy on August 31, 2012, 09:07:12 PM
Telltale's The Walking Dead is an amazing game. I highly recommend it to everyone with means to play it.
I've been playing this on the PC, played episode 3 as soon as it hit Steam and all I can say is.... WHY TELLTALE WHY? This episode had the most emotion in all of the other episodes combine. I don't regret any of my choices near the end of the game. Episode 4 looks like it's going to be good.
Quote from: Foggle on August 31, 2012, 02:31:35 PM
OH wow, that really sucks. :'( Do all of the Pokemon games have that "feature"?
There's that and I do notice that my copy of Sapphire says something like how the Internal Battery has dried out. It still says I can play the game, but time based events can no longer function. The game plays normally from what I've noticed, data doesn't get deleted, but you can't grow berries anymore or visit Shoal Cave properly.
Quote from: Rynnec on September 01, 2012, 07:37:20 PM
Speaking of games dying; My Wii has stopped reading any of my disks properly.
If I can't find a lens cleaning kit anywhere, I may have to send it to Nintendo. :(
Aww, that sucks.
My Wii still dies on me whenever I try to hook up my Gamecube controller, so I might have to send it in too.
I just beat Mega Turrican for the first time. Great game. If you're looking into playing the series for the first time, this is the one to start with since I think it's even an enhanced port of Turrican 3 from the Amiga.
Sweet. I played one of those games before.
The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask. I finally finished the Kafei sidequest recently, and about to do the Canyon dungeon. I just rented The Last Story though, so I'm probably going to be busy with that for a bit. On the PS3, I'm playing Uncharted 3. I've been putting a self-imposed challenge where I have to play out each level without dying once on Normal difficulty. Man, is it hard not to die in some of these levels. :butbut: I recently picked up Max Payne 3 which came with a bonus copy of Grand Theft Auto IV, as well as Transformers: Fall of Cybertron. No matter what, I'm going to be busy. :sweat:
I want that Transformers game and the other one
I wasn't sure whether to use this thread or the RE one, but since I guess that's more for news and general talk about the franchise, I'll just go here- I started 4 today and already beat the first 2 sections of chapter 1.
It's insanely good, but I had to stop after getting beheaded by the chainsaw guy right at the start of 1.3. Still, I can see why it's beloved so much even now- the atmosphere is perfect, the scripting is incredible, and the gameplay, while a little simple, couldn't be more fun and appropriate.
I'm going back later tonight and I won't stop until I at lesst hit chapter 2.
The Chainsaw type enemies become extremely easy to deal with once you get a plentiful amount of ammo for your Shotgun (almost too easy, really). Without the power weapons, they can be pretty intense since they are among the few enemies in the game that can kill you on immediate contact.
At any rate, yeah, the game has a brilliant atmosphere and is a ton of fun to play, but trust me when I say that the beginning of the game isn't even a good indicator of how much better it gets in later chapters. Once you get to chapter 3, the game really kicks off full throttle, IMO.
Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on September 03, 2012, 04:29:27 PM
The Chainsaw type enemies become extremely easy to deal with once you get a plentiful amount of ammo for your Shotgun (almost too easy, really). Without the power weapons, they can be pretty intense since they are among the few enemies in the game that can kill you on immediate contact.
Yeah, I'm beginning to think that I should switch to my shotgun when I try the chainsaw guy again. I wasn't going anywhere with the handgun, and when I tried to cut him, that's when it was bye-bye for Leon.
Yeah, the thing about the handgun is that its not a very optimal weapon until you get a far better selection of handguns to choose from in chapter 2, and even then they'll require some upgrades before they become truly useful in combat. That said, when you get the Red9 (the best handgun in the game, IMO) to its max level, it becomes ridiculously overpowered, and is tons of fun to use. Even in the original version of the game where its max damage is marked at 4.5, its a packs a lot of power per bullet, but in the Wii/XBOX360/PS3 versions of the game, its max damage mark of 6.5 makes it nearly OHK most enemies (and that's the strongest version of each enemy type which you primarily fight in the last third of the game).
Really, though, balancing out your weapons and items later in the game can actually become really addicting in and of itself. I'm not sure why, but this is one of those few games where I actually like spending time in my inventory screen and optimizing my tools as much as possible.
That said, the game has some tremendously intense and creative enemy encounters and boss fights down the line, so while it gets off to a good enough start, it really does cement itself as one of the greatest games of all time before you even reach the middle point of the game. This is coming from someone who was really skeptical of this game's massive hype myself, going into it. Its now basically my 2nd favorite game from last-gen (tying with Max Payne in that regard), with my 3rd favorite game from last-gen being F.E.A.R. and my favorite being pretty obvious by this point in time. ;)
The more I think about it, the more I realize that RE4 is one of the hardest games to dislike. I mean it.
If someone claimed to dislike it, I would think that they either are just against the idea of RE reinventing itself... or they are simply trying too hard.
No, there are actually a bunch of idiots who genuinely dislike it for the sole purpose of not being able to move and shoot at the same time. Its mostly the little kiddies who have been spoiled by their Gears of War and Call of Duty games, though. Anyone who was a big gamer from at least the last-generation knows that RE4 is truly a great game, unless they are among the biased individuals who just can't stand that it doesn't look and control like the classic RE games do.
Now, the thing that I can't figure out is that while games like RE4 and other classic games from last-gen like Halo: CE are fondly remembered no matter how much time goes by, why the hell is Ninja Gaiden Black getting more and more forgotten as time goes by. Its easily one of the best games of its decade, and that was actually a pretty popular opinion back when it came out. I mean, the level of critical acclaim it got was actually comparable to that of top-calibur games like Halo, RE4, HL2, MGS3, and other high profile games of last-gen. For whatever reason, as time goes on, lots of people (including) critics seem to forget that this game even exists. Its annoying because aside from Foggle, Rynnec (who played the Sigma version but its still basically the same game in essence), and maybe GSF (depending on if he's in his "trash-talking NG" mood or not), I don't think I've run into a single other person who has played and loved this game like I have. Well, aside from the hardcore fans of the 3D NG games on the NG board that I used to go to, but I realized how much I hate that fan-base (they act like NG is the only great action game ever made, except for maybe God Hand, DMC, and Bayonetta with some fans over there, which annoys me to no end), so they don't count.
So I think I just finished chapter 2 of RE 4. And damn does this game keep getting better.
I thought I would have hated Ashley, but escorting her really isn't that painful, and doesn't detract from the game that much. It's just a blast so far.
??? Ninja Gaiden was at one point my 2nd favorite game of all time.
I love playing the Strania demo, even though it's really short. I want to get this hidden gem of a shoot em up after I download most of the other games I want.
I just use the Punisher (or whichever gun it is you get from shooting the medallions) for the whole game. Go for headshots and you'll have little trouble handling the basic mooks with it. ;)
Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on September 03, 2012, 07:35:43 PM
Now, the thing that I can't figure out is that while games like RE4 and other classic games from last-gen like Halo: CE are fondly remembered no matter how much time goes by, why the hell is Ninja Gaiden Black getting more and more forgotten as time goes by.
I don't understand it, either. It seems like people only care about GoW and DMC for some reason. And don't get me wrong, those are good games, especially DMC 1 and 3, but NG is the best of the bunch IMO.
Quote from: talonmalon333 on September 03, 2012, 07:23:14 PM
The more I think about it, the more I realize that RE4 is one of the hardest games to dislike. I mean it.
If someone claimed to dislike it, I would think that they either are just against the idea of RE reinventing itself... or they are simply trying too hard.
Visit a RE fan site with an active forum sometime. You'll be as shocked and depressed as I was.
Quote from: Avaitor on September 03, 2012, 11:24:00 PM
So I think I just finished chapter 2 of RE 4. And damn does this game keep getting better.
You ain't seen nothing yet. 3 and 4 are easily the best ones, while 5 has the scariest enemies in the entire series as well as some of the absolute coolest bosses and action setpieces of all time.
Oh yeah, Black Mesa comes out on the 14th! It only includes the... er... Black Mesa parts, since they're apparently planning an extensive reworking of Xen, but I'm pumped! Been waiting for this since 2007. :joy:
Resident Evil 4 is an amazing game and one of the best of all time. It's my second favorite game in the RE franchise, just behind REmake for the GameCube.
I actually didn't realize how many versions of RE4 I actually own. I have the GameCube version, the Wii version (the best one), and the HD version (on the 360). I can never get tired of it.
Quote from: gunswordfist on September 03, 2012, 11:32:46 PM
??? Ninja Gaiden was at one point my 2nd favorite game of all time.
I said that you were one of the few people that I have seen on the Internet who actually acknowledges that its a great action game while most people seem to have forgotten that it actually exists. Where the hell did you get that I said it was your 2nd favorite game from my post?
I meant I don't actually have any problems with the game (except the enemies are kind of boring after the red dinosaur like fiends appear.)
Quote from: gunswordfist on September 04, 2012, 09:06:42 AM
I meant I don't actually have any problems with the game (except the enemies are kind of boring after the red dinosaur like fiends appear.)
You mean because the enemies are actually aggressive and use various tactics to kill you, rather than just stand there all day waiting for you to hit them like in a certain other, very boring, hack n' slash series of games. :sly:
Quote from: Foggle on September 03, 2012, 11:55:39 PM
Quote from: talonmalon333 on September 03, 2012, 07:23:14 PM
The more I think about it, the more I realize that RE4 is one of the hardest games to dislike. I mean it.
If someone claimed to dislike it, I would think that they either are just against the idea of RE reinventing itself... or they are simply trying too hard.
Visit a RE fan site with an active forum sometime. You'll be as shocked and depressed as I was.
Yep. Lot's of losers who are trying too hard to hate on a game, or don't like RE changing itself (as well as children who want to run and shoot). :thumbup:
What kind of kids want to run and shoot?
I found myself a copy of the Jak & Daxter Collection and am replaying through the original right now.
IMO, it's still a great game but there seem to be a few weird graphical glitches and my session ended with a nice freeze. Still, it is pretty much the last collectathon platformer yet made.
Never had any problems with the collection, though some of the driving HUD is chopped off on Jak 3 and Kor's face is completely black in one cutscene near the end of Jak 2 for some reason.
Jak 1 is easily the best collectathon ever. It's the only one I can still stomach, truth be told - and it's a very good game at that. Jak 2 works very well if you like all the different gameplay styles and can handle an insane level of difficulty while Jak 3 is fun if you like racing games with a few platforming and shooting challenges thrown in occasionally.
I also forgot how engrossing it was. I made my way all the way to the volcano before I forced myself to stop, I even skipped the swamp!
Man, I really wish Naughty Dog made a proper sequel to this game because it really deserves one.
So with plenty of free time today, I spent nearly the entire day playing this game in its entirety...
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on September 05, 2012, 08:28:54 PM
Man, I really wish Naughty Dog made a proper sequel to this game because it really deserves one.
Just unlock the level select functions in both Jak 2 and 3, then play all of the platforming stages straight through, skipping all the other stuff. Presto!
Quote from: Foggle on September 05, 2012, 08:36:04 PM
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on September 05, 2012, 08:28:54 PM
Man, I really wish Naughty Dog made a proper sequel to this game because it really deserves one.
Just unlock the level select functions in both Jak 2 and 3, then play all of the platforming stages straight through, skipping all the other stuff. Presto!
Well, I still plan on playing them, but I mean an open world platforming game like it. Even the level with the bike has platforming since you have to speed jump over platforms. You jump everywhere!
I think my only real issue is that the music is snooze-worthy. To be fair, Crash 2 is the only ND game to have catchy tunes. I still have this ( stuck in my head even years later.
Yeah, ND games tend to have fairly boring music. I LOVE this piece though.
I think, at it's best, Jak 2 is the finest game Naughty Dog ever made. But the open world is boring now that I'm not a youngster, some of the missions are really bad, and as a whole it's just way too hard. The fact remains, though, that the platforming levels are sublime. Jak 3 continues the tradition of having amazing platforming challenges, but sadly the majority of the game is racing and mini-games. :-\
I'm eager to give them a fresh chance (and never having touched 3 it should be interesting), but I really wish they would have stuck with pure platforming. EVERYWHERE in Jak & Daxter there are platforming challenges and they're all totally different from each other, even on the bike you still jump platforms and dodge obstacles, unlike any other collectathon it avoids needless mini-games that have nothing to do with obstacle dodging.
IMO, it is probably Naughty Dog's best game as a whole (though I'm really fond of Crash 2 and 3), so I'm eager to give II and 3 another chance.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on September 05, 2012, 08:53:25 PM
unlike any other collectathon it avoids needless mini-games that have nothing to do with obstacle dodging.
Spot on. While I still hate the goddamn Precursor Basin, Jak & Daxter is easily the most consistent and fun collectathon ever made.
The distribution of the games is something like this iirc:
Jak 1 - 85% platforming, 10% driving, 5% other
Jak 2 - 50% platforming, 20% driving, 30% other
Jak 3 - 25% platforming, 60% driving, 15% other
The level select function in 2 and 3 is a godsend. With the open world removed and the ability to skip the driving missions and some of the more ill-advised shooting sections added in, you have about 1.3 games' worth of total awesomeness to play straight through.
Didn't they change the vehicles in Jak II to blow up or something? After just 100%-ing the Precursor Basin I could never imagine having to deal with that especially during the race or blue ring challenge.
I'll still give the full games a shot (I'm sure to not get as outright bored like in Sly 3), but knowing that there are ways to just play the fun parts later on is encouraging.
Well, you have to collect precursor orbs to unlock the level select features, but it doesn't take very long to, especially in Jak 3.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on September 05, 2012, 09:02:50 PM
Didn't they change the vehicles in Jak II to blow up or something?
Get ready to rage during every single driving mission in both sequels is all I'm gonna' say.
Well I'm in the mood for something with a bit of challenge so
Quote from: Foggle on September 05, 2012, 09:07:15 PMQuote from: Spark Of Spirit on September 05, 2012, 09:02:50 PM
Didn't they change the vehicles in Jak II to blow up or something?
Get ready to rage during every single driving mission in both sequels is all I'm gonna' say.
The memories are flooding back... :(
IIRC, those were the reason I stopped playing II.
I don't blame you. Some of the races are really frustrating, though I noticed that working through them isn't too hard as long as you stay cool and optimistic. You're more likely to be done in by the driving in Jak 3. It's easier (for the most part), but still tough, and there's SO MUCH OF IT. And one mission in particular is even harder than the hardest race in 2 IMO...
Aside from the driving, the only truly annoying levels are the one where you have to kill a shitton of invisible Metal Heads and a certain escort mission, both in Jak 2.
I remember a few summers back I played all the way through J&D and loved it. I really wanted to get through Jak II. The change in mood didn't phase me too much, I mean, Daxter was still funny, and the NPCs were still interesting. The regular platformer levels were awesome, but after having massive trouble with that level where the tank drives after you and shoots at you from its point of view, I reached a point where you had to escort the kid across the city in a hover car. never beat that mission. Never. Car would always blow up before I reached the goal.
I also have Jak 3 and The Lost Frontier, but without completing Jak II I just don't have the heart to skip to them. I'm like that.
IIRC, if you get out of the car, the kid will too. Then you can either proceed on foot, or grab another one. This is all but necessary, since it's nearly impossible to finish that mission without the first car taking lots of damage.
I'm pretty sure I was forced to do that too. But even then I was getting killed. The police are vicious in that city. That mission was my wall, I guess. And there's so much in my backlog now that I don't think I'll ever go back.
I don't know what I even want to play anymore. I haven't touched Etrian Odyssey in months now, and I just don't think I have the patience to complete it right now. EO 4 is coming out eventually and I still have yet to even get through the first one. :sweat: I might just have to throw some titles in a hat and force myself into a random one. I'm in a gaming slump. I've bought a load of games this past year, but no motivation.
Might I suggest a good stealth game such as Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory, Hitman: Blood Money, or Deus Ex: Human Revolution? Games that are somewhat cerebral and let you accomplish the tasks in a multitude of ways always bring me out of a slump. :thumbup:
The goal is not to expand my backlog, dammit! :P
My highlight of RE4 as of now- beating the double giant boss fight in 4.2 with barely a bar of health left and only one round from the handgun.
Yeah. that happened.
Quote from: Avaitor on September 07, 2012, 04:45:22 PM
My highlight of RE4 as of now- beating the double giant boss fight in 4.2 with barely a bar of health left and only one round from the handgun.
Yeah. that happened.
Fighting 2 Los Gigantes was a pretty epic part of the game for me as well. I remember that I killed one of them easily by trapping it in the lava pit, whereas I killed the other by weakening it with grenades and then jumping on its back to slice off the Las Plagas that provided the thing its source of life in the first place.
I also love those kinds of moments in games like the one you just experienced where you make such a big accomplishment with so little to work with. It feels so damn rewarding when you have just a sliver of health left and almost no good weapons to fight with and yet you still make it out of a tough situation like that against all odds. That's something that is SEVERELY lacking from most modern games that I have played, honestly.
You still haven't seen the best that this game has to offer yet, though. Out of curiosity, have you fought Lord Salazar in the game yet? I mention this not because of his boss fight (which is fine, albeit way too short and easy, IMO), but rather the one shortly before it. I don't want to spoil too much for you if you haven't already played that part, but that one boss is by far the best homage to Alien that I have ever seen in any video game ever (INCLUDING actual games based off of the Alien franchise property).
IMO, the best boss fights in the game are Verdugo (the one E-K is talking about), U3 (AKA "It"), and Jack Krauser.
Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on September 07, 2012, 05:10:10 PM
You still haven't seen the best that this game has to offer yet, though. Out of curiosity, have you fought Lord Salazar in the game yet? I mention this not because of his boss fight (which is fine, albeit way too short and easy, IMO), but rather the one shortly before it. I don't want to spoil too much for you if you haven't already played that part, but that one boss is by far the best homage to Alien that I have ever seen in any video game ever (INCLUDING actual games based off of the Alien franchise property).
You mean the Predator-like guy? Yeah, that was intense.
I'm on 5-2 now. There's just os many sick things to mention from the game. Like, wow.
I think that the Jack Krauser boss fight is my favorite one in the entire game, even though its admittedly the least RE-like boss fight in the entire series up to RE4 (I haven't played RE5 yet, so I can't comment on its boss fights). Its just so damn bad-ass and full of those surprising moments that you don't see coming (unless you've already played through the fight, and even then its still incredibly awesome).
My favorite RE-like boss fight is probably a toss-up between Verdugo and "It" (U3).
Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on September 07, 2012, 07:08:53 PM
I think that the Jack Krauser boss fight is my favorite one in the entire game, even though its admittedly the least RE-like boss fight in the entire series up to RE4 (I haven't played RE5 yet, so I can't comment on its boss fights).
It's probably more RE-like than the second to last Wesker fight...
Now that I'm not in a rush, I gotta say that Salazar is such a pathetic baddie. For the chapter or two that he's in, he just does the typical generic villain device of not lifting a finger to eliminate the good guy, and just has his minions take Leon on instead, without sticking around to see if he survives. And then you see the scene where Leon throws his knife right at his hand, causing Salazar to whimper and run away.
Of course that fight is easy, once you get there, because he's such a wimp.
Salazar is basically just a joke villain. So much awesome b-movie cheese in RE 4.
Yes! I love it.
Also is it just me, ro does he look like Napoleon? Or was that intentional?
Quote from: Avaitor on September 07, 2012, 07:27:34 PM
And then you see the scene where Leon throws his knife right as his hand, causing Salazar to whimper and run away.
That's the funniest scene in the entire game, IMO. :lol:
I liked Salazzar. Much more than Saddler, who's pretty forgettable in my opinion.
Saddler is amazing for his banter with Leon alone.
"Writhe in my cage of torment, my friend."
kjdgngiulkhgiuduyiebitehykuibgoirgho Leon vs. krauser. That seriously shoulv'e been the final boss.
Seriously. The final boss is such a cop-out. It's set up well, but way too easy to take care of
That doesn't hurt the final game too much though. It's still easily one of the best of its kind
Yeah, the RE final bosses are never very good. Saddler is actually better than most of them...
Hmm, I'll have to take your word for it, but now I wanna find the first 3 REs.
I'll start Aida's missions tomorrow. Can't wait to try them out!
Separate Ways is cool, but kind of lazy and sloppy. It's worth playing all the way through, though, since the one mission that consists of nothing but new content is legitimately awesome and the final boss is quite good.
If you decide to play the old REs, make sure you get the GameCube/Wii remake of RE1. It's a masterpiece.
Yeah, that game is awesome and legitimately scary in some places from what I remember of it. I never actually played it myself, but I did watch a friend play through most of the game as Jill in one sitting (that was years ago, though, but I still remember quite a few moments very vividly).
Just be weary, when you first start out playing one of the old-school RE's, you will absolutely HATE the controls and camera until you get used to them, which admittedly takes a while (even I never got used to it after playing about an hour's worth of REmake, but once again, that was a long time ago).
Definitely play as Jill on your first playthrough. Her story is more interesting and also easier.
I tried a bit of the first one years ago, actually. I liked it, but yeah, I can see how the tank controls would feel a little diffcult now.
I still don't see why Capcom hasn't remade the first 3 RE games in 4's engine. You'd think that this would be a really cool idea, but again, this is Capcom we're talking about.
I think RE1 was the only game in the series with a final boss that was really good (RE2's pre-final boss was awesome though, but that tacked-on fight at the end of the "true ending" is lame). But even then, REmake kind of ruined it.
They should at least remake 2 in RE4's engine. They already have about 85% of the art assets finished because of DarkSide Chronicles.
I'll take REmake2 no matter what style it's in.
All that talk about how epic the El Gigante fight in RE4 is just reminds at how badly the FUCKED IT UP in RE5 when you fight El Gigante.
"Hey, let's make the player stay in a non-moving truck the entire time and force them to use a mounted machine gun that overheats if it's fired for more than five seconds! That will be fun!"
Jak II. 70% done. (I've been playing since I platinum-ed J&D)
Everything I loathe about the game:
- The over-world and everything in it needs to burn. In a platformer with an over-world J&D was perfect, a GTA style map with bikes made of glass, traffic everywhere and infuriating missions are BY FAR the worst parts of the game.
- The tone. Oh wow, once they started swearing and Jak had his first lines I literally cringed. Jak should really have stayed a silent protagonist, and the gritty dark tone could lose the grit and it would feel way more darker organically instead of forced.
- Racing on glass bikes. I'm 70% in the game and I have hated everything involving racing in this game. It is terrible. Why did they nerf the bikes from the first game? It's a terrible downgrade from the original.
- There is no strafe button or aiming. There are shooting missions with guns that you can't aim and enemies coming from behind with a camera that doesn't turn very fast. Coupled with no hit stun and you die pretty fast. That boss on the roof was completely unfun.
- Checkpoints. There are either none or they are very badly placed and are very few. Another pointless downgrade from the original.
- The music... Okay, now I'm convinced that Naughty Dog needs a new sound team. Whatever doesn't sound as generic as the first game sounds like a pale re-write of a Crash 2 theme. Seriously. Listen to a Jak 2 jungle theme then listen to the Turtle Beach theme, or the Jak 2 industrial theme then the sewer theme from Crash 2. There are some good themes, but as a whole it really drags.
- Too much Point A to B travel. And as I indicated before... it ain't fun.
Now what I like:
- The sci-fi and darker theme. This doesn't really contradict what I said earlier. I like the fact that the situation seems more dire and the environments and enemies are totally different and more threatening than in Jak & Daxter, and without the deep voices and swearing it would feel more organic. And yes, I turned off Jak's goatee. That was really dumb looking.
- the levels are all fantastic. The core platforming is on par with the best from Jak & Daxter, and is a lot of fun still. I do like that instead of scouring the area for multiple orbs in one go you instead revisit the area later and travel a different path. It makes it different from the original.
- The added in action platforming. There are a lot of places where you have to scour crazy platforms while fighting off enemies, and despite occasional aiming issues, it is very exciting.
- the humor is still very Jak & Daxter. Other than the forced adult situations which make me groan, the humor is still funny. the new characters all work, and the story is pretty fun.
- The game is harder. This doesn't go with the checkpoints or dumb over-world with its horrible missions, which are an issue, but I really like that the platforming is harder here. It feels like a real sequel in how everything is harder.
- Despite the aiming issues, I like the weapons. The shotgun has insane spread, the gatling gun demolishes, the rifle is really powerful, and the peacemaker hits hard. Of course they all need insane auto-aim since there's no strafe or aim button, but using them feels satisfying which is most important.
- Surfing is fun. I loathe everything else about the vehicles, but the surfboard could have been in the original and worked great. I actually enjoyed surfing (NOT tricking, that felt too off) missions like hitting the bombs in the lake.
On a side note, the kid mission and invisible enemy mission didn't really give me any problems (beat them on the first go), it was anything that involved limited time on the over-world because the over-world is AWFUL.
I'm really split on this game. When it's good, it's on par with the best from J&D, but when it's bad... it's terrible. This is a hard game to properly nail down, but I will finish it and I am enjoying myself... but man, those over-world missions... if it wasn't for those this game would be up there for me.
Ugh, it's taking forever to get past this Noir Spider-Man stage.
Oh I guess I should also mention that Jak & Daxter still holds up remarkable well.
It's the type of game I'd like to see ensatsu-ken's comments on, but since he doesn't have a PS2 or 3 that probably won't be any time soon. Still, I think he'd enjoy it.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on September 09, 2012, 08:57:31 PM
I'm really split on this game. When it's good, it's on par with the best from J&D, but when it's bad... it's terrible. This is a hard game to properly nail down, but I will finish it and I am enjoying myself... but man, those over-world missions... if it wasn't for those this game would be up there for me.
I'm not sure I would go so far as to call any parts of the game "terrible" (it's boring and frustrating at worst IMO), but this is pretty much exactly how I feel. I can't really decide which of the first two Jak games I like more. The original is a lot more consistent and rarely ever falters, but the second one's good levels are even better than its best (IMO) and the humor is much funnier. Yet Jak 2 is
so inconsistent that it remains a toss up. I guess if you count the ability to use the level select function, I'd probably give the edge to the sequel. If not, then I'd give it to J&D. Either way, I love both games.
And yeah, the jet board is awesome. I love the surfing stages, especially the ones that combine it with high speed platforming. Really fun.
Oh yeah, if you haven't done the "get seal piece at slums" mission yet, here's a tip: don't use your guns or try to outrun the enemies. Punch your way through. Never stop punching. If you constantly punch, the ship guns won't be able to lock onto you, and you'll hit the soldiers more often than not, so they won't be able to shoot you either. This strategy turns one of the most frustrating missions in gaming into something a lot more manageable.
Quote from: Foggle on September 10, 2012, 01:40:25 AM
Oh yeah, if you haven't done the "get seal piece at slums" mission yet, here's a tip: don't use your guns or try to outrun the enemies. Punch your way through. Never stop punching. If you constantly punch, the ship guns won't be able to lock onto you, and you'll hit the soldiers more often than not, so they won't be able to shoot you either. This strategy turns one of the most frustrating missions in gaming into something a lot more manageable.
Is this that one on the docks or a different one? Because that mission was infuriating until I just grabbed my jetboard and raced through without taking a hit (because falling in the water cheaply kills you I raced along the docks and jumped over everything) and was quite annoyed that it was so simple.
I should clarify when I say 'terrible'... the over-world is infuriating. The cars handle terribly (tap a wall and you spin 180 degrees... or blow up) cars are constantly in your way, and if you go to the ground you might hit a cop and then... well, then you might as well kill yourself. It's awful because it's so terrible to deal with and it is by far and without question the worst part of anything in the game. It really is terrible, IMO.
Yeah, it's the one on the docks. I was never able to successfully use the jet board like you did... though you can cheese that mission by using the Dark Jak divebomb on the water, which destroys the floating mines, and then ride the waves to victory. :lol:
I don't really have a problem with the overworld itself outside of it being excruciatingly boring to travel across. Just get one of the bigger cars, go to ground level, and never stop moving toward your destination. Even if you hit a cop, you should be fine.
Quote from: Foggle on September 10, 2012, 01:52:10 AM
Yeah, it's the one on the docks. I was never able to successfully use the jet board like you did... though you can cheese that mission by using the Dark Jak divebomb on the water, which destroys the floating mines, and then ride the waves to victory. :lol:
I have to give them credit by giving you so many ways to play through it, though. Every time I saw a laser on me I immediately jumped and they never hit me. Since I played it like twenty times I already had the path memorized, and it was surprisingly quick. But interesting to know that I could have cheesed it back! ;D
QuoteI don't really have a problem with the overworld itself outside of it being excruciatingly boring to travel across. Just get one of the bigger cars, go to ground level, and never stop moving toward your destination. Even if you hit a cop, you should be fine.
You're probably right, but it takes so long to get from one place to another and it's NEVER fun unlike in the original. If only I could unlock the level select I'd be loving it! But still, I'd rather just play through the whole thing anyway just to say I did it... but I really wish they didn't make bikes blow up in races at the very least. >:(
All in all I'm glad I gave it a second chance (I think I gave up on the very first bike mission in the over-world because that one was pretty annoying), because the game is really good despite the over-world and the niggling issues. Either way, I like it way more than what I've played of the Uncharted games.
Well, you have to beat the levels before you can select them anyway. ;)
And yeah, not so big on Uncharted. Haven't played the sequels though. I need to give that series another chance someday since it's so beloved.
Jak II is done. I did not enjoy the lack of checkpoints, but overall I'd say it was a good game hat could've been great.
Looks like next will be Jak 3 to finish the trilogy off.
OK, I just got the games my brother sent me:
Splinter Cell Conviction
Marvel Vs. Capcom 3 Special Edition (AKA Not Ultimate)
Soul Calibur IV
Halo Reach Limited Edition (Haven't played this series since 2)
Rainbow Six Vegas 2 (Still have the copy my friend has let me hold for like a year now but it's my favorite military shooter so I can't complain about owning it.)
Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2 (My baby brother got this for my birthday years ago but this one has the actual cover and maybe a manual so hey, can't complain)
I'm on Splinter cell Conviction's menu now. I haven't played a SC game since Chaos Theory (which I got to get again)
Also, I was playing the Double Dragon Neon demo before this. Yeah, it being hyper ironic is kind of annoying (the beginning is funny though) and I don't care for the 3D models. I also hate how you are forced to dodge at times. Enemies will just ignore your attacks and hit you anyway at times. I also hate how God damn slow those enemies cartwheel (and the animation just makes it look clunky) and guy's saying "ONE, TWO" outloud so you get the point that you have to dodge their telegraphed punches is just stupid. And I hate the charge run. There's no reason to not just have it be double tap forward.
But anyway, I still had fun. I got past Abobo the one and only time I got to him and died on the conveyor belt part afterwards and gave up after I had to start already at the beginning (well the Splinter Cell game I put in loaded and take me away from the game but same thing)
Black Mesa is amazing. The graphics are the best I've ever seen on Source (seriously, it looks even better than Valve's games) and the re-imagined level design is absolutely perfect. It seems like nearly every part that was frustrating or boring in the original game has either been removed or altered. Case in point, On A Rail is not much like its GoldSrc incarnation at all and might just be my favorite chapter now. (I haven't finished the game yet, though.) The nostalgia bomb that hit me during the prologue was MASSIVE; the environments are beautiful and detailed while the dialogue is hilarious and self-referential. The game as a whole also seems to be much harder than Half-Life (comparing Normal modes), which is generally a good thing as it never really becomes frustrating except at one or two points. My only complaints are that the basic jump is practically useless (you have to crouch-jump for fucking EVERYTHING) and the Vortigaunts shoot their lasers a bit too fast, making them fairly annoying at times. That said, Black Mesa is so close to perfection that I can never play the original Half-Life again, and I'd also say that it might be even better than Half-Life 2.
I started Jak 3.
Uh... So, how many racing missions will there be?
I was actually positively impressed with a lot of the improvements in the game from the last one including superior checkpoints, an open world that is actually pretty good (still doesn't beat the one from J&D, though), and the story's tone is a lot less in your face.
Still though, to have no platforming missions then get a FANTASTIC one through a cliff-side volcano with a pretty meaty chunk of fun was pretty lopsided. If they would have cut at least 2/3 of the racing I've done so far (that bird race was way too hard), and have the levels branch right from the town without needing the driving, this would have had the potential to be the best Jak game. I'm a quarter through the game already, too... that's a bit worrying.
There's probably something like 10 platforming levels total. Almost all of them are as amazing as the volcano stage. It's really depressing that the whole game isn't like that, or at least half of it (as in Jak 2).
Jak 3 is basically a racing game where you run around jumping and shooting sometimes.
Awww, that's depressing to hear. I haven't liked the driving so far (cars are too slippery), but everything else had been pretty great and a step up from 2. But 2 had way more action platforming, so I can't quite say it's better yet.
So far I'm still leaning toward liking the original the best.
Jak & Daxter: Best consistency
Jak 2: Most variety
Jak 3: Highest quality
Quote from: Foggle on September 14, 2012, 09:58:16 PM
Jak & Daxter: Best consistency
Jak 2: Most variety
Jak 3: Highest quality
That's what I seem to be thinking so far.
Either way, I like this series more than Sly. It's WAY more consistent. Ratchet is the best of the three, however.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on September 14, 2012, 10:04:25 PM
Either way, I like this series more than Sly. It's WAY more consistent. Ratchet is the best of the three, however.
We seem to be on the same page now. ;)
Can't wait for Thieves In Time, though. Looks like it could easily be the best in the series!
Quote from: Foggle on September 14, 2012, 10:05:29 PM
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on September 14, 2012, 10:04:25 PM
Either way, I like this series more than Sly. It's WAY more consistent. Ratchet is the best of the three, however.
We seem to be on the same page now. ;)
Can't wait for Thieves In Time, though. Looks like it could easily be the best in the series!
I hope for it to be really good, since a mix of 1's action with 2's open world could be a really good mix.
Especially if it gives them a chance to make a J&D game next! ;)
A few more comments about Black Mesa...
1) WOW this thing gets fucking hard. Normal difficulty is probably about on par with hard mode from the original game. If you aren't good at mixing tactical cover shooting and run n gun blasting on the fly then you will die early and often (like me :lol: ). It's been ages since I last played an FPS that was actually challenging without being unfair.
2) The setpiece battle near the end of Questionable Ethics is better than any similar moment in any modern shooter.
3) Surface Tension is literally jaw-dropping. Looks so good.
Oh my god Lambda Core in Black Mesa. Looks like something straight out of Portal 2. :swoon:
Seriously guys, DOWNLOAD THIS FUCKING MOD. It's completely free, as you don't even need Half-Life 2 to play it; all you need is Steam with the free Source SDK Base 2007 installed (from the Library > Tools menu).
I recommend playing on Normal difficulty with auto-aim, head bob, and view roll disabled from the Black Mesa settings tab. Unfortunately, it doesn't save your mod-specific settings, so you'll have to change them every time you launch the game, but that takes like 15 seconds or less.
I got a 20 bucks Ms points card today and brought Spelunky. My baby brother and me are playing it now. Loved the look on his face when he saw that I unlocked it. Probably will use the rest of the points to get Doom. Spelunky is expensive.
OK, yesterday on Sonic Generations I finally got past annoying ass Modern Crisis City and then Modern Rooftop what's it's name and Planet Wisp. Planet Wisp was way too long of a level. Anyway, I also beat a challenge in each of them and fought Silver The Hedgehog. It was fun and I personally thought it was better than pretty much any classic Sonic boss fight but again it was a boss battle that was way too repetitive and too long. After all of that I got up to Egg Dragon. After I bunch of tries I had to stop. This one is going take forever.
Today I got up to stage 2-4 (Jungles) on Spelunky with my baby brother.
Then I went on and brought Doom. ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D I haven't played the 2nd or so levels in the first episode in forever. I completely forgot about the surprise attack moments. Now that's how you do it. How modern games script their shit makes me sick. Anyway, at one time in a level, one of the demons (the normal fireball one) apparently accidentally hit one of the black shirt shotgun guys in the back and then the shotgun guy turned around and started shooting him and then I blew them both away with my shotgun. It was beautiful. Another favorite moment was in I believe stage 2 with all the flickering light "hallways" and how I kept on turning corners fast not knowing where enemies will be at nor how many or what type I will encounter. That was a fun and intense few minutes.
I touched on this before but Doom has the perfect template for FPSs of its ilk. All the extra features that came years later are pretty much just extra dressing on what Doom has already made great about the genre. I'm going to be obsessed with this game for some time. I love how I past some parts and knew one day I'll come back and try to find secret areas I bypass. That plus split-screen co-op and two more difficulty settings that I want to try has the replay value through the roof for me. There's little more that I could ask for.
After I died the first time in Doom and had to start over the level with just my pistol, I decided to play some more Splinter Cell Conviction. I hate how the game goes black and white when you are in enough darkness. I just keep on thinking my tv is messing up. :D Also, the game doesn't really seem to encourage stealth so I always end up just shooting everyone in the area. The last part I got past was some war flashback that was pretty fun. The voice of a certain character made the 'twist' in the mission or whatever pretty obvious though.
Conviction doesn't force stealth on you like the other games do, but sneaking is by far the most fun way to play it IMO.
Just finished the public Resident Evil 6 demo. Took me about an hour, but I did dick around a lot in Leon's section. Really enjoyed Leon's and Chris' campaigns; still not sold on Jake's, though.
Having realized that I haven't played my PSP since April 2011, I decided to (once again) skip out on continuing Etrian Odyssey and start up Lunar: Silver Star Harmony. Can't wait to see what all the hubbub is about.
Just a warning- it's not a very good remake. But I'm also of the opinion that Lunar hasn't aged all that well as a whole and that they keep changing random things in every remake to make it worse certainly doesn't help.
My PSP playtime was mostly kept to VC2 and the Ys games.
Ah, really? That sucks. :( Well, hopefully going in blind, I won't notice any of the bad changes. I don't know anything about the series; I originally bought it just to support XSeed and because two of my friends claim it's their favorite RPG of all time.
I can say that the only thing really bugging me right now is how the music comes to a halt every time you move from screen to screen.
Didn't even know the RE6 demo was out. Looks like I'll be playing a demo for another day.
Started playing Borderlands 2.
A MASSIVE improvement over the original in every conceivable way. From the newfound creativity in weapon design, to the far better gun handling, to the beautiful graphics, to the actually interesting plot and barrage of well-written comedy, the jump from the original BL to this sequel is like the jump from Portal to Portal 2. I haven't marveled at an FPS' mechanics or laughed this hard at a video game in a long time.
Loving Doom's music.
Oh yeah, and I defeated Egg Dragoon on Sonic Generations before I started playing Doom today. I already got all the Chaos Emeralds because, let's be real, that shit is easy and I didn't even really realize I had them all. Annnnnnndddd now I'm at an even more annoying boss.
Quote from: gunswordfist on September 18, 2012, 01:27:41 PM
Oh yeah, and I defeated Egg Dragoon on Sonic Generations before I started playing Doom today. I already got all the Chaos Emeralds because, let's be real, that shit is easy and I didn't even really realize I had them all. Annnnnnndddd now I'm at an even more annoying boss.
The last boss in Generations is garbage. Literally the worst part of the whole game next to the Vector missions, it's a real blemish on an otherwise great game.
On Doom, one mission it took me almost an hour to figure out where to go and finally beat the level. Anyway, I beat episode 1 of Doom today. I haven't done that since I was a kid. Such good memories. I love how intimidating the beginning is and of course the end of the mission goes without saying. I never saw past episode 1 so starting episode 2 was a thrill. Interesting how demonic the decor of the levels are. I like noticeable changes.
Still playing Coin Rush in New Super Mario Bros. 2 and enjoying it.
I'm currently over 750,000 coins. :shakeshakeshake:
Ever walked around with your 3DS and try to get Street Tags for coin challenges? I find it more fun to challenge those I tag and try to outdo their intake.
I only got two and one was from a friend. :sweat:
But yeah, I try to outdo their records. My highest score was something like 12000-something, ad my friend has been trying to beat it for quite some time.
Normally if I miss the top of the flag pole I just give up. :-X
Got further on episode 2 of Doom. It's starting to creep me out more and more.
Yesterday I played Soul Calibur IV for the first time. I picked Kilik of course...and then I beat Story mode with a grand total of like 5 minutes of gameplay. :whuh:
Yesterday, I beat Halls Of the Damned on Doom. First level to give me some real trouble. I like the surprise ambush. Very nice.
Today I played my copy o Lost Planet Colonies for the first time. I like how easy it is to shoot up and how not all of the mechs are too slow. I really hate that constantly counting down heat meter or whatever. You can't even change your options without it going down. So stupid. Also, roll should be easier to do, they seem to have made the "smaller" bugs hilariously unaggressive because they figured that it would be too hard to have so many of them at a time be aggressive and is it me or does it feel like some parts end to abrupt. I entered a cave/hive in the first mission pretty much out of nowhere and I beat some boss and that was somehow supposed to signal me destroying a hive (which I didn't) Was this game's budget hurting is something?
Finally beat Lunar: Silver Star Harmony almost two years after buying it. Overall, it was okay. I never played the original game or the PS version, so no nostalgia here. Loading times were atrocious. Characters were fun, and the dialogue was actually pretty funny at times, despite the plot itself being kind of bare bones. The concept, however, is awesome. Humans living on the moon and a dead Earth hangs in the sky. That's just great. I'd totally play Lunar 2, given the chance, but from my understanding, that never got a PSP remake? I was also looking into the prequel, Dragon Song, but word of mouth is that it's terrible. That's a shame. A prequel set in this world sounds intriguing at any rate.
Up next in the backlog, is... Riviera: The Promised Land. Hoo boy. As far as the Dept. Heaven series goes, I have hated both Yggdra Union and Knights In The Nightmare. I was told that this one was a bit more of a traditional RPG, so we'll see how that plays out. I bought the game off of Amazon a few weeks back along with Star Ocean 1 & 2, and once Riviera is out of the way, those are next. I want to clear out the PSP games in the backlog already. After that, then it's back to half-finished games that aren't RPGs, along with Xenoblade Chronicles and The Last Story.
Yes, I have planned this out. I have a schedule to keep, damn it! :unimpressed:
Funny, I was actually thinking about getting the GBA version of Riviera. I've been wanting to play it since it first came out back in 2005, but it's just one of those games that I never got around to actually buying.
I didn't even know there were GBA versions until well after I had bought Yggdra Union on PSP. I was looking for a copy of Riviera for a loooong time now, and now that the PSP is basically dead in the water, buying PSP games on the cheap at Amazon is a gold mine.
Riviera is a lot more straightforward than their other games. I guess that's why it's been ported so many times.
I love how the music in the level Spawning Vats from Doom sounds like it could be in Castlevania game. I love this game's soundtrack.
Yesterday, my brother and me beat Spelunky...finally. The fourth set of levels are mostly just trap torture hell. Ok, not THAT bad but still more hard than fun. We were playing Co-op and then he died in one of the levels before the last. So in the last level (and like the millionth time being there), I was careful enough and had enough bombs to have an easier time winning. My brother helped by putting down two well placed bombs and then I did the rest. So later that day I went on to try to get to The City Of Gold. I got up to getting the helmet...then the Temple kicked my ass. I'm trying again today.
I got Mega Man 9 and then Metal Slug 3 today.
I tried out a few levels in Mega Man 9...fuck, this game is hard. Well anyway, I'm one Mega Man away from being able to play ever game in the series on one console.
I tried to get Metal Slug XX...but saw that it was 1200 points at the last second and I only had 800 left thanks to Mega Man so I finally decided to just get Metal Slug 3. The first level was a pain in the ass until on my 2nd try I just went through the exit boat route. Then I came to the level that made me decide to get the game and why this is my favorite Metal Slug, stage 2. I love that level's atmosphere. The level is way too straightforward but still great. I love the ice route. The first part of the boss fight is as intimidating as ever. Not really that hard but still.
For Mega Man 9 start with either Galaxy Man or Splash Woman's levels. They are the easiest ones and the bosses aren't that tricky.
For Metal Slug 3, just set the difficulty on easy. It doesn't make a difference except that bosses take less hits to blow up... and they STILL take a long time to destroy. Otherwise there isn't much difference at all.
Heh, Galaxy Man was the first one to give me trouble.
And I'm going to be stubborn and just play Metal Slug like it is. Didn't even know there was an Easy mode.
Re-starting Banjo Tooie for the first time in... a few years, at least.
Oh Grunty Industries, how I loathe you.
Funny you should say that, I'm replaying Ratchet & Clank: A Crack In Time on hard to get that final trophy. The game still plays excellently.
But I really wish Insomniac would make one more before this gen is through. One more is all I ask.
Played Metal Slug 3 with my little brother yesterday for the first time. Only got as far as Mission 3. Still had fun though.
Played some more of levels in Mega Man 9 and didn't get anywhere. Got a decent amount of screws though.
Tried to reach The City Of Gold in Spelunky again and failed again.
Got farther on Doom. I met my first Cyber Demon or whatever it's called and went, 'Fuck yeah, let's rush it!!!!' Screen proceeded to go red and then he shot me again. :sweat:
Played Co-op with a friend I haven't seen in months on Splinter Cell Conviction. I love this series' Co-op. We got to the second stage. I know I should prefer to actually take out enemies myself but doing those slomo auto headshots is too much fun.
Is it sad that the only Robot Master I've ever beaten in my life is the female one?
I just beat Cyber-Demon after getting blown away by him I believe two more times. Kind of weird to see a level in Doom end after a boss battle. I'm about to start Episode 3 now. ;D
Quote from: Nel on October 03, 2012, 12:03:29 PM
Is it sad that the only Robot Master I've ever beaten in my life is the female one?
Use her weapon on Concrete Man! He's a piece of cake with that.
But I find it hard to believe you couldn't beat Metal Man. All you have to do is shoot as he lands.
Dude, I'm terrible at Mega Man games. I rarely ever even make it to the boss. Way too much shit shooting at me and dick-move enemy placements for my platforming reflexes. ;D
Still, it was hilarious at the time though. My roommate and I had nothing to do that day, so after talking about how terrible we were at Mega Man, we decided to just start up MM9 and see what we could do. Somehow, I ended up beating Splash Woman. Cue my roommate slow clapping. "One of the only girls in the series... and you kill her." Laughed pretty hard at that.
Haha, yeah that's one of the jokes is that she's the only female robot master yet for some reason she's the easiest one to beat. Capcom were made of strange people. :D
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on October 03, 2012, 03:08:55 PM
Quote from: Nel on October 03, 2012, 12:03:29 PM
Is it sad that the only Robot Master I've ever beaten in my life is the female one?
Use her weapon on Concrete Man! He's a piece of cake with that.
But I find it hard to believe you couldn't beat Metal Man. All you have to do is shoot as he lands.
:D It's funny that you mentioned that because I haven't even been able to get to Splash Woman in her level while Concrete Man is the 2nd boss I've beaten. I beat him and Galaxy Man yesterday. I got my game paused on Splash Woman's stage right now.
Does anyone else want to see WayForward make a Metroid game?
Also, Galaxy Man and Splash Woman are the only bosses I have ever beaten in Mega Man 9 tbh...
Just beat Splash Woman a few minutes ago. It took me I believe getting one Game Over and then dying again once or twice to beat her since I always manage to take more damage than I should but I did it.
I was thinking about why the hell Dr. Light wasn't arrested instead of receiving angry phone calls when I rewatched the intro when I got the game but then they finally threw him in jail after I blew up Galaxy Man yesterday so all is well. ;D
Also, my friend and me beat Splinter Cell Conviction's co-op story yesterday (well, except for the fact that we skipped the 4 data thingies part). I like how it ties into the game's story.
Quote from: Foggle on October 05, 2012, 10:33:27 AM
Does anyone else want to see WayForward make a Metroid game?
You really need to play Aliens Infestation.
I really want them to make a new Jazz Jackrabbit, but now that Cliffy B has left Epic.... I don't see it happening. :(
Yesterday, on Splinter Cell Conviction, I just got to what I'm sure is the last level. I like how the story is panning out even though it's basically average "shit just got real, let's up the stacks for the sequel to the sequel to the sequel" action movie stuff but my interest is being held so hey. I'm having fun actually not just getting impatient and shooting everyone in the room. In the other Splinter Cell I've played you could whistle and throw stuff at people and easily bait them into a stealth kill (I honestly like them more because of that) but getting a gimme stealth kill, throwing a sticky cam on an explosive barrel and making it play music to attract most of the mercs in the area, detonating it and then using the execute you earned from getting the gimme grab from ledge stealth kill to kill 3 guys is fun.
Yesterday, I finally got the BFG on Doom. I loved one shotting that large demon that throws that green energy. I shot two because I assumed I needed more. Does this gun recharge in between levels or did I pick up some ammo for it and didn't notice?
Also yesterday I made it farther than two screens on Hornet Man's level on Mega Man 9. Now I just need to figure out how to beat that flower's ass. I love continuing to try to find a level that's beatable among the Robot Masters until I finally start making some progress through them.
I forget whether it was today or yesterday but on Doom I got to the part in Unholy Cathedral where you go to the room past the exit and tons of demons start teleporting in. Very interesting. I think I just ran straight forward at them first and then said fuck this and started running circles around them and shooting them until they were all dead. That was so much fun.
Borderlands 2 and StarCraft 2. Also still getting around to beating Majora's Mask. StarCraft 2 is a blast, I really wished I played it a lot sooner.
On Doom today I finally got past the second to last level in Episode 3. That poisonous blood or whatever the hell it is is just unfair. On the final level of that episode, I believe after two tries I defeated the Spiderdemon. The ending to Episode 3 is so ridiculous.
I like how Doom has no enemy spawning. Enemies are always already on the map and you can be sure that they come from some nearby secret little room that usually has items, weapons and/or ammo in it. I always loved remembering where I came from and backing up while shooting and knowing as long as no other space filled with demons I'm unaware of opens up, I'll be safe enough to do that strategy. Well that shit was thrown out of the window in episode 3 and abused as soon as the start of Episode 4. It was really a stretch to just past the first level. Not that it wasn't fun - the intensity sure added to that, but I prefer how things were instead of having to worry about demons spawning out of nowhere and throwing fireballs at my back.
When I got to the second level, after a few deaths, I really got down to planning how I deal with this spawn fest and after I miraculous killed one of those giant green shit throwing demons, I had to take on another one that came from another opening, had no ammo left due to using all my shotguns shells to kill the first one and then to blast this one a bit. So what do I do? I run after it by running over an empty space from one platform to another and started punching while having low enough health to get killed in one shot and then I bump into an energy gun or whatever the fuck it's called, the game auto equips it and I blow the demon away! Then I fall down to try and go back up some steps...and the lava kills me. Motherfuck...
Same level on Doom is giving me Hell. I proceeded to go on to playing Splinter Cell Conviction.
Well, I beat Conviction earlier. I got the two different endings. Kind of a pain in the ass to go back a little bit too far to get the 2nd one but it wasn't too bad. I started leaving stealth at home and keep tossing proximity mines at guys. With how easy it was to go back to weapon stashes, I just rinsed, washed and repeated.
From the way you describe things, it sounds like you got stuck on the same level that I did in DOOM and I stopped playing at that point to. I would have gone back to the game, but honestly I completely forgot about it for quite a while, and that was over a year ago. :D
:lol: I do that sometimes when I'm scrambling through multiple games.
Scrapped Banjo Tooie in favor of Majora's Mask. I've been in the mood for some N64 lately, so I figured I'd go with something I actually like playing (to be fair, BT isn't a bad game, per say, by any means, but it isn't nearly as much fun as the original).
Man, I might even go as far as to say that this is the best Zelda game. All the little background plots, sidequests, mini-games, supporting characters... everything about this game is so intricate, and that's what makes it so great. Who knew hunting down Heart Pieces could be this much fun?
I'm already up to Snowhead, by the way.
I got the Ratchet Collection on the PS3. It really, really, really needs a patch.
That aside, if you've never played these games and own PS3 you should absolutely play it.
By the way, the one thing I actually could do was play the Impossible Challenge in Going Commando and the first one has 75 rounds and the Challenge Mode one has 65 rounds. Going Commando is a phenomenal game even with so many stupid glitches the original version didn't have.
Glad I didn't pick it up then. My PS2 versions work just fine. O0
It's not necessary if you have the PS2 ones (unless you want to play UYA online, I guess) but since I'd rather shelve my PS2 for space reasons, the cheap price was too hard to pass up.
The Sly demo was really good, by the way.
It was a 'job' like the ones from 2, but it was fully dedicated platformer level like the ones from 1 which is EXACTLY what I was hoping for!
Sly's voice seemed off, though.
Will be downloading that demo on my lil bro's PS3.
I got a few levels farther on Doom. Honestly, Episode 4's levels seem much easier after the first two. Those were just wrong. It looks like I just have to bother with working my way through these current levels.
Wow, I suck at fighting games.
I tried some Samurai Shodown II tonight, and got my ass handed to me. HARD.
It's a good thing I love the structure of games like these, otherwise I wouldn't keep on trying.
Me too. Well except for Street Fighter IV. I can beat Seth on Very Hard by just spamming special moves (or w/e the fuck you call them) with relative ease.
Quote from: Avaitor on October 22, 2012, 11:29:19 PM
It's a good thing I love the structure of games like these, otherwise I wouldn't keep on trying.
That's the spirit. Fighting games are all about adapting, not just timing. It's probably the biggest reason I prefer the old fashioned fighters over the 2fast air juggle combo style of the crossover and ArcSys games.
I made some SERIOUS progress on Mega Man 9. OK, days before that, my little brother went to Plug Man's level and tried out the Hornet Chaser before I got to. He showed me that the hornet can bring back energy, health and screws which impressed the hell out of me. I played again yesterday and got to use the hornets for myself and tried to find out if they could grab hard to get pickups and eventually found out they could, like the big screw in between pipes at the first area in Plug Man's area and an extra life and big energy thing from a space underground that seems to be unattainable any other way. Also, it homes in on enemies just like other Mega Man weapons of that type but it's even better because it's like half homing missile/half boomerang.
I believe I had Plug Man jump into the B. Bomb multiple times, tried to time dodging his jump and finished him off with L. Trident. I think I got Rush Jet after I defeated him (that would make 5 defeated Robot Masters I believe.)
Either before or after I beat him, since I got so many screws from losing on Hornet Man's level and got up to 999 screws not too long after playing a bit yesterday, I brought Mega Man's helmetless costume (sucks that it disappears after dying once), the item that gives the weapon with the lowest energy energy when you pick it up and are using the M. Buster and one time, two lives because I had 0 after beating a boss and needed some for another stage.
I went to Tornado Man's level and used Rush Jet to finally get to him. I think I used Plug Man's gun to defeat him. It didn't take long after I died a few times and figured that out. The last fight was like a few seconds long.
I used Tornado Man's weapon to blow away Magma Man pretty quickly.
Again, I'm pretty impressed with this game's weapons. Probably the best since Mega Man 2 (maybe even moreso, I'll have to replay it again). I hope Jewel Man's weapon is either a 8 directional one (Metal Man for the win) or a shield that can be shot off. I'm guessing it's a shield. It's a shame that the game won't have both. That would have been all the kinds I could ask for.
So... the Swamp Shooting Gallery in Majora's Mask; one of the hardest mini-games in Zelda history, or the hardest mini-game in Zelda history?
Yeah, I'm leaning towards absolute hardest. I almost still can't believe I actually rang up a perfect score twice on this fucker (which is required, to win both prizes). This one probably crosses the line between being challenging and outright cheap, but hey, at least I finally beat it, which is something I never managed to do as a kid. :happytime:
I've been playing Mario Golf GBC via the 3DS VC. Great stuff.
So, I've been playing Castlevania: SOTN in irregular intervals, and I finally reached that point in these sorts of Metroidvania style game in which I get stuck and have no idea where I'm supposed to go next. So, naturally I explore around, but I still haven't figured out where I'm supposed to be headed. This is where the Internet comes in handy. :sly:
The farthest I've gotten was the
flipped castle
part of the game.
That part kind of annoyed me, so I've never actually finished it.
These exploration-style of games are the sorts that reward patience and careful observations in terms of paying attention to clues and trying to traverse your environments in ways that you wouldn't normally think to. I do like that sort of game, but admittedly its not the best for when I don't have a lot of time on my hands to play, and I don't often even get chances to play at that, so in those instances it just becomes more like a waste of time unless I can definitively progress in the game each time I play it. But, like I said, that's where the Internet comes in because I can just look that stuff up. Before I used to frown upon doing stuff like that, but as I grow older and have less time to play games, it kind of becomes necessary if I ever want to finish the game before I completely forget about it.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on October 29, 2012, 05:46:35 PM
I've been playing Mario Golf GBC via the 3DS VC. Great stuff.
Oh shit, I downloaded that a week or two ago but I haven't touched it.
Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on October 29, 2012, 06:00:10 PM
So, I've been playing Castlevania: SOTN in irregular intervals, and I finally reached that point in these sorts of Metroidvania style game in which I get stuck and have no idea where I'm supposed to go next. So, naturally I explore around, but I still haven't figured out where I'm supposed to be headed. This is where the Internet comes in handy. :sly:
Heh he, I continued my latest replay today and still can't remember where to go. I'm guessing I'll have to be extra thorough.
EDIT: So after I failed to get anywhere on Symphony Of The Night, I tried to get to the City Of Gold on Spelunky yet again. After dying at least a dozen times, I had the last item and a good amount of other items (jetpack is so damn useful) and I went to the exit to put in the damsel and came back and apparently said important item got destroyed by a trap...and then I died violently by the hands of said trap. :shit: This game is too damn hard.
So tomorrow I'll be trying to get to the City Of Gold again...
Don't feel too bad. I'v only made it to the Ice Caves once.
It took me and my brother forever to reach the Ice Caves. So you can imagine having to start at the beginning and having to get all the way to one of the Temple levels is.
OK so I was playing Spelunky again and..I GOT TO THE CITY OF GOLD! I was kind of freaking out and my baby brother was like :whuh: Shows how hard the game is. But I had no bombs, which sucked since it was so easy to go through with the Jet Pack and was promptly chased out of the level and into the final level after trying to find some. I think I figured out how to get into Hell.
I got Shock Troopers on the VC, and I highly recommend to anyone here with a Wii who likes old school shooters.
Think Mercs meets Metal Slug, throw in alternate routes, 8 characters, and you have the most underrated Neo Geo game by far.
I only played the Mountain Route, but wow, it really is great stuff. :thumbup:
So, I got all the way up to Richter Belmont and beat him easily and then the end-credits started to roll. I hadn't realized that I had already gotten that far in the game and I still had plenty of area left to cover on the map and items to explore for and collect. So, I went back and went back and forth all over the castle for about 2 hours and now I have every bit of my map completely covered (except for the part leading up to the boss room with Richter). There may be more areas that I didn't explore that don't appear on the main map that you buy from the library shop, but I certainly can't find any more hidden areas (and I found a lot of them, including most of the breakable walls). Still, I must be missing some areas as I'm still lacking a few items and at least 1 familiar (I believe there are 5 in total and I have 4 so far). Also, I thought there was supposed to be some inverted version of the castle that you play through, but that hasn't happened to me yet, so I'm not sure if I missed something....
Did you ever find Maria and get the glasses?
Did you get through that corridor where the entire floor and ceiling are covered in spikes?
Yes, that is in fact the last room I got to. I got through it using the spike-breaking armor. I met Maria there, and I collected some item which I didn't bother to check upon collecting it so I completely forgot what I collected and what its supposed to do. Either way, though, I'm wondering where the inverted castle comes into play. Does it happen on a subsequent playthrough?
Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on October 31, 2012, 10:46:54 AM
Yes, that is in fact the last room I got to. I got through it using the spike-breaking armor. I met Maria there, and I collected some item which I didn't bother to check upon collecting it so I completely forgot what I collected and what its supposed to do. Either way, though, I'm wondering where the inverted castle comes into play. Does it happen on a subsequent playthrough?
You're really close to the inverted castle. At this point, I would recommend looking through your items, as 2 of them contains hints for what to do next. One of the items should have come from that room I asked you about. I don't remember exactly what it is called, but I'm pretty sure that "silver" is in its name. The other item should be similar to it.
Oh yeah, now I remember what it was. The item I got from that room was called the silver ring. Its description is very odd so it mus be a clue of some sort. I have no idea what the other item is, though.
Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on October 31, 2012, 11:24:33 AM
Oh yeah, now I remember what it was. The item I got from that room was called the silver ring. Its description is very odd so it mus be a clue of some sort. I have no idea what the other item is, though.
You should have another item similar to the silver ring. If I remember correctly, they both have hints.
Use the glasses on Richter and fight a much different boss fight.
OK, I finally remembered where and what I needed to advance in Castlevania SOTN today. I went to the Underground Caverns, cleared most of it and the went to the upper level area with the bells and beat the bosses in both places.
In terms of where you are in the game right now, is that in the context of the regular castle or the inverted castle?
Speaking of which, I did unlock the inverted castle and I have to say that I'm impressed at how many surprises this game can throw at me. I was kind of expecting a rehash of the regular castle except with slightly harder enemies and some different items in an upside down castle. What I've gotten so far is an entirely new set of enemies, bosses, and items and the challenge level has increase as well with enemies being a lot more powerful than before in relation to my current level, and I really have to appreciate the level design of this game a lot more seeing how despite the castle being completely inverted it still feels extremely smooth to navigate. I just have to get used to having barely and map on screen until I explore more of the castle again. At least this time I do kind of know where I'm going as its not too hard to tell as long as long as I remember the placement of all of the rooms in the regular castle and just picture it upside down. ;)
I'm in the normal castle. I remembered where to get the Jewel of Open and went from there. I believe I had a hard time remembering since it's been so long since I came back to this point. It's like my fourth time restarting.
Anyway, I love that you get to go to and choose from two different areas at this point. I never really appreciated that before. Oh and did I mention that I LOVE Undeground Cavern's music yet? Crystal Teardrop is my favorite theme in the game.
I might actually like the inverted castle more. I've heard it get called "padding" before, but it feels so different, and truthfully, there were times where I forgot where exactly I was in it, even though I had just gotten through the normal castle. So it still has that sense of mystery, but with more challenge. As much as I liked the normal castle, it was far, far too easy for my Castlevania liking. And though the inverted castle isn't nearly as hard as the classics, it's an improvement.
Quote from: gunswordfist on November 01, 2012, 08:59:39 PM
Oh and did I mention that I LOVE Undeground Cavern's music yet? Crystal Teardrop is my favorite theme in the game.
Yeah, the music in this game is great. My personal favorite track so far is the Clock Tower music. That one's just rock'n yet also miraculously manages to fit in with the tone and theme of a Castlevania game.
My favorite track is this:
SotN has to have the best soundtrack in the entire series, and that's saying something considering previous Castlevania soundtracks. There's not a single song in the game that I don't like.
Got a chance to play the Sly 4 demo at my friend's place. Man... if the whole game is like that, it might just be a contender for my GOTY of next year.
Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on November 01, 2012, 10:36:10 PM
Quote from: gunswordfist on November 01, 2012, 08:59:39 PM
Oh and did I mention that I LOVE Undeground Cavern's music yet? Crystal Teardrop is my favorite theme in the game.
Yeah, the music in this game is great. My personal favorite track so far is the Clock Tower music. That one's just rock'n yet also miraculously manages to fit in with the tone and theme of a Castlevania game.
That music rocks. Too bad it's in the most annoying part of the game. :D Did you find the secret area in that place?
Its not that hard in the regular castle. Now, playing through that section in the inverted castle is a real bitch.
By secret area, do you mean the room that opens after you hit those gears on the wall to get them moving again?
Quote from: Foggle on November 02, 2012, 01:55:12 AM
Got a chance to play the Sly 4 demo at my friend's place. Man... if the whole game is like that, it might just be a contender for my GOTY of next year.
I need to download that on my brother's PS3. I also need to play Crysis 2, finish Sonic Generations (ugh), start Tools Of Destruction and finish Rayman Origins with him.
Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on November 02, 2012, 06:30:21 AM
Its not that hard in the regular castle. Now, playing through that section in the inverted castle is a real bitch.
By secret area, do you mean the room that opens after you hit those gears on the wall to get them moving again?
Those Medusa bitches are annoying. :burn:
Yeah, that secret area. Also, the flying sword enemies rare drop a great throwing sword weapon. I got it once but then died before I could save "FUCK YOU, CLOCK TOWER! FUCK YOU!!!" and I tried to get it again for like hours to no avail. U
Quote from: gunswordfist on November 02, 2012, 06:37:35 AM
I need to download that on my brother's PS3.
You need a copy of Ratchet & Clank HD Collection to play it, I believe. That's why I had to check it out at my friend's house. :(
Did someone say SOTN has the best Castlevania soundtrack? Man, it's good, but compared to most of the classic games it isn't quite there.
Quote from: Foggle on November 02, 2012, 01:55:12 AM
Got a chance to play the Sly 4 demo at my friend's place. Man... if the whole game is like that, it might just be a contender for my GOTY of next year.
That's what I've been seeing. They keep saying it's based on 2 and 3, but that's not what I see.
The game has the hub world like 1 only huge with optional missions like 2, yet has entrances to platformer levels like the first game hte break off the main hub where the main action happens. It's weird that Sanzaru might completely upstage Suckerpunch with this game, but so far it seems quite possible.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on November 02, 2012, 11:43:44 AM
Did someone say SOTN has the best Castlevania soundtrack? Man, it's good, but compared to most of the classic games it isn't quite there.
I've listened to most of the classic Castlevania tracks from the NES games and Castlevania IV (I don't know jack about Rondo of Blood/Bloodlines, though) and I think that SOTN is at least on par with what I've heard of the classic games, though its a very different style of music than the classic games, yet it fits the tone of the game extremely well. That isn't to say that every track is a stand-out, but the same applies the classic games as well. I find that each specific Castlevania game that I've heard music from has at least 3 or 4 tracks each that are really memorable, and SOTN is certainly no exception. My personal favorite Castlevania music has always been the main theme to Castlevania II, though. Something about it just forces that damn song to be stuck in my head for all eternity.
Honestly, it wouldn't be that hard to upstage Sucker Punch. Every Sly game had its moments of total greatness, but they all fizzled out before too long.
I would be so happy if after Thieves In Time came out, Naughty Dog let Sanzaru develop Jak 4. Imagine, a Jak & Daxter game that was (almost) nothing but platforming, and the platforming levels were like the ones in 2 and 3. :swoon:
I like SOTN, but I think the classics had better tracks like this (, this (, this (, this (, this ( and this ( Though that's probably just my tastes in more upbeat tunes since I still really like SOTN's soundtrack as well.
Quote from: Foggle on November 02, 2012, 11:49:30 AM
I would be so happy if after Thieves In Time came out, Naughty Dog let Sanzaru develop Jak 4. Imagine, a Jak & Daxter game that was (almost) nothing but platforming, and the platforming levels were like the ones in 2 and 3. :swoon:
If they made it a full open world of platforming like 1 with set pieces like the sewers or the tower in 2 and the volcano in 3, then it would probably be the best game in the series without question.
I can only hope this game is good and does well enough for them to be given the chance.
Picked up Shinobi (PS2) and Onimusha Warlords for about $4 each. I've really been meaning to try the former again now that I'm not a little bitch who button-mashes to win anymore, and I've always heard great things about the Onimusha series despite never really playing them. I also picked up a copy of the notoriously awful Tekken spin-off, Death By Degrees, for around 75 cents. It's been maybe 7 years since I've played it, but iirc it'll be worth more than a few good laughs as a party game once my friends come back for winter break. :joy:
I played a good chunk of Onimusha 2 back in the day (I believe it had a lot of the same people who worked on the devlopment team for one of the classic RE games, if I'm not mistaken) on my friend's PS2, and I thought it was great, but I haven't touched it in years, so I don't know how it holds up.
From what I've heard, the first three Onimusha games are actually quite similar to the classic RE series. ...Same with Death By Degrees, apparently.
I'm sure I'll like Shinobi more this time around.
Onimusha 1 is basically Resident Evil with a fuedal Japan setting, but the sequels apparently change up the controls and format a bit.
I'm kind of surprised there hasn't been a single game this generation, but hey, Capcom.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on November 02, 2012, 11:43:44 AM
Did someone say SOTN has the best Castlevania soundtrack? Man, it's good, but compared to most of the classic games it isn't quite there.
That would be me. :P
When I say SotN has my favorite CV soundtrack, it has more to do with consistency, because I like and remember every song from the game. It doesn't necessarily have my favorite CV songs (those would be Vampire Slayer from 1, Bloody Tears from 2, and Beginning from 3).
Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on November 02, 2012, 11:49:19 AM
(I don't know jack about Rondo of Blood/Bloodlines, though)
You should check out Rondo of Blood's remix of Bloody Tears (the main theme from CV2, which you said you like). It's my personal favorite remix of it, though I still kind of like the original version of it the most.
Does anyone know if SkipDr for Xbox is any good? I'm thinking about getting it to resurface my copy of Devil May Cry 4 and Halo Reach.
Is there a Play N Trade near where you live? They'll resurface your discs for like $1-2 apiece and won't charge you if the disc still doesn't work.
If you're careful enough you can just get some headlight polish(Meguire's is the one I have) and a microfiber cloth from an auto parts store, I've done that before. Just wipe the disc in circles from the center out, but you do have to be careful not to put too much pressure on the disc because you could scratch or even crack the disc.
I'll look out for both of those. Thanks guys.
Has anyone here played La Mulana before? I'm playing it on WiiWare and I don't know where I'm supposed to go. I keep wandering into other dungeons instead of finding out how to finish the one I'm in.
I mean, I dig the exploration, but I don't know what my goal is supposed to be.
A lot of the puzzles are very, very vague. I've been watching an LP of it and I don't think I'd figure out half of the puzzles on my own. Also i didn't know it came out for WiiWare. I want it!
Oh yeah, it came out just recently. It feels a lot like a lost Sega CD game with better loading times, and I dig it.
But I do think they could have given better hints. I'm not even aware of where to start in some rooms.
Whoa, looks like Capcom is branching out.
Is this a visual novel, a point and click, or what? Might as well try the demo later.
Just beat Doom a few minutes ago. The last stage was not that hard. Well, I quick saved right before the last area and reloaded once after dying once but I had to make the only exception of to my no quick saving rule in Doom. Yeah, that part wasn't that hard either. I killed the Spiderbrain before I took out the right side of demons. I'm on the screen with Daisy's head after turning off my 360 googling about the text about it and then seeing that I skipped that part. Heh. Definitely want to get Doom 2. I'm planning on buying Perfect Dark (800 points), Gunstar Heroes (400 MS points) and Doom 2 (400). That seems like the best way to use a 1600 point card.
Oh and I can't imagine trying this game on any higher difficulties. I can see myself getting easily mutilated on any other the unfair flicking light levels and the ridiculous first two levels of Episode 2. Fuck that.
Super Mario Kart.
I won. ...with Game Genie. ;D
Majora's Mask is in the books. Everything is complete; all masks, all Pieces of Heart, Bombers Notebook... everything.
I threw all my plans to the wayside and instead of an RPG, I've started Red Dead Redemption. Never played it before!
Quote from: gunswordfist on November 11, 2012, 05:59:31 PM
Just beat Doom a few minutes ago. The last stage was not that hard. Well, I quick saved right before the last area and reloaded once after dying once but I had to make the only exception of to my no quick saving rule in Doom. Yeah, that part wasn't that hard either. I killed the Spiderbrain before I took out the right side of demons. I'm on the screen with Daisy's head after turning off my 360 googling about the text about it and then seeing that I skipped that part. Heh. Definitely want to get Doom 2. I'm planning on buying Perfect Dark (800 points), Gunstar Heroes (400 MS points) and Doom 2 (400). That seems like the best way to use a 1600 point card.
Oh and I can't imagine trying this game on any higher difficulties. I can see myself getting easily mutilated on any other the unfair flicking light levels and the ridiculous first two levels of Episode 2. Fuck that. yesterday I started Ultra-Violence on Doom and beat two levels. Not as bad I thought. I died maybe once and the first flickering light level wasn't the nightmare I thought it would be. The shotgun never lets me down.
Just beat Metroid: Zero Mission for the first time ever. Dunno why it took me so long, since I've probably played the first 2 hours at least 10 times by now, but yeah. I guess I always just got distracted by other things halfway through.
Anyway, excellent game. Not as great as Super Metroid or the Prime trilogy, but still damn good. I actually really liked the Chozodia stuff - chases were seriously intense. Quite refreshing after that piece of shit Other M.
Zero Mission is awesome. WAY better than the original. It's less linear than Fusion, but not quite as meaty as Super Metroid, but it's definitely in the upper crust of Metroid games. I'm glad you enjoyed it. :)
Now if only they could get working on a Metroid 2 remake.
Well, this guy is doing a fantastic-looking freeware remake of Metroid 2 for PC:
Problem is, it's made with Game Maker, and my computer simply refuses to run any and all Game Maker games for some unexplainable reason. Which is odd, because I was able to run them just a few months ago. Regardless, there's a demo out, so you should (see if you can) give it a go!
The original Metroid hasn't really aged that well IMO. I've tried to play it, but it's just so goddamn frustrating to me. Return Of Samus is still good, but it's not a masterpiece like Super, Prime 1-3, Zero Mission, or Fusion.
That Mother Brain fight is fucking awful, though.
I'm still hope for a 3DS 2D Metroid. That we didn't get one on the DS was baffling considering how easy of a fit it would have been. After Other M's reaction, I'm hoping Sakamoto sticks to the sidescrollers.
Quote from: Foggle on November 16, 2012, 07:05:19 PMThat Mother Brain fight is fucking awful, though.
I'm certain they only left that in for nostalgic sake, but yes it's incredibly cheap compared to every other boss.
The gameplay in Other M was fine. They just need to keep Sakamoto far away from the story.
Which is weird since the story in Fusion was fine. Maybe he should keep it simple next time.
I dunno what he was thinking with that game, but at least Team Ninja tried their best. They sure tried harder than they did with Ninja Gaiden 3, anyway.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on November 16, 2012, 07:08:41 PM
I'm still hope for a 3DS 2D Metroid. That we didn't get one on the DS was baffling considering how easy of a fit it would have been. After Other M's reaction, I'm hoping Sakamoto sticks to the sidescrollers.
Well, Other M is a sidescroller. Kinda. I was very disappointed by everything in that game aside from the combat and graphics. The opening levels showed promise, but the gameplay never really got any deeper from there, and the unskippable cutscenes were downright heinous.
So Sakamoto should just stick to 2D gameplay development (provided he actually understands why people like Super, Zero Mission, and Fusion), and maybe leave the storytelling (if there
must be any... because seriously, Metroid doesn't need much plot) to Retro's writers.
But yes, I would love to see a new classic-style Metroid for the 3DS or Wii U, as we are long overdue for a new one (what happened to Dread!?). Maybe Prime 4 eventually, but not until Retro is allowed to make some other, completely different games first. I would also love to see a third-person installment eventually - I think that could work really well if the control scheme was similar to R&C.
QuoteI'm certain they only left that in for nostalgic sake, but yes it's incredibly cheap compared to every other boss.
It's like... suddenly Metroid is a bullet hell game with a player sprite that's way too large and no room whatsoever to maneuver. Had they just changed the boss fight to be more about skill and less about not losing your composure after the indestructible gun turrets knock you into the lava for the 20th time, it would have been fine.
Quote from: Rynnec on November 16, 2012, 07:27:12 PM
The gameplay in Other M was fine. They just need to keep Sakamoto far away from the story.
The core combat was awesome, but it desperately needed more exploration, as it was far too linear. Also, the first-person shit was atrocious.
Nobody has any idea what happened with Metroid Dread, it was teased in Prime because, IIRC, Sakamoto asked for it to be there so clearly it was meant to be the Fusion follow-up that we're still waiting for.
Retro's game was going to be at E3 until Nintendo changed plans at the last minute to focus on launch window games, so I'm pretty sure we'll see it soon enough. But I doubt it's Metroid (and severely doubt it's Zelda) so hopefully somebody there is working on a 2D Metroid with Sakamoto directing... or maybe Yasuhara directing with NST?
Yasuhara better be either helping Nintendo with figuring out a Sonic/Mario game or making a 2D platformer. Nintendo better use him instead of wasting his talent like Namco did!
So I was suddenly able to get that Metroid 2 remake demo working... wow! It's honestly Nintendo quality. Fantastic stuff, way better than the original version already.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on November 16, 2012, 08:07:07 PM
Retro's game was going to be at E3 until Nintendo changed plans at the last minute to focus on launch window games, so I'm pretty sure we'll see it soon enough. But I doubt it's Metroid (and severely doubt it's Zelda)
From what I've read, it seems like Miyamoto has already confirmed that Retro is not making a Zelda game, and probably never will.
We definitely need another official, non-remake Metroid soon, though. Gotta' wash out the bad taste of Other M. Sakamoto needs to swallow his pride and renege on his decision to make Prime non-canon in favor of that shitfest. :srs:
There was a thread on GAF earlier today that claimed WayForward had interest on working on a Metroid game. Hold on a sec....
Yeah here
Quote from: Comeau on November 16, 2012, 08:49:08 PM
There was a thread on GAF earlier today that claimed WayForward had interest on working on a Metroid game. Hold on a sec....
Quote from: Comeau on November 16, 2012, 08:50:29 PM
Yeah here
Wow, my pants just tightened up a bit. Thanks for the info!
I would honestly rather them make a new Clash At Demonhead. IMO, they're the only current developer that could understand how to make that concept work.
Oh, speaking of WayForward, did you play Infestation yet, Foggle?
But what incentive do they have to do that? The only way that game would have any recognition in this day and age is it is referenced in Scott Pilgrim. Nobody knows what that game is, and fewer people have actually played the game.
On a similar note, I have been looking for Shatterhand recently.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on November 16, 2012, 09:02:00 PM
Oh, speaking of WayForward, did you play Infestation yet, Foggle?
No. :-[
The Adventure Time from them that comes out next week looks pretty sweet though. Definitely looking into that.
Well it doesn't have to be titled 'Clash At Demonhead', just using the concept it had to make a new game. It had a very unique concept and cool ideas that no game ever tried to improve on. WayForward is the only developer that flirts with pseudo-open worlds in 2D games so I think they would be the best bet for it.
Quote from: Foggle on November 16, 2012, 09:14:46 PM
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on November 16, 2012, 09:02:00 PM
Oh, speaking of WayForward, did you play Infestation yet, Foggle?
No. :-[
I really think you'd dig it.
So I'm at world 1-6 in Sticker Star. This had the makings to be a great game. The dialogue is still top-notch, the combination of turn-based battles with SPM's linear level environments is pretty awesome, music is still good. But the battle system. This sticker management thing is bullshit. Makes the whole thing really unfun to play, so so far this is easily the weakest Paper Mario to me. Damn shame. Hopefully we can get a real successor to the first two games on Wii U at some point.
Just beat Spec Ops: The Line. Good lord. Now that is a video game story done right. A brilliant, pointed critique and deconstruction of the video game industry's current obsession with modern war-glorifying shooters, featuring what may just be the finest storyline in recent memory. I don't think I can ever look at Call of Duty, Battlefield, or Medal of Honor the same way again now. Everybody needs to play this one. And go in blind; avoid spoilers like the plague.
Quote from: Nel on November 17, 2012, 11:34:05 AM
So I'm at world 1-6 in Sticker Star. This had the makings to be a great game. The dialogue is still top-notch, the combination of turn-based battles with SPM's linear level environments is pretty awesome, music is still good. But the battle system. This sticker management thing is bullshit. Makes the whole thing really unfun to play, so so far this is easily the weakest Paper Mario to me. Damn shame. Hopefully we can get a real successor to the first two games on Wii U at some point.
Have you been using thing stickers? I dunno what to say except I really enjoy the battle system. I haven't fought the final boss yet (been busy with other things), but the battling is my favorite part of the game to where I don't even tend to skip them.
Thing stickers are pretty much how I've been getting through the boss fights. Right now I've gotten access to the blue doors, so I'm sticking them everywhere I can. The level exploration is still fantastic, and I'm alternating between worlds 2 and 3 right now.
It's not a bad game. Just really disappointing for a Paper Mario title. I'm enjoying everything except for the bare bones plot (dialogue and the little stories in each world are still entertaining, but really there is far less going on here than in the other titles) and the battle system. Otherwise, everything's pretty great.
Kersti is kind of just there, though. I'd put her on the same level as that yellow ball from Bowser's Inside Story and the talking suitcase from Partners In Time in terms of memorability. Which is to say, I'll probably forget her name once I'm done playing. I'd still say Tippi and Goombella were the best sidekick characters in the series.
Continued my playthrough of Ultra-Violence mode on Doom and I'm having a blast. Yesterday I actually found 100% of the secrets in a level (shocked the hell out of me) and found out that Doom has secret levels because I found one in Episode 1. This replay has been a great excuse to explore levels even more. The difficulty hasn't really been a problem like I thought it'd be (but it is just Episode 1). I got up to the 4th or 5th level.
Paper Mario Sticker Star's music is awesome.
I would link you all to the final map theme but I can't find it anywhere. It is amazing.
Decided to pick up where I left off on Brawl. Figured it was about time to dust off the Wii again anyway (without spending money... :humhumhum:).
Man, I forgot just how much crap I haven't unlocked yet. So many trophies...
Yeah, I gave up on collecting everything a while ago. Some of the trophies and stickers seem impossible to obtain.
I decided to dust off my SNES and play SMB3 again, but the damn copy of All-Stars lost my saved game. What's even weirder is that my previous save of SMB2 is in tact. But the game is so fun that I don't mind playing from the beginning again.
Today I brought N+, Perfect Dark, Gunstar Heroes and Doom II. I played N+ with my little brother that wanted it this
Today I caved in and downloaded Sonic Adventure off of XBLA. I've been thinking about getting Gunstar Heroes as well, but then I figured I'd take one thing at a time. Of course, that's granted that I haven't finished Castlevania: SOTN yet, but getting SA was more of a nostalgic temptation than me being done with Castlevania, so I'll still be going back to that game and finishing it up eventually.
As for SA, I've gotten through the first 4 stages as Sonic, and....yeah, I still can't help but enjoy the fuck out of this game. You can rag on it for all of its flaws and shortcomings, and I never denied that the game was loaded with problems, but when it comes down to it I think its still a damn fun game with really good level design. Now that I've been playing it for at least over an hour myself, I can confirm that all of the complaints about the controls being godawful are full of shit. They aren't the best, but they are responsive to everything I do and when I die its usually my own fault (at least thus far). The camera can be annoying at times but it hasn't actually caused me to die yet, either. My only problem is the glitches in this game, and I swear that most of the few deaths I've had in this game so far can be attributed to some glitch where Sonic falls through the floor. I can also swear that I don't recall this glitch happening at all in the Dreamcast version of the game, but maybe it did and I just don't remember that it happened to me. If I don't remember it, though, it couldn't have happened as often as it does in this version of the game (which isn't to say that it happens frequently, but I've died at least 4 times so far due to that glitch).
At any rate, I'm almost half-way done with Sonic's portion of the story, but I still have a lot of ground to cover with the other characters in the game. I'll play some more of it tomorrow, and probably at least get done with all of Sonic's levels.
I still love the Sonic levels. I think most people do. The others don't really do it for me though, and Big's stages are horrid.
Well, while many Sonic fans consider the Adventure games to be the only good (or at least decent/passable) Sonic games from last-gen, there are still many more who would say that they are garbage, which is fine in and of itself except I think a lot of the complaints about Sonic's gameplay specifically are overexaggerated to the extreme or flat out wrong. The control and camera are not nearly that bad, and I think that the game has good level design for the first true 3D Sonic game (I'm not counting the faux 3D ones on the Saturn). Minus the admittedly boring and useless hub world, the actual stages are pretty well designed and most of them have some hidden goodies to encourage replay, with a few standing out as having alternate paths akin to classic 2D Sonic games, and the actual level designs each looking distinct and fun in their own way.
I have yet to go back to the other characters, but at the very least I think that Sonic's gameplay in the SA games is still fun to this day. The game has a ton of flaws to be sure, but I don't buy the nonsense that any enjoyment derived from these games is nothing but nostalgia. I feel like the people who say that either loved the game way too much when they were younger and were shocked by how much lower in quality it was than they remembered, or they just can't deal with a game that's not super-polished and has flaws, even if it can still be fun if you look past those things (in other words, people who can't play anything other than AAA games).
I'd like to go one step further. Not only are Sonic's levels fun in SA and SA2, but I remember them also being decent in Unleashed. Course I haven't played that game in a while, but from what I remember, it was mainly the werehog levels that dragged it down.
Quote from: talonmalon333 on November 19, 2012, 10:15:07 PM
I'd like to go one step further. Not only are Sonic's levels fun in SA and SA2, but I remember them also being decent in Unleashed. Course I haven't played that game in a while, but from what I remember, it was mainly the werehog levels that dragged it down.
That seems to be the general consensus, actually.
Get in a few levels on Doom II. Found the Super Shotgun on the 2nd level. Ah, fuck yes.
Aaaand Paper Mario Sticker Star is beaten. I'm not compelled to 100% it, so back to Red Dead Redemption, I suppose.
Quote from: Foggle on November 19, 2012, 10:22:40 PM
Quote from: talonmalon333 on November 19, 2012, 10:15:07 PM
I'd like to go one step further. Not only are Sonic's levels fun in SA and SA2, but I remember them also being decent in Unleashed. Course I haven't played that game in a while, but from what I remember, it was mainly the werehog levels that dragged it down.
That seems to be the general consensus, actually.
That's interesting. Glad to know I'm not alone, then.
Seems to be the problem, really. Sega kind of got down Sonic's gameplay in the 3D games. But, to put it one way, it wasn't quite enough (like, not enough for the games to stack up to the classics). So instead of fine-tuning and polishing up Sonic's gameplay like they should've, they decided that the key to fixing it was to try to bring in storytelling and all sorts of different kinds of gameplay with other characters, in the hopes of beefing up the games. But instead this backfired and ended up as tedious fluff.
Of course, this refers to the main games besides Sonic 2006. That garbage was doomed and plagued by apocalyptic issues that destroy even the Sonic segments. It also doesn't include the recent games which seem to be getting the hang of how to do 3D Sonic.
Sega got too caught up in trying to force gimmicks into the game to flesh them out and make them longer. The thing about Sonic games in general is that, they aren't meant to be really long games. I can tell how much time and effort it takes for the developers to craft a good Sonic level, and by nature each level will only last a few minutes, despite the months of work it takes to put each individual one together, form its conceptualization to its coding and fine-tuning. The result will be a pretty short game, inevitably, but if done well it'll be very re-playable, and still a great game all-around. Sonic Colors and Generations proved that you don't need all of these gimmicks to make a good Sonic game. You just need good level design, controls, a camera that actually follows you, and general gameplay mechanics that suit Sonic, and only Sonic.
Sure, Colors did have the wisp gimmick, but that gimmick actually fit in perfectly with Sonic's style of gameplay and they were used more for uncovering hidden items and alternate paths through levels. With Generations the gimmicks were all in the challenge stages, but aside from having to complete 1 of those per zone, the rest were completely optional, so it never got in your way and bogged down the experience. Sega needs to be making more Sonic games with that sort of mindset as opposed to just shoehorning in all of the other characters to play as, or gimmicks to prolong the game, at the sacrifice of good gameplay and actual competent design.
I haven't touched the Adventure games in ages (and I never did end up beating Adventure 2; dunno why, but I lost interest half-way through), so I can't really say too much there. I remember generally being okay with most of the games, but it was the non-Sonic stuff that always killed it for me.
The Dreamcast is packed away somewhere atm (just don't have enough space in my current setup for everything), but I should dig it out one of these days when I'm bored, just to give 'em another go. I've also been meaning to pick up Power Stone again as well.
Anybody want 5 DRM-free games for $10 total!?
There's stuff on there that pretty much any PC can run (like To The Moon & Gemini Rue), so this is worth looking into no matter who you are! And of course, you can always get the games for super cheap now and then play them if/when you ever get a better computer. :joy:
Personally, I recommend Alan Wake's American Nightmare, Torchlight, and Geneforge. And I know Spark would probably recommend Mutant Mudds and Trine. :joy:
Last night I played all the way up past Red Mountain. Twinkle Park, Speed Highway, and Red Mountain are all great levels, and I managed to get through that last one without taking a single hit from any enemy or obstacle. :joy:
I fucking love the music in Red Mountain. Both tracks are amazing.
Word 7 of SMB3 is fucking impossible.
That id all.
Wait until World 8.
I haven't played the game in ages. I wonder where my GBA copy is at.
I've been doing a lot of gaming.
Last night/this morning I got up to around level 6 on Doom II. I don't really remember. Either way, I love the hell out of the music in map 4 (The Focus) and map 5. It's still stuck in my head.
I played N+ with my baby brother. We got as far as we could on the co-op and multiplayer co-op modes.
Then we played Gunstar Heroes. We beat 3 levels (dear God does Black's stage take forever) and I saved Green's for last but that shit was taking forever to beat so I decided to have us go on and play Metal Slug 3.
I put Metal Slug 3 on Free Play because I knew we (or even me by myself) would never even beat that game with 5 God damn continues. Understatement of the year. (Can you say 35 continues? 45 for him) For some reason I completely forgot the last level in Metal Slug 3. I only got to the beginning of it when I played it on my 360 before but I beat the game with a friend or my oldest brother (forget which one) when I was a teenager (which made it more acceptable for me to put the game on Free Play. Otherwise, I'm usually too stubborn to do anything like). Anyway, me and my brother had a blast getting there since we didn't have to be shy about picking paths to save continues. And when we did and were going through the Final Mission....can you say greatest last level ever? It certainly has to be up there. I was like :o :o :o :o :o :o :o with how it kept on going on and on. It was also another remember that there's no fucking way I could beat this game with infinite continues. Did I mention that yet? Also, as much fun as I had, I can see why Foggle thinks the first few levels are a bit underwhelming. I remember 2 having some clearly better levels. I haven't even played X yet.
Then we played Soul Calibur IV and he preceded to kick my ass 10 times in a row.
Then tonight I started Perfect Dark by myself (did I mention that I played co-op with a friend last night) and got past level 2 which we couldn't figure out how to get through. Playing by yourself really does seem to make you focus more. I got to the mention where I saved some guy. I think it was the fourth one.
Today, I went back to playing Castlevania: SOTN. I've made my way to the very top point of the inverted castle (which is equivalent to the very bottom point of the regular castle). I find it funny how even though the game lets you go wherever you want to go, there are clear indications that you should be going in some particular route, as I ended up getting through some sections of the inverted castle and having a hard time with really high level enemies (leveling up Alucard quite a bit in the process), only to come to some other sections later on in which the enemies were extremely week in comparison to Alucard by that point in time, and the boss fights were an utter joke (I ended up defeating Death in less than 20 seconds by just hitting him repeatedly, and letting myself get hit by his attacks which only did single-digit damage to me).
Still, its kind of fun to have some really challenging sections followed by some pretty laid-back ones. Then again, as I proceeded down the same path, I ended up fighting a rather tough boss which I swear was meant for when I was at a higher level (I think it had at least 1,000 HP, if not more). It took forever to kill that thing, even with my level 90+ minion doing attacks that did 100+ damage to it every now and then.
At any rate, I think I'm getting close to the end of the game as there is only one major area left in the inverted castle that I still have to explore (which would be the Colosseum).
That just reminds me how great the freedom in the inverted castle is. I wonder if there are any Metroidvania where you start with that kind of freedom.
Well, just played the DmC demo and it sure was...something.
Yeah, the voice acting and dialogue were god-awful, and the weapon system is ass, but the rest is...OK when held up on its own.
The combat wasn't good, it wasn't bad, it was just serviceable. There really wasn't much depth to the combat, but having to hold L2 and R2 to use the Scythe and Axe was a pain. I didn't get an S-rank by spamming attacks, so that's a good sign, but I'm still confused as to how the style meter works in this game. The music for the regular combat wasn't as dreadful as I was expecting, so that's another plus.
The Boss was actually pretty decent. The boss music on the other hand...not so much. I didn't figure out how to do the Axe's counter-attack, so I didn't use that easily exploitable method. However, when I tried challenging the boss again, the boss glitched up and wouldn't move or take damage, preventing me from finishing. I had to restart the boss again just to progress. NT definitely needs to fix that.
I also didn't like how the game stops all the action to tell you how to use a specific feature, and only unpauses if you do the action it's explaining. Very annoying.
All in all, while I think it's better than Vanilla Ninja Gaiden 3, it's not something I would spend money on.
To be fair, it still sounds better than Razor's Edge as well. Some people on some of the video game boards I've visited thought I was being too much of a hard-ass when I said that the enhanced game would still suck no matter how much was added to it due to the core game being inherently bland, and now the reviews for this game are confirming just that very thing. Sure, you can add a lot of content to the game, but if the core game wasn't build from the ground-up with some actual substance, then the game will still suck no matter how much you try to add to it. My best hope is that Team Ninja starts from scratch with NG4 and actually does it right this time. I find it very frustrating that they somehow managed to perfect the 3D NG formula with NGB yet for some reason they keep ignoring that game in favor of trying to make the most linear and monotonous NG experience possible.
At any rate, as far as DmC goes, I think it'll end up being an OK action game on its own terms, much like Ninja Theory's other generally well-received action title, Enslaved. I just feel like its not something that actual DMC fans will be able to appreciate due to its lack of depth and complete disregard for the particular substance of the traditional DMC games that appealed to fans of it in the first place. I just hope that Cacpom, if this game doesn't sell as well as they want it to, doesn't end up canning the entire DMC series after its release.
Either way, though, Capcom doesn't make sense to me. You'd think the current Capcom would be all about making money, yet whoever's their financial adviser over there seriously needs to be fired, because I can guarantee you that if they had just released DMC5, it'd sell far better by default than this reboot DmC is bound to sell.
I'll have to try the demo myself.
Finally got past level 8 in Doom II (Holy Hell at that level!) and I had a bit of trouble with 9 bu passed it after 2 or 3 tries. Looks like 10 is going to give me...Hell. Nothing like having a Cyber-Demon teleport directly behind you. I saw it through a gate and went "oh fuck? and then I saw it teleport after I tried shooting it and then run away and before I could turn around, I heard it behind me and I got hit by two rockets (don't know how I survived the first one) before I could turn around or anything. That's after trying to search through that level for at least half an hour.
I played Perfect Dark and got past that annoying level where the invisible guys first (assuming they come back) show up. Fighting them was fun. Having to hurry up and shoot everyone before they hit the alarm...not so much. And then at the beginning of the next level shit got crazy in a cutscene (please tell me that's a hoax. The hell?) and I went on to play Doom II like I said. I'm about to play this game again.
As far as DOOM goes, I'm still stuck on that one level in Episode III, and I haven't touched the game for over a year, now.
I also beat Paper Mario Sticker Star. Great stuff, would probably play again sooner than later.
Quote from: Avaitor on November 20, 2012, 02:05:35 PM
Word 7 of SMB3 is fucking impossible.
That id all.
I had been doing a no power-up run of SMB3 and stopped my playthrough in World 8 due to system transfers, but World 7 is a real spike in difficulty. IMO, world 6 is easier than world 5, sliding ice aside, world 6 is much easier.
Quote from: gunswordfist on November 19, 2012, 10:53:05 PM
Get in a few levels on Doom II. Found the Super Shotgun on the 2nd level. Ah, fuck yes.
IIRC, it's also in level 1.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on November 21, 2012, 05:57:59 PM
Quote from: Avaitor on November 20, 2012, 02:05:35 PM
Word 7 of SMB3 is fucking impossible.
That id all.
I had been doing a no power-up run of SMB3 and stopped my playthrough in World 8 due to system transfers, but World 7 is a real spike in difficulty. IMO, world 6 is easier than world 5, sliding ice aside, world 6 is much easier.
Yeah, totally.
Is anyone able to make it through 7-7? That one seems truly impossible.
Quote from: Avaitor on November 21, 2012, 06:53:00 PM
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on November 21, 2012, 05:57:59 PM
Quote from: Avaitor on November 20, 2012, 02:05:35 PM
Word 7 of SMB3 is fucking impossible.
That id all.
I had been doing a no power-up run of SMB3 and stopped my playthrough in World 8 due to system transfers, but World 7 is a real spike in difficulty. IMO, world 6 is easier than world 5, sliding ice aside, world 6 is much easier.
Yeah, totally.
Is anyone able to make it through 7-7? That one seems truly impossible.
Which one is this again? Is this the one where you need stars to not die?
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on November 21, 2012, 07:04:30 PM
Quote from: Avaitor on November 21, 2012, 06:53:00 PM
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on November 21, 2012, 05:57:59 PM
Quote from: Avaitor on November 20, 2012, 02:05:35 PM
Word 7 of SMB3 is fucking impossible.
That id all.
I had been doing a no power-up run of SMB3 and stopped my playthrough in World 8 due to system transfers, but World 7 is a real spike in difficulty. IMO, world 6 is easier than world 5, sliding ice aside, world 6 is much easier.
Yeah, totally.
Is anyone able to make it through 7-7? That one seems truly impossible.
Which one is this again? Is this the one where you need stars to not die?
Yeah, the one where you have to run over a bunch of baby Piranha Plants, and you can't reach certain blocks if you're leveled up, and there's that one fucking block that's right on the opposite side of those blocks of wood, and your all-star just can't last long enough to make it to there.
Maybe I'm thinking about 7-8, though. But fuck that level.
Quote from: Avaitor on November 21, 2012, 07:15:40 PM
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on November 21, 2012, 07:04:30 PM
Quote from: Avaitor on November 21, 2012, 06:53:00 PM
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on November 21, 2012, 05:57:59 PM
Quote from: Avaitor on November 20, 2012, 02:05:35 PM
Word 7 of SMB3 is fucking impossible.
That id all.
I had been doing a no power-up run of SMB3 and stopped my playthrough in World 8 due to system transfers, but World 7 is a real spike in difficulty. IMO, world 6 is easier than world 5, sliding ice aside, world 6 is much easier.
Yeah, totally.
Is anyone able to make it through 7-7? That one seems truly impossible.
Which one is this again? Is this the one where you need stars to not die?
Yeah, the one where you have to run over a bunch of baby Piranha Plants, and you can't reach certain blocks if you're leveled up, and there's that one fucking block that's right on the opposite side of those blocks of wood, and your all-star just can't last long enough to make it to there.
Maybe I'm thinking about 7-8, though. But fuck that level.
That level is one of the hardest in the game, but you CAN do it.
Does this help? (
It's hard to use a FAQ for this level because the only advise I can give you is to make Mario run faster than Sonic. Sort of like Tubular in SMW, you just kind of have to know where to go by trial and error.
Okay, here are some tips that helped me through it.
Star 1: Get it as close to the piranhas as possible.
Star 2: Push down while in a run to slide under the block (a technique I learned from SMB1) to hit it at the right time.
Star 3: Time your jumps and judge your height to make it in time.
The rest: RUN.
Does that help?
I'll try once or twice for shits and giggles, but I just hit 7-8 instead.
Thanks, though. :thumbup:
No problem! It's still my favorite game. :)
Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on November 21, 2012, 05:22:39 PM
As far as DOOM goes, I'm still stuck on that one level in Episode III, and I haven't touched the game for over a year, now.
Heh, I bet it was a level with a lot of acid or lava. I just kept on coming back until I won. I also played Doom I this week and on my Ultra-Violence run, I got past the last stage in Episode 1. Then I started Doom II and now I'm not sure if I feel like going back especially since I'll have to start with a pistol on Episode 2.
Spark, I searched everywhere in level 1 (being there forever in Deathmatch helped) so if it's there I doubt I'll find it. :D
Let's see...yeah, Perfect Dark is starting to annoy me. I'm trying to find this secret agent guy dressed as a guard. I'm guessing I accidentally kill him every time I go down the elevator but there's no warning or anything and last time I checked to see who was getting aggressive and it seemed like everyone was just going to shoot me so I shot them all dead. And I really hate how bright the damn lights can get in this game. Also, who the hell is hitting me with rockets? Why can't I go back out the gate after I go to the hanger area? Also, I didn't get far enough for this to be a problem but why do they reset your weapons all the time when you are in the some location? And did I mention I hate how long it takes to find two of the same gun for dual wielding? It's so stupid because enemies drop the same damn weapon tons of times but you have to wait for some special enemy or something to drop the same gun so it can be counted as two. So damn stupid. *Sigh* I'm going to try to get past this level later. Also, I'll shoot anyone who gives me any clues. :burn:
Without telling you what to do, in Perfect Dark you should never shoot anyone unless you're 100% sure they'll shoot you back. I mean, you can even disarm guards and take their guns so you don't need to run and gun it. Just keep exploring the level and eventually you'll find the guy you're looking for.
Anyone having plans for stuff to get on Black Friday?
I may or may not get Super Paper Mario for $15 at WalMart. Same for Epic Mickey 2 for $25 on the Wii.
Haven't played Power of Two yet, but I'll pick it up here soon.
I did play and finish Power of Illusion though. It's a good game, a little too repetitive and way short. The drawing part kind of kills the platforming, but it wouldn't have been that bad if they had you draw more than four different objects(get used to drawing lots of cannons). It's fun and all, but I don't think I'd put it on the same level as the old Sega games.
Sure looks amazing though.
I'm really hoping since they contacted Sega about the Illusion games (AND licensed some music from them) shows that Disney is willing to discuss re-releasing their old games soon enough.
Disney really needs to get on the ball with that.
I sure hope so. There are a lot of those games that I'd love to try out, but never had the chance to.
Oh, and Old Navy has a deal for tonight that if you spend $40 there, you get a free copy of NSMBU, plus they're supposedly giving out Wii U's. I'm trying to get my mom to head over there.
Good luck! My copy of Sonic Racing Transformed came in, but obviously I can't play it yet. Because that's what I'd be currently playing right now. :imnothappy:
Shouldn't be too hard to spend 40 bucks at Old Navy. Just by a couple shirts.
I just beat Castlevania: SOTN (for real this time, I'm sure). The fight with Dracula was ridiculously easy. I just tapped X repeatedly and eventually one. I didn't even need to heal myself or use any other items. His minion was even easier because all I did was turn into mist, making me immune to all of his attacks, and my minion literally just took him out alone (I my demon up to level 98, so he did a shit-ton of damage with each attack).
Aside from the underwhelming finale (though, to be fair most of this game was pretty easy), the game was a ton of fun, mostly because how how well the castle was designed and how much fun it was to explore it.
Now to start the game from scratch as Richter. I only played up to the first save point with him, but he definitely seems different enough from Alucard to warrant a separate playthrough with him. I noticed that he has no inventory, though, so if he can't collect new items or weapons, then playing through the game as him could become potentially more challenging. I also notice that he has a slide feature, which could come in handy with some of the more obnoxious enemies in the game.
Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on November 22, 2012, 06:56:42 PM
I just beat Castlevania: SOTN (for real this time, I'm sure). The fight with Dracula was ridiculously easy. I just tapped X repeatedly and eventually one. I didn't even need to heal myself or use any other items. His minion was even easier because all I did was turn into mist, making me immune to all of his attacks, and my minion literally just took him out alone (I my demon up to level 98, so he did a shit-ton of damage with each attack).
Aside from the underwhelming finale (though, to be fair most of this game was pretty easy), the game was a ton of fun, mostly because how how well the castle was designed and how much fun it was to explore it.
Now to start the game from scratch as Richter. I only played up to the first save point with him, but he definitely seems different enough from Alucard to warrant a separate playthrough with him. I noticed that he has no inventory, though, so if he can't collect new items or weapons, then playing through the game as him could become potentially more challenging. I also notice that he has a slide feature, which could come in handy with some of the more obnoxious enemies in the game.
I too found the final fight to be a bit meh. But I did think he looked cool in his freaky, over-the-top but still cool final form. Plus, I got a good laugh over the voice acting and terribly cliche dialogue that took place right afterward. :P
Quote from: talonmalon333 on November 22, 2012, 07:22:17 PM
Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on November 22, 2012, 06:56:42 PM
I just beat Castlevania: SOTN (for real this time, I'm sure). The fight with Dracula was ridiculously easy. I just tapped X repeatedly and eventually one. I didn't even need to heal myself or use any other items. His minion was even easier because all I did was turn into mist, making me immune to all of his attacks, and my minion literally just took him out alone (I my demon up to level 98, so he did a shit-ton of damage with each attack).
Aside from the underwhelming finale (though, to be fair most of this game was pretty easy), the game was a ton of fun, mostly because how how well the castle was designed and how much fun it was to explore it.
Now to start the game from scratch as Richter. I only played up to the first save point with him, but he definitely seems different enough from Alucard to warrant a separate playthrough with him. I noticed that he has no inventory, though, so if he can't collect new items or weapons, then playing through the game as him could become potentially more challenging. I also notice that he has a slide feature, which could come in handy with some of the more obnoxious enemies in the game.
I too found the final fight to be a bit meh. But I did think he looked cool in his freaky, over-the-top but still cool final form. Plus, I got a good laugh over the voice acting and terribly cliche dialogue that took place right afterward. :P
"BEHOLD MY TRUE FORM AND DEEESSSSSSSSSSSPPPPPAAAAAAIIIIRRRRR!!!" I honestly love that line and have been waiting to post it somewhere. "Farewell my son." All jokes aside, I think after that ending, it seems like that should have been the last Castlevania timeline wise. But knowing CV's wacky chronology, they probably already had games occur after the time of SOTN before that game came out so whatever.
So, I got past that level I mentioned on Perfect Dark. Desen's advice actually didn't help but it got me motivated to try again fast and I ended up actually paying attention this time and found a ladder down to the area where I was supposed to put the explosives and then the door to the end opened up.
I also beat a few more levels and boy did things get WACKY. I killed a clone of a certain important person and then I let my friend play because I believe I went to eat cake and ice cream (My little cousin's birthday was also celebrated on Turkey Day today. :D)
I beat a couple more levels in Doom II and now I'm on level 12. Pleasant surprise sense I saw I heard there was only 10 level per episode. Man, this new enemies are crazy. I ran until that fire blasting one on the 11th level and :wth: @ his animation.
Welp, no Old Navy, since the closest one is too far away from us, and the chances of me winning a Wii U are slim anyway.
But I did stop by WalMart earlier tonight and got Epic Mickey 2 for its sale price!
Let us know how it is!
And gsf, yeah DOOM II has less levels than the original but it's made up with how great the levels in II are. Seriously, some of my favorite FPS level design is in there.
XBLA is doing Black Friday sells. I wish I knew about that. Spelunky is half price now (600. I have to say that 1200 is too much for the game and was bugged that I didn't get to buy it for a deal instead) and SVC: Streets Of Rage is 400 MS Points. I'm not too heart broken over Streets Of Rage since I have all 3 games on Sonic's Ultimate Genesis Collection and one half of the reason why I want it at all anyway is becuase of online play...annnndddd I don't have Xbox Live Gold, so yeah. The other half is because they let you play the Japanese version of Streets Of Rage 3 which is very different from the watered down, overly hard US/Europe or whatever version of the game and it's damn near different enough to make the collection count as 4 games and Japan SOR3 is fun as hell even though ironically it's a bit too easy.
So if you don't have SUGC, buy SVC: Streets Of Rage now, ESPECIALLY if you have Xbox Live Gold. There's no excuse not to get it. Easily the best beat em up games on XBLA.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on November 22, 2012, 10:34:31 PM
Let us know how it is!
And gsf, yeah DOOM II has less levels than the original but it's made up with how great the levels in II are. Seriously, some of my favorite FPS level design is in there.
I'm a sucker for this type of level design. Just by playing Doom II, I'm wanting Duke Nukem more and more since it's in the same vein and all.
After a few deaths I got past The Factory on Doom II. Surprisingly enough, I got 100% of the secrets. I swear I thought I would have missed a few.
I'm loving this Downtown level. Nothing like seeing those giant round cyclops demons talk on a small machine spider and lose. I need to grab some health in this level fast so I can stop dying. I know I'm going to try and search every square each of it decide how big it is.
Having just figured out what Club Nintendo is (wtf is wrong with me), I've taken aaaaaalllllll the little codes from my game boxes and spent the pst hour and a half just taking survey after survey. Well over 1000 coins at this point. Only doing this because I want that golden nunchuck.
I... think the golden nunchuck is sold out. :sweat:
Didn't they just bring that back?
Oh, don't worry, I'm aware. It's for when it comes back. The only reason I'm doing this is because of the post Ninty made of it being sold out on Facebook.
And honestly, these other prizes look terrible, barring the t shirt or the G&W games.
Past Nel would have gotten the Animal crossing stuff. :whuh:
The 3DS game case was great when they had it it. I somehow managed to get two. I would really have enjoyed that SNES Classic Controller they never brought over, though.
Quote from: Avaitor on November 27, 2012, 08:58:18 PM
Didn't they just bring that back?
Yeah, it's out again.
Scary how fast the golden nunchuck came and went. Hopefully I'll be quick on the draw next year.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on November 27, 2012, 09:04:24 PM
I would really have enjoyed that SNES Classic Controller they never brought over, though.
I was actually looking for that as a back up in case the nunchuck was out. Didn't know we didn't get it in the states. What a damn shame.
Classic Donkey Kong poster somewhat tempting, but not for that amount of coins. :wth:
I don't regret getting my Zelda posters, but the only other things I can see that I really want from Club Nintendo are their VC downloads.
I also don't use Disney Movie Rewards all that much either, unless they get something really cool like that DuckTales movie set or old Disney Treasures collections. Which I do hope they bring more back again.
I wanted the SNES styled Classic Controller, but Nintendo never brought it over here, only Japan and Europe got it.
Oh, and speaking of special Nintendo stuff, for every one who has NSMB2 you should check out the DLC they have for it right now, it's remade levels from SMB and SMB3, and it's free for the next month or so.
Thing is, I have a metric ton of video game posters courtesy of Nintendo Power, including a retail-only issue full of nothing but posters from a few years back, so I think I'm good on that front. :lol:
Man, I don't know where to go on Perfect Dark AGAIN so hours ago I just put the game down.
On a good note about the game, I found out that it has single player deathmatch vs bot challenges. I probably could just set them up myself as regular matches (which is an awesome touch in itself) but I like the extra effort regardless. I played two challenges. I might stop getting pissed off at this game if I get around to player more multiplayer with or without bots and some goes for a replay of the campaign (which should go smoothly since I'll actually know WTF to do upon starting over). And did I mention the game has gotten fucking wacky yet? I'm on the level where Elvis talks about how holy the level I'm on is hint hint.
I also tried Mega Man 9 again...yeah, the motivation is not there to beat Dr. Wily's castle. Looks like the game will be "shelved" for another few weeks.
Ugh, Doom. On Doom I, I'm replaying Episode 2 on Ultra-Violence and was still at the beginning. There was this an opening in the first level with a teleporter inside...and then the shit closes on me. No Red Keycard for you! At least I think that's where it was. I already forgot. Then as I was having a good time not getting shot in the 2nd map since it has little to no possessed guys with guns, I get access to the yellow card area with the black floors that look like shadows and I hit one switch all carefully and methodically to make sure I miss nothing or whatever and I go to get the rocket launcher and...both switches go down in the ground and now there's no way for me to find out what weapon I was going to get. But then again I already having the Plasma Gun so maybe I should stave off thoughts of starting this episode over just to see what I can get.
In Doom 2, level 15 is still giving me shit. I believe I died on the same part, where you full down and get greeted by a bunch of those demons that spawn those annoying fucking flaming skulls and a cyclops demon. I should know what to expect by now. Will plan better. I was doing pretty good.
Quote from: Comeau on November 27, 2012, 09:14:14 PMOh, and speaking of special Nintendo stuff, for every one who has NSMB2 you should check out the DLC they have for it right now, it's remade levels from SMB and SMB3, and it's free for the next month or so.
The DLC is pretty creative. There is some amazing design in how they strung everything together to the point where it almost feels like Mario meets Metroid with exploration.
Shame about the lack of SMB2 stuff, though.
Another cool thing they have in Club Nintendo Japan is that exclusive DS remake of Balloon Fight with Tingle in it.
Holy shit, even the old codes for "My Nintendo" (before it was Club Nintendo) are counting. Looks like I'll be here even longer. Time to start fishing out the rest of these damn things. Shame I can't find the one for the first 3DS I bought, though.
I love checking out pawn and thrift stores. I picked up a copy of Metroid: Other M for five bucks today.
I know it's not supposed to be great, but hey, the price is right. I'll just add it to my stack of games to play/finish.
Edit: Even better, the person who bought it didn't register the game on Club Nintendo. Free points ftw!
It's a good game, but get ready for some of the most gratingly terrible unskippable cutscenes of all time.
I'm prepared. I'm a big boy, so I think I can handle it.
Got past the Industrial and Suburbs levels in Doom II. I'm on the level after the "Suburbs" and died after doing a ton of shit before I could get the Yellow keycard. I swear I'm going to just start quick saving like crazy instead of starting levels all the way over.
Avaitor, just keep in mind that Team Ninja had nothing to do with the story elements of Metroid: Other M (even though this is the shitty Itagaki-less version of Team Ninja, they don't deserve blame for that particular portion of the game). Then keep in mind that had Team Ninja also been responsible for the story in this game, it would've easily been at least 10 times worse than it already is....if you can even believe that given its already crappy quality.
Most importantly, though, if it turns out that you don't like the gameplay in this game, it really is only because this is the crappy Hayashi-lead Team Ninja, so don't ever let this game's quality turn you off from eventually playing through all of Ninja Gaiden Black in the future. That game really is still one of the best of all time....even though most other people unfortunately only know TN for this game and NG3, now. :(
Other M is pretty fun. Outside of the first-person stuff, Team Ninja did a fine job making a fast-paced 2D actioner, even if it really does feel nothing like a "proper" Metroid game. The story is what kills it for most people, to the point where I and many others were unable to finish the game due to how long and bad the unskippable cutscenes are.
However bad it is, its still not as bad as Ninja Gaiden 3's abysmal story-line, so just be glad that Team Ninja didn't take over the helm on that aspect of the game as well, otherwise it would've been bad to the point of ruining the entire series. Trust me, they managed to completely piss people off about the story-line in NG3, in a series where fans never even gave a shit about the story to begin with. It takes something REALLY horrendous to do that. :sly:
I still haven't played my copy since I wanted to play through the Metroid Prime Trilogy first. But ,uh, I'm not all that eager to get into it.
Seriously, go play Wario Land Shake It instead.
Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on November 28, 2012, 04:28:14 PM
However bad it is, its still not as bad as Ninja Gaiden 3's abysmal story-line, so just be glad that Team Ninja didn't take over the helm on that aspect of the game as well, otherwise it would've been bad to the point of ruining the entire series. Trust me, they managed to completely piss people off about the story-line in NG3, in a series where fans never even gave a shit about the story to begin with.
That's actually kind of what happened with Other M, as well. Metroid isn't exactly known for its writing, though the Prime games did have tons of fun lore to uncover. Other M, on the other hand, somehow managed to bring about character assassination of a character who's only defining trait for 24 years was "Doom Guy with two X chromosomes". With its horrific mother-child metaphors (M:OM, Other M -> MOther, and "Bottle Ship" just being the tip of the iceberg), nonsensical emotional breakdowns, unending statements of the obvious manifesting in exposition recorded by a bored woman on her first ever reading of the script, utter stupidity on the part of the protagonist, and forgotten subplots, Other M actually makes the second half of Indigo Prophecy look less loathsome. And keep in mind that all of the cutscenes are lengthy and unskippable.
I'd say that's about as bad as Ninja Gaiden 3's story.
Other M's story was a rehash of Fusion's in about every way except "the baby".
Yet Fusion's story was great, so I don't understand what happened with Other M.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on November 28, 2012, 04:49:13 PM
Other M's story was a rehash of Fusion's in about every way except "the baby".
Yet Fusion's story was great, so I don't understand what happened with Other M.
It's interesting what 2 hours of pointless expository narration read in monotone and lots of unnecessary crying from a badass bounty hunter can do to your story.
Still need to finish Other M, and Prime 2. Maybe someday.
In other news I bought Hotline Miami and Human Revolution. Haven't played the latter yet, but Hotline Miami has been fun as fuck so far. I kinda wish the one-health system would force you to start from the beginning again after a certain point just to fully emulate the top-down games of old. I'm playing on medium though so it might be in one of the higher difficulties and I'm just unaware of it.
Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on November 28, 2012, 04:28:14 PM
However bad it is, its still not as bad as Ninja Gaiden 3's abysmal story-line, so just be glad that Team Ninja didn't take over the helm on that aspect of the game as well, otherwise it would've been bad to the point of ruining the entire series. Trust me, they managed to completely piss people off about the story-line in NG3, in a series where fans never even gave a shit about the story to begin with. It takes something REALLY horrendous to do that. :sly:
Well, at least NG3's story is hilarious in an unintentional way.Other M's story is just sad, possibly even worse than DmC's (or as I like to call it: Devil May "FUCK YOU!") :sweat:
Anyway, renting Soul Calibur V again reminds me of how barren the game modes are, which is a shame because the gameplay itself is really good. I'll return it on friday so I can wait on one of my Wii U games instead.
On a brighter note, PSN had Nights Into Dreams on sale, so I've been playing a few level's of that for the past couple of days. It's a pretty fun Arcade-like game with a cute style and a stellar soundtrack, though I'm really shitty at the game.
Got through another level on Ultra-Violence Doom.
Perfect Dark...I got up to the boss on level 9. Can't figure out what to do (which isn't a problem, I'll get it sooner or later) but the first time I ran out of ammo and then I believe I got beaten up by an enemy. The 2nd time the freaking boss decided to run through a wall and was never seen again. I stayed around way too long after that. I'm borderline raging from this game. At least I know the end is not too far since I saw how many levels there are from the Xbox Live scores so there's that.
I bought Other M for like $8 a month ago (seriously, that's all it is on Amazon now ( Still haven't broken into it yet, though.
One of these days...
I've been enjoying this Free Xbox Live Weekend. I've been playing Soul Calibur IV and Bomberman Live online last night and this morning. :thumbup:
The golden nunchuck will apparently be back in stock in January, so if you're interested: keep a note!
So, I just played the DmC demo, and here are some of my thoughts on the game:
The first thing I noticed, to this game's credit, is that not only does it have great looking graphics, but it has a really good art design, too. The level never looks or feels monotonous, and while this game is going for a "darker" feel to it (and failing miserably at it so far, I might add), its at least nice to see that it has nice, bright, and colorful level design. So, that aspect of the game is actually pretty pleasant to look at.
As for this game's Dante, its story, and the cutscenes, there's nothing new here in this demo that I haven't already seen in previews, and just like then I have the same level of distaste for now that I did then.
The most important thing is, of course, the gameplay. Not having a lock-on targeting feature in this game is a big mistake, IMO, and there were certainly times it could have helped. For instance, when I wanted to target the flying enemy types to take them out first, sometimes Dante would attack the ground enemies instead, when I really wanted to prioritize taking out the flying enemies first. This could be a real issue in later parts of the game. Also, I don't necessarily have a problem with the ability to launch enemies into the air having its own assigned button, but what I dislike is how its handled. If you want to air combo an enemy, you don't just naturally go up into the air with them (unless I missed how to pull off that move in this game). Instead you have to launch them and then jump up into the air yourself, and that just feels like a really bizarre way to control Dante compared to previous games. I'd rather just lock-onto an enemy, and then press the melee attack button while pointing my control stick in the opposite direction. Maybe its just me but that method of launching enemies just makes more sense to me, personally. For what its worth, the auto-targeting is competent, and while the game is only 30 FPS the combat moves at a satisfying speed (though I feel like pros will never be able to play as crazy fast as they can with Dante in DMC 3 or 4 with this game's mechanics, but I'll have to wait and see until the final product is released), but in that regard if I try to compare this game to Ninja Gaiden Black or NG2 (or the Sigma games), its combat doesn't quite measure up to those games (I can say with utmost certainty, though, that this game is miles better than NG3 or even Razor's Edge). To be fair its possible that the final game may have weapon upgrades and more weapons with more nuanced combos and such, but I'm pretty sure that the game will only stick with its main 3 weapons.
Speaking of which, I dislike how you have to hold the left or right triggers to gain access to your alternate weapons. Why can't Dante just tap those buttons to switch to the weapon that he wants? The button for targeting things to latch onto and pull towards your or pull yourself towards with your hook-shot like thing could easily be assigned to the LB button (or L2 on the PS3 controller), which as far as I can tell has no purpose in this game thus far, going by the demo.
As for the difficulty, I did manage to unlock Son of Sparda, but I haven't played the game on that difficulty yet, so I'll reserve comment on that for a later time. I did play on the highest available difficulty when I started, and I didn't die once (including not using any gold orbs), unless you count me idiotically falling from a ledge into a bottomless pit at one point in the level (though the game didn't count it as a death, so I won't either). To be fair, DMC4 was laughable easily on its bottom 2 difficulty settings as well, but I just hope that Son of Sparda and Dante Must Die mode offer up a much more fitting challenge. I'd also like to see a return of Heaven or Hell mode, which was a really fun idea for a mode that puts an interesting spin on the game. Hell and Hell is welcome as well, but I'll never be good enough at a DMC game to ever put up with that mode, even this one.
Overall, the combat is OK, but it doesn't feel nearly as tight as in past DMC games, and I can't really tell how deep and nuanced it is compared to previous games as the demo only gives me so much to work with.
The boss fight in this demo was actually fairly entertaining for what it was, and while nothing memorable, its easily better than most of what DMC4 had to offer in the boss department, save for Credo and Dante fights which were easily the highlights of that particular game. I like how in this boss fight, at least, it required more than just hitting the boss (lets face it, DMC games have never had the most creative boss fights :D ). I'll even admit that I did actually die once on this boss (in terms of using up one gold orb). As for the banter, though, I could have done without the F-bombs, but its Ninja Theory, so that's pretty much what they think counts as witty dialogue, I suppose. I mean, hell, they actually had the nerve to put in this little tid-bit:
Demon: "Fuck You!"
Dante: "Fuck YOU!"
Demon: "Fuck You!"
Even the cheesy one-liner spewing Dante of true DMC games could have come up with a wittier comeback than this dumb-shit. For what its worth, though, there is one particular line at the end of the boss fight that I did like, in which the boss falls into the body of acid, and Dante follows up with the line, "You're dumped." Now THAT actually sounds like the cheesy, fun-spirited sort of one-liner that the real Dante would say. Too bad it was probably an unintentionally spot-on line that we aren't likely to see much more of with this Dante.
On the whole, though, this seems like it'll be a decent, possibly somewhat above average hack n' slash game. It definitely doesn't feel, and never will be (from my perspective), a true DMC game, though. Still, I may give this title a shot when it comes down in price to $20 much later into next year.
You actually CAN automatically lift yourself up in the air with the launcher by holding the buttonwhen the launcher connects.
Quote from: Ensatsu-kenSpeaking of which, I dislike how you have to hold the left or right triggers to gain access to your alternate weapons. Why can't Dante just tap those buttons to switch to the weapon that he wants? The button for targeting things to latch onto and pull towards your or pull yourself towards with your hook-shot like thing could easily be assigned to the LB button (or L2 on the PS3 controller), which as far as I can tell has no purpose in this game thus far, going by the demo.
I don't see why they needed two evade buttons either. Why couldn't they just map evasion to one shoulder button, and use the other one for lock-on?
QuoteDemon: "Fuck You!"
Dante: "Fuck YOU!"
Demon: "Fuck You!"
What's hilarious (and sad) is that someone on Ninja Theory thinks this is legitimately funny humor. Made even more hilarious is that they're promoting this game's story as something that can rival books and films. :D
What the hell? The DMC series has great bosses and DMC4 has more than two worth mentioning. (Echidna's my personal favorite. The frog demon is good too.)
Quote from: gunswordfist on December 02, 2012, 11:26:02 AM
The frog demon is good too.
I hate that fight. :thinkin:
But yeah, DmC seems like a fun game, but nothing really special. Definitely nowhere near as good as 1 or 3. Though I still think the fanbase is overreacting.
The two games I've been playing lately.
( (
Ah, a true masterpiece, and MGS 2.
So guys... it appears as though a 3DS is finally in the cards for me this Christmas.
Aside from the obvious "must-haves" (Super Mario 3D Land, NSMB2, Ocarina of Time 3D, Sticker Star), what else should I be on the lookout for? I'd like to get a good start on my library while I have the chance.
Got up to level 20 in episode 2 of Doom II yesterday. These last few levels seem easier.
Also, over the weekend I had fun playing one free Xbox Live. I played Battlefield Bad Company 2, Soul Calibur IV, Marvel vs Capcom 3, Rainbox Six Vegas 2, Bomberman Live and Doom. With my cousin, I played Bomberman online and offline we played Sonic 2, then 3 and then Streets Of Rage 2 on my copy of Sonic's Ultimate Genesis Collection, I destroyed her on Street Fighter IV and we also played Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2. I've also been playing N +, including with my baby brother yesterday. He made some decent stages. ;D
Quote from: Cosmonaut on December 04, 2012, 08:48:09 AM
So guys... it appears as though a 3DS is finally in the cards for me this Christmas.
Aside from the obvious "must-haves" (Super Mario 3D Land, NSMB2, Ocarina of Time 3D, Sticker Star), what else should I be on the lookout for? I'd like to get a good start on my library while I have the chance.
Er... save your money on NSMB2 and Sticker Star, I'd say. They're crap. Real crap. Well, I guess Sticker Star is okay in its own right. Just don't expect anything near as endearing as the previous Paper Mario titles.
Quote from: Foggle on December 04, 2012, 12:46:33 AM
Ah, a true masterpiece, and MGS 2.
I wonder if Foggle likes or doesn't like MGS2. :awesome:
Quote from: Cosmonaut on December 04, 2012, 08:48:09 AM
So guys... it appears as though a 3DS is finally in the cards for me this Christmas.
Aside from the obvious "must-haves" (Super Mario 3D Land, NSMB2, Ocarina of Time 3D, Sticker Star), what else should I be on the lookout for? I'd like to get a good start on my library while I have the chance.
If you liked Star Fox 64, SF643D is another good remake.
Quote from: talonmalon333 on December 04, 2012, 11:57:28 AM
I wonder if Foggle likes or doesn't like MGS2. :awesome:
Well, I don't really hate it, but it's easily my least favorite Metal Gear game, aside from Snake's Revenge.
Finally got around to playing the DmC demo after having it downloaded like a week ago.
OK, so Mundus is a guy in a suit and Dante shows up to his door butt naked? Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww to both. I don't know if that beginning video was a highlight reel clip or actually how they handled the first cutscene.
I started off that level by playing with the controls. So you have to hold down the triggers to use the weapons, huh? One plus would be being able to do 3 weapon combos easier...but it's still a pain in the ass to try. At least for now. I tried out all the buttons I saw that they had not one but two button for the same kind of dodge!!! What in the fuck?!!!!! They don't even need one button for this! I knew the game didn't have lockon thanks to EK's comment a few posts back (and funny enough, I forgot all about it every time I fought) but with lockon they could have not needed to waste two fucking buttons. As I finally went on to the first battle I was like, NO, not THIS kind of rock?!!" I hate that kind of rock. Terrible music. And then I beat up the enemies I barely looked at. Very easy (Yeah, I know, first level) The only trouble I had was with flying enemies and those jackasses that did those invincible chainsaw charges but I never died.
I like how the game doesn't kill you for falling into a bottomless pit, just like DMC games are supposed to be like. When I was trying out the whip moves or whatever, I thought it was silly that they had two different button combinations for the same move but then I actually paid attention and being able to pull enemies and pull yourself toward them like that is not bad. What I didn't like was that angel pull, or whatever it's called was LT + X, instead of RT + X. I naturally kept on going for the ladder combination. You'd think the much more often used and clearly more importantly combination would be on the right hand side, huh? I fell down too many times scrambling to try and get it right.
Anyway, I love the parts where the level tried to kill you. A 3D version of how 2D games have autoscrolling levels. Fun breakups in between fights. But I'm sure this is why Ninja Theory made the game 30 FPS and I'd rather have faster combat anyday.
Oh and the regular sword animation is so dull.
Then, next was the boss fight. I was thinking, "Is this the boss fight I loved from the video I watched?" I went on the side and used the copper key to get to the special stage. Why it had no music is beyond me. After two or so tries, I beat it and then proceeded to the boss.
A Futurama joke is the first thing Dante said. NICE!...then the "FUCK YOU!" part. Not so nice. Did I mention that this was in fact the boss I was talking about? The video I watched a while back is one that I commented on here. I said that I liked how the battle naturally followed instead of making it impossible for you to get in the boss' face and fight him and not having to rely on QTEs. It played exactly how I wanted to. Bayonetta (ironically) is the only hack n slash that has recently done giant bosses right. It looks like DmC will be another. I had a good time hitting that chunky bug-like demon in the face and then being able to hit the dodge button to dodge his attacks without having to worry about one of those annoying knockback quick attacks that discourages getting in close on bosses like this and...well hitting them like you're supposed to be able to. I just rolled and went right back to using my axe and I loved it. That boss fight did everything right except I wish there was a bit more variety and I didn't care for all the little cutscenes in between the action but that was just the first part of it so they might have something for the former.
So all in all, I thought it was decent. The biggest problem I see is I think the enemies may make me fall asleep.
Quote from: Cosmonaut on December 04, 2012, 08:48:09 AM
So guys... it appears as though a 3DS is finally in the cards for me this Christmas.
Aside from the obvious "must-haves" (Super Mario 3D Land, NSMB2, Ocarina of Time 3D, Sticker Star), what else should I be on the lookout for? I'd like to get a good start on my library while I have the chance.
Shinobi, Ghost Recon Shadow Wars (especially if you like Advance Wars or Fire Emblem), Kid Icarus Uprising, Rhythm Thief, Final Fantasy Theater Rhythm (or however it's spelled) and Mario Kart 7 are great buys. I also heard good things about Resident Evil Revelations, but I don't know if it's your cup of tea.
Also for the eshop there's Cave Story, Mutant Mudds, Pushmo, Mighty Switch Force, Art Of Balance and a bunch of 3D classics and VC games.
Since it plays DS games you should also get Contra 4 and Henry Hatsworth.
Specifically, get the e-shop version of Cave Story; the 2D version. The 2.5D remake they made for 3DS is pretty bad.
Quote from: Nel on December 04, 2012, 03:55:35 PM
Specifically, get the e-shop version of Cave Story; the 2D version. The 2.5D remake they made for 3DS is pretty bad.
Yeah, that's the one I got. I never understood the point of the 3D one.
It is?
The busy backgrounds and foregrounds, while cool looking, make it hard to tell what's going on, or where exactly you can or can't jump, and the music sounds worse than the original tunes. Also the character models look off and if you choose to use the sprites instead, they look blurry. What a waste of money that was. Just stick to the original 2D one. It's charming on its own.
Has anyone here played Cave Story +?
I've only played the PC, DSiWare, and 3DS eshop versions.
The eshop one is a really good version for portable play.
Is Assassin's Creed 3 the last game in the series? Or at least the last one for a long time?
I think they're pretty dead set on a game a year until everyone's sick of it. It was hinted at in the Vita game that the female protagonists descendant might become the main modern character for the next set of games, but whatever. AC3's ending sucked so much ass. :unimpressed:
I wonder if they'll ever make a new PoP game? It seems AC completely stole its spot in the company's portfolio.
That's what my question was leading to. I hope they go back to Prince Of Persia. I haven't plated any AC game after 2 (which is alright) but it sounds like this series is getting messy and a new PoP could be all kinds of great.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on December 04, 2012, 07:54:43 PM
I wonder if they'll ever make a new PoP game?
The reboot was basically Free Achievements: The Game - Impossible To Lose Edition, so I hope it's more like the Sands of Time trilogy (quadrilogy?).
I can say that Assassin's Creed 3 bored the shit out of me. Couldn't even stomach the first hour where you don't play as the guy on the box art. The last game that had that effect on me was Dragon Age Origins.
Quote from: Daxdiv on December 04, 2012, 08:20:45 PM
I can say that Assassin's Creed 3 bored the shit out of me. Couldn't even stomach the first hour where you don't play as the guy on the box art. The last game that had that effect on me was Dragon Age Origins.
The saddest thing? As you play as Connor, you realize as the game goes on that Haytham was a far more interesting character.
Quote from: Nel on December 04, 2012, 08:33:09 PM
Quote from: Daxdiv on December 04, 2012, 08:20:45 PM
I can say that Assassin's Creed 3 bored the shit out of me. Couldn't even stomach the first hour where you don't play as the guy on the box art. The last game that had that effect on me was Dragon Age Origins.
The saddest thing? As you play as Connor, you realize as the game goes on that Haytham was a far more interesting character.
Quote from: Foggle on December 04, 2012, 08:19:09 PM
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on December 04, 2012, 07:54:43 PM
I wonder if they'll ever make a new PoP game?
The reboot was basically Free Achievements: The Game - Impossible To Lose Edition, so I hope it's more like the Sands of Time trilogy (quadrilogy?).
I'm still considering the Wii version of Forgotten Sands since it's apparently better than the HD version, but I never quite got the excuse to get into the series.
I would hate to try the game, find out I enjoy it, then have no new games come out.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on December 04, 2012, 09:09:33 PM
I'm still considering the Wii version of Forgotten Sands since it's apparently better than the HD version, but I never quite got the excuse to get into the series.
I would hate to try the game, find out I enjoy it, then have no new games come out.
It's an interquel and the storyline ends in The Two Thrones, so it's not like it'd be a bad thing if you got into the series.
Is that the angst game or is that the third one? I only really know about the first one.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on December 04, 2012, 09:26:38 PM
Is that the angst game or is that the third one? I only really know about the first one.
Two Thrones is the story's conclusion. Warrior Within is the edgy one with the Godsmack soundtrack.
They're all fun action-adventure games with awesome writing, though of course WW kind of fails in the latter regard.
Currently have too many newly-aquired games to pick one to play, but HOPEFULLY GONNA BE PLAYING SKIES OF ARCADIA WITH FOGGLE SOON, RIGHT?
Also ouch, my wallet.
Quote from: Jay L. Corbell on December 04, 2012, 11:35:17 PM
Oh yeah. My body is ready.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on December 04, 2012, 09:09:33 PM
Quote from: Foggle on December 04, 2012, 08:19:09 PM
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on December 04, 2012, 07:54:43 PM
I wonder if they'll ever make a new PoP game?
The reboot was basically Free Achievements: The Game - Impossible To Lose Edition, so I hope it's more like the Sands of Time trilogy (quadrilogy?).
I'm still considering the Wii version of Forgotten Sands since it's apparently better than the HD version, but I never quite got the excuse to get into the series.
I would hate to try the game, find out I enjoy it, then have no new games come out.
Not playing a game just because it has no sequels is just silly.
Does anyone know if Earthworm Jim HD is any good?
What do you guys think of Metal Gear Solid: Twin Snakes?
The improved graphics are great and some of the redone cutscenes are hilarious, but the addition of MGS 2 gameplay mechanics makes it far too easy and the new voice acting isn't nearly as good.
Quote from: Foggle on December 14, 2012, 12:52:21 PM
The improved graphics are great and some of the redone cutscenes are hilarious, but the addition of MGS 2 gameplay mechanics makes it far too easy and the new voice acting isn't nearly as good.
At the same time, the advancements made in MGS2 and so on, might make it hard to go back to the original MGS1 for some.
The voice acting was downgraded, the game breaks MGS1 gameplay by using the MGS2 engine (which it was not built for), and Kojima tried his hardest to make everything less serious and more tongue in cheek which ruins the atmosphere the original game had.
I didn't like it.
Kojima had almost nothing to do with Twin Snakes iirc.
I heard that he was responsible for the tone shift from the original (since he wanted it to match MGS2) and using the MGS2 mechanics. If nothing else, I still don't care for those decisions... whoever made them.
Is F.E.A.R. for 360 any good?
But back to Twin Snakes for a sec, you guys said the voice acting isn't nearly as good. And while it's a bit hammy at times... was the original voice acting really that good? I mean for its time, it was excellent. But other than that...
And I still think that some people might just find it hard to go back to the original MGS, after the gameplay improvements made in 2.
Foggle, have you played Hitman Absolution yet?
Bought the new Sonic racing game. Addicted to the flying sections, specifically in levels where there are battles going on in the environment. This blows Mario Kart 7 out of the water.
Quote from: gunswordfist on December 15, 2012, 07:45:08 AM
Is F.E.A.R. for 360 any good?
Only the PS3 version is bad. The 360 port doesn't run
quite as well as it does on the PC, but it's still really good.
Quote from: talonmalon333 on December 15, 2012, 11:41:20 AM
But back to Twin Snakes for a sec, you guys said the voice acting isn't nearly as good. And while it's a bit hammy at times... was the original voice acting really that good? I mean for its time, it was excellent. But other than that...
Twin Snakes' acting really isn't much different, but most people (myself included) prefer Gray Fox's original voice actor and the side characters having foreign accents. MGS 1's voice work is a lot more distinctive and memorable on the whole.
QuoteAnd I still think that some people might just find it hard to go back to the original MGS, after the gameplay improvements made in 2.
While true, MGS 1 is not designed to be played with the gameplay improvements of the sequels. The first MGS is designed more like the original Metal Gear games than what came after it, so having the ability to go into first-person completely negates most of the challenge.
Quote from: gunswordfist on December 15, 2012, 11:48:29 AM
Foggle, have you played Hitman Absolution yet?
Not much, unfortunately. I'm waiting for the patch that fixes the disguise system.
Quote from: Nel_Annette on December 15, 2012, 12:08:30 PM
Bought the new Sonic racing game. Addicted to the flying sections, specifically in levels where there are battles going on in the environment. This blows Mario Kart 7 out of the water.
Stupid question: Does this game have offline split-screen multiplayer? I'm only saying this due to the demo.
And thanks Foggle. I'll be getting Fear for 360 Goozex. I hear the disguise system in the 360 version of Absolution has problems.
Quote from: gunswordfist on December 15, 2012, 03:13:57 PM
I hear the disguise system in the 360 version of Absolution has problems.
Yeah, it's only really playable like a traditional Hitman game on Normal mode, which is way too easy. On the harder difficulties, especially Purist, it's literally just a more frustrating Splinter Cell. From what I hear though, they're taking feedback on this and using it to make the disguise system work more like it used to.
Quote from: gunswordfist on December 15, 2012, 03:13:57 PM
Quote from: Nel_Annette on December 15, 2012, 12:08:30 PM
Bought the new Sonic racing game. Addicted to the flying sections, specifically in levels where there are battles going on in the environment. This blows Mario Kart 7 out of the water.
Stupid question: Does this game have offline split-screen multiplayer? I'm only saying this due to the demo.
Sorry dude, no idea. No one in real life wants to play with me. :P But I'd assume so, the bottom of the menu has a "player 2/3/4 press A to join".
I just bought 2 new games with the money that I never used back from my birthday which I didn't celebrate this year thanks to college being ridiculously stressful (more so than ever, this semester). The 2 games I got were Devil May Cry HD Collection (to satisfy my hack n' slash game craving) and Super Street Fighter IV Arcade Edition (to satisfy my fighting game craving, even though I'm also having fun with GMOW, but this game does offer up more content than that one). I got both games used for $20, so I ended up spending a total of $40, and I consider that a good deal, personally.
I played through the first 2 missions of DMC1, and I feel like the art design of the game has aged surprisingly well. Sure, the graphics are nothing special anymore, even being re-rendered in HD (which I can't fully appreciate due to being forced to play on an SD TV for now, which also causes a slight camera problem as part of the screen is cut off on both sides), but the actual level design and look of each environment create a really memorable atmosphere that DMC4 completely failed to capitalize on. My only gripe with the game so far is its camera. While old-school hack n' slash games like DMC and Ninja Gaiden are railed on for their camera, I feel that the DMC sequels as well as NGB and onward did a good job of making the camera angles pretty manageable and not much of a nuisance once you got used to it. The fact that DMC1 was originally meant to be a Resident Evil game really shows in its fixed camera angles which really don't suit a hack n' slash game all that well. I'm so used to being able to adjust camera angles to my liking, but its infuriating when I realize that I'm stuck with what I get in this game, which more often than not offers you up less than ideal camera angles. That said, its not a game-breaker by any means, and if you can look past the camera, the rest of the game has been really fun so far. I do have to say that the combat in this game does feel a bit shallow in comparison to DMC3, 4, and Bayonetta, though (I'm specially comparing those games since they utilize the same general style of combat). Its certainly fun to play, but it does feel a bit limited compared to what I've played of those games. I'll update my thoughts on the game as I progress further through it.
I have no clue why they didn't add camera controls to the game. So obvious.
Twin Snakes acting felt like they were trying to make it cheesy, while the original MGS came off that way naturally. Snake specifically doesn't even sound serious and Grey Fox is awful. Honestly, they should have just made an original Metal Gear game.
Quote from: gunswordfist on December 15, 2012, 03:13:57 PM
Quote from: Nel_Annette on December 15, 2012, 12:08:30 PM
Bought the new Sonic racing game. Addicted to the flying sections, specifically in levels where there are battles going on in the environment. This blows Mario Kart 7 out of the water.
Stupid question: Does this game have offline split-screen multiplayer? I'm only saying this due to the demo.
Yes it has 4 player split screen in pretty much every mode on the PS360 and PC. It is 5 player on the Wii-U. It is a great racing game.
So, I played through most of a single round of arcade mode in SSF4 as Adon. I ended up getting to the 2nd round with Seth (the 1st round with him is pretty easy), but then I got my ass-kicked over and over again. I didn't get a chance to beat him since after a few tries I had to turn the game off and go down stares since my dad needed to use his room to sleep (and his TV was the only one I had available to me to hook up my XBOX360). Oh well, I still have 4 weeks off from school now that my finals are done, so I have plenty of time to play the hell out of this game as well as DMC HD Collection. ;D
I have to admit, though, I've been spoiled by playing Garou quite a bit over the past few weeks. I've gotten so used to its combat system that its really awkward adjusting to a completely different one in SSF4.
One thing I'll mark against the new Sonic racing game though is that you have to beat ball-bustingly hard challenges to unlock everyone (and the character roster is kind of shit at that). The first All Stars Racing did it better with Sega Miles. The more you played, the more you unlocked, basically. It rewarded you for playing the game longer. The world tour thing is just annoying.
Still a good title though. I just don't like that aspect. Also, I really, really wish I could map the drift to the A button. Driving with Right Trigger while drifting with Left Trigger just messes with my brain function for some reason. :oo:
Quote from: Nel_Annette on December 16, 2012, 02:31:17 AM
One thing I'll mark against the new Sonic racing game though is that you have to beat ball-bustingly hard challenges to unlock everyone (and the character roster is kind of shit at that). The first All Stars Racing did it better with Sega Miles. The more you played, the more you unlocked, basically. It rewarded you for playing the game longer. The world tour thing is just annoying.
Yep, the game is already astoundingly hard, but the fact that it takes 16 stars to unlock Danica Patrick and yet 120 to unlock Gillius (I'm currently at 116 stars) is quite annoying considering I have no desire to play as the former. Especially considering that at a certain point you have to move up difficulty to get more stars.
I really hope we get DLC for some better characters. Everybody wanted Ryo to return from the first game, and yet we got
Pudding? Come on.
QuoteAlso, I really, really wish I could map the drift to the A button. Driving with Right Trigger while drifting with Left Trigger just messes with my brain function for some reason. :oo:
I'm pretty sure you can change this on the Wii-U version. I guess it isn't in every version?
Yeah, 360 only gives you two options, you either use the back shoulder buttons (triggers) or the front ones.
I played some more Devil May Cry today, and got all the way up to mission 12, which looks like it'll be an underwater level....oh great....:srs:....underwater levels should NEVER be incorporated into hack n' slash games, EVER, under ANY circumstances.
Other than that, though, the game has been great so far. Ifrit is a pretty fun weapon, though it makes me realize how little its DMC 3 and 4 counterparts, Beowulf and Gilgamesh (respectively), changed its core combat, which I guess shows how good of a weapon it was to begin with (though to be fair, DMC4's use of different styles further deepens the combat potential of this type of weapon). Overall, though, I still prefer using Alastor, as the sword is just a lot faster to wield and honestly deals out enough damage on its own, so the extra strength provided by Ifrit is mostly unnecessary.
Oh, I have to say that for whatever reason, Nelo Angelo was WAY easier when I fought him the second time around in mission 11, which I guess is because I got better at the game, but really I was expecting him to throw some new types of attacks at me rather than recycling his old tricks. Either way, its still a fun fight, though, so I'm not complaining.
I will say that the missions in this game feel really short most of the time, even when I'm not sure what I'm doing. I know that the missions in DMC aren't supposed to last an hour + long like a typical chapter in Ninja Gaiden, but it does feel awkward at times when I literally just make it through 3 or 4 rooms in one mission and them I'm done with it. Overall, though, this game is a ton of fun, and I'll likely replay it on a higher difficulty after I make it past DMC2 and 3, though I may end up completing DMC2 last.
The underwater levels in DMC are fine. They're like 3 minutes long tops, and actually kind of fun. They remind me of Doom, a bit.
The third fight with Nelo Angelo is one of my favorite moments in any video game.
Oh yeah, I played a lot of that new Sonic racing game with Jay (and some other guys) today. Easily my favorite racer of all time.
The game is mad hard, though. It's a good thing the tracks are so great.
Tell me about it, it took the four of us around an hour and twenty minutes just to beat that damn Jet Set Radio traffic challenge map on hard difficulty...
While I wouldn't say that the water segments were fun, I do agree that they were harmlessly short, so it wasn't too big of a deal. At any rate, I now made it up to mission 16, and the game is still consistently great. You can tell that DMC1 in particular was originally meant to be a Resident Evil game with all of the emphasis on finding keys or items to insert into objects which open up new pathways and whatnot. There's also a fair amount of platforming to accompany the RE-like puzzle solving, but it works alright for the most part. As I've stated before, I do still feel that the combat in this game feels quite a bit limited compared to its sequels, but even so, it still requires more skill and thought that the majority of most mindless hack n' slash games that come out today. Even if you do end up using the same standard combo with your sword over and over again, there is no way of getting around having to properly recognize enemy attack patterns and know when to dodge them, and you also have to manage your items since they are pretty scarce, so its best to save up vital stars for major boss fights.
Oh, as far as the Sonic racing goes, I may end up getting 2 more games as Christmas gifts. One of those games is going to be Halo 4 just because like I said I can't resist getting the next Halo game since its kind of a habit in me to get each new release. If I do end up getting a 2nd game, though, I'm considering between either the Sonic racing game or Max Payne 3, both of which are currently priced at $40 at my local stores (though with the Sonic game it was released at that price whereas MP3 came down to that price).
Sonic Racing is better, but only if you have other people to play with. Max Payne 3 is excellent (even if there are too many cutscenes), and will give you a lengthy and memorable single-player experience.
In that case I'm better off with MP3, since I doubt I'll ever find anyone to play a racing game with, period (most of my friends are of either of the FPS or MMO crowd when it comes to gaming). I wouldn't mind getting it if it still had a good single-player offering like other good sports games, such as Mario Tennis, Sega Soccer Slam, Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3, SSX Tricky, and if you want to count it as a sports game, WWF: No Mercy. Those games are great with multiplayer but also offer up addicting single-player offerings in terms of story, tournament, or career modes that'll keep you coming back for more. Certain fighting games also offer up a lot of content for single-players, such as Super Street Fighter IV which I just recently got. If the Sonic racing game offers up a lot of single-player content, that it'd still be worth getting. Otherwise I might just go for Max Payne 3....or Darksiders 2, now that I just remembered that I was interested in that game since I was craving a Zelda-like experience for my XBOX360.
Well, you can play Sonic Racing in single-player, and I'm sure it's a lot of fun, but the multiplayer is what elevates it above Max Payne 3.
Or, you could always wait and get Anarchy Reigns for $30 on January 8th instead, which I'd recommend over either. ;)
Does that game have a good single-player offering? It looks great, but it seems like it was made specifically for mutliplayer, with the single-player elements being an afterthought.
I've only been playing single-player and I'm still enjoying the hell out of it. *shrugs*
Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on December 17, 2012, 12:33:41 AM
Does that game have a good single-player offering? It looks great, but it seems like it was made specifically for mutliplayer, with the single-player elements being an afterthought.
The single-player campaign is pretty fun. Not amazing like Platinum's previous offerings, but still damn good. Meanwhile, the offline multiplayer simulator mode with bots is almost as fun as going online (sometimes more so), which is AMAZING. It's an excellent purchase, especially for $30. It was even worth the ludicrous import price IMO.
The single player mode is World Tour and it has a menu map of selections to race in different maps with different challenges (with selectable difficulties) to unlock stuff in the game. That single player mode can be played multiplayer, but it doesn't have to be.
That said, it's hard.
I also quite enjoy it, but yeah, it's much easier with multiple people.
That traffic challenge map, for instance, if I was trying to do that by myself, I would've gotten extremely frustrated and quit. But because I was playing it with three of my friends, it was tons of masochistic fun.
Games I want this year in the order of what I want the most.
1. Mass Effect 3
2. Max Payne 3
3. Halo 4
4. Dishonored
5. Far Cry 3
6. Hitman Absolution
7. Borderlands 2
Borderlands 2 is at the bottom because I want to get the first first and I'm not sure how playable Hitman is on 360 so I'll hold that one off.
Quote from: Foggle on December 17, 2012, 12:11:18 AM
Tell me about it, it took the four of us around an hour and twenty minutes just to beat that damn Jet Set Radio traffic challenge map on hard difficulty...
I'm up to mission 20 on Devil May Cry. It looks like this game just pulled an inverted castle on me, a la SOTN, lol. :D
Anyways, I always used to think that it was DMC4 that shamelessly recycled a majority of its bosses to have you fight them 3 times each throughout the course of the game instead of just twice like the standard action game, but here's the first DMC pulling that trick from the get-go. :P
To be fair, I think that the first DMC has MUCH better boss fights than DMC4, so I don't mind having to fight the same bosses over again, but it does feel a tad repetitive having to fight each of them 3 times over the course of such a short game. Though, to be fair, its only short because it doesn't contain so much shameless padding, which I found that DMC4 used too much of (mission 19 from that game being the worst offender doing that).
Anwyays, I can tell that I'm already getting close to the end of this game, so I'll probably end up beating it either by tonight or tomorrow. After that, I may just force myself to play through DMC2 just so that I can say I did it and then move onto DMC3, which is the game that I've been eagerly awaiting to play the most.
Play DMC 3 on Gold with Turbo Mode enabled. Makes it a million times better, trust me. :joy:
Alright, I just beat Devil May Cry. Overall it was a great game that's well worthy of the praise that it gets. Even if its the first 3D hack n' slash game, it still feels more advanced in so many ways than even some of the most modern hack n' slash titles that I've tried. I do have to say, though, that while I heard that the original DMC was fairly challenging from the get-go, I didn't find it to be that bad at all. Maybe its because I already played DMC4. I stopped about half-way through may play-through of Dante Must Die mode in that game, and not because I was having a difficult time with it (it actually wasn't really that hard), but more so because I was kind of getting bored with the game at that point. But, since I had quite a bit of practice with that game, and since the series hasn't really changed its "core" mechanics since DMC1, I suppose it was easy for me to get into this game (especially with the controller set-up being modified to emulate that of the DMC sequels), and I didn't really have much of a learning curve to go through, which made this game play pretty easy for the most part. At the end of the game where I got my total stats, it said that I had used a total of 5 retries throughout the entire game, so I guess that means that I only died a total of 5 times which seems about right. Of course, I'm sure that hard mode and DMD mode would offer up more of a challenge.
Also, the game was a bit shorter than I expected, taking me just over 6 hours on my first run through it (and I usually end up taking my time on any game that I play the first time through). Though, as I've said before, this game also doesn't have the shameless padding that DMC4 is ridden with (which is twice as long as this game). Either way, this game is good enough to warrant replaying it on higher difficulty settings, but for the time being I'm going to move onto the other games in this collection before coming back to this one.
Quote from: Foggle on December 17, 2012, 05:23:41 PM
Play DMC 3 on Gold with Turbo Mode enabled. Makes it a million times better, trust me. :joy:
You expect me to shame myself and my love of challenging games with unlimited continues. You don't know me at all, Foggle. :sly:
I like a challenge too, but Yellow mode isn't much fun on your first run; it's better saved for subsequent playthroughs (if played at all). Meanwhile, Turbo makes the game harder in a way that adds to my enjoyment instead of diminishing it.
A friend I had from high school played the original version of DMC3 released in North America in which Hard mode was the default difficulty setting and there was no Gold Mode available, and he ended up beating the game, with some obvious frustration, but it became is favorite action game in the end. I don't mind dying a lot and having limited continues. You can still save your progress in-between levels, and replaying sections of the game over is how you end up getting good at it in the first place.
I just don't find dying three times on a boss and then having to replay the entire level leading up to it again much fun. It's not like Gold mode even holds your hand at all; you get maybe three gold orbs across the entire campaign, and some are hidden. You'll still have to replay up to 10 minutes of a level each time you die in Gold mode anyway, it just makes things less frustrating overall. But if you want to play Yellow mode on Hard difficulty with Turbo disabled (it wasn't in the original release) on your first run, be my guest.
You should have three lives and then when you lose them it deletes your save and sends you back to level 1.
So, I've been playing DMC2....Now I know where Hayashi got his inspiration of making an action game (in which you only have to press one button to win) from. :D
Quote from: Foggle on December 17, 2012, 07:30:31 PMI just don't find dying three times on a boss and then having to replay the entire level leading up to it again much fun. It's not like Gold mode even holds your hand at all; you get maybe three gold orbs across the entire campaign, and some are hidden. You'll still have to replay up to 10 minutes of a level each time you die in Gold mode anyway, it just makes things less frustrating overall. But if you want to play Yellow mode on Hard difficulty with Turbo disabled (it wasn't in the original release) on your first run, be my guest.
OK! :>
No, but seriously, who's bright idea was it to take away all of the challenge and deep combat from the original DMC, and replace it with enemies that basically just encourage you to ditch your sword and shoot them repeatedly? Shooting enemies locks most of them in stun frames and often-times takes them down quicker than your sword (since you'd actually have to bother taking the time to run to them with that, not that they'd put up a serious fight once you got to them). Hell, apparently the developers were well aware of this and very proud of this mechanic, as they made a whole level based around just shooting tanks and helicopters over and over again.
In all seriousness, I had to stop playing this game after mission 5 because my thumb got too sore and there's no way I can continue until I give it at least a day to rest. I actually had to finish up the helicopter boss fight by alternating to my index finger. Its OK, though, as its not like the fight actually required me to move that much except for that one annoying part where you have to upscale a building as a fire is rising from beneath (which actually caused me to die once because I missed a jump thanks to a bad camera and was basically stuck in the flames until I died). After that I made sure to save my devil trigger so that I could just fly up to the top and wouldn't have to deal with this game's shit camera to platform my way up there manually.
DMC2 was originally not a DMC game. It's a lot like Silent Hill 4 in that it was meant to be a completely different IP that was shoveled into a popular IP because of an unforeseen spike in popularity (seriously, DMC1 was HUGE) and they wanted to cash in ASAP.
It almost killed the series, too.
Too bad it wasn't a game that was being designed as a very good one from the get-go. the XBOX Ninja Gaiden game originally wasn't meant to be an NG game, itself (I think you could tell from how little resemblance in bares to the classic 2D NG games), but the difference there is that the decision was made earlier on in the game's development by Tecmo to make it into a Ninja Gaiden game for marketing purposes, but even then the game still spend years in development as Itagaki wouldn't release it until he made it as good of an action game as he could. And thus we got a great 3D NG game, but on top of that he made it even better anyways with the re-release, Ninja Gaiden Black.
Whether DMC2 was originally another IP or not, its clear that the developers were not putting a lot of effort into this game. Maybe it was rushed out the door, the gameplay here feels bland and boring, not unpolished. It feels like the devs for this game were just making it for their paycheck, and didn't really care whether it was actually any fun to play or not. Thank god the series redeemed itself (and even improved itself from the original, many would say), with DMC3, as it would be a shame to let such a potentially awesome IP go to waste after just DMC1 followed by one shitty sequel.
Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on December 17, 2012, 09:59:42 PM
they made a whole level based around just shooting tanks and helicopters over and over again.
Aw, you missed one of the funniest (and saddest) parts of the whole game. If you run up to the tanks, you can just stand still and melee them over and over until they die because they literally
can't attack you when you're that close.
QuoteIn all seriousness, I had to stop playing this game after mission 5 because my thumb got too sore and there's no way I can continue until I give it at least a day to rest. I actually had to finish up the helicopter boss fight by alternating to my index finger.
Same thing happened to me, man. DMC 2 sucks.
Quote from: Foggle on December 18, 2012, 12:04:50 AM
Aw, you missed one of the funniest (and saddest) parts of the whole game. If you run up to the tanks, you can just stand still and melee them over and over until they die because they literally can't attack you when you're that close.
Actually, when I tried that I ended up getting hit by one of the other tanks. Even when I was standing on a specific side of a tank that should have been obscured from the other ones, their shells still went through the tank and hit me anyways, which is just really fucked up. I could also get hit in mid-air, but it was pretty infrequent. What I found worked to hilarious effect was if I stood on top of a tank, double-jumped, and then fired my guns (since Dante shoots directly downwards after a double jump). It was hilarious because I was essentially bouncing up and down off of each tank and shooting it repeatedly while it couldn't do a damn thing about it. :D
Same thing happened to me, man. DMC 2 sucks.
Man, the sad thing is that I think that the developers for this game were actually legitimately proud of that helicopter fight. I mean, they actually had you fight the damn thing 3 times....IN THE SAME FUCKING LEVEL! I mean, damn, at least DMC1 and 4 only recycled the same boss once per every few missions. I guess they thought that they'd save you the trouble in DMC2 and just make you fight a boss 3 times in just one level and get it over with....well, hopefully that fight is over with.
Also, not that it matters, but as shitty and barely present as this game's story is, what fucking purpose did going into a city and fighting military vehicles have to the story? I mean, the first few missions had me in and old town of some sort and also running through some underground ruins. Then all of a sudden out of absolutely nowhere I'm on city streets fighting dogs, a giant gorilla, tanks, and apparently the world's most fortified helicopter (I mean, GOOD GOD can that thing take a lot of lead before it finally goes down). They should have at least had the courtesy to give you the grenade launcher from DMC1 before putting you into that fight.
Oh yeah, and one more annoyance I encountered is when I was fighting said gorilla. I basically just whittled down his health over a period of time guessed it, shooting him repeatedly (my thumb was already starting to get sore by that point in the level, and I hadn't even gotten to the tanks yet), then when he was almost dead, he actually managed to grab me, mostly because I was just standing in the same spot not even trying to move except for when he jumped in the air to try and land on me, since I didn't actually figure that the AI for this thing was smart enough to actually try and do anything else. But I thought to myself, "whatever, I'll just take some damage and finish him off." But then the fucker throws me into the previous room in which there is a temporary pause for the game to load the new area, so when I get back to where I was, the damn thing has full health again, and I have to fight it all over again....and then I realized that I wasn't even locked in that area in the first place and I could've just skipped the fight entirely (its probably my fault to expect that this game even had any consistency in its design to begin with). So in short, I basically fought that damn gorilla with an over-sized health-bar twice for absolutely no reason whatsoever. Man, fuck this game.
The game provides no explanation for why Dante goes where he goes. Maybe Lucia's story does a better job connecting the levels together, but like hell am I gonna' play that game a second time.
Weird about the tanks, I never had that happen to me. Still, the fact that they can only hurt you in that situation by glitching just makes it funnier.
Oh yeah, there's this one boss fight coming up about halfway through the game... I don't want to spoil anything, but as long as you're shooting it, I'm pretty sure it's actually incapable of hurting you.
How many missions long is this game? I kind of want to be done with it ASAP....
18. But lemme' tell ya, even though this game is shorter than DMC 1, it feels a lot longer.
Oh, and since you aren't a fan of games reusing boss battles, I can't wait to see your reaction to Mission 14... :D
Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on December 17, 2012, 10:20:06 PM
Too bad it wasn't a game that was being designed as a very good one from the get-go. the XBOX Ninja Gaiden game originally wasn't meant to be an NG game, itself (I think you could tell from how little resemblance in bares to the classic 2D NG games), but the difference there is that the decision was made earlier on in the game's development by Tecmo to make it into a Ninja Gaiden game for marketing purposes, but even then the game still spend years in development as Itagaki wouldn't release it until he made it as good of an action game as he could. And thus we got a great 3D NG game, but on top of that he made it even better anyways with the re-release, Ninja Gaiden Black.
Whether DMC2 was originally another IP or not, its clear that the developers were not putting a lot of effort into this game. Maybe it was rushed out the door, the gameplay here feels bland and boring, not unpolished. It feels like the devs for this game were just making it for their paycheck, and didn't really care whether it was actually any fun to play or not. Thank god the series redeemed itself (and even improved itself from the original, many would say), with DMC3, as it would be a shame to let such a potentially awesome IP go to waste after just DMC1 followed by one shitty sequel.
Yeah, I gave up on the DMC series after 2. May friend talked about DMC3 before it came out talking about how it'll have styles and whatnot and I paid him no attention....and then my faith in the series was restored just from watching DMC3's trailer. Seriously, the best video game trailer ever. :swoon: The same friend said he didn't feel like watching it so I tricked him into watching it by popping in a tape with the G4 show it was on (Cinema...something?) and he fell in love with it too. :swoon:
Another day, another sick deal at a used/pawn shop. Got Sin & Punishment 2 for $10.
Quote from: Avaitor on December 18, 2012, 02:43:51 PM
Another day, another sick deal at a used/pawn shop. Got Sin & Punishment 2 for $10.
That's the game that makes everyone want a Treasure developed Star Fox.
I tend to agree with them.
I was playing mission 14 on DMC2. You have to hit 4 switches to progress to the next section of the game. I gave up because I could only find 2 switches and couldn't locate the last 2 thanks to this game's horrible fixed camera.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on December 18, 2012, 05:16:11 PM
Quote from: Avaitor on December 18, 2012, 02:43:51 PM
Another day, another sick deal at a used/pawn shop. Got Sin & Punishment 2 for $10.
That's the game that makes everyone want a Treasure developed Star Fox.
I tend to agree with them.
Yeah, I played the first level at Best Buy when it came out, and was really impressed. Treasure would do well with Star Fox if they wanted to.
Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on December 18, 2012, 06:05:51 PM
I was playing mission 14 on DMC2. You have to hit 4 switches to progress to the next section of the game. I gave up because I could only find 2 switches and couldn't locate the last 2 thanks to this game's horrible fixed camera....
Fuck that horrible level. It took my friend and I almost an hour to find all the switches, as quite a few of them are hidden off-screen due to the garbage camera. You're almost done, though!
You also just have to LOVE how the map in this game doesn't even have the courtesy to indicate where you are on it, so that you could at least tell which areas you've already looked in. It doesn't even give you directions to indicate which way you might be facing. Its just a plain blue series of squiggles representing the general shape of the area you're in. When I first realized that their was a map option, I thought it'd point out the locations of the 4 switches, like any normal action game giving you the same task would, but I guess I was expecting WAY too much from these developers if I thought that they'd actually have the common sense to include something like that in this sort of mission. I'm done with the game for tonight, but tomorrow I'll just looked up a video on Youtube to figure out where those other 2 switches are.
I did it! The nightmare is finally over! I made it all of the way through DMC2. Now I'll never have to play this piece of shit again. I laughed out loud when it said that the next challenge was playing through the game as Lucia. Fuck no. Like hell I'm ever going to play through this game again. I don't care what character they put in there.
I laughed out loud when they threw Phantom at me again. Its like by putting the iconic first boss from DMC1 in this game, the developers were trying to remind you that you were playing a sequel to DMC, because god knows nothing else in this game resembles a DMC game in the slightest. I could just picture the devs going: "Yup, there you go, a giant spider boss. That's what its all about." They probably thought that it would get an awesome reaction from the fans as well. The only problem being that they DMC2'ed this boss by making his easy as shit. So they failed on the grandest of proportions in that regard. I also laughed at how that 2nd to last boss had all of the previous bosses stuck inside it, and you attacked their heads one at a time. The funny thing is that most of them couldn't do shit to you if you stood at a certain angle. And I also noticed that they stuck Griffon in there, even though he wasn't present at any point earlier in the game. You just gotta love these devs trying to get us to love their game by ripping off small bits from the first game and doing them worse. :P
Anyways, now I can put this piece of garbage behind me and finally move onto DMC3, the game that I've been awaiting the most.
You also gotta love how Dante didn't react at all to Phantom's return. Hell, "Phantom" didn't even speak, you'd think he'd say how he'll get revenge on Dante for his previous defeat or something. Nope, that would be asking way too much out of DMC2.
I swear, the only part of the game where Dante acted like Dante was at the very end where Arius whines after being defeated by Dante about how he was going to be king of the world, and then Dante retorts, "Yeah, here's your crown," and then proceeds to shoot him in the face. That, and the scene where Arius realizes that Dante gave him a fake coin with DMC logo outline on it were the only 2 parts in the game that felt like it was Dante acting like himself. Throughout the rest of the game he was nothing more than a generic action game hero. Hell, he was even more bland and had less personality than Ryu Hayabusa from the Ninja Gaiden games, and that's saying A LOT!
BTW, I started up DMC3 on Normal (its the only difficulty available when you start), and on Yellow mode (the 1st game had it, and the levels in this game are mostly short, so I can deal with it), and I don't have turbo on since I feel the need to experience the game as its original speed first. Hell fucking yes is this game a breath of fresh air. DMC games never had the best enemy AI, but these enemies are once again competent enough to actually try and hit Dante every once in a while, and I'm so glad to actually be using my sword more than my guns for a change. The combo system is now finally back to that combo-heavy goodness that the first game started and this game has already evolved it from the get-go, and is more familiar to what I got used to with DMC4 since that's still the DMC game that I've currently played the most.
I got through the first 2 missions without a hitch. Then I got to mission 3 and got up to the 1st boss with ease, and then I took down half his health and he got harder and kicked my ass. It was actually REALLY refreshing to realize that I had met my match and had to actually work at getting good at this boss by recognizing his attack patterns and attacking him at the appropriate time. I died once and then had to restart the level, but it wasn't a big deal since it only took me a few minutes to work my way back up to him, at which point I purchased a single yellow orb so that I could have a retry on him, which I ended up using and then finally defeated him on my 3rd time through (though admittedly I had to pop in a small vital star to keep myself alive during the last third or so of the fight). It was a fun boss fight and really gave me a feeling of accomplishment for having beaten it. I realized that Sword Master is a good style to fight Cerberus with as he has a problem attacking you if you are hitting him in mid-air, which you can only do with the Sword Master style.
Anyways, I took a break for now since finishing up DMC2 kind of wore me out on gaming for a while, even if DMC3's awesomeness replenished my interest. I'll likely get back to the game a little later on today, though.
Fuck this fucking relic race mission in Jak 3. It's the entire reason why I stopped playing the game last time. I recently picked it up again, and THOUGHT I had finally beaten the level, but no. The map disappeared, so I had no idea I had to return to the level entrance within the remaining time limit after collecting all the items, then my car flipped over and I died. Now I have to do the whole godforsaken thing again. Fuck you, Naughty Dog.
This morning, I FINALLY beat Icon of Sin in Doom II. It's only been like 8 days but it has seemed like an eternity. Maybe the longest it has ever taken me to beat a Doom level (certainly the longest in Doom II). I fired the rocket for the last time and the shit started blowing up and I was like. :SHOCK: I was in full zombie mode so I didn't know what to expect. I wasn't even sure I was doing the right thing. In my head I was like, "OK, let me follow the game design clues. I'm sure the devs put this and that there so the player can do this and that." I played it so many times that I started routinely speeding through parts and planning things out. I did it so well that I was only 40 seconds behind PAR's time (PAR's 3 minutes. Mine, 3:40) Kind of makes me want to try again because I know I could do better.
Then I finally proceeded to Episode 2. I took the things I learned from playing Doom I and episode I of Doom II to find every single secret. I played the level before on the demo. Either way, it still took me an embarrassingly long time to get to where the Yellow Keycard was. I spent a ton of time over thinking how they would lay out the secrets...and all I had to do was open up a wall. But to be far, this game's maps fucking suck. At least imo they do. Also, I took so long that for my times, I had to press A because it was taking too long for the game to come up to it...and they had it listed as SUCKS :unimpressed: Oh and it was good to get the Super Shotgun in level 1. I thought I heard that you can keep all the weapons that you got from Episode 1 though. :srs: And I stopped after getting up to level 4 today. I also tried out a level I was on in Doom I on Ultra-Violence today and I believe I got my ass kicked.
Before all this Doom stuff today, my baby brother and me tried again to beat Gunstar Heroes today. We were stuck on that long ass level that's right after the first 4 stages again. So damn long.
I am genuinely curious as to how someone can think that Jak 3 is better than the first two. Everything about it reeks of lazy design and it honestly just feels like a cash-in to me. The platforming is easily the series' best, but there's barely any at all, and most of it occurs in the same two locations which are reused over and over again. The incessant driving (which comprises the bulk of the story missions) cripples the game's fun factor and makes shit like the Precursor Basin and Jak 2's races seem fun in comparison. I'm nearing the end now, and even the story seems halfhearted and unnecessary. Overall, while still fairly decent on the whole, this is turning out to be one of the most overrated games and worst sequels I've ever played.
The final boss is pretty rage-inducing. But I didn't really have much an issue with the relic hunting, I just kept moving. It wasn't fun, but compared to the over-world missions in II, it wasn't nearly as frustrating. But I agree about the platforming. It was a great combination of J&D's world traversal with the more action focus of II. It was a lot of fun, but it was really a shame that it was a small portion of the overall game.
I made it past mission 5 in DMC3 so far. This is definitely the hardest DMC game. Even normal mode has caused me quite a few deaths already, and not just from bosses. Its also the best one, with the most robust combat system and overall most satisfying balance to it. Honestly, I like the level design in this game. So far its been mostly linear but somewhat reminiscent of DMC1 with a decent amount of puzzle-solving thrown into the mix. My style of choice that I've been sticking with so far is Sword Master, since I just have to be able to air combo in order to get my stylish ranking up in the S ranks.
The boss fight with Agni and Rudra was pretty fun, though a lot easier than Cerberus, IMO. I died to them once since I took out one of the 2 (I don't remember which one is which), and then the other one took the blade of his fallen brother and with 2 swords he became a lot harder for me to deal with. So I used some simple strategy the 2nd time around and decided to just damage them both to low health before killing off one of them, so that way I could also kill off the other one before he had time to get his brother's weapon. I like multi-boss encounters that let you do stuff like that.
I also only just came to notice that even 5 missions into the game, I have yet to unlock any Devil Trigger. Did I just miss it, or is that an element introduced into the game later on?
One thing that I should mention is that I think its kind of lame that you have to buy the same skill more than once for different weapons. I already bought Air Hike for Rebellion because I consider double-jumping to be an essential skill to have available to you in any DMC game. But then I found out that I'd need to re-buy that skill for other weapons. Why should I have to buy it again if I already bought it once? Its not like that skill has to do with the weapon itself, as it fits in more as a general Skill for Dante to have. I guess that aspect of the game just doesn't make sense to me.
I've been playing Marble Saga for the Wii on my U.
I'm finding that these marble games might be the best secret genre in all of gaming.
Just beat the game. Act 3 was surprisingly awesome, with lots of platforming/ground combat and very little vehicle crap. I really wish the whole game had been like that. First half of the final boss was
awful though. The fight itself was cake, but the driving part? UGH.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on December 19, 2012, 09:25:40 PM
But I didn't really have much an issue with the relic hunting, I just kept moving. It wasn't fun, but compared to the over-world missions in II, it wasn't nearly as frustrating.
See, I actually found most of the overworld stuff in this game
far more frustrating and tedious than anything in Jak 2 sans the invisible Metal Heads mission and a couple of escort quests. Even the hardest parts of that game were fun, for me.
Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on December 19, 2012, 09:43:33 PM
The boss fight with Agni and Rudra was pretty fun though a lot easier than Cerberus, IMO.
They're INSANE on Turbo mode. Love that fight.
Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on December 19, 2012, 09:43:33 PM
I also only just came to notice that even 5 missions into the game, I have yet to unlock any Devil Trigger. Did I just miss it, or is that an element introduced into the game later on?
You get it after Mission 7, I believe.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on December 19, 2012, 10:18:10 PM
I'm finding that these marble games might be the best secret genre in all of gaming.
Yeah, marble games are amazing.
The driving part of the final boss might have been the worst driving segment in the series with the deliver the package mission in II and some of the ones in 3. I would really dig a Jak game with no vehicles. I honestly had no issue with any of the platforming missions in any of the 3 games, only the driving/over-world stuff.
I played more Marble Saga and now they started relying on rotating the stage around. I think I need a better marble because the default one has no momentum and controls too wide. I would have preferred if they just kept it simple, and I would have liked analog control over tilt, but it's still fun stuff.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on December 20, 2012, 12:22:33 AM
The driving part of the final boss might have been the worst driving segment in the series with the deliver the package mission in II and some of the ones in 3. I would really dig a Jak game with no vehicles. I honestly had no issue with any of the platforming missions in any of the 3 games, only the driving/over-world stuff.
Yeah. Naughty Dog clearly had something amazing going with all three games, but they never really found a way to reach their full potential. If you were to, say, take all of the actual platforming challenges/levels from the entire trilogy and played through them straight, you'd have one of the greatest games of all time. The filler stuff is what drags all of them down, though it's a lot less aggravating in the first two. Jak 3's ending cutscene basically tells the audience to stay tuned for more games, but Jak 4 will probably never happen now. Which is a shame, because I think they could make it something truly special, like Crack In Time and Thieves In Time. They'd have to call it ______ In Time though to complete the holy trifecta!
Well, Naughty Dog was working on a Jak reboot... but apparently it was pretty awful looking and they abandoned it.
At this point we can just hope someone like Sanzaru gets the chance to tackle it. The way they're doing the new Sly is close to what I would want for a new Jak. An over-world closer to the first game that peak into level spokes like II (and the platforming from 3) which is exactly what I want.
I'm not sure what's going on with Naughty Dog, but I'm not all to interested in their current direction.
Wasn't Lost Frontier basically a Jak 4?
I think it was by the same team that did those PSP Jak and Ratchet games. The only one of those I heard good things about was Daxter, though.
Lost Frontier apparently had a lot of bad level design issues.
Was Jak 3 rushed or something? I mean, the first volcano level and the temple/sewer/dead city stuff that directly followed it was one of the absolute best gaming experiences I've ever had. But the majority of the game is just so bland and lame, right up until the final act when you get a super cool "flying" move that you only use like 3 or 4 times afterward. I feel as if most of the driving stuff was solely intended as filler to lazily pad the game out and get it done on time. Plus, the story makes very little sense and goes almost nowhere.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on December 20, 2012, 02:35:13 PM
At this point we can just hope someone like Sanzaru gets the chance to tackle it. The way they're doing the new Sly is close to what I would want for a new Jak. An over-world closer to the first game that peak into level spokes like II (and the platforming from 3) which is exactly what I want.
I don't even care about the over-world, a lengthy series of sequential linear platforming levels would be enough for me. With more jet-board stuff! Driving and mini-games are fine as well, but keep the former to the level of Jak 1 and the latter to the level of Jak 2. And seriously, INCLUDE A DAMN STRAFE BUTTON.
QuoteI'm not sure what's going on with Naughty Dog, but I'm not all to interested in their current direction.
Same. Uncharted is kind of cool, but I can't really bring myself to care much about that or The Last Of Us.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on December 20, 2012, 02:37:38 PM
I think it was by the same team that did those PSP Jak and Ratchet games. The only one of those I heard good things about was Daxter, though.
Daxter was actually made by the studio that did the God of War PSP games, both of which are better than the console games IMO. (I haven't played Daxter though.) Lost Frontier was made by the same guys as R&C: Size Matters and Secret Agent Clank, which explains why it isn't so good.
QuoteLost Frontier apparently had a lot of bad level design issues.
The platforming and ground combat are pretty much broken, but that doesn't really matter because 80% of the game is flying planes. Not at all what I want from J&D.
I'd say Jak 3 was rushed. They were probably trying to make a racing game (hence Jak X) and decided to shove their racing ideas into a cobbled together Jak game. The first two had a LOT of work put into them, but 3 didn't get nearly the same polish and it shows.
If they make a new Jak the jet-board is the only vehicle I'd want to appear.
Yet another great deal! This time I got Tatsunoko vs. Capcom for $5.
I'm really building up for the best Wii collection ever.
That was my favorite new fighter of last gen. Really tight and fun stuff.
Found a secret level entrance in Hell Mountain in Episode 2 of Doom II today. It took me a few tries but then I beat it. Afterwards, after finally getting the red keycard, I believe, I ran from one large ground of demons and into another. I back into a rectangular opening with both sides coming into and I was trapped fighting them. For 3 minutes I ran side to side trying to dodge and shoot them and then they finally killed me. That was so badass. Thinking about it makes me want to go back and try again.
I've been kind of taking a break from my XBOX since I was playing it so much over the past week, so now I'm back to playing in shorter intervals at a time. Today I got through mission 6 of DMC3, and the game is still as fun as ever. It figures that even the easy-ass puzzles in this game are at least not as obnoxious as the ones from DMC4 (I'm looking at you, annoying dice board that makes you fight recycled bosses and enemies). I ended up getting the ranged weapon Artemis since I got all 3 stones to insert into the statue, and it turns out that its a laser-type weapon which is basically DMC3's version of Nightmare-Beta from the first game. That weapon seemed to suck hard in DMC1, so I'm hoping that it has more of a use in DMC3, but I guess I'll have to wait to find out. Now that I'm on mission 7, it looks as though I'm close to my first encounter with Vergil.
So far I have my Sword Master style up to level 2, but it looks like I need a ridiculous amount of experience with it to get it up to level 3, so for now I switched over to Trickster as I plan to get that up to at least level 2 next. To be honest, though, I think I'd be fine with Sword Master throughout the entire game. A lot of people say that trickster should be your first choice of leveling up because it makes dodging enemy attacks easier, but for whatever reason I find that dodging enemy attacks the default way by just side-rolling or jumping right before they attack you works just fine for me, so I really prefer Sword Master just for how much more fun it makes the combat (and in some cases it makes certain boss fights a lot quicker and easier, IMO).
So, today I beat missions 7 and 8 of DMC3, though they both took me a while. With mission 7 I actually stupidly got stuck on that one puzzle in which you have to break that pendulum ball. I didn't bother reading the text at that wheel and assumed that you just had to swing the pendulum to break the steel gates in that room. I was whacking at that thing like an idiot for almost 10 minutes before I realized that you were just supposed to break it open. :P
The first fight with Vergil was surprisingly easy, and may in fact be tied as the easiest boss fight that I've encountered in the game along with the centipede boss, so far. I did die on my first try, but I was just at a sliver of health at that point. When I fought him again, I realized how easy his pattern was. For most of the fight you just have to dodge out of his melee attack and then combo him while he's in a vulnerable state right after his attack. You can just spam a regular combo on him up to a few times before he finally blocks you and then tries to counter you immediately with his own attack again, at which point you just dodge it and repeat the same process. When he gets to his last quarter of health he'll try to start using a certain ranged attack on you, which is extremely slow and easy to dodge, and then all you have to do is move in close to him and slash him, though this time he'll teleport as soon as he gets hit so you usually can't combo him. At that point, though, all you have to do is keep dodging his attacks and moving in close enough to hit him until he's dead. This fight was just an easier version of the Nelo Angelo fight from DMC1, which I guess makes sense (and it seems like they were going for it), since Nelo Angelo IS Vergil, who Mundus brought back in that form. That said, I'm sure that the next fight with Vergil will be much harder.
As for mission 8, it turns out it was another one of those video game levels in which you're stuck inside some sort of giant creature's body and have to destroy its heart or some other vital organ to escape. These kinds of levels can always be hit or miss. Fortunately it was a short level in this game and it was mostly the same type of combo-heavy and puzzle-solving gameplay that I had come to expect from this game by now. I also actually really liked the boss fights. It was creative in that you had to attack the left or right organ a certain amount in order to open up the central organ and attack it for some permanent damage and then repeat the process after it closed up. Who said that DMC3's boss fights weren't as good as the original? In all honesty, I've liked the boss fights in this game at least as much as DMC1 so far, putting the easy Vergil fight and that giant centipede boss fight aside (the centipede was more weird that anything else, though it was an extremely easy boss fight as well).
Overall, this is definitely shaping up to be the best DMC game now that I'm playing it properly from start to finish, as expected. it has the deepest and most nuanced combat system by far, its level design is honestly fine with a perfect balance of great combat and simple puzzle-solving that gives you a break from the action, and plenty of good boss fights to cap off most missions in the game.
Alright, so I got past missions 9 and 10 of DMC3 this time. Nevan was a pretty tough boss for me, actually, and I died quite a few times on her before I finally got her pattern down. The main thing that screwed me up, though, is that I couldn't figure out how to fight her at the end when you can't break her barrier of bats and have to wait until she herself tries to grab you and suck the life out of you, in which case she has no armor and you can shoot her. I kept trying to hit her but then I kept getting grabbed, and I didn't realize that you're basically just meant to finish her off with your ranged weapons by that point. At any rate, it was another good boss fight, and so far one of the only 2 really challenging ones (surprisingly), with the other challenging one being the boss fight with Cerberus.
Also the weapon she turns into when you defeat her being a guitar is fucking awesome. Why the hell didn't this weapon make the cut for Dante in DMC4? Fuck Lucifer. Cerberus, Agni & Rudra, and Nevan so far are way better weapons than that piece of shit. I also love the touch of the weapons you attain usually coming from bosses that you defeat. That element has a very Mega Man-esque vibe to it, even if unlike Mega Man you can only equip 2 weapons on you at any given time, and the weapons you have aren't really necessary to make it through to new areas (in that regard, the game mostly boils down to traditional locked doors and key hunts in its own form).
At any rate, admittedly I'm sticking with Agni & Rudra as my secondary weapon for now. Its the one I'm the most comfortable with and at times I've found it to be more useful than Rebellion, which is usually my primary weapon of choice (obviously), as A&R is usually good for crowd control and stun-locking certain enemies since its really easy to chain/link combos together with it. That said, I'll likely experiment quite a bit with the other weapons in this game on subsequent play-throughs.
As for mission 10, it was basically just another make it from point A to point B scenario without a boss fight. Nothing special as its just a transitional stage to get to the next area, but I still had fun fighting enemies along the way.
I thought all of the bosses were hard, and found Nevan to be perhaps the game's easiest other than Joker and the level 2 "boss".
Then again, Turbo Mode.
Quote from: Foggle on December 22, 2012, 10:23:28 PM
I thought all of the bosses were hard, and found Nevan to be perhaps the game's easiest other than Joker and the level 2 "boss".
I almost don't count the level 2 boss as a boss since aside from having a health meter, it just felt like a normal enemy with extra health.
Nevan was tough, you just got lucky, punk. :bleh:
Vergil was cake. Even on Turbo mode the strategy wouldn't change at all. You just suck at the game. :>
Also I should mention that I didn't use any healing items on these bosses since I knew that I'd have to retry them anyways if I wasn't good enough to beat them with just a regular bar of health.
OK, So I only just came to realize that Devil May Cry 4 has a Turbo mode. I never knew that before. I'll have to try that out one of these days. Perhaps I'll pick up my Dante Must Die run where I left off and finish up the rest of it via Turbo mode. It'd certainly help spice up Nero's slow-ass combat, if nothing else.
Yeah, I only ever used healing items on the final boss.
Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on December 23, 2012, 02:31:03 AM
OK, So I only just came to realize that Devil May Cry 4 has a Turbo mode. I never knew that before. I'll have to try that out one of these days.
Well, first you'll have to buy a new computer and the PC version of DMC 4...
Well, that's lame....
I just beat missions 11 and 12 today. Beowulf was another pretty tough boss. I died to him quite a bit before I figured out how best to evade his attacks. When he initially does his ground pound attack a simple evade will suffice to get out of the way, but when he starts doing his more powerful one that has a larger AOE, I found that double-jumping out of the way is a much more effective way to avoid in than either rolling or using the trickster dash (even though the latter gives you invincibility frames, you can still take full damage since the effect of his attack lasts a bit longer than the frames for your dash). Overall, though, he wasn't too bad once I got his pattern down.
Mission 12 was awesome, though. Being stuck in devil trigger and slowly losing your health and doing a rush through the level was really fun. It was actually pretty easy since devil trigger made you way more powerful than usual, and you also run faster when you are in devil trigger making it easy to cover lots of ground relatively quickly. The boss fight of this mission was also a pretty easy one in comparison to the last 2 (Nevan and Beowulf), with the horse having really easy to avoid attacks and just overall predictable attack patterns. I beat him on my first try.
Got my 3DS yesterday... so far, I've cracked into Super Mario 3D Land, OoT 3D, and NSMB2. I've been enjoying all of them immensely (Nel, I have no idea why you hate NSMB2; sure, it's easy even by Mario standards, but this is not a bad game), but so far I think 3D Land is my favorite. It's pretty sweet.
Sticker Star and Kid Icarus are on tap for today. After, of course, I finish my Sonic 1 article. :sweat:
Quote from: Kiddington on December 25, 2012, 12:40:07 PM
Got my 3DS yesterday... so far, I've cracked into Super Mario 3D Land, OoT 3D, and NSMB2. I've been enjoying all of them immensely (Nel, I have no idea why you hate NSMB2; sure, it's easy even by Mario standards, but this is not a bad game), but so far I think 3D Land is my favorite. It's pretty sweet.
Sticker Star and Kid Icarus are on tap for today. After, of course, I finish my Sonic 1 article. :sweat:
Super Mario 3D Land is indeed great. It's really no Galaxy, but I quite enjoyed it. Should get around to getting the rest of the collectables in it someday. I haven't played New Super Mario Bros. 2 yet, but I'm not in much of a hurry. I'm sure it'll be good, but I know exactly what to expect
I don't hate hate the game, but it looked just so copy/pasted from the Wii game in so many ways that it felt like it would be a waste of money.
I only played a demo level though, everything else I've seen about the game I've only watched in videos. Ignoooore meeee!
The coin rush mode is where I got most of my replay value out of the game since it's basically a score attack mode. Especially since there's like 30 DLC levels made for it of different shapes and sizes.
The core game is fine, but it's basic 2D Mario, but coin rush is far more interesting and fun to play around with.
I'm currently playing Halo 4, though I'll reserve my thoughts on it until I finish the game.
I went out today for some groceries and found a massively good deal for some games (everyone seemed to be swarming EB and Walmart, and apparently missed out on some great deals at smaller stores) and scooped them up.
So basically, I got NBA Jam (Wii), Kirby Dream Collection, Spirit Camera, and Steel Diver. Each for $9.99 and all of which were brand new.
My brother came to visit over the last few days (haven't seen him on Christmas in like 5 years :shakeshakeshake: ) so:
The first thing me and him played was Co-op on Doom. For some reason the game doesn't let you save on Co-op but whatever. We still had a ton of fun. I believe we got up to the first secret level and stopped
He had Shank II so us and my baby brother took turns playing the hell out of Survival mode. So much damn fun. I definitely got to get this game.
I got to play Halo 4 since he had that too and we played co-op. (Unfortunately, the game doesn't have 4 player) The music sounded like it belonged in Skyrim, the main villain looks like he belongs in LOTR and there was like one part from up to where I got to that actually lets you have some freedom. I didn't get that far though (I'm on the level with the Mammoth.) and I do like the new weapons and enemies.
On Christmas, I started playing his copy of Max Payne 3. Interesting that they made the cutscenes like a Tony Scott (R.I.P) movie. Man, is this a sad story. As for the gameplay, yep I don't like the two weapon limit. It's annoying and Max Payne 2's controls didn't need changing. What I do like is being able to continue shooting during Bullet Cams (I abuse the hell out of that) and the New Jersey levels are so great. I got up to the second level. This game is so damn hard. Shootdodging eating up the BT guage, ammo being easily ate up and having to run around defenseless looking for some more ammo and Max not being able to survive one bullet sure doesn't help.
All 3 of us played N+ and my baby brother and me finally beat Gunstar Heroes
Honestly, I don't think that 4-player co-op is well-suited to Halo games. It makes encounters way too messy and cluttered, and the game just feels far too easy, even if you're playing on Legendary. It kills the whole concept of using proper strategy. Halo is and always has been perfect for 2-player co-op, as it allows you to utilize really interesting strategies with your partner without breaking the level of challenge of the game since you both still have to be careful as its easy for either you or your partner to get killed, and you genuinely get the feeling that you're contributing toward you and your partner's progression through the level, whereas with more than 2 players it just feels more like you're competing for kills and nothing more.
Man, the graphical improvements on OoT 3D are incredible. Incredible. Never would I have imagined it'd look this good. It's like playing an entirely different game.
They absolutely need to give Majora's Mask the same treatment at some point down the road here. Can you just imagine how good Clock Town would look, running on 3DS hardware? :swoon:
Quote from: Kiddington on December 27, 2012, 02:24:08 AM
Man, the graphical improvements on OoT 3D are incredible. Incredible. Never would I have imagined it'd look this good. It's like playing an entirely different game.
They absolutely need to give Majora's Mask the same treatment at some point down the road here. Can you just imagine how good Clock Town would look, running on 3DS hardware? :swoon:
Really? I think it looks... decent. Surely better than the N64 version. But that's really not saying much. The only character model that got a significant upgrade was Link's, and even his was awkward. The other character models could fit into the original N64 version. As for the world, some parts look great indeed. Others look like they were barely improved. Flat stairs, for example, stick out nowadays.
I also started Crysis 2 and Ratchet & Clank Tools Of Destruction this week.
Quote from: talonmalon333 on December 27, 2012, 11:51:53 AM
Quote from: Kiddington on December 27, 2012, 02:24:08 AM
Man, the graphical improvements on OoT 3D are incredible. Incredible. Never would I have imagined it'd look this good. It's like playing an entirely different game.
They absolutely need to give Majora's Mask the same treatment at some point down the road here. Can you just imagine how good Clock Town would look, running on 3DS hardware? :swoon:
Really? I think it looks... decent. Surely better than the N64 version. But that's really not saying much. The only character model that got a significant upgrade was Link's, and even his was awkward. The other character models could fit into the original N64 version. As for the world, some parts look great indeed. Others look like they were barely improved. Flat stairs, for example, stick out nowadays.
The rock solid framerate and lack of blur/fog really improve the presentation, too.
I really hope mor eN64 games get the remake treatment like OOT and SF64 did.
I'm half-way into the 7th level on Halo 4, which means that I'm almost done since if I'm not mistaken the game is a total of 8 levels. As I said, though, I won't say any of my thoughts regarding the gameplay until I finish the game at least one time through. Even then, I won't have my full thoughts on it until I replay the campaign mode on Heroic difficulty, which I probably should have started the game on, but I figured I wanted to play this one at its default difficulty setting first in case it was a lot different from previous Halo games.
One thing I will say that doesn't involve the gameplay is how bland the soundtrack is. I can't believe people have been praising this soundtrack as being on par with that of the previous games composed by Martin O'Donnell. Its nowhere close to that. I haven't heard a single noteworthy or memorable piece of music in the entire game, and even though its all orchestrated and made to sound like a big symphony like in previous Halo games, no care is taken as to where or how this music is used, and a lot of times the music doesn't seem to fit in with the theme of the level its being played in. The music in this game is definitely a huge step down from previous Halo games, IMO, and the lack of O'Donnell's talent is all too clear.
Basically, just take everything I said about my beef with the music in most AAA games and apply it to this one. Its really rather disappointing, as the music honestly used to be one of the stand-out aspects of the Halo series, IMO.
Oh, and as for Devil May Cry 3, I would have actually opted to finish that game first before even starting Halo 4, but I forgot to bring it with me to my mom's house, So Halo 4 and SSF4 (which I left the disc for in my XBOX 360) are the only games I can play for right now.
I beat Halo 4 on Normal yesterday, but I have still actually refrained from posting my thoughts on it since, as with most Halo games, playing through it once on Normal is not an accurate way for me to gauge the game's overall worth as far as its campaign mode goes. Honestly, its the same for all Halo games. I need to replay them on at least Heroic difficulty (and if they aren't full of tedious combat, Legendary as well) to test their balance in terms of challenge and difficulty, how well adaptable their AI are, and the overall replay value of each game.
I'll say this much of the game so far. The first level sucks, and the last level sucks. They are both way too linear and restrictive, and the first level just feels like a glorified tutorial whereas the last level feels like a series of tedious and annoying enemy gauntlets. Mostly everything in-between that was actually quite fun on my first run through the game, though. So, overall I think its far. But this is definitely no Halo: Reach, which as far as I'm concerned remains to be the best Halo campaign by far for this generation.
Also, today I played a bit more SSF4, and even on my by standard XBOX360 controller which is not adept for fighting games at all, I'm still having a ton of fun with this game's silky smooth combat and overall addicting gameplay. While I haven't gone online with it at all yet, the fighting system feels completely balanced and the enemy AI is just challenging enough at medium difficulty to put up a fair fight when I'm using my standard controller, which only offers me up about 70% precision in terms of doing what the fuck I'm trying to input with my commands, while it screws me up the other 30% of the time and does a move that lands me in a bad spot against the opponent. Overall, though, I can easily see why this game got the praise that it has gotten from fans and critics. As someone who sucks at fighting games, this game honestly offers me up the most fun experience I've had with a fighting game in a long time, which I haven't felt for any fighting game since Soul Calibur II. Its really easy on newcomers and from what I can tell its perfectly balanced for hardcore gamers as its still played very competitively in the tournament scene. I also love how special moves work in this game. They are reasonable to pull off without any of them feeling overpowered (at least not the ones that I've tried or had used against me), they each have their own unique strategic and tactical uses, and they are so damn satisfying to pull off successfully. This is easily the best fighting game that I've tried this generation so far, but to be fair I haven't played that many and I do suck at a lot of them so I can't really appreciate a lot of the well-renowned ones that are a lot harder on newcomers (or at least me :P ).
I meant to comment on Halo 4's first level. It's a weak version of Halo's very first level. Just thinking about it makes me appreciate that level so much. It was perfect for what it was.
I really enjoyed the first level for Halo 1, with all the alternate corridors to find weapons (and sometimes a shortcut). That game had some fantastic level design.
Honestly though, I think Reach is the only one in the series with a last level I really liked. Though ODST's was fine enough.
I like the last level of Reach a lot, myself....except for on Legendary. Good god is that level a nightmare on Legendary; mind you I did both a co-op and a solo run through Legendary, but I'm referring to the solo run here. It throws wave after wave of the game's toughest enemies at you and almost always makes you feel like you're in a bad tactical position and have to work your way up to find a better position to fight from. That said, it does mostly still feel fair, since the game also gives you a ton of ammo for the best and most useful weapons, but that last fight had me suffer many deaths and retry it many times before I got it down (I'm referring to the fight with the Brutes). Technically the last fight is the one where you have to kill all of those high-class Elites to make it to the MAC gun, but that fight was nothing in comparison to the one with the Brutes. Those Brute chieftons are ruthless and I swear the AI for the Brutes in this last segment is way smarter than the AI for Brutes in regular levels. It may just be me, but those fuckers knew exactly where to hide and when to take cover when I had any sort of advantage over them.
As for HCE's first level, I really like it a lot too. I remember that Frank O'Connor said in an interview that he didn't much care for Halo 1's first level because it was mainly just a tutorial level and he considered Halo (the name of the game's 2nd level), to be the first proper level. While I agree that the game really got things going in terms of its big, open, and tactical environments with that level, I still enjoyed Halo's 1st level a lot. In many ways it feels unique to the rest of the series. It is mostly within the confines of tight corridors, but that doesn't make it strictly linear. A lot of times there are alternate interconnecting corridors, and if you know the game's level design well enough that gives you tons of opportunities to flank your enemies by taking alternate paths and winding up behind them where they are still unaware of your presence. Additionally you could find extra ammo, grenades, and power-ups if you looked into minor diverting halls within the level. Its also a very fast-paced level whereas most other Halo levels move a bit slower; albeit for a good reason thanks to the open level design and being encouraged to explore it and use it to your advantage, but it still gives the first level a nice touch that makes it stand-out from the rest of the game in a good way. Its also the perfect first level to the first Halo game as it makes sure to teach you all of the basics, but unlike how other games would handle tutorials, this one has you learn a lot of key skills that you'll need to apply throughout the game by actually encouraging you to apply it in some way or form throughout the level, either to make it through obstacles or to take out enemies. The only exception to that is in the very beginning where it just tutors you on how to use the dual-analogue sticks to control your aiming in the game, which was totally necessary since at the time this was the first FPS to ever utilize dual-analogue stick control, which to this day is use for every FPS game on consoles.
Halo 4's first level was just uninspired and bland, IMO. It did get to better stuff after that, but I find it funny how O'Connor criticized Halo 1's first level, yet 343 essentially made a pale imitation of it with Halo 4's first level.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on December 28, 2012, 10:27:10 PM
I really enjoyed the first level for Halo 1, with all the alternate corridors to find weapons (and sometimes a shortcut). That game had some fantastic level design.
Whoa, sounds better than even what I remember about it. I need to replay that game.
Halo's really the first shooter to use dual analog sticks?
No, PS1 shooters like Medal Of Honor (possibly the sequel) were the first since it was the first controller with two sticks.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on December 28, 2012, 11:33:28 PM
No, PS1 shooters like Medal Of Honor (possibly the sequel) were the first since it was the first controller with two sticks.
Those shooters used the 2nd stick in a completely different way, though. Just like with Goldeneye, you could use the 2nd stick to aim in a up or down rather than just being restricted to left or right, but you couldn't move while you were aiming with the 2nd stick (sort of like a Resident Evil game). Unless of course I'm remembering the original game wrong.
Halo was the first game to base its controls completely around dual analogue-control in the sense that the left stick was strictly for movement and the right stick was strictly for aiming, and you had to use both in tandem. It basically perfected that style of control for FPS games.
But didn't the original Timesplitters come out before Halo?
I'm not saying Halo didn't perfect console shooter controls, I just don't think it was the first that had them.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on December 29, 2012, 12:05:38 AM
But didn't the original Timesplitters come out before Halo?
I'm not saying Halo didn't perfect console shooter controls, I just don't think it was the first that had them.
Honestly, I haven't played the original TS, so I don't know what kind of control-scheme it used. I do know that TS2 did it a bit differently than the standard controls, however, by having your aim automatically recenter itself if you weren't constantly holding the right analogue stick in the direction that you were aiming at. It certainly took a bit of getting used to for me.
The PS2 port of Half-Life came out four days before Halo did, so I think that was actually the first game to have both analog sticks function like a keyboard/mouse do in 3D PC shooters.
I dunno, I recall playing twin stick shooters before Halo and wasn't too shocked when I got into Halo. It was just that Halo perfected them and every game after took closer after it.
Halo was the first game to have off-hand grenades, at least... wasn't it?
But it was also the first game to have a two-weapon limit. :unimpressed:
Quote from: Foggle on December 29, 2012, 12:40:17 AM
Halo was the first game to have off-hand grenades, at least... wasn't it?
Yes, this was one of the better improvements it brought.
QuoteBut it was also the first game to have a two-weapon limit. :unimpressed:
And probably the only game where it worked on a tactical level since it typically had ammo for every gun lying around. Games now tend to just give you two weapons and give you ammo for those two guns making it... pretty pointless and limiting.
Okay, so... Sticker Star is great. Why, exactly, don't people like this game?
The tepid reviews leave me befuddled.
Quote from: Kiddington on December 29, 2012, 12:49:00 AM
Okay, so... Sticker Star is great. Why, exactly, don't people like this game?
The tepid reviews leave me befuddled.
It's not the same as PM and TTYD, it's hard, and the story isn't as original.
I don't get the hate myself, actually, I really liked it.
Quote from: Foggle on December 29, 2012, 12:40:17 AMBut it was also the first game to have a two-weapon limit. :unimpressed:
I want to punch Halo for making Max Payne 3 not have the world's best weapon switching like the first two Paynes had.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on December 29, 2012, 12:51:52 AM
Quote from: Kiddington on December 29, 2012, 12:49:00 AM
Okay, so... Sticker Star is great. Why, exactly, don't people like this game?
The tepid reviews leave me befuddled.
It's not the same as PM and TTYD, it's hard, and the story isn't as original.
I don't get the hate myself, actually, I really liked it.
I know, I really like it too. I'm only about a 1/4 of the way in, though, so I guess that could be subject to change... but so far, it's been enjoyable.
The thing about Halo's 2 weapon limit is that it forced you to make strategic decisions as to which weapons you wanted to take with you. The powerful Rocket Launcher would be good for making quick work of vehicles or tough enemies like high-ranking Elites or Hunters (or clusters of Grunts or Jackals), but it had extremely limited ammo and if you were just going to go through a bunch of regular skirmishes for a while, it wasn't worth taking with you. Having a pistol at your side was pretty much mandatory on the higher difficulties if you could find one and keep ammo for it as it was the only mid-ranged precision weapon in the first Halo. Having a plasma pistol was excellent for taking down the shields of Elites, but was only really useful if you had a regular pistol or a sniper rifle by your side so that you could immediately kill those Elites with a head shot. Having a plasma rifle was much preferred for Elites as that weapon absolutely destroyed their shields if you smartly peppered them with shots while strafing in and out of cover, and it also took down their health quite quickly as well. However, those weapons had limited battery power and could not be reloaded with additional ammo (though if you were fighting the Covenant with covenant weapons, chances are you'd find plenty more of those weapons dropped from the enemies that you killed). When it came to the Flood, it was always best to have a shotgun as your side as its the universal anti-Flood weapon, and luckily there was always plenty of shotgun ammo lying around in Flood-heavy levels. Basically, the weapons you needed to use depended on the enemy encounters and various situations you found yourself in. So, the 2-weapon limit forced you to choose wisely on what weapons to bring along with you for the upcoming encounters. Of course, the great thing about Halo 1 was that it left many of the weapons of fallen enemies in place once you killed them, even after you left that room, which meant that if you really needed to you could usually back-track to a an earlier room to get a really useful weapon if you found that you could really benefit from it in a later area of the level in which it wasn't available to you.
Actually, now that I think about it, one problem with Halo 4 that I found which REALLY ticks me off is that some weapons dropped from dead enemies automatically de-spawn as soon as they hit the ground. It seems to happen at random and you can't count on attaining a weapon from an enemy you kill as part of your strategy, which really kills a lot of the tactical potential of the game and makes certain situations potentially a lot harder than they need to be on higher difficulty settings if things don't work out in your favor.
A lot of other games have since implemented that 2-weapon limit just because Halo did it, and Halo was popular. Most other games that do it don't seem to get WHY it works in Halo, and exactly HOW they should handle only allowing players to carry 2 (or some limited amount) of weapons at once. As Desensitized said, Halo games often have ammo for most weapons lying around if you explore the level for them, so no matter which 2 weapons you pick, you can still usually find ammo for it if you need it. There are some exceptions to the rule, but in those cases you'll usually find ammo for weapons that you are better off using in certain areas anyways. If you get really good at any particular Halo game, though, you'll know how to wisely conserve your ammo for weapons where it is rare to find ammo for them and they can only hold a limited amount of ammo in the first place. That can really make your life a lot easier when you tackle the harder difficulties on a solo play-through.
Yep, my favorite combo was the pistol and rocket launcher combo. Sometimes I would drop one momentarily for an assault rifle for close encounters, but I found it interesting deciding what to go with using. But most games use it wrong and just program it so there are only two specific weapons you can use to get through certain levels and kill any variety.
When I was playing on Legendary I barely had any use for the assault rifle. However that's when I learned just how overpowered the plasma rifle was if you knew how to use it properly. It became my main weapon for taking down Elites in HCE. The pistol was perfect for taking pot-shots to pick off Grunts and Jackals, which by themselves were no serious threat but in groups were extremely dangerous, especially when they were working with Elites. Thus, my main 2 weapons on Legendary to fight the Covenant were the pistol and the plasma rifle. I'd typically use the pistol to take out the Grunts and Jackals surrounding the Elites first, and then I'd move in closer with less fire trained on me, and take out the Elites with my plasma rifle. The pistol was also perfect to fight Hunters with as it would kill them in a single shot if you shot them in the back where they had no protective armor. Its extremely easy to get a Hunter to charge at you, side-step it, and then off it in a single shot. That strategy only works in Halo 1, though, as the plasma rifle's power was severely nerfed in the sequels, the pistol became useless until it could zoom in again in Halo 3: ODST, and Hunters could no longer be OHK'ed in any of the subsequent Halo games.
Around 2 this morning, my baby brother and me finally beat Rayman Origins. Over the last 2 or 3 days we went through most of the levels. I gave up on that saw blade and pipes part on the last level so he tried by himself for like a million times then he finally beat it. Then we went on to beat the final boss and then beat the mess out of each other during the credits.
This'll likely be the last game I beat this year. I had a lot of fun on Rayman Origins.
I started up DMC3 again and beat mission 13 today. The 2nd boss fight with Vergil was a tad harder than the first, mostly because it took me a couple of tries to realize that it was best not to try fighting him at all when he was in his Devil Trigger state, but also because I had to adjust to his new attack pattern since he was utilizing Beowulf. It became really easy on my 3rd try, though, since I got his pattern down perfectly and just kept my distance from him whenever he entered into his Devil Trigger state. The cutscene that followed teased a really awesome moment that could have happened with Dante and Vergil (and that other girl who nobody really cares about....) teaming up to fight Arkham, but then he just kicked everyone's ass and that moment was forever lost. :(
I also played more of Halo 4 today on Heroic difficulty. I beat the first 3 levels again, and while everything felt right in terms of the Covenant and them having great AI, when I got to the Promethean Knights, I was having a much harder time....except for the wrong reasons. I'll elaborate on what I'm about to say later, but I'm starting to think that while the concept of the abilities of this new enemy class sounds great on paper, it makes for fucking cheap bastards in execution. Seriously, being able to teleport from all of the way across a room to right behind you and then take you out with one melee attack or a scatter-shot is fucking ridiculous. I also hate how they can teleport JUST before you finish them off right when you have your gun lined up perfectly for the kill-shot. That is one of the most frustrating experiences I've had with this enemy type so far. These guys are clearly way too overpowered.
On the other hand, the Covenant are great, though, and these may be the smartest Elites that I've ever seen in a Halo game. I had one really memorable moment in which I took out a bunch of enemies in one room and all that was left was a single Elite....except he had a fuel-rod cannon which could potentially kill me in one-hit, or at least take out all of my shields just with splash damage. It then turned into an intense game of "try to flank the other guy" as the Elitie and myself basically moved all over the room trying to get the drop on one another. Seriously, this guy fucking knew what I was up to since he was always weary of not stepping too far out of a potential cover spot and always tried to aim at my feet for splash damage rather than aiming directly at me for easy to dodge attacks. He also almost completely caught me off-guard on a few occasions. Finally I managed to outsmart him by throwing a grenade in one direction to catch is attention. Then I activated my active camo, and slowly crouch-walked around and got myself positioned behind him, at which point I executed him with an assassination. GOD did that moment feel so damn satisfying and rewarding. Now just try and tell me ONE other modern FPS game (besides other Halo games), where an encounter like that is possible?
The last 3 games I beat last year are Gunstar Heroes, Rayman Origins and Doom II (Doom II just slipped into). Quite impressive if you ask me. ;D
Well, if Red Dead Redemption is teaching me anything it's 1) I am terrible at rescuing hostages and 2) I just need to stop helping people on the side of the road in general.
Valkyria Chronicles III. Didn't finish the 2nd one either and I have no clue what I'm reading but fuck if its not fun as fuck.
Also Nintendoland is hilarious with a group of people. Just not my sister, she gets way too loud while playing these games.
I played through missions 14 and 15 of DMC3 today. To be honest, they kind of felt like padding to me, what with the fact that there were no boss fights in them and they both consisted almost entirely of backtracking through previous areas. Its still fun to fight enemies and stuff, of course, but honestly missions like this are so obviously there just to extend the length of the game. While I'm not really a fan of that kind of design, I do have to admit that these 2 missions did come in handy for me to farm a decent amount of red orbs to upgrade my health and devil trigger gauge which I haven't increased either of in quite a while.
I also played some more of Halo 4 today. I got about half-way through the level Infinity, which is itself probably the longest level in the entire game. The Prometheans become a lot more manageable when you actually have your marines to keep them distracted. In this way, I also finally found a use for the auto sentry which is useless for providing you additional firepower but terrific for providing you with a temporary distraction to use against the enemy, as they'll seem to prioritize the sentry over you so it allows you a chance to sneak around cover and flank the enemy. Of course the AI is still pretty sharp so its not always this simple, but its a great way to give yourself some breathing room, at least on Heroic difficulty as I haven't tried this tactic on Legendary yet (though I hear that it works just as well on that difficulty as well).
I played Little Inferno recently, and let's just say there is nothing I can say that game that doesn't make me sound like a craze pyro maniac, so instead you get a GIF of what Little Inferno is like:
Pretty much this. You get money for burning things, which you spend to burn more things. I'm on the 5th catalogue after 90 minutes of play.
QuoteAlso, today I played a bit more SSF4, and even on my by standard XBOX360 controller which is not adept for fighting games at all, I'm still having a ton of fun with this game's silky smooth combat and overall addicting gameplay.
While the 360 controller is not adept for fighting games, it's still completely doable. C.Viper is an execution heavy character (it's been said that she's the highest execution in the game) because of her Super Jump Cancels and the ability to cancel her specials into another special (or Ultra). If you look up a guy named Wolfkrone (high level tourney player) uses the 360 controller to use her.
QuoteWhile I haven't gone online with it at all yet, the fighting system feels completely balanced and the enemy AI is just challenging enough at medium difficulty to put up a fair fight when I'm using my standard controller, which only offers me up about 70% precision in terms of doing what the fuck I'm trying to input with my commands, while it screws me up the other 30% of the time and does a move that lands me in a bad spot against the opponent.
I should probably lower the difficulty as well since fighting anybody with an dragon punch is terrible to fight on the harder difficulties. Personally, I only use CPU to try to land combos on a moving target though, or to practice setups.
QuoteIts really easy on newcomers and from what I can tell its perfectly balanced for hardcore gamers as its still played very competitively in the tournament scene.
Depends on what you mean by easy to newcomers, but that also begs the question have you attempted any of the trials for your character or did you jump right into playing arcade? Not only is it still played, it's still the main event at most, if not all tournaments (To all SSF4 haters out there, that says a lot).
QuoteI also love how special moves work in this game. They are reasonable to pull off without any of them feeling overpowered (at least not the ones that I've tried or had used against me)
I don't know if you'd feel the same way if you were to see the damage output of some combos utilizing some of those specials.
All this talk about Street Fighter 4, I need to start playing again.
Anyway, at the moment my attention's been on
Warrior's Orochi 3. I only got the game because I found out Ryu Hayabusa (he's a beast in this game) was in the game, and even when I unlocked him (before I unlocked him) I was already hooked onto this type of game again simply because I'm always looking for games that relieve's stress/anger. I know the Warriors franchise has a cult fanbase, and all. Hell, I'd probably be the first to say they need to stop making these games, but it is fun just to hack away at thousands of soldiers all day. If one thing people should know about me is that I'm a fan of anything samurai, and the 3 kingdoms, while not as interesting as samurai, but I do find it appealing. I am surprised that I haven't gotten my hands on this game earlier. One thing about the Dynasty Warrior games is that I was always afraid to fight Lu Bu. In this game, the Lu Bu for me is a character called Susano. Fast, don't feel pain, and hits heavy. I'm scared to fight that guy.
However, having talked about Super Street Fighter 4 quite a bit, I start playing again since it's been a while. Originally I call myself taking a break from the game so I can start/finish some of these games, but whatever. I'll probably end up buying it for the Xbox as well.
Quote from: Daxdiv on January 03, 2013, 06:45:59 PM
I played Little Inferno recently, and let's just say there is nothing I can say that game that doesn't make me sound like a craze pyro maniac, so instead you get a GIF of what Little Inferno is like:
Pretty much this. You get money for burning things, which you spend to burn more things. I'm on the 5th catalogue after 90 minutes of play.
You know, I wasn't much of a fan of World Of Goo (and I got it for free), but this seems to cement it for me that the games these guys make just isn't for me.
I played through missions 16 and 17 of DMC3 as well, last night. That boss fight with Lady was a joke. Oh well, at least I got a rocket launcher out of it, though I hardly use it that much.
Quote from: Grave on January 04, 2013, 12:37:15 AM
Depends on what you mean by easy to newcomers, but that also begs the question have you attempted any of the trials for your character or did you jump right into playing arcade? Not only is it still played, it's still the main event at most, if not all tournaments (To all SSF4 haters out there, that says a lot).
I have tried the trials for several characters. Specifically the regular types of characters (I just flat out can't do charge-based characters). For those types of characters, I can easily clear about the first 15 or so of their trials (which is about 3/4'ths for each), but the last few combos that I have to land can get really hard for me to pull off.
QuoteI don't know if you'd feel the same way if you were to see the damage output of some combos utilizing some of those specials.
I have seen some ridiculous damage output with specials and ultras in the various tournament gameplay videos that I have watched, but I've also seen that its not that easy to pull off those kinds of attacks on experienced players. In a battle between pros, you'll never see anyone just blindly trying to use up their special or ultra. Hell, a lot of pros I've seen tend to prefer using EX attacks than saving up all of their bars for supers. One example is Daigo Umehara, with a lot of his strategies involving heavy use of EX attacks. He also uses his ultra pretty effectively to finish off opponents as Ryu, but I realized that I rarely ever see him use a super attack.
QuoteAnyway, at the moment my attention's been on Warrior's Orochi 3. I only got the game because I found out Ryu Hayabusa (he's a beast in this game) was in the game, and even when I unlocked him (before I unlocked him) I was already hooked onto this type of game again simply because I'm always looking for games that relieve's stress/anger. I know the Warriors franchise has a cult fanbase, and all. Hell, I'd probably be the first to say they need to stop making these games, but it is fun just to hack away at thousands of soldiers all day. If one thing people should know about me is that I'm a fan of anything samurai, and the 3 kingdoms, while not as interesting as samurai, but I do find it appealing. I am surprised that I haven't gotten my hands on this game earlier. One thing about the Dynasty Warrior games is that I was always afraid to fight Lu Bu. In this game, the Lu Bu for me is a character called Susano. Fast, don't feel pain, and hits heavy. I'm scared to fight that guy.
At the very least this has to be a far better hack n' slash game than that piece of trash NG3 turned out to be, among the more mindless hack n' slash games in the genre.
QuoteI have tried the trials for several characters. Specifically the regular types of characters (I just flat out can't do charge-based characters). For those types of characters, I can easily clear about the first 15 or so of their trials (which is about 3/4'ths for each), but the last few combos that I have to land can get really hard for me to pull off.
I feel your pain. The highest I've gotten was anywhere between trials 20-22 with Ibuki and Guy (I think I got Cammy somewhere up there as well) and that's mainly because my execution is terrible when it comes to doing things like Shoryuken FADC Ultra, or fireball FADC Ultra. Basically I'm terrible when it comes to FADCing out of a special, but I am getting it though.
QuoteI have seen some ridiculous damage output with specials and ultras in the various tournament gameplay videos that I have watched, but I've also seen that its not that easy to pull off those kinds of attacks on experienced players. In a battle between pros, you'll never see anyone just blindly trying to use up their special or ultra. Hell, a lot of pros I've seen tend to prefer using EX attacks than saving up all of their bars for supers. One example is Daigo Umehara, with a lot of his strategies involving heavy use of EX attacks. He also uses his ultra pretty effectively to finish off opponents as Ryu, but I realized that I rarely ever see him use a super attack.
Glad to see I'm not the only one that enjoy watching footage between high level players. Not only do they use EX attacks, but they use those wisely as well. My problem is, while I don't try to save up for Super (although, if I were to pick Rose, you definitely want Super to finish in style) I don't use EX moves enough. I guess you can say this is another reason why I'm making the transition to stick. I have a hard to pushing 2 buttons together on pad (especially on default buttons). Sometimes I switch up my buttons, eliminating HP and HK for 3P and 3K, but then I run into other issues. I think it is rare to see Daigo use super, but I've seen it used mostly as a punish or part of a punish.
I should probably spend the same amount of time with UMvC3 since a lot of that stuff is too hype, and I'd like to be able to pull off some of these combos. Doom is almost the definition of style) (
That's funny. I've been using the 3P and 3K buttons to pull off my EX attacks and it has worked just fine for me so far. If anything, its only screwed me up a bit when I try to execute ultras and end up doing an EX attack instead, rather than the other way around. But on my XBOX360 controller, I have to use the 3P or 3K buttons to pull off my ultras since its way too imprecise to try and hit 2 of the face-buttons along with 1 of the shoulder-buttons at the same time in order to perform an ultra manually.
When I say other problems.. Hmm. I'll use Rose as an example. Cr. MK + MK Soul Spiral. Not hard to do but I can't do it consistently. So characters that has HP/HK + special (requiring the heavy version) give me even more problems since I can't push the L and R buttons consistently. I either push too fast or too slow.
I can see where that would be a problem. But, for me, I haven't encountered such a problem yet on any of the characters that I regularly use. I also haven't tried at least half of the characters in this game, yet, being that its such a huge roster.
QuoteWhile the 360 controller is not adept for fighting games, it's still completely doable. C.Viper is an execution heavy character (it's been said that she's the highest execution in the game) because of her Super Jump Cancels and the ability to cancel her specials into another special (or Ultra). If you look up a guy named Wolfkrone (high level tourney player) uses the 360 controller to use her.
I just noticed this bit.
I was under the impression that you could only cancel into supers. I thought you couldn't cancel into ultras, and you had to link into those instead. Is C. Viper just an exception to this rule, or have I been operating on completely false information about how to play the game this whole time?
Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on January 04, 2013, 09:04:02 PM
QuoteWhile the 360 controller is not adept for fighting games, it's still completely doable. C.Viper is an execution heavy character (it's been said that she's the highest execution in the game) because of her Super Jump Cancels and the ability to cancel her specials into another special (or Ultra). If you look up a guy named Wolfkrone (high level tourney player) uses the 360 controller to use her.
I just noticed this bit.
I was under the impression that you could only cancel into supers. I thought you couldn't cancel into ultras, and you had to link into those instead. Is C. Viper just an exception to this rule, or have I been operating on completely false information about how to play the game this whole time?
Nope, you are absolutely correct. Viper and Ibuki are exceptions to that rule because they can super jump
I'm an idiot.
I beat DMC3 on normal mode on my first full run through the game. Mission 18 was just shameless padding, but at least in this case you weren't forced to fight all of the bosses over again like how you were in DMC4 (though, I actually did fight all of them again, anyways). Arkham wasn't too bad of a boss once you figured out his obvious pattern, but the really cool part of that boss fight was being able to fight alongside Vergil during the second half of it, which is something that I wasn't expecting. Then came the final boss fight with Vergil which was A LOT harder than the first 2 times that I fought him. The first time was so easy that it was almost a joke. The 2nd time was a bit trickier since he had more tricks up his sleeve and could use Devil Trigger, but it was pretty easy after a few tries. The 3rd time had him utilize everything he had done before, except his attacks were more powerful than before and his combos were longer and trickier to get down as well. Even using the trickster style didn't guarentee that I would dodge his attacks since he could be a bit unpredictable and immediately link into another combo. Still, the fight was fair and eventually I got down the best ways to avoid all of his patterns. I also saved my Devil Trigger for whenever he entered into his Devil Trigger state, so that way I could still combat him on even ground as long as I knocked him out of Devil Trigger mode before I ran out of it myself. It was a great final boss fight and easily one of the most challenging ones in the game.
Thus marks the completion of my first run through DMC3, but the thing I love about this game is that completing it once only just feels like the beginning, much like how beating NGB on normal and beating the game are 2 completely different beasts altogether. In this case, I have the higher difficulties to tackle as Dante plus I can play through the entire game as Vergil on top of that. Believe it or not, though, I'm not going to go straight into replaying the game as Vergil. First I want to tackle hard mode as Dante and continue to upgrade the rest of his arsenal of weapons. On my first run through, my focus was on beating the game, so naturally I played it safe and stuck to the 2 main weapons I was most comfortable with, Rebellion and Agni & Rudra. But now that I'm entering subsequent playthroughs I have the ability to switch things up and be more experimental with my weapon combos. In this case I just want to have fun with the game's combat and don't mind dying a bunch of times until I get better at the game and can really master it.
So, I replayed a bit of DMC3 on Hard mode. Honestly, the jump in difficulty seems barely noticeable from normal, at least so far. To be fair, DMC allows you to take all of the upgrades that you've earned through your previous playthroughs into the higher difficulty settings, so I'm sure it'd seem a bit harder if you had to tackle the difficulty with all of your base stats right from the beginning (which is in fact what the original North American version of DMC3 was set to), but even so, I didn't find it any harder to evade enemy attacks or to take down any of the enemies in general. In fact, I got through the first 2 missions without taking a single hit. That said, I'm sure later parts of the game will get harder and even if they don't its still fun enough to experiment with all manner of combos and try to upgrade the rest of my weapons. I'm also sure that the higher difficulties beyond this one will offer me up plenty of challenge as well. As it stands I managed to max out my upgrades for Cerberus, making it so that I've fully upgraded a total of 3 of my 5 weapons (Rebellion, Cerberus, and Agni & Rudra). I'm half-way done upgrading Beowulf, but I'll just upgrade its Rising Dragon and then move onto maxing out all of Nevan's upgrades since I'll save Beowulf's Air Hike for last, being that I already have 2 other weapons with that ability unlocked, and I only ever need to have one of them equipped at a time.
I also played a bit more of Halo 4 today. I ended up getting through most of Reclaimer on Heroic. That last fight I went through in which I had to go through the trenches and then make my way into that forerunner base was hell, though. There were a ton of enemies, namely those annoying as fuck jackal snipers. Thankfully unlike in Halo 2 and 3 they can't OHK you in this game (I hear that this is true even on Legendary in this game, which is great), but they are still a pain to fight, nonetheless. I managed to pick off every single one of them with my own sniper rifle, and then I ended up having to take out a few regular jackals, a shit-ton of grunts, and way too many crawlers. There were also 3 Knights that I had to kill, though they weren't too bad in this case as I managed to finish off all of them with my remaining sniper rifle ammo. I swear, though, while I only died once on that section, it was a really frustrating death. I had to be so cautious during that battle and I ended up spending well over 10 minutes picking off every enemy. I got close to the end on my first try, and then I died thanks to some stray grenade lobbed by some stupid-ass grunt that was right next to me. I was so pissed when I realized how far back my last check-point was. I had to redo almost all of the battle again, and then I finally managed to make it through the entire battle in one piece with just a few close calls. The thing is, I know that there are ways to use the level to your advantage to skip battles like that, but I'm kind of OCD about taking out all of the enemies in a fight in any Halo game (if its feasible), and in this case I wouldn't feel right completely skipping out on the fight, so I stuck with it and it at least feels really rewarding to have gotten through it all. The rest of the level should be a cakewalk from here, though the next level will certainly be a nuisance as well. The funny thing about that level, though, is that if I really wanted to I could finish it in just over 5 minutes thanks to a huge skip found by a well-known Halo speed-runner. But, then there's that thing about me and finishing an entire level properly, so it won't happen on this run through, but eventually I'll come back to the level to try out the skip for myself.
I started my playthrough of Ultra-Violence in Doom 2 after beating the last level Episode 3 in Doom 1 in like 30 seconds...and then Spider Mastermind got his revenge after I straight up mollywhooped his ass in Doom 1 by showing up in a basement of a level in Doom 2 out of nowhere. :shit: I believe that's the only time he has ever killed me.
Also, got to Doom 1 episode 3's secret level that I had to look online to find yesterday. Helluva surprise when I got to the exit after being irritated for an obvious reason.
I finally got my fightpad in the mail today! ;D
I actually haven't played through any of SSF4 with it, though, aside from trying it out in training mode. It offers me up plenty of precision on my special moves, but while it takes some getting used to in order for me to adjust to the new button layout, I think that in the long run it'll prove to be really useful to have all of my LMH punch and kick buttons featured as face buttons rather than having HP and HK designated to shoulder buttons (however 3P and 3K are still designated as shoulder buttons, which is really fine, though). This controller is also somewhat reminiscent of the 6-button Genesis controller, which is definitely a good thing since, as I've stated before, that's my favorite controller for 2D games.
I also think that this controller will be good to use for all of my 2D gaming on the XBOX360, in general, so I'm pretty happy about that. What it has really helped me improve my gameplay in, though, is Garou: Mark of the Wolves, in which I had way too hard of a time pulling off any special moves with the XBOX360 d-pad (and my analogue stick had a sensitivity problem with that game in which if I used it, characters would inexplicably start moving to the left without me putting in any input whatsoever). I was finally able to get past the 3rd stage of the game without having to reduce the difficulty, which is saying a lot, and now I can work on finally playing through all of arcade mode without having to resort to the game's easy mode. For now, though, I'll probably go back to playing SSF4 and try to improve my gameplay quality as much as possible with this new controller.
If you're still playing old games on the PC, I recommend using it there too. The d-pad makes a world of difference.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on January 07, 2013, 05:44:30 PM
If you're still playing old games on the PC, I recommend using it there too. The d-pad makes a world of difference.
Yeah, I just tried it out earlier today! I was able to play Super Castlevania IV, Super Metroid, and Sparkster perfectly with it. Now I finally have an optimal way to play 2D games on my PC, which is especially handy for the types of games that I listed which utilize 8-directional attacks. And in Sparkster's case the shoulder buttons really come in handy.
Did I ever tell you guys that, some months back, I actually took apart the cases to my Pokemon Gold/Silver carts and replaced the battery inside (pretty sure I did, but maybe not)? Well, here we are, all that time later... and it still holds a save. Just like new. :swoon: yeah, today marks my official re-start of Pokemon Gold, now that I'm sure I'm not wasting my time with a save file that'll delete itself the next morning. Man, I've missed these games. Still my favorite Pokemon titles.
Still taking a break from SSF4: AE and UMvC3, and now Warrior's Orochi 3, I decided to start playing Ninja Gaiden 2 and Halo: Reach once again. Gotta get used to the controls for Ninja Gaiden. While I haven't died yet, I am expecting to on chapter 2. Reach on the other hand I've come close to dying twice. It's been almost a year since I've last played both games.
I'm also getting ready to start playing the Gears of War series. I've only beaten GoW2. So I can finally look forward to that as well. While I'm at it I might finally start playing Uncharted 2 as well. So many games to get to.
I finally got into playing Super Metroid (Metroid 3) today. Now that I finally have a pad to play on, the game is actually fun and controls smoothly. I haven't gotten that far yet, but I did acquire the morph ball, bomb, and rocket power-ups, so now I have quite a few more areas opened up for me to explore.
Having a pad in general will come in handy for pretty much all of the SNES games that I plan to play via an emulator.
I've also been playing a bit more of SSF4 lately. Slowly, but surely, I'm starting to get used to the pad and my gameplay is definitely improving for it. Its no substitute for an arcade stick, obviously, but its more than serviceable enough for me who enjoys playing fighting games casually but still wants to have a reliable controller option to pull off special moves with decent precision.
Quote from: Grave on January 08, 2013, 01:44:03 PM
Still taking a break from SSF4: AE and UMvC3, and now Warrior's Orochi 3, I decided to start playing Ninja Gaiden 2 and Halo: Reach once again. Gotta get used to the controls for Ninja Gaiden. While I haven't died yet, I am expecting to on chapter 2. Reach on the other hand I've come close to dying twice. It's been almost a year since I've last played both games.
Its been a while since I've played an NG game as well. With NG2, I could imagine that I'll have some trouble playing it now as well, given that I've spent all of this time adjusting and getting used to DMC's style of control (specifically the DMC3/4 control format), so re-adjusting back to NG could take some getting used to.
As for Halo: Reach, though, I play FPS games consistently enough to the point where I feel right at home whenever I pick up any Halo game, given that most console FPS games in general use the same general control style as Halo, granted that a lot of them have iron-sight aiming and have a different button for grenades a la Call of Duty, but the general gist of the core mechanics is pretty much the same. That, and since I've been playing Halo 4 quite a bit, anyways, my hands are still fine-tuned to the mechanics of a Halo game.
QuoteI'm also getting ready to start playing the Gears of War series. I've only beaten GoW2. So I can finally look forward to that as well. While I'm at it I might finally start playing Uncharted 2 as well. So many games to get to.
To be honest, GoW2 is honestly my least favorite of the GoW games. It had some parts that for whatever reason frustrated the hell out of me, and it felt like the most heavily scripted out of all of the GoW games to me. Its still OK (really, the entire series is OK, as I consider all of the games to be genuinely good for what they are, but not really great by my standards). I think I'm more partial to Gears of War 1 because admittedly it had the "wow" factor at the time it came out, which was early on in the XBOX360's lifespan when there weren't a lot of high profile games out for the system. However I suppose GoW3 is the most refined and technically the best game in the series, but either way I feel like the series has played it way too safe in terms of the campaign mode and hardly changed anything worthwhile over the span of the trilogy. I'm sure people could tell me how much the multiplayer differs between the 3 games, but to be honest I downright hate the multiplayer in GoW. Its just flat-out not what I like in a multiplayer shooter, not that I'm really even much of a fan of online multiplayer to begin with (as I've said, Halo is among the few multiplayer games that I've managed to get into, personally).
Aaaaand just ordered that Golden Nunchuck with my Nintendo points. :joy: Went there the very minute Nintendo put up their Facebook status about it.
Quote from: Ensatsu-KenTo be honest, GoW2 is honestly my least favorite of the GoW games. It had some parts that for whatever reason frustrated the hell out of me, and it felt like the most heavily scripted out of all of the GoW games to me. Its still OK (really, the entire series is OK, as I consider all of the games to be genuinely good for what they are, but not really great by my standards). I think I'm more partial to Gears of War 1 because admittedly it had the "wow" factor at the time it came out, which was early on in the XBOX360's lifespan when there weren't a lot of high profile games out for the system. However I suppose GoW3 is the most refined and technically the best game in the series, but either way I feel like the series has played it way too safe in terms of the campaign mode and hardly changed anything worthwhile over the span of the trilogy.
I suppose that's what happens when you play games for a challenge, maybe? For me, I don't know, I know how to keep myself entertained while playing games. I find little perks in some games that I get a kick out of, and in Gears 2 it just so happen to be in an area where you can snipe a bunch of folks and Marcus is counting off. Little perks like that entertain me (not to mention stomping on faces is so good for anger). I don't know what you look for in games or your standards, but when it comes to shooters I don't really look for much, especially in the campaign. Just give me something enjoyable and I'm satisfied.
Forgot to mention, I have Max Payne 3 on the way. For the most part I'm not a fan of Rockstar games (For some reason I just don't like that company). But I was kinda talked into getting it (Not to mention those little perks).
Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on January 08, 2013, 02:00:16 PM
I finally got into playing Super Metroid (Metroid 3) today. Now that I finally have a pad to play on, the game is actually fun and controls smoothly. I haven't gotten that far yet, but I did acquire the morph ball, bomb, and rocket power-ups, so now I have quite a few more areas opened up for me to explore.
Having a pad in general will come in handy for pretty much all of the SNES games that I plan to play via an emulator.
Looks like you've gotten around to one of my all time favorites. Since the comparison can't help but be made, I'll just say that I like Super Metroid a lot more than Symphony of the Night. In fact, just last year I replayed the entire game in a single day, which is not a common thing for me to be able to do. :P
I'm taking a break from Halo 4, which I got through the first 5 levels of (which is more than half of the game) on Heroic difficulty. Its just not as compelling for me to replay this game on the harder difficulties as Halo: Reach was, to be honest.
Right now, I'm juggling 3 games, which are Devil May Cry 3, Super Street Fighter IV, and Super Metroid. Normally I'd never juggle more than 2 games at once, but I can make an exception for fighting games since I only ever pop them in for short intervals to get a quick fix and practice with the mechanics a little bit. I'll be spending longer intervals of time playing DMC3 and SM, though I figure that SM won't be too long of a game so I'll likely finish that long before I'm done with DMC3, which I at the very least plan to play until I beat DMD mode with Dante, and at least beat Normal mode once with Vergil. I'd probably go for 100% completion on the whole game if it weren't for the fact that, starting from next week on, college will be getting in the way of my game time once again.
Oh, BTW, I did try out Turbo mode, and it was quite fun. That said, I don't plan on using Turbo mode for the harder difficulties, as I feel that I'll need things down to normal speed in order for me to be able to focus on the combat and having the game move that much faster will most likely mess with my precision in pulling off the combos that I want to when I also have to make sure that I keep track of all of the enemies in a given room and have to make sure I'm adept at evading their attacks. Well, that's for Dante, at least. I'll probably have fun using Turbo mode with Vergil, in which I probably won't get as serious in trying to pull off stylish combos with him, and I'd have no problems using Turbo mode in Bloody Palace which I'd just play every now and then for a quick fix and just to have fun, as I'm not nearly serious enough to try and make it through all 10,000 floors of that mode.
Quote from: Grave on January 08, 2013, 02:40:50 PM
I suppose that's what happens when you play games for a challenge, maybe? For me, I don't know, I know how to keep myself entertained while playing games. I find little perks in some games that I get a kick out of, and in Gears 2 it just so happen to be in an area where you can snipe a bunch of folks and Marcus is counting off. Little perks like that entertain me (not to mention stomping on faces is so good for anger). I don't know what you look for in games or your standards, but when it comes to shooters I don't really look for much, especially in the campaign. Just give me something enjoyable and I'm satisfied.
Well, I do like a challenge, but in Gears of War's case it wasn't that it wasn't challenging when I played it on Hardcore and Insane. It was that it was challenging in a frustrating way for me since it forced me to play it really save and only stick to one strategy, which was sniping enemies with precision weapons. I like it when shooters give you a lot more combat options and actually allow you to utilize them, and I like to use strategy in terms of being tactical with how I move through the environment. I'm not saying that I don't have fun with Gears of War, but its just not a game that really holds too much replay value for me.
QuoteForgot to mention, I have Max Payne 3 on the way. For the most part I'm not a fan of Rockstar games (For some reason I just don't like that company). But I was kinda talked into getting it (Not to mention those little perks).
I'm not much of a fan of Rockstar, myself, but I am a huge fan of the Max Payne games....yet for whatever reason I still haven't gotten around to Max Payne 3, despite the fact that its been out for over half a year. Maybe its because this game seems to bear little resemblance to the first 2 games, but either way I'll still be giving it a try eventually.
God of War 2 and the PSP games are the only GoWs I like. Their combat is faster and more fluid than 1 and 3 IMO. Oh, you were talking about Gears of War. :drool:
Rockstar is pretty cool usually. Max Payne 3 has quite a few problems, but it's still a great game. Not as good as 1 or 2, though.
I should clarify that I have no problem with Rockstar itself as a game development company. I'm just not really a fan of sandbox type games is all. I'm sure that Rockstar games are among the best in that genre of gaming, but its just that the genre itself doesn't really interest me, personally.
So, I've finally gotten around to practicing with charge characters in SSF4 today. While there's no d-pad on the planet that can do these characters justice (you flat-out need an arcade stick to play with these characters competitively), the one I have will suffice enough for for the game's default difficulty against the CPU in the arcade mode. That said, when I was practicing with a few of these characters, I was able to pull off their supers and ultras just fine (granted that I will always get 1 or 2 of my attempts botched every now and then). The problem I encountered was with Chun-Li. Her super and ultra have the same directional input, as they do with most characters, with the only difference being that you press any single kick button to activate her super and all 3 kick buttons together to activate her ultra (once again, this is how it works for pretty much every character in the game). However, for whatever reason, even when I press the 3K button, she just proceeds to perform her super. I'm not sure what exactly I'm doing wrong, but I don't think my timing is off (I mean, when it executes the move that means I had everything executed right), but she just seems to stubbornly stick to her super no matter how many kick buttons I input at once. I'm guessing that I either can't use the 3K button and have to manually press all 3 kick buttons (which I flat-out can't do without botching the attack or completely screwing up the timing for its execution) or there's something else for the timing required to activate the ultra that I'm completely missing here. Either way, I can't seem to execute it specifically for Chun-Li, for whatever the reason may be, while I've been able to do with with the other charge characters that I've tried so far.
Its not too big a deal, though, since aside from completing the game with every character on arcade mode, I don't plan on using any charge characters whenever I finally get the opportunity to play the game online. My d-pad is fine for any of the regular characters, so those are the ones that I'm sticking with for competition against other players.
I played a bit more of Super Metroid today. I defeated the plant boss, which so far has been my 2nd boss fight in the game. I died to it once but then easily defeated on my second try once I figured out that it couldn't touch you if you stayed on the ground in the morph ball state, and then all I had to do was dodge those little particles that floated downward and could damage me, which was pretty easy to do. Then, whenever the boss opened its core, I just took a pot-shot at it with one of my missiles and then I rinsed and repeated the whole process until it was dead. After defeating it a new path opened up which lead me to the super missile power-up. Then I made my way back into the room I was previously in before the boss fight and also ended up finding the charge shot power-up at the very bottom of the area.
Oh, and I also found the map room a while before even getting to that area, so now I have a general layout of the Brinstar which shows me that I have a lot more of the area to explore (and that's not even including all of the areas still hidden from the general map. I have to say, this is definitely shaping up to a be a much longer than average game by Super Nintendo standards, where most games back in the day lasted under 2 hours in a single run-through, if you didn't count having multiple deaths and having to retry over and over again. That said, I've heard that its still a fairly short game overall by the standards of this genre, with Castlevania: SOTN being a much longer experience. Well, that game took me roughly 15 hours to beat (if you include the inverted castle and the fact that I explored at least 190% of the areas in the game), so I'm assuming that this game could possibly take me anywhere from 5-8 hours on my first run through, given that I take my time with these sorts of games and get stuck at quite a few areas regularly.
Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on January 09, 2013, 06:29:06 PM
So, I've finally gotten around to practicing with charge characters in SSF4 today. While there's no d-pad on the planet that can do these characters justice (you flat-out need an arcade stick to play with these characters competitively), the one I have will suffice enough for for the game's default difficulty against the CPU in the arcade mode. That said, when I was practicing with a few of these characters, I was able to pull off their supers and ultras just fine (granted that I will always get 1 or 2 of my attempts botched every now and then). The problem I encountered was with Chun-Li. Her super and ultra have the same directional input, as they do with most characters, with the only difference being that you press any single kick button to activate her super and all 3 kick buttons together to activate her ultra (once again, this is how it works for pretty much every character in the game). However, for whatever reason, even when I press the 3K button, she just proceeds to perform her super. I'm not sure what exactly I'm doing wrong, but I don't think my timing is off (I mean, when it executes the move that means I had everything executed right), but she just seems to stubbornly stick to her super no matter how many kick buttons I input at once. I'm guessing that I either can't use the 3K button and have to manually press all 3 kick buttons (which I flat-out can't do without botching the attack or completely screwing up the timing for its execution) or there's something else for the timing required to activate the ultra that I'm completely missing here. Either way, I can't seem to execute it specifically for Chun-Li, for whatever the reason may be, while I've been able to do with with the other charge characters that I've tried so far.
Its not too big a deal, though, since aside from completing the game with every character on arcade mode, I don't plan on using any charge characters whenever I finally get the opportunity to play the game online. My d-pad is fine for any of the regular characters, so those are the ones that I'm sticking with for competition against other players.
Hmm, pick Guile or Balrog and try their ultra's. If you still get super, it might be because supers have priority over ultras.
I went back to playing
Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3. Mainly spent about 45 minutes in Trial and Training mode. Freestyle for the most part, but mainly tried to Bold Cancel with Dante on pad, and for the most part I got it, but not consistently. I understand the concept a lot better now, but for the time being I think I'll definitely be making the switch to stick, especially when it comes to wave dashing backwards.
Quote from: Grave on January 10, 2013, 01:31:59 AM
Hmm, pick Guile or Balrog and try their ultra's. If you still get super, it might be because supers have priority over ultras.
That's the thing, though. I did try Guile's ultra and it worked just fine for me. Same for other charge characters like Vega and M. Bison. Its only Chun-Li that hasn't worked for me so far, as she'll just default to her super over her ultra no matter what command I input. Mind you, I've only been doing this in training mode with the AI set to default (which basically means that it offers up no resistance at all). Maybe if I try it in arcade mode I'll have some more luck, but if I can barely manage to pull of charge attacks against no resistance in training mode, I highly doubt I'll do any better against opponents that actually fight back.
Anyways, I haven't tried Balrog out yet, and there are other charge characters that I still need to try, so I'll try them all out to see if I can at least pull off all of their ultras or if there are other characters besides Chun-Li that I'd have trouble with.
Change the super meter to something other than infinite.
So this is your first time playing Super Metroid?
Went from playing UMvC3 back to playing SSF4:AE. Finally figured out who my main character's going to be. Ibuki with Cammy being the secondary. I'll be using Guy as well (perhaps even more than Ibuki since I still want to have fun with the game). Whether I stick with this group of characters remains to be seen, but doubtful since, while I can't play Gouken, every time I see someone use him at a high level I want to learn that stuff. And then Oni is a fun character as well, but I plan to stay away from the shoto's since I prefer to play rushdown characters.
Like I said, chose Ibuki because, well, look at this ( Ignore the first match. Latif has the best Viper. Not to mention she looks fun.
Guy, like I said, I'm still looking to have fun with the game, and besides I've always favored Guy over almost everyone ever since SFA.
Cammy because she's the shoto killer, and my brother-in-law chooses all shoto's and is pretty good with the main 3 (Ryu, Ken, Akuma).
All 3 characters requires pretty high execution so I got my work cut out for me.
Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on January 10, 2013, 01:30:45 PM
Quote from: gunswordfist on January 10, 2013, 08:58:47 AM
So this is your first time playing Super Metroid?
I remember when my friend was playing Super Metroid when we were kids and he offered me and my brother a turn to play and I was like, "NO." because he was fighting some intimidating-looking boss. I think it was the last boss (IDK) and the only other thing I remember is how badass it was.
Erm, anyway, I didn't play the game until I got it on some computer years later, I downloaded it a few times after that...and I still haven't beat the game. I will say that I do like it more than SOTN.
One of the issues I always had with SotN is how slow Alucard feels. The castle is so massive, but he feels so slow. I mean, the most convenient form of travel is turning him around and just repeatedly backsliding, as it's slightly faster than walking though a little awkward. Definitely more awkward than the speedy roll in Zelda games. :P
In comparison to that, Samus moves like a rocket. And I guess the level design is just more interesting in Super Metroid. Plus, the simplicity just works... Not to mention there's actually a certain level of challenge in Super Metroid. Even in the second castle, SotN dropped the ball in that category, especially as a Castlevania game.
Well you can run with the Wolf.
That and you can use the gravity boots to climb your way up the castle (or down for the inverted castle) really quickly if you don't want to go the slow route and fly all the way up in your bat form. Also the game has 5 warp rooms that so you won't ever have to backtrack throughout the whole castle just to get from one point to the other.
Really, the speed of travel in SOTN was hardly an issue for me. Its not like it took THAT long to move throughout the castle.
Changing into the wolf to constantly be running would've been just as tedious, especially cause it's base speed is really slow and it takes a while for it to pick up speed, and the amount of obstacles in the game could get in the way..... On the other hand, I actually kind of forget the gravity shoes. But I'll trust you on that point, E-K. Still I'd stand by my other reasons for preferring Super Metroid I wrote in that post.
It doesn't take that long to activate the speed, and if you're good you know the layout of the rooms you can jump over most obstacles and still maintain your speed. Either way, I find your complaint about Alucard being too low to be more nitpicky than a real problem with the game itself, personally.
Super Metroid is great. The wall jump is a little finicky, but just about everything in Super Metroid is great.
Taking a break from RDR to replay Chrono Trigger for the first time since the DS version came out. It's much better without the hype and knowing what you're getting into. And I forgot that Chrono Trigger does something I love and appreciate: it friggin' tells you when the sidequests appear, and basically what they are, so you aren't wandering around wondering if you're missing anything. Gaspar, you loveable old bastard.
Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on January 10, 2013, 06:47:40 PM
It doesn't take that long to activate the speed, and if you're good you know the layout of the rooms you can jump over most obstacles and still maintain your speed. Either way, I find your complaint about Alucard being too low to be more nitpicky than a real problem with the game itself, personally.
Perhaps, but the more important parts of my argument were the level design, challenge, and overall simplicity that really works. The speed part was a minor complaint that I talked more about than I needed to. :humhumhum:
Quote from: Nel_Annette on January 10, 2013, 09:30:14 PM
Taking a break from RDR to replay Chrono Trigger for the first time since the DS version came out. It's much better without the hype and knowing what you're getting into. And I forgot that Chrono Trigger does something I love and appreciate: it friggin' tells you when the sidequests appear, and basically what they are, so you aren't wandering around wondering if you're missing anything. Gaspar, you loveable old bastard.
I'm not totally sure what you mean here. However, I first played CT knowing of the hype and then finding it to be at least as good as people said. :P
My first time playing CT was the DS version, and after growing up on a generation of RPGs that exceeded 60+ hours, I beat CT in about 14 hours and just found the plot very short. It was just kind of a "that's it?" moment. But replaying it now, and knowing how the plot goes, it feels much more epic now that I know what the biggest plot points are and how the story goes. It's a bit hard to explain.
That may be why Chrono Trigger is the closest that I've ever come to finishing an RPG (I literally made it to just before the final boss fight). I actually enjoyed doing the side-quests in this game, and what I liked about the main story is that it didn't feel like it was filled with needless padding that plague most other RPGs (IMO). Sure, a lot of other JRPGs last 60+ hours, but a lot of that time comes from padding and filler that drag the experience down for me, and a lot of that comes in the form of grinding which I hate. With CT I never felt the need to grind, I loved that there were no random battles in the game, and in general it felt to be just the right length for me (I take my time with games, and this one took me about 20 hours). One day I may go back to it to finish off the final fight with Lavos, but overall this is probably the only JRPG I ever really liked (along with the half of FFXI that I played), and one of the few RPGs that I really enjoyed to begin with. Its still not something I'd consider a favorite, but I can definitely see why its so well-loved.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on January 10, 2013, 07:40:08 PM
Super Metroid is great. The wall jump is a little finicky, but just about everything in Super Metroid is great.
Yeah, the wall jump is my only complaint.
Quote from: Nel_Annette on January 10, 2013, 09:30:14 PM
Taking a break from RDR to replay Chrono Trigger for the first time since the DS version came out. It's much better without the hype and knowing what you're getting into. And I forgot that Chrono Trigger does something I love and appreciate: it friggin' tells you when the sidequests appear, and basically what they are, so you aren't wandering around wondering if you're missing anything. Gaspar, you loveable old bastard.
Whoa, that's a neat feature. I am a sucker for finding hidden quests but I wouldn't mind a bit of that.
I started to really play Sleeping Days yesterday, I believe.
I finally managed to get through all of arcade mode in Garou: Mark of the Wolves, WITHOUT having to reduce the difficulty. That said, I still only ended it by having the boss fight with Grant, as my score wasn't nearly high enough to unlock the boss fight with Kain after that and to get my character's ending. And of course I still suck a ton at this game as just getting up to Grant had me seeing the continue screen many times over as I had to learn how to properly fight against each character that I faced. Freeman was the most annoying as I swear that he kept pulling out those stupid-ass claw moves out of nowhere. Oddly enough, I beat Grant on my first try with 2 KO's in a row. I actually realized that its not a wise choice to try and doll out special attacks on the computer unless you can pull them off extremely fast and have reliable responsiveness to your input, otherwise its just an invitation to get your ass whooped as punishment for botching an attack. Stringing together simple combos of normal punches and kicks was much more effective against all CPU enemies in general in this game.
Believe it or not, while I still suck at this game despite having improved a lot from how much I initially sucked at it, I owe most of that improvement to Street Fighter, since this game shares really similar core mechanics with that game in terms of pulling off special moves and its TOP moves are basically this game's equivalent of Street Fighter's Supers. The thing is I feel that SSF4 did a good job of making this sort of combat more understandable to me, so when I went back and applied some of the same concepts to GMOW, my gameplay actually got better for it. That's not to say that this is the same sort of game, as I'm sure at a higher and more competent level of play the vast differences between this and Street Fighter can be seen, but all I'm saying is that on a very basic level this game shares a lot of the same core mechanics as Street Fighter games.
Also I can now say that Desensitized was wrong in this write-up for this game in our Top 100 Greatest Video Games list. It is not accessible to newcomers at all....assuming you want to at least be able to play this game competently enough to not be completely embarrassed by even the standard CPU. This game will beat you into the ground until you can learn how to play it properly, and its still whooping my ass a whole 3 months after I first got it (granted that I haven't been playing it at regular intervals). Of course, I have no problem with that, as I love a good challenge, but I'm just saying that the fact of the matter is that this game is in fact one of those games that will kick any newcomer's ass until they learn how to play it the hard way, through commitment and practice. Overall, though, I'm really enjoying the game for that very reason. If it was too easy, I'd have gotten bored of it already due to its admittedly limited roster of characters and lack of extra content (and the fact that I have no human opponents to play it against).
Quote from: Ensatsu-KenBelieve it or not, while I still suck at this game despite having improved a lot from how much I initially sucked at it, I owe most of that improvement to Street Fighter, since this game shares really similar core mechanics with that game in terms of pulling off special moves and its TOP moves are basically this game's equivalent of Street Fighter's Supers.
At it's core most, if not, all 2D fighters core mechanics came from Street Fighter 2 (pretty sure you knew that. Thought I'd just point that out anyway).
QuoteAlso I can now say that Desensitized was wrong in this write-up for this game in our Top 100 Greatest Video Games list. It is not accessible to newcomers at all....assuming you want to at least be able to play this game competently enough to not be completely embarrassed by even the standard CPU.
Perhaps I should actually read this stuff instead of look at the pictures :).
I said it was accessible in learning the controls. If you thought I meant the CPU was accessible then yeah, I was lying.
It's an SNK game, the CPU wants you to cry.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on January 13, 2013, 12:34:41 PM
I said it was accessible in learning the controls. If you thought I meant the CPU was accessible then yeah, I was lying.
It's an SNK game, the CPU wants you to cry.
Heh, Yeah, compared to this the CPU in SSF4 is a joke....well, actually I can't really say that as I have yet to turn up the diffiulty on the CPU in that game. However, I don't think I want to in fear that the CPU will then becomes cheap (like Seth), rather than more challenging in a fair way. I'll probably at least bump that game's difficulty up to hard mode eventually, though.
I actually like the difficulty in GMOW. For the most part it feels fair (only Freeman ever feels cheap to me, but I'm sure that's also because I just suck at reading his attacks), and it makes it interesting to keep playing as its very rewarding to get better at the game. I only hate tough CPU when it is downright unfair and takes advantage of the fact that its computer-controlled by having the enemies have insanely fast reflexes that aren't humanly possible just to artificially increase the difficulty. Dead or Alive 4 abused this type of cheap AI and its one of the things that really stopped me from enjoying that game at all.
So, I decided to make room for trying to install the Halo 4 multiplayer components and finally give that element of the game a shot. I deleted 2 Max Payne and Resident Evil 4 (which I can always re-download at any time, and I still kept the save data that I had for each), as I thought that I needed at least 8 GB of free space to install the game. Well, as it turns out, wherever I read that was lying to me as it only takes up 3.5 GB of space altogether (though its still ridiculous that it needs to be installed to your hard drive just so that you can play it at all). So, I really deleted RE4 for nothing, but like I said, I can re-install it for free at any time I see fit. Here's what happened, though. I finished installing all of that Halo 4 multiplayer content from disc 2 and it then prompted me to re-insert disc 1 so that I could access that content. When I popped in disc 1, I was prompted to install an update to my game, which I was expecting given that this is the first time that I was going online with the game, and its completely normal for XBOX360 games to prompt you for that, so I didn't think anything of it. I installed it, and then when I tried to boot up my game, my damn XBOX360 said that it couldn't read the disc, so I either had to clean the disc and re-insert it or turn off the console and then turn it back on. I tried both options twice each, to no avail. Then I did the obvious thing and deleted that update, and when I tried to boot up the game it worked fine again, but of course it booted me from XBOX Live. So then I tried re-installing the update and encountered the exact same problem.
So what we have here is an update that refuses to allow me to play this game online. And this is pretty much why today's Microsoft sucks ass....hard ass.
Anyways, I deleted all of the Halo 4 content that I had just installed and was about to re-download Resident Evil 4 and Max Payne, but then I realized that I didn't really plan to replay either of those games anytime too soon, so I found that this was the perfect opportunity for me to finally download Ninja Gaiden Black as its been quite a while since I played that game, and being that it takes up nearly 6 GB of storage space, this would probably be the only time that I could have enough space to spare for it. My college semester starts tomorrow so its not like I'll have a lot of time to play video games, but I figured it'd be nice to switch up between Ninja Gaiden Black and Devil May Cry 3 in my spare time. These games were actually released within the same general time-frame (within a year of each other if you count the original releases of both, or even the enhanced editions of both). In that regard, I consider the best version of Ninja Gaiden (Ninja Gaiden Black) and the best version of Devil May Cry 3 (Devil May Cry 3: Dante's Awakening- Special Edition) to be the height of the rivalry between these 2 legendary hack n' slash series, back at a time when they both had a lot of dignity to their names (before Hayashi killed the NG series with NG3, and Capcom alienated the core DMC fan-base with Ninja Theory's westernized take on "DmC"). For that reason, it'll be interesting for me to play these games back to back.
Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on January 13, 2013, 08:05:36 PM
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on January 13, 2013, 12:34:41 PM
I said it was accessible in learning the controls. If you thought I meant the CPU was accessible then yeah, I was lying.
It's an SNK game, the CPU wants you to cry.
Heh, Yeah, compared to this the CPU in SSF4 is a joke....well, actually I can't really say that as I have yet to turn up the diffiulty on the CPU in that game. However, I don't think I want to in fear that the CPU will then becomes cheap (like Seth), rather than more challenging in a fair way. I'll probably at least bump that game's difficulty up to hard mode eventually, though.
You may want to stay with the standard difficulty. I was told not to use the CPU as an opponent to practice against (use only for combo practice) because Capcom made the CPU to counter any and everything you do (especially on higher difficulties) so you can't practice safe jump setups and whatnot (good luck jumping in on a shoto)
Halo: ReachIf there was one area I hated in the game it's where I'm at now. I just finished rescuing civilians and met up with Noble One. I hate doing all this flying and fighting hunters with guns that're not that great against them. Other than that, yeah, still enjoying the game. The game still looks very impressive, but then again, graphically, Halo has always impressed me when it came to the graphics and landscape, but the landscape that stands out the most is the snowy area in Halo 3. (My goodness that was a work of art) I may buy Combat Evolved (the new one) just to look at those graphics again.
Warrior's Orochi 3Just unlocked Kotoro Fuma. While he's no Ayane (Ayame?) or Ryu, he's pretty fun to use, and much better than Hanzo Hotori (?). I might have to get Samurai Warriors just to see the story of some of these characters because right now I'm at a loss. And then Mitsuhide Akechi. This name sounds familiar to me, like he was in Onimusha or something.
Playing Ristar on my Wii-U.
If you can't play this game with a good d-pad (like Sega's, Nintendo's, or the fightpad) then don't bother playing it. I tried to play it on my PSP and I can't grab on angles which kills most of the fun, then went back to my classic controller and got into the groove again. This is a pure d-pad game, and it's one of the best cases for why playing any 2D game without a d-pad is a fruitless endeavor.
While I'm not denying that a good d-pad is the best way to play classic 2D platformers, those that support an analogue stick can be controlled just fine via that option if you are used to that method. Many people have done this (including myself), as I have no problem aiming in 8 directions with a stick since I've been used to using sticks for so long.
It's next to impossible in Ristar to use anything less than a good d-pad because you need to constantly hit angles to wall climb with the grab move or to grab faster enemies at an angle while swimming or to chain grabs together at different angles in quick succession. It's probably doable, but it probably takes from the fun without having smooth movement- I know it did for me on the PSP.
Anyway, the game is excellent still. Easily Sonic Team's best non-Sonic game.
Alright, now I'm pissed. I ended up having Ninja Gaiden Black freeze on me during the opening cinematic sequence (I actually got an error message saying that my disc was unreadable despite the fact that I downloaded this game onto my hard drive and was using no disc to play it), which I tried a couple of times and consistently had the game freeze on me at the same point. So, I deleted the game and then re-installed into onto my hard drive. It ran smoothly from that point on, but now I got the same exact error message again in the cinematic sequence that plays during after completing the 2nd level. Man, I'm really getting pissed with this sort of thing happening for any of the big games that I download (which take up a few GB of space). Even after deleting and re-installing Resident Evil 4 multiple times over (3 to be exact), I still have the game freeze on me at one point or another. As for NGB, I can delete it and re-install it one again, but I don't want to be frustrated yet a 3rd time having it constantly freeze on me at some other point throughout the game. Its really frustrating because I've been dying to replay this game for a long time now, and it looks like I just wasted $10 on a download port for the XBOX360 that has no intention of properly working for me (it also had significantly slower load times than the original XBOX version of the game).
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on January 14, 2013, 06:05:30 PM
It's next to impossible in Ristar to use anything less than a good d-pad because you need to constantly hit angles to wall climb with the grab move or to grab faster enemies at an angle while swimming or to chain grabs together at different angles in quick succession. It's probably doable, but it probably takes from the fun without having smooth movement- I know it did for me on the PSP.
Well, I don't know about Ristar since I haven't played that game, but I CAN consistently hit angles without any hitches (or minimal problems at that) on an analogue stick. Of course I still prefer using a d-pad if its a well designed one like on the Genesis controller, or any of the Nintendo controller or on a fightpad, but I've honestly never had a problem with the stick for hitting aiming in angles in any of the 2D games that I have played that allow me to use a stick (I pretty much had to back when I was stuck with my XBOX360 controller sine I couldn't rely on its d-pad for angles).
The 360's backwards emulation seems pretty fickle to me. Certain patches completely break Xbox games that used to work fine for no reason whatsoever. It'll probably be fixed sometime in the future, though.
Quote from: Foggle on January 14, 2013, 07:53:38 PM
The 360's backwards emulation seems pretty fickle to me. Certain patches completely break Xbox games that used to work fine for no reason whatsoever. It'll probably be fixed sometime in the future, though.
The problem here is that Ninja Gaiden Black was released as an XBOX Original, rather than an XBOX Live Arcade game. While Microsoft doesn't release games as XBOX Originals anymore, they still have the ones that they did release available for download. The problem with these, though, is that unlike XBLA games, these games have no online functionality (even if they did have it on the original XBOX). This means that when you play any of these games, you are automatically disconnected from XBOX Live, which of course means that you can't have any patches installed to the game via XBL. So, nothing will happen to fix this BC port, period. Also, this game was put up on XBL quite a few years ago in the first place (back when the XBOX360 was still relatively new), so if nothing has been done to fix it by this point, nothing will be done to fix it in the future.
Its baffling, though, because I know that at least a few people on the Ninja Gaiden community board that I used to frequently visit downloaded this game and said that aside from a few sound glitches, it worked fine for them and ran smoothly (minus the longer load times). None of them mentioned the game freezing on them.
Maybe if I had a newer model XBOX360 (the slim version), having backwards compatibility issues would make more sense, but I have the old-design XBOX so that theory is out. Really, I have no idea why I'm encountering this problem with the game, but its really annoying and it ticks me off at the idea that if I want to be able to replay this game, I'll have to delete it and re-install it every single time it freezes on me, only for it to freeze on me at another portion of the game.
Well, I have an original run 360, and the download version of NGB worked fine for me last time I tried playing it. I know that my copy of Silent Hill 2 for Xbox completely broke after a system patch though, so I figured it could be related to that.
Started playing Bayonetta today. Made it to chapter 3. I'm not really feeling it. The character don't really do much for me, and then the gameplay, it's not bad. I probably gotta get used to the controls a little more, and then it's probably because I haven't unlocked much, but I can't put my finger on it (bland is not the word, nor simplistic), but the combat don't really do much for me (Deep down, maybe I am into the more simplistic stuff).
Anyway, gonna move onto the next game, which will probably be either more Darksiders 2 or finally start Uncharted 2.
That's alright, it wasn't my cup of tea, either. If you can get into it and the crazy combat it is undoubtedly excellent, but I'm not the biggest action gamer in the world so I don't tend to get into third person action games nearly as much.
Have you ever played Viewtiful Joe? That might be more up your alley as it was mine since there are less moves to keep track of but more styles of enemies to deal with and obstacles to scale.
Maybe try it again sometime in the future. I didn't like the demo much when I first played it, but the full game really sucked me in. Might be an acquired taste.
Also, if you were playing it on the PS3 - don't.
As someone who's played through all of Bayonetta on the PS3, I can say it isn't as terrible as some people say it is so long as you install it.
Quote from: Rynnec on January 16, 2013, 05:51:11 PM
As someone who's played through all of Bayonetta on the PS3, I can say it isn't as terrible as some people say it is so long as you install it.
And patch it.
360 version's still better, though. (I've played both.)
Quote from: Spark of SpiritHave you ever played Viewtiful Joe? That might be more up your alley as it was mine since there are less moves to keep track of but more styles of enemies to deal with and obstacles to scale.
Nah, never was interested in the game. I don't mind the long moves (considering I play Street Fighter 4 and Marvel vs Capcom 3 a lot).
Quote from: FoggleMaybe try it again sometime in the future. I didn't like the demo much when I first played it, but the full game really sucked me in. Might be an acquired taste.
Definitely think it's more of an acquired taste. I'm playing it on the 360. It might be the controller itself. I hate playing these type of games using the 360 controller because it feels uncomfortable, especially when it comes to the shoulder buttons. The only game that I feel comfortable playing with a xbox controller is Ninja Gaiden.
Maybe you should try it on the PS3, then. As long as you have an internet connection and the hard drive space, the PS3 version is fine. At that point, it's only slightly inferior when it comes to frame rate, graphics, and sound effects. And I mean slightly. ;)
I agree that the PS3 controller is far more comfortable than the 360 controller. But I seem to be in the minority on that.
I'm not a fan of the d-pad or triggers, but otherwise it's alright.
The controller's great for 3D platformers, though.
PS3 D-pad is okay, not great though. Better than the 360's and Wiimote's, IMO. But the Wii Classic Controller and Wii-U definitely have the only great D-pads since, like, the 90's.
I just like the way the sticks and buttons feel more on DualShock controllers, personally. L2 and R2 on DS3 are horrible, though.
Actually, most people prefer the PS3 controller for action games like Devil May Cry and such. In that regard, I'm in the minority as I'm so used to playing those types of games on the XBOX360 controller that its really my controller of choice for most 3D games, including FPS games (a mouse and keyboard is far more precise, but I personally play "better" with an XBOX360 controller since I'm more used to it, if that makes any sense). As far as I can tell, I'm in the minority on that opinion, but I honestly think that the XBOX360 controller is great. Both of the analogue sticks feel comfortable to control and the face buttons are really accessible being at the right edge of the controller. I also actually PREFER having trigger buttons for the bottom 2 shoulder buttons, not only for FPS games but just in general because I like how they feel distinct from the top shoulder buttons and they have a little bit of sensitivity to them which you can use to your advantage for certain games (which is to say that they can give you partial responses in appropriate situations if you only push them half-way down).
Now, I can understand that being that most people who are gamers had a PS2, they got used to Sony's controller style and therefore prefer that kind of controller, which I completely understand. For me, I played a lot more XBOX, believe it or not, so that's kind of the controller style that I've been playing with for over a decade, so it feels completely natural to me. When I try to play with a PS2 or 3 controller, obviously it feels pretty awkward for me at first since I'm just not used to it. That of course doesn't mean that its bad, but just that its something I haven't played with enough. One thing I really hate about most gamers is that when they try a bit of control style that they aren't used to, they just claim so assuredly that the control option is uncomfortable and technically inferior to what they prefer, and I can say that in most cases in general (fighting games aside), that's a load of pure Grade A bull-shit. For example, I once had some jerk-wad tell me that it was not possible to play F.E.A.R. on Extreme difficulty as there was no way that you could handle the fast reaction times and complex inputs that the game required if you were using an XBOX360 controller. I then linked him to a whole series of video walkthroughs of the game on Extreme difficulty with the XBOX360 version of the game, with the player clearly stating that he was using an XBOX360 controller, thus proving that you could handle F.E.A.R. on its highest difficulty with that control style, but also that you could play it consistently well if you were used to it.
A lot of people are just full of shit sometimes. I don't mind that most people don't like the XBOX360 controller for any games other than FPS games (and if you're a PC gamer you probably don't like it for even that as well, which is perfectly understandable), but I hate when people spew flat-out ignorant lies just because they aren't used to a certain type of controller.
Well, I always use the Xbox controller for PC games that don't play well with the keyboard and mouse. I don't really have a bias against any kind of gamepad. ;)
Quote from: Grave on January 16, 2013, 04:51:51 PM
Started playing Bayonetta today. Made it to chapter 3. I'm not really feeling it. The character don't really do much for me, and then the gameplay, it's not bad. I probably gotta get used to the controls a little more, and then it's probably because I haven't unlocked much, but I can't put my finger on it (bland is not the word, nor simplistic), but the combat don't really do much for me (Deep down, maybe I am into the more simplistic stuff).
I've talked about this before, but from what I've played of Bayonetta, while its a very technically masterful game and probably "better" than Ninja Gaiden and Devil May Cry on level of being more accessible while being just as robust and deep (if not even more so) as those 2 game series, I don't find it quite as appealing as either of them. Its like its missing a little something; a sort of charm that games like Ninja Gaiden Black and DMC3 (and even NG2 and DMC4, for that matter) have to them that gives them that extra special flair.
To be fair, I haven't played Bayonetta properly yet. I played quite a bit of it in chunks and pieces back when my friend had the game (cumulatively, I've played at least 8-10 hours worth of the game, though not necessarily all in order). The combat is very good and feels smooth, the animations are nice (though still not quite as good as Ninja Gaiden's, IMO), and the game definitely looks pretty, but I noticed that while I enjoyed the game just fine while I was playing it, I never felt compelled to play more when I wasn't playing it. You might say that I have to play the game properly from the start and then I'll get sucked in, and maybe that's true, but you should also be aware that I was introduced to Devil May Cry 1 and 3 under the same circumstances, and I REALLY wanted to own those games when I played them, but never got around to them until they were released on the XBOX360 in the HD collection since I didn't own as PS2. Bayonetta has been around and cheap for a while, but I just haven't gotten around to buying it because while I do want to play it, I always seem to tend towards something else.
Don't get me wrong, though, I'm not denying that the game is great. I just feel like even when I finally do play the whole game, it won't really manage to top Ninja Gaiden Black or Devil May Cry 3 for me, which IMO are still the 2 best games in the hack n' slash genre. Like I said, though, I'm sure that Bayonetta is a better game to most people, but I'm just being honest about the way that I feel. I do still need to play the entire game in full from start to finish and then replay it on the higher difficulty settings, though, as I can't make much of a fair opinion on it in comparison to NG and DMC until then.
Though, for what its worth, I have to be honest and say that I even prefer DMC1 over Bayonetta. With DMC1, it has far more shallow combat, but I still felt compelled to keep playing the game and finish the whole thing. The game had great level design and while it was short, it contained barely any padding. With Bayonetta, I've seen a lot of people say that it has the best level design and environments in the genre, and I guess I can sort of understand that but if I were to be honest I actually found the level design and environments in the game to be a bit too gimmicky and distracting more than anything else. For example, that part where you fight on that sphere can can go all around it and upside down and whatnot just felt awkward to me rather than really changing the gameplay in an interesting way. Its a brief point, but the game is filled with various moments that feel like that to me.
As I said, though, I probably need to shut up and play the full game to make a fair opinion on it. I just wasn't as impressed as I expected to be given the hype behind this game. That said, I still firmly stand by the opinion that it is miles better than most other action games that have come out this generation, so I do still like what I've played of the game.
I dunno, I actually found Bayonetta to be the most charming hack 'n slash I've ever played. That mostly comes from its level design and boss battles; it feels like a real adventure to me, and that's one of the things I love most in video games.
Eh, Well the adventure elements in the game just didn't do it for me. Like I said, they felt gimmicky more than compelling. I also didn't care for Bayonetta as a character. She was kind of a dull lead, IMO, despite them trying to make her come off as tongue-in-cheek, sort of like a female version of Dante.
I think that in terms of just having a lot of actual charm to it, DMC3 takes the crown for me. Dante is just a fun character and while his back-story and aspects of his character kind of have a generic anime vibe to him, he manages to still just entertain me the whole way through either with his over-the-top action scenes or his hilariously cheesy sense of humor.
Also, I'm not a fan of Bayonetta's boss fights. I have stated before that I don't care for long bosses, and Bayonetta is the type of game that has some pretty long boss fights. In that regard I prefer the boss fights in DMC3 and Ninja Gaiden Black. That especially goes for NGB because that's the exact type of bosses that I love, ones that you can dispatch quickly (as in well under a minute) IF you know what to do and the most efficient weapons and attacks to fight them with. In fact a big reason for why NGB is my favorite hack n' slash game is because of the enemies in general. They have enemy AI that absolutely demand you to be really smart in balancing out both your offense and your defense. That's where I'm in the minority, though. Most people understandably prefer games like DMC and Bayonetta to Ninja Gaiden because they prefer the more offensive approach of those games, but that's what makes NG distinct for me, in that its a more defensive game than either of them. You really have to be effectively combining blocks, dodges, and counters in addition to your regular offensive combo attacks. In that regard its not nearly as combo heavy as either DMC or Bayonetta but that's not the focus of the game. Its more about efficiency and tactile play, and in that regard I have to say that no other hack n' slash game that I have played is close to being as dynamic as NGB is in terms of how it handles combat between you and the enemy AI.
At any rate, as for Bayonetta, I'm not saying that I don't like the game. I have genuinely enjoyed most of what I have played of it, and I even said that its technically a "better" game than the DMC and NG games. I just "prefer" the overall gameplay from those games based on what I've played of them and Bayonetta, if that makes any sense at all. :sweat:
The only problems I had with Bayonetta were the QTE's, and the fact that if you mess up it's game over.
The Jeanne fights in Bayo are some of the best moments in gaming for me. And I also found the other boss fights to be excellent.
Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on January 16, 2013, 08:41:16 PM
Eh, Well the adventure elements in the game just didn't do it for me. Like I said, they felt gimmicky more than compelling.
I don't mean adventure "elements", I mean that the game's progression and environmental variety feels like this grand epic journey, similar to Half-Life 2 or Resident Evil 4.
Quote from: Foggle on January 16, 2013, 09:13:45 PM
The Jeanne fights in Bayo are some of the best moments in gaming for me. And I also found the other boss fights to be excellent.
The Jeanne boss fight was an exception for me, but I didn't find most of the other boss fights to be that enjoyable, personally. different strokes (, I suppose.
Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on January 16, 2013, 08:41:16 PM
I don't mean adventure "elements", I mean that the game's progression and environmental variety feels like this grand epic journey, similar to Half-Life 2 or Resident Evil 4.
Perhaps I'll get that same vibe out of it once I play the game in full from beginning to end, myself, but I was saying that I didn't feel like I got much out of the environments. At times a lot of the gimmicks could feel distracting to me rather than pleasant to look at, though that wasn't a common instance.
At any rate as it stands I like what I've played of the game, just not as much as I expected to. Perhaps I went into it with unfairly high expectations when I tried it. But, I already said I'd give it a fair shake from beginning to end one day, and I will, so that's all there really is to it as far as my opinion on the game is concerned, until I reach that particular point in time.
Man, I forgot how hard Ristar got. 4-2 and the boss demolished me.
Alright guys, decision time. Which one do I finish up next; Kid Icarus Uprising, or New Super Mario Bros. 2?
YOU DECIDE!!!! :light:
It's got more meat to it.
I also vote for Uprising.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on January 16, 2013, 05:02:10 PM
That's alright, it wasn't my cup of tea, either. If you can get into it and the crazy combat it is undoubtedly excellent, but I'm not the biggest action gamer in the world so I don't tend to get into third person action games nearly as much.
Have you ever played Viewtiful Joe? That might be more up your alley as it was mine since there are less moves to keep track of but more styles of enemies to deal with and obstacles to scale.
Funny how you called it what DMC 2-4 should have been before it even came out.
Quote from: Rynnec on January 16, 2013, 08:44:39 PM
The only problems I had with Bayonetta were the QTE's, and the fact that if you mess up it's game over.
So, does her summons actually turn on her and kill her? Those QTEs are so easy that it's hilarious and I never messed them up. I actually don't mind them as much as I hate QTEs. They feel like old school arcade smash the buttons fast moments and iirc, there's no 'press y and then be in a few seconds' sequences. It's more harmless then say, spray painting in Jet Set Radio.
I beat Ristar for the first time. What a great game.
That final boss is vicious.
Quote from: gunswordfist on January 17, 2013, 09:46:49 AM
Quote from: Rynnec on January 16, 2013, 08:44:39 PM
The only problems I had with Bayonetta were the QTE's, and the fact that if you mess up it's game over.
So, does her summons actually turn on her and kill her? Those QTEs are so easy that it's hilarious and I never messed them up. I actually don't mind them as much as I hate QTEs. They feel like old school arcade smash the buttons fast moments and iirc, there's no 'press y and then be in a few seconds' sequences. It's more harmless then say, spray painting in Jet Set Radio.
I was actually referring to the "press a button to not die" QTE's that pop-up in certain mini-cutscenes. The summons and finishers are great.
I played the demo for Retro City Rampage for the second time yesterday, I believe. I really really love the gameplay (I'm a sucker for jumping in top down games) but what bothers me is how many and how long the cutscenes are and all the handholding. The game starts out by telling you where to go and if you don't because you want to explore the city, you'll get hit by a SMB3 teleport tornado and end up in the mission anyway. Then you get screamed at about what you have to do in between every single objective. Also, the game being 15 bucks doesn't help. RCR being heavy handed with the references is a minor gripe of mine.
Super Street Fighter 4: Arcade Edition
More fooling around in training mode. Dropped Ibuki and picked up Yun.
Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty
Well, MGS: HD Collection to be exact. Anyway, oh dear God, there are some really annoying parts in this game that I hate (guiding Emma, walking around naked). I'll be playing this along with 3 and 4 (finally), and perhaps probably start Peacewalker as well to prepare for Metal Gear Rising. Who knows, playing this series again may boost it back up as my top favorite again.
Quote from: Grave on January 19, 2013, 09:09:29 AM
Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty
Well, MGS: HD Collection to be exact. Anyway, oh dear God, there are some really annoying parts in this game that I hate (guiding Emma, walking around naked). I'll be playing this along with 3 and 4 (finally), and perhaps probably start Peacewalker as well to prepare for Metal Gear Rising. Who knows, playing this series again may boost it back up as my top favorite again.
The Metal Gear franchise is definitely up there in my favorites as well. My only problem is that 3 sort of outclasses every other game in the series. Still, they are all great despite that, and despite 2 nearly bordering on shark jumper. :P
You know what my favorite part of MGS2 was (the only MGS game that I've played in full)? It was the VR missions. The actual story was nothing but boring exposition and nonsense, and the main game was a bit annoying to deal with since it felt so unfocused as the gameplay was constantly being interrupted by the story. Yeah, you could skip cut-scenes, but even then what you were doing was always decided by where the story wanted to take you, so if you were having some fun trying to sneak through rooms and stealthily make your way to a certain objective, you'd either get interrupted by some annoying boss fight, or some timer would go off and you'd have to back-track to another area of the map, or some other scenario would just basically change the whole focus of your gameplay, and I'm the type of gamer who likes to focus on one thing at a time and have that one thing last for a fair amount of time to feel satisfying. I do openly welcome variety, but MGS2 went overboard with it, IMO, and constantly kept throwing something new at you without giving you enough time to focus on what you were already doing to begin with. I also didn't enjoy all of those context sensitive scenarios, like the part where you had to disguise yourself as a guard and then using a listening device to find the guy who had a mechanical heartbeat. It was an interesting gameplay concept, I suppose, but I didn't have much fun actually doing it.
Now, as for the VR missions, they were self-contained mini-missions each with their own objectives. In other words, they were completely focused and had nothing to do with the story, and they were also really challenging in a very fun way. They also came in all sorts of categories which made them a blast to play. Some of them had you focus only on stealth and make it from point A of a room to point B without ever getting spotted. Another stealth type of mission had you sneak up on all of the guards in a particular area and point a gun to their back making them freeze in their tracks without actually killing them. Then you had those arcade style target-shooting challenges, with each single weapon in the game having its own set of challenges (those were my favorites, personally). And then you had a plethora of other unique and interesting challenges to keep you coming back for more. The VR missions were addicting in their arcade-like approach, and honestly that's where I spent the bulk of my play-time for MGS2, rather than the story mode. Although, believe it or not, I actually beat the story mode TWICE in MGS2 despite not caring for it. I did it once on Easy mode because I suck at stealth games, but I'm not satisfied unless I can beat a game on its default difficulty setting, so I ended up going back and playing the game on Normal mode so that I could say that I actually did beat MGS2 for real.
I think everybody and their mother can agree that the story in MGS2 wasn't great, or rather more confusing than ever.
Quote from: Ensatsu-KenThe actual story was nothing but boring exposition and nonsense, and the main game was a bit annoying to deal with since it felt so unfocused as the gameplay was constantly being interrupted by the story. Yeah, you could skip cut-scenes, but even then what you were doing was always decided by where the story wanted to take you, so if you were having some fun trying to sneak through rooms and stealthily make your way to a certain objective, you'd either get interrupted by some annoying boss fight, or some timer would go off and you'd have to back-track to another area of the map, or some other scenario would just basically change the whole focus of your gameplay, and I'm the type of gamer who likes to focus on one thing at a time and have that one thing last for a fair amount of time to feel satisfying.
Honestly, I don't know what you look for when it comes to this kind of game, but the MGS franchise are fairly linear to begin with. There's only 2 ways to go about it. Stealth or Gung-ho. Assuming you're trying to strategically plan your route, there's not much to really go on there either, not unless you play on higher difficulties. Much like the hack n slashers, to get the full experience of MGS games you pretty much need to play on harder difficulties (not sure if normal is worth it, but then again I'm into these games for its story) outside of MGS1 (That game scares me). The series don't really open up until MGS3, and even then it's still fairly linear in what you can do. As far as cutscenes go, can't help you there. MGS is notorious for them (and I don't mind them as long as I can enjoy them). The backtracking, well, lets face it, there's not much you can do being on a vessel and I forgot what that thing was in part 2 (oil tanker thingy?). But yeah, Kojima more than made up for all of that in MGS3.
Unfortunately, I never had Substance until now so I never had the chance to play the VR missions, and probably won't ever bother with them either.
Quote from: TalonThe Metal Gear franchise is definitely up there in my favorites as well. My only problem is that 3 sort of outclasses every other game in the series. Still, they are all great despite that, and despite 2 nearly bordering on shark jumper.
Agreed, although I've yet to play MGS4, but I've seen the whole game played and it looked awesome. MGS4's gameplay just looks too good.
I also tried to play the 1st Gears of War.... I was bout ready to chuck my controller at the tv. Incompetent A.I. running directly at a turret. From what I've played so far I definitely like Gears2 over this one.
That's all fine and dandy, but I didn't like MGS2's story mode because it just wasn't fun to play. As for the higher difficulties, I'm sure that its great on higher difficulties if you're good at stealth games. I suck at stealth games and while I could always practice to get better, I don't find the game that fun for me to try to get better at it. The VR missions were short (which made them perfect to play in small bursts, which is usually how I play games, anyways), and were actually fun for me to do. The main story may have gotten more challenging on harder difficulties, but I didn't see the point of pursuing them if I wasn't having all that much fun with the base gameplay to begin with. In contrast, even if games like Ninja Gaiden or Devil May Cry aren't at their best until you get to their higher difficulty settings, I still had a lot of fun playing them even on Normal mode. To be fair, while I suck at stealth games, I actually consider myself to be fairly good at hack n' slash games, and maybe even action games in general, as its my favorite genre of gaming. So, with those games, I could appreciate the higher challenge on harder difficulties since I enjoyed the base gameplay and genuinely wanted to get better at it. With MGS2, I'm not saying that its a bad game, but I just don't find its style of gameplay to be all that much fun. It just doesn't really appeal to me. That's about all I can say regarding that game.
Don't know what to tell ya then.
The thing about MGS2's storyline is that I highly respect the themes that Kojima was trying to explore, such as censorship. But the end result was just a convoluted mess, particularly with the plot twists at the end. And the gameplay advancements weren't enough to make me like it more than MGS1... On the other hand, MGS3 easily has one of the best stories in gaming. Because it just forgoes all MGS2's overwritten material and political coverup nonsense, and it simply makes for a really good character driven story. And I think many here would agree with me that character driven stories are generally the best. I mean, the two most important characters in the game (if you played it, you know who they are) are both some of my favorite game characters ever. It also managed to avoid overloading on exposition and bad cheesyness, and the game is surprisingly funny.
So yeah, in short, MGS3 is awesome. Video games generally have mediocre writing, but I think MGS3 is an exception and very much had me emotionally invested. And even putting aside the story, the gameplay is just fantastic and a perfect improvement over 1 and 2.
I could probably go on forever about why I liked MGS3, starting with the music all the way up to how the game ended. Anyway, the reason I prefer MGS2's gameplay over MGS1 (of course I prefer MGS3 over both 1 & 2) is because I can't shoot in FPV in MGS1. I started out with MGS2 then went onto MGS3, and then back to MGS1. I got spoiled with being able to shoot in FPV till I won't accept any reasoning what-so-ever to go back to MGS. Even though I heard Kojima's reason why he won't do, I do await the day where I get a MGS remake.
I'll also say that there aren't many games out there that actually wows me. MGS3 is one of those games that wows me with its presentation and characters (along with Shenmue, Halo Reach, Mass Effect, and Assassin's Creed 2, of course for different reasons). I can probably point out flaws in MGS3 (along with the others), and I'd never call a game perfect, but if there was one that came close to it, it's definitely MGS3. Kojima will be my favorite game director until he decide to not do another Metal Gear game.
Bump it, screw MGS2, I'm gonna start wit 3 and go straight to 4 and PW.
Quote from: Grave on January 19, 2013, 04:58:12 PM
I could probably go on forever about why I liked MGS3, starting with the music all the way up to how the game ended. Anyway, the reason I prefer MGS2's gameplay over MGS1 (of course I prefer MGS3 over both 1 & 2) is because I can't shoot in FPV in MGS1. I started out with MGS2 then went onto MGS3, and then back to MGS1. I got spoiled with being able to shoot in FPV till I won't accept any reasoning what-so-ever to go back to MGS. Even though I heard Kojima's reason why he won't do, I do await the day where I get a MGS remake.
I'll also say that there aren't many games out there that actually wows me. MGS3 is one of those games that wows me with its presentation and characters (along with Shenmue, Halo Reach, Mass Effect, and Assassin's Creed 2, of course for different reasons). I can probably point out flaws in MGS3 (along with the others), and I'd never call a game perfect, but if there was one that came close to it, it's definitely MGS3. Kojima will be my favorite game director until he decide to not do another Metal Gear game.
Bump it, screw MGS2, I'm gonna start wit 3 and go straight to 4 and PW.
I do really love the gameplay enhancements that MGS2 made. It's just that the story was ridiculous, and I didn't care for most of the characters in the game. Plus, the Big Shell wasn't a very interesting setting, and the amount of times you gotta run back and forth on it doing the same things hurts it. MGS1 generally had you continuously moving forward with little back tracking.
They should remake MGS, perhaps on the 3DS assuming that Snake Eater 3DS did well.
I can understand the argument against backtracking, and people are in the right to not like it, but for some oddball of a reason backtracking don't bother me. I guess when you wind up getting lost in games and continuously keep traversing the same areas over and over it has a different effect on people.
We're in agreement about the characters though. I think out of all the characters the ones that I ended up liking were Snake, Ocelot, Vamp and Fortune. Raiden, while I never hated his character, I just thought he was okay. I understand the points people have against him being whiny (and I agree for the most part) I just never minded him.
Quote from: Grave on January 20, 2013, 01:11:43 PM
I can understand the argument against backtracking, and people are in the right to not like it, but for some oddball of a reason backtracking don't bother me. I guess when you wind up getting lost in games and continuously keep traversing the same areas over and over it has a different effect on people.
We're in agreement about the characters though. I think out of all the characters the ones that I ended up liking were Snake, Ocelot, Vamp and Fortune. Raiden, while I never hated his character, I just thought he was okay. I understand the points people have against him being whiny (and I agree for the most part) I just never minded him.
I probably should've rephrased that (because I really do think MGS2 is a great game). The backtracking might've been a flaw, but it didn't actually hurt the game. It just didn't improve it, if that makes any sense. :P
As for the characters, I didn't particularly mind Raiden. He was okay, but he's really no Snake (love how much MGS3 makes fun of him). Putting aside the main characters which are awesome (Snake, Otakon, and Ocelot) the characters I thought were okay were Raiden, Rose, Olga, and Solidus. I like that Solidus was a guy who wanted the best for American, but ultimately became a terrorist. I actually hated Vamp. :P
And if you want to count them, I also thought the GWs were really interesting.
Quote from: Grave on January 20, 2013, 01:11:43 PM
I can understand the argument against backtracking, and people are in the right to not like it, but for some oddball of a reason backtracking don't bother me. I guess when you wind up getting lost in games and continuously keep traversing the same areas over and over it has a different effect on people.
I don't mind back-tracking either, but I hate it when its used as blatant padding.
Good examples of back-tracking for me are in games like Halo: Combat Evolved and Ninja Gaiden Black. In both games, when you go back to previous areas that you were at before, you find that you traverse the levels in completely different ways than before, and on top of that you have new sets of enemies to fight that weren't previously there, making the experience still feel fresh despite revisiting a very familiar environment.
One problem I had with the back-tracking in DMC4 is that for the most part they didn't even bother to change up the enemies that you fight as Dante when progressing through the game. It was literally almost entirely going through Nero's levels in reverse, without much variation (with maybe just a few new enemies thrown in along the way). I still did tolerate it because playing through those areas as Dante is what made playing through those areas again still feel fresh, but it still felt cheap to have to basically go through the game again from reverse, just as Dante. I don't mind that for a subsequent play-through if you gained the ability to play Nero's levels as Dante and vice versa, but for a single play-through it felt more like padding, to be honest.
Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on January 20, 2013, 01:45:03 PM
I don't mind back-tracking either, but I hate it when its used as blatant padding.
Which is how I felt about MGS2 at times. A little bit padded.
Gotcha :thumbup:
I picked up Etrian Odyssey for the first time in months, finally got past the part I was stuck on, actually managed to get two floors further, got the Clear Key to open some of those blocked doors throughout the dungeon, went through a shit-ton of battles, was nearing the end of the second stratum (finally)...
and the game froze. It fucking froze, and I didn't save a damn thing. Not picking it up for a few months again, I guess. :unimpressed:
Read up on how to get to Doom 2's first secret stage and then got there today. Those were so big ass doors, it was interesting fighting non-demon foes and it was kind of confusing to travel through due to most of the areas looking alike. Good to see a level that wasn't all dark and grey.
So I go on PSN and see The Red Star there for $4.99.
Needless to say, I grabbed it. I'm not sure if I'll jump right in but if you have a Sony system, you should get it. It is one of the best games on the PS2.
Still have my PS2 copy. It's a great game, yeah.
I pulled out my Kirby collection for the first time in a little while, and picked up Dream Land 2 again.
Now I remember why I stopped playing through this set. Yeesh.
Skip Dream Land 2. It's really not all too good, it's like a C-tier Kirby's Adventure.
I think I only have one more level to go, but I will be skipping it regardless.
It just isn't that fun. Too pointlessly hard to be.
Meh, having a job is overrated.
Anyway, I'm currently watching Metal Gear Solid being played. I'm only doing this so I can piece together everything finally (considering I don't have MGS1, nor do I own a gamecube to play Twin Snakes).
And then I'm still going strong with Super Street Fighter 4. Not as heavily since I got back to work. But for the most part I think I finally got my main character(s); Guy (Yun). This is probably the 4th-5th time I've came back to Guy (character loyalty plays a role) and I get more satisfaction doing his combos even though everything he does is potentially risky. Every time I watch a video of Yun being played at a high level he looks too fun to pass up, and I may main him in 3rd Strike.
Super Street Fighter 4: Arcade Edition
Becoming very bored of the training mode. Sure I can always go to the trial mode instead, but a lot of the combo's there are impractical, and then the game is probably too technical for what little time I actually have to put in the game. I can always watch matches on youtube and whatnot, but playing it, I'm beginning to understand why people are saying the game is becoming stagnate. (It's also sad when a top Japanese player says top Japanese players are getting bored with the game and are awaiting a new SF game)
Persona 4 Arena
Took me by surprise at how easily accessible it is. There's an auto-combo for Christ sake. But even without the auto-combo I was surprised at how easy it is to pull off combos. It's unfortunate that the character selection is just based around Persona 3&4. I would've preferred a larger roster. I'm fairly certain there were more characters in P3 that could've been used, but even then, while I never played any of the Persona games (I've seen 3&4 played though), they could've easily used characters from the 1st 2, but "shrugs". I like what I've seen so far.
Sengoku Basara: Samurai Heroes
Quirky version of Samurai Warriors. I've only played as Masamune Date so far. I don't know how many paths there are for each character, but I can say that there's definitely more than 1. Playing this game makes me realize how much the ball was dropped when it came to Bleach: Soul Resurrection. So much potential went down the drain on that one. Anyway, I'm having fun playing this. Kinda wondering where some characters came from, but oh well. I'm currently playing as Yukimura Sanada. Animations are quirky as well (The way Yukimura runs is silly)
Quote from: Grave on January 29, 2013, 07:14:46 PM
Super Street Fighter 4: Arcade Edition
Becoming very bored of the training mode. Sure I can always go to the trial mode instead, but a lot of the combo's there are impractical, and then the game is probably too technical for what little time I actually have to put in the game. I can always watch matches on youtube and whatnot, but playing it, I'm beginning to understand why people are saying the game is becoming stagnate. (It's also sad when a top Japanese player says top Japanese players are getting bored with the game and are awaiting a new SF game)
I think that kind of goes with ANY fighting game once people have been playing it for too long. That especially goes for hardcore gamers who play this stuff competitively. After a few years they'll have burned themselves out on the whole thing, and there won't be many new strategies coming out to keep the competition lively and interesting. When the game is brand new, the community will always be finding out new stuff about the capabilities and strategies possible with the various characters in the game, but after a while people will just play the hell out of it to the point where there's not much more fulfillment that they can get out of the game.
Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on January 29, 2013, 07:20:46 PM
Quote from: Grave on January 29, 2013, 07:14:46 PM
Super Street Fighter 4: Arcade Edition
Becoming very bored of the training mode. Sure I can always go to the trial mode instead, but a lot of the combo's there are impractical, and then the game is probably too technical for what little time I actually have to put in the game. I can always watch matches on youtube and whatnot, but playing it, I'm beginning to understand why people are saying the game is becoming stagnate. (It's also sad when a top Japanese player says top Japanese players are getting bored with the game and are awaiting a new SF game)
I think that kind of goes with ANY fighting game once people have been playing it for too long. That especially goes for hardcore gamers who play this stuff competitively. After a few years they'll have burned themselves out on the whole thing, and there won't be many new strategies coming out to keep the competition lively and interesting. When the game is brand new, the community will always be finding out new stuff about the capabilities and strategies possible with the various characters in the game, but after a while people will just play the hell out of it to the point where there's not much more fulfillment that they can get out of the game.
My baby brother and me have been playing Perfect Dark yesterday and the day before. We tried to beat a challenge and then we played deathmatch and team deathmatch and we saved some rulesets and had a blast with those two modes from there on.
Despite my issue in the other thread with the series, I played the Fire Emblem Awakening demo and really dug it. The game runs smooth, the customization is handled cleverly, and the team idea works great. I'll definitely be looking to pick this up.
Sengoku Basara
Good game. Probably not as good as Warrior's Orochi 3, but it's still good. Lots of potential in this game. It's just too bad that the company decided not to make a sequel because there could've been more characters to the roster. Only flaw that I really have with the game is that, while the buttons are responsive, it's more like if you continuously push a button while holding a direction the character keeps going in that direction even if you try to go in another direction, sometimes making you completely miss the enemy altogether. But other than that it's a good game.
Masamune Date
Yukimura Sanada
Kotoro Fuma
Keiji Maeda
I've completed the game with all of them so far and am currently playing through Ieyasu Tokugawa, which might be the best character in the game, at least in terms of having fun. There's nothing like punching through 100s of enemies. I feel as if his fighting style was made specifically for me since every blow he throws just feel so good. I also hate fighting against his army since he has Tadakatsu, a freaking cyborg/machine thing that takes forever to put down. If I were to play this on a harder difficulty I can see myself raging quite a bit.
Future games I plan to get are Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance and Guilty Gears XX: Accent Core + or whatever it is that's on PSN. I have yet to decide on my main character in Persona 4 Arena, and I've yet to try out BlazBlue, but I'm currently thinking about making maining Ragna, Jin, or Hakumen.
I got the Sly 4 demo off PSN and played it. Yeah, it's a Sly game.
I'm picking up my copy tomorrow, so that was a nice teaser. It looks like Sanzaru know what works.
Wait, it's coming out tomorrow? I thought it got delayed 'til March! I can't afford it yet. :cry:
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on February 04, 2013, 09:05:12 PM
I got the Sly 4 demo off PSN and played it. Yeah, it's a Sly game.
The UK version is out at the end of March for some reason. This one is out tomorrow with Fire Emblem.
I already put 20 down, so I'm good for tomorrow! :)
Will get my brother to download that demo
I played up to the second episode of Sly 4 and here are my impressions after rescuing his second ancestor with some unavoidable spoilers:
- The hubs worlds are better than the ones from Sly 2 being that they are larger and have much more platforming opportunities. The treasures from Sly 2 return only now they're timed challenges tied to rewards meaning there's a point to them.
- Every time you enter a building you basically play a full fledged platforming level like the ones from Sly 1. These are the highlights of the game to me so far.
- I've played as Bentley and Murray for like a total of two missions per hub so far and they're okay. Bentley's had a steal RC Car segment (surprisingly cute) and a hacking minigame in the first world and a normal steal segment and a different hacking minigame in the second world. Murray's had a platforming segment in a cave which was good, and a rhythm game that was easy.
- Sly's ancestor's play exactly like him but with a twist. The first ancestor has the focus jump and his second ancestor has a gun to hit switches and snipe enemies. Otherwise they have much the same basic abilities.
- The clue bottle are in tricky places and are rather hard to find this time. The masks are also quite tricky to find, and are mostly in the platforming levels- there are no bottles in the platforming levels as far as I can see.
- The final mission in the first world involves every character storming the lair and playing a part to catch the boss before Sly fights them. It works really well to build tension.
- Structurally, the game is Sly 2 mixed with Sly 1. You have the over-world and missions, but the missions frequently involve traversing the hub world to take pictures or tail someone followed by breaking into a building a platforming your way through it.
- It feels like the type of game Suckerpunch always wanted to make in the series but never could.
- The level design is the best since Sly 1 as the hub worlds finally have good design and the platforming is a huge part of the game again.
- Unless it follows tradition and begins falling apart in world 3, this might be the best Sly game.
So yeah, it's a Sly game. The only difference is that so far there are no irritating issues to drag the experience down and the minigames are not pointlessly hard like in 1, obscure like 2, or all over the place like 3.
Sengoku Basara: Samurai Heroes
Beat it as Ieyasu, and as it still stand he is the character I enjoyed playing through the most so far. I'm currently playing as Maigoichi Saica. If Ieyasu's the best, then Maigoichi is the cheapest. Her guns do tons of damage, and while I usually hate fighting Tadakatsu, I actually didn't mind fighting him as her. I just had to play a little smarter, and he went down with ease.
Super Street Fighter 4: Arcade Edition
I know. I said that I was going to be done with SSF4 for a little bit, but something you gotta understand with me and SSF4. If I had to compare it something it would be like boy/girlfriend stuff. On and off relationship type of stuff. It's definitely like that with me and SSF4. Like I said before, I really like this game, but my time is very limited. This time I'm going to approach a little differently. I'm returning to my roots; Playing as shoto characters. Originally I wanted to stay away from them since I've always played as them since SF2. When I got my hands on SSF4 I called myself trying to go to a more rushdown type of style, and while I understand the concept of what they do, I don't have the execution to apply that constant pressure, especially when I was playing on a regular ps3 controller. Hell, this hori commander pad thingy is not doing me any justice either. My thumbs take a beating trying to play this game on pad, so I decided to start fresh. Make the switch to stick, and start with a basic character, Ken.
I could've went with Ryu, I just find him too boring. Even though I want to learn to play the game correctly I gotta have fun doing so as well, so I'm choosing Ken. Even though he can be played similarly to Ryu, Ken is more of a rushdown character anyway. Another problem I had was trying to play too many characters instead of learning the game and focusing on just 1. Even though I'm focusing on Ken for now, I'm still going to be looking at other characters as sub, and at the moment Oni and Evil Ryu are solid candidates. They are kinda scaring me away as well since they have half-circle motions and I hate those just as much as I hate charge and 360 motions. A lot of their damaging combos involve the usage of those HC motions too, not to mention you gotta be on point with your execution, but on the plus side, they are extremely fun to use and produce tons of damage which is a plus for me. Another candidate is Cody. Cody was my main character at one point but that was while I was using the ps3 controller. And then there's Gouken and Cammy. My brother-in-law uses Ryu, Ken, and Akuma a lot and he just picked up Guile as well, so I gotta have shoto killers at my disposal as well. I might be thinking too far ahead though. Anyway, once again, this'll probably be the only game I'll be playing for quite some time (until I get my hands on Street Fighter X Tekken, and even then, SSF4 is the game I continously go back to).
You play as Sly and his ancestors way more than Bentley or Murray... and most Bentley and Murray sections are platforming aside from two RC car segments (that are easy) and one chopper segment (that's also easy) which is about 95% of the gameplay.
The only real minigames have been hacking related (which again, are easy), a training montage (which was clever), and a root beer tapper style game during a Sly mission. They're neither as obscure as the ones in Sly 2 (which, let's face it, got rather weird) nor as all over the place as the ones in Sly 3.
Adam Sessler was wrong is what I'm saying; this is not the worst Sly game.
Sounds like the best one to me, easy. It seems like Adam Sessler's been losing it lately.
There's one Bentley and one Murray section per map, and the final mission in every episode involves using everyone together. I'm not exaggerating when I say the majority of the game is Sly gameplay unlike 3 and there's way more platforming than 2.
Sounds like it might even have more platforming than the first one! Glad Sanzaru realizes that the mini-games are what killed Sly for people like me. ;)
Well, there are minigames, they just are usually very easy and fast. The meat of the game comes from traditional jump n' run and stealth. There's also better checkpointing at bosses than Sly 1 and 2 in that you checkpoint at each section of the boss.
So no more irritating Mz Ruby-style shenanigans. (That boss almost killed Sly 1 for me)
Finished chapter 1 of The Witcher. The end boss of the first chapter was kind of a pain, mostly because I had no idea that the villagers would lock themselves in their homes some time before I fought it, thus preventing me from stocking up on potions. Oh, and since the witch mentioned that the person who defeated the beast before drained it's power by answering a riddle, I was really expecting that to be an alternative to defeat it. No, such luck, though. Still, I prevailed and eventually, I slew the hound. Ah, satisfaction.
The Witcher is pretty good from a story standpoint, but I'm not a huge fan of the gameplay mechanics and it just feels kind of wonky to me at times. Absolutely love the sequel though.
Just beat Donkey Kong Country. And I only started playing it about 4 days ago.
A bit of Skyrim and New Vegas until I can order some new stuff off Amazon.
For some reason I've never had all that many problems with New Vegas when it comes to bugs, at least not any that effected me in a major way. I still greatly enjoy it.
I'm also considering selling my DS so I can upgrade to a 3DS.
Yeah, to be honest, I've never really understood why people refer to Bethesda/Obsidian games as "horrendously buggy". I've never encountered a single bug in Skyrim or Fallout: New Vegas (yes, really), and the only major problem I experienced in Oblivion was more the fault of my computer's audio drivers than anything to do with the actual game.
Fallout 3 was fucking broken for me, though. Couldn't even play that shit until 2 years after I bought it, and only because of fan patches.
Aliens: Colonial Marines makes Duke Nukem Forever look like Borderlands 2.
Remember that I actually liked DNF. It's not a very good game, but it's at least competent throughout and has a couple of awesome levels thrown in there occasionally. After playing about an hour of Colonial Marines, I immediately uninstalled the game and will never let that shit touch my hard drive again.
This is not the same game Gearbox showed off at E3 or Community Day. The graphics, even maxed out, are far below what we saw in that gameplay (and yes, it actually was gameplay, not pre-rendered footage... I watched someone play it), the environments are barren in comparison, and everything about that sequence is different. There is no tension or suspenseful build up, and the ending battle is completely different; instead of a few marines with power loaders, flame throwers, and sentry guns going up against a gigantic army of multiple types of xenomorphs including a queen, you get a few marines with only pulse rifles fighting no more than 5 basic xenomorphs at a time.
Hell, I don't even think this was made by Gearbox. The game begins with a pre-rendered cutscene which sports humongous letterboxing, awful textures, and insane aliasing that was obviously recorded from the console version instead of the PC version for some reason. It lists four studios as having worked on the game, with Gearbox's name appearing last.
The guns are terrible, with the shotgun being infinitely more useful than the iconic pulse rifle. They don't feel satisfying to shoot, and the enemies don't react much (if at all) to being shot. You don't actually find weapons through gameplay either, you unlock them by ranking up like in Call of Duty, immersion-breaking popups and all.
The AI is godawful. Waddling around like penguins, the only reason xenomorphs pose any threat at all is because the hit detection in this game is so bad that sometimes they will actually hit you from yards away. Their animations also frequently break, making them teleport right up to you. The human enemies have terrible AI as well, but they're more likely to kill you than the aliens because the gameplay is broken. If you try to use actual tactics like cover or flanking against the Weyland-Yutani mercs, they will dispose of you quickly and easily due to the fact that they can shoot you through solid objects. Run around blind-firing like a chicken with its head cut off, however, and they won't stand a chance.
The little bit of story I saw was poorly written and only decently acted, leading me to believe that this is an even worse sequel than Alien 3 in that regard. Which reminds me, I somehow managed to break one of the scripted events early on, forcing a checkpoint restart.
This is by far the worst FPS I've played this gen, other than maybe ShellShock 2: Blood Trails. Though to be honest, I think that was actually better, because I was able to finish it. There is not a single ounce of fun to be had in Colonial Marines, and - I never thought I'd say this, but - I will think twice before I give Gearbox or Sega my money next time.
If you want an awesome colonial marines game, buy Aliens Versus Predator 2 for PC and play the marine campaign. Now that's Aliens done right! Thank you, Monolith.
Quote from: Foggle on February 10, 2013, 07:12:11 PM
Fallout 3 was fucking broken for me, though. Couldn't even play that shit until 2 years after I bought it, and only because of fan patches.
It's been fixed up since then, mostly. Though you still have to fix the freezing problem. :P
I looked online to see how to beat the skedar boss in Perfect Dark. So apparently there's only a second where you canshoot those damn pillars. How irritating. Anyway the Mauler did the trick and it didn't take too long. I didn't know that was actually the last boss. I'm glad to get the game's campaign over with after losing to the boss dozens of times.
The multiplayer on the other hand is pretty good. Shooters today could learn from all these options. I love customizing and saving modes and bots are great. I've been playing this a lot with my baby brother.
I finally got around to playing The Darkness 2 demo this weekend. (yeah, I'm late) Man was I impressed. I thought the game would have some bright, crappy looked based off of an old video I saw awhile ago but it had the look and feel I remember the original having. It felt like Starbreeze actually made the game. Plus the controls and powers usage was even better. And I love the idea of a skill try. All hated was how scarce the ammo seemed, never liked being forced to only be able to hold a few guns and I hear you can only summon one Darkling at a time.
I'm really loving the Garou MOTW demo. I still have the character select music and the announcer saying Rock Howard twice stuck in my head. I plan on getting the whole game one day so me and my baby brother will have more than two characters to pick.
Quote from: gunswordfist on February 13, 2013, 12:23:42 PM
I finally got around to playing The Darkness 2 demo this weekend. (yeah, I'm late) Man was I impressed. I thought the game would have some bright, crappy looked based off of an old video I saw awhile ago but it had the look and feel I remember the original having. It felt like Starbreeze actually made the game. Plus the controls and powers usage was even better. And I love the idea of a skill try. All hated was how scarce the ammo seemed, never liked being forced to only be able to hold a few guns and I hear you can only summon one Darkling at a time.
Most underrated game of last year IMO! Wish more people knew about it.
Also, let us rejoice, for System Shock 2 is FINALLY coming to GOG tomorrow!
What do you guys think of the Mass Effect storyline?
I've only played the first game, and IMO it didn't get interesting until around the last quarter of the game, and then it ended. To be honest, though, I can believe that the story gets a lot better in the 2nd game, but my story was never even the problem with the first game to begin with. While I did find the main plot to be pretty stale and uneventful for most of the first game, I did still really enjoy the characters, which is what kept me interested long enough to keep playing the game all of the way through. My main problem with that game was that I just couldn't stand the gameplay. It just came off as dull and monotonous. Sure, you had a lot of abilities at your disposal, but it was pretty useless anyways when you consider how laughably stupid the AI was (including your own partners), and how it was just as easy to take out most enemies through regular duck and cover tactics. Granted, I'm sure someone will say that you're forced to be more strategic on the harder difficulty settings, but I did try experimenting with the abilities, anyways (as I got bored with regular combat), and they just didn't feel that satisfying to pull off for me. I don't know how to describe it, but certain attacks that I expected to have more power behind them felt weak and barely useful, even when I leveled them up, whereas other abilities just made no sense to me at all.
The gameplay is basically what turned me off from the series, which is weird because I like the combat in the KOTOR games (made by the same development team) just fine, but I usually hate turn-based combat (making those games a bit of an exception). On the flip-side, I love real-time shooting combat, and adding in special abilities should feel like a recipe for success, but the end product in Mass Effect came off as dull to me, honestly. Keep in mind, I was a HUGE fan of BioWare's RPGs at the time (or at least a huge KOTOR fan, I should clarify), so I was highly anticipating Mass Effect more than even Halo 3, at the time. So, maybe I just had my expectations set too unrealistically high for the first game, which made it a bit of a disappointment for me, personally.
Mass Effect 1's gameplay sucks. Mass Effect 2, on the other hand, has some of the best TPS gameplay.
Mass Effect - Decent story, boring dialogue
Mass Effect 2 - Barely existent story, great dialogue
Mass Effect 3 - Story and dialogue both fluctuate constantly between awesome and terrible
The lore and universe are excellent, and the characters are extremely likable, but the trilogy itself never had a particularly good story IMO.
I enjoyed Mass Effect the first time I played through it. The dialogue and gameplay aged really badly, though.
Finally got the Temple shortcut complete in Spelunky. One of the most tense runs I've ever had. I finished with one health and no items. Luckily, had no darkness floors. Now it's time for Olmec. But I think actually standing a chance there will require a build-up of items from a full run.
Here's some advice for anyone who buys Borderlands 2: don't try to play single-player as Zer0. It's basically Masochist difficulty.
I know this because I picked him as my first (and so far only) solo character. Once you hit Opportunity, there's a pretty huge difficulty spike in general, but for Zer0 it's unbelievably high, with certain quests (such as Statuesque) being nearly impossible. Now I'm playing the DLC packs on True Vault Hunter Mode for proper level scaling, and it is making me shed girly child tears. Also, despite being 5 levels overpowered and using PT2 gear, I still can't beat the final round of the Hyperion Slaughter Dome. Zer0's action skill is terrible against the robot enemies, and while it's very cool looking and helpful at many points, it's easily the least useful overall. So yeah, play as Zer0 in co-op if you'd like, but maybe try someone else for solo. Don't make the same mistake I did.
I'm going to beat every quest as solo Zer0 though. I must finish what I started, no matter how painful.
Quote from: Foggle on February 14, 2013, 08:43:09 PM
Mass Effect - Decent story, boring dialogue
Mass Effect 2 - Barely existent story, great dialogue
Mass Effect 3 - Story and dialogue both fluctuate constantly between awesome and terrible
The lore and universe are excellent, and the characters are extremely likable, but the trilogy itself never had a particularly good story IMO.
Yeah, I thought ME2's story would have little to bring over to ME3 (haven't played it yet) Sounds like I'm right. That game was mostly about character recruitment...and you can have most of the characters die.
Anyway, dusted off Rayman Origins and played some more of it with my baby brother. We had a blast getting Electoons until we finally unlocked another Tricky Treasure level. He of course ended up doing most of the work since he's better at the game and got the treasure.
So, a few things about Metal Gear Rising:
1) My thoughts during the Metal Gear Ray fight: HOLY SHIT THIS GAME IS FUCKING AWESOME!
2) It's properly difficult. Blade Wolf was a great wake up call boss for me, like Murai and Cerberus before him.
3) Unless the Siliconera article was referring to something else, the VR Missions are unlockables, not DLC. There are 20 to find scattered throughout the levels, plus 5 tutorial stages.
4) The story is pretty interesting so far, and thankfully none of the cutscenes run longer than 5 minutes. Gameplay/cinematic ratio is much more biased towards gameplay than I expected.
5) Stealth is a key component of the gameplay, but only if you want it to be. It's fairly simple, and lots of fun; however, it hasn't been necessary for success at all so far.
All in all, the two levels I've played make it out to be one of Platinum's finest releases so far, and in the top 3 Metal Gear games overall.
Just finished the Mistral boss fight. Good stuff, combat's as great as ever, and I'm actually able to follow the story despite never having played a Metal Gear game before this one. Can't wait to try out the Gray Fox skin and VR missions. :shakeshakeshake:
I'm actually finding it a bit easier than the demo so far though, despite not having as many moves in my arsenal, Bladewolf didn't even give me any trouble at all. Then again I played the demo like 2 dozen times, so I'm most likely used to the games mechanics by now.
I got F-Zero on the Wii-U VC. I haven't played this game in soooo long.
It's very hard. :-X
MGR is already out? Didn't know it would have stealth.
Huh? Stealth in the Metal Gear game? Who would've figured? :-\
Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on February 20, 2013, 05:48:46 PM
Huh? Stealth in the Metal Gear game? Who would've figured? :-\
To be fair, it's a spin-off. A hack and slash one, at that. :P
Quote from: talonmalon333 on February 20, 2013, 07:50:22 PM
To be fair, it's a spin-off. A hack and slash one, at that. :P
It's called sarcasm....:oo:
Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on February 20, 2013, 07:51:36 PM
Quote from: talonmalon333 on February 20, 2013, 07:50:22 PM
To be fair, it's a spin-off. A hack and slash one, at that. :P
It's called sarcasm....:oo:
I know. But GSF probably didn't get it. :awesome:
Finished MGR last night. That sunset duel with Sam is easily the best boss fight in the game, followed by the final boss. Speaking of which...
Armstrong gave me a lot of trouble until I figured out his patterns and how to prevent him from healing himself, opting to dodge the debris he throws at you instead of doing that difficult Blade Mode sequence also helped out a bunch. Metal Gear Excelcious was a bit of a pushover for a penultimate boss, though at least he isn't as bad as Arkham.
Also tried out hard mode earlier today and died to Metal Gear RAY...thrice. And on a final note: the Fox Blade is hilariously broken with a certain upgrade. It makes the final levels look like a joke.
So, what does the replay value of MGR look like for those of you that have it? I know that the game is short (apparently only about 4 hours long), but that doesn't necessarily bother me as long as the game can support at least 3 or more play-throughs.
The replay value is great! :joy:
Quote from: Foggle on February 23, 2013, 11:42:48 PM
The replay value is great! :joy:
That's good, but I guess I should have asked for more description in that regard. Like, does the game have collectibles, multiple harder difficulties with altered enemy placements or better enemy AI on the higher difficulties, multiple costumes and accessories to unlock, and so on?
That's usually stuff that always sucker me into coming back for more. ;)
You start with three difficulty levels, and I believe you unlock another one after beating the game (I haven't finished it yet). There might be a fifth one as well, but I'm not sure. Rynnec can probably talk more about enemy placement and AI. ;)
As far as collectibles, all I'm aware of are the VR Missions, of which there are 20. Finding them encourages level exploration, and the few I've tried are quite fun in their own right. I don't know if these particular ones are PS3 exclusive or not, as I was under the impression that the exclusive ones were going to be DLC.
There are tons of unlockables moves. There are also extra weapons and costumes, though I haven't seen many of either yet.
And of course, the game is just extremely fun to play in general.
Alright, that sounds like all of the information I need. I'll probably pick this game up over my week-long break in the beginning of March. :thumbup:
Just beat hard mode. Didn't notice any drastic changes in the enemy placement and AI outside of being slightly more aggresive, I'm expecting very hard mode to be where those things getreally noticeable.
For collectables and unlockables other than the VR Missions, there are Data Files and men in boxes that are scattered across levels, the left arms of certain enemies can be collected if you cut them off correctly, collecting/finding certain amounts of things nets you some unlockables.
You can also unlock stuff by beating VR Missions and higher difficulty modes.
I finally got my hands on Giana Sisters DS and beat it. IMO, it's probably the best platformer on the DS. It's simple and straightforward and not all that hard (the first two worlds were really obvious) but that's what makes it so good. The soundtrack also sounds classic without sounding faux-retro.
If you can find it, I highly recommend it.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on March 05, 2013, 04:21:53 PM
I finally got my hands on Giana Sisters DS and beat it. IMO, it's probably the best platformer on the DS. It's simple and straightforward and not all that hard (the first two worlds were really obvious) but that's what makes it so good. The soundtrack also sounds classic without sounding faux-retro.
If you can find it, I highly recommend it.
Is that the same game as the one on Steam?
Quote from: Foggle on March 05, 2013, 04:58:18 PM
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on March 05, 2013, 04:21:53 PM
I finally got my hands on Giana Sisters DS and beat it. IMO, it's probably the best platformer on the DS. It's simple and straightforward and not all that hard (the first two worlds were really obvious) but that's what makes it so good. The soundtrack also sounds classic without sounding faux-retro.
If you can find it, I highly recommend it.
Is that the same game as the one on Steam?
I'm not sure, there are a lot of Giana Sisters games. Is there a screenshot of the Steam version for me to see?
The DS one looks like this:
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on March 05, 2013, 05:06:22 PM
I'm not sure, there are a lot of Giana Sisters games.
There... are? I kind of thought it was a new IP, never heard of it before last year. Here's the PC game:
Quote from: Foggle on March 05, 2013, 05:17:49 PM
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on March 05, 2013, 05:06:22 PM
I'm not sure, there are a lot of Giana Sisters games.
There... are? I kind of thought it was a new IP, never heard of it before last year. Here's the PC game:
It started off life as a Mario ripoff back in the 80s. Since then there's been a few revival attempts to separate it from the SMB games. There's also one coming out for XBLA/PSN soon.
But no, that's not the same game.
Still Skyrim (
I'm also either going to get Epic Mickey, Kirby's Epic Yarn, or Resident Evil 4. Which ever ones cheapest.
I got to say, I've seen the Steam version of Giana Sisters in action, and it is an absolutely beautiful looking game.
Quote from: Nel_Annette on March 05, 2013, 07:17:50 PM
I got to say, I've seen the Steam version of Giana Sisters in action, and it is an absolutely beautiful looking game.
I've played the Steam version and the game play is pretty solid. The mechanics of switching between the two girls reminds me of Mighty Switch Force in a way.
Quote from: Daxdiv on March 05, 2013, 07:31:12 PM
Quote from: Nel_Annette on March 05, 2013, 07:17:50 PM
I got to say, I've seen the Steam version of Giana Sisters in action, and it is an absolutely beautiful looking game.
I've played the Steam version and the game play is pretty solid. The mechanics of switching between the two girls reminds me of Mighty Switch Force in a way.
Oh, you switch between them? Then it's definitely not the same game.
Quote from: Daxdiv on March 05, 2013, 07:31:12 PM
Quote from: Nel_Annette on March 05, 2013, 07:17:50 PM
I got to say, I've seen the Steam version of Giana Sisters in action, and it is an absolutely beautiful looking game.
I've played the Steam version and the game play is pretty solid. The mechanics of switching between the two girls reminds me of Mighty Switch Force in a way.
I really like the way it switches the music and environment too. Whenever I get a better rig I'm getting a Steam account and buying that.
My baby brother and me beat Land Of The Livid Dead on Sunday. I love that boss music.
After watching some of Chuggaaconroy's let's play of Pok?mon Colosseum, I decided to revisit this game. I ended up liking it a little bit more than I used to. Maybe it's the strategy involved with having 2 different Pok?mon out on the field, maybe it's because I love double battles, maybe it is how more battle focus it is than the GBA games. I don't know anymore, I just know that I like this game again.
My only complaint was how limited my team composition felt due to how at the time of the game release, it was pretty much a way to get Johto Pok?mon onto the games and since the game does have models for the trainers in FireRed and LeafGreen before the games were released, showed that Kanto remakes were in the works, so it does explain why there were no snaggable mons that hailed from Generation I. But I got sidetracked here, My main point of my tangent was that half of my team didn't even come until my main journey was 3/5th of the way over and one coming in near the end of the main story.
My team at the end of the game while defeating Realgam Tower was this:
Espeon/Marquis ♂ 57
Feralitgatr/Leatherhed ♂ 57
Ampharos/Sparky-San ♀ 56
Flygon/Toothless ♀ 57
Granbull/Daisy ♀ 57
Heracross/Jamie ♂ 58
Did a lot of training in the Under Colosseum, getting my team up to 55 before facing the rest of Realgam. Ending up making Evice my bitch in the process. I think my favorite part was when Leatherhed used Blizzard and ended up freezing Salamence on the field, then having Toothless mop up on the next turn. Now I just got to do the post-game content and catch all the Shadow Pok?mon I failed to catch earlier.
I love Chugga, but he screams way too much in those Pokemon playthroughs. No one gets that excited over catching a Pokemon unless their drunk or under 10. :P
I'm on Etrian Odyssey IV. I'm so glad they included the casual mode. On the third dungeon. I'll go back to the first 3 games eventually though.
Thoughts on GoldenEye for the Wii, guys?
It's the best shooter on the system.
It's better than all the CODs, Conduits, and whatnots.
I was going to pick up the XBOX360 version of the game at one point in time, but then I decided not to after hearing that its not as good as the Wii version.
From what I heard they severely gimped the stealth sections and changed some level design for the worse by making it more about typical COD shooting.
It's also still at full price somehow while the Wii version is not despite the Wii version not bombing.
I really don't get Activision.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on March 13, 2013, 06:44:45 PM
From what I heard they severely gimped the stealth sections and changed some level design for the worse by making it more about typical COD shooting.
It's also still at full price somehow while the Wii version is not despite the Wii version not bombing.
I really don't get Activision.
I heard the Wii version bombed, too. :P
It sold well.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on March 13, 2013, 08:42:00 PM
It sold well.
That depends on your definition of well. According to VG Charts, it sold 1.74 million. When compared to the original, which sold 8.09 million, I get the feeling Activision's attempt to bank on the GoldenEye name maybe didn't get the results they hoped for.
Course, that has nothing to do with what I personally think of the game. I like it, but not as much as the original.
I wouldn't trust VG Chartz for numbers, they frequently make them up.
Nonetheless, Activision said it did decently which probably indicates it did decently. The HD version was an outright bomb, though.
I like the newer game more than the N64 game.
So I bought Double Dragon Neon a few days ago.
it's like I'm really back in the 80s. I get a sick kick out of punching and throwing people too.
That Stage 2 theme was the topper for me. Pure 80s without being obnoxious about it.
I played the Streets of Rage 2 demo. That really brings me back to good times. I remember when my brother, my cousin, and I used to take turns playing through that game back in the day (since it was only 2 players, whenever someone died we had to switch out to the person who wasn't playing before). Ah, good times.
I think I'll be getting the trilogy off of XBLA pretty soon. I especially love playing it with my fight-pad since that controller really reminds me of the 6-button Sega Genesis controller (my favorite controller for 2D gaming, personally), so it makes the experience of playing SOR feel all the more authentic to me.
I want SVC: Streets Of Rage even though I have all of the SORs on SUGC because I would love to play the Japanese version of Streets Of Rage 3 on my console. It's such a fun game.
Sin and Punishment 2 is pretty cheap on Amazon right now. Some copies as low as $7 brand new.
Worth picking up? I don't know much about this franchise (never played the original, and yes I am aware it's on the VC), so I'm not quite sure what to expect.
It's like Star Fox only with pointer aiming and an incomprehensible story. It's well worth picking up if you enjoy games like that since it is probably the best game like it since Star Fox 64.
Yeah, I think I'll go for it. I mean, for that price, you really can't go wrong, and my Wii collection has been pretty stagnant lately.
Probably should get around to buying the original while I'm at it. I hardly have anything on the VC as it is (I've always been such a stickler for owning games on their original console if possible, although in this case, that isn't an option).
Lego City Undercover is quite a fun open world game. I've never really played a Lego game before, but I'm quite enjoying it. The load times could be better, though.
It's very funny, too.
Replayed - and beat - Donkey Kong Country. Because I really don't play many games.
Started Little BigPlanet 2 yesterday with my baby brother...and we beat it earlier today. :wth: Besides it being too short, the only complaints I have is the save the sackbots levels that had no other gimmicks. Besides that, I had a blast with the grappling hook levels, the animals/insects you ride, the autoscrolling shootung sequences, the minigames, etc. The minigames felt closer to being as good as Mario Party's. Hopefully one day the series lives up to its potential since it's like Mario Party, Rayman Origins and Tomba all in one.
We played LBP2's Toy Story level pack last night and beat it. Not bad.
From what I've played:
Luigi's Mansion Dark Moon > Luigi's Mansion
Nintendo should really buy Next Level Games.
BioShock Infinite is like my new favorite game of all time. Literally the only fault I can find with it is the 2-weapon limit, I absolutely love just about everything else about it. 11/10, GOTYAY, etc.
I don't mind the 2-weapon limit thing if its used wisely. Also, to be honest, I usually only stuck to 2 or 3 weapons in the first 2 BioShock games, anyways, as I like sticking to what I find to be the most useful weapons to use in FPS games (as opposed to hack n' slash games, in which I make it a point to experiment with different weapons).
At any rate, the original BioShock was among the few "artistic" sort of games that actually had GOOD writing to support its deep story-line (rather than being written by pretentious ass-holes who like to talk big but wouldn't know a good story if it bit them in the ass), and on top of that it never forgot the fact that it was a game, and while it was hardly the best FPS gameplay out there, it was still great and well above any of the crappy CoD clones that we've been getting this generation. BioShock: Infinite is one of the few modern games that I've been truly excited for in a long while, so I'm glad to hear all of the positive reception that this game has been getting. I REALLY want to play it as soon as possible, but its just not going to happen when I'm this busy, so I'm only ever going to end up getting to this game by around May. Its definitely a priority game for me, though (MGRR would be 2nd for me, I suppose).
Infinite more than lives up to the hype IMO. I'm not exaggerating when I say it's one of the best games I've ever played. I'll write a review for it soon probably.
For now, just imagine if BioShock 1 and Half-Life 2 had a baby, and it somehow managed to be better than both. That's BioShock Infinite.
So, I know that this game is mainly supposed to be its own thing, but does the story have any subtle or clever little nods to the original game? I just love looking for stuff like that in spin-off titles (or in this case its more of a prequel than anything else). I mean, I am glad that they decided to move away from Rapture (because really, what else could you do with it that the first 2 games didn't already explore?), but its also such an iconic and atmospheric place that I can't help but be a little saddened by the prospect that it'll never be featured in another game (though, to be fair, that's probably for the better).
That said, I do really love how Columbia seems to be the polar opposite of Rapture. Its in the sky instead of under the ocean, its well-populated and in its prime when you visit it (as oppose to you making it to Rapture well after its fall), and its a bright ad colorful place, as opposed to a broken down and dark place like Rapture is when you first visit it. Actually, now that I think about it, Columbia is way more up my ally than Rapture, but both make for absolutely fantastic, atmospheric, and truly memorable environments.
Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on March 28, 2013, 08:15:46 PM
So, I know that this game is mainly supposed to be its own thing, but does the story have any subtle or clever little nods to the original game?
Yep! The prologue is very reminiscent of the original BioShock, and there are also some other things in the game that I don't want to spoil. It's not necessary to play either of the first two games to understand or love Infinite, but you will appreciate certain things about it a
lot more if you have.
Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on March 28, 2013, 08:15:46 PM
That said, I do really love how Columbia seems to be the polar opposite of Rapture. Its in the sky instead of under the ocean, its well-populated and in its prime when you visit it (as oppose to you making it to Rapture well after its fall), and its a bright ad colorful place, as opposed to a broken down and dark place like Rapture is when you first visit it. Actually, now that I think about it, Columbia is way more up my ally than Rapture, but both make for absolutely fantastic, atmospheric, and truly memorable environments.
Columbia really is amazing. The opening bits are utterly fantastic and will really get you immersed in the story, and you'll definitely want to explore every inch of the game world. :)
It has quite a few great nods to the first game throughout the whole thing, from the beginning area of the game and bits and pieces from there on.
Oh my god, I love how quickly everything escalates
at the raffle. When they bring the interracial couple out and you realize why this town's a bad place. And then ramming that guy's head into that spinner thing immediately afterward? Holy shit.
Quote from: Nel_Annette on March 28, 2013, 08:26:39 PM
Oh my god, I love how quickly everything escalates Spoiler
at the raffle. When they bring the interracial couple out and you realize why this town's a bad place. And then ramming that guy's head into that spinner thing immediately afterward? Holy shit.
Everything from the very opening to that exact moment comprises what may just be my favorite slice of video game storytelling EVER. This is Irrational's masterpiece as far as I'm concerned, even surpassing System Shock 2 at points.
Damnit, now I really wish I had some leftover birthday money.
Oh, and the two Brits, the Luteces, is it? I love them. They're hilarious.
Quote from: Nel_Annette on March 28, 2013, 10:51:47 PM
Oh, and the two Brits, the Luteces, is it? I love them. They're hilarious.
Me too! Their dialogue reminds me a lot of Rosencrantz & Guildenstern Are Dead.
In my book, BioShock Infinite is pretty much perfect.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on March 27, 2013, 05:15:38 PM
From what I've played:
Luigi's Mansion Dark Moon > Luigi's Mansion
Nintendo should really buy Next Level Games.
From what everyone is saying, I totally need to get this.
Too bad I can't bring myself to finish like any of my 3DS games though (aside from 3D Land, I'm stuck halfway through on everything else). And I'm cheap.
Right now on XBLA the first episode of The Walking Dead video game is free, and the other four episodes are only 200 points each.
Guess what I just bought. :joy:
Quote from: Kiddington on March 28, 2013, 11:20:44 PM
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on March 27, 2013, 05:15:38 PM
From what I've played:
Luigi's Mansion Dark Moon > Luigi's Mansion
Nintendo should really buy Next Level Games.
From what everyone is saying, I totally need to get this.
Too bad I can't bring myself to finish like any of my 3DS games though (aside from 3D Land, I'm stuck halfway through on everything else). And I'm cheap.
If you enjoyed Luigi's Mansion, I would wager you'd like this one better. My issue with the original was it was too short and there was not enough to do... neither of which are close to issues in this one.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on March 28, 2013, 11:53:49 PM
Quote from: Kiddington on March 28, 2013, 11:20:44 PM
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on March 27, 2013, 05:15:38 PM
From what I've played:
Luigi's Mansion Dark Moon > Luigi's Mansion
Nintendo should really buy Next Level Games.
From what everyone is saying, I totally need to get this.
Too bad I can't bring myself to finish like any of my 3DS games though (aside from 3D Land, I'm stuck halfway through on everything else). And I'm cheap.
If you enjoyed Luigi's Mansion, I would wager you'd like this one better. My issue with the original was it was too short and there was not enough to do... neither of which are close to issues in this one.
I always found the original to be a tad underrated, personally. Liked it wayyyyy better than Sunshine.
Okay, it's settled, I'm buying it. I could use a break on Sticker Star anyway (I like it, but can't seem to bring myself to finish it).
Quote from: Kiddington on March 29, 2013, 01:10:03 AM
I always found the original to be a tad underrated, personally. Liked it wayyyyy better than Sunshine.
Agreed. I loved the original (and still do).
I don't think I ever finished the original, but I definitely was fond of it. If I had a 3DS, I'd more than likely get the new one.
I'm in the camp that wasn't a fan of Luigi's Mansion. I liked Mario Sunshine better... and that's saying something.
Well, IMO, the new one is better than both. ;)
The dark light effect is pretty neat, too.
I got the Streets of Rage Sega Vintage Collection today. I haven't played these games in ages, but I played some of SOR1 today. The game isn't nearly as good as its refined sequel from what I remember of it, but what I played of it still holds up decently enough. I think my main problem with it is that the enemies feel somewhat shallow in design, including the bosses, so challenge comes mainly from them throwing more enemies at you and having them crowd around you in the later stages, which isn't necessarily the most balanced from of challenge. Still, I did manage to make it to the boss fight of stage 5 on a single continue, so I don't think I did too bad for my first attempt at playing this game in a long time. I do, however, remember liking SOR2 the most, and to be honest I never played much of 3 in my youth, so I don't remember as much about that game.
SoR3 adds a lot of new techniques to the gameplay. Unfortunately, I think the combat is the only real improvement over SoR2. The music, level, and art design feel like a step back. But it's still an excellent game and well worth playing for genre fans.
To be fair, though, I've always been a sucker for improved combat over even level design in action games of any sort, so I have a feeling that I'd still like SOR3 quite a bit.
Quote from: talonmalon333 on March 29, 2013, 11:59:05 AM
I'm in the camp that wasn't a fan of Luigi's Mansion. I liked Mario Sunshine better... and that's saying something.
Luigi's Mansion is the best Ghostbusters game ever.
Unless the new one is better, that is.
So, I deleted and re-installed Ninja Gaiden Black on my XBOX360 yet again. This time I was able to get past the 2nd boss fight and the proceeding cutscenes without any interruptions, but then had the game stop on me and give me an error message yet again within a few minutes of playing the 3rd level in the game. At this point, I have given up on trying to get the downloadable version of NGB to work. My XBOX360 clearly just doesn't want to run it. Instead I'll delete and and re-install Resident Evil 4 in its place. As for NGB, I'm just going to have to try finding an hard copy of the game on disc form. In fact, I'd actually probably be better off just getting an original XBOX for cheap along with it, since that's the optimal way to play the game, anyways. I suppose these little technical difficulties in playing the game on an XBOX360 version wouldn't bother most people, but being that this is my favorite game of all time and I played hundreds of hours of the original version of the game on the exact console that it was intended for, these technical issues really do stand out to me and kind of hamper the fun I can have with the game whenever I notice them. Well, at any rate, I'll at least try the physical version of the game on my XBOX360 before I decide whether I really need to hunt down an original XBOX again or not (the one I have has long since been busted up beyond repair thanks to being severely mishandled by my older brother over the years).
In the meanwhile, I finally went back to playing DMC3 on Very Hard mode. I expected to play really poorly since I figured that having been away from the game for just over a month would have cost me the skills in precision and timing that I had acquired up to that point. Thankfully, I was able to jump right back into things without much difficulty. I played through missios 5 and 6, and the only part I died at between those 2 levels was at the Agni & Rudra boss fight. Though, on that note, I died about 4 or 5 times in a row on them before I could defeat them. This fight became A LOT harder on this difficulty because of how much more punishing the bosses can be. My problem wasn't in discovering their attack pattern, because I had done that the first time that I defeated them. Its that old strategies weren't as useful on them anymore, and I had to come up with new ways to defeat them. I thought Royal Guard might be useful against them, but to my disappointment even when I timed my counters perfectly, it didn't knock the weapons from their hands, so it was pretty useless for that fight. I found that the best strategy was to use the forward attack of Cerberus on them to parry their strikes, and after 3 parries in a row they would lose their weapon temporarily and be defenseless (one at a time for the most part, of course). Its at this time where I have to admit that the camera really became a issue for me. On lower difficulties, I didn't mind as much because I rarely had any of my attacks interrupted by the other brother, but in this case it happened more frequently and more often than not occurred from off-screen. What made it worse was that each strike I took head on cost me a ton of life, so I couldn't take too much damage before going down. This basically made this the 2nd boss fight in which I had to rely on an item to complete it (in this case a gold orb), because I wasn't willing to put up with the frustration of being punished for attacks that I couldn't see coming. Having said that, once I decided to use the gold orb, I was able to complete the fight and then I went onto mission 6 which is basically a cake-walk on any difficulty (I even got the Essence of Fighting, which is the hardest item to attain on that level, and its optional at that). On the other hand, though, I idiotically failed the puzzle room twice. I'm talking about the stupid riddle that I easily got on my first time through the game and on my Hard mode play-through. For whatever reason, I just wasn't thinking straight, and I ended up walking into the wrong room twice in a row. :P
After months of hiatus, I finally got around to beating Ocarina Of Time 3D. Back to Hotel Dusk.
Quote from: Nel_Annette on March 28, 2013, 11:49:17 PM
Right now on XBLA the first episode of The Walking Dead video game is free, and the other four episodes are only 200 points each.
Guess what I just bought. :joy:
Is it still free?
Aw. After purchasing it, it doesn't say. Just says I bought it. I'd... assume it is? Not sure.
Osmos...don't look at me like that. .3.
It was still free! Thanks Nel.
Recently played Sly 4 and of course loved it. I have since put it on my birthday list (it's next Friday). Really hard to believe it was made by a different team, it felt exactly the same as if Sucker Punch did it. I can't wait for when Sanzaru does Sly 5.
Currently playing the Hitman series, and Metal Gear Rising: Revengence. I'm still keeping an eye out for Deadly Premonition to come out. Also, when my birthday comes I'm going to GameStop and see if I can get Hotel Duck on Desen's recommendation.
Last night I had a dream that I was playing a game that played like Perfect Dark/Max Payne/Half-Life 2 and then at the end I was Deadpool in a tuxedo with a bubble pipe and I pounced somebody.
Quote from: gunswordfist on April 02, 2013, 02:25:21 PM
It was still free! Thanks Nel.
No prob. I saw the physical copies of the game (not Survival Instinct, I assure you, it is the Telltale one) at target today for $30, so I'm glad we both could save about $22 on the game. :lol:
Guys, after blood, sweat and tears, and so so much swearing, I finally beat Hell in Spelunky. I... I am so happy. And to top it off, I did it on my 1001st game. I had just gotten the "Addicted" achievement the game before. No more stress, just fun playthroughs of that game from now on. I still need to kill Vlad to complete the journal, though.
Also nearing the end of Hotel Dusk. It's quite the fun little mystery game, though some of the puzzles did leave me wandering around the hotel for almost thirty minutes trying to figure out what item I needed to do something and where I could find said item.
I stopped reading right when I saw Hell. After a million tries, I can't even get to Hell in Spelunky. I got close like twice.
Jumping in to say that BioShock Infinite is incredible.
I'm in the process of replaying it in 1999 Mode right now.
Quote from: Eddy on April 06, 2013, 02:46:27 AM
Jumping in to say that BioShock Infinite is incredible.
So, despite saying that I was done with trying to get the XBL version of NGB to work without freezing on me, I still decided to keep playing it anyways just because its my favorite fucking game ever, and I'll work through some technical difficulties if I have to. One of my only gripes with the game that I didn't have before is how there is a cap put on upgrading your weapons, so I couldn't level up my Dragon Sword until Chapter 3, and I couldn't do anything with my Lunar Staff until Chapter 4. The problem with that for me has to do with how limited the combat feels to me, being that I'm used to utilizing fully upgraded weapons in this game. Still, I do like being able to upgrade stuff in general, so now that I have my DS and LS both at level 2, the game's combat has gotten to be as fun as it should be, once again. Its not so much about chaining together combos (although that element is there), but more-so in using the right moves from the right weapons in the most appropriate situations. It just feels great in general to be able to have a complete advantage over your enemies when you use your weapons strategically in this game. I also love the enemy AI in this game. Its STILL the best in the genre, IMO. They move so damn fast and are far less predictable ad pattern-based than the enemies in most other hack n' slash games, but they still feel completely fair in how you fight them. Its just so satisfying to fight enemies in this game. I also really appreciate the light puzzle-solving elements that this game has. It just really helps the pacing of the game, as I never get worn out on fighting and thus I don't want to stop playing for quite a while. With NG2, while I love the combat, I have to admit that I never play more tha 1 Chapter of the game at a time since they are each so long and contain pretty much nothing but fighting, so its easy for me to get worn out after just a single level. As far as I can tell, NG3RE seems to be even worse in this regard. I really do hope that the next NG game can bring back the variety and expert pacing of NGB/S.
I finished Luigi's Mansion 2. I've been basically playing a mission (or two) a night since I got it and it took me 20 hours to finish. Suffice to say content was not a problem with this one.
Negatives: The framerate could be sturdier. It doesn't hamper any enjoyment out of the game but it is easily the most noticeable problem in the game. Also some bosses are really good while others are just downright strange like the whole second boss. Other than those issues, I'm really struggling to find any other issues.
Positives: There's hidden stuff everywhere! The dark-light device is an excellent idea, and almost everything in the game is interactive. The missions are just long enough and the game itself is very meaty (I haven't even dived into the multiplayer yet), so there's a lot of bang for your buck. The final boss is amazing and easily blows away the cruddy one from the first game. Each mansion is expertly designed and full of catchy tunes and great art design. The game is very charming and Luigi is at his best. The music is perfect Luigi's Mansion.
All in all, this is basically my game of the year so far. As someone who liked the original but didn't think it was particularly great, this is basically a fulfillment of that potential that one had. If you have a 3DS this is a must-play in my opinion.
I played through Chapter 6 of NGB today. My only other gripe with the game so far is that its not very challenging on Normal. I wish I could just go right ahead and jump to Hard mode or Very Hard mode from the get-go. Things have been going too easy so far. Its hilarious, because I'm already maxed out on healing items and can't carry anymore, not because I bought any, but because I never use the damn things on this difficulty setting.
Other than that, though, its still rightfully the best game that I've ever played. The level design is still awesome, and only slightly hampered by the occasionally wonky platforming (and the original DMC had that as well, so its not like that problem is exclusive to NG games). Its also helpful that I know where all of the chests and Golden Scarabs are located, so I don't miss anything as I'm going along.
Now, one thing I love about Chapter 6 is how those zombie enemies are so damn easy to farm for essence. I stalked up 40K on essence by just spamming UTs on them, and while it is technically grinding, in this case I don't mind it because it brings a lot of benefits to me relatively quickly in the grand scheme of things, although I did end up taking a full hour to complete the level because of the time that I spent on grinding. I ended up getting my Dragon Sword to level 3, maxing out my Vigoorian Flails at level 2, and also getting my wooden sword up to level 3, and I still have over 15K in essence to spare, which I'm saving for the next level so that I can upgrade my Lunar Staff right away (once again, I can't do it right away because of the level cap). Its nice to have my Dragon Sword up to level 3, so that now I can finally use gleaming blade, which is a really useful technique, but then again, there isn't really that much necessity to it on this particular difficulty setting.
I also completed the first 60 Fiends challenge with relative ease. On my first time playing through the game, I never did that because I really sucked at the combat and would end up dying before I could take down even half of the enemies, but in this case I used the proper strategy and took out all of the enemies in a fairly short amount of time, though this is probably the one time that I had to use some light healing items to survive the entire duration of the battle (mostly because I was being sloppy and took some unnecessary damage). So, now I got another Spirit of the Devils and used it to upgrade my max Ki-limit to 3 slots, though I rarely use Ki in this game, so its more for the sake of completion than anything else, really.
I beat The Walking Dead Episode 1 today. I can't believe so few picked Doug. Anyway, it wasn't enough for me to want to rush and get the other episodes ahead of all the other XBLA games I want but I liked it. I was glad to meet my 2nd favorite character in the comic book series, Glenn. The part where he said, 'Wait, you have a boyfriend?!' was funny.
Also, yesterday I beat Metal Slug 3 for the third time ever. I did it to look for the hostage that's attached to an achievement and I found him. Dear God I love the last level. It's like 3 levels in one. I like fighting enemies like the red spiders and squid enemies because it's so fun killing them with the knife and I like swatting the squids' projectiles. Anyway, I plan on beating the game again today but with my baby brother and because I want to go to the above ground path in Mission 3 that I had to look up on youtube to see where to enter it.
We beat Metal Slug 3 today. That Ostrich path is decent.
I forgot to mention this, I finally got around to beating Sonic Generations. It took a few dozen tried but I got the hang of it. Then I went on to do the Metal Sonic boss fight on Hard mode. Fun but too repetitive.
So, do any of you guys know that really irritating and frustrating feeling that you get when you are trying to 100% a game and collect every item, but accidentally go to the next area and get locked out of the previous area while knowing full well that you had more items to attain over there that you now can't go back to? Well, yeah, that happened to me in Ninja Gaiden Black (on Chapter 9: The Military Supply Base), a game that I know inside and out. I wasn't thinking straight and just walked into the next area, which had a mini-boss fight so the door locked behind me. In most cases, once you finish the fight, the door will re-open, but this also had to be one of those few times that it stayed locked, so I couldn't even go back. It just leaves this really annoying feeling of incompleteness, however I could still make it back to that area, but it'll be much later on in the game and I'd have to take a long trip just to go all the way around to there. Its not for anything important, either, but I just feel the need to uncover every single chest in this game, so its still going to be grinding at me for a while.
Gamestop is doing a 50% off sale for some of their cheaper used games. For less than $2.50, I got Blast Works and Link's Crossbow Training. Not bad.
Looks like my Deus Ex playthrough is getting cut short. It freezes every time I try to leave the exploding ship, and I only have one save file because I'm a dumbass.
Welp. :-\
The original Donkey Kong Country is a nasty game to try and beat 100% (I've beaten it "normally" plenty of times up to this point, but this is my first real stab at trying to find
everything). I'm steadily convinced that some of these bonus rooms don't actually exist at all.
Quote from: Avaitor on April 13, 2013, 02:00:25 PM
Gamestop is doing a 50% off sale for some of their cheaper used games. For less than $2.50, I got Blast Works and Link's Crossbow Training. Not bad.
Yeah, too bad most of the stores around here don't have squat for selection anymore. Only thing decent I could find on my last trip was Trauma Center: Second Opinion for $5.
It amazes me how quickly that company is to phase out anything and everything that's over five years old. The majority of stores don't even carry DS games anymore (save for a few junk shovelware titles that don't even come with cases, and I'm sure that's only because they can't get rid of them), and that system isn't even dead!
Mine isn't THAT bad. They still have Gamecube games, but behind the desk and you have to ask for them. Which reminds me, I still have to pick up their copy of Sonic Gems Collection while they still have it.
Yeah, but are they decent GameCube games? Mine still has a few as well, but it's mostly just junk like NCAA Football 2006 or stuff of that ilk. Nothing that's actually worth owning.
Their Wii selection is still decent enough (if a tad overpriced), so I can give them a pass on that... but I was really disappointed with their DS selection. And this isn't just one store, either; this is the trend in the area. I've been to at least four, and they're all about the same.
Besides Sonic Gems, that's how I picked up my more recent copy of Mega Collection, since I traded off my original, and they had some of the Gamecube Resident Evil games, as well as $3 Viewtiful Joe, which I also definitely need to get if they still have it. I can't recall what else though.
Quote from: Avaitor on April 14, 2013, 11:12:02 PM
Besides Sonic Gems, that's how I picked up my more recent copy of Mega Collection, since I traded off my original, and they had some of the Gamecube Resident Evil games, as well as $3 Viewtiful Joe, which I also definitely need to get if they still have it. I can't recall what else though.
Man, I don't even. This town sucks.
Mine still carries DS games, but a majority of them are used and don't even come in boxes. They also stopped carrying Gamecube and PS2 games.
Quote from: Avaitor on April 13, 2013, 02:00:25 PM
Gamestop is doing a 50% off sale for some of their cheaper used games. For less than $2.50, I got Blast Works and Link's Crossbow Training. Not bad.
I went there yesterday to see what they had. The only game that caught my eye that I didn't already have was Red Steel 2, unfortunately it didn't come in its case, so I bought Wario Land Shake It instead.
Damn, Red Steel 2 and Shake It? I would've definitely got those.
I just went to the GameStop at the mall. I'll have to go to the one by my campus between exams tomorrow.
Finally beat Red Dead Redemption tonight. Overall, I loved the story and the characters, and I think the desert looks gorgeous, but the game itself is an absolute bore to play. None of the missions were really fun, mechanics like taming horses or herding cattle or dueling or aiming suck, and trying to get all the extras is a complete chore, so I suppose I'm not coming back to it. Might do Undead Nightmare somewhere down the line. Game took me six months to beat.
Next for the X-Box 360, I'll finally be getting around to Final Fantasy XIII. The Legend Of Zelda: Skyward Sword is still sitting in the Wii. Also thinking of starting Riviera for PSP and Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Ring Of Fates for the DS. Gotta chug through this backlog before I get a Wii U or a PS4. That's my task for myself.
Quote from: Nel_Annette on April 18, 2013, 11:41:43 PM
Finally beat Red Dead Redemption tonight. Overall, I loved the story and the characters, and I think the desert looks gorgeous, but the game itself is an absolute bore to play. None of the missions were really fun, mechanics like taming horses or herding cattle or dueling or aiming suck, and trying to get all the extras is a complete chore, so I suppose I'm not coming back to it.
I felt much the same way. I enjoyed messing around in the game, hunting bounties and stuff like that, but I didn't really care for the main story stuff outside of the writing.
I'm actually happy to see that I'm not alone, Foggle. Everywhere I've gone has been nothing but praise for the game, and while I can see why others would give it such praises, it just didn't do it for me. Mexico especially dragged on too long for me. Though I truly love that song "Far Away" that plays when you're riding around there for the first time. This game does atmosphere quite well.
Storywise, it'd make for a kickass trilogy of movies, I think.
Have they said what the sequel would be about yet? I'd love to see
Jack sort out his life, and maybe put down Abraham Reyes' punkass in the process. Seriously, the way Reyes went on, you knew he was going to end up no better than the people he was trying to overthrow. Poor, stupid Luisa.
I'm pretty sure that I've always said that this game is insanely overrated. Though, keep in mind, I'm not really much of a fan of Rockstar games or sandbox games to begin with.
Playing The Knife Of Dunwall has made me remember how much I love Dishonored. The first level alone took me 2 hours, and I didn't even find/do everything in it! Excellent DLC for what is easily one of last year's best games.
Since I don't have a Wii U yet, I'm playing the Lego City Undercover prequel on the 3DS to tide me over. Clearly not as good as the Wii U game, but till very fun to play in its own right. :)
If this franchise continues to be as popular as it is, and with Nintendo being the publisher, do you think there's a chance they'd put Chase McCain in the next Smash Bros.? Maybe as a cameo assist? Stranger things have happened.
I'd rather have a Bionicle character if they were going to put anything Lego in SSB, but of course that will never happen. :imnothappy:
Speaking of the Wii-U, I found a few games for it at a pawn shop for $25, including the newest Mario game and Nintendoland. If I had the money and any prospects of getting a Wii-U, I'd hit those up.
Yesterday I beat my first Nightmare level on Doom. It was the very first level. I beat the 2nd level too. As a kid I recall one of the Sergeants on the first level up on the first steps kicking down a dead body that instantly killed me upon contact. Can that really happen or was that my overactive imagination?
A few days ago, I found out where Grosse was in Doom II and beat it. The hell at the end of that stage?!!
Yesterday, I finally got past Episode 4 Map 2 on Doom 1 Ultra-Violence. The first two levels in this episode are probably the hardest out of any in Doom 1 or 2 so it's been months since I tried to beat the 2nd stage. I got up to the 4th level tonight and stopped because I need to check online to find out this episode's secret exit.
Is the Conduit worth playing? My GameStop has that for $5.
I never got around to playing it, but all comments I've heard say it isn't worth it.
So... Donkey Kong Country Returns is pretty good and all.
Why did I wait so long to play this?
Bout time. :P
Donkey Kong Country Returns >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
It really is.
Oh man, I really need to play the originals again. I even have the first on SNES now, but I just haven't got around to it. Boo to finales.
Yeah, I beat the original just a couple of weeks ago. It's actually what inspired me to finally get around to DKCR. :awesome:
Still holds up just as well as ever.
Huge wall of text coming.
Uncharted 2: Among Thieves
Finally getting around to playing this game. Not far at all. Just reaching chapter 2, I think it is.. When you first starting traveling with Sully. So far the way the game plays feels good. Nothing feels sluggish or slow to respond. Liking the characters that were introduced so far. I really like the visuals so far, especially the snowy beginning. I'm looking forward to completing this game and moving onto Drake's Deception, although, I should probably buy Drake's Fortune and finish that one up, but then again, I didn't really care much for that one.
DmC: Devil May Cry
Ah, yes, last time I was involved in a discussion about this game it was basically being shot down. Truth be told, though, considering how much I enjoy the DMC games, it's not a bad game by any means, but it's not the perfect game that those review sites made it to be either. I think Angry Joes review is spot on. Both Dante and Vergil are unlikable. With that said, I do enjoy the combat even though the lack of a lock-on button is mind boggling, especially because there are some enemies that fly and they are annoying. Then the point of having to switch to a Angelic or Demonic type of weapon to kill a specific type of enemy really messes with the flow as well. That freedom to play the game, or at least fight however you want is hindered (and that's a problem in a lot of games these days). The satisfaction is definitely there though when cutting up baddies though (not near the satisfaction that's in MGR:R which I'll get to in a bit). When the camera slows down on that final swing really makes me feel good in a twisted way. With all that being said it's a good game. Against my better judgment, I plan to get Vergil's Downfall. DLC's really pissing me off. Capcom specific to be exact, especially when that DLC could've been an unlocking feature for completing the game.
Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance
I completed this about 3-4 days after I bought it, and I'd say this game is a blast considering the short length. My only issue(s) with the game is that the stealth mechanic should've been left out completely. Even though they say something along the lines of try to take enemies out quietly, I just never saw a reason to do so, not to mention the game encourages you to fight any and everything (at least in my eyes). The other issue. Sub-Weapons. I never found a need to use them. Instead of those types of sub-weapons I would've liked to see more melee weapons. I don't really plan on doing any of the VR Missions. That type of stuff never catered to me, however, I do plan to get Jetstream Sam.
Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3
Over the past few months I've been in quite the character crisis. Not like in Super Street Fighter 4 whereas I was trying to find that character for me, but more like I'm trying to narrow down the options. There are so many characters in this game that I like and are easy enough for me to play till I found myself just trying to come up with so many teams. Wolverine, Captain America, Nova, Vergil, Hawkeye, Dante, Spencer, Taskmaster, Magneto, Wesker, Akuma, Strider, and Doctor Doom all saw play. Just recently I saw a pad player play Dante and Spencer and beat probably the best player in the game, and that got me motivated to put Dante back on my team. Originally, my team was Dante, Vergil, Spencer/Hawkeye, and I found both Dante and Vergil to be a little hard to play as because of the execution it takes to play them, especially Dante with his bold canceling. In any case, the teams I'm looking at right now are
Spencer, Dante, Vergil
Dante, Vergil, Hawkeye
Nova, Dante, Vergil
I do recall saying how much I favor Dante and Vergil over everyone else, and it's unfortunate that my character selection are all top tier characters, but it can't be helped. I have a lot of fun using them. Wolverine and Cap are also very fun characters as well, and will probably see use on those teams as well. I played my brother-in-law a couple of times and got bopped, but with each set we play I see a lot of improvement on my end. I was not expecting him to play Vergil considering our first set he was using Chris, Zero and Ryu.
Street Fighter X Tekken
People still love to hate on this game, and truth be told, it's justified (but not saying Injustice or MK9 is better). The DLC on disc is gonna hurt them forever. That said, this is becoming the new SSF4 to me. I'm get more excited every time I see high level play, not to mention the variety of characters even though Jin, Law, or Hwoarang seems to be on most teams, but whatever. My team(s), unfortunately lie along the lines of top tier
Jin, Hwoarang
Jin, Guy
Guy, Hwoarang
I still might throw Lars in there for good measure because of how easy it is to use him.
Super Street Fighter 4: Arcade Edition 2012
That fire is burning out with this game. At this point I don't really watch any matches unless it's high level play of Ken, Guy, Yun, Yang, Rose, Cody, Oni, and Evil Ryu. Everyone else just bore me to tears (and that's mostly because of the players in the U.S. I usually don't mind people playing top tier characters, but it's definitely boring to see almost all top 8's full of Ryu, Cammy, Seth, Fei Long, and Akuma, although I can probably still watch Cammy if played at a high level. US Cammys are trash, at least in tournies.
Characters I'm using here are Guy, Yun, and Rose (possibly Oni). Cody will probably see a lot of play as well since he's my best character at the moment.
Reason I keep saying "watching" is because I have to draw my motivation from somewhere. If I get bored with what I see, I lose the desire to play.
DKC Returns is essentially DKC1 on steroids.
I actually really enjoyed the stealth in MGR. But I almost always love stealth mechanics, no matter how shoehorned in they may be.
Quote from: talonmalon333 on April 28, 2013, 12:09:03 PM
DKC Returns is essentially DKC1 on steroids.
That's an apt comparison.
I'm really going to enjoy playing it again on my 3DS. The game is pretty awesome.
Quote from: Foggle on April 28, 2013, 12:36:00 PM
I actually really enjoyed the stealth in MGR. But I almost always love stealth mechanics, no matter how shoehorned in they may be.
Don't get me wrong, I love stealth as well (MGS fan here), but the way it's used in MGR, it just bothers me. If they actually made it where Raiden would actually walk or at least creep up on an enemy I'd be fine with it, but he's running up on people. Logically speaking, considering he's a cyborg and wearing heels and whatnot, it's bothersome. I guess deep down it's a nitpick issue more than an actual hindrance. However, I actually hated the part where you're sneaking around as the small bot.
In any case, I just finished a set against my brother-in-law in
Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3. I got bopped pretty badly, and I'm angry because I wasn't punishing him for doing the same tactics over and over (mash crouching light attack... BAH), not to mention the priority some characters have over others really got on my nerves as well. Just because Megaman's not in the game doesn't mean that Zero has to have so much priority with his normals. My God, I hate that character even more now. Ranting aside, my Spencer has really improved a lot. Shocked myself at the possible comebacks that almost happened. Had quite a few with just Spencer. Despite the fun I usually have with Dante and Vergil, unfortunately I may end up dropping them because of the execution barrier. I still have to learn the game before jumping into characters like them. So as of right now my team is Spencer, Hawkeye, Wesker and Nova, Spencer, Hawkeye. Nova and Wesker are fairly easy characters to use. Nova takes a little bit to get used to because his combos are slower than most of the other average sized characters. Not to mention he does grown man damage and is very fun to use. Wolverine may also have a spot in there just so my brother-in-law will see how it feels to be hit by mashing lights all the time.
So what are you guys' thoughts on the Twisted Metal franchise?
Back in my day, I was a Vigilante 8 fanboy so I missed out on the whole TM movement. I want to get Black and whatever Twisted Metal with the multi-part boss fight Jaffe was demoing at an E3 a year or two ago. I loved that..
I'm playing Super Mario World on the Wii-U VC and I just killed Ludwig in one hit.
I'm fairly sure that's never happened before. ???
Blood Dragon is amazing and makes me want to play the regular Far Cry 3. If you like 80's cheese, neon colors, open world exploration, and stealth, this is the game for you.
Yeah, I watched a review of it and was quite impressed. If only that was the retail game instead, it looks way better than Far Cry 3.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on May 02, 2013, 12:34:25 PM
Yeah, I watched a review of it and was quite impressed. If only that was the retail game instead, it looks way better than Far Cry 3.
It's definitely worth the $15, and then some. I've played for maybe 3-4 hours and only completed 1/3 of the side missions and less than 1/3 of the story missions. :) This has definitely convinced me to get Far Cry 3 at some point as well, since the core gameplay of exploring, taking over bases, and hunting the wildlife is so much fun.
I plan on getting Blood Dragon.
Also, that music! :swoon:
Just ordered Resistant Evil 4. Expect to hear my opinion soon.
Quote from: Foggle on May 01, 2013, 06:26:50 PM
Blood Dragon is amazing and makes me want to play the regular Far Cry 3. If you like 80's cheese, neon colors, open world exploration, and stealth, this is the game for you.
My God, REALLY? All I really knew about the game is it has the balls to say it's future is in 2007.
Edit: I've been wondering what the story behind this game is. I suspect an idea that turned into an ambitious game. I also suspect Blood Dragon will be turned into a series.
Still kind of raging over my lost in UMvC3 with the constant mashing of crouching lights (seriously, who needs defense when all you gotta do is mash crouching light, and it pisses me off that this tactic works and I'm having a hard time getting around it) I decided to step away from that game a little bit and put more time in Super Street Fighter 4: Arcade Edition. Gotta commit to learning how to use the fight stick, especially for UMvC3 because I was having a hard time trying to super jump out of combos. My thumb just can't move that fast when it comes to pressing v then ^.
Anyway, Cody and Guy will be the ones I use. Cody is still my best character, and Guy is my favorite (best fighting game character ever. Jin and Hwoarang are next) even though it can be discouraging using him because Guy's blockstrings aren't safe. The only cool rushdown character with unsafe blockstrings and to even do those blockstrings requires lots of practice since they are 1-frame links. Complaining aside I've yet to try out Jetstream Sam's DLC, but I'll get to it eventually.
Quote from: ShadowGentleman on May 03, 2013, 07:43:10 AM
Just ordered Resistant Evil 4. Expect to hear my opinion soon.
Just keep in mind that the game starts out a tad slow to build up atmosphere. I was wrapped up in the terrific atmosphere immediately, but for me the game didn't really take off in terms of gameplay until Chapter 2, when I finally "got" how I was supposed to play the game, and the game generally just ratcheted up the tension with tougher enemies, more interesting boss fights, and way cooler weapons to take out your opposition with. So, basically, just give the game a chance until you at least complete the first 2 chapters. If you don't like it by then, it may not be for you (and it isn't for everyone), but if you're like me than the 2nd chapter will be your hooking point, and chapters 3 and 4 will be even better, with the final 5th chapter being somewhat lower in quality than 3 and 4, but still insanely awesome, and overall the game will just feel like a cluster-fuck of really damn fun, intense, and memorable experiences.
Played the Samurai Shodown 2 demo twice today. It's been like 20 years since I played any of this game...well it may have been the first one. IDK. Geez, I suck at this game. I couldn't get past the 2nd random fighter the three or so times I tried. I thought I sucked at Fatal Fury Special. At least I finally beat that demo without losing a continue or yesterday. I forget.
Quote from: Avaitor on August 30, 2012, 09:19:39 PM
GSF is a little shit, but he agreed that it's time to start a new thread, so here you go. :blush:
I still need to punch your face.
As of 5:44 PM, Gunstar Heroes became the first game I've ever received every achievement for. I still need to see my achievement home page or whatever to see how it signifies that. Anyway, me and my bro tried hard mode and the difference showed. Especially against Seven Force. It became obvious that we had to beat all of them instead of like just 4 and they were more aggressive than ever. Especially the giant gun. It was fun quickly adjusting to its high speed though. I was sliding out the way most of the time after I got the timing of the gun's pausing down. It took us like 20 tries. Also, Bravoo Man was actually kind of hard. That was...weird. On Normal, sneezing kills him. Oh and Orange gave us some trouble. My brother damn near beat Beat Stepper. That was impressive. In the end, we got stuck on the extremely long stretch of level after the first 4 stages...just like we did on Normal. We'll try again tomorrow.
Quote from: gunswordfist on May 12, 2013, 11:47:47 PM
Quote from: Avaitor on August 30, 2012, 09:19:39 PM
GSF is a little shit, but he agreed that it's time to start a new thread, so here you go. :blush:
I still need to punch your face.
This has to be a record.
Almost 9 months. Damn.
That's it?
Quote from: gunswordfist on May 13, 2013, 02:17:27 PM
That's it?
Well, yeah. We've pretty much given up on you at this point, anyway.
Resident Evil 4.
Quote from: ShadowGentleman on May 13, 2013, 03:11:52 PM
Resident Evil 4.
Why, yes, it is one of the best video games ever conceived and created. :thumbup:
RE4 is one of those "Games You Need to Play Before You Die" games.
Quote from: talonmalon333 on May 13, 2013, 02:22:21 PM
Quote from: gunswordfist on May 13, 2013, 02:17:27 PM
That's it?
Well, yeah. We've pretty much given up on you at this point, anyway.
:D That warranted a legitimate laugh.
Playing DKC2 again reaffirms all of the glowing things I said about it in my little writeup for the Top 100 list.
This game is the absolute pinnacle of Donkey Kong. About as close to perfect as a platformer can get.
My lil bro and me have been tried to beat Gunstar Heroes on Hard Mode again over the last two days. On Monday, it took us 4 to 5 hours to get past stages 5. We finally did it when my brother 2 of the orange gun or whatever it's called. We got up to the last boss gauntlet, I got up to Orange and couldn't get past him with my brother dozing off so I ended it there. Yesterday I got past Stage 5 by myself in one try with the double Chaser. I beat Seven Force and Black by myself too. It took us a few tries to get the ship part in 6. Oh, speaking of 6, when we got to the last "Vectorman" boss on Monday, I thought that part was disappointed. I wish it did more than 2 attacks. Back to Tuesday, we couldn't get past Black Fly after hours of trying so we called it quits there. He'll be here in a few minutes so we'll try eat some more pizza and cookies and try again. :)
We tried Hard Mode on GSH again yesterday. I beat Seven Force and Dice Palace and Black by myself. I almost solo'd Stage 5 but Smash killed me. It only took us like 2 tries to beat the ship segment and of course Guard Device is easy. Then comes the hard part. During the boss gauntlet, I finally got past Black Fly but was too half dead to beat Green and my brother and me only got there together once but same story.
Until my first rotation starts on May 28th, I pretty much have a bunch of free-time until then. So I ended up digging up my old Game Boy Advanced and found my copies of Oracle of Ages/Seasons. I decided to start with Ages, and surprisingly the memory still works for that game (though, I have no idea if my Seasons cartridge will hold up, since I haven't tried that one, yet).
My god is this such a good game. I think the one thing that this game does right more than anything else is the expert pacing. The game doesn't get off to a slow start (which, IMO, is kind of a problem with A Link to the Past, and various other Zelda games), and instead has a good, brief story introduction, and then introduces you to its main gimmick of time travel right away, while also throwing in plenty of classic Zelda-style twists and turns to keep things interesting as you progress through the game. Flaship also seemed to know just the perfect amount of stuff to make you do in-between dungeons so as to keep the game from feeling too quick and linear, while also never making you feel like the game is being dragged out with medial chores and fetch-quests just so that you can get to the next major dungeon. Its like one constant string of events that perfectly lead one into another, and it gives the game a quality in which its hard to put it down once you've been playing it for a while. Sure, the game is a bit on the easy side, but that doesn't bother me when the design makes it so much fun to play, anyways.
Ages is my favorite Zelda game followed by Seasons, so I'm glad to see you're enjoying it still over a decade on. :)
Yeah, Oracle of Ages/Seasons are my favorite 2D Zelda games, by far. After I finish those, I'll finally get onto the Minish Cap, which I never finished before, and then after that I may finally go back to play through A Link to the Past. And then after that I'll possibly play through Link's Awakening again, but that's only if I'm in the mood for more Zelda by that point.
I just got past the Wing Dungeon in Oracle of Ages. I have to say that I actually like the side-scrolling segments in this game. They are very brief but also very well designed. Its a great throwback to Zelda II, except that unlike Zelda II, the Oracle games actually do side-scrolling Zelda the right way. Actually, to be honest, I was never against the idea of a Zelda side-scroller. I just think that Zelda II didn't really execute it the right way. If Nintendo ever felt the need to be experimental with the franchise again in the future, I certainly wouldn't mind seeing them take another stab at a Zelda game that's mostly based around the side-scrolling perspective. If handled right, it could be a completely unique new style of gameplay for the series, while still retaining the feeling of a Zelda game, on the whole.
Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on May 16, 2013, 06:48:43 PMThe game doesn't get off to a slow start (which, IMO, is kind of a problem with A Link to the Past, and various other Zelda games)
A Link to the Past actually has one of my favorite starts in the entire series. Five minutes into the game, and you're already in a dungeon. ;)
But yeah, Oracle of Ages is awesome. Shame that not as many people played it.
The first 10 minutes of the game are fine, but after that I feel like I get stuck doing a lot of aimless wandering as the game is not at all clear on where to go next, and doesn't even give you much in the way of story for a while. You just have to take some clues and do some pretty unexciting stuff until the game picks up again, and for me there was a good 30 minutes after the game's prologue where I felt like things were dragging until I finally started getting into it again. There are also portions in the middle of the game which I feel can drag, in-between some dungeons.
The first time I played ALTTP I got stuck wandering the map, but I never really had that problem after that. For an "introduction" the five dungeons you go through take quite a while to traverse. But I never really found the introduction slow at all, like Talon said you're in a dungeon within the first few minutes which is basically how it should be, in my opinion.
The first time you walk into the Dark World after beating Agahnim is still daunting to me, however. It's like THERE ARE EIGHT MORE DUNGEONS ARE YOU KIDDING ME and they are all over the map!
Didn't get too far past Smash until my bro fell asleep on GSH. Dammit.
Finally got some free time (I'm off all next week due to being laid off... It's sad that I'm happy about that).
Anyway, haven't really had the chance to play much because I've been either tired or just too lazy to bother playing games, but I am going to continue with Super Street Fighter 4. Thought I had my main character figured out until I saw Evil Ryu being played at a high level. I've always considered him to be a lot of fun, but his damage output is crazy and I like it, but to get me prepared for Evil Ryu, I chose to use Ken as well since Evil Ryu is a execution heavy character. Third character has not been determined yet.
I wish I could say that I had a favorite character in the game, but I still suck so bad in general that there isn't even a single character that I'm adequate with, let along actually good at using. The problem is that the timing in this game is incredibly strict and I still utterly suck at linking combos together. Successfully executing advanced and complex maneuvers in training mode is one thing, but actually trying to do it in a real match against another human opponent is next to impossible for me at my current level of skill. For every time I manage to pull off the combo that I intend to successfully, I seem to completely botch it on at least 9 other attempts. Honestly, even the timing required in any of the SNK fighting games that I have played seem lenient in comparison to SSF4's strict mechanics.
Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on May 18, 2013, 05:12:29 PM
I wish I could say that I had a favorite character in the game, but I still suck so bad in general that there isn't even a single character that I'm adequate with, let along actually good at using. The problem is that the timing in this game is incredibly strict and I still utterly suck at linking combos together. Successfully executing advanced and complex maneuvers in training mode is one thing, but actually trying to do it in a real match against another human opponent is next to impossible for me at my current level of skill. For every time I manage to pull off the combo that I intend to successfully, I seem to completely botch it on at least 9 other attempts. Honestly, even the timing required in any of the SNK fighting games that I have played seem lenient in comparison to SSF4's strict mechanics.
I feel your pain. I'm terrible with combos as well (Considering now that I've gotten some free time, I'm going to actually spend about 2-3 hours in training mode alone). My best character is Cody and while I hit some combos I also botch those same combos as well, but then again, because it's Cody (his damage output is high), I can keep things relatively simple and try to punish with Standing Heavy Punch > HP Criminal Upper. I would tell you to try and plink, but I find that technique is rather difficult on the standard controller (especially when it comes to 1-frame links) The part that's bolded. Many people will tell you, myself included (although I need to follow the same advice), you need to work on your footsies and hit-confirms before trying to work on combos.
If you're playing the shoto's, one combo you can get away with against your friends and the cpu is jab, jab, jab, sweep. :)
I heard that the execution in KOF13 is actually a lot more strict than SSF4. I don't know if that's true or not though.
We finally beat Hard mode on Gunstar Heroes yesterday. The last bosses consisted of us having to run away/around them too much to survive. After the 2nd of I think the two times I got to Green, I beat him after lots of dodging. That wasn't really that much fun. Anyway, I was just glad that I got to Golden Silver. I didn't last too long because I barely survived the other bosses. Then we both got to start at him. For the first time all game I wasn't constantly peeking at the boss' health because I knew we had nothing else to worry about and more importantly, we were having a ton of fun. I did not appreciate the boss fight enough because I didn't realize he never goes up in the air and floats in place on Hard because I was expecting him to get another health meter to do that or something. Thank God he didn't. The one part I didn't care for in Normal was gone. I couldn't ask for much more.
So at the start of the next hour we will try Hardest mode for the first time.
Quote from: GraveI heard that the execution in KOF13 is actually a lot more strict than SSF4. I don't know if that's true or not though.
I dunno about SSFIV, but I can confirm that KOFXIII's combo execution is indeed very strict. I can still get through Arcade Mode just fine, but it wasn't until I watched a few combo videos of my mains that I was able to pull of any combo's intentionally, and even then they're just realatively basic ones.
It's still a fun game though, and I reccomend giving it a shot. :)
Quote from: Rynnec on May 18, 2013, 08:02:08 PM
Quote from: GraveI heard that the execution in KOF13 is actually a lot more strict than SSF4. I don't know if that's true or not though.
I dunno about SSFIV, but I can confirm that KOFXIII's combo execution is indeed very strict. I can still get through Arcade Mode just fine, but it wasn't until I watched a few combo videos of my mains that I was able to pull of any combo's intentionally, and even then they're just realatively basic ones.
It's still a fun game though, and I reccomend giving it a shot. :)
I've been meaning to give it a shot. It's just a matter of getting around to it. I know I want to make a team that consist of K, Terry and Kyo/Iori.
I do think it sucks that the netcode in KOF13 is terrible (at least from what I've been hearing) because I'd love to see more footage of the game being played.
Quote from: Grave on May 18, 2013, 06:02:00 PM
I feel your pain. I'm terrible with combos as well (Considering now that I've gotten some free time, I'm going to actually spend about 2-3 hours in training mode alone). My best character is Cody and while I hit some combos I also botch those same combos as well, but then again, because it's Cody (his damage output is high), I can keep things relatively simple and try to punish with Standing Heavy Punch > HP Criminal Upper. I would tell you to try and plink, but I find that technique is rather difficult on the standard controller (especially when it comes to 1-frame links) The part that's bolded. Many people will tell you, myself included (although I need to follow the same advice), you need to work on your footsies and hit-confirms before trying to work on combos.
Yeah, that's the other thing. Aside from combos there are so many other mechanics in this game to keep in mind that it can get pretty ridiculous. You basically have to be able to multi-task and keep track of everything your opponent is doing in order to try and predict what they'll dish out toward you. My problem is that in the heat of battle, there are certain elements of strategy that I just fail to pay attention to on my opponent's part, and I end up getting completely punished by attacks that I should be able to avoid. It gives me a ton of respect for the videos I see of pro players going at it in this game. Those guys are on a league that I'll never even come close to, no matter how much I play this game. That said, the game is still just a lot of fun, and at the end of the day I'm not that competitive, so I can't really complain.
QuoteIf you're playing the shoto's, one combo you can get away with against your friends and the cpu is jab, jab, jab, sweep. :)
Thanks for the advice. I'll keep that in mind. :thumbup:
QuoteI heard that the execution in KOF13 is actually a lot more strict than SSF4. I don't know if that's true or not though.
It may be. To be honest, I've only played the older SNK games, and the timing in those feel more lenient to me, but I wouldn't be surprised in the more recent KOF games are far more mechanically strict and technical.
Quote from: Ensatsu-KenYeah, that's the other thing. Aside from combos there are so many other mechanics in this game to keep in mind that it can get pretty ridiculous. You basically have to be able to multi-task and keep track of everything your opponent is doing in order to try and predict what they'll dish out toward you. My problem is that in the heat of battle, there are certain elements of strategy that I just fail to pay attention to on my opponent's part, and I end up getting completely punished by attacks that I should be able to avoid. It gives me a ton of respect for the videos I see of pro players going at it in this game. Those guys are on a league that I'll never even come close to, no matter how much I play this game. That said, the game is still just a lot of fun, and at the end of the day I'm not that competitive, so I can't really complain.
Yep, and while I'm not nearly as competitive as I once was, I do enjoy that chess-like aspect of the game. Neither you or your opponent knows what each other is going to do in the heat of battle (unless one of you bait each other) makes things a lot more interesting and hype. Players are forced to think in the thick of battle (some may get exposed). Now as far as getting punished by attacks that you should be able to avoid, if it's by a human opponent then they're doing mix-ups or perhaps unblockables. CPU, well, CPU is straight garbage (Do not fight Ryu or Seth). But yeah, like you, I still find fun in all this madness even though I do dabble online for some games here and there.
QuoteThanks for the advice. I'll keep that in mind.
Make sure those are crouching jabs btw lol.
You may not want to because of all the DLC BS (which is totally understandable), but Street Fighter x Tekken may be right up your alley if you want to develop footsies and hit-confirms since that game is based more on the fundamentals (the links aren't nearly as hard as they are in SSF4) (
That stuff get's me hype.
So I made the mistake of revisiting another game from my childhood (or thereabouts). Conker's Bad Fur Day. Wow.
The entirety of this game is an exercise in frustration. It's not even hard, it's just fucking annoying to play. You've got your bad N64 camera, your bad N64 frame rate, your awful swimming levels, your lame vehicle stages, your repetitive fetch quests, your tedious shooting... while I still love the music and voice acting, and respect the sense of adventure and level progression it provides, it's just utterly lacking in fun. All the difficulty comes from the level design being obtuse and the controls having aged poorly.
At the end of the day, it's funny, and has some great ideas, but it makes me angrier than almost any other game I've played to date. I can find almost nothing enjoyable in it. I only played it to the end out of a sense of obligation and nostalgia.
I just got past Mermaid Cave in Oracle of Ages. OK, I have to admit, while I like mini-games in Zelda, I'm not so sure I like the idea of them having to be mandatory in order for you to gain access to the next dungeon. I especially hate how I had to do that stupid dancing mini-game twice, which IMO just happens to be the worst and most frustrating one to get down right.
As for the dungeon itself, I like how creative this one was, with how you had to visit it in both the past and the present. That said, there was one particular puzzle that actually ended up forcing me to look up a guide for the first time while playing this game (I may have had to do it way back in the past, as well), which I absolutely hate doing, but honestly it was a pretty stupid puzzle. I'm not sure if the designers just forgot to put in some kind crack in the wall to indicate that you could blast open a hole in that area with a bomb, but the programmers apparently just expected players to somehow assume that they needed to place a bomb against the north wall in one room just right of the center. There wasn't even an owl statue to give out any clues on the matter. There is just no way anyone could figure out they needed to do that without looking up a guide, or by experiencing sheer, dumb luck. Either way, it was a poorly designed puzzle, IMO, so I'm not completely regretful that I looked up how to get past that.
Also, the boss fight was surprisingly easy for this dungeon, as all I had to do was just wait for him to turn his back on me and then slash him repeatedly, and occasionally I would dive underwater to damage him as well. After a very challenging and puzzle-heavy boss from the Crown Dungeon, this one required no strategy whatsoever, and was disappointingly anticlimactic, IMO. That said, the rest of the dungeon was pretty good in level design, and the game is still awesome on the whole, so I can't complain too much.
If there are two things I'd fault the Oracle games for, it's the stealth bits (specifically the Subrosians in Seasons) and those goddamn mandatory mini-games. I remember loathing the dancing one, because I always, always fucked it up.
Quote from: Nel_Annette on May 19, 2013, 10:26:31 PM
If there are two things I'd fault the Oracle games for, it's the stealth bits (specifically the Subrosians in Seasons) and those goddamn mandatory mini-games. I remember loathing the dancing one, because I always, always fucked it up.
I'm not going to lie. I actually ran out of money at one point in all of the attempts I had spent trying to complete that first dancing mini-game, and I actually had to leave to farm some more money. Needless to say, I was beyond infuriated when I realized that I had to repeat that stupid thing all over again in the past.
That section before the Mermaid dungeon was, if I remember correctly, the only part of Ages I wasn't a fan of.
Just got done failing to beat Hardest mode on Gunstar Heroes with my baby brother. That's 2 days in a row that we failed to get past Stage 5.
Just finished Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon. Fantastic little game.
Only problem is now I have nothing to play until my shipment of DKCR 3D/Fire Emblem Awakening/Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate comes in.
SMB2 on the Wii-U VC. Still one of the best NES games.
Quote from: Comeau on May 20, 2013, 01:18:32 PM
Just finished Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon. Fantastic little game.
Only problem is now I have nothing to play until my shipment of DKCR 3D/Fire Emblem Awakening/Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate comes in.
The first 5 Mega Man games are all on the eshop. If you want something simple to work through those should do the deed.
Quote from: Foggle on May 19, 2013, 12:49:05 PM
So I made the mistake of revisiting another game from my childhood (or thereabouts). Conker's Bad Fur Day. Wow.
The entirety of this game is an exercise in frustration. It's not even hard, it's just fucking annoying to play. You've got your bad N64 camera, your bad N64 frame rate, your awful swimming levels, your lame vehicle stages, your repetitive fetch quests, your tedious shooting... while I still love the music and voice acting, and respect the sense of adventure and level progression it provides, it's just utterly lacking in fun. All the difficulty comes from the level design being obtuse and the controls having aged poorly.
At the end of the day, it's funny, and has some great ideas, but it makes me angrier than almost any other game I've played to date. I can find almost nothing enjoyable in it. I only played it to the end out of a sense of obligation and nostalgia.
Don't ever play 3D 32-bit era games these days. Few hold up- especially ones without locked overhead cameras. 3rd person games without them suffer a lot.
If I didn't play Banjo Kazooie in XBLA, I probably never would have played it on the N64.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on May 20, 2013, 07:42:02 PM
Don't ever play 3D 32-bit era games these days. Few hold up- especially ones without locked overhead cameras. 3rd person games without them suffer a lot.
Yeah, most 3D games for consoles that only have one control stick just don't hold up at all.
Against my better judgment I decided to take my scrubbiness online with SSF4:AE. I got bopped pretty badly. Won 1 game, lost about 10. There was this T-Hawk player that kept joining. I don't know if he was trying to get me to rage or anything since all he kept doing was throwing me, and unfortunately, I can't tech throws very well, let alone get out of command throws (especially with Cody. His backdash sucks). I want to say he was trolling me though because he had over 2000 PP, but his BP was about 800 with T-Hawk (might be the other way around), and truth be told, I was not impressed with it (Outside of this 1 dude's Cammy, I wasn't impressed with anything I went against). Had he joined a couple more times I probably would've had him downloaded, especially since he like to throw out random super every he got it. I just couldn't punish properly. Speaking of punishing properly, I really couldn't punish anything since I kept dropping my combos. My execution has never been great, or good for that matter but I couldn't even land my simple Cody Combos either. I'm even more convinced that I need to actually switch to stick and stick with it.
Am I salty about the losses? Yes and no. I'm salty about my poor execution, but the matches themselves I was kinda expecting since I only stayed in training mode for about 15 minutes lol. Truth be told I shouldn't even be touching online yet if it's not against friends/family.
I'm also convinced that I need to drop Cody and stick with Ken and pick up Ibuki or Cammy again. I like Cody's rushdown, but he don't have a get off me move, and with my luck, I'd get punish badly for throwing out a EX Bingo blindly. I also learned that I need to stop pressing buttons since I was getting beat out by uppercuts and whatnot.
So, was I actually supposed to go to the Black Tower before heading onto the 8th Dungeon? Because the story kind of indicated that my next destination should have been there, but then I kind of sort of accidentally stumbled into the 8th dungeon without even trying. I didn't get any in-game hints and I thought I was completing a side-quest or something, and then before I knew it I had entered the 8th dungeon without even so much as stepping foot into the Black Tower, so I'm not exactly sure if I broke sequence or not.
Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on May 21, 2013, 03:51:56 PM
So, was I actually supposed to go to the Black Tower before heading onto the 8th Dungeon? Because the story kind of indicated that my next destination should have been there, but then I kind of sort of accidentally stumbled into the 8th dungeon without even trying. I didn't get any in-game hints and I thought I was completing a side-quest or something, and then before I knew it I had entered the 8th dungeon without even so much as stepping foot into the Black Tower, so I'm not exactly sure if I broke sequence or not.
I recall doing something like that once in the game, but it might have been an earlier dungeon. I'm not sure.
I hate looking up guides, but I'm really considering doing so just to see if I'm doing things in the right order. I mean, sequence breaking is cool and all on replays, but they also have the chance of fucking up your progress and blocking you from proceeding through the rest of the game normally (or at all, for that matter), so I'd rather be safe and just check rather than regret it later.
Quote from: Foggle on May 20, 2013, 09:33:34 PM
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on May 20, 2013, 07:42:02 PM
Don't ever play 3D 32-bit era games these days. Few hold up- especially ones without locked overhead cameras. 3rd person games without them suffer a lot.
Yeah, most 3D games for consoles that only have one control stick just don't hold up at all.
Which is why PS2 is better than Dreamcast.
I'll take Power Stone 2 and Jet Grind Radio over any PS2 game, myself.
The DMC games don't count, of course, because those got ported to the XBOX360. :)
Quote from: gunswordfist on May 21, 2013, 04:12:24 PM
Quote from: Foggle on May 20, 2013, 09:33:34 PM
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on May 20, 2013, 07:42:02 PM
Don't ever play 3D 32-bit era games these days. Few hold up- especially ones without locked overhead cameras. 3rd person games without them suffer a lot.
Yeah, most 3D games for consoles that only have one control stick just don't hold up at all.
Which is why PS2 is better than Dreamcast.
I know you're just trolling at this point, but I do agree. :sweat:
For 2D games? I can't agree. For 3D games? Depends on the genre.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on May 21, 2013, 04:23:35 PM
For 2D games? I can't agree. For 3D games? Depends on the genre.
There are 2D games on the PS2?
Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on May 21, 2013, 04:19:06 PM
I'll take Power Stone 2 and Jet Grind Radio over any PS2 game, myself.
The DMC games don't count, of course, because those got ported to the XBOX360. :)
And so did JGR, dumbass. You're usually smarter than this.
Quote from: Foggle on May 21, 2013, 04:24:47 PM
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on May 21, 2013, 04:23:35 PM
For 2D games? I can't agree. For 3D games? Depends on the genre.
There are 2D games on the PS2?
I assumed only Xbox didn't have 2D. :D
Quote from: Foggle on May 21, 2013, 04:24:47 PM
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on May 21, 2013, 04:23:35 PM
For 2D games? I can't agree. For 3D games? Depends on the genre.
There are 2D games on the PS2?
Klonoa 2 and Contra Shattered Soldier is about it.
Sort of like the previous generation the Saturn had the best 2D games and the N64 had the best 3D games, but the PS1 had the middle-ground. The Dreamcast to me tried to strike a balance on some level at least.
Quote from: gunswordfist on May 21, 2013, 04:26:26 PM
And so did JGR, dumbass. You're usually smarter than this.
I'm aware of that, but I'm also aware that, from what I've heard, general reception says that the port for JGR wasn't as good as the original version due to some technical hiccups. The same goes for Power Stone 2 on the PSP, and in that case the portable version is markedly inferior to the console version (big surprise, huh?). The DMC games have pretty much perfect ports (except for the PC version of DMC3, which is apparently supposed to be shit).
Power Stone is pretty bad on the PSP. It really doesn't feel right.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on May 21, 2013, 04:34:02 PM
Power Stone is pretty bad on the PSP. It really doesn't feel right.
Because it was never meant to be played on a portable console. It was just a cheap nostalgia cash-in from Capcom to port the Power Stone games to the PSP. Its especially jarring in those levels that have huge environments which zoom out and make the characters look small in contrast. On a reasonably sized TV screen or Aracade cabinet, it looks fine and you can still see everything that's going on. On a PSP screen, the characters literally look like specs in those areas. It just makes the game near unplayable in certain spots, or at least just really hard and frustrating to play properly. Now, it'd be awesome if Capcom would've ported those games to the HD consoles, but understandably they'll never do it since those games would sell horribly in the modern gaming market, either way. I mean, I know the PSP version sold poorly because it sucked, but sadly even a proper port wouldn't fair much better.
Quote from: Foggle on May 21, 2013, 04:20:01 PM
Quote from: gunswordfist on May 21, 2013, 04:12:24 PM
Quote from: Foggle on May 20, 2013, 09:33:34 PM
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on May 20, 2013, 07:42:02 PM
Don't ever play 3D 32-bit era games these days. Few hold up- especially ones without locked overhead cameras. 3rd person games without them suffer a lot.
Yeah, most 3D games for consoles that only have one control stick just don't hold up at all.
Which is why PS2 is better than Dreamcast.
I know you're just trolling at this point, but I do agree. :sweat:
I said that just to kick Spark and EK in the nuts but I really do like PS2 more.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on May 21, 2013, 04:29:06 PM
Quote from: Foggle on May 21, 2013, 04:24:47 PM
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on May 21, 2013, 04:23:35 PM
For 2D games? I can't agree. For 3D games? Depends on the genre.
There are 2D games on the PS2?
Klonoa 2 and Contra Shattered Soldier is about it.
Sort of like the previous generation the Saturn had the best 2D games and the N64 had the best 3D games, but the PS1 had the middle-ground. The Dreamcast to me tried to strike a balance on some level at least.
There's also Odin Sphere and Marvel Vs. Capcom 3 and Capcom Vs SNK 3
Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on May 21, 2013, 04:30:24 PM
Quote from: gunswordfist on May 21, 2013, 04:26:26 PM
And so did JGR, dumbass. You're usually smarter than this.
I'm aware of that, but I'm also aware that, from what I've heard, general reception says that the port for JGR wasn't as good as the original version do to some technical hiccups. The same goes for Power Stone 2 on the PSP, and in that case the portable version is markedly inferior to the console version (big surprise, huh?). The DMC games have pretty much perfect ports (except for the PC version of DMC3, which is apparently supposed to be shit).
I was trolling you, genius. I want to get the PowerStone games and a DC. The demo alone makes the first game pretty much my favorite fighting game.
MvC3 was on PS2? And there's a Capcom vs SNK 3?
PS2 also had Guilty Gear, Megaman X8, Neo Geo Battle Coliseum, and several Japan-only stuff.
Quote from: gunswordfist on May 21, 2013, 04:46:40 PM
There's also Odin Sphere and Marvel Vs. Capcom 3 and Capcom Vs SNK 3
Marvel vs. Capcom 3 came out on the XBOX360, PS3, and PS Vita, not the PS2; and Capcom vs. SNK 3 doesn't even exist (yet).
I meant 2, obviously ;)
Quote from: Rynnec on May 21, 2013, 04:56:20 PM
MvC3 was on PS2? And there's a Capcom vs SNK 3?
PS2 also had Guilty Gear, Megaman X8, Neo Geo Battle Coliseum, and several Japan-only stuff.
I played the Neo Geo Battle Coliseum demo a few days ago. Meh.
Hey, E-K and Spark, check this out!
It's got The First Encounter, The Second Encounter, Serious Sam 3, one of the indie games, and the Jewel of the Nile DLC pack! (Sadly, it doesn't have Serious Sam 2 or the Legend of the Beast DLC, but the former isn't very good and the latter was never released on the 360, so...)
You should really consider picking this up if you like awesome old-school fragfests with cooperative multiplayer. For three of my favorite FPS's, it's a steal at $40!
That's definitely a kick-ass offer. That'll probably be the next FPS that I get after BioShock: Infinite. ;)
Also, speaking of old-school FPS games, I just remembered that I still have yet to beat the original DOOM, so I should get on that. I also need to finally get around to DOOM II, and maybe the DOOM 64 mod for the PC as well (at least I know that would definitely be able to run on my computer).
I want to play Doom 64 so badly.
Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on May 22, 2013, 03:41:21 PM
That's definitely a kick-ass offer. That'll probably be the next FPS that I get after BioShock: Infinite. ;)
Also, speaking of old-school FPS games, I just remembered that I still have yet to beat the original DOOM, so I should get on that. I also need to finally get around to DOOM II, and maybe the DOOM 64 mod for the PC as well (at least I know that would definitely be able to run on my computer).
Yessss, you
must get Infinite and Serious Sam! :joy: :joy:
Doom 2 has an extra episode on the Xbox 360 version, so have fun with that! You should also check out the Final Doom episodes on PC once you're done with the rest; they aren't quite as good as the other games, but they're still pretty sweet overall. There's also Master Levels For Doom 2, which may or may not be included in the XBLA release (I have no idea).
If you like the Doom games, I also recommend getting a copy of Blood from GOG. It's really cheap, and will definitely run on your computer. It's Monolith's first game, and also one of their best - it might just be my favorite classic FPS of all time, even over Duke Nukem 3D!
Quote from: gunswordfist on May 22, 2013, 04:12:47 PM
I want to play Doom 64 so badly.
You should, it's really good! There's a free PC port of it that you could try.
I can confirm that Doom 2 does not have the Master Levels. I need to recheck if a version of Doom 3 has either that or Final Doom.
Sounds like I need to play Blood and I'll get a free copy of Doom 64 once I get a computer again. Thanks ;D
You'll be hard pressed to find a more creative FPS than Blood, or one with better level design. It's amazing in every way. I must warn you, though... it's really fucking hard. Normal difficulty is brutal. Make sure to quick save a lot!
Blood 2 is also pretty good, but it's not a masterpiece like the first one is. The level design is somewhat bland and I don't think anything above Easy mode is beatable without cheats, but it's worth checking out if you enjoy quirky late 90's FPS's like SiN.
Between Blood, F.E.A.R., No One Lives Forever 2, Shogo, AVP2, and Condemned, I'd say Monolith is probably the greatest FPS developer of all time. It's a shame what WB's done to them.
Stupid question; What's Shogo?
It's an anime-inspired mecha shooter from 1998. It was the main inspiration for the power armor levels in F.E.A.R. 2.
What are NOLF2 and AVP2 like?
Playing Parasite Eve 2 in Bounty Mode right now.
This game can get pretty scary when it wants to.
I realized I'm a bad Metroid fan. I own so many Metroid games but hadn't beaten any of them! I decided it was time to change that so I just finished beating Super Metroid just a few days ago and thought it was amazing. Worth all the praise it gets for sure!
Right now I'm playing Metroid Prime.
As for the other Metroid games I own, I have: Metroid, Super Metroid, Metroid Prime, Metroid Prime 3, Metroid: Zero Mission, Metroid Fusion, and Metroid: Other M. I need to track down Prime 2 and probably download Metroid 2 off the 3DS VC. I really wish I could get the Prime Trilogy for Wii but it's too rare/expensive.
Still haven't beaten Super Metroid.
Super Metroid is one of the best SNES games. Fact.
Quote from: talonmalon333 on May 23, 2013, 12:58:33 AM
Super Metroid is one of the best SNES games. Fact.
Everyone here agrees.
Quote from: gunswordfist on May 23, 2013, 01:47:02 AM
Quote from: talonmalon333 on May 23, 2013, 12:58:33 AM
Super Metroid is one of the best SNES games. Fact.
Everyone here agrees.
Because it's a fact.
Super Metroid is also the best Metroid game.
Quote from: talonmalon333 on May 23, 2013, 11:17:22 AM
Quote from: gunswordfist on May 23, 2013, 01:47:02 AM
Quote from: talonmalon333 on May 23, 2013, 12:58:33 AM
Super Metroid is one of the best SNES games. Fact.
Everyone here agrees.
Because it's a fact.
Super Metroid is also the best Metroid game.
Another fact.
I just got done playing the Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon demo. Omanomanoman. I sat at the first menu just to listen to the entire main theme for the game. It sounded like something straight out of an 80s ultraviolent scifi film. I also loved the vector graphics or whatever the fuck it's called mountain in the background.
Anyway, I started the game and liked the hilarious game tips like if you use grenades on enemies, their families won't recognize them. I loved the intro vid. Again, straight out of a UV scifi movie. They really played up the black stereotypical character and I think Spider's played by Phil Lamarr so that's an extra bonus. Then began the first gameplay sequence. Using a cyber gatling gun while in a helicopter with Little Richard playing and seeing possibly the most colorful shooter I've ever seen was a great first impression.
Then the tutorial began... :D I laughed so hard during the press A to demostrate that you can read, training for idiots and the part where Rex called them assholes for having him go through the tutorial. His general annoyance with the whole sequence was funny. Then I got to kill some bad guys and saw that the game had pretty much everything I could ask for as far as abilities for the hero goes (stealth kills, running, jumping, off hand grenades, more than 2 guns at a time, being able to move while looking through the sights of your gun, driving) It was like Halo meets Far Cry. I didn't touch the leveling up yet because I was too busy trying out all these gameplay features. It sucks that the demo but that doesn't take away from what I played.
"Go call a medic so I can kill him too"
Blood Dragon needs to be turned into a full series. I'm going to read about how this project started later.
I just beat the first 2 dungeons in Oracle of Seasons. I really like how this game gives you "secrets" that you can go back to Ages and use (or vice-versa if you beat Seasons first), as one game helps extend the play-time value of the other game, and it makes both adventures feel much more interconnected on the whole. Its a big part of the reason for why I count both games as one large game, though even as stand-alone titles they are the most excellent 2D Zelda experiences out there, IMO.
Quote from: gunswordfist on May 22, 2013, 05:14:56 PM
What are NOLF2 and AVP2 like?
NOLF2 is a silly secret agent game that plays a lot like a combination between Deus Ex and Far Cry (and it pre-dates the latter!). AVP2 is the best Aliens game to date, and also one of the greatest multiplayer experiences ever.
Quote from: talonmalon333 on May 23, 2013, 12:58:33 AM
Super Metroid is one of the best SNES games. Fact.
Wrong, it's THE best SNES game.
I haven't actually started yet, but I plan on starting Vergil's Downfall soon. Dino's gameplay progression is starting to rear it's ugly head. When it comes to these kind of games I prefer to play it my way, and being forced to use a specific weapon for said demon really takes the fun out of things which is why I'm going to attempt Vergil's Downfall.
I'm also going to be starting up DMC3 once again. It's been a long time since I last played the game and considering that I've been playing DmC I'm fairly certain that it's going to feel weird.
I also plan to buy Guilty Gear XX: AC in preparation for Xrd, and I'll be using Johnny.
Quote from: Foggle on May 23, 2013, 04:05:15 PM
Quote from: gunswordfist on May 22, 2013, 05:14:56 PM
What are NOLF2 and AVP2 like?
NOLF2 is a silly secret agent game that plays a lot like a combination between Deus Ex and Far Cry (and it pre-dates the latter!). AVP2 is the best Aliens game to date, and also one of the greatest multiplayer experiences ever.
Quote from: talonmalon333 on May 23, 2013, 12:58:33 AM
Super Metroid is one of the best SNES games. Fact.
Wrong, it's THE best SNES game.
Hell it's probably my favorite. Out of the contenders, it's either Super Metroid, Mega Man X or Super Mario World and I haven't beaten any of them yet.
Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on May 23, 2013, 03:22:12 PM
I just beat the first 2 dungeons in Oracle of Seasons. I really like how this game gives you "secrets" that you can go back to Ages and use (or vice-versa if you beat Seasons first), as one game helps extend the play-time value of the other game, and it makes both adventures feel much more interconnected on the whole. Its a big part of the reason for why I count both games as one large game, though even as stand-alone titles they are the most excellent 2D Zelda experiences out there, IMO.
I've never even played Ages yet and Seasons is probably my favorite Zelda. ;) Capcom used to be so good.
If you liked Seasons as much as I did, then you'll want to get onto Ages ASAP. Its on the same high level of quality as Seasons (both games were developed together by the same development team, of course). Together they make up the best 2D Zelda game ever, IMO.
In other news, I just bought BioShock: Infinite today. I decided to start out on Hard mode, since these games are a bit too easy on Normal. That said, I just realized that this game is going to be a chore to play as long as I'm stuck with an SDTV, which I currently am at the moment. Its way too hard to see enemies by my in-game peripheral vision, since I swear its cut off from normal due to the SDTV screen's aspect ratio, and also because a lot of enemies show up really small on the TV that I'm using. That said, its surprising how nice the visuals still look in this game even on a crappy old TV like this one. It really makes me wonder just how much better it will all look when I finally get the chance to play it on an HDTV.
As for the gameplay, the game starts out a bit slow to build up its story, which I usually hate but its pretty normal for a BioShock game (the first 2 games also started out quite slow). What I already like about this game is how the main character actually has a personality. I felt that the silent first-person protagonist cliche was getting pretty stale in games, and I'm glad that the person you play as actually has character to him, and on top of that he's likable, which is rare for most modern video game protagonists, IMO. I'm still really early on in the game, so I haven't even met Elizabeth yet. I have already turned the city against me, though, and I've killed a few armed guards so far. I kind of hate it when you have enemy AI who only carry melee weapons, yet they are still stupid enough to blindly charge you when you have a gun. It kind of takes you out of the immersion of the experience when developers don't account for enemy AI acting unrealistically stupid.
At any rate, I haven't played enough of the game to form an opinion on it, yet, but even if its only as good as BioShock 2 (which was a much weaker game than 1, IMO), I'll still enjoy it, so I think I'll be pretty satisfied with this game, overall.
Against my memories, I guess I never played Super Ghouls N Ghosts before.
I mean, I played the NES game (and arcade version) ages ago but they were too hard and the PSP game was pretty unremarkable and dry. I think Maximo is excellent for a 3D attempt at the series, but the 2D games I played annoyed me more than anything. But on the VC I picked up SGnG for the first time and it's pretty amazing.
I'm slowly making my way through and really digging how great the levels and weapons are. The challenge also doesn't annoy me more than push me to try once more, the game is just that fun.
Has anyone ever played the Genesis game before? How does it stack up to this one? I think I'm coming around to these games.
Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on May 23, 2013, 06:50:16 PM
In other news, I just bought BioShock: Infinite today. I decided to start out on Hard mode, since these games are a bit too easy on Normal.
Yeah, you have to play Infinite on Hard mode. Normal is too easy, and 1999 is just frustrating. Hard difficulty is just the right level of challenge IMO. I thought BioShock 1 was pretty tough even on Normal mode, though.
Personally, I love the slow build-up in these games. Infinite's especially was excellent IMO. I'm the kind of guy who likes exploring every single inch of the environment, and I thought this game was a real treat in the world building department.
I'm up to level 6 [of 8] and I'm still digging it.
You know, I knew this would happen yet it still took me by surprise.
Quote from: Foggle on May 23, 2013, 07:34:52 PM
Yeah, you have to play Infinite on Hard mode. Normal is too easy, and 1999 is just frustrating. Hard difficulty is just the right level of challenge IMO. I thought BioShock 1 was pretty tough even on Normal mode, though.
I honestly never found BioShock to be that hard, even when I turned the difficulty up to Hard mode. I think it was more because I was pretty good about setting up traps and cleverly utilizing my abilities to make my job easier. That's probably why on the beginning of the game was somewhat hard for me, but everything else was easy after the first 3 or 4 stages.
I actually find Infinite to be a bit harder so far, though of course part of that is because I defaulted to Hard mode from the start. The other part, though, is that this game was clearly designed to be played on an HDTV, and playing it on an SDTV really hampers my visibility of enemies, especially those damn machine turrets which I swear blend into the background. It sucks because those drain my health the fastest, and half the time I can't even find out where I'm getting shot from. Tomorrow I'm just going to hook up my own HDTV in my room again, and play the game there. Its a relatively small TV, but at least the picture quality will be better so that I can see what I'm shooting at, and more importantly what's shooting at me, more clearly.
QuotePersonally, I love the slow build-up in these games. Infinite's especially was excellent IMO. I'm the kind of guy who likes exploring every single inch of the environment, and I thought this game was a real treat in the world building department.
I like the build-up as well. And I'm also the type of person who explores every inch of the environment. Like, in the 2nd level, when I found that locked chest I made a mental note that I needed to find the key for it somewhere else in the level. When I finally came across the key, I was already quite a bit far from where I found that chest, and at that point most people would just say screw it and move on, but I back-tracked all the way to that chest whether the reward was worth it or not, because stuff like that just makes me curious otherwise, godamnit! :D
I actually loved 1999 Mode in BioShock Infinite. It's not that bad if you know the right tactics to handle the fights.
Quote from: Foggle on May 23, 2013, 04:05:15 PM
Quote from: talonmalon333 on May 23, 2013, 12:58:33 AM
Super Metroid is one of the best SNES games. Fact.
Wrong, it's THE best SNES game.
The Chrono Trigger fan in me wishes to disagree. :P
Quote from: talonmalon333 on May 23, 2013, 11:06:11 PM
Quote from: Foggle on May 23, 2013, 04:05:15 PM
Quote from: talonmalon333 on May 23, 2013, 12:58:33 AM
Super Metroid is one of the best SNES games. Fact.
Wrong, it's THE best SNES game.
The Chrono Trigger fan in me wishes to disagree. :P
Agreed, although I didn't play Chrono Trigger until I got my PS2 (2005). I was heavy into Super Street Fighter 2 back then so I hardly saw any SNES games to begin with.
I've been playing more of BioShock: Infinite. I finally ran into Elizabeth, and I have to say that I love how the developers put in that one line to assure you that you you don't need to protect her, and that she can taker care of herself. Its basically their way of confirming that gamers can let their biggest fears lay to rest. This game would be way too frustrating if you actually had to protect someone else, but luckily Elizabeth can only be indifferent to the gameplay at worst, and at best she will help you instead of hindering you.
I've been playing for a little over 3 hours now (I take a LONG time to complete levels because I make sure to explore every single inch of them for goodies), and I've only just ran into my first weapon upgrade station, which seems like it took forever to get to one. I could afford both upgrades present, but I'm going to save my money and not upgrade my pistol clip, since I don't have a problem just taking cover and reloading that weapon when I need to. As for the upgrades themselves, I have to say that while I don't mind the 2-weapon limit at all in this game, I do miss how in the first 2 BhioShock games you got unique visual modifications made to your weapons when you upgraded them, making them feel more personal. In this game, since your drop and pick up weapons as you go, you can really only improve their stats, and you can't do anything to change them visually, which kind of sucks, but that's only a minor gripe on my part. Its still cool that you can still upgrade them, all the same. I just hope that whenever you upgrade a weapon in this game, that it applies to the weapon even after you drop it and pick up another one later on. It'd be pretty useless and lame if your upgrades for weapons disappeared each time you switched them out for something else.
Good news everyone! Blood is currently on sale for $3 at GOG!
One thing that kind of ticks me off about BioShock: Infinite (at least the console version, anyways) is how the saving system works. They basically took away the ability to save anywhere like in the first 2 BioShock games. I'm actually OK with that part, as it makes the game more challenging and such. What I don't like is that you basically can't safe your progress in the middle of a level, though, and some of these levels take a long time based on how much I explore them. If they were going to go this route, than they should have at least allowed you to save during mid-level checkpoints (like in Halo games) where the game auto-saves, but when I tried that I just got sent back to the beginning of the level and lost all of my progress up to that point.
Other than that, though, the game is still as good as I expect a BioShock game to be. Surprisingly, though, I honestly haven't found much use for the Vigor abilities (basically the game's form of magic). I think in that regard the first 2 games were a little better as I did find more opportunities to use my Plasmids, but in Infinite my abilities seem kind of useless, so far, except for Possession which allows me to create distractions for my enemies by possessing one of them or their machines to fire back at them and in turn draw some fire away from me. Other than that, though, all of the trap Vigors are way too specific to certain situations which I rarely (if ever) find myself in; to the point where I just flat-out don't bother using them.
In this regard, I actually think that BioShock 2, which ironically had the weakest story of the bunch, has had the series' best, or at least most balanced, gameplay so far. It was pretty clever in how it actually came up with the harvest scenarios, in which you had to defend your little sister, but had as much time as you needed before that to scout the area you were in and set up traps in any narrow entrances that Splicers could come through. That's the one game where I actually used my Plasmids just as much as my practical weapons, and traps were actually very handy in that game because you could actually predict where enemies would come from.
Having said that, I still think that Inifinite has been pretty good so far. Right now I've made it up to Hall of Heroes. I don't know how far into the game that is, but I've spent at least 5 hours playing it collectively, so far. It would have gone by much quicker, but I've been taking a long time on levels as I explore every single inch of them.
Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on May 25, 2013, 03:50:24 PM
Other than that, though, the game is still as good as I expect a BioShock game to be. Surprisingly, though, I honestly haven't found much use for the Vigor abilities (basically the game's form of magic). I think in that regard the first 2 games were a little better as I did find more opportunities to use my Plasmids, but in Infinite my abilities seem kind of useless, so far, except for Possession which allows me to create distractions for my enemies by possessing one of them or their machines to fire back at them and in turn draw some fire away from me. Other than that, though, all of the trap Vigors are way too specific to certain situations which I rarely (if ever) find myself in; to the point where I just flat-out don't bother using them.
I dunno, I loved using the Vigors in Infinite. They aren't as useful as they are in the first two games, but they're a lot more fun to use IMO.
QuoteRight now I've made it up to Hall of Heroes. I don't know how far into the game that is
Less than a third.
Quote from: Foggle on May 25, 2013, 03:53:49 PM
I dunno, I loved using the Vigors in Infinite. They aren't as useful as they are in the first two games, but they're a lot more fun to use IMO.
Eh, Maybe I'll find more reasons to use them later on. As for being more fun, I could maybe see that if there are some new unique ones around. So far I have 4 of them and they've all basically been slightly modified versions of Plasmids that were already available in the first 2 games. I'm kind of hoping for something a bit more unique that I haven't seen before. Most notably, I still don't have the ability to steal weapons straight from enemies' hands, to both give me ammo and disarm my enemies. I can't believe these games still haven't done anything like that with the creative possibilities that Plasmids/Vigors allow. I suppose I just really loved that Force ability in Jedi Knight II and Jedi Academy. I almost feel like it should be standard fair in games like these. But, maybe that's just me.
Less than a third.
Well, that's certainly good to know. I'd hate for the experience to be over too quickly.
I hated having to switch back and forth between guns and plasmids in the original. I find them infinitely (lol) more fun and useful the way they work in the new game (and BS2, if I recall).
Anyway, no one agrees with me, but I found BSI's gameplay to be excellent, providing many opportunities for player creativity (though it doesn't really open up 'til the Hall of Heroes). I used the vigors every bit as much as the guns for much of the game.
Quote from: Foggle on May 25, 2013, 04:22:44 PM
I hated having to switch back and forth between guns and plasmids in the original. I find them infinitely (lol) more fun and useful the way they work in the new game (and BS2, if I recall).
Yes, BS2 is the one that introduced the ability to use both at once. Honestly, though, was it really that much of a pain in the ass to press a single button to switch between guns and plasmids on the fly? I mean, its definitely more convenient to have them both accessible at once, but having to switch between them when it only takes a split second to do so doesn't hinder me too much, either. I feel that's more like a nit-pick issue.
QuoteAnyway, no one agrees with me, but I found BSI's gameplay to be excellent, providing many opportunities for player creativity (though it doesn't really open up 'til the Hall of Heroes). I used the vigors every bit as much as the guns for much of the game.
Well, I still have more than half of the game left to go, so I may find more opportunities to use Vigors later down the line. Like I said, though, other than Possession which I use every now and then, I feel like the other abilities haven't been that essential to combat, yet. It might just be me, though. I've tried to set up traps in strategic locations in the past, but enemies never seem to move where I expect them to, so those traps often go to waste. Maybe I just can't really get a grasp on how the enemy AI works in this game yet, though. Sometimes they seem to be clever enough to take cover, while other times they come charging straight at me unexpectedly (whether they have guns or melee weapons). Once I get a grasp on how these enemies operate, then I can more effectively predict their movements and set up traps for them accordingly.
Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on May 25, 2013, 04:30:22 PM
Yes, BS2 is the one that introduced the ability to use both at once. Honestly, though, was it really that much of a pain in the ass to press a single button to switch between guns and plasmids on the fly? I mean, its definitely more convenient to have them both accessible at once, but having to switch between them when it only takes a split second to do so doesn't hinder me too much, either. I feel that's more like a nit-pick issue.
Going back to that method after playing the sequels made it feel less intuitive to me. It's like how Spark dislikes not being able to strafe in R&C1, but I don't have a problem with it. It may be a nitpick, but it genuinely makes the game less fun for me.
I can see where you're coming from, but I guess having to switch between stuff doesn't really bother me that much. For me its really only the difference between pressing a single button and not pressing a single button. The latter is certainly more convenient and intuitive, but the former isn't exactly going to kill the experience for me, or even really hurt it that much. That said, its all a matter of personal preference, of course.
In other news, BSI isn't the only game that I've been playing. I've continued replaying Ninja Gaiden Black, and so far I've made it up to Chapter 12. You know how I said I'm always discovering new things about this game even to this day? Well, today I just realized that I couldn't make it back to the Military Supply Base to get that chest that I missed because the path was blocked off after completing that chapter. That really bummed me out, because now its impossible for me to 100% the game on this file. I still have replays on the higher difficulties in which I can do that, but its annoying when its only 1 or 2 things which I'm missing. I think I might have missed a Golden Scarab in that area, which is equally as shitty, because I'd only have 1 left to get in order to have all 50 scarabs by the end of the game. Oh well, other than that I've completed every 60 Fiend challenge which I have come across so far, and they've all been pretty easy whenever I use the proper strategy. I've also upgraded all of my weapons up to their max levels, and I think I only have 1 or 2 more weapons I could possibly unlock in the game at this point. I love how the Wooden Sword turns into the Unlabored Flawlessness once you get it up to level 7, which I'm willing to bet that most people don't discover because they probably ignore spending money upgrading a weapon that is as deceptively useless as the WS (which it IS a piece of crap in combat until it becomes the UF). Its a great weapon that can actually OHK bosses if you know how to use it properly and skillfully, but I suspect I really won't have much use for it on the Normal difficulty setting, which I've been having a really easy time with so far.
Anyways, I can safely say that, overall, this is still easily my personal favorite game of all time. The level design is the best I've seen in a hack n' slash game, yet (from a general level structure point of view), and the combat is still nothing to scoff at, as it offers up more depth than a majority of hack n' slash games, even if its not on the level of NG2, DMC3/4, or Bayonetta. To me, its so far the game that I've played with the best balance between good combat, great level structure, and excellently designed enemy AI, which is why its still my favorite game in the genre, and basically ever.
I've also still been playing The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons. I got past the 3rd dungeon and now I think I might be able to unlock another Season to use, but I'm not entirely sure where I have to go first. I suppose I should just explore any areas that I now have access to with the use of the Roc's Feather.
Alright, BSI just got infinitely better (no pun intended :P ) after Hall of Heroes. Elizabeth's powers, while still technically a scripted thing in how all of the tears are fixed and set in the game, makes the strategy and enjoyment of the game all the better, and just makes the game feel that much more interesting. I like how you can switch between tears on the fly, so you can open up some ammo crates if you need more, and then get some crates of health and vigor in the middle of a fight to replenish your stores, and finally you can do something like summon a machine to help you fight your enemies or a sky hook to get you to higher ground. It adds a lot of variety to combat without downright forcing you to use any of it if you don't really want to.
Also, now that I have Shock Jockey, I realized just how much of a crutch electricity is in the BS games. I abused the hell out of it in the first 2 games, and now I'm pretty much using it all the time in this game as well. Its so overpowered, yet so undeniably fun to use. That said, I also like using possession in this game, and even got the "Possession For Less" upgrade since I use it so much in tough fights.
If there's one thing I'm still not keen on, though, its the enemy AI in this game. Sometimes they make sense and will take cover and generally try and get you from a distance, while a couple will try to flank you. That makes sense and all, but what I hate is when sometimes they'll all charge me at once and them some come from behind and just surround me. At that point its not challenging in a fun way. Its just making the enemies ridiculously suicidal and overwhelming me with sheer numbers. I could set up traps and whatnot if I know that the enemies are going to do that, but that's the problem, since the AI in this game doesn't seem to follow any clear, rational pattern. They either try to charge me or stand their ground. I mean, with certain enemy types it makes sense. Snipers are going to stay at a distance, and enemies with short-range weapons will charge you. But then why do I have dudes with carbines and even rocket launchers come really close to me at times? Stuff like that is what doesn't make any sense to me. I think the gameplay is still good, and I love the game for the exploration it offers and the great story-telling and characterization (one of the few AAA games where the writers actually know what the fuck they're talking about), but just like the first 2 games, combat still isn't quite on par with everything else, IMO. Its still fun to play, though.
Make sure to use the shotgun, it's the most satisfying weapon (and also one of the few that actually feel good to shoot). Personally, I liked the way the enemies charge you, as it means you have to think quickly on your feet and use everything in your surroundings to succeed. Take advantage of the skylines, tears, and vigors as much as possible; it makes the combat much more exciting and rewarding!
Though maybe the combat is better on the PC or something. It was incredibly fun for me to play, but most people say otherwise; however, most of the people who don't like it seem to be playing on Xbox/PS3. Personally, I loved almost everything about the entire game from start to finish, weapon limit and copy-paste boss fight aside.
Quote from: Foggle on May 26, 2013, 05:17:14 PM
Make sure to use the shotgun, it's the most satisfying weapon (and also one of the few that actually feel good to shoot). Personally, I liked the way the enemies charge you, as it means you have to think quickly on your feet and use everything in your surroundings to succeed. Take advantage of the skylines, tears, and vigors as much as possible; it makes the combat much more exciting and rewarding!
I do take advantage of all that stuff. Its just that you're health deteriorates ridiculously fast in this game (and you can't store any med-kits like in previous games), and sometimes the number of enemies can be overwhelming and they'll surround you whether you're on the move or not. I don't mind enemies charging me, but I like it to make sense when they do. Guys with rocket launchers should not willingly come next to me unless they mean to commit suicide and take me down with them.
Just to put things in perspective, I like the enemy AI design in games like F.E.A.R. and Halo. Both of those games are very challenging on their harder difficulty settings and require you to think on your feat just as much, but when you think about how the enemy AI acts, it makes perfect sense why whether they stand their ground or charge you or throw grenades at you or whatever.
That said, I don't mean to sound like I find the combat to be a chore. Most of the time I still have fun with the game, so its good. I'm just highlighting an issue that I have that comes up sometimes, but not often enough to ruin the whole gameplay experience. Its still a really good game, so far.
You know what's annoying as fuck?
The bouncing red and white ball/stick thingy in Carnival Night Zone. You know which one.
Push up and down to rock the barrel. Don't jump.
I saved you 20 minutes. :P
Yeah, I know. But a jump or two is helpful.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on May 27, 2013, 10:25:34 PM
Push up and down to rock the barrel. Don't jump.
I saved you 20 minutes. :P
You did not, however, saves the hundreds of hours that so many children spent in that one room. :oo:
>Played the game in 1994.
>Didn't get past that god damned barrel until 2005.
Its a little something I like to call video game instincts. As a kid, I think most of us intended to rely on our trained instincts a lot. If there was a switch, we would press it; if there was a block, we would push it; and if there was a barrel that could blocked your way from going down, we would jump up and down to use our character's momentum to force the barrel downward. Some cruel developer who clearly hated children wanted to screw with our basic video game instincts and decide to just have you press up and down repeatedly to move the barrel down. It wasn't even something you'd just automatically guess next, like just holding down to go down (I even tried that as a kid). It was to move it up and down repeatedly, and it took at least a few seconds before you realized that it was actually doing something and even a few seconds more before you confirmed that it was working. For a kid's level of patience, those few seconds are a lot, so many people never figured out what to do.
To be honest, I didn't even remember this part despite getting stuck at it, as I had barely played Sonic 3 as a kid. That said, I could imagine how much it would have frustrated me if I was more invested in the game back then.
Quote from: Avaitor on May 27, 2013, 09:13:27 PM
You know what's annoying as fuck?
The bouncing red and white ball/stick thingy in Carnival Night Zone. You know which one.
Oh, the memories of me asking AR how in the world do I get past that irritation.
I don't remember how I got past it as a kid, but I did. I guess we just tried everything we could think of until something worked.
I have seen people spam the shit out of the bubble shield to get through it. Provided you can keep it that far into the level.
Carnival Night Zone is THE WORST. :srs:
Well after playing around on the Sonic Mega Collection a little last night, I decided to try The Thousand-Year-Door again, after my Gamecube controller crapped out on me and made me lose my saved game.
I love the third world, even if it's mostly just fights. It's a great way to level up ANDa cute spoof of the wrestling industry. :awesome:
Quote from: Avaitor on May 28, 2013, 10:08:08 AM
I love the third world, even if it's mostly just fights. It's a great way to level up ANDa cute spoof of the wrestling industry. :awesome:
Glitzville is my favorite video game side-story ever.
Yes, I just said that.
Finally got all the trinkets in VVVVVV.
Yeah, never doing that again.
I got VVVVVV on the 3DS and I was enjoying it until I got to the escort mission. :whuh:
I'm almost done with world 7, but I'm taking a break because von Grapple has got on my nerves.
I will say, that while I think Vivan's on-location power is the lamest of the party, she's got to be the best partner in combat.
Quote from: Avaitor on May 30, 2013, 04:24:05 PM
I'm almost done with world 7, but I'm taking a break because von Grapple has got on my nerves.
You referring to that attack that does an absurd amount of damage?
Quote from: Avaitor on May 30, 2013, 04:24:05 PMI will say, that while I think Vivan's on-location power is the lamest of the party, she's got to be the best partner in combat.
I actually like her on-location ability. As for combat though, my favorite was always Goombella. Her headbonk and tattle abilities are just so useful.
Quote from: talonmalon333 on May 30, 2013, 04:31:20 PM
Quote from: Avaitor on May 30, 2013, 04:24:05 PM
I'm almost done with world 7, but I'm taking a break because von Grapple has got on my nerves.
You referring to that attack that does an absurd amount of damage?
Yeah. It's especially a pain when he does it twice in a row, and doesn't give me much time to heal or attack.
Quote from: talonmalon333 on May 30, 2013, 04:31:20 PM
Quote from: Avaitor on May 30, 2013, 04:24:05 PMI will say, that while I think Vivan's on-location power is the lamest of the party, she's got to be the best partner in combat.
I actually like her on-location ability. As for combat though, my favorite was always Goombella. Her headbonk and tattle abilities are just so useful.
It's not bad, but you never need to use it as much as you do most of the other guy's powers. And as much as I like Goombella, I love Viv while against bosses, because the Fiery Jinx always packs quite a wallop.
I almost always found myself using Koops most of the time unless I was against flying enemies.
There's a certain badge combination I always abused to go through bosses like a knife through butter. I can't remember it had something to do with charging, power pluses, and one of the bounce attacks.
I got to finally play more BioShock: Infinite today (I don't play video games on the weekdays when I have to work during my rotations), and I made it all of the way up to Shantytown. The game mostly gets better as it goes along. I still find that I'm not really using Plasmids that much, but perhaps at the end of the day I'm more of a guy who just likes to get down and dirty and use good old fashioned guns. On that end, I find myself always changing up my variety when it comes to weapons. I never use any single weapon as a crutch, and I have found at least one good strategic use for each weapon in certain situations, if not more. I do wish that a game like this had more unique weapons to offer up, however. With how imaginative the world you inhabit is, you'd figure that they'd come up with something more creative than just standard machine guns, rifles, and rocket launchers and the like. Either way its not a big deal, but I suppose I was expecting some more unconventional weapons to be thrown into the mix.
At any rate, like the rest of the BioShock games, this game primarily excels at story and atmosphere (well, 2 wasn't so good with the story, but it certainly still had the atmosphere down). On that end, its one of the few game series that actually felt like a "next-gen" game I would have wanted to play, which is to say that back during the XBOX, GC, and PS2 days, this is more along the lines of what I was expecting from the future of gaming, at least for the more story-driven games. From a gameplay standpoint, though, I still think the game is good but not great. The best part about it is exploring, but the combat itself is pretty decent as well, just not on par with some of the best in the genre, like F.E.A.R. as far as modern FPS games go.
Still, the positive thing about this game is that I want to keep playing it more as the story goes on, because it gets a lot more interesting. I just hope the ending for this game is a better pay-off than it was in the original BioShock (I was really disappointed with that ending, myself).
The most annoying thing about the final boss?
Every time you die, you have to go through the whole damn cutscene all over again. Pain in the ass.
The BioShock Infinite ending is amazing. One of the most satisfying in any video game.
Quote from: Avaitor on June 01, 2013, 01:47:05 PM
The most annoying thing about the final boss?
Every time you die, you have to go through the whole damn cutscene all over again. Pain in the ass.
Is that in reference to the first game or Infinite? As for the final boss in the first game, I could imagine that being annoying, but I never actually died on him because I was really well-stocked on health and ammo by the time I had to face him. That's actually another thing that I just realized that Infinite took out, as you can no longer hold med-kits, but I'm OK with that because the game is already mostly easy enough as it is (I'm sure 1999 most is challenging, but Hard mode isn't giving me that much trouble, on the whole).
I figured Aviator was talking about the Shadow Queen from TTYD. Because it really is annoying every time you have to sit through that shit when you die. :lol:
There is no final boss in Infinite, and if you die on the final fight, you don't have to rewatch any cutscenes.
The game is not exceptionally hard, though it can get pretty tough at times in the second half. I liked the level of difficulty it provided on Hard mode, personally.
Quote from: Nel_Annette on June 01, 2013, 03:55:45 PM
I figured Aviator was talking about the Shadow Queen from TTYD. Because it really is annoying every time you have to sit through that shit when you die. :lol:
I am. Sorry if I got you confused, EK. :P
What's even worse is that there's a certain point in this final fight where you get an even longer and more redundant cut scene, so if you die after that point, you have to go through both scenes allll over again.
Quote from: Avaitor on June 01, 2013, 05:18:55 PM
Quote from: Nel_Annette on June 01, 2013, 03:55:45 PM
I figured Aviator was talking about the Shadow Queen from TTYD. Because it really is annoying every time you have to sit through that shit when you die. :lol:
I am. Sorry if I got you confused, EK. :P
What's even worse is that there's a certain point in this final fight where you get an even longer and more redundant cut scene, so if you die after that point, you have to go through both scenes allll over again.
The cutscene was a bit long. But at the very least, I thought it made the final battle more epic. It just made the stakes seem so great.
Those awful final boss cutscenes are the reason why I never beat TTYD when I was a kid. The Thousand Year Door? More like The Thousand Year Dialogue Balloons.
I get the need for epicness, but they take. So. Damn. Long. Especially when you go back to all the other worlds. Which wouldn't be a problem if I could just beat Peach already.
It should be one of those things where once the game knows you've seen the cutscene once, you should be able to press start or something to skip it, or at least it should have let you hold down a button to power through the dialogue or something.
The problem is that you can't save when you die, so the game won't recognize that you've already gone through it.
I know, it'd just be nice if it did that.
Playing Oracle of Seasons. Breezing through when suddenly, an old childhood foe appears. Digdogger, you one-eyed fuck, I hate you with every fiber of my being. I can't use the spiked ball well enough. Time to sequence break and try getting to the Noble Sword. Maybe it'll help me take down the little dudes faster.
Also bought Banjo Kazooie for XBLA. Hated the game as a kid, but Clement's LP has made me appreciate it now that I'm older. Didn't rage quit until Clanker's Cavern, but I'll deal with that shit tomorrow.
EDIT: Nevermind, just realized I can't get the last jewel needed to get to Tarm Ruins until I get the first five essences. The old bastard in this tree won't lemme have it! lol
I played some more of BioShock: Infinite today....
....I saw the twist coming where Daisy Fitzroy's revolution would prove her to be just as bad as Comstock, but when Elizabeth actually killed her with her own hands, I have to admit that caught me by surprise. I never knew she had it in her. :sly:
I also played some more of NGB, the other day. I tested out the Unlabored Flawlessness on the ice mini-boss in Chapter 12 and I killed the damn thing in one single hit. I fucking love this weapon. Its one of those things that unfortunately most people never discover in the game because they either stick to just using the Dragon Sword all of the time and don't experiment with other weapons or they just don't even play that far because they complain that the game is too hard. That's too bad, because its so many in-depth elements such as this that make this my favorite game ever.
RE-EDIT: My bad, but it doesn't help to put up a spoiler tag unless you warn people about what game you're spoiling first. Otherwise everyone would just look it up out of curiosity anyways. Duh. :zonk:
Batman: Arkham City
Just started playing yesterday. Playing on normal, and while I haven't noticed much of a difference when I first played on easy I have died quite a bit, and that's mainly because of the ice walking. Got gameovers a couple of times because of one of Penguins thugs shooting the hostage (I have a tendency to use detective mode a lot and it kinda bit me a bit). Right now I'm fighting Grundy. While I do find this game to be overrated, I am still having fun, and that's mainly because it just feel so good to beat on someone and feel dominant. Is it on the level of DMC? Nah, but it is the best superhero game out. Hopefully I won't feel fatigue by the time I get towards the endgame.
Quote from: Nel_Annette on June 01, 2013, 10:29:26 PMAlso bought Banjo Kazooie for XBLA. Hated the game as a kid, but Clement's LP has made me appreciate it now that I'm older. Didn't rage quit until Clanker's Cavern, but I'll deal with that shit tomorrow.
Try to muscle through it. It's a fairly awful level on the whole, but the rest of the game is pretty fun. Every other level I thought was great.
I also played it on XBLA which made me appreciate it far more.
There are people who had trouble with Clanker's Cavern?
The only part I found challenging was the anvil, and even that is easy once you get the hang of turning around to get the air bubbles.
I breezed through what I was stuck on yesterday. The camera feels a bit wonky at times.
Now it's the swamp I'm ragequiting on. XD
Other than the small turtle part, I thought the swamp was one of the best levels.
The small turtle part was easy for me, but I hated the fucking crocodile eating races.
Honestly, my most recent playthrough of BK was just depressing for me. I loved that game so much as a kid, but now I can find almost nothing fun in it.
I had that problem with Tooie the last couple of times I gave it a shot. You know, that's the thing though; I can't really remember how much I liked it as a kid (especially Grunty Industries, fuck everything about that level and all that it stands for), but I never seem to remember hating it as much as I do now. I mean, it's still better than DK64... but only barely.
BK is a lot of fun though. I played through it again not too long ago (I want to say about a year or so), and I still love it.
Quote from: Foggle on June 04, 2013, 12:27:51 AM
The small turtle part was easy for me, but I hated the fucking crocodile eating races.
Honestly, my most recent playthrough of BK was just depressing for me. I loved that game so much as a kid, but now I can find almost nothing fun in it.
Maybe its just one of those things you held in really high regard when you were a kid so when going back into it with high expectations, it had a lot more problems than you remembered, and it fell flat. That's just my guess, but maybe you should try it again another few years down the line to see if you feel the same way again, or if your opinion has some compromise to it by that point.
Its like when some people say that the Sonic Adventure games haven't aired well, but when I went back to play the first one at least, I could acknowledge all of its flaws but I still had A LOT of genuine fun with the game, so it helped that I didn't go back in with my expectations too high.
Also, while we're on the topic of games from our youth that we've re-visited, I am happy to say that both of the Oracle games have not only aged tremendously well, but they may just be even better than I initially remembered them, if that's even possible. These have already passed The Wind Waker for me in terms of quality, and may even be close to Ocarina status, but as it stands now, I can proudly call them my 2nd favorite Zelda game, and I were to do a top 10 list at this moment, they'd definitely both make it in (though, I'd rank them together in a single spot).
And while it hasn't been quite as long a gap in time since I had last played that game, I have been finding my replay of NGB to confirm my love for the game every bit, and that's just on Normal mode, the weakest part of the game. The game only truly starts after you beat it once and unlock Hard Mode and Mission Mode. I can't wait for the latter, because believe it or not, I never actually completed it when I was younger, and now I really want to so that I can finally 100% the game after all of these years.
Ys Chronicles+. Am nearly done with Ys-I with one book remaining and 2/3rds of Dahm Tower conquered.
Right now I am playing an awesome FPS named Singularity! It's a very underrated game; reminds me a lot of the Half-Life and BioShock games. I recommend checking it out if you're looking for a fun shootin' title with great atmosphere and an interesting story.
What was Singularity about again?
Soviet Union experiment goes bad in the 1950's, then in 2010 American special ops are sent in to investigate. From there, history gets rewritten, and eventually you obtain a device that allows you to enact crazy time-related hijinks. There's an abandoned island to explore (in linear fashion), pieces of text/audio backstory to uncover, puzzles to solve, and tons of mutants/soldiers to shoot. It's very fun and creative!
Oh yeah, the game where you can rewind time on people. I wanted to play that game and I forgot it's name.
Playing Fable III. I've been putting it off for ages even though I got it free with the holiday bundle I bought back in 2011.
This game feels incredibly rushed and unfinished. Nowhere near as good as II.
Batman: Arkham City
Hmm.... I'm pretty much near the end. I'm at the Steel Mill. Don't know if it's because of me playing on normal or not, but compared to my first playthrough, I'm not fatigued with the game. I remember I was pretty much ready for the game to be over by the time I got to Ra's. I have tackled some of these side quests, and, yeah, they're practically a waste of time (I actually wanted to fight Bane). I am having a bit of fun messing with some of these goons during stealth, especially when it comes to using the disruptor.
Super Street Fighter 4: Arcade Edition
Not really playing it at the moment. I've merely been watching some matches through ssf4evo's channel. I swear, watching people like OTinhoso and Kiryu Tsukimaya play Guy really makes me want to make him the main, especially since he's my favorite character (He's been my favorite since the Alpha series), but Capcom (I think I mentioned this before) screwed him over in this game. As far as I know he's the only character in the game whose blockstrings aren't safe and that worries me a lot, especially when I mainly play my brother-in-law and he chooses shoto characters a lot, and they can just uppercut to solve their problems. I don't want to necessarily counterpick, but I do want him to have to work equally as hard and think before throwing out random moves.
I've also been watching Sakonoko play Ibuki. I just have a knack for ninja's. She's a high execution character but at the same time she has enough simplistic combo's for me until I can actually do the harder stuff. Plus, while she's not a counterpick to Ryu, Ken, and Akuma, they have to play a little more safer.
And then there's 1P's Ken. The dude is a beast with him. I'm still not exactly sure who I'm going to make the main and the backup though. Time will tell. Chances are it'll probably be either Guy or Ibuki as the main with Ken and Evil Ryu as the backups.
Just ran a set with my brother-in-law. I'm not too mad, although, it's weird how everytime I decide to play him I get these barrage's of interruptions. Anyway, we had some good games, almost epic. I won and few, but he ended up winning the set. Cody is no longer my best character. Cammy is, although though she's kind of an auto-pilot (brain-dead) character. Like I said, as much as I want to use Guy, I don't think I'm going to main him at all. Hardly did anything against my brother-in-law with him even though I spent majority of my time in training mode as him. I don't like Guy vs shoto's at all. My Ibuki improved since the last time, but even then I got bopped when I tried to use her. I think this actually tells me that I need to focus on Cammy and Evil Ryu (possibly Oni).
Also, SSF4 is back up to being the my #1 favorite. Despite the constant losses, and the raging, I do have a blast with this game, especially when I actually see the improvements. Now if only I can actually commit to using a fight stick and actually get into training mode.
Animal Crossing: New Leaf
On one hand, a lot of things were made much, MUCH more convenient in the interface. I love that you can customize where things like houses and bridges go. Not sure how I feel about the more pastel-esque graphics or the Main Street, though. The town feels like a barren wasteland, but I suppose all the stuff you can add will fix that. I've decided to hold off on upgrading my house and focus on adding the extra stuff to the town instead. First off, bridges. One is not enough.
Played through Zeno Clash. I loved the art style and music, and the melee combat was often satisfying (mostly due to the hilarious Source Engine physics), but the level design was almost nonexistent, the story and voice acting were subpar, and quite a few of the stages were tedious rather than challenging or fun. It's also like 3 hours long.
Overall, decent game. A fun novelty for about $5, but no more.
I played RE Revelations demo two days ago. Ah yes, exactly what I wanted a RE to be like for years. It plays like the old games and you can move and shoot ;D
Okay, never mind, I must have just been feeling really bad when I tried to play MG2 yesterday. Started it up again and I'm not having any problems whatsoever; it's actually easier than the original. Huh.
Had a tarantula come out of a grove of trees and bite my face off in Animal Crossing. Scared the shit out of me. Good times.
I thought they came out in July, not June, but I was thinking of scorpions. No more walking around at night with a net out unless I see a bug I need.
So happy I got off of work early today, and you better believe I'm gonna spend some of this time playing some more SSF4:AE2012 and finish up Batman: Arkham City.
Beat Metal Gear 1 & 2 for the MSX. I'd played both before, but never gotten anywhere near finishing them. Overall, I liked them a lot. The first game shows its age and can be overly obtuse at times, but it's still pretty fun and creative. The second one, on the other hand, is a masterpiece. It holds up perfectly, and is very inventive with much of its game design. Definitely the most advanced 8-bit title I've played, and perhaps the best.
Basically, everyone should purchase the MGS HD Collection. You get three excellent games (MG 2, MGS 3, Peace Walker) and two pretty good ones (MG 1, MGS 2) for about half the price of one new game.
Quote from: Foggle on June 14, 2013, 08:45:31 AM
Beat Metal Gear 1 & 2 for the MSX. I'd played both before, but never gotten anywhere near finishing them. Overall, I liked them a lot. The first game shows its age and can be overly obtuse at times, but it's still pretty fun and creative. The second one, on the other hand, is a masterpiece. It holds up perfectly, and is very inventive with much of its game design. Definitely the most advanced 8-bit title I've played, and perhaps the best.
Basically, everyone should purchase the MGS HD Collection. You get three excellent games (MG 2, MGS 3, Peace Walker) and two pretty good ones (MG 1, MGS 2) for about half the price of one new game.
Given my stance on retro games, I doubt I'll ever play those Metal Gear games, which is a shame too, because I think I owe it to myself to play those games just so I can see how it all started, but much like MGS (I wish they remade this game) once I find a game with superior gameplay (in this case, being able to shoot in FPV) I'm not going to go back to the old. If Kojima really want to make some more money off me all he need to do is remake MG1, MG2, and MGS with a similar feel to MGS3 or MGS4's shooting.
I'm actually going to disagree with you when you say everyone should purchase the MGS HD Collection, only because of the latest MGS collection which has MGS1, MGS2, MGS3, MGS4, and the original MGs. While I already have the HD collection, I'm definitely thinking about trading that in for this collection.
I played a bit more of
SSF4 online earlier, and got bopped pretty badly. Ran into a few trolls, but at the same time it's also nice to know that there are still some nice people playing as well. I also ran into an A rank Fei Long player (OUCH) named Combo Jack (If I recall, there was a tourney player by that name...). No doubt I got bopped pretty hard by him.
Even though I'm losing so much, I think I'm beyond the point of getting discouraged. I'm seeing the reason why I lose. I'd say that the only thing that's holding me back is lack of practice. I know how to approach my opponent and land hits. My problem is actually maximizing my damage (combos), and that's because I haven't committed to switching to a fight stick yet (I'm so stubborn)
Quote from: Grave on June 14, 2013, 09:58:00 AM
I'm actually going to disagree with you when you say everyone should purchase the MGS HD Collection, only because of the latest MGS collection which has MGS1, MGS2, MGS3, MGS4, and the original MGs. While I already have the HD collection, I'm definitely thinking about trading that in for this collection.
That one's PS3 exclusive, which is why I didn't mention it instead, but yes, it'd probably be a better purchase. ;)
Quote from: Grave on June 14, 2013, 09:58:00 AM
Given my stance on retro games, I doubt I'll ever play those Metal Gear games, which is a shame too, because I think I owe it to myself to play those games just so I can see how it all started, but much like MGS (I wish they remade this game) once I find a game with superior gameplay (in this case, being able to shoot in FPV) I'm not going to go back to the old. If Kojima really want to make some more money off me all he need to do is remake MG1, MG2, and MGS with a similar feel to MGS3 or MGS4's shooting.
Well, Twin Snakes plays more like the later games, though it kind of kills the challenge and fun in the process since MGS 1 was designed around its limitations. But if you want a more modern version of the first Metal Gear Solid, you could always pick it up.
Whoops, I stand corrected. :)
Foggle just called MGS2 "excellent", and suggested it's not the worst game in the series. Never thought this day would come. :D
Quote from: talonmalon333 on June 14, 2013, 12:09:12 PM
Foggle just called MGS2 "excellent", and suggested it's not the worst game in the series. Never thought this day would come. :D
No, I called it "pretty good". Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake is excellent. :P
And MGS2 is far from the worst game in the series. Snake's Revenge and the NES Metal Gear (which I used to like, but now see as lame compared to the MSX one) come to mind...
Quote from: Foggle on June 14, 2013, 12:18:46 PM
Quote from: talonmalon333 on June 14, 2013, 12:09:12 PM
Foggle just called MGS2 "excellent", and suggested it's not the worst game in the series. Never thought this day would come. :D
No, I called it "pretty good". Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake is excellent. :P
And MGS2 is far from the worst game in the series. Snake's Revenge and the NES Metal Gear (which I used to like, but now see as lame compared to the MSX one) come to mind...
MGS2 is a lot of fun. It's just the nonsense that brings it down.
Quote from: Foggle on June 14, 2013, 12:18:46 PM
No, I called it "pretty good". Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake is excellent. :P
Someday, I dream of learning how to read posts thoroughly.
Quote from: Foggle on June 14, 2013, 12:18:46 PMAnd MGS2 is far from the worst game in the series. Snake's Revenge and the NES Metal Gear (which I used to like, but now see as lame compared to the MSX one) come to mind...
Those games are non-canon unacknowledged garbage. So it's safe to still call MGS2 the worst game in the series. :P
Quote from: gunswordfist on June 14, 2013, 02:59:15 PMMGS2 is a lot of fun. It's just the nonsense that brings it down.
As far as gameplay goes, MGS2 blows MGS1 out of the water... But that damn story is just ridiculous. And it doesn't help that the Big Shell (or whatever it was called, I couldn't be bothered to check) wasn't the most interesting setting and had little variety.
Yeah, Big Shell itself was a peoblem. They tried to hard to make the game like Michael Bay's The Rock.
I actually didn't mind the Big Shell. Compared to other designs in the MGS series, yes it's the weakest, but I had no issues playing it itself. My only issue with MGS2 (which is fairly small, but also makes me never want to play MGS2 again) is trying to find Emma and guiding her back. That has to be the worst thing ever in a MGS game. Matter fact I hated guiding Eva as well in MGS3, but it's not nearly as bad as guiding Emma since you could put Eva to sleep and drag her, not to mention you don't have to traverse through water, and a freakin corridor that's easy to get lost in. As bad as MGS2 is and sounds, it still blew a lot of other titles out the water by a large margin.
I was watching Harley's Revenge in Batman: Arkham City, and looking at Robin's combat I have to say, even though I like Batman, Robin just look more fun to play as. I guess that's because he's using a weapon instead of just straight hand to hand. I also tried watching Nightwing's gameplay which I found to be on the boring side, but I'm assuming that was because the guy that was playing was just playing so lame.
Of course I'm still playing Super Street Fighter 4: Arcade Edition. Despite not wanting to play as Ryu I decided to go back to him anyway. I recall saying that I wanted to stay away from the shoto's, but deep down I can't do that, especially Ryu since he's been the main character I played as since Street Fighter 2. I just find him so boring here in SSF4, but this could be due to the training mode being lackluster. He has all the tools and most people say beginners should play as him just to get the basics down which is pretty much what I'm going to do, at least until I can get my combos down. I also decided to start playing as Gouken as well. Hard hitter who seems to be fairly basic. The only thing I'd have to work on with him is reading my oppoent. He don't have any of those combos that other characters have. Most of his combos are heavy hitting, just gotta time them right (which is kind of why I'm picking up Ryu). I'm not giving up on Yun yet either. I just want to put the rushdown characters aside for a bit until I get a little better at the game because I'm eventually going to pick Yun back up. He's too beastly to let go, not to mention he does what Guy have a hard time doing, and on top of that he's also cool.
On 2nd thought, I think I'm going to just use Ryu, Evil Ryu and Yun. I was trying to go by an honor system somewhat and stay away from Ryu since he's the most used character in the game and I've used him all my life in the older games (outside of SF3), not to mention my brother-in-law uses him as his main character, and I didn't want to do any mirror matches. Screw all that noise now. As for Yun, like he's too beastly and fun to not use, and besides, he's a good sub to cover for Ryu's bad match-ups (Guile, Dhalsim, etc.). And Evil Ryu because I need a heavy hitter. Now I just gotta stop wanting to learn so many other characters due to some fancy looking combos (That's gonna be hard because I am easily influenced by fancy combos). Freakin character crisis.
The swimming is the worst
Yes, it just so happens that mines suddenly got onto this big oil rig thingy and they placed themselves. That was a bad decision in level design. That whole sequence just got on my nerves.
Quote from: gunswordfist on June 16, 2013, 08:25:49 AM
The swimming is the worst
I have no idea why developers still try to put swimming levels in their games. There are probably five good ones in existence.
Yeah, I hate those so much that I tried to make a case for why it's good that the new Tomb Raider won't have any swimming.
Ok, my mama came over with a new copy of The Last Of Us she apparently preordered for herself. She got it because she got into the hype. She almost never plays games so my baby brother and me will guide her through it. I'll tell y'all what I think of the game.
Batman: Arkham City
I finished it on the normal difficulty. Can't say it was a difficult experience, but it certainly was more annoying with all the guns, but the sad part is that the folks with the guns weren't my biggest problems. It was the folks with the shields and the folks wielding electric sticks. Don't get me wrong, I'm not downgrading the game at all because I still got that level of satisfaction when taking them out. I just wasn't expecting them to be that annoying.
Catwoman's missions were annoying to no end because of her lack of equipment. One thing I liked about playing as Batman was being able to temporarily disable the thugs from using guns and then picking them off last. Catwoman has no way of doing that, at least I don't think she do.
I also take back what I said about Nightwing. He plays like a beast. The guy that was playing as him was just playing far too lame for me.
I will say that after this playthrough I will say that I was more satisfied. I don't think it's nearly as good as DMC3 and DMC4, but I do think it's a great game now compared to when I last played it. This is probably due to me upping the difficulty and just getting the satisfaction of taking out multiple thugs as Batman.
My mama didn't want to play anymore of The Last Of Us due to the violence :D so I'll just do it myself. I also had no clue she didn't know how to play 3D games.
Got a lot of fun pictures of me playing Saints Row The Third with Micki!. :)
Got a photo op amidst the carnage
Micki! died from fall damage, so I had to valiantly jump (flop) in and save him.
Fucking cars. :(
Just thought these looked cool tbh
What is even going on here
We got our car stuck on the roof, so we had to get it off somehow...!
Micki! got his head stuck in the ground
On the 18th, after my baby brother beat the gane, I started The Last Of Us. So far, not much freedom has been in the game. It's been a lot of running through paths with the most freedom coming from stealth sequences. I've spent mostof my play time with two AI partners but thankfully they are smart and there has been no problems. IYesterday is the first time I've had a real encounter with the creatures in the game. I still need to wrap my head around the stealth rules of this game.
Got a few games for my birthday! Call of Juarez: Gunslinger, Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth, Stealth Bastard Deluxe, and Sonic & All Stars Racing Transformed.
Batman: Arkham City
Finished up Harley's Revenge, and for the most part it's the same as the regular story, just a lot shorter. And thinking about it even more, developers, when it comes to DLC in terms of making side stories that can be beaten within 2-4 hours, I'd actually be willing to pay for this kind of content if they don't cost no more than $3, especially since it seems like nobody can make a complete product anymore.
Beat Banjo Kazooie, started right on Tooie, and... I'm not really liking it. Where the first game just tossed the plot at you and Mumbo's Mountain only took less than a half-hour to 100%, the second one starts with a long-ass cutscene, and after that, a lot of stuff to go through before finally getting to the first level, which in itself is taking a long-ass time to get through. What the hell? o.O
In my spare time I've been playing Super Luigi U.
Very, very, hard.
Oh man, I am loving the Deadpool game. I'm not a big fan of Way's DP in the comics, but his silly writing actually works pretty well in the context of a video game. It may be one of the most immature titles I've ever played, but it's also damn funny, and surprisingly, quite a lot of fun. It basically plays like the X-Men Origins: Wolverine game (which is also pretty good, btw), except you have guns as well.
Playing the first Dead Island game and having plenty of fun with it. I've just been playing it casually over the course of a month when time allows. The gameplay is actually more involving than what I was expecting. Should be able to wrap things up the next time I give it a whirl. My guilty pleasure is running over many hordes of zombies with a truck - It gets the job done, y'know?
And... I like molotov cocktails wayyyyy too much. :humhumhum:
Quote from: Foggle on June 25, 2013, 03:40:49 PM
Oh man, I am loving the Deadpool game. I'm not a big fan of Way's DP in the comics, but his silly writing actually works pretty well in the context of a video game. It may be one of the most immature titles I've ever played, but it's also damn funny, and surprisingly, quite a lot of fun. It basically plays like the X-Men Origins: Wolverine game (which is also pretty good, btw), except you have guns as well.
Sounds awesome ;D
Quote from: gunswordfist on June 25, 2013, 11:42:08 PM
Quote from: Foggle on June 25, 2013, 03:40:49 PM
Oh man, I am loving the Deadpool game. I'm not a big fan of Way's DP in the comics, but his silly writing actually works pretty well in the context of a video game. It may be one of the most immature titles I've ever played, but it's also damn funny, and surprisingly, quite a lot of fun. It basically plays like the X-Men Origins: Wolverine game (which is also pretty good, btw), except you have guns as well.
Sounds awesome ;D
After playing it a bit more, I think I'd describe Deadpool as an American studio's interpretation of a Grasshopper/Suda51 game. It's very reminiscent of No More Heroes and Lollipop Chainsaw in a lot of (good) ways.
I beat Super Luigi U 100%.
All DLC needs to be like this.
On the whole, I really enjoyed the Deadpool game, but MAN that last level was a letdown. You can tell High Moon ran out of both time and money during development. Almost all of it takes place in one arena, and features 20 minutes of killing generic mooks, then a repeated double boss fight, then 5 more minutes of killing generic mooks reskinned to look like the main villain, followed by a 30 second ending cutscene. No final battle, no goofy set pieces, very little humor. Thankfully, I liked the other stages a lot, though I wish you could actually control the bicycle in the penultimate one. Good game nonetheless, but probably only worth playing for hardcore Deadpool and/or X-Men fans.
Spark, I found you.
I can't believe someone's actually going out of their way to complete that stupid mermaid set. :unimpressed:
I've been pretty much abusing the Beetle hunting guides I've seen on Tumblr and 4Chan for getting all that easy Beetle money. With that, if I bother I can get a new upgrade to my house and fund a new project in the same day, along with having a copious amount of Bells in my bank. THIS IS THE BEST BEETLE HUNTING SIMULATOR EVER!
That and I've also got my Steam key for the remake of Leisure Suit Larry 1 for supporting their Kickstarter. So far it's pretty good and a lot different than the old version. Having to get sex from that prostitute was a lot different than what I remembered. I had to get batteries for a remote since you can't just interact with the TV anymore. That and I'm trying to kill Larry in all the old ways you can.
I'm two events away from beating the entire World Tour of Sonic & All Stars Racing Transformed on Expert difficulty, and ZOMBIE ZOOM IS TOO FUCKING HARD ASDF
Quote from: Daxdiv on June 28, 2013, 01:34:13 AM
I've been pretty much abusing the Beetle hunting guides I've seen on Tumblr and 4Chan for getting all that easy Beetle money. With that, if I bother I can get a new upgrade to my house and fund a new project in the same day, along with having a copious amount of Bells in my bank. THIS IS THE BEST BEETLE HUNTING SIMULATOR EVER!
Seriously, the tropical island and it's palm trees make you so OP in this version of Animal Crossing that there's almost no reason to try and make money anyway else. Now that I've gotten most of the public works projects I wanted out of the way, I think it's finally time to get back to expanding my house.
EDIT: Also Dax, if you ever need a guide, I think this one is the most in depth I've seen. It's amazing; I think it covers
everything. There's tons of shit I didn't even know this game had.
Quote from: Nel_Annette on June 28, 2013, 10:21:00 AM
Quote from: Daxdiv on June 28, 2013, 01:34:13 AM
I've been pretty much abusing the Beetle hunting guides I've seen on Tumblr and 4Chan for getting all that easy Beetle money. With that, if I bother I can get a new upgrade to my house and fund a new project in the same day, along with having a copious amount of Bells in my bank. THIS IS THE BEST BEETLE HUNTING SIMULATOR EVER!
Seriously, the tropical island and it's palm trees make you so OP in this version of Animal Crossing that there's almost no reason to try and make money anyway else. Now that I've gotten most of the public works projects I wanted out of the way, I think it's finally time to get back to expanding my house.
Yep. I've been pretty much going to the island after my job every day just to hunt beetles and the occasional Sharks since Sharks can give you more money than the beetles in most cases.
QuoteEDIT: Also Dax, if you ever need a guide, I think this one is the most in depth I've seen. It's amazing; I think it covers everything. There's tons of shit I didn't even know this game had.
I've been using Thonky since I've been going to /acg/. Been really using the art guide so I don't end up getting a fake from Redd.
I will say that the only thing I hate about this game is the fact that the grass still goes away. :whuh: This was my least favorite feature in City Folk, luckily I've been trying to plant flowers in the dirt patches and watering them everyday, hoping that the grass will grow back. Hell, I've even stealing the flowers from the Island tours and planting them back in my town for that.
Quote from: Foggle on June 28, 2013, 01:56:08 AM
I'm two events away from beating the entire World Tour of Sonic & All Stars Racing Transformed on Expert difficulty, and ZOMBIE ZOOM IS TOO FUCKING HARD ASDF
And now I've beaten every World Tour event on Expert and unlocked every character/stage/console mod. By far one of the most frustrating and anger-inducing games I've ever played, but also extremely fun (especially in multiplayer).
Quote from: Daxdiv on June 28, 2013, 02:49:37 PM
Quote from: Nel_Annette on June 28, 2013, 10:21:00 AM
Quote from: Daxdiv on June 28, 2013, 01:34:13 AM
I've been pretty much abusing the Beetle hunting guides I've seen on Tumblr and 4Chan for getting all that easy Beetle money. With that, if I bother I can get a new upgrade to my house and fund a new project in the same day, along with having a copious amount of Bells in my bank. THIS IS THE BEST BEETLE HUNTING SIMULATOR EVER!
Seriously, the tropical island and it's palm trees make you so OP in this version of Animal Crossing that there's almost no reason to try and make money anyway else. Now that I've gotten most of the public works projects I wanted out of the way, I think it's finally time to get back to expanding my house.
Yep. I've been pretty much going to the island after my job every day just to hunt beetles and the occasional Sharks since Sharks can give you more money than the beetles in most cases.
QuoteEDIT: Also Dax, if you ever need a guide, I think this one is the most in depth I've seen. It's amazing; I think it covers everything. There's tons of shit I didn't even know this game had.
I've been using Thonky since I've been going to /acg/. Been really using the art guide so I don't end up getting a fake from Redd.
I will say that the only thing I hate about this game is the fact that the grass still goes away. :whuh: This was my least favorite feature in City Folk, luckily I've been trying to plant flowers in the dirt patches and watering them everyday, hoping that the grass will grow back. Hell, I've even stealing the flowers from the Island tours and planting them back in my town for that.
Aw, sorry, didn't know you knew of the guide. I actually discovered it through a Google search about Redd's gallery and how it works, and I thought the whole guide was a godsend.
And I agree about the grass. That was easily the one feature of City Folk that most people unanimously disliked, and I can't believe they brought it back. It's less noticeable for sure, but the fact it's still there bugs me. It's like they're trying to discourage you from exploring your own damn town.
And my biggest obsession with Wild World was getting an animal neighbor's picture, so when I saw in the guide that they brought that back as the April Fool's Day event, I squeed. I think I'm going to go nuts when that day comes. :swoon:
So, I started up NGB again today and the game is now freezing on the part on the part right before the Awakened Alma fight, marking the 4th time in a row that this game persistently freezes at a specific part for me even though I've already deleted and re-downloaded it multiple times. In this regard, I'm really pissed at the poor quality of this emulation, though this WAS an early release as far as XBL downloads go, so maybe that might have something to do with it.
I played a bit more of Ninja Gaiden II's Mission Mode. Man, I have REALLY lost my touch with this game. I did the colloseum mission an Path of the Acolyte difficulty (though to be fair, the MM version of the difficulty is harder than the story-mode version of it), and in both of my attempts I ended up dying at the skeleton boss (who happens to be the final boss of the challenge). If I were doing this a few years ago, I'd be able to take out most of the other enemies up to that point without getting hit, and then I'd take out the skeleton boss with ease, but I totally forgot that douche-bag's attack pattern.
Other than that, I FINALLY decided to try playing some more DMC3 from where I left off, and picked up with Mission 7 on Very Hard mode. I've lost my touch with this game as well, being that I was away from it for a few months. I mean, I still got past the level, but I ended up having to play it really safe this time around as I found that when I tried to be stylish, I often got punished severely for not keeping proper track of the enemies surrounding me. When I last played the game, I was able to do that without a problem, but with these sorts of games it only takes a little while of being away from it for you to completely lose your edge at it. That said, it wasn't as bad as I expected in terms of transitioning back into the game, and if nothing else the 1st Vergil fight was still an utter joke even on this difficulty.
Popular consensus is that DKC3 is the weakest link in the series, but honestly, I'm starting to wonder. I mean, yeah, Kiddy Kong is lame, and the lack of David Wise is disappointing (Eveline Fischer still does a nice job with the score though, as evidenced here (, here ( and here (, but I still really like this game. Playing it again, I'm enjoying the darker atmosphere that the tree and water levels bring, and the gameplay holds up just as well as any in the series.
Honestly... I think I like this one a little better than the original, when all is said and done. It still pales in comparison to 2, but that's pretty much to be expected (2 is basically the pinnacle of 16-bit era platforming).
I still never get when people say DKC3 has anymore of a darker atmosphere. I think the tone of the game is bright and cheerful. I frequently compare the vibe of it to a summer camp. If anything, DKC2 had far more of a feeling of menace (by DK standards).
DKC3 is a good game. It's just not as good as DKC2. I think some of the gimmicks in the game can get a little obnoxious and tiring. And though I do like the great outdoors setting (or as I referred to it above, the summer camp style) I do prefer the tropical jungle from DKC1 and the high seas piratey adventure feel of 2.
And I think Eveline Fischer did a better job than she was given credit for.
I came round to DKC3 a long time ago. Sure Kiddy Kong was a lame addition, there were more gimmicky levels, and it's not quite as tight as DKC2, but I still think it's an excellent platformer. I honestly prefer it over DKC1 these days if only because I like how much there is to do and how well balanced it is.
Quote from: Kiddington on July 01, 2013, 11:01:36 PM
and the lack of David Wise is disappointing ( ( ( ( ( (
That and the bonus world is why I will always prefer the GBA version of 3 over the SNES version.
Quote from: talonmalon333 on July 02, 2013, 01:45:22 PM
I still never get when people say DKC3 has anymore of a darker atmosphere.
Quote from: GaryPotter on July 02, 2013, 04:26:44 PM
Quote from: talonmalon333 on July 02, 2013, 01:45:22 PM
I still never get when people say DKC3 has anymore of a darker atmosphere.
I remain equally unconvinced. DKC2 has 2x's as many menacing songs. 3 is no darker than DKC1, really.
"Flight of the Zinger" ftw. :thumbup:
Yesterday for my upcoming birthday, my brother got me X-Men Arcade, Duke Nukem 3D, Moon Diver and Metsl Slug XX for 360. We (my baby brother, oldest brother and me) started playing Moon Diver and got past the first level. Why can't they make more games like this?
Then we played Metal Slug XX. It was kind of fun and I loved playing as the new bandana guy and geeked out over the fact that the game gave you not one but two separate melee attack buttons and one is like a dream come true for me like I said after playing 3 but the campaign wasn't that satisfying. There was no zombie or mummy transformations or enemies, I'm not even sure you could turn fat, there was like only two new Metal Slugs (well I assume they were new, I haven't played any MS after 4), notable Metal Slugs were missing like the jet and the mech that actually flys and the missions lacked variety.
Yesterday, I also started playing my brother's copy of Dishonored. Man, using one hand to wield a knife, the other a gun was cool and the game felt like an evolution of Riddick but the tutorial level at the point prison and then sewer was too long and boring. I had to give the game a break until today and even then I'm just at the part when I have to go to bed.
Also yesterday, my oldest brother and me played Far Cry 3 online co-op. Our teamwork sucks but the small amount of time we played was fun.
Then sometime also yesterday, we played Street Fighter 4. He beat me 2-1 in matches. I have to get him back.
Today I finally played his copy of Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon. The stealth reminds me of Splinter Cell Conviction which is definitely a plus. It's easy to know when you are about to be detected. This game gave us some good laughs and I was surprised to learn that the game is open world. So far, so good. ;D
Happy early birthday!!
I love pretty much all those games.
Quote from: Foggle on July 02, 2013, 06:59:24 PM
Happy early birthday!!
^ Out of Jail Card in case Foggle forgets to wish you one on your birthday.
:D Thanks. I'm having a good time playing these games with my brothers. I wish you yold me that Metsl Slug XX wasn't wirth 1200 points though. :burn:
I thought MSXX was pretty good. Not as good as 1-3, but better than 4-6 (though I do actually like 6 and to a lesser extent 4).
Quote from: Foggle on July 02, 2013, 07:57:22 PM
I thought MSXX was pretty good. Not as good as 1-3, but better than 4-6 (though I do actually like 6 and to a lesser extent 4).
Yeah, that was the sell for me but still not worth 1200 points.
Ok, before I talked to y'all knuckleheads, my baby brother and me beat X-Men Arcade and looped through the first level...yeah, I think I should have gotten Garou and Fatal Fury Special. Fun but too short.
I'm playing Super Street Fighter IV for the first time now. I picked Yun, Guy then Ken.
Quote from: talonmalon333 on July 02, 2013, 04:33:55 PM
Quote from: GaryPotter on July 02, 2013, 04:26:44 PM
Quote from: talonmalon333 on July 02, 2013, 01:45:22 PM
I still never get when people say DKC3 has anymore of a darker atmosphere.
I remain equally unconvinced. DKC2 has 2x's as many menacing songs. 3 is no darker than DKC1, really. (
...but hey, whatevs. That's your opinion. For the record though, I never said the game as a whole is any darker than the rest; just the atmosphere of
certain levels, like the tree stages. Stuff like Ripsaw Rage legitimately scared me as a kid, to which DKC2 never had that effect. *shrugs*
Actually though, since we're kinda on the subject, I completely forgot about this track ( in the original DKC. The levels that accompanied it never quite had the difficulty to match, but that's still a pretty dark theme.
Played Crysis for the first time for my birthday today. This is definitely an evolution of Far Cry.
I also played more Super Street Fighter IV today, played as Ibuki then played a few rounds as Ken in Arcade Mode, beat two levels in Moon Diver and tried a Combat School level in MS XX before I left for ny brother's/niece's house.
dat ambiance (
This is exactly why I love this game.
Yesterday night and throughout midnight I played Mario Tennis for the 64 for the first time. I played all the matches with or against my baby brother. I also got to play Super Mario 64. I'venever gotten far in that game. It's cool that my middle brother has a 64 and these games. He said he plans on buying more. Hopefully he can get Star Fox 64, both Zeldas, the Bomberman games, Jet Force Gemini and Doom 64 if I'm really lucky.
So for some reason my internet went out over the weekend (no signal throughout the house).
Anyway, during that time I was playing a little bit of both 3rd Strike and Super Street Fighter 4. Just out of curiousity, I ended up going through Dudley's trials on SSF4 and who would've thought I'd ended up considering that guy to be one of the main characters I'd end up picking. Truth be told I'm still really torn on who I'm going to main in that game. I mean, I have it as Yang and Ken in my signature, but I'm really conflicted. All the characters that I've chosen at some point are viable characters, and they all can be very fun in their own way which is why I'm having a difficult time in sticking with one character.
In a sense, the same can be said about 3rd Strike. I ended up trying out Dudley as well, and thought he was a lot of fun. I will say that 3rd Strike cannot be played using a standard controller, at least for me I can't. I thought the links in SSF4 were tight, my goodness, the links are very tight in 3rd Strike. They are so tight where something as simple as hit-confirming Cr. MK into Super with Ken (in SSF4, this would probably be a little easier to do with FADC) can become a chore. My thumb just won't allow me to do the quarter-circle forward motion twice or fast enough. So imagine trying to do Half-circle motions with Dudley. Unlike SSF4, there are no shortcuts in 3rd Strike.
With that said, though, I spent more time in training mode with both games over the weekend than I've ever done mainly due to boredom, and even then I didn't know how to fully utilize it because I didn't have the internet which also meant no way of practicing combos (couldn't remember any off the top of my head)
I finally got the Xbox 360 back as well, so I may end up firing up Borderlands 2 and Halo Reach this weekend if I don't get too caught up in EVO and SSF4 first.
So multiple times now I have restarted the original Metal Gear on the MSX, but I can never get past an hour and a half in. I don't know why. :thinkin:
The MSX Metal Gears are really hard. You have to make an effort to get into them, but they're worth it.
Quote from: Foggle on July 11, 2013, 01:17:41 PM
The MSX Metal Gears are really hard. You have to make an effort to get into them, but they're worth it.
Metal Gear 1 hasn't been too hard yet. I just haven't been able to fully get into it. I feel like whenever I start it, I'm totally into it, but lose all interest the moment I turn the game off. It's weird. ???
Continued Metal Gear and was able to get back into it. Let's hope this keeps up until the end.
Animal Crossing has basically taken over my life.
After much goading, I have finally started playing Dark Souls. I tried Demon's Souls when it first came out and hated it, but that was also a very awful period of my life during which I hated everything, so...
I really dig the game. Don't ask me why, though, because I honestly can't tell you.
Quote from: Eddy on July 11, 2013, 06:02:52 PM
Animal Crossing has basically taken over my life.
This. :cry:
Quote from: Nel_Annette on July 11, 2013, 06:56:33 PM
Quote from: Eddy on July 11, 2013, 06:02:52 PM
Animal Crossing has basically taken over my life.
This. :cry:
I also make this claim. This game hasn't left my 3DS ever since I got it.
Well, at least I'm on the road to getting the golden watering can. I got two Jacob Ladder's in my town, which is a good sign.
Should find out my friend code. Maybe you guys could hook me up with some apples cherries or peaches? I've chopped down every tree in town and I'm not replanting until I have every type of fruit.
With me and Animal Crossing, I get obsessed for a few months, then just stop playing all together, the odd visit or two aside.
Usually I stop after I collect every fish and fossil.
If you guys have Friend codes/tags you want to share then head to the gametag thread. Some of us might need to update some info there.
I've been playing Duke Nukem 3D, Super Street Fighter 4 AE online, beat Metal Slug XX for the 3rd time and have been playing Combat School and I tried my forced restart of Blood Dragon.
Quote from: Avaitor on July 11, 2013, 08:06:33 PM
With me and Animal Crossing, I get obsessed for a few months, then just stop playing all together, the odd visit or two aside.
Usually I do tend to grow bore, but since I've noticed my gaming habits of playing mostly PC and 3DS games, along with the socialization bonus of New Leaf making it easier due to Street Tags (I bring my 3DS with me to my job and have it in my pocket for the Play Coins and get an occasional tag, which so far since the game has came out, I get like 1 or 2 tags from people that pass me.), I can see myself playing well after my birthday has passed. Really, I think the only thing that will usurp New Leaf will be the new Pokemon game, and those aren't coming out until October, so I do have a lot of time.
Played Soul Calibur II with a few friends last night. It's been so long since I played that game, but it's still a blast to play. Though my time away from it really shows as I wasn't nearly as good as I used to be. I kind of sucked with Seung-Mina, who was always my favorite and best character to play as. I had a much easier time picking up and relearning Cassandra, despite her always having been my second best character (admittedly though, she's an easier character to pick up in general).
I've been playing some more DMC3 today. I think that I'm finally starting to get the hang of the Royal Guard style. I'm able to get a good approximate timing of when to use it for certain attacks, and Royal Release is also a pretty useful ability against certain slow enemies with tons of health.
Anyways, today I beat Mission 11 with Dante on Very Hard mode. The only part that I had some trouble with is that one fight after the puzzle involving moving those stone sculptures into those open spaces. After that I had to fight a Hell Vanguard with about 3 Soul Eaters. Now, on their own, neither of these enemies is particularly too difficult to handle. But in combination they are fucking annoying as hell to fight, especially since they can all strike at me through the air, and those damn Soul Eaters kept coming at me from off-screen while I was focusing on the Hell Vanguard. If I tried to take them out first, then the Hell Vanguard would just warp near me and do an air-dash, slicing right through me and taking away a ton of health. Now, I was stuck with having to use the Royal Guard ability during this fight, whereas I think it would have been much easier to deal with it using Trickster, but I still probably would have inevitably gotten hit, anyways, as I was finding any particular enemy to focus on and attack at any given time during the fight. It took me a total of 4 tries to beat it, but after that the rest of the level was a breeze. Beowful is such a joke of a boss fight for me, now, even on Very Hard mode. If you fight him using Trickster, its actually really hilarious since you can just dash THROUGH him and end up behind him in the middle of one of his attacks, and then if you wait just a second, he'll stop completely for a moment when he realizes that he doesn't know where you are, before he finally thinks to look behind him and gets pissed off and tries to start smashing you again. Its little touches in games like this that I really appreciate from developers. It just shows that even the enemies in this game have some semblance of actual personality to their AI's behavior, which I really like.
Playing Crash Bandicoot: WARPED.
Damn it, this game is nowhere near as good as Spyro. I'm trying to appreciate it as the classic that it is, but it's no wonder the purple dragon eclipsed Crash for the last years of the PS1's life.
Right now, I rented The Last of Us. Very good game. It matches the hype. That may sound strange to say, but it does. The story is amazing in it. We need a talkback for it if we don't have one.
Tried out Far Cry Blood Dragon. I don't know why I tried the PS3 version, I absolutely cannot find a layout comfortable enough for my hands. Then again, I have never been that good at FPS games.
I'm replaying FEAR 2 again. While I still definitely like it, it just doesn't grab me that much anymore like the first one does. Maybe I'm burned out on it, though I haven't actually touched it in years. I just think, while it's still an awesome game, it never truly captured the magic of the original.
Quote from: Foggle on July 15, 2013, 05:11:06 PM
I'm replaying FEAR 2 again. While I still definitely like it, it just doesn't grab me that much anymore like the first one does. Maybe I'm burned out on it, though I haven't actually touched it in years. I just think, while it's still an awesome game, it never truly captured the magic of the original.
I agree wholeheartedly, but that's kind of how I always felt about the game, myself. I feel that most fans were just too harsh on it when it came out. A lot of them dismissed it as a crappy sequel from what I could tell. While I definitely agree that it never even comes close to the original; well, with the exception of one particular level, which was the only part in the game that I felt was worthy of the original game (try to guess which one it is); I still think it was a great FPS in its own right. The levels had a very varied and interesting look, and the shooting mechanics felt really tightly crafted and solid. The AI was probably my biggest disappointment with the game, however. This game had all of the elements necessary to surpass the original, but Monolith just didn't focus on what really made the original stand-out in the first-place, which was the intense enemy encounters, and on that ground the game suffered for it. Also, while the levels "looked" better, that came at the cost of them feeling far less atmospheric than the claustrophobic and eerily haunting environments of the first game, which to me were the most creepy BECAUSE of how normal most of the locations you visited looked, yet how empty and silent they were. I understand that they couldn't just rehash that for the sequel, but the levels that they did come up with looked good aesthetically, but also looked sort of like "generic b-movie horror stuff" that didn't do the least to actually engage me.
Trying to play Anarchy Reigns online is like... you have this delicious steak - the best you've ever tasted - right in front of you, but on the plate next to it is a large dog turd. And every time you take a bite of the steak, the turd seeps over a little bit, getting closer and closer to your food. You don't want to stop eating the steak because it tastes so good, but then it gets fecal matter all over it and becomes disgusting. Through tears, you finish your steak, and then feel a sharp tinge of regret over the fact that you did.
I think that's the best way to describe it.
So I'm in the middle of Metal Gear 1 but am a little frustrated with the game now. I saved the doctor who tells you how to destroy Metal Gear, but can't go any further at this point. I checked every do with every card key I possess, but none of them seem to work. Perhaps I need to go back to the first building where the game started to get something. But the thing is that I only just did that recently. Why do I have to make another trip? :burn:
Looks like this might fall into the typical 8-bit tiring trap of just checking every single spot in the game.
I just beat Blood Dragon a few minutes ago. I beat it in a day after I started all the way over because my original save file is on my bro's 360. Despite being so short, I had a blast and a lot of laughs. I actually got as far as I did on my first save file right before midnight and that's not including the 5 garrisons I liberated and the side missions I did, which in total were longer than the main story. I love how fast I got the exploding sniper ammo. I was blowing people away with it since before the dam mission
Dark Souls is fucken hard and - to be honest - somewhat poorly designed, but I love it. Beat The Depths without dying once, then co-oped the boss twice with Micki!, taking damage only a single time. Felt like a champ...!
I started on the secret Duke Nukem 3d level, Tier Drops. Such creative level design. Then I beat the rest of episode 3. So the first level of Forever is based off the last level of episode 3? It donned on me the second I saw the level name. Then I played episode 4's first map. Man, a decently sized level with a Mission Impossible theme and it already had a new enemy type? Doom could learn from the latter seeing how the classic games just recycle enemy types by the time you get to the final episode. Anyway, the level renewed my love for DK3D. I started to just trudge through levels before that.
The Birth is definitely my favorite episode. IT'S FUCKING HARD THOUGH.
So, I was playing Bloody Palace mode in DMC3 today just so that I could try and finish getting my Royal Guard style maxed out at level 3, rather than trying to do it in story mode. I ended up leveling it up after passing about a thousand or so floors, and then I quite Bloody Palace mode only to realize that I had to die in order for my progress on that mode to be saved. So I then had to slap myself over the face and begrudgingly do it all over again, and after that I decided that I'd try and just keep playing until I died, but I was hardly ever taking any damage as most of the fights I kept being thrown into just weren't that challenging. So I said "fuck all" to myself and decided to just let myself be killed to get it over with and save my progress in terms of having leveled up my Royal Guard style as well as the shit-ton of extra red orbs that I had collected through playing that mode. Now, the funny part is that I decided to do this on a floor with no other enemies but Blood-goyles, so I just set my controller aside and waited for them to kill me. The only problem is that they take extremely long to attack, so I decided to leave the game running and go downstairs to get a drink of water. Then I came back up an the fuckers STILL hadn't managed to finish me off (I still had about half of my health left). And then I laughed my ass off. :D
Also I beat Mission 13 on Very Hard mode. I was REALLY sloppy on the Vergil boss fight and played it horribly, but only because I had a bunch of items that I had on me that I hadn't used in forever and didn't really plan to use, so I decided to just experiment with this boss fight and try new strategies, knowing full well that I'd be punished for it, but it just gave me an excuse to get rid of those items that I was never going to use otherwise, anyways. In retrospect I probably should have saved them for the Arkham boss fight which I always dread playing, but even then I could just stock up on more items by that point, anyways. The only real problem with using items is that I take a huge hit in ranking for doing so, but I don't care about it that much since my rankings have usually never been that great (I always tend to average around a B for most missions in the game).
I propose that we all start referring to the Xbox One as Dew Doritos Xbox and Ultra Street Fighter 4 as Super Street Fighter IV Ultra Arcade 2012 Turbo HD Remix 2013 Edition.
For the most part it still Street Fighter 3 and 4, but I can only spend about 2-3 hours tonight (basically from now to about 7-8:00) before I get sleepy and decide to turn in. I worked last Saturday, and will be working tomorrow, and probably working on Saturday's for a while just to get a little bit of extra money so I can pay off my student loan(s). More than likely most of my gaming time will probably be on Saturday night and Sunday afternoons. In the meantime I'll be watching high level footage of both games.
I really should be getting back into BioShock: Infinite, since I still haven't beaten that game yet, but I got REALLY ticked off at those Lady Comstock boss fights that I just had to take a break from that game. I can't believe that even a high-budget game like this would recycle a terrible boss fight like that in rapid-succession. For crying out loud, even DMC games aren't THAT shameless.
Speaking of DMC, I cleared my way past 3,400 floors in Bloody Palace today. Once again I wasn't really trying to go all out here, but rather I was just trying to max out my Gunslinger style. Unfortunately, even after playing that much I didn't get quite enough experience to level it up all of the way, but I'm almost there, now. I also got a shit-ton of red orbs from the process, so it was still worth it. Now, had I been playing with a style that I'm actually good at using like Trickster or Sword Master, I likely could have made my way past at least 5,000 floors.
In addition to Bloody Palace, I beat Mission 14 in story mode on Very Hard mode. Its a pretty forgettable mission that's really just there for padding (as are the next 2 missions in the game), so there really isn't much for me to say about it other than I cleared it without too much trouble.
I thought Lady Comstock was a pretty fun fight... the first time. The recycling was fucking stupid, though.
Maybe I'm just playing it wrong, but I kept getting downed by all of the damn enemies she summoned on me. It basically became a "camping" game for me, in that I had to sit and wait for her to show up every minute or so by herself and then I could take a few pot-shots at her before she tried to attack me, and then I evaded her, she disappeared, and I had to rinse and repeat the process until she was dead. It was especially frustrating if I ever got surrounded by the soldiers that she resurrected, because if I got downed and revived, she would regain ALL of her health and I'd have to start the whole process over from scratch, and it always pretty much came to that since I eventually had to leave my cover for more ammo to use against her.
I just don't find that boss fight to be any fun, myself. I was really enjoying the rest of the game up to that point, but it was that 2nd fight with her that actually frustrated me enough to take a hiatus from the game, which shows you just how unpleasant that fight was for me. I'll try and return to playing the game tomorrow, though.
Really, just focus all your firepower on her directly while keeping the mooks at bay with vigors. Take her out head-on, and only use cover for healing. They were tough, but I didn't really have much trouble with those fights, to be honest.
Started a second profile in my AC town, just to fill the town with more crap.
I'd like to just draw a picture of the Villager sitting at the giant tree from New Leaf, smiling calmly like always, holding his net, with a few desolate, dilapidated villager houses in the back. His slightly blood-stained net.
So, I played some more DMC3 today, and I finally got my Gunslinger style up to level 3, which means that I officially have Dante maxed on on all of his skills and abilities, and I got the Trend Setter achievement for maxing out all of my styles. I may fool around and experiment with the Gunslinger style for a bit, but I don't think I'll be using it that much since in order to use it properly, I'd need to re-work my entire control scheme around it, and I've just gotten so used to my current set-up that I'm not interested in doing so. On that end, I think I'll stick with Trickster and tough fights in the game in general, and I'll use Sword Master for everything else.
I also beat mission 15 on Very Hard mode today, so I'm getting close to the end of the game on this difficulty setting. After that, I'll probably go ahead and go back to Easy mode not just to complete it for the sake of completion, but also to stock up on red orbs and also finish the rest of the secret missions in the game to max out Dante's life-bar, so that way I can have a fully optimized Dante ready for DMD mode when I finally get to it. After that, I'll beat the game with Vergil once, and then I'll probably be done with DMC3 for a while, and will go back to DMC1 and try and beat that game on its higher difficulty settings.
I beat Shank 2 today. Fun short game and the last boss was easy. Now I need to play the first game...
Giving The Last Story another go after two months away. And I don't remember how to play this for shit. Keep getting killed. :wth:
Will I ever beat NSMB2?
It's a good game, but I'm having a horrendous time trying to get motivated enough to finish it.
Quote from: Kiddington on July 29, 2013, 12:22:51 AM
Will I ever beat NSMB2?
It's a good game, but I'm having a horrendous time trying to get motivated enough to finish it.
It revels in my least favorite Mario cliche. That being randomly placed hidden blocks to get beanstalks for hidden exits/star coins.
It's barely used in NSMBWii and U, but for some reason it's everywhere in 2.
It still beats the DS game, though. Haters of the NSMB games really try to overrate that one.
Uninspired is the word that comes to mind for NSMB2. It's just a "been there, done that" kind of game for me. And it's piss-easy. Beat the thing in two sittings. Worth $40 it was not.
I prefer the first one. :thinkin:
I really don't see what's so great about the first one, honestly. It's the easiest Mario platformer by far, you can skip two worlds without even trying, there are no flight power-ups, the mega-mushroom is basically the equivalent of a scripted event, and the shell power-up is terrible.
Heck, it even took until U for the mini-mushroom to be worth using.
I really don't see what DS adds that's of any value.
The Vs. multiplayer was good, and that's about it.
I never said the first one was great, but at least at the time, it was nice to get a new Mario platformer, even if that one was piss-easy too. And the recent overuse of the Koopalings makes me appreciate the bosses from the first one more.
Basically, both of the portable NSMB games are fuck-ups.
Hell, I still haven't picked up the Wii U game because, well, I played the Wii one. That just looks like a shiny HD version of the same god damn game.
I still need to play the 3DS and U NSMB games. But I can't imagine how some people would call the original NSMB for the DS anything more than "good".
As someone who likes Wii and U the most (and enjoys them more than SMW), I would easily say that U is distinguished by having the best level design of the NSMB games, the most content, and the most challenge. The DLC is pretty great, too. As for power-ups, I feel that the propeller suit, penguin suit, coin fireball, and squirrel suit are all great power ups. I think they all added quite a bit more to the game than anything DS did. (Also, I agree that the Vs mode was pretty good. They should have built on that.)
I still think the only real AAA portable Mario platformer is Super Mario 3D Land. I actually think Sonic has a better batting average when it comes to portable platformers.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on July 29, 2013, 05:36:25 PM
As someone who likes Wii and U the most (and enjoys them more than SMW)
Can't speak for NSMBU, but you like NSMBWii more than SMW? That's a surprise.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on July 29, 2013, 05:36:25 PM
I still think the only real AAA portable Mario platformer is Super Mario 3D Land. I actually think Sonic has a better batting average when it comes to portable platformers.
My feelings on SM3DL are similar to NSMB DS. It's good but lacking in soul. It feels like Galaxy-lite in the same way that NSMB feels like SMB3-lite.
As I recall, Desensitized has never been a fan of SMW. As for me, its my 2nd favorite Mario game, personally. I've played enough of NSMBW to know that I personally find SMW to be much better and more well-rounded as a game. I think the challenge in NSMBW is great, and I like the game for the most part, but it can also feel taxing to play at times and doesn't quite have that feeling of pure fun that SMW gave me. Sometimes it feels a bit too masochistic for its own good.
I couldn't get into 3D Land. Just found it kind of boring. I like both the DS and Wii NSMB games though (especially the Wii one).
Did you beat Bowser in SM3DL? Because once you do it really opens up.
Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on July 29, 2013, 05:57:43 PM
As I recall, Desensitized has never been a fan of SMW. As for me, its my 2nd favorite Mario game, personally. I've played enough of NSMBW to know that I personally find SMW to be much better and more well-rounded as a game. I think the challenge in NSMBW is great, and I like the game for the most part, but it can also feel taxing to play at times and doesn't quite have that feeling of pure fun that SMW gave me. Sometimes it feels a bit too masochistic for its own good.
I've always liked SMW, but I've never been crazy about it. Personally, I enjoy both console NSMB games more than it, though I know why so many people like it a lot.
Even though I'm not a SM3DL fan, it has my 2nd favorite final boss fight in any Mario game. Hopefully I don't need to state what the absolute best is.
Quote from: talonmalon333 on July 29, 2013, 07:06:22 PM
Even though I'm not a SM3DL fan, it has my 2nd favorite final boss fight in any Mario game. Hopefully I don't need to state what the absolute best is.
Mario's Time Machine?
Quote from: Foggle on July 29, 2013, 07:09:38 PM
Quote from: talonmalon333 on July 29, 2013, 07:06:22 PM
Even though I'm not a SM3DL fan, it has my 2nd favorite final boss fight in any Mario game. Hopefully I don't need to state what the absolute best is.
Mario's Time Machine?
Hotel Mario.
I don't even need to ask if those have terrible final bosses. :thinkin:
Not every game can have a final boss as good as Wand Of Gamelon.
In other news, I've been playing Chrono Trigger again and discovered the ending that's exclusive to the DS version. That was a tough battle, possibly the toughest in the game.
I beat Ness' Nightmare in Earthbound with the first Flying Man.
Definitely a first for me.
I am stuck on Area 51 on Duke Nukem 3D.
Quote from: Nel_Annette on July 29, 2013, 04:15:57 PM
Basically, both of the portable NSMB games are fuck-ups.
They're decent enough platformers; nothing revolutionary by any means, and probably trending towards the weaker end of the series spectrum, but they're not
that bad. And I do think 2 is slightly better than 1 (terrible locations of Star Coins aside), even if I do lack the motivation to beat it 100%.
My Wii just decided to stop being connected to the internet, so I plugged in my SNES instead. I was going to finally play through this copy of Donkey Kong Country... but it's not working.
I can see why they dropped it off at GoodWill.
Edit: took me a while, but it works fine. Still fun!
Played a bit of Kirby Super Star.
I fucking love this game.
If Nintendo ever does make their own theme park, and they don't have a mine cart ride ala Donkey Kong Country, well that would just be the mother of all missed opportunities.
Would they make people ride giant skulls in a neon theme park while a ghost chased them, bumper cars in a sewer tunnel filled with mechanical bees, or old mine carts through broken tracks in an ancient cave?
There's a lot of opportunities there!
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on August 05, 2013, 08:04:26 PM
Would they make people ride giant skulls in a neon theme park while a ghost chased them, bumper cars in a sewer tunnel filled with mechanical bees, or old mine carts through broken tracks in an ancient cave?
There's a lot of opportunities there!
This is the only time I'll ever use a gif of Sheldon. But hell, this has the potential for a great dark ride.
Taking a break from the fighting games, let alone the ps3. Gonna fire up the 360. It's been quite some time since I've played any games on the 360.
Potential games that'll be fired up this week/end
Tales of Vesperia - I've had this game since I 1st got the 360, and still haven't managed to complete the game yet. I do remember enjoying the game. Just got hit by a dose of Tales of the Abyss syndrome (excessively long dungeons that wear me out). But I've been in the mood for some JRPGs as of late, and I figure ToV is a nice one to pick up and get back into.
Mass Effect - I love this series. I hold this series in the same stature as the Metal Gear series. Whenever I play the 360, I almost always have to play this series as well (still haven't beaten ME2, nor have I started ME3)
Borderlands 1&2 - My sister and her husband has been bugging me to play these games with them, and since I always play fighting games with her husband, I figured I return the favor a play these with them for some time.
Ninja Gaiden 2 - Like ToV, had this since I 1st got my 360. It's been a long time since I've played this game. For the most part I think I still remember how to play, but only time will tell.
Halo Reach - I always gotta experience this epic masterpiece.
Some games that I'll probably end up getting as well.
Assassin's Creed series (360) - Yeah, I own it for the ps3, and no doubt there's really no reason I need to get this for the 360 since it's the exact same game, but there are some games that I must have for both consoles.
Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary thingy - I'm still on the fence about this one actually. I dread the flood, but I've had some epic moments in this game.
Tales of Xillia (Ps3) - Been thinking about getting back into the genre.
I'm actually picking up Xillia tomorrow Grave. :joy: The last Tales game I played was Vesperia, and that was 2008. I've been missing it for a while. I bought Tales of Graces f as well, and when I finally get my PS3 I'll just have them ready to go. I can't play Vesperia anymore. It would just feel so incomplete now, knowing that the PS3 version is the game as it was intended with the two extra party members. Shame we never got that in the states. It is my second favorite Tales game though. Right behind Symphonia.
Symphonia and it's Wii sequel Dawn Of The New World are being rereleased as HD games for the PS3 next year too, in case that interests you. :)
I loo forward to hearing your opinion about it, Nel. I probably won't be able to get it until next week. Tales of Graces f, I've been meaning to check out but I've been hearing some things that'll probably make me wanna trade the game in immediately, although, I will say that I'll probably check it out anyway simply because of the combat system. I've only played about 10-30 mins of Symphonia. Going from Abyss back to Symphonia just felt off to me. I will say that among the Tales games that I've played, Vesperia is my favorite due to the main character not being 17, obnoxious and naive. Abyss would've been the favorite, but Luke ruined that one (although Jade and Guy were great)
However, hearing that Symphonia will get HD release for the PS3 definitely perked my ears up a bit. I'll finally get the chance to play the game in it's full glory.
Yeah, I'm really hoping they upgrade Symphonia's battle system so you can do the "hold R1 and run on a 3D plane" like every game since Abyss has had. Playing the whole 2D-thing again would be aggravating.
And I agree about Yuri. Best Tales protagonist ever. I love how the dude doesn't dick around when he sees how evil the bad guys are. There's no "we can reason with him" or obnoxious shonen hero personality. He just straight-up kills them when no-one is looking. :lol:
So today I decided to go back and continue my runthrough of the original Metal Gear, and I managed to stick it out and beat it. Overall, despite some frustrations that can be attributed to the game's age, it was a good game. I'd say the last 45 minutes of the game was my favorite part.
Within the next few days or so, I will probably try Metal Gear 2.
Temple Tempest. How the hell do you jump over the Millstone Gnawty in the middle of the road?
Quote from: Avaitor on August 06, 2013, 10:33:26 PM
Temple Tempest. How the hell do you jump over the Millstone Gnawty in the middle of the road?
Do you mean the one at the end of the level?
Just jump at the right moment near the end of the platform and you should make it. Don't jump too early or you'll get hit.
I did it. I don't know how, but I did it.
If you can make it with DK and Diddy it's not too difficult.
I went with both and lost Diddy in the process, but rolled down as DK all the way through. I usually ended up getting hit when I first tried, but not this time.
Speaking of DK... man, Fish Food Frenzy is just the worst.
I guess every DKC has their share of utterly cringe-worthy levels. And I haven't even gotten to Lightning Lookout yet. :cry:
Quote from: Avaitor on August 06, 2013, 11:39:18 PM
I went with both and lost Diddy in the process, but rolled down as DK all the way through. I usually ended up getting hit when I first tried, but not this time.
Here's a tip that they changed in the sequels. Diddy's hit-box is smaller than DK's meaning that you should always save Diddy for last in hard levels.
They changed this in the sequels (even DKC3 with Kiddy has the same hit-box as Dixie), but in the first game Diddy has the clear advantage.
Quote from: Kiddington on August 07, 2013, 12:26:41 AM
I guess every DKC has their share of utterly cringe-worthy levels.
Most games in general do, honestly.
Quote from: Foggle on August 07, 2013, 12:36:42 AM
Quote from: Kiddington on August 07, 2013, 12:26:41 AM
I guess every DKC has their share of utterly cringe-worthy levels.
Most games in general do, honestly.
Yeah, but I tend to find the DKC' series "bad levels" to be
that much worse than others.
Blackout Basement, Glimmer's Galleon, Lightning Lookout... all I can say is... :burn:
Quote from: Kiddington on August 07, 2013, 12:42:00 AM
Quote from: Foggle on August 07, 2013, 12:36:42 AM
Quote from: Kiddington on August 07, 2013, 12:26:41 AM
I guess every DKC has their share of utterly cringe-worthy levels.
Most games in general do, honestly.
Yeah, but I tend to find the DKC' series "bad levels" to be that much worse than others.
Blackout Basement, Glimmer's Galleon, Lightning Lookout... all I can say is... :burn:
The only level in DKC2 I really can't stand is Animal Antics. My same problem with DKC3 is the one you have to run through as Ellie.
I'm not big on the animal-only levels in general (except for the Rattly levels in 2 which are hop-errific) because they tend to distract from the standard platforming. Though DKC1 doesn't have that problem, I actually don't enjoy using the animals besides Rambi and Enguarde in that game as it is.
I can't wait for Bible Man: Israel Asylum.
Or Bible Man: Gay Conversion
Why wasn't that written in Comic Sans..?! :thinkin:
Rented Xenoblade Chronicles off Gamefly. It's actually pretty cool, and I can see why there was hype for it online. The story was a little bit slow in the beginning, but when I got to the part where the party's hometown is ravaged, things picked up real quick.
The part where the main guy Shulk's girlfriend was killed surprised me. I thought for sure they were going to kill off that guy you play in the prologue Dunban, because that's how these kinds of RPGs play out. No, they took out the love interest. Looking forward whatever else the plot has up its sleeve.
I also love the games gimmick of being able to see an enemy attack in the near future and being able to avoid it.
I knew I should have played Xenoblade first. Sorry, people who like it, but The Last Story is boring as fuck.
Quote from: Nel_Annette on August 07, 2013, 07:52:06 PM
Sorry, people who like it, but The Last Story is boring as fuck.
The description I'd use would be "shit", actually.
Quote from: Foggle on August 07, 2013, 08:04:09 PM
Quote from: Nel_Annette on August 07, 2013, 07:52:06 PM
Sorry, people who like them, but all JRPGs are boring as fuck.
The description I'd use would be "shit", actually.
Fixed. :sly:
Quote from: Nel_Annette on August 07, 2013, 07:52:06 PM
I knew I should have played Xenoblade first. Sorry, people who like it, but The Last Story is boring as fuck.
Damn, looks like I wasted $30.
Quote from: Foggle on August 07, 2013, 08:04:09 PM
Quote from: Nel_Annette on August 07, 2013, 07:52:06 PM
Sorry, people who like it, but The Last Story is boring as fuck.
The description I'd use would be "shit", actually.
Seriously. Why were people so adamant about bringing this thing over stateside? Remember how in the Final Fantasy thread, I talked about how most of the series had bored the fuck out of me? That's happening tenfold here. The battle system sucks. The characters are boring. None of the dialogue is entertaining.
Why did this game even have a special edition? It's. Garbage.
I'm giving it one more hour of gameplay, and then I'm out. Holy hell this is a snoozefest.
I had to stop playing The Last Story after only two hours with it. The writing and voice acting are absolutely cringe worthy. Very disappointing after how much I loved Lost Odyssey.
You're avatar is reminding me... I can't stand EarthBound. I've been playing it these past few days and.... yeah. This game's insanely tedious. I keep getting my ass kicked, and since they let you keep your levels and stuff, I've basically been strong-arming my way through the game. I knew the plot wouldn't be very deep at all, but I still expected something charming. Besides a few funny-looking enemies, there's almost nothing here. Each town's plot has been paper-thin, it took waaay too long just to get Paula (and she's level fucking one, wth?), it's usually unclear on what you need to do next, and it feels like there's hardly any strategy to the battles at all. The game really just seems to be famous for the mood whiplash of Giygas and his battle.
Pleeeeaaaase tell me this gets better. I'm in Threed now and I'm just not seeing why this game gets the love it gets. Did I just have to be there at the time?
(I still think Mother 3 is fantastic though.)
You have a LOT of game to go. The story is never super-involving, it mostly stays fun and simple throughout, even when it gets weird.
But if you don't like it, you don't like it. I think the battle system gets more fun when your HP is high and you can actually use the rolling numbers to your advantage, but I don't think it gets much different from that.
Also, Multi-Bottle Rockets pretty much destroy everything.
Have you guys seen how much Xenoblade is going for now? More than Metroid Prime Trilogy and Super Mario All Stars now. It wasn't even a year ago that I bought the game and already a used copy is worth at least twice as much as what I bought it for. Thinking about holding onto it for a little longer to see how much the value goes up and then selling it off.
I remember before Xenoblade came out in the US, I was joking with my friend about buying ten copies and then selling them off three years later for a 6x profit.
...Now I really wish I'd done that. Hell, I didn't even buy one copy, so I've yet to actually play the game, even though I hear it's fantastic.
I was actually just kidding with that post, but yeah, I guess I can see where Earthbound wouldn't be for everyone. Honestly, I haven't even played it myself in a few years, so who knows how well it'd hold up for me.
I still have my copy around here somewhere. Looks like I just found my next playthrough once I wrap up DKC3.
Yo, they got this thing goin' on right now that's kinda' like the Humble Bundle but for Japanese indie games. Check it out!
I've been really enjoying this Cherry Tree High Comedy Club. It's a lighthearted and happy game with a fun story. Definitely a nice breath of fresh air since 99% of games seem to be either dark and violent or relatively plot-less. The main character is very endearing; she reminds me a lot of myself, both positively and negatively.
I'm not sure how to describe the gameplay. I guess it's kind of like a deeper and non-sexual version of the social links in Persona 3/4? Sort of a visual novel but with more player input than usual. Odd how they Americanized the names for the English translation, though; bit of a 4Kids vibe going on there.
Was surprised to see Capcom listed as the publisher. Definitely unexpected.
Well, I guess I'll keep trying EarthBound to at least the point that I have every party member. But this is such a miserable slog through a game. :cry:
Pikmin 3 is awesome.
Dragon's Crown is fun as fuck.
Quote from: Rosalinas Spare Wand on August 09, 2013, 12:34:23 AM
Pikmin 3 is awesome.
How is it compared to the first two?
I was never big on the original, but the second was pretty cool.
It's like a marriage of both actually. The time limit is dictated by the supplies you collect instead of the parts you need for your ship. The game kept a lot of the features from 2 and upgraded them for the tablet, and of course labyrinths were just replaced with simple caves. The enemies feel a little tougher than the old ones but it might just be me getting used to the new controls. They're a bit too sensitive for my taste, but the lock on feature kind of helps. Multitasking is still a huge part of the game, and you can throw captains this time so you can reach other parts much faster. Also 2's multiplayer is back and still funny as ever.
It's easily the best WiiU game out right now.
Quote from: Rosalinas Spare Wand on August 09, 2013, 12:34:23 AM
Dragon's Crown is fun as fuck.
Yeah, I played some co-op yesterday. Pretty good game! Reminds me of Gauntlet in a lot of ways. One of those ways being that I don't think I'd at all enjoy it solo, despite my love of beat 'em ups.
Thanks for the Pikmin 3 info, my friend got it so I'll probably get to play it myself soon enough.
By the way, Wonderful 101 is amazing.
There is SO MUCH STUFF in the demo, and I don't even know how to start describing it. First of all, each of the core members (you get Hand, Gun, and Sword, in the demo) all have their own move-sets that are upgradable, and you can combine attacks from each for combos even though it took me to the end of the demo to realize it since things get pretty crazy with dozens of allies and enemies littering the screen all going about their own modes of attacks. You can do pretty much anything you can in Kamiya's other games combat-wise, but there just seems to be so much other stuff you can do with upgrades, items, stage hazards, enemy weapons you can use, and an amazing soundtrack that does 'epic' right in video games.
Though I only played it once, I slowly figured out what to do at my own speed and didn't get too lost. I played it on the highest difficulty the demo had (Normal) and I didn't have much of a problem (and I'm usually bad at these games) once I learned all the core moves. Enemies move really fast, and hit hard, so learning how to block, dodge, and hit weak points with combos. You can also use things around the environment to gain extra items/health/upgrades, and recruit temporary heroes that help throughout the level. The demo level was also really long, which surprised me.
There's a lot of Viewtiful Joe influence here from the whole pattern drawing (this is easily done on the right stick, by the way) in slow motion, to the emphasis on knowing when to time your attacks. It still has platforming, as well as the typical goofy comedy, too.
If the whole game keeps it up the whole way through, this will easily be Platinum's best game.
And maybe even Kamiya's.
If you have access to a Wii-U, don't waste any time. Play it.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on August 09, 2013, 05:27:17 PM
If the whole game keeps it up the whole way through, this will easily be Platinum's best game.
High praise indeed. Then again, almost every new Platinum game ends up becoming their best, because they're always learning new tricks and producing the finest titles the industry has to offer. :D
I'd have no qualms buying a Wii U just for W101 and Bayo2, though I can't justify full price yet. Then again, Pikmin, Smash Bros., and Donkey Kong. Hm. Give me a real Metroid Fusion sequel (or Prime 4) or another Fatal Frame and you'll have my 350, Nintendo.
Quote from: Foggle on August 09, 2013, 07:32:08 PM
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on August 09, 2013, 05:27:17 PM
If the whole game keeps it up the whole way through, this will easily be Platinum's best game.
High praise indeed. Then again, almost every new Platinum game ends up becoming their best, because they're always learning new tricks and producing the finest titles the industry has to offer. :D
It actually does feel like they've put everything they've learned into this one. Instances of Viewtiful Joe, Okami, God Hand, Vanquish, and Bayonetta, are all over it, from the items, to the moves, to the mission structure, to the environments and to the general characters.
If you haven't seen the Nintendo Direct, you should watch it, if only for Kamiya dressing and talking like Iwata which is so bizarre. He also explains everything in the game rather well.
I also just found a secret mission while playing the demo, so I guess exploration is a good thing.
Exciting! I will watch that video later for sure.
Super Street Fighter 4
Tried playing a little bit more yesterday. My internet sucks. I probably need to get an ethernet cable or something because going wireless is a terrible idea when it comes to fighting games. So much lag and disconnecting. Anyway, I got blown up big time. Tried playing as Cody, Ken and Guy, and out of all of them Guy was the one that I played more decent as. Whoever said just pick the character you like the most wasn't lying. I only played 1 game as Guy and it was against an A rank Ryu, and while I do think he was toying around with me, I did manage to hold my own. Not to mention I just feel so outta touch with the shoto characters. As for Cody, he was my best character at one point, now he feels like my worst. Playing as Guy felt a little more natural to me. Can't say he's going to be the main, but I'll definitely be playing as him a lot more.
Halo Reach
Still feels epic as ever. Too bad I didn't save.
I know I should probably get a bit further into the game, but honestly I'm not feeling this game at all. I'm not going to blame the game itself, but more like the genre. FPSs in general is just a genre that I'm tired of. I think the only games I actually enjoy playing is Halo (although I will say I'm Halo'd out, so I'm not interested in Halo 4 or the new Halo that's coming out on the Xbone) and Mass Effect.
As I've said in the past, the first Borderlands is a very slow-paced game. Only, like, 25% of people actually enjoy playing it solo (though I'm one of them). I'd recommend either hitting up the co-op mode with some friends or trying the second game before you write the franchise off.
Oh, don't get me wrong, I'm not going to write off the series until I see how the 2nd game is. I'm just stating that FPSs as a whole is becoming a genre that I'm losing a lot of interest in fairly quick.
BL2 is definitely a better game as a whole, it improves in every aspect of the first game, and on top of it has a great narrative through the villain and other dialogue, something the first game seriously lacked hardcore... And the new classes, while I do miss Brick from the first game, are so much funnier to play as than the first games classes, they're alot more interesting to play with and you can (unlike the first game) make some really interesting combinations through skills when high enough level..!
Now, I'm all into the skills, but that's because I play the game like there's no tomorrow, so I'm slightly biased, but it's not like I'll lie to you when I say that the game quality wise and content wise is both bigger and better than the first game in every way..! Especially the second and fourth DLC campaigns are fantastic additions to the game, mostly because of the characters speaking and the storyline..!
Ok done preaching about this game, it's a shame you're growing away fro the FPS genre, but I guess it can't be helped for some people..! :cop:
Quote from: Grave on August 11, 2013, 02:19:57 AM
Halo Reach
Still feels epic as ever. Too bad I didn't save.
This is still honestly my favorite FPS from last-gen. It is also my favorite Halo campaign mode (it surpassed the original for me just slightly, since it shares all of its strong points WITHOUT having The Library), and is probably the best example of how to do an modern FPS game (other than F.E.A.R. and Half-Life 2). Sure, the game is short and can easily be finished in about 5 hours or less, but the replay value is insanely high that I got well over 50-hours of play-time with the game's campaign mode, overall. There isn't a single level I don't like in the game, either, though I will say that I'm not a big fan of the 2 major flying sections in the game (the ones in "Long Night of Solace" and "New Alexandria"), but that has more to do with them being relatively slow and uneventful rather than them being frustrating to play through. Everything else about the game is pretty much brilliant, though.
Really, the people who say that Halo 4 is better than Halo: Reach are crazy. I don't know what game they were playing, but Reach is actually fun to play through without feeling tedious. Halo 4 is about as derivative of a Halo game as you can get (though, to be fair, I still like it a lot more than Halo 2 in terms of the single-player, which by far has the worst campaign mode in the entire series, IMO).
There's still not enough games with Halo's level design. I have both Crysis and Reach (can't get Reach yo work) and I hear that's pretty much it for good games with Halo 1 style levels.
I finally played the Wonderful 101 demo. It was a lot better than I expected it to be.
Pokemon Yellow.
Because why not.
You guys convinced me to get Ducktales. Any platform of preference, or one where it performs the best?
It'll probably run smoothest/look sharpest on PC, provided you have a decent rig and a controller. Outside of that, Wii-U is probably the way to go if you've got one. But, honestly, we're talking miniscule differences in performance and graphical fidelity with a game like DuckTales. I'd just go with whichever system you like most.
Wii-U if you like Off-TV play and Miiverse, PC if you want the best version. The PS3 version is supposedly really good, too.
The remake is pretty great, despite the odd hater here or there.
I just played some Streets of Rage 2 today on my XBOX360. I made it about half-way stage 5 playing as Axel before I got a Game Over. The funny thing is that I really only ever end up losing lives to bosses in this game, if only because I suck at getting down their patterns and taking them out quickly. I barely ever get damaged by the normal enemies and most of the sub-bosses in this game. I think its pretty hilarious how easy it is to stun-lock enemies in this game by just not doing any combos and leaving enough of a gap in-between your inputs to just have Axel keep punching the enemy until they die.
I have to admit that I do get a bit spoiled playing games like Ninja Gaiden and DMC, so the combat in this game being a lot more simple in nature kind of bugs me at first, but eventually I get into the flow of the game and enjoy it for what it is, on its own merits. I think the advantage of a good, classic 2D beat-em-up like this over a hack n' slash game is that it is fine-focused and distilled to the pure essentials of entertainment. That is to say, there aren't any bad levels or moments in the game, and the entire experience is fun until the end. One thing that I've noticed with any hack n' slash game that I've played is that there are always shitty parts (even in NGB), and there are plenty of flaws that you have to work around. That said, I'm still more of a fan of the hack n' slash genre because the highs far outweigh the lows for my favorite hack n' slash games, but I just had to point out that for all of the great things about a game like DMC3, I at least can say that I don't have to put up with things like Enigmas or Arkham in a Streets of Rage game. So, that's kind of the way that I derive my appreciation for old-school 2D beat-em-up games. That said, I'll be happy to get back to DMC3 eventually, when I feel up to it. I'm just stalling right now because I am thoroughly dreading having to play through the Arkham boss fight on Very Hard mode.
Played any of it online?
I just made a list of all the new release games I plan on getting from today until March. Looking at it now, and with that and all the cheap old games I still plan on buying... I may as well just mercy kill my bank account.
Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on August 17, 2013, 07:30:34 PM
I just played some Streets of Rage 2 today on my XBOX360. I made it about half-way stage 5 playing as Axel before I got a Game Over. The funny thing is that I really only ever end up losing lives to bosses in this game, if only because I suck at getting down their patterns and taking them out quickly. I barely ever get damaged by the normal enemies and most of the sub-bosses in this game. I think its pretty hilarious how easy it is to stun-lock enemies in this game by just not doing any combos and leaving enough of a gap in-between your inputs to just have Axel keep punching the enemy until they die.
I have to admit that I do get a bit spoiled playing games like Ninja Gaiden and DMC, so the combat in this game being a lot more simple in nature kind of bugs me at first, but eventually I get into the flow of the game and enjoy it for what it is, on its own merits. I think the advantage of a good, classic 2D beat-em-up like this over a hack n' slash game is that it is fine-focused and distilled to the pure essentials of entertainment. That is to say, there aren't any bad levels or moments in the game, and the entire experience is fun until the end. One thing that I've noticed with any hack n' slash game that I've played is that there are always shitty parts (even in NGB), and there are plenty of flaws that you have to work around. That said, I'm still more of a fan of the hack n' slash genre because the highs far outweigh the lows for my favorite hack n' slash games, but I just had to point out that for all of the great things about a game like DMC3, I at least can say that I don't have to put up with things like Enigmas or Arkham in a Streets of Rage game. So, that's kind of the way that I derive my appreciation for old-school 2D beat-em-up games. That said, I'll be happy to get back to DMC3 eventually, when I feel up to it. I'm just stalling right now because I am thoroughly dreading having to play through the Arkham boss fight on Very Hard mode.
The best part about SoR2 is when you get that good at it then play it on Maniac difficulty because enemies are much faster with stun-lock. They don't use cheese moves like SoR1 or just get ridiculous health bonuses like SoR3, they just get faster and hit harder (as in knock you down) so you have to master when to time your attacks. I like old school beat em ups because they make hard difficulty engaging to try and master but still keep it simple.
I never even heard of that mode. Well I saw it in Remake but paid it no attention
My friend is trying to get me into the Tales Of series. Figured I'd start at the beginning. Currently playing Tales Of Phantasia for the PS1 and I love it! :joy:
That was made by the same team that also made the Star Ocean games.
So it was before they went off their rockers.
The only Tales game that I have ever played is Tales of Vesperia. I thought it was....pretty boring, honestly. The battle system was amusing at first, but quickly started feeling too repetitive for my liking. The main problem here is that, I've heard from a BUNCH of people that this is supposedly one of the best games in the entire Tales series. If that's true, then it certainly isn't a series that would appeal to me. Though, to be fair, I'm not a fan of most JRPGs, as it is.
Vesperia and Symphonia are at the top. Abyss is pretty good, if not repetitive.
Won't play Xillia or Graces until next month.
Tales games are fun, but plot-wise can be as predictable as an episode of House once you figure out each games patterns.
-Game is usually separated into three major acts, with the first "holy shit" moment coming at the end of Act 1.
-One party member will betray you at some point. Every game, every time. Someone on that team is going to sell you out... and probably get forgiven.
-Exspheres, fonstones, blastia cores... each game has its own name for what are essentially the same thing.
-The main villain is pretty much always a well-intentioned extremist.
-A character will allude to knowing more than they let on, and when a character asks them what they're talking about, they'll respond with "Oh, it's n-nothing. IGNORE MEEE!", withholding information that could move the plot along exponentially.
-There always seem to be 2 or 3 factions in the world fighting that your party has to ease tensions between before the world can be saved.
-MISSABLE FUCKING SIDEQUESTS. If you want to 100% a Tales game, you better be ready for at the very least, two playthroughs full of blood, sweat and tears. You WILL miss awesome weapons. You WILL miss awesome costumes. You WILL miss extra character development. Easily my biggest gripe with the series.
EDIT: Foggle, I do suggest trying Symphonia Chronicles for the PS3 when it comes out if you can. It includes Symphonia and it's Wii sequel Dawn Of The New World in HD, and actually takes place in Phantasia's world 4000 years earlier. There's a lot of neat callbacks to it once you get into the late game.
Quote from: Nel_Annette on August 20, 2013, 01:21:22 AM-One party member will betray you at some point. Every game, every time. Someone on that team is going to sell you out... and probably get forgiven.
This was actually a fault for me with Destiny (Which I otherwise really enjoyed) because Leon is more or less just taken out of the story and never completes his story arc. Apparently they STILL didn't address this in the remake.
He was never going to be a full on good guy or anything, but he just sort of leaves the story and is never mentioned again. I never liked that.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on August 20, 2013, 01:25:01 AM
Quote from: Nel_Annette on August 20, 2013, 01:21:22 AM-One party member will betray you at some point. Every game, every time. Someone on that team is going to sell you out... and probably get forgiven.
This was actually a fault for me with Destiny (Which I otherwise really enjoyed) because Leon is more or less just taken out of the story and never completes his story arc. Apparently they STILL didn't address this in the remake.
He was never going to be a full on good guy or anything, but he just sort of leaves the story and is never mentioned again. I never liked that.
Ah, that sucks. I never actually played Tales Of Destiny, but I hear they do address his character further in Tales Of Destiny 2. No idea how though, never touched either game. He's about the only thing that was ever spoiled for me.
Just so you know, E-K, my friend who's a big Tales nut doesn't consider Vesperia to be a top game in the series like a lot of people here do. Then again, he also admits that he's biased against the Xbox 360, so...
Quote from: Nel_Annette on August 20, 2013, 01:21:22 AMTales games are fun, but plot-wise can be as predictable as an episode of House once you figure out each games patterns.
I know better than to expect great writing from a JRPG that doesn't include "Megami Tensei" in the title, so predictable plots don't bother me much. ;) I've seen my friend play some of Symphonia, Abyss, and Xillia, and I thought the characters were pretty likeable in them. That's usually more important to me in games than the actual storylines.
Quote-MISSABLE FUCKING SIDEQUESTS. If you want to 100% a Tales game, you better be ready for at the very least, two playthroughs full of blood, sweat and tears. You WILL miss awesome weapons. You WILL miss awesome costumes. You WILL miss extra character development. Easily my biggest gripe with the series.
I've never been one to 100% a game unless I'm literally in love with it (like R&C or something). Ain't got the time or patience for dat.
QuoteEDIT: Foggle, I do suggest trying Symphonia Chronicles for the PS3 when it comes out if you can. It includes Symphonia and it's Wii sequel Dawn Of The New World in HD, and actually takes place in Phantasia's world 4000 years earlier. There's a lot of neat callbacks to it once you get into the late game.
Absolutely. I'm already planning on picking it up. ;)
Yeah, even if the plots are predictable, most of the games are really good for the characters. Tales Of Legendia is absolutely the worst Tales game I've ever played (seriously, don't touch that shit), but damn if Moses and Jay constantly putting each other down wasn't funny as hell. And the casts of Abyss and Vesperia are pretty awesome. Especially Jade Curtiss. Kirk Thornton sells that character. Probably my favorite character in the series.
Quote from: Nel_Annette on August 20, 2013, 11:23:06 AM
Tales Of Legendia is absolutely the worst Tales game I've ever played (seriously, don't touch that shit)
Yeah, I've heard it's pretty damn terrible. That one actually wasn't made by the Tales team (and neither were Tempest or Innocence, which only came out in Japan).
Sadly enough, Legendia's soundtrack is arguably the most beautiful in the series. :lol: And the character's aren't half bad. Hell, the premise isn't bad, either (giant technologically-advanced ship that is so old it's now covered in forests and canyons and etc.). But the bad guys suck, and the plot twist after you beat them is horribly done. Then they give you a whole second half of the game that focuses on each character one by one, and none of it's voice-acted. The dungeon's are way too maze-like, the battles are random encounters (you can't see the enemies on the map; battles just happen.), and the battle system. Holy fuck the battle system. You rarely need to use artes. You can literally just hold the X button and your character will keep attacking the bad guy forever until you win. And it's all on a strict 2D plane.
Sounds like a bad time. Exactly the kind of game I'd want to avoid. ;)
Does anyone else own an XBOX360 and have the Sega Vintage collection of the Streets of Rage trilogy? I'd love to have the opportunity to co-op these games online with someone.
Fixed the part of the sidequest I ragequit on in Tales Of The Abyss, and now I'm at the secret boss of the game. I now realize why I never beat this thing on the PS2. I think in order for me to stand a chance, I'm going to have to grind grade, beat the game, and use 3000 grade in new Game Plus to buy EXP x10 so that I'm in the level 200s by the time I fight her.
That's another thing I like about the Tales games by the way; the level cap is 250, not 100, so if you ever reach level 250 you're pretty much an unstoppable wave of destruction.
I actually didn't realize until now that you can increase the max amount of lives that you carry in SoR2, but I suppose I actually should've bothered to check to the "Options" menu beforehand. :D
At any rate, I should probably be able to get a lot further on the game with max lives turned on.
I just beat DMC3 on Very Hard mode. I beat Arkham on my 2nd try, and I'll flat-out admit that it was only because I allowed myself to use items for this boss fight. I used 3 large vital stars, to be exact, and I'm not ashamed of doing so at all, given how poorly this boss fight was designed. I had no intention of going through it multiple times over just to keep with my usual gameplay style of not using any items. After that, though, the Vergil fight was a BITCH on this difficulty. I mean, if any of you guys thought that Vergil was hard on Normal or Hard mode, then you'd probably break your console in frustration with how much tougher he gets on Very Hard mode (now it's hard for me to imagine what he's like on DMD mode). It's not cheap in the sense that you can still avoid all of his attacks perfectly fine if you are concentrating, but it is certainly less fun than on the lower difficulty settings, primarily because Vergil seemingly has no limit put on his Devil Trigger, so toward the second half of the fight he will start spamming the shit out of it, and even if you knock him out of that state, he can instantly revert back into it right away if his AI chooses to do that. It forces you to be extremely defensive in this fight and only attack him when he leaves you an opening which becomes rarer and rarer the closer he is to death. What makes it worse is that he always gains some health back when he is in his Devil Trigger mode, and there isn't a thing that you can do about it, so for the last entire half of the battle it took me forever to kill him even though he had less than a third of his health left, if only because he kept freaking regeneration that third. But, I finally beat him, and I got my achievement for beating the game on Very Hard mode. ;D
Oh yeah, and I also got a nice reward by unlocking the Super Dante costume. For those of you who don't know what that is, I'll describe it in just 4 simple words for you: UNLIMITED....FUCKING....DEVIL....TRIGGER! :shakeshakeshake:
Of course, it'd go against my principle to use that on my run through Dante Must Die mode, but you can bet your ass that I'm going to exploit the hell out of that on Bloody Palace mode in order to clear all 10,000 floors. :thumbup:
I beat Duke Nukem 3D yesterday
Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on August 21, 2013, 01:03:11 PM
I actually didn't realize until now that you can increase the max amount of lives that you carry in SoR2, but I suppose I actually should've bothered to check to the "Options" menu beforehand. :D
At any rate, I should probably be able to get a lot further on the game with max lives turned on.
Ugh, only do that for 3 US.
Still trying to get better scores in Remastered.
y'no, I never much cared for this episode, but I can imagine the stage for it being killer.
The stage was actually my second least favorite in the original game (never cared much for Transylvania), but the additions to the level make it flow better, and the additional treasures give a lot more incentive for exploration. Also, the remixed track is great.
I beat my record:
10 hours in, I'm really enjoying Tales of Phantasia. It's a quirky game with a lot of personality - exactly what I like. The story itself is cliched, sure, but it's still interesting, and I'm having more fun with just the combat and humor than I've ever had with 90% of the RPGs I've tried.
Tough past couple of weeks. Haven't really felt like playing any games this week, although they would've been the perfect remedy for me, but I was to tired from work.
Anyway, some games I'll be tackling today:
Mass Effect - I last left off on a side mission dealing with the Hanar and the C-sec officer. I don't have enough renegade points, so I'll come back to it later.
Street Fighter X Tekken - If SF4 ever die out (not likely, or until SF5 come out) I feel this would be the new 3rd Strike, in terms of just keeping the fighting games alive. Main team is Jin and Ken, with Jin and Hwoarang as the secondary. Kazuya and Lars will be played from time to time. I do recall saying the Guy is my favorite character in fighting games, but Jin and Hwoarang is right there with him, and despite the fact that both Jin and Hwoarang are top tier characters (and they are used so much) I still like them.
Quote from: Nel_AnnetteAnd the casts of Abyss and Vesperia are pretty awesome. Especially Jade Curtiss. Kirk Thornton sells that character. Probably my favorite character in the series.
Agreed, although, the only person I couldn't stand in Abyss is Luke. My God, he got on my nerves, especially during the 2nd half of the game. Jade and Guy are the best.
So, I played the demo for Banjo-Kazooie on XBLA and liked it. Is it worth buying the full game, or are there any better 3D platformers that I should be looking out for, first? Also, approximately how long would it take me to beat on a single play-through? I already replayed Sonic Adventure, and I'll get to SA2 eventually, but I'm looking for a good 3D platformer that I haven't actually played before.
Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on August 24, 2013, 02:01:48 PM
So, I played the demo for Banjo-Kazooie on XBLA and liked it. Is it worth buying the full game
If you like collect-a-thons, sure. The first part of the game is fun, but it gets tedious and monotonous around the halfway point IMO. Awful mini-games and boring worlds abound.
Quoteor are there any better 3D platformers that I should be looking out for, first?
Undoubtedly. Pick up a PS2 or PS3 with all the Ratchet & Clank, Jak & Daxter, and Sly Cooper games. Or a Wii with Super Mario Galaxy 1 and 2.
QuoteAlso, approximately how long would it take me to beat on a single play-through?
When I was a kid, I dumped around 50 hours into a single playthrough, but that's because I was easily entertained and always tried to find ways to make my own fun. Now it takes me around 8-10 hours to beat the game almost 100%. Will probably be more like 12-15 for a new player.
Super Mario Galaxy 1 & 2 = the 3D platformers to end all 3D platformers
Course that's for when you have a Wii.
Quote from: Foggle on August 24, 2013, 02:14:14 PM
If you like collect-a-thons, sure. The first part of the game is fun, but it gets tedious and monotonous around the halfway point IMO. Awful mini-games and boring worlds abound.
I don't mind collect-a-thons, honestly, but I hate shitty mini-games if they are mandatory to beat the game, though I don't mind them so much if you can ignore them, and only need to complete them to 100% the game. I don't absolutely need to 100% a game unless it motivates me enough to do so.
QuoteUndoubtedly. Pick up a PS2 or PS3 with all the Ratchet & Clank, Jak & Daxter, and Sly Cooper games. Or a Wii with Super Mario Galaxy 1 and 2.
I was more specifically referring to any ones available via XBLA (since I can get those immediately), but I was already planning to look into those games that you mentioned whenever I got a chance to borrow my brother's PS2 again.
QuoteWhen I was a kid, I dumped around 50 hours into a single playthrough, but that's because I was easily entertained and always tried to find ways to make my own fun. Now it takes me around 8-10 hours to beat the game almost 100%. Will probably be more like 12-15 for a new player.
If it's 10+ hours, but under 20 hours, then that's probably the ideal length for me. That said, I'll take your opinion into consideration before deciding to download the game or not. However, I'll also see if anyone else has any opinions to offer on the game before I make a final decision on whether to check it out or to skip it.
Keep in mind that pretty much everyone else on this board loves B-K and hates B-T (which you should really stay away from). I don't
hate Kazooie - it has some worlds I still greatly enjoy, and the music is as awesome as ever - but it's just not fun for me anymore. Too much running around collecting items and doing mini-games, not enough actual platforming. Same problem I have with the latter halves of the Sly games.
Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on August 24, 2013, 04:17:31 PM
I was more specifically referring to any ones available via XBLA (since I can get those immediately), but I was already planning to look into those games that you mentioned whenever I got a chance to borrow my brother's PS2 again.
Ah, okay. Sadly, Microsoft doesn't have many platformers in general. That's more Nintendo's (for 2D) and Sony's (for 3D) thing.
So I was playing through a dungeon in Tales of Phantasia, and after about an hour without saving, I was suddenly hit by a random arrow trap. My character instantly collapsed, and game over music started playing. Naturally, I was pissed. Then, this happened:
I just love this game.
Quote from: Foggle on August 24, 2013, 04:54:45 PM
Keep in mind that pretty much everyone else on this board loves B-K and hates B-T (which you should really stay away from)
I do hope you're not including me in this :).
So Tales of Xillia arrived today. Naturally, it's going to be on the back burner for quite some time as well, at least until I finish my Mass Effect playthrough.
Quote from: Grave on August 24, 2013, 05:10:03 PM
Quote from: Foggle on August 24, 2013, 04:54:45 PM
Keep in mind that pretty much everyone else on this board loves B-K and hates B-T (which you should really stay away from)
I do hope you're not including me in this :).
Trust me,
we know. ;)
Lol. Just checking.
Quote from: Grave on August 24, 2013, 09:56:28 AM
Agreed, although, the only person I couldn't stand in Abyss is Luke. My God, he got on my nerves, especially during the 2nd half of the game. Jade and Guy are the best.
Yeah, before his character development turns him into your standard jrpg hero, him being a selfish dick actually makes him far more interesting at first. :lol:
Never quite warmed up to Natalia though. Everyone else in your party kind of joins in the first few hours and then she's tacked on near the 1/3 point of the game, is played up as a snobby bitch for about one or two dungeons, and then the game suddenly completely drops that personality from her to make her some patron saint of the people.
Banjo Kazooie is a fun 3D platformer. I played it for the first time on XBLA a couple of years ago and the game just clicked for me.
Outside of Rusty Bucket Bay (which is rancid) the rest of the game is a lot of fun to explore and hop around. The music is extremely catchy, too.
Quote from: Foggle on August 24, 2013, 04:54:45 PMSo I was playing through a dungeon in Tales of Phantasia, and after about an hour without saving, I was suddenly hit by a random arrow trap. My character instantly collapsed, and game over music started playing. Naturally, I was pissed. Then, this happened:
I just love this game.
RPGs used to do this all the time in the 16-bit era. The first time you use magic in Final Fantasy VI with Sabin and Edward in your part is really funny.
That was when RPG stories had a sense of fun to them, though.
I always liked how Chrono Trigger could balance it's sense of humor with a simple yet intricate story and include a large cast of well-developed characters with a decent amount of depth to them, yet never going overboard to make any character flat-out unlikable by making them up their own ass in pretentiousness. I hated every single FF XIII character for that very reason; and yes, I actually sat through pretty much the whole game as my friend played it on my XBOX.
Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on August 26, 2013, 02:43:39 PM
I always liked how Chrono Trigger could balance it's sense of humor with a simple yet intricate story and include a large cast of well-developed characters with a decent amount of depth to them, yet never going overboard to make any character flat-out unlikable by making them up their own ass in pretentiousness. I hated every single FF XIII character for that very reason; and yes, I actually sat through pretty much the whole game as my friend played it on my XBOX.
Man, I feel your pain. And to think I actually had a debate with myself about trying that game out.
The top 3 worst characters in that game are:
3. Hope - For being a brat
2. Snow - For being a tool
1. Vanille - For existing
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on August 26, 2013, 02:13:12 PM
Banjo Kazooie is a fun 3D platformer. I played it for the first time on XBLA a couple of years ago and the game just clicked for me.
Outside of Rusty Bucket Bay (which is rancid) the rest of the game is a lot of fun to explore and hop around. The music is extremely catchy, too.
Even Clanker's Cavern? :thinkin:
Quote from: Foggle on August 24, 2013, 04:54:45 PM
That was when RPG stories had a sense of fun to them, though.
The newer Tales games still have a lot of humor in them. Not really much like that of Phantasia, though.
Quote from: Foggle on August 26, 2013, 04:57:19 PM
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on August 26, 2013, 02:13:12 PM
Banjo Kazooie is a fun 3D platformer. I played it for the first time on XBLA a couple of years ago and the game just clicked for me.
Outside of Rusty Bucket Bay (which is rancid) the rest of the game is a lot of fun to explore and hop around. The music is extremely catchy, too.
Even Clanker's Cavern? :thinkin:
Actually, you're right. Clanker's Cavern was the level I was thinking of. Rusty Bucket Bay is actually okay.
Clanker's Cavern is like the awful swimming parts of Super Mario 64 all concentrated into one completely terrible level. I really can't stand it.
After playing Killer Is Dead for a couple hours, I can easily see why reviewers didn't like it. It has cartoon graphics, QTE-less combat that doesn't play itself, unconventional storytelling, a non-orchestral soundtrack, and - worst of all - a lives system. :shit: It's almost as bad as Duck Tales!
Really, though, fantastic game so far. The combat is simple but fast; a massive step up from NMH and LC. Imagine an old-school brawler in 3D with amazing boss fights. The Gigolo Missions are sleazy and uncomfortable, but they're a miniscule part of the game and aren't necessary in the least, so I've just been ignoring them since I beat the first one. Can't believe some turd-burglars are docking 3-4 points off the score just because of something stupid like that. Wait... *glances at Dragon's Crown reviews* yes I can.
To be honest, I can never understand why many of you guys see to take issue to orchestrated soundtracks.
Quote from: talonmalon333 on August 27, 2013, 04:03:02 PM
To be honest, I can never understand why many of you guys see to take issue to orchestrated soundtracks.
Because I find them boring unless they're done really,
really well. When I play a game, I want to hear something fun and memorable that'll get me pumped up, like funk, punk, hip hop, electronica, etc. Add in some smooth jazz or blues for the downtime. I don't think orchestral scores detract from a game, but I think eclectic and original music can add to one.
I am completely baffled that games like Killer Is Dead, Duck Tales, Rise of the Triad, and Dragon's Crown can receive such awful scores for superficial reasons while utter pap like Final Fantasy 13 and its sequel can be considered a masterwork. Many people will never get to experience great games like the aforementioned four simply because "official" channels don't understand them and say they're bad. The past couple of months have made me hate game reviewers more than I already did.
I don't agree that orchestrated soundtracks are boring, or at least not inherently so. I just find that MOST games make them pretty boring. Stuff like God of War, Gears of War, and various other big budget titles have parts of their soundtracks composed by orchestras, but they are incredibly generic sounding and are put together by amateur composers who just think that the only thing necessary to make great music is having a lot of big sounds strung together to make things seem more epic. Now, when orchestrated soundtracks are done well, then they can be just as great as the best video game music. Halo games are one of the few examples of really well-done orchestrated music. There is a ton of variety to the music besides just the main theme, so you aren't listening to the same boring tune for every 10 minutes of gameplay, and the soundtracks in the game actually have "themes" to them, and are expertly used in places of the game in which they fit the theme of the level or setting they are placed in. Some soundtracks are big and epic sounding in very open areas and big battlefields, others are slow and somber in more confined and isolated areas, and some are just downright bad-ass and have a nice touch of metal to them in the more hardcore enemy encounters. Most Halo games (except for 4, which does NOT have Marty O'Donnell as the composer) have expertly composed scores and what's even better is that they are expertly utilized throughout the game, without any single theme feeling like it's ever being overplayed.
So, the main thing with me is that I don't inherently have anything against orchestrated music in games. I just find that a majority of games that use it don't know how to use it right. On that note, it's not as though 8-bit or 16-bit music is inherently better just because they are not orchestrated. That music can suck too if the composing is bad or they aren't utilized correctly (and there are plenty of examples of that as well). It's just that there are a lot more genuinely good examples of that sort of videogame music done right as opposed to orchestrated music.
Really, it's not so much the instruments which you use that matter, but more so how you choose to use them.
The main theme/motif of Metal Gear Solid is phenomenal in my opinion. But it's the type of theme that would be even better with real instruments. Shame they had to ditch it for MGS4. I can't blame them though.
Hey Spark, did you check out the new DuckTales mobile app game? The voice actors are back AND it's a Canadian exclusive. ;)
Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on August 27, 2013, 06:02:34 PM
So, the main thing with me is that I don't inherently have anything against orchestrated music in games. I just find that a majority of games that use it don't know how to use it right. On that note, it's not as though 8-bit or 16-bit music is inherently better just because they are not orchestrated. That music can suck too if the composing is bad or they aren't utilized correctly (and there are plenty of examples of that as well). It's just that there are a lot more genuinely good examples of that sort of videogame music done right as opposed to orchestrated music.
Really, it's not so much the instruments which you use that matter, but more so how you choose to use them.
I absolutely agree with you. I was originally going to mention the Halo games for a soundtrack that does orchestral music right. ;) I don't think it's inherently bad, really I don't (though I will admit I am biased towards "gamier" music"), it's just that most games don't do it too well.
Quote from: talonmalon333 on August 27, 2013, 04:03:02 PM
To be honest, I can never understand why many of you guys see to take issue to orchestrated soundtracks.
The Mario and Sonic platformers are examples that use orchestral right. They compose themes that suit the action and drive the player forward.
Then there are games like Final Fantasy that uses orchestral-style really well to set mood while still suiting the action. Stuff like this ( or this ( are not only some of my favorite game tracks but they still sound like video game music and they still drives the player forward. I enjoy them just as much as standard 8-bit tracks.
It's when the effectively score the games like movies that I take issue to. Which is basically how about every game is scored now outside of quirky action games and old school-style platformers. It gets old.
Quote from: Avaitor on August 27, 2013, 06:51:14 PM
Hey Spark, did you check out the new DuckTales mobile app game? The voice actors are back AND it's a Canadian exclusive. ;)
I did not hear of this. ???
I think Skyward Sword used orchestration badly for the opposite reason. It didn't utilize it well and the music just sounded like typical gamey blandness.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on August 27, 2013, 07:12:06 PM
Quote from: Avaitor on August 27, 2013, 06:51:14 PM
Hey Spark, did you check out the new DuckTales mobile app game? The voice actors are back AND it's a Canadian exclusive. ;)
I did not hear of this. ???
Here. (
Quote from: Avaitor on August 27, 2013, 10:20:26 PM
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on August 27, 2013, 07:12:06 PM
Quote from: Avaitor on August 27, 2013, 06:51:14 PM
Hey Spark, did you check out the new DuckTales mobile app game? The voice actors are back AND it's a Canadian exclusive. ;)
I did not hear of this. ???
Here. (
Interesting! Thanks.
Too bad I don't have a phone. :sweat:
Quote from: Foggle on August 27, 2013, 07:00:57 PMI absolutely agree with you. I was originally going to mention the Halo games for a soundtrack that does orchestral music right. ;) I don't think it's inherently bad, really I don't (though I will admit I am biased towards "gamier" music"), it's just that most games don't do it too well.
Yeah, I'm also more of a fan of "game-ey" music from the 8-to-16-bit stuff, but that's honestly because there are way more really good tunes from that type of music. This is most likely because if you had really bad music in older games, it sounded REALLY bad to the point of being downright annoying, so composers really had to be creative and inventive with how they used the limited sound they had at their disposal to make truly wonderful music to listen to. With orchestrated music, composers know that the average schmuck will be easily impressed, so their bad orchestral music will be interpreted as good just because they are recording a full orchestra, and the typical game journalist automatically associates orchestra with class. I had to laugh at the Game Trailers review of Halo 4 when they said that they would recommend the soundtrack for it; and GT is the last gaming site that I think is still "kind of" reliable with their reviews, so that's saying something. It sounds SO fucking generic that it kind of sickens me.
Oh, glad you guys were talking about DuckTales. I got it on Steam a few days ago. I love Scrooge McDuck.
Besides that I'm also slowly getting through Last Window and Inazuma Eleven 2 for DS.
Quote from: Mas on August 28, 2013, 02:08:11 AM
Besides that I'm also slowly getting through Last Window and Inazuma Eleven 2 for DS.
Argh, two cool games we never got in America. Gotta' get my import on one of these days.
Quote from: Foggle on August 28, 2013, 02:13:19 AM
Quote from: Mas on August 28, 2013, 02:08:11 AM
Besides that I'm also slowly getting through Last Window and Inazuma Eleven 2 for DS.
Argh, two cool games we never got in America. Gotta' get my import on one of these days.
Yeahh, I didn't even know there was a second Hotel Dusk game until recently. I'm glad to see more Kyle Hyde.
And Inazuma Eleven is an amazing series, too bad it never appeared in America. I've never had so much fun playing soccer before. Plus the story is fun. And even more fun in the second game.
The only bad thing is, they changed all of the character names in the European version, but thankfully fans made patches to correct that and undub all of the voices in the 1st and 2nd game.
So, I went to my local Game Stop today to FINALLY pick up Bayonetta, and wouldn't you know it? The mother fuckers aren't carrying it anymore. Well, to be fair, they said they were clearing some space on their shelves in preparation for making room for games from the new consoles coming out in a few months. So, what really happened was they stopped re-stocking their older games after they sold off all of their current inventory for it. At least, that's just what my local store did. Having said that, though, I didn't walk out of the store empty handed. I ended up getting Darksiders II for $20, since I had been wanting to play that game. So, Bayonetta will have to wait a little while longer before I finally get around to the full game (really, though, I've already played most of it in sizable chunks, by this point in time).
I played through the intro dungeon in Darksiders II. There isn't really much for me to go on and judge the game with, so far, but I enjoy the platforming (even if it's so simple and insultingly easy), and while the combat comes off as shallow (as expected), I do still like the light RPG-elements and the whole skill-tree element to the game, which at least gives me a good deal of incentive to keep finding new weapons and gear to strengthen my attacks and defense with, and if nothing else the combat in the game does still feel really smooth, which is something a lot of games with melee combat actually don't do very well (games like Ninja Blade and Dante's Inferno come to mind). I'll get back to playing the game tomorrow (or maybe after I finally get back to finishing up BioShock: Infinite), but so far it's looking a lot better than the original. Also, the art-design in this game is gorgeous. This is easily one of the nicest looking games that I've seen from last gen.
Also, I played through Mission 7 of DMC3 on Dante Must Die mode. Yeah, I'm no longer complaining about the game not being hard enough anymore. This mission rightfully kicked me ass and made me it's bitch, and by that I mean that I have to admit that I was once again forced to use an item, which in this case was a gold orb to revive myself given just how damn tough the fights in this mission were. What really made it hard was how the Greeds were so damn fast when it came to summoning enemies, AND the enemies themselves would all Devil Trigger before too long. The enemies in DMC3 have WAY too much health on DMD mode as it is, but with Devil Trigger raising their defense AND making them more offensively aggressive, it becomes multiple times harder to take them out while avoiding insane amounts of damage. I had to try and focus on taking out the Greeds before they got the chance to Devil Trigger, themselves, but it was easier said than done on this difficulty setting. However, for all o the trouble I had with the regular fights on this mission, the 1st fight with Vergil was still an utter joke, even on this difficulty setting, since the strategy to defeat him didn't change at all. Still, there is absolutely nothing to laugh about when it comes to this difficulty setting on the whole. This is easily DMC's equivalent to Ninja Gaiden's Master Ninja mode.
I played past the first dungeon of Darksiders II. I like it, so far. The combat has just a tiny bit of depth to it, though so far it's not really necessary to master anything. All you need to be decent at is timing your dodges when enemies attack, which doesn't take much skill at all, though initially I kept getting hit because I just tried to jump instead of rolling out of the way of attacks since I was still too used to playing the DMC games (being that you get i-frames during your jumping animation in those games). Even still, it's fun to string together long combos in the game, especially with gauntlets as my secondary weapon, since those are really fast. The dungeon style in this game is, unsurprisingly, a complete rip-off of the Zelda formula, but like I said I was in the mood for Zelda-style gameplay, so this gives me just enough of that to be entertained. Of course, being that this was only teh first dungeon, the puzzles were incredibly easy, as was the boss fight, but overall it was still a fun experience.
My one gripe with this game so far is that sometimes the platforming controls can be a bit clunky. Like, there were at least a few notable occasions where I swear I had my let stick aimed in the right direction for a jump, and instead Death just jumped in a completely different direction and landed straight into a pit, making me lose some health and setting me back to the first platform of whatever room I was in.
I beat Killer Is Dead! The story was a total mindfuck, though not nearly on the same level as Killer7. Gonna' be thinking about this one for the next few days. :D
Over the last couple of days, I finally got past where I was before I restarted on Crysis (the tank sequence) It's been ok.
I just beat the second main dungeon in Darksiders II. I'm liking the game even more now. As far as knock-offs of the Zelda formula go, this game is WAY better than Arkham City, IMO. The puzzles so far are never that hard to figure out, but they are clever enough to have you thinking at least a little bit before you figure out what you're supposed to do. The combat lacks the depth of stuff like DMC, Bayonetta, and NG, but the gameplay is still very nuanced in terms of managing your stats through your gear and such, and it's fun to use the different skills in the game. I also like how the RPG elements in this game are kept light, so as not to bog down the pacing of the game, as it's still primarily an action/adventure game.
Quote from: Foggle on August 30, 2013, 02:28:29 PMI beat Killer Is Dead! The story was a total mindfuck, though not nearly on the same level as Killer7. Gonna' be thinking about this one for the next few days. :D
So, does the killer die at the end? :>
Just stopped playing Street Fighter X Tekken. Didn't do anything major since my internet sucks. I went into trial mode. Got Ken up to 88%, Jin to 70%, and Hwoarang up to 65%. Jin is a fairly difficult character to use. While I'm getting used to it, linking his Special Step from his left right combo is pretty tough for me at the moment. Hwoarang's links are tough. Just trying to link 2 crouching light licks together seems to be pretty hard. And then there's trying to link his crouching light kick into crouching medium kick.
With all that set aside, I also did some customizing. I wish Capcom wasn't so money hungry with these costumes (2 alternate costumes? Really?) Namco Bandai goes all out with their customizing, and Capcom can only bring in 2 costumes (oh and colors that cost $). Anyway, ranting aside and that being my only gripe, I did some customizing. I tried to used Jin and Ken's suit costumes and make Dante, Joker and K'. I like the results, especially for Joker. For Hwoarang, I used his regular costume and just used the same colors.
Side note, I was watching SSF4evo's youtube page, and he has a SFxT playlist and someone in his videos made Hwoarang look like Sonic. Very impressive looking (TheZOMBIEDIVER, I think that's his name), and it's what inspired me to attempt my own customizing.
Beat Saints Row IV last night. Overall an improvement over SR3. Zinyak's a fun villain, the parodies are funny, the voice acting is superb, the powers are fun, a lot of the new guns were awesome, and there was plenty of continuity porn for the old fans. The game kept acknowledging where it came from, and I liked that. That said, the powers almost made things too easy (shouldn't have given them to us until late game), Steelport is still a pretty dull town, the game very much feels like overglorified DLC at times. But I liked it.
Now I'm playing New Super Luigi U and HOLY FRICK IS THIS GAME HARD.
I saw that and the new Wario Ware at Target today.
I really need to get a Wii-U.
And DuckTales Remastered. :P
While it is available as DLC, I liked the novelty of the green case, so I bought the physical copy.
I don't even own New Super Mario Bros. U yet. XD
Quote from: Nel_Annette on August 30, 2013, 08:41:17 PM
While it is available as DLC, I liked the novelty of the green case, so I bought the physical copy.
I don't even own New Super Mario Bros. U yet. XD
Even though I downloaded Super Luigi U, I kind of want the Physical copy just for that green case to stand out from the blue cases I have.
I was gonna play through Sonic Mega Collection, but I can't find my copy at all. My case is there, but the disc isn't.
Stupid tiny GCN discs.
I just got through The Lost Temple in Darksiders II. I just realized that this game is doing something that both it's predecessor, and most games from the past few years in general, have not really done, and that's making me actually want to play more. I don't know what it is, but last-gen didn't click with me too much, however this game just has the right balance for me. The RPG elements are light-enough so as not to over-complicate the game and bring down its pacing, but they do help add enough depth to the experience, while also creating an incentive to get new items and upgrade some of your possessed gear. The puzzles are also a nice touch, and the combat does get pretty fun when you buy enough skills and upgrades to your move-set (though, once again, it's nothing on the level of stuff like NG, DMC, and Bayonetta). I'm still switching between this game and DMC3, but I might force myself to take a break from both and just get BioShock: Ininite completed. To be honest, it's not that I found that game to be bad or anything, but as I said before, those Lady Comstock boss fights REALLY frustrated the hell out of me to the point of making me quit for a while, and knowing that I still have one more of those left doesn't exactly leave me feeling very enticed to go back into the game, right away.
Just focus all your firepower on Lady Comstock while keeping the random mooks at bay with your vigors. The final fight with her actually has a vending machine in the same area, so you can easily restock on ammo/salt/health at any time.
I'm kind of surprised she gave you trouble, though. You seem to be much better at FPS (and video games in general) than me, and I think I died all of four times across her three appearances.
Quote from: Foggle on August 31, 2013, 04:20:38 PMJust focus all your firepower on Lady Comstock while keeping the random mooks at bay with your vigors. The final fight with her actually has a vending machine in the same area, so you can easily restock on ammo/salt/health at any time.
I'm probably doing something wrong and not realizing it, but I've tried the strategy of just focusing on Lady Comstock, especially since it doesn't do me much good to killer her flunkies when she can just resurrect more of them at anytime. The problem is, when I try to stay back and take cover while shooting her from a safe distance, the bitch hides somewhere and only appears every once in a while, and every now and then some guys will come after me so I have to take them out. The problem with this strategy of waiting patiently is that it'd work just fine if it weren't for one thing: I'll eventually run out of ammo since the bitch has way too much health. So, then, I'll have to venture out of cover for some more ammo (for actual useful guns), or if I'm lucky Elizabeth can spawn some ammo for me nearby, at a relatively safe spot (which hasn't happened in the first 2 fights for me, unfortunately). Anyways, as soon as I pop out of cover and run to get some ammo, all of her minions just shoot the crap out of me while they have the chance, and my health drains FAST! So, I end up getting killed within seconds, and then when I re-spawn, the bitch get's almost all of her health back as well, so the process repeats itself.
QuoteI'm kind of surprised she gave you trouble, though. You seem to be much better at FPS (and video games in general) than me, and I think I died all of four times across her three appearances.
I'm above average at Halo, and pretty decent at most other FPS games (like F.E.A.R., Half-Life, DOOM, etc.), and for the most part I've been OK at this game. However, I don't know what it is about this particular boss fight, but I just seem to get my ass-kicked within seconds whenever I try it.
For most of the game, I swapped between the shotgun and the machine gun. I know it sounds weird to not use something like the rocket launcher on a boss, but the MG seemed to make fairly quick work of her for me. Try to get in close if possible and spam the shit out of Bucking Bronco on the zombies, then unload as much of the MG into her as possible. If you need to make a hasty retreat, switch to the shotgun for close range running and gunning.
Hope that helps. :)
Thanks. I'll try that out. As for me, I have a bunch of upgrades for the regular machine gun and shotgun as it is, so I should be fine using that strategy. For most of the game, though, I usually have either the carbine and the shotgun or the sniper rifle and the shotgun. The shotgun is obviously my go-to close range weapon, while I either use the carbine or the sniper rifle for long-range encounters.
Played a bit of Mass Effect today. Tackling as much side missions as I can before I get ready to expose Saren. I don't want any of these little missions getting in my way in the long run, although I suppose I could just plow through the story alone, and while I'm not a completionist, I do get experience just doing them so I might as well, although I'm currently using an old file. Don't feel like starting from scratch again.
If Mass Effect or Street Fighter x Tekken don't take up my time, I'm hoping to start Tales of Vesperia/Xillia soon. It's only a matter of time before I order the MGS: The Legacy Collection for the PS3, and when that comes, more than likely my time will be spent on that series since I plan to start from MGS2 (despite how frustrated I can easily get on that one) on up. May jump back and forth between that, the DMC series (or rather, DMC3 and 4. It's been far too long), and the Mass Effect series.
I beat Crysis yesterday. was average. I did like how it was a little bit longer than I expected (excluding the cave and final boss. That sucked.) I wish their were above average games with Halo-like level designs.
The first half of Crysis is really good, but once it turns into a corridor shooter with aliens, it completely falls off.
If only there were a team that could produce Monolith's expertly technical shooting and gameplay mechanics along with their highly atmospheric environments, while also incorporating Bungie's very open and well-crafted level design into the equation (both companies excel at excellent enemy AI, so take your pick in that department); then we could get the best FPS of all-time.
Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on September 02, 2013, 01:04:03 PM
If only there were a team that could produce Monolith's expertly technical shooting and gameplay mechanics along with their highly atmospheric environments, while also incorporating Bungie's very open and well-crafted level design into the equation (both companies excel at excellent enemy AI, so take your pick in that department); then we could get the best FPS of all-time.
You should definitely play Blood and No One Lives Forever 2. The shooting and AI aren't up to par with F.E.A.R., but the level design and amount of creativity in them is beyond excellent.
Played a bit more of Mass Effect today. Tried to tackle some side missions only to realize that I've grown impatient and ready to move onto ME2 so I decided to just do the main story line missions. This is the first time I'll be going from the Artemis Tau cluster to Noveria, so I'm curious to see what kind of changes I will see.
I also tried playing Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm 3. One of those games that I've had for quite some time that was in my backlog. I did try to play it once before, and playing it now made me remember why I stopped playing it the last time (I will be trading it in). Most of my issues comes from Naruto himself. I've never liked Naruto as a character to begin with, and where Namco decided to start the story at is where Naruto nearly caused me to drop the series (and to think people tried to defended this guy at this point). That being said, the game is fairly boring until you get to the fights. The same issues that I had with NUNS2 rears it's ugly head here as well. Running back forth from screen to screen doing fetch quests is straight up boring, and shouldn't even be here imo. I understand that something needed to be done for transitioning and whatnot, but Namco's approach is horrible.
I just got through The Foundry in Darksiders II. Now that was a long-ass dungeon. That was followed up with a big boss fight with The Guardian, which is kind of cool to do, but it just boils down to a shallow spectacle more than a challenging encounter, as all you have to do is figure out how to take out both of his arms in order to take him down. Now I made my way into the Tree of Life, which itself is a realm that has gateways to other realms, but currently I have entered the fifth dungeon, which sort of reminds me of the Shadow Temple from Ocarina of Time based on its general design (as well as the enemy-types that are skeletons with swords). Overall, though the game is still a lot of fun. I'm actually pleased to see that it puts a bit more emphasis on adventure elements than on action, as its combat system is pretty average for the most part. The overworld is well-designed in how it gives you a ton of areas to explore for loot, and the dungeons so far have done a good job of becoming progressively more complex and interesting in design.
I just got past the Gilded Arena in Darksiders II. I like how the general layout of the puzzles in dungeons of the Tree of Life realm change from the regular types of puzzles in the previous realm. Over there it was always about finding out which way to put some ball into some hole, and some of the dungeons also had an emphasis on raising and lowering water levels in certain areas. In this realm it's more about switch-based puzzles and using the light from those lanterns to open certain doors, which is a nice change of pace or what I assume is basically the second half of the game. One thing I do miss from the previous real is how much brighter and more colorful everything was. In this realm which is basically the land of the dead, the theme is a grim and dark waste-land, which looks interesting at first, but the lack of color does start to become a bit grating after a while. Still, the fantastic art design helps the visuals along quite nicely, and I still really like some of the locales you visit in this realm, such as the giant flying ship which the Eternal King commands. Also, the game has still managed to hold my interest quite nicely. I think the key to this game's successful, yet unoriginal formula is that Vigil knows very well just what to put into the game to keep it feeling interesting. There are a ton of areas to explore for loot both inside and outside of dungeons, and the combat turns up at regular intervals but is always properly spaced apart by puzzles and/or exploration, so as not to make the pacing of the game feel either too rushed or too slow.
This game, so far, is the perfect example of how even if a game is unoriginal, it can still be really entertaining if the gameplay mechanics are executed correctly. In this case, I found that the first Darksiders got this aspect down completely wrong, which caused me to get bored of that game quickly. So, yeah, this game is definitely a huge improvement over it's predecessor, and Vigil clearly learned from their mistakes with the first game. It's just too bad that when they finally got it right, THQ had to go under, and nobody was willing to pick either them or their Darksiders IP up, which basically means that the series is officially dead, now.
If you were to give them numbers, what would you rate the Darksiders games, E-K? Those are two games I've wanted to get to. I only played a bit of the first game, as of now.
Quote from: talonmalon333 on September 04, 2013, 10:19:51 PM
If you were to give them numbers, what would you rate the Darksiders games, E-K? Those are two games I've wanted to get to. I only played a bit of the first game, as of now.
I can't judge the first game that fairly, as I only played the first 2-3 hours of it, but I suppose it's just safe for me to say that....I didn't like it. The puzzles were OK-ish enough, the combat was dull, and the level design was lacking for the most part (with maybe the very occasional spark of legitimate creativity). Also, the game was more of an action game than anything else, leading me to compare it to the likes of DMC, Bayonetta, and Ninja Gaiden (and as you might guess, it just doesn't even begin to compare to those games).
The 2nd game is actually very different in its approach to gameplay from the first game, and IMO it's for the better. Darksiders II is more of an adventure game than it is an action game (though there is still plenty of action), which like I said is a good thing. Some of the puzzles can start to get repetitive ("put ball in hole" becomes very common), but the game has changed things up pretty wisely as of the 2nd half when you reach the Kingdom of the Dead. From a level design standpoint, I'd say that Darksiders II is far better than what you will get out of most contemporary action/adventure games around. Just don't go in expecting it to be anywhere near the level of quality of a top-tier Zelda game (though, what game really does have level design that good to begin with?). If you want a rating for comparison sake then if we were to say that a top-tier Zelda game would be a 10/10 overall, then I'd give Darksiders II a 7/10, which for me is saying a lot if I'm comparing it to a Zelda game.
One thing that I will commend the game for is it's side-quests. This is how you do side-quests right. Arkham City is the perfect example of how NOT to do good side-quests (yes, I just HAD to take another stab at AC :P ). In Darksiders II, most side-quests involve their own mini-dungeons (which are much better designed than you might expect) and boss fights (some of these bosses are actually tougher than the mandatory ones). That's actually interesting to do, and the rewards are usually really worth it, since most bosses will give you a powerful weapon upon defeating them, and if you don't want that weapon you can just sell it for a lot of money. That makes for both a fun and rewarding experience, actually giving me incentive to pursue these optional missions in the first place.
One minor knock that I have against the game is the lack of creative items with each new major dungeon, like in Zelda games. There are a couple of dungeons where you are granted really interesting new items or abilities that are mandatory to get through the rest of the game (and offer up interesting ways to do so), but for the most part whenever you find a chest, you're either going to get a key to unlock a door, or just loot, either in the form of money, potions, or alternate weapons/armor with different stats that you can either equip or sell.
Oh, and the game also has platforming, but honestly there's not too much to say about that other than the fact that it's competent, and helps with the game's smooth pacing, but don't expect anything ingenious.
Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on September 04, 2013, 11:10:05 PM
Quote from: talonmalon333 on September 04, 2013, 10:19:51 PM
If you were to give them numbers, what would you rate the Darksiders games, E-K? Those are two games I've wanted to get to. I only played a bit of the first game, as of now.
I can't judge the first game that fairly, as I only played the first 2-3 hours of it, but I suppose it's just safe for me to say that....I didn't like it. The puzzles were OK-ish enough, the combat was dull, and the level design was lacking for the most part (with maybe the very occasional spark of legitimate creativity). Also, the game was more of an action game than anything else, leading me to compare it to the likes of DMC, Bayonetta, and Ninja Gaiden (and as you might guess, it just doesn't even begin to compare to those games).
The 2nd game is actually very different in its approach to gameplay from the first game, and IMO it's for the better. Darksiders II is more of an adventure game than it is an action game (though there is still plenty of action), which like I said is a good thing. Some of the puzzles can start to get repetitive ("put ball in hole" becomes very common), but the game has changed things up pretty wisely as of the 2nd half when you reach the Kingdom of the Dead. From a level design standpoint, I'd say that Darksiders II is far better than what you will get out of most contemporary action/adventure games around. Just don't go in expecting it to be anywhere near the level of quality of a top-tier Zelda game (though, what game really does have level design that good to begin with?). If you want a rating for comparison sake then if we were to say that a top-tier Zelda game would be a 10/10 overall, then I'd give Darksiders II a 7/10, which for me is saying a lot if I'm comparing it to a Zelda game.
One thing that I will commend the game for is it's side-quests. This is how you do side-quests right. Arkham City is the perfect example of how NOT to do good side-quests (yes, I just HAD to take another stab at AC :P ). In Darksiders II, most side-quests involve their own mini-dungeons (which are much better designed than you might expect) and boss fights (some of these bosses are actually tougher than the mandatory ones). That's actually interesting to do, and the rewards are usually really worth it, since most bosses will give you a powerful weapon upon defeating them, and if you don't want that weapon you can just sell it for a lot of money. That makes for both a fun and rewarding experience, actually giving me incentive to pursue these optional missions in the first place.
One minor knock that I have against the game is the lack of creative items with each new major dungeon, like in Zelda games. There are a couple of dungeons where you are granted really interesting new items or abilities that are mandatory to get through the rest of the game (and offer up interesting ways to do so), but for the most part whenever you find a chest, you're either going to get a key to unlock a door, or just loot, either in the form of money, potions, or alternate weapons/armor with different stats that you can either equip or sell.
Oh, and the game also has platforming, but honestly there's not too much to say about that other than the fact that it's competent, and helps with the game's smooth pacing, but don't expect anything ingenious.
I actually hear people call the first Darksiders a "poor man's Zelda". Good to hear the second game is better, if if it's not on the same level as said franchise.
Also, it's good to hear you say this about the platforming: it's competent, and helps with the game's smooth pacing. When you have something that's maybe not particularly great, I hear people finding it easy to just say "Oh that should've just been scrapped. The game would've been better for it", when truthfully I think those things are good for the pacing. For example, people often complain that Zelda is filled with brain dead puzzles like pushing blocks on switches, but really I think the games would be worse without those things to smooth the pacing. I imagine Darksider II's platforming helps that too.
A bit late to the BioShock Infinite discussion but if you're still having trouble with Lady Comstock here's what I did that made quick work of her and I took hardly any damage: use you shotgun (upgraded, preferably) and a fully upgraded Charge vigor (the ram). Also have the clothing equipped that ignites enemies on fire when you come into contact with them (it's been a while so I forget the name of it). Power up Charge and go right for Lady Comstock. After impacting her you'll have done some serious damage. Unload on her a few times with the shotgun and then power up Charge and repeat until she dies. It should only take a few tries.
This method made quick work of her in 1999 Mode.
Quote from: talonmalon333 on September 05, 2013, 01:25:56 AMI actually hear people call the first Darksiders a "poor man's Zelda". Good to hear the second game is better, if if it's not on the same level as said franchise.
Yeah, it's just a poor man's action/adventure game in general.
QuoteAlso, it's good to hear you say this about the platforming: it's competent, and helps with the game's smooth pacing. When you have something that's maybe not particularly great, I hear people finding it easy to just say "Oh that should've just been scrapped. The game would've been better for it", when truthfully I think those things are good for the pacing. For example, people often complain that Zelda is filled with brain dead puzzles like pushing blocks on switches, but really I think the games would be worse without those things to smooth the pacing. I imagine Darksider II's platforming helps that too.
Well, the simple block and puzzle switches are designed really well in most Zelda games. Those aren't filler or anything like that, to me. Those are part of the game, and they are a part of the game that I enjoy doing. I mean, if you took those out the game would just be more about action, with the occasional different type of puzzle, and it would be much worse off for it. In Darksiders II, I am glad that the platforming is there. What I mean when I say that there is not much too it is that there's no real risk or reward to the experience. Platforming is made very easy by only giving you one possible direction to jump in to get to the next platform, and if you fall and miss a jump then you aren't punished at all, but rather just sent back to the last platform you were on (you also lose some health, but it's such a small amount that it's not even worth mentioning). Still, the platforming has a good feel to it, and those segments are just brief enough to be amusing without ever feeling tiring.
Quote from: Eddy on September 05, 2013, 01:59:42 AM
A bit late to the BioShock Infinite discussion but if you're still having trouble with Lady Comstock here's what I did that made quick work of her and I took hardly any damage: use you shotgun (upgraded, preferably) and a fully upgraded Charge vigor (the ram). Also have the clothing equipped that ignites enemies on fire when you come into contact with them (it's been a while so I forget the name of it). Power up Charge and go right for Lady Comstock. After impacting her you'll have done some serious damage. Unload on her a few times with the shotgun and then power up Charge and repeat until she dies. It should only take a few tries.
This method made quick work of her in 1999 Mode.
Yeah, I'll give that method a shot as well if I still can't take her down by the other means. At least I only have one fight left with her for the rest of the game (there are only 3....right?), but she was the major roadblock that killed the momentum of the game for me. I just didn't "get" that boss fight.
I wish there were more Zelda ripoffs. And Ninja Gaiden. And Halo. I mean that in a good way. Why aren't some of the best designed games receiving good copy cats?
Quote from: gunswordfist on September 06, 2013, 01:41:53 AM
I wish there were more Zelda ripoffs. And Ninja Gaiden. And Halo. I mean that in a good way. Why aren't some of the best designed games receiving good copy cats?
Because every developer is too busy trying to copy cheesy summer blockbuster movies rather than making actual games. For action/adventure games AND third person shooters, most games try to copy Uncharted rather than Zelda (for action/adventure) or Max Payne (for TPS), for first person shooters it's Call of Duty rather than Halo or DOOM, and for hack n' slash games, it's God of War rather than Ninja Gaiden or Devil May Cry. Personally I don't have anything against those other games for being more popular, but they are easily much less interesting to me then the less popular games which I mentioned.
The only thing they kept was the two-weapon limit, and they only kept that so they wouldn't have to balance the difficulty if players carried rocket launcher through the game. Halo was much better about it.
I dunno man, Okami was a straight rip from Zelda, and I thought it was boring as sin.
Okami is one of the best games of that gen. :thinkin:
Quote from: Avaitor on September 06, 2013, 04:55:30 PM
I dunno man, Okami was a straight rip from Zelda, and I thought it was boring as sin.
I'm not a fan of Okami either, but I wouldn't call it a straight-up ripoff, myself. It takes the Zelda formula and executes it with its own set of gimmicks. It just so happens that it's execution can either make or break the game for you. Darksiders II is more of a straightforward ripoff of Zelda, in that it takes the formula but doesn't take any risks with any big gimmicks. The result is a game that can never be as truly great as Zelda, but still amounts to being far better than your average action/adventure game.
I actually like Okami. The only thing I thought Okami did wrong was go on for too long, and that tired me out in the long run considering I still haven't finished the game till this day because of it. Originally, I was hesitant to even bother playing it because I didn't like the idea of playing as an animal, but it plays as well as any other hack n slasher imo.
I don't think I'll understand the idea of ripping off Halo though. I would think Halo plays like any other FPS out there, but I'm just speaking from playing the single player campaign. Sure each FPS may have different perks, but at it's core they all look like they play the same, but then again, I shouldn't speak on what I haven't played. I guess Halo interests me more than the others because of an aesthetic appeal, but at the same time I'm also not fond of playing military shooters either. Despite all games being fiction, I like my games to not resemble "what could happen" (If that makes any sense at all)
Anyway, I think I finally reached that tiring point of fighters as well. I won't stop playing them this time like the last time. I'll probably play them every once in a while, but I won't be putting in nearly as much time as I have been. I'll continue to watch tournament footage (at least of japanese matches).
With that said I decided to start playing Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty, Ninja Gaiden Sigma, and Metal Gear Rising Revengeance. While already discussing my dread over MGS2 I decided to start playing it again anyway simply because it's been so long since I've played a MGS game, and I've decided that I'm gonna tackle the series from the beginning (my beginning) of the series onward. I can already see that when I reach the swimming portion of the game along with being stripped, my patience is gonna be pushed to the limit.
I do remember playing NGS at one point and stopped midway through. MGRR, while I've already played and beaten the game this is probably the best game for me in dealing with anger.
I'm also stepping into a new territory somewhat. For once instead of turning a blind eye, I'm actually going to try the Ratchet and Clank series along with Jak and Daxter.
I hope you like Ratchet & Clank! It's the bestest. Just keep in mind that the first game's shooting can be unintuitive. I still love it, but Spark doesn't. Be sure to at least try Going Commando, Up Your Arsenal, and/or Crack In Time before you form an opinion on the series.
Quote from: Grave on September 07, 2013, 07:31:04 PMI don't think I'll understand the idea of ripping off Halo though. I would think Halo plays like any other FPS out there, but I'm just speaking from playing the single player campaign. Sure each FPS may have different perks, but at it's core they all look like they play the same, but then again, I shouldn't speak on what I haven't played. I guess Halo interests me more than the others because of an aesthetic appeal, but at the same time I'm also not fond of playing military shooters either. Despite all games being fiction, I like my games to not resemble "what could happen" (If that makes any sense at all)
The difference between Halo and most other modern FPS games doesn't become too apparent unless you at least play the Campaign mode on Heroic difficulty. Most modern FPS games have heavy corridor-based level design (or only give you the illusion of large, open battlefields) and rely way too much on pre-scripted events that never alter no matter how much you play the game. All the while, the enemy AI are just cannon fodder that occasionally duck under cover to pretend like they are smart. The difference in Halo's campaign mode is that the enemy AI are very intelligent, and act differently depending on the enemy type. Furthermore, the play-style of Halo games are just far more free-style than most modern FPS games, and on the higher difficulties the challenge of Halo relies far more on strategy than just fast reflexes and memorization. Furthermore, Halo games have a ton of wide, open level designs in which you can actually use a lot of that environment to your advantage, either to gain a better footing in certain fights, or to skip entire fights completely. If you want to see what I'm talking about, you should watch Halo walkthrough videos by both Mythic Tyrant and RC Master, as they show you just how differently two people can play the same games (and how their styles differ from your own). You can choose to play these games patiently, guns blazing, or just flat-out speed-run through the game and disregard most enemies that try to get in your way. Or you could just have fun and mess around with vehicles and explosives to take you into areas of the game that you're not supposed to get to, or just use them to skip entire chunks of levels for the fun of it. The bottom line is that Halo games are dynamic and don't rely heavily on in-game scripted events to seem impressive. To me, that's very different from most other modern FPS games.
Thank you, X-Box, for freezing on me just as I was about to get a new high score on Spelunky. Two seconds. Before the final door. Where the credits roll. Must... calm... down... must... not... break... controller... :burn:
Quote from: Foggle on September 07, 2013, 07:46:08 PM
I hope you like Ratchet & Clank! It's the bestest. Just keep in mind that the first game's shooting can be unintuitive. I still love it, but Spark doesn't. Be sure to at least try Going Commando, Up Your Arsenal, and/or Crack In Time before you form an opinion on the series.
We'll see. I was thinking about getting Crack in Time and Tools of Destruction.
Quote from: Ensatsu-kensnip
Ah, so we're talking more along the lines of level design, A.I. and whatnot. I was merely speaking from just a point and shoot aspect, so yeah, I definitely wouldn't know much about that stuff since I've only played Halo.
Whelp, just finished up
Metal Gear Rising. Jetstream Sam that is. Lot's of fun, but the main problem is that it's too short. I'd say I just barely scratched 2 hours and that's a big problem to me, especially when this stuff cost $. I mean, if you're gonna add content that don't last no longer than 2 hours then you need to either put it in the game and have it unlockable or don't put it in the game at all. I like the idea of Sam having his own story, but my goodness this is ridiculous. Anyway, like I said, lots of fun.
Moving onto MGS2 and probably Uncharted 2.
I don't really see a problem with 2 hour extra content as long as it's ~$5 or free, especially since most games these days are charging $60 for 8 hours. And let's not forget, back in the 80's, games were $80 (adjusted for inflation) for 2 hours.
Replay value is a big deal as well. If it's short, but encourages multiple playthroughs, then it can become much longer and therefore worth more money, which is why a lot of those old games weren't seen as ripoffs. Then again, if you aren't the type to play games more than once, it doesn't really matter.
That's a good point, and while I do love replay value, JSS, on the other hand don't really have much replay value imo. I could up the difficulty, but as far as I can see you get nothing for beating his story, and that plays a big role for me to replay my games. That being said, I did pay $9 for this if I recall. I won't call it a waste, and while it's fun, I do wish it was more of an unlockable instead of DLC.
Speaking of which, I ended up saving a new game over my old file, so now I have to redo the entire game. So I won't be playing Revengeance for a while.
I am starting up Ninja Gaiden Sigma though. This is gonna feel very awkward.
I just finished a playthrough of Super Mario Galaxy (the first one). Now, it's undeniably an excellent game... when you're doing the core platforming. But the waggle and IR mini-games feel like something out of a fucking Ubisoft shovelware title. They don't ruin the game, but they come close at times. The camera can also be a bit of a nuisance, but it's not too bad.
Anyway, I still really like the game, but I'm not sure I'd consider it among the upper echelon of 3D platformers. Galaxy 2 fixed all of my issues and is about a million times better IMO.
Quote from: Foggle on September 09, 2013, 10:28:06 PM
I just finished a playthrough of Super Mario Galaxy (the first one). Now, it's undeniably an excellent game... when you're doing the core platforming. But the waggle and IR mini-games feel like something out of a fucking Ubisoft shovelware title. They don't ruin the game, but they come close at times. The camera can also be a bit of a nuisance, but it's not too bad.
Anyway, I still really like the game, but I'm not sure I'd consider it among the upper echelon of 3D platformers. Galaxy 2 fixed all of my issues and is about a million times better IMO.
Was the waggle really that bad? It was only used for stuff like spinning, and I think it became natural with that. I don't know, I feel like people make a big deal out of waggle in general. As for the mini-game type things, they are pretty typical for platformers, and were present in Galaxy 2. I don't really think Galaxy 2 fixed anything (except the post-game content). It just slightly enhanced and gave a different take on an already perfect game. When people say it was "so much better" I just don't see it. I think they both represent the absolute peak of 3D platforming and are practically neck and neck.
Just my take on it.
The ball rolling and manta riding mini-games are terrible. The spider web flinging and bubble blowing ones are even worse. The trash destroying mini-game with the bob-ombs that take 10 seconds to explode is one of the worst in VG history.
They don't take up that much of the game percentage-wise, but they're complete garbage, and I got stuck on them for far longer than any legitimate platforming gameplay. Outside of shooters, motion controls = shit in every single game I've played except MadWorld and NMH IMO. Nothing fun about that crap at all.
Quote from: Foggle on September 09, 2013, 10:49:17 PM
The ball rolling and manta riding mini-games are terrible. The spider web flinging and bubble blowing ones are even worse. The trash destroying mini-game with the bob-ombs that take 10 seconds to explode is one of the worst in VG history.
They don't take up that much of the game percentage-wise, but they're complete garbage, and I got stuck on them for far longer than any legitimate platforming gameplay. Outside of shooters, motion controls = shit in every single game I've played except MadWorld and NMH IMO. Nothing fun about that crap at all.
The only one of those things I got particularly stuck on was the bob-omb trash game, thought I don't fault the game for that. I bet you just suck at it. :sly:
Why do the bob-ombs take 10 seconds to explode? They take 3-5 in the other games. It's artificial difficulty at its worst.
Also, I found the manta riding game incredibly easy. Doesn't make it fun.
Quote from: Foggle on September 09, 2013, 10:56:25 PM
Why do the bob-ombs take 10 seconds to explode?
Because they are used in unison with the game's platforming to get through certain obstacles.
Quote from: talonmalon333 on September 09, 2013, 11:04:51 PM
Because they are used in unison with the game's platforming to get through certain obstacles.
Like, once. Maybe twice. And even then, 3-5 seconds would have been enough.
Quote from: Foggle on September 09, 2013, 11:06:18 PM
Quote from: talonmalon333 on September 09, 2013, 11:04:51 PM
Because they are used in unison with the game's platforming to get through certain obstacles.
Like, once. Maybe twice. And even then, 3-5 seconds would have been enough.
I actually remember a few times just
barely getting to a certain destination with it. You also have to remember the times when you have to lead bob-ombs to certain locations without carrying them.
I dunno, I think you might be confusing bob-ombs with bullet bills. Those chase you around the levels to break objects at least once every 15 minutes. I just beat the game, and can only recall very scant bob-omb usage.
I started playing Dead Rising 2 for the first time ever yesterday. More fun did I thought it would be but man did my habit of wanting everyone to survive cost me. I reloaded so many times.
Today I erased DR2 so I could play Case Zero. Guh, even more reloading files. I can't find the last bike piece to save my life so I'll just restart the story for more time. I've been practically speed running parts of the game.
I got what I'll do and in which order in mind
I got about half-way through the City of the Dead dungeon in Darksiders II. By this point, the game has lasted me for well-over 20 hours, so the same old tricks are starting to become kind of stale, but I feel compelled enough to see everything through since I do think that I'm starting to get close to the end of the game (or, maybe there's more left than I expect). I do really like that I at least got a new ability, though, in which I can now split Death into 2 separate halves, which leads to its own set of interesting puzzles, though they have been a bit too easy for the most part, which is strange considering how late into the game I already am. Still, the game is enjoyable enough for the most part, though I doubt I'll be replaying it after I complete it. At that point, I'll probably end up going back to my DMD run of DMC3, as well as my playthrough of BioShock: Infinite.
Quote from: Foggle on September 09, 2013, 10:56:25 PM
Also, I found the manta riding game incredibly easy. Doesn't make it fun.
The fun isn't in playing it the right way. The fun is riding that thing off of high heights and listening to it scream bloody fucking murder. :joy:
Quote from: Nel_Annette on September 10, 2013, 12:08:31 AM
The fun isn't in playing it the right way. The fun is riding that thing off of high heights and listening to it scream bloody fucking murder. :joy:
It all makes sense now! :lol:
Really, though, fantastic game. I just have a low tolerance for non-platforming in platformers (unless it's done
really well). The ball rolling and bubble navigation bits could have been tons of fun had they used the control stick. The motion controls and IR stuff detracted a lot from the game for me.
I thought Fluzzard in SMG2 was worse, honestly. And the amount of swearing I did when I realized that the Loftwing in Skyward Sword used the exact same controls... there are no words. :srs:
Quote from: Nel_Annette on September 10, 2013, 12:45:23 AM
I thought Fluzzard in SMG2 was worse, honestly. And the amount of swearing I did when I realized that the Loftwing in Skyward Sword used the exact same controls... there are no words. :srs:
Oh fuck no, I forgot about that... suddenly dreading going through SMG2 again now.
While I do think the sequel is ultimately the better game, it does have a lot more of those "oh fuck this shit" ragequit missions in the later game than the first SMG ever had, imo.
Quote from: Nel_Annette on September 10, 2013, 12:56:17 AM
While I do think the sequel is ultimately the better game, it does have a lot more of those "oh fuck this shit" ragequit missions in the later game than the first SMG ever had, imo.
I honestly don't remember there being that many, but then again, it
has been 3 years, and the games
had kind of blended together over time until I finally decided to replay the first one...
Yeah, I'll occasionally mix up which levels were in which games, but I remember my ragequits in SMG2 well. The worst of which usually involved those awful shadow clones. Can't believe they brought that crap back in the 3DS game.
I know I have a tendency to go on and on about them, but I honestly don't have any problem with either Galaxy (aside from the first one's post-game content just being a repeat of the same game but with a different character). I think they are both far and away the best Mario games, and the "mini-games" are just pace changers to add more variety to the general gameplay. And the platforming is just so incredibly tight. I also love the atmosphere of the two games thanks to the art direction and phenomenal soundtracks (this is one part that I think SMG1 was a little better at than SMG2). Before playing Super Mario Galaxy, I actually had my doubts because people were saying it was the best 3D Mario game by miles. Then I played it ---> mind blown.
Thank you, Square Enix, for giving Kingdom Hearts 1.5 HD Remix the worst packaging ever. This thing is jutting out of my shelf. They couldn't have put the disc in a standard PS3 plastic case separate from the art book? -.-
The only really difficult stuff in Galaxy 2 is in the extra levels and some of the green stars. The rest is just fun platforming.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on September 10, 2013, 04:29:12 PM
The only really difficult stuff in Galaxy 2 is in the extra levels and some of the green stars. The rest is just fun platforming.
Would the Grandmaster Challenge fit under extra levels? I think that's one the hardest Mario levels in general.
Quote from: talonmalon333 on September 10, 2013, 04:38:08 PM
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on September 10, 2013, 04:29:12 PM
The only really difficult stuff in Galaxy 2 is in the extra levels and some of the green stars. The rest is just fun platforming.
Would the Grandmaster Challenge fit under extra levels? I think that's one the hardest Mario levels in general.
Considering you basically have to 100% the game to get it, I guess you could. That one is extremely hard and harder than anything that isn't Luigi's Purple Coins.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on September 10, 2013, 04:43:09 PM
Quote from: talonmalon333 on September 10, 2013, 04:38:08 PM
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on September 10, 2013, 04:29:12 PM
The only really difficult stuff in Galaxy 2 is in the extra levels and some of the green stars. The rest is just fun platforming.
Would the Grandmaster Challenge fit under extra levels? I think that's one the hardest Mario levels in general.
Considering you basically have to 100% the game to get it, I guess you could. That one is extremely hard and harder than anything that isn't Luigi's Purple Coins.
I actually think it's even harder than Luigi's Purple Coins.
Quote from: talonmalon333 on September 10, 2013, 04:53:03 PM
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on September 10, 2013, 04:43:09 PM
Quote from: talonmalon333 on September 10, 2013, 04:38:08 PM
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on September 10, 2013, 04:29:12 PM
The only really difficult stuff in Galaxy 2 is in the extra levels and some of the green stars. The rest is just fun platforming.
Would the Grandmaster Challenge fit under extra levels? I think that's one the hardest Mario levels in general.
Considering you basically have to 100% the game to get it, I guess you could. That one is extremely hard and harder than anything that isn't Luigi's Purple Coins.
I actually think it's even harder than Luigi's Purple Coins.
I could see that, but since I hate time trials and time limits I would probably say Luigi's Purple Coins is much harder for not giving you time to think about anything.
I'd weigh in, but I'll wait until I finish my playthrough of Galaxy 2 before I do. ;)
Are you going to try for 100%? :o
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on September 10, 2013, 05:17:50 PM
Are you going to try for 100%? :o
Yeah. I didn't bother in Galaxy 1 because dat reused content, but I think I definitely will when I get around to playing Galaxy 2 again. :)
Whoa, good luck with that! Some of those later levels are quite evil.
I always thought the final galaxy in SMG1 should've happened immediately after the credits. It seems less like a final level and more like an epilogue ala Paper Mario.
A few days ago, I started playing Kid Icarus: Uprising and the DS remake of Final Fantasy III. Both of them have been pretty good so far.
So I restarted my Dead Rising 2 Case Zero story and last night I found the last bike part in a "too obvious place" I swore that it wouldn't be in. :D
Alright, so I lied. I won't be putting MGR:R to the side. I just started playing through Raiden's story again, and my God, it's just too addicting. Even with my original file ended up getting saved over, I don't mind buying all that stuff again.
Now, Ninja Gaiden addicts could probably help me out on this one since I don't own the 1st Xbox, and can't remember, but the camera. Has it always been like, tilt the right analog stick to the right and the camera would go in the opposite direction? I was playing Ninja Gaiden Sigma over the weekend and while I don't want to call it a problem, because I think I can overcome it, but it just feels really awkward. The combat still feels good though. I think it's going to be a long time before another great ninja game comes out so Itagaki should do would Megaman's creator is doing with Mighty No.9. I'd probably contribute if he do.
Then I also got Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2, Binary Domain, and Vanquish (all for the PS3) in the mail today.
NGS2, I recall playing through some of it, and felt that the extra bosses were unnecessary, along with the extra characters, but "shrugs". I'm considering letting my brother keep my 360 (need some extra space), and I figure since I mainly play my PS3 all the time, well, yeah, go figure.
I've been wanting to try out Binary Domain for quite some time now. I hear it's something like Gears of War with machines, in terms of gameplay mechanics.
I also recall playing Vanquish at one point and not caring much for it, but to be fair I didn't give it a fair shot to begin with since I didn't even get an hour into it. I think at that time I was in a gaming funk as well.
I think this weekend (Friday = payday) I'll be looking into buying Ratchet & Clank Future: Tools of Destruction and/or Crack in Time, and possibly the collection. Definitely stepping into unfamiliar territory here since it's been forever since I've last played a platformer. I've been getting into another gaming funk (especially since my internet sucks and it's interfering with my fighting games) and figured I probably need to try something new or something I'd never go for, and here I am.
Quote from: Grave on September 11, 2013, 04:52:12 PMNow, Ninja Gaiden addicts could probably help me out on this one since I don't own the 1st Xbox, and can't remember, but the camera. Has it always been like, tilt the right analog stick to the right and the camera would go in the opposite direction? I was playing Ninja Gaiden Sigma over the weekend and while I don't want to call it a problem, because I think I can overcome it, but it just feels really awkward. The combat still feels good though. I think it's going to be a long time before another great ninja game comes out so Itagaki should do would Megaman's creator is doing with Mighty No.9. I'd probably contribute if he do.
As far as the XBOX versions go, the first release of the game didn't have any manual camera controls whatsoever, but the Hurricane Packs DLC and NGB had the manual camera control feature. In those versions, though, the camera moved to wherever you moved the analogue stick. They were most certainly not inverted. I'm not all that familiar with Sigma's options, and I didn't even remember anything about the camera controls being inverted for that game, but if that's the case then try seeing if the options menu allows you to revert that feature to allow for normal camera controls. I'm surprised that they would've implemented inverted controls for anything in the first place, but then again seeing as how Hayashi was the director for Ninja Gaiden Sigma, it probably shouldn't surprise me that much.
QuoteNGS2, I recall playing through some of it, and felt that the extra bosses were unnecessary, along with the extra characters, but "shrugs".
A lot of people think that hardcore NG fans dislike NGS2 because it removed the blood and gore. That is in fact not the reason that really hardcore NG players who actually care about the gameplay are dissatisfied with NGS2; they instead hate that it was such a missed opportunity to fix what was really wrong with the original release of the game. The core problem with NG2 was that it needed to be tweaked for better balance in the gameplay. But with Hayashi being the untalented hack of a developer that he is, all he did was put a shiny coat of paint over the game and pretended like he made a masterpiece. The extra content he added was incredibly shallow compared to the main game, as can be seen by his uninspired new boss fights (though to be fair, the original release of the game had mostly shitty boss fights as well). The worst part though is that in his attempt to "fix" the balance issues in the game, he took things in an even worse route, IMO. On all of the difficulties except for Path of the Master Ninja, he just watered the game down, which made it both less infuriating but also less interesting to play. On Master Ninja mode, though, he just traded one evil for another. Instead of projectile spam which chipped away at your health, he had enemies that got grab-happy (and grabs on Path of the Master Ninja on NGS2 are usually OHK attacks). Considering that he did nothing to fix the hit-detection problems in this game, most hardcore fans found NGS2 to be even more infuriating, and just as cheap as Path of the Master Ninja in the original version of the game. So, basically Hayashi is so incompetent as a director that not only did he not fix any of the problems of the original game (aside from the projectile spam), but instead he just added a bunch of new ones of his own, and tried to disguise them with a bunch of shallow new features.
Sigma is my go-to version tbh (mostly because my 360 has very little hard drive space, and I don't want to delete stuff just to spend hours redownloading NGB), and I don't really remember the camera controls being any different from the Xbox version. Perhaps there's an option to change it?
Speaking of which, I know a lot of people complain about the camera in Ninja Gaiden, but it's never been a problem for me at all. And y'all know I'm quick to talk shit about camera controls if I'm the least bit dissatisfied with them. :lol:
Personally, my biggest problem with NGS2 was the way they ruined the gameplay and level design, but I can't say I didn't miss the hardcore violence as well.
Vanquish isn't for everyone, but I do hope you enjoy it more this time around Grave. It's really a game about speed and running around the battlefield like a madman. It has more in common with stuff like Contra and Metal Slug than it does other TPS, I'd say.
The R&C HD Collection has some issues, but for the most part they're pretty minor, and only really noticeable by diehard fans. There are a couple of new game-breaking bugs, but the chance you'll run into them is quite small. It's a great deal, and a worthy investment. Just keep in mind that the first game is more of a straight platformer than it is an action game (Crack In Time is the same way), and that the first two games can be extremely challenging at times. Spark and I tend to agree that Tools of Destruction is a lesser entry in the series, but it's still great - be sure to turn off the Sixaxis motion control stuff from the menu, though. Those five games are fantastic, but you should avoid the rest of the series except for Quest For Booty and Deadlocked. Then again, the former is a short downloadable game and the latter is basically a straight TPS, so they may not be worth the money to you.
Quote from: Foggle on September 11, 2013, 08:08:02 PM
Sigma is my go-to version tbh (mostly because my 360 has very little hard drive space, and I don't want to delete stuff just to spend hours redownloading NGB), and I don't really remember the camera controls being any different from the Xbox version. Perhaps there's an option to change it?
I've been having problems with the XBOX360 downloadable version of the game, myself. I kept getting error messages at certain parts of the game, and I got tired of constantly having to delete it and re-download it to get around those issues, so I quit playing that version of the game. I really wish I still had my original copy of the game along with my original XBOX console. I never had any technical problems with that set-up.
QuoteSpeaking of which, I know a lot of people complain about the camera in Ninja Gaiden, but it's never been a problem for me at all. And y'all know I'm quick to talk shit about camera controls if I'm the least bit dissatisfied with them. :lol:
I agree with this 100%. For that matter, I never had much of a problem with the camera in DMC games, either. I just feeling that people who suck at these games have a tendency to blow these issues out of proportion. I know for a fact that in all of the DMC games, most enemies cannot initiate any attacks at you from off-screen (sadly, bosses are an exception to the rule, which is brutal on DMD mode). And as for Ninja Gaiden, I just never experienced that many issues with the camera in the first game, and while the 2nd game could get annoying with the projectile spam from off-screen, this problem could mostly be remedied by just taking cover behind a wall or large object, which downright forced the enemy AI to come to you and engage you in melee combat, at your advantage. Any enemies stubborn enough to remain with their projectiles could easily be dealth with when there was no other opposition left. If reviewers were complaining because they were too stupid to stop and think for a second and use a strategy that actually made sense, rather than rushing into an area where they were at a disadvantage, then it's no wonder that we don't get too many games like Ninja Gaiden and DMC anymore.
QuotePersonally, my biggest problem with NGS2 was the way they ruined the gameplay and level design, but I can't say I didn't miss the hardcore violence as well.
Looking back on it, I actually do think that NG2 may have gone a little bit too overboard with the violence level, but it never really bothered me that much, and I did enjoy the visceral feeling of the combat. I hated NGS2's lazy replacement for it, though. I mean, when enemies got dismembered, their exposed flesh was just colored over in black, rather than being replaced with some other graphical effect, so instead of a huge flesh would, exposed enemies instead displayed comical looking black voids in areas where they had limbs severed from. They looked like fucking walking plastic dolls. :lol:
What you really wanted was Ryu's sword to get stuck in enemy bones.
Thankfully, Team Hayashi is there for you.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on September 11, 2013, 10:02:21 PM
What you really wanted was Ryu's sword to get stuck in enemy bones.
Thankfully, Team Hayashi is there for you.
The correct terminology is actually Team Ninja Dog. You'd get that reference from the fans if you've played Ninja Gaiden Black. It's the lowest difficulty setting on the game, and even has a special cut-scene in the beginning in which Ayane insults you for sucking so bad as a ninja. I LOVE Itagaki's sense of humor for stuff like this. If the game were made today, he wouldn't be able to get away with such a thing because critics would blast the game for it, calling it "demeaning" and saying that it shouldn't poke fun at the player for taking the easy way out. :thinkin:
I remember playing the first level of NGS2 at my friend's place. All the blood was removed from the opening cutscene, so the enemy corpses just kind of blew out smoke when Sonia shot them. Then in the game itself, entire chunks of the stage were removed, replaced by an absolutely terrible mini-boss. Itagaki must have been furious.
Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on September 11, 2013, 09:54:28 PM
I've been having problems with the XBOX360 downloadable version of the game, myself. I kept getting error messages at certain parts of the game, and I got tired of constantly having to delete it and re-download it to get around those issues, so I quit playing that version of the game. I really wish I still had my original copy of the game along with my original XBOX console. I never had any technical problems with that set-up.
Maybe you can get another retail copy. It might be hard to find in stores now, but it probably won't be too expensive if you do.
QuoteI agree with this 100%. For that matter, I never had much of a problem with the camera in DMC games, either. I just feeling that people who suck at these games have a tendency to blow these issues out of proportion. I know for a fact that in all of the DMC games, most enemies cannot initiate any attacks at you from off-screen (sadly, bosses are an exception to the rule, which is brutal on DMD mode). And as for Ninja Gaiden, I just never experienced that many issues with the camera in the first game, and while the 2nd game could get annoying with the projectile spam from off-screen, this problem could mostly be remedied by just taking cover behind a wall or large object, which downright forced the enemy AI to come to you and engage you in melee combat, at your advantage. Any enemies stubborn enough to remain with their projectiles could easily be dealth with when there was no other opposition left. If reviewers were complaining because they were too stupid to stop and think for a second and use a strategy that actually made sense, rather than rushing into an area where they were at a disadvantage, then it's no wonder that we don't get too many games like Ninja Gaiden and DMC anymore.
Yeah, after actually learning how to play it, DMC1's camera became no problem for me.
QuoteLooking back on it, I actually do think that NG2 may have gone a little bit too overboard with the violence level, but it never really bothered me that much, and I did enjoy the visceral feeling of the combat. I hated NGS2's lazy replacement for it, though. I mean, when enemies got dismembered, their exposed flesh was just colored over in black, rather than being replaced with some other graphical effect, so instead of a huge flesh would, exposed enemies instead displayed comical looking black voids in areas where they had limbs severed from. They looked like fucking walking plastic dolls. :lol:
I may be sick, but I love the ultra-violence in NG2. It's so visceral and thrilling, and far too over the top to be considered grotesque.
Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on September 11, 2013, 10:10:37 PM
The correct terminology is actually Team Ninja Dog. You'd get that reference from the fans if you've played Ninja Gaiden Black. It's the lowest difficulty setting on the game, and even has a special cut-scene in the beginning in which Ayane insults you for sucking so bad as a ninja. I LOVE Itagaki's sense of humor for stuff like this. If the game were made today, he wouldn't be able to get away with such a thing because critics would blast the game for it, calling it "demeaning" and saying that it shouldn't poke fun at the player for taking the easy way out. :thinkin:
I swear, NGS
wants you to play on Ninja Dog. Every time you die twice in a row, it asks if you want to abandon the way of the ninja. EVERY. FUCKING. TIME. I never actually changed difficulties except once on the Xbox to see the hilarious pink ribbon/demeaning tutorial messages and cutscene, so I have no idea if the PS3 version still makes fun of you. (It probably does, but who knows. It's Hayashi, after all.)
Quote from: Foggle on September 11, 2013, 10:21:53 PM
I remember playing the first level of NGS2 at my friend's place. All the blood was removed from the opening cutscene, so the enemy corpses just kind of blew out smoke when Sonia shot them. Then in the game itself, entire chunks of the stage were removed, replaced by an absolutely terrible mini-boss. Itagaki must have been furious.
Itagaki has actually been really positive when he talks about Team Ninja. He says that many of the people there are still former colleagues of his, so he harbors no ill-will towards the team. When he saw the gameplay footage of NG3, he couldn't bring himself to downright admit that it sucked. He just said something along the lines of: "It's completely different from something I would make." That was basically his nice way of saying that it looked like a piece of shit. He did criticize the purple-mist replacement for blood and gore in NG2 as being really weird-looking, and when someone told him about the six-axis boob-jiggle controls, he was literally quoted as saying: "WTF?" :lol:
QuoteMaybe you can get another retail copy. It might be hard to find in stores now, but it probably won't be too expensive if you do.
Yeah, I can't find it at any stores nearby me, but I'll probably get it online sometime, eventually.
QuoteYeah, after actually learning how to play it, DMC1's camera became no problem for me.
It also helped that enemies didn't really have too much in the way of ranged attacks in that game.
QuoteI may be sick, but I love the ultra-violence in NG2. It's so visceral and thrilling, and far too over the top to be considered grotesque.
I never considered the level of violence grotesque, but maybe just a little too over-the-top for its own good. Now, the Steel on Bone in Ninja Gaiden 3? That shit is just fucking disgusting, IMO.
Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on September 11, 2013, 10:10:37 PMI swear, NGS wants you to play on Ninja Dog. Every time you die twice in a row, it asks if you want to abandon the way of the ninja. EVERY. FUCKING. TIME. I never actually changed difficulties except once on the Xbox to see the hilarious pink ribbon/demeaning tutorial messages and cutscene, so I have no idea if the PS3 version still makes fun of you. (It probably does, but who knows. It's Hayashi, after all.)
Man, I wouldn't mind Hayashi so much if he at least didn't act like he was such a big-shot visionary for doing nothing more than tweaking Itagaki's NG games (and then leading the development of one without Itagaki, and having it totally suck). But, yeah, his game design philosophy could not be more opposite from Itagaki's, and you can see right there the major problem that plagued NG3 from the get-go.
Yeah, steel on bone was nasty and unnecessary. I can see that kind of mechanic working in some artsy samurai game where you're supposed to feel bad about killing people, but not in a hardcore action game.
On Dead Rising 2, I couldn't get past the annoying chef boss so I went to another side mission to see if I could recruit anyone to help and ended up with a British rock band that I armed with two pistols and a Merc Assault Rifle. We went to face fatso and after I went to heal after he messed me up, soon afterwards the game went in slomo and I was like "WTF" and then I realized that the rock band killed him that quickly.
Now I just got to get them to help me beat the drill missions without one of them dying. Last time Leanna died and they turned on me with a bunch of mercs also shooting at me.
Alright, it was probably just my head thinking something was wrong with the camera in Sigma, but turns out I just needed to adjust. Still feels a little strange though (probably feeling a little too loose, maybe. Doubtful). I guess this is what I get for not playing the game in years.
As far as my memory goes, the only time I can say the camera actually gave me a hard time was when it came to platforming segments, and that was at the end of the game. Till this day, that last bit seem so easy, yet gave me the most problems, and I still wouldn't be able to tell you why.
For the most part I don't recall having much of an issue in any hack n slash game that I can remember outside of NG2, and even then, to say that I had an issue with the camera in that would be a bit of a stretch.
With all that being said, and getting a little bit more adjusted to the game, it's feeling really good now.
Quote from: FoggleVanquish isn't for everyone, but I do hope you enjoy it more this time around Grave. It's really a game about speed and running around the battlefield like a madman. It has more in common with stuff like Contra and Metal Slug than it does other TPS, I'd say.
The R&C HD Collection has some issues, but for the most part they're pretty minor, and only really noticeable by diehard fans. There are a couple of new game-breaking bugs, but the chance you'll run into them is quite small. It's a great deal, and a worthy investment. Just keep in mind that the first game is more of a straight platformer than it is an action game (Crack In Time is the same way), and that the first two games can be extremely challenging at times. Spark and I tend to agree that Tools of Destruction is a lesser entry in the series, but it's still great - be sure to turn off the Sixaxis motion control stuff from the menu, though. Those five games are fantastic, but you should avoid the rest of the series except for Quest For Booty and Deadlocked. Then again, the former is a short downloadable game and the latter is basically a straight TPS, so they may not be worth the money to you.
Yeah, I used my brother as a guinea pig for Vanquish, and he said I should like it.
Quote from: Ensatsu-kenLooking back on it, I actually do think that NG2 may have gone a little bit too overboard with the violence level, but it never really bothered me that much, and I did enjoy the visceral feeling of the combat. I hated NGS2's lazy replacement for it, though. I mean, when enemies got dismembered, their exposed flesh was just colored over in black, rather than being replaced with some other graphical effect, so instead of a huge flesh would, exposed enemies instead displayed comical looking black voids in areas where they had limbs severed from. They looked like fucking walking plastic dolls.
Quote from: FoggleI may be sick, but I love the ultra-violence in NG2. It's so visceral and thrilling, and far too over the top to be considered grotesque.
I also didn't mind the violence in NG2. But then again, I'd say if you were to compare the violence to God of War's (especially GoW3), I'd say NG2 was fairly tamed. I haven't even bothered to play GoW3 yet (don't think I will either), but watching the videos nearly messed with my stomach.
Well, yeah, when you get down to it, Ninja Gaiden 2 just has a lot of blood. That doesn't really bother me all that much. But, God of War 3 has you literally ripping out some of your enemies' intestines, which I find to be just plain disturbing. It may just be because NG2 is intentionally cartoony in its approach to violence, whereas GoW3 tries to make it look as realistic as possible, which just doesn't appeal to me very much.
Ugh, after trying to do a bunch of escort missions, I ran out of time to reach the next Case on DR2. I didn't save in between then because I wanted to rush and almost never save outside of the Safe House.
I saw a copy of Xenoblade at Gamestop today so I decided to buy it. Looks like I no longer need to keep borrowing the game from my friends ;D
So I just got my first gameover in Ninja Gaiden Sigma. It's been a long time since I've seen a game over screen in any game. To be honest I'm pissed off about it too, but I did deserve it since I didn't see the guy and he ended up shooting me off the pole/wire thingy (I shot a barrel and it exploded and I thought I got all of them) on the airship. Also, wow, these folks do some massive damage, and then I think I like the DCTF in this compared to NG2, but then again, it's been a long time since I've played NG2 so I'll reserve judgment on that.
Taking a break from NGS for the night. Not exactly the game I should be playing anyway since I've had a rough couple of days. On to Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty. Oh dear God... :whuh:
You... beat Murai and the horse guy without dying on your first playthrough? You're a god.
Well, technically it's a 1st playthrough in years, but I have played the original version as well, and I do still remember the strategy that I used on them (which still remains to be fairly simple). I will admit though that my Talisman kicked in when I didn't want it to, and that was when I entered the fiery house only to be taken out by Doku by 1 fricking throw (I had a half bar of health left too).
When I played NG back then I do remember having a lot of issues with Murai and the Horse dude(s), but ever since I've beaten it, I don't really have much of an issue with them. If anything, the freakin tanks and helicopter tend to piss me off, and then the flunkies that tend to catch me off guard is where I usually lose most of my health at.
Yeah, I had a similar experience with NGB. On my first time playing the game, it took me over a dozen tries each to get past Murai and Maskado (the horse dude), but it's one of those things where once you know how to fight those bosses, they become total pushovers. When I started to replay the game for the first time in years, I got past both of those bosses on my first try as well.
Oh right, I forgot you had played the game before. I haven't died on them since my first (or maybe second) playthrough either. :sweat:
I started Xenoblade Chronicles on a whim tonight. It's... it's... so much more interesting than The Last Story! The plot is actually moving right off the bat, the town looks beautiful, the music's great, the battle system (though still wonky) is much more fun to use. The only reason I make the comparison is because it still really reminded me of TLS right off the bat, having similar art style and the British voice cast and all.
Chapters 3 and 4 are complete, and both had me nearly pulling my hair out. No game overs, but you might as well say I should've had them with the way I was burning through my items. In chapter 3, I don't ever recall having nearly as much of a problem with that boss, but at the same time I don't exactly remember the strategy that I used to beat him. In chapter 4, folks were just getting through my defense. Not much else to say. I will say that I did a lot better against that black spider ninjas than I thought I would though. Taking another break since I'm about to start playing as Rachel x_x.
I think they made the Chapter 3 boss harder in Sigma. I remember never dying to him - even on my first playthrough - in Black, but when I got the PS3 version he proved to be a bit of a challenge.
Rachel's levels aren't particularly fun, but they're also short and not too difficult. Pointless additions.
Chapters 5-6 are done. Rachel's not so bad, but she's no Ryu. I know if I were to play this on a higher difficulty I'd probably be 1 less controller fighting them spider ninja's as her. Chapter 6 on the other hand, these soldiers on motorcycles are more of a nuisance than actually fun to fight. Had a hard time finding that pegasus door since I couldn't see it due to the camera. Speaking of the camera, not really a big deal to me, but it is the first time I've experienced the camera zooming to close to Ryu while being trapped against the wall fighting them spider ninja's. I was really forced to rely on just blocking (if I can only do this in Street Fighter 4 lol)
The motorcycle ninjas are another of Hayashi's "brilliant" additions to the game. NGS completely forgoes NGB's (incredibly short and easy) fetch quest to have you fight those guys instead.
Tell me about it. I don't know how this guy thought that adding guys on motorcycles would actually make the game better.
Well, I think that Dynamo blocks a bit more on Sigma, or something like that, but if you just circle around him while chaining your jumps and your rolls, then he can never hit you unless you get snagged into a corner. Once he stops to recharge his arm cannon, then you are free to quickly attack him, and you can rinse and repeat the process from there. He's really quite a simple boss, even on Sigma.
I think that my main problem with Rachel is that as a character, she just doesn't play to the strengths of the game. People loved Ryu's combat because it was fast and smooth. Rachel's combat is slow and clunky in comparison, and even a little bit unresponsive at times. You can really tell through some of his additions that Hayashi didn't really get what made a Ninja Gaiden game great, despite being part of the development team that worked on Ninja Gaiden Black. He was also Itagaki's protege, but I guess he never actually learned any of Itagaki's philosophy on game design. This shows even further in Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2, and unfortunately comes to a culmination in Ninja Gaiden 3, which didn't have the luxury of being based off of a game that Itagaki had already designed.
Since I'm always so harsh on Hayashi, though, I'll give him credit for adding in some new things that actually did work, namely having the Dragon's Claw and Tiger's Fang as an addition to Ryu's main arsenal, and NGS was also the first game to allow Ryu to shoot arrows from mid-air, which was a definite gameplay improvement that the series stuck with. For that matter, I'll give him credit for the gameplay improvement in NGS2 of having Ryu be able to have one of his alternate ranged weapons equipped while simultaneously having access to his standard shurikens, without having to switch between them. And of course, he really did make NGS look gorgeous. Even as a 2007 release, the visuals in this game got a complete overhaul, rather than just having the aspect ratio of the game scaled to HD proportions (since the original release of the game already was scaled to HD, as it was). For such an early HD port, it puts most other HD ports to shame, IMO. Its not lazily done like with the DMC HD collection, which leaves all of the menu screens and many of the cut-scenes in SD, and doesn't really help touch up the in-game graphics for better HD presentation. The only other HD port that really did the visuals justice was Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary. More HD ports should do the same with their visuals, IMO.
So, yeah, Hayashi has had some nice ideas, but I still feel that most of his input was too far-gone from the sensibilities of how to make a proper NG game.
Quote from: Grave on September 15, 2013, 07:34:11 PM
Tell me about it. I don't know how this guy thought that adding guys on motorcycles would actually make the game better.
It's not so much that it was a bad idea. Rather, it's that Hayashi doesn't have the talent as a developer or programmer to make most of his ideas work. But really, though, those motorcycle guys are just clones of the horse riding enemies, if you actually watch them closely enough. Their attacks are a little different, but the basic strategy to take them down is the same. Either use arrows to knock them off of their bikes, or just stand around a corner and charge and ET or UT with your Lunar Staff and release it as soon as they get within your proximity for some easy damage on them.
Played about two more hours into Xenoblade, though I got stuck on the Faced Mechon fight because I wasn't really getting how to initiate the party chain attack to topple the damn thing. Plot wise, they really threw me for a loop when they killed off
Fiora like that. Damn that was brutal. I honestly thought Dunban was going to bite it with the way the attack was playing out, not her.
So Shulk and Reyn are departing the city and already I'm theorizing that the Faced Mechon is
somehow that dude who betrayed Dunban and Dickson at the beginning. Thinking he was assimilated rather than killed. I mean, the thing uses his style of weapon (the claws) and was making human gestures.
Don't tell me if I'm right or wrong! Trying to avoid spoilers for this one. ;D
Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on September 15, 2013, 07:39:54 PM
Quote from: Grave on September 15, 2013, 07:34:11 PM
Tell me about it. I don't know how this guy thought that adding guys on motorcycles would actually make the game better.
It's not so much that it was a bad idea. Rather, it's that Hayashi doesn't have the talent as a developer or programmer to make most of his ideas work. But really, though, those motorcycle guys are just clones of the horse riding enemies, if you actually watch them closely enough. Their attacks are a little different, but the basic strategy to take them down is the same. Either use arrows to knock them off of their bikes, or just stand around a corner and charge and ET or UT with your Lunar Staff and release it as soon as they get within your proximity for some easy damage on them.
Yeah, I noticed they're no different, hence the complaint. As far as the strategy goes, I took a more direct approach and just used the Flying Swallow on them. I'll admit that I ran out of patience there as well so that also caused me to take that approach.
As far as Dynamo ( :SHOCK: he has a name..) goes, I knew there was a strategy to make to it easier I just couldn't think of it at that moment.
Every enemy in Ninja Gaiden has a name. ;)
This is amazing. (
The two Monster Hunter games for 3DS combined have sold only 150,000 copies less than every single Vita game combined in Japan. Wow.
Someone show this to Takao.
I'm suprised that Monster Hunter 4 has sold as many copies as 3 Ultimate in only a few days.
Monster Hunter is apparently huge in Japan, it's like their CoD or something.
That's how Monster Hunter kept the PSP afloat. Without it... well, you get that.
Sony really didn't try with the Vita at all.
Sales for the Vita will probably pick up once God Eater 2 (the Battlefield to MH's CoD) comes out. Probably won't be enough to beat MH's sales though.
My mother got a bonus at work today and got us all a little something. This would be what I got. :)
:swoon: :swoon: :swoon: :swoon: :swoon: :swoon:
I beat the first mission (Second not counting the intro mission) and I'm just like, wow.
Anybody who was talking bad about this game must be REALLY bad at it. I'm playing on normal and I'm doing pretty good despite being abysmal at these games.
It fixed the one issue I had with Viewtful Joe where you can now go back and play any level after beating one in order to stock up on coins to be items and skills. Otherwise it's basically a Hideki Kamiya game with more exploration (secret missions!) and the writing and voice acting is sooo Saturday Morning Cartoon. If it keeps up the pace, it might just top Viewtiful Joe as my favorite Kamiya game.
EDIT: Oh yeah, and that first boss fight was incredibly fun. IT KEPT GOING and I almost never wanted it to end! The Mighty Lambo felt the sting of my valientium blade... in a way. His voice actor almost had me on the floor. Too hilarious. ;D
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on September 19, 2013, 08:15:10 PM
Anybody who was talking bad about this game must be REALLY bad at it. I'm playing on normal and I'm doing pretty good despite being abysmal at these games.
Seems like a trend with Platinum. Anarchy Reigns and to a lesser extent Metal Gear Rising suffered in reviews because game "journalists" couldn't figure out how to play them.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on September 19, 2013, 08:15:10 PM
EDIT: Oh yeah, and that first boss fight was incredibly fun. IT KEPT GOING and I almost never wanted it to end!
If they're anything like the boss fights in Bayonetta, I will be able to maintain a steady erection throughout them all.
Someone said it's like playing an episode of a superhero cartoon, and that feels accurate, but it doesn't really do it justice. I only have Gun, Sword, and Fist, and it constantly made me switch between them throughout the entire thing and I constantly had different things to do throughout. The way he kept it simple with rock, paper, scissors weapons and making you pay attention to the enemy's different attacks to choose the right leader in every different situation is fun. Not to mention the different skills you unlock through experience and in the shop to make them different. It's an interesting style of action game where it never feels like there's one main character. But that boss...
That is only part of it. If I told you the other things you did it would take away how great it was.
It's actually Unite Hand, Unite Sword, and Unite Gun, but I had to do that. :>
This is the 2nd time you guys tried to push Wonderful 101 on me
Dynasty Warriors 7
Mindless fun. I think being exposed to Warrior's Orochi 3 kinda makes this game feel a little bland, but for the most part I like it. Although, I do hate that you cannot switch characters during story mode. I hate being forced to use whatever character they give you like Pang Tong (I think that's his name). Also, the look of these characters, while I like what I'm seeing, it takes a bit of getting used to as well. Liu Bei without a mustache just look so weird. I also have Dynasty Warriors 8 so I might just quit 7 and start that one up.
Mass Effect 1
I just started my playthrough for the PS3 version. I'm already aware that there aren't any changes, although, there have been some technical hiccups. It's slower to start over the 360 version, but other than that I'm looking forward to getting through this one, just so I can get to ME2 and ME3.
Super Street Fighter 4: Arcade Edition (watching) - I haven't went back to playing it because I know once I start I'm not going to want to stop so for the time being I'm just going to watch videos of Guy and Yun being played and study up. I was watching some youtube videos of Capcom's qualifier and saw some of the exhibitions which were pretty exciting (Daigo vs Infiltration). Seeing the way Daigo plays Ryu makes me want to switch to Ryu, but once I get back into SSF4, I'm gonna try to apply watching his Ryu matches with my characters.
Two annoyances so far, and one mainly centers around the camera sometimes zooming too far out in boss battles. The second boss takes place as you stand on one huge platform (and you're tiny) and he electrifies certain spots which are hard to gauge when you have to pay attention to the huge moving boss and the tiny spots on the ground that can knock a combo out of you. The bosses are still the hardest part of the game, but I think the smaller distractions could have been cut out and the challenge would still be there.
The other would be the Operation 4 boss has like 5 attacks that are unavoidable but it is unclear which unite form you need to use to block them other than the easy one. Sort of like how sometimes you have to guard things that have health bars and by the time you figure out the pattern of attack, you lose and have to continue and lose a ton of points.
Other than those two points, it's pretty great. Hammer is my current favorite for power hits, but the speed of Claw is brutal and can sometimes stun-lock otherwise annoying enemies into submission. Honestly, I don't have much use for Bomb in battle, though. It doesn't damage much and slows enemies, but since you can't really hurt enemies while they're slow it makes no difference if you switch weapons. The combat in the game is always fun and intense, and even on normal it hasn't annoyed me much (outside of some brutal bosses) other than not seeing an obvious object or two I need to hit to progress. Again, keep in mind that I'm awful at these games. So he has to be doing something right for me to not be getting frustrated with it.
The story is wacky Saturday Morning cartoon and it's perfect in that aspect. It's gotta be the funniest game since Kid Icarus Uprising or Deadly Premonition. In that it's intentionally funny and has a lot of great character moments. I have no idea where it's going, but it still remains entertaining.
I really think Nintendo should get Kamiya on Star Fox after playing this. There's no doubt that he could give it a shot in the arm, and with a fresh push I think more people would pay attention to the series again.
Either that or Wonderful 102. No idea how they would do that differently, though.
I was playing Sonic 1 today, and even though I still love it, I do have to say that I'm not a huge fan of the 3-act structure. Although some levels pull it off better than others, it's still a bit of a drag to go through that many for most of the time.
I can see that, it gets kind of tiring by the third act. The two-act structure was better since they made the levels longer and made the zones tighter as a result.
It's one of my favorite Sonic games but I can't say I don't sigh when I see the Labyrinth Zone Act 3 title screen pop up.
That always made it a bit tough for me to get through Sonic 1 from start to finish, despite how good it is, and how it's not that hard.
There will probably not be a Wonderful 102 since Kamiya doesn't like doing sequels. He's not working on Bayonetta 2, and from what I hear, it mostly consists of ideas they had for the first game but were not able to execute properly until now due to budget/time/talent/hardware/whatever. Viewtiful Joe 2 was the same idea, and while he technically worked on that one, all he apparently did was write the story for it.
I thought he said he wanted to work on a sequel to one of his games recently. Bayonetta 2 obviously wasn't happening because he was working on Project P-100 at the time, but I'm not sure why he didn't work on Viewtiful Joe 2 as director since I don't think he wasn't doing anything at the time. I can't be sure, thought.
I'm not saying he won't make W102 (hell, P* might even do it without him), I'm just saying that Kamiya has talked about how he isn't a fan of sequels unless he and his team have a lot of unused or new ideas. The man's an auteur - no two of his personally directed games play alike. (You can't really argue DMC/Bayo, since the original Devil May Cry was more of a 3D Castlevania than a crazy action game.)
Labyrinth Zone Act Anything is what keeps me from playing Sonic 1. :lol: It's my favorite game franchise but still, fuck those levels. Hate'em.
Try playing Labyrinth Zone on the awful GBA port. Speaking of that GBA port... I played it all the way through. This happens in Star Light Zone:
They really did not playtest it at all.
Quote from: Foggle on September 23, 2013, 12:58:55 AM
Try playing Labyrinth Zone on the awful GBA port. Speaking of that GBA port... I played it all the way through.
...Masochist. :whuh:
Quote from: Foggle on September 23, 2013, 12:58:55 AM
Try playing Labyrinth Zone on the awful GBA port. Speaking of that GBA port... I played it all the way through.
Stopped reading your post here. I'm ashamed of you.
And I have to struggle to get him to play Wario Land Shake It.
Unbelievable. :whuh:
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on September 23, 2013, 04:17:13 PM
And I have to struggle to get him to play Wario Land Shake It.
Unbelievable. :whuh:
You really think I'd pay money for Sonic Genesis?
The Foggle I knew is truly dead now.
In regard to the Kamiya not doing sequels thing, to be fair, the sequel can still be great even without his input. I think that DMC3 is a prime example of this (even if it's technically a prequel).
Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on September 23, 2013, 05:00:51 PM
In regard to the Kamiya not doing sequels thing, to be fair, the sequel can still be great even without his input. I think that DMC3 is a prime example of this (even if it's technically a prequel).
Yep. Viewtiful Joe 2 was also excellent, and Bayonetta 2 looks amazing as well.
Quote from: Foggle on September 23, 2013, 05:06:13 PMYep. Viewtiful Joe 2 was also excellent, and Bayonetta 2 looks amazing as well.
Yeah, and unlike DMC3 which was done by a completely different studio/development team, Bayonetta 2 actually has the advantage of still being made by Platinum Games, so obviously there are a bunch of people working on it who know what the hell they're doing.
Kamiya is a Punch-Out fan.
That much is clear.
I gave the new Shadow Warrior a swing, and I gotta say, I freaking love it..! Slicing enemies to bits, getting rewarded for killing with some variety and the humor in the game itself is really doing things just right..!
I honestly just expected Painkiller with an asian theme, but it feels like a really nice re-imagining of Shadow Warrior, I'm really happy of the game right now, I hope it stays consistently fun like this throughout the rest of the game ;D
After getting a petition signed in Animal Crossing New Leaf in exchange for Katie the cat coming over to my town a few days ago, Katie has decided that she wants to see another town. Anyone willing to help me out here?
EDIT: Nevermind, I actually found someone else that allowed me to bring Katie over. Thank you Turnip spikers.
Dynasty Warriors 7
Just finished Shu's storyline and that seemed like it took forever. When I say I want replay value, this is kind of what I mean. the Musou games maybe repetitive, but they certainly know how to make me want to come back for more. Outside of Shu, there's 3 more storylines to play, and with DW7 just being mindless fun I don't see myself getting bored anytime soon, but it does kind of suck that you can only play as certain characters in the main story. I would love to play as Ma Chao in the story. Speaking of story, it comes across as corny, but at the same time I just like the 12 kingdoms storyline (I really need to watch the Twelve Kingdoms anime).
Onward to Mass Effect.
Wonderful 101 is in the bag!
So Kamiya is a shonen fan. He wrote this whole story which is basically a shonen anime set to crazy weapon switching gameplay focused on an alien takeover from a hostile race and a cast of characters that are quite wacky. Yet I've enjoyed it more than any battle shonen I've seen in years. He doesn't even write these things for a living and he beat most of the shonen authors currently out in Japan. Just, wow.
That aside, great game! I somehow made it through normal difficulty despite my sub-par third person gaming skills and saw the credits feeling like I'd earned them. Basically, think Platinum action game meets Nintendo level polish and you've got the Wonderful 101 which is probably going to end up being my favorite game from them. Slow dodge, bomb unite secondary, followed by an onslaught of claw and hammer is just too satisfying against the alien robot scourge.
Though I have to admit I was garbage at certain boss fights and mostly stumbled my way through them (slow dodge and spike roll really help a lot for people like me who can't seem to catch patterns fast enough) and some set pieces I fumbled across, but as a whole I still managed to pull myself through. It definitely didn't feel as daunting as these games usually are to me.
After Viewtiful Joe and this, I think Kamiya should handle all superhero games from now on. He's the only one I've seen that nailed everything in one game that you'd want to see from a superhero game ramped up to 11. That this game isn't a million seller is a real shame, but I guess it's t be expected. I hope it has legs at least.
So far, this would be my GOTY.
Actually, I'd say all of Platinum's games have been very polished outside of God Hand, Anarchy Reigns, and maybe MadWorld. But yeah, W101 sounds great. Can't wait to play it!
I don't mean they were buggy or anything, I mean in things like visual style, special effects and music. The original concept was not as good as the final one when Nintendo gave them the suggestions. The final product has an added 'oomph' to it, though I think the rock solid 60fps and bouncy comic style helps with that.
Kamiya's been asking if anyone wants a third person hack n slash starring Blue, and while I would be down with that, I'd prefer more of the hyper-serious Red or the awkward Yellow. Though obviously I'd like a sequel above all! All the characters are worth revisiting. Wonder Red for Smash Bros, please.
I just hope the game has legs like NMH and Wario Land had on the Wii since both started slow in the early days of the Wii then eventually became successes. But either way, it's great. Easily the most fun I've ever had with a third person action game and I actually managed to beat it!
Mmmm, currently in my gaming "circle" so to speak is:
-Grand Theft Auto V
-Xenoblade Chronicles
-Animal Crossing: New Leaf
I've got the following in their systems and waiting to go.
-Final Fantasy XIII
-Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Ring Of Fates
-Riviera: The Promised Land
Backlog bad. Backlog baaaad! I don't even really want to play the FF games, but I own them, so I feel I should at least takes them for a spin. I got Etrian Odyssey Untold: The Millenium Girl in the mail today, and The Legend Of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD comes in Friday, but I really only got that for the Ganondorf figure. Once I get paid I'm going to order the special edition of South Park: The Stick of Truth for PS3.
This is what I've been playing lately:
- Shin Megami Tensei IV
- Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate
- Super Luigi U
- Donkey Kong Country Returns 3D
- Kid Icarus: Uprising
Quote from: Nel_Annette on October 02, 2013, 10:28:27 PM
Mmmm, currently in my gaming "circle" so to speak is:
-Grand Theft Auto V
-Xenoblade Chronicles
-Animal Crossing: New Leaf
I've got the following in their systems and waiting to go.
-Final Fantasy XIII
-Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Ring Of Fates
-Riviera: The Promised Land
Backlog bad. Backlog baaaad! I don't even really want to play the FF games, but I own them, so I feel I should at least takes them for a spin. I got Etrian Odyssey Untold: The Millenium Girl in the mail today, and The Legend Of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD comes in Friday, but I really only got that for the Ganondorf figure. Once I get paid I'm going to order the special edition of South Park: The Stick of Truth for PS3.
Spelunky has been kicking my butt.
Quote from: gunswordfist on October 02, 2013, 11:59:55 PM
Spelunky has been kicking my butt.
But you keep playing, and you get a little better each time. And that's how the addiction starts. I've beaten Hell almost eight times now and I still love going back in. Really have a love for games with randomized levels and rogue-aspects.
Quote from: Nel_Annette on October 03, 2013, 12:32:21 AM
Quote from: gunswordfist on October 02, 2013, 11:59:55 PM
Spelunky has been kicking my butt.
But you keep playing, and you get a little better each time. And that's how the addiction starts. I've beaten Hell almost eight times now and I still love going back in. Really have a love for games with randomized levels and rogue-aspects.
Whoa, I've never even made it there.
So yesterday, after playing hundreds of times, I got to a new stage in Spelunky! It's entrance was at the spooky version of the jungle and it looked like the temple levels but with green knights and some guys bouncing around with a shield and the level said something about a wolf. I got a new character there. He ended up getting killed by a ghost because it took me forever to find a way to advance in the area with one bomb. I got stuck between the ghost and an exploding frog with 1 health left and then the frog explosion killed me.
Kay, so Scribblenauts is tons of fun.
I should've gotten into this series years ago.
Today, I finally accomplished something I have never done in a Pokemon game, catching all the mons there are. All 649 of them, all before X/Y hits the streets all in White 2 Version. It required a lot of usage from my Gen IV games to even Gen III to get them all. Even used one of my broken DSes to use Pal Park in Gen IV.
But I'm actually kind of glad that whenever I get Y and the PokeBank opens, I'm gonna to have an easy time to get them all in. It does kind of make me wonder if they'll have some other reward for completing the dex in Gen VI. White 2 gave me 3 different rewards, for seeing all the Pokemon in Unova has to offer, I was given a pass to go to this island where a Shiny Haxorus lived, then for catching all the monsters Unova has to offer, they gave me a charm that increases eggs left at the daycare. As for catching every single Pokemon barring event legendaries, they give you a Shiny Charm which increases the chance to get a Shiny Pokemon from the wild and breeding. Hey, at least this shit felt worth while other than getting some shitty diploma, increasing eggs and getting shiny are pretty good rewards if you're into breeding and getting Shiny mons. Hell, even before I got that gem, when I was trying to grind up my mons, I encountered a shiny Throh. Sucks that I can barely tell the difference between them, but I welcome Ernie with open arms and will probably interact with him in the Aime, along with my other legitimate shiny mon captures.
Awesome job man! :el_hail:
Catch a Bobbyfree.
Yesterday I redownloaded Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon. I found the TMNT and Jaws missions/Easter Eggs, killed every animal type, headshot every enemy type, killed the one horned Blood Dragon and liberated every garrison. The last garrison was fun because I actually used stealth for once and I killed most/half the enemies by leaping from underwater, dragging them down back with me and stabbing them while having the ability to take out their cyberhearts with each stealth kill before going in guns blazing. I think I have one or two side missions left.
I've also started playing Shank 2 online a few days ago.
Etrian Odyssey Untold: The Millenium Girl.
It's a remake of the first game from 2007. The added story mode is pretty cool. The original plot is still there, but the new characters, plot, and areas they give you are basically overlaid onto it. So after say, an old plot point happens, before you go on to what the original game did next, the added plot will bring you sideways for a new dungeon and to move on the new characters' development. And if you know the original plot you can pretty much tell what's going on with this added stuff. And if you never played the original, party member Raquna basically spoils Etrian Odyssey's big twist right in the first hour of the game with a simple location name-drop. Oopsie? I know when the big twist comes, and I can say that if this were my first time playing the game, it wouldn't shock me as much as the first time around simply because of what she says near the beginning.
The game has all the updates to the interface that IV had, including the new difficulty settings, and it even takes a few things further in convenience, which I really appreciate. The soundtrack has been remixed, and while the use of real instruments now is really good, I do prefer a few of the original 2007 game's version of songs. All in all a good purchase. I just wonder if they're going to milk it by making an Untold version of EO2 and EO3 with added plot. I bought EO3 in 2010 with all the pre-order bonuses and everything, and I still never popped that thing into the DS. Would be a shame if a remake came out before I had a chance to. :lol:
Despite having the game since it came out, I FINALLY started playing Epic Mickey today.
It's fun, but I can see where the criticism comes from. The camera is way whack, while I started to get bored after only a couple of hours in. I like the game's throwback to N64-era platformers, as well as the Disney fun, but I can only play so much at a time.
The game still gets a lot of flak, but I like it, as well as both of the sequels(gaf really hates Power of Two especially for some reason). Similarly, the Castle of Illusion has caught some flak, but I want to check that one out too.
Got Pokemon X and am having a ton of fun with it so far. There's quite a bit of content, lots of variety of Pokemon to catch(they have wild Eevees man!). I haven't even got to the second gym yet, been too busy doing other stuff.
The one thing that I'm iffy on is the Exp. Share. Instead of letting one Pokemon hold it and gain points, all Pokemon in your party get points, thus grow fast. It's cool because usually I have my starter and one or two other Pokemon pretty strong while the rest of my party is weak and this balances it out, but on the other hand it kind of makes the game easier than it has to be.
Yeah, I have the Wii version of the sequel, too. I'll probably get to it after I'm done.
Quote from: Comeau on October 13, 2013, 09:57:58 AMThe one thing that I'm iffy on is the Exp. Share. Instead of letting one Pokemon hold it and gain points, all Pokemon in your party get points, thus grow fast. It's cool because usually I have my starter and one or two other Pokemon pretty strong while the rest of my party is weak and this balances it out, but on the other hand it kind of makes the game easier than it has to be.
Honestly, that sounds like a feature that would appeal to me. I hate the excessive grinding it takes in other Pokemon games in order to get your entire party up to decent levels, so I usually end up doing the same thing as you and just get 2 or 3 of my Pokemon really strong and use them throughout most of the game, while delegating the rest in my party just for basic functions (like Surf, Cut, Fly, etc.). To me, if the developers managed to make it so that you don't have to grind as much to level up all of your Pokemon, and instead fill in that time with interesting side-quests, then that's just better game design, regardless of whether it's easier or not. That said, I can't really talk too much about it since I don't even own a DS or 3DS, so I don't know how the game really is, but I really do want to play it.
I agree with E-K, at least when it comes to the Pokemon games I played.
Grinding is also the reason why, since I first played the original Pokemon games in the late 90s, I never had any issues with using the legendary bird Pokemon (in addition to me finding them really fun to use) in my main party, even though my friends didn't like that.
Yeah, I'm lazy and love the new EXP Share.
What I don't like are the player's four friends. Just as annoying as Barry from D/P/P, honestly.
Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on October 13, 2013, 01:23:23 PM
Quote from: Comeau on October 13, 2013, 09:57:58 AMThe one thing that I'm iffy on is the Exp. Share. Instead of letting one Pokemon hold it and gain points, all Pokemon in your party get points, thus grow fast. It's cool because usually I have my starter and one or two other Pokemon pretty strong while the rest of my party is weak and this balances it out, but on the other hand it kind of makes the game easier than it has to be.
Honestly, that sounds like a feature that would appeal to me. I hate the excessive grinding it takes in other Pokemon games in order to get your entire party up to decent levels, so I usually end up doing the same thing as you and just get 2 or 3 of my Pokemon really strong and use them throughout most of the game, while delegating the rest in my party just for basic functions (like Surf, Cut, Fly, etc.). To me, if the developers managed to make it so that you don't have to grind as much to level up all of your Pokemon, and instead fill in that time with interesting side-quests, than that's just better game design, regardless of whether it's easier or not.
100% agreed.
Quote from: Comeau on October 13, 2013, 09:57:58 AM
The one thing that I'm iffy on is the Exp. Share. Instead of letting one Pokemon hold it and gain points, all Pokemon in your party get points, thus grow fast. It's cool because usually I have my starter and one or two other Pokemon pretty strong while the rest of my party is weak and this balances it out, but on the other hand it kind of makes the game easier than it has to be.
Oh, so now Exp. Share works like it did in Generation one? Sweet! This is going to make grinding so, so much easier. Dammit, I need to buy this game soon...
If you beat Pokemon with Lvl. 100 Pokemon, will the lower ones still get experience?
Quote from: Nel_Annette on October 13, 2013, 01:49:46 PM
If you beat Pokemon with Lvl. 100 Pokemon, will the lower ones still get experience?
I don't know about this version yet, but in older games yeah. Did this a lot in HG/SS.
And yeah, the Exp. Share isn't that big of a thing to me, you can easily turn it on and off, but for some people it's an issue. Another cool thing is Wonder Trading, where you take one of your Pokemon and trade it to a random person from anywhere in the world. You do often get lots of commen Pokemon, but at the same time you can get some good ones(I got a Bulbasaur in one trade, and a Mareep in another, way earlier than you're able to obtain them in the game. Needs me a Growlithe though). Plus it helps out with filling the Pokedex with Pokemon you skip catching.
I intended to play a bit more Mass Effect over the weekend, but yesterday I had to work and when I got home I decided to play a bit more of SSF4: AE2012, or rather hit up training mode again. I've begun to see some major improvement now that I'm hitting some of Ryu's harder damaging combo's (basically the shoto starter combo... Cr.lp > Cr.lp >> Hadoken/tastu/shoryuken (ex as version as also). I've also seen improvements in my Evil Ryu (decided to make him my main) as well, although trying to link his ax kick into is hard, but at least I got the same combo as Ryu, but I can tack on a shoryuken after the lk version of the tatsu. That's probably a bunch of jibberish to everyone though. :)
EXP Share is making this game easier. I'm 7 badges in and my team is in their mid to late 60s, half of them are pushing 70. It pretty much made facing all the other gyms for me pretty easy.
I am about to start playing Halo 3 for the first time ever.
Quote from: Avaitor on August 30, 2012, 09:19:39 PM
GSF is a little shit, but he agreed that it's time to start a new thread, so here you go. :blush:
I still hate you for this.
OK, I started Halo 3 early this. I love the way Chief moves even though his jump is a little too floaty. I am still getting used to the controls (X for grenades? Having to hold down a bumper to reload?) I only got up to the camp where that big alien beat up a guy half its size so not far at all.
Well gunswordshit just reminded me. Are we going to make a new thread once this one hits 100 pages?
Quote from: talonmalon333 on October 17, 2013, 12:30:24 PM
Well gunswordshit just reminded me. Are we going to make a new thread once this one hits 100 pages?
Unless you guys are really against it, I might.
I have no problem with it.
Quote from: talonmalon333 on October 17, 2013, 12:30:24 PM
Well gunswordshit just reminded me. Are we going to make a new thread once this one hits 100 pages?
Only if we get to insult talon in the OP.
I'm not universally hated around this forum the world, so I wouldn't count on that.
Preordered this beauty from Gamestop's site. One of my favorite games of all time, so I was waiting for them to put up the preorders. I freaked because they were already sold out on Namco and Amazon's sites. Can't wait for March/April. :lol:
So yeah, no more Wii, fo sho. (
Does anyone here know that this means the Virtual Console is shutting down for it? I still have some unused credit that I hope won't go to waste.
It shouldn't since it's still available on the Wii-U points and all.
Well I meant the Virtual Console on the plain-old Wii. I still don't have a Wii-U. I want this to be the first console that I buy with my own money, but this hasn't been able to happen, so I'm stuck with my regular Wii for now.
No, the service is identical, it probably won't cost much to keep it on both systems. The DSiWare stuff is still available on the DSi, so I'm sure it'll be the same here.
I assume that it'll stick around for a few years(I mean, Xbox Live for the Xbox stuck around until 2010), at least until all the games on the Wii VC are available on the Wii U VC.
Well, I used some of my VC points on Shinobi III. I still have 1300, and I think I'm going to see if I can get a card or two that can still be used on the Wii before it's too late and try to get some more games.
The new Phoenix Wright. I finished the first case.
This one really came firing out of the gate. I'm eager to see how the rest of it goes.
I'm taking another shot at Castlevania III. I still haven't beaten this one. I made it to the final level a long time ago but just couldn't beat the final boss under those brutal conditions. So now I'm starting from the beginning and trying again.
Playing more SSF4 of course. Doing a bit of training with Yun. Got some of his basic combos down. For the most part his links are pretty simple to hit, but it's more about getting the timing down. Also been watching videos of Kazunoko playing Yun. That guy is sick.
Also been watching videos of the new BlazBlue. I've grown quite fond of this game mainly because of characters like Terumi Yuuki and Hakumen.
Finished case 2 and am going on case 3.
So far this really makes up for how disappointing the DS Apollo Justice game was. Blackquill might be the best prosecutor since Edgeworth.
I beat Halo 3 for the first time about 30 minutes ago. I officially hate the Flood....
Join the club.
We have tshirts.
I had no complaints...until High Charity. The last two missions are like a bad alternate ending for a movie.
I actually liked the last mission because it gave you a shit ton of powerful weapons to fight The Flood with. I beat that mission on Legendary and it actually felt challenging in a good way. Cortana, on the other hand, is the 2nd worst Halo level ever.
I also didn't find The Flood to be a bad enemy type in Combat Evolved, save for The Library. In the rest of the game, they were used right. In their intro level, they didn't have any weapons. In everything after The Library, you also had The Covenant and Sentinels fighting them, so you rarely had to fight long gauntlets of them by yourself.
Halo 2 easily has the worst use of The Flood. In that game they are just plain cheap.
I might have to replay that level because I was just plain sick of them after Cortana. I did love the final Warthog sequence because I got to run them over. :sly:
I've yet to experience ODST's last mission, but I've actually enjoyed most of, if not all of Halo's final missions mainly because you're driving, and they always felt pretty epic to me (or are we talking prior to them?). Halo 3 standing out the most since the floor falls. Reach had a great final mission, although it could be sad depending on how you took to the Noble team (and I like them a lot)
Anyway, with Ultra SF4 being a ways off I'm gonna start getting a bit more into the technical fighters starting with King of Fighters 13 and BlazBlue:Continnum Shift Extend.
I originally said that in KoF13 that I'll be playing using Terry, Kyo, and K'/Iori, but I think I'm gonna skip over Terry and go right to Shen. That guy hit's like a tank lol, not mention I can sorta get a kick out of that one punch he does. Talk about a fighting game that's gonna make me feel good (This game just has so much style and swag to it lol). I do wonder about the netcode though. If some matches are playable then I guess I'll get online with it, but for the most part I may end up being a training mode monster.
BB:CSE on the other hand, I originally said I'll be using Hakumen, but I'm actually getting a bit more conflicted about what character I want to use. Jin, Ragna and Hazama looks pretty fun and solid to use along with Hakumen. And then I saw some character that turns into a wolf (the video I saw, the player had some insane pressure) so I'm considering him as well.
And then there's Guilty Gear XX: AC+ of course. But I'm still waiting for +R. Johnny's still gonna be the main character I use in that game. He's gotta be the coolest character in a fighting game ever. Originally I thought that belong to Guy, but Johnny is definitely that character. The way he walks, and the way he fights has badass written all over him. In a sense, he's what Dante is to DMC. When people say badass, you'd usually think Dante. I wouldn't argue if people brought Johnny's name into that equation (or Sol for that matter)
Ragna, Jin, Makoto, and Valkenhayn are the most straightforward characters in CSE in that order. Hakumen's a bit more difficult to use, but is awesome once you get used to how different he is compared to the other characters. And Hazama is
really difficult to use properly, but he's stylish as hell.
Quote from: GraveAnd then there's Guilty Gear XX: AC+ of course. But I'm still waiting for +R. Johnny's still gonna be the main character I use in that game. He's gotta be the coolest character in a fighting game ever. Originally I thought that belong to Guy, but Johnny is definitely that character. The way he walks, and the way he fights has badass written all over him. In a sense, he's what Dante is to DMC. When people say badass, you'd usually think Dante. I wouldn't argue if people brought Johnny's name into that equation (or Sol for that matter)
Sol, Slayer, and Johnny are easily the coolest characters in all of Guilty Gear. In character, playstyle, and music. :thumbup:
From my understanding Hakumen is like the Gouken of BB (defensive/counter crazy). I can probably get used it, but I'm leaning more and more towards Jin and Hazama. I've read at Dustloop that Hazama is very difficult to use mainly because of his movement, but because he's so stylish really makes me want to use him (and Terumi Yuuki eventually when CP comes out), but I suppose I should get used to the game first before going straight to him.
Quote from: RynnecSol, Slayer, and Johnny are easily the coolest characters in all of Guilty Gear. In character, playstyle, and music.
I never thought much of Slayer (gotta listen to his track now that you mention it) mainly because I never seen him played at a high level. I suppose he could be like Dudley. The classy guy. But Sol and Johnny, definitely.
Assassin's Creed IV: Nel Can't Pirate For Shit Edition.
Seriously, Ubisoft, can we get this shit out of this series? Just go make a pirate game already. :<
IIRC it was originally intended as a completely separate pirate game, then UbiSoft fired the guy in charge of it and rebranded it as an Assassin's Creed title.
Urrrrgggggh. :immad:
They should use Red Steel 2's engine and throw it in a pirate setting.
Just because.
So... am I OK with giving up on the series after AC:3?
Quote from: Daxdiv on November 01, 2013, 04:11:12 PM
So... am I OK with giving up on the series after AC:3?
It's a weird thing. The story, Edward's character, and anything you can do on land are so far just as fun as anything I did in AC2 and Brotherhood. But the fucking sail combat and just the boats in general. I hate it so much. It's a massive annoyance in what is otherwise a good game.
And you know what I spend most of my time doing? Optional assassination contracts. Because they're fun. Because they're what this series should be about. You take the contract, find the area on the map where the Templar is, survey the area while hiding, take your route while picking off anybody in the way, kill the guy and make your grand escape. And you don't
have to sneak in, you can run in like a mad man if you want. I love it. It's like a streamlined version of the first game's missions. This is what the series should focus on.
I don't even care about the present day storyline anymore. They fucked that up at the end of AC3, and I already spoiled myself on the big twist in this one, and it's meh. I hope when we get around to AC5 on next gen that we're back to big sprawling cities and countrysides. And maybe do something way different and have it be in Asia or something.
AC5 will still be on current consoles, if Ubisoft's track record is anything to go by. Though it may get a next-gen port it'll only look prettier.
I suspect Activision will do the same with COD for the next few games as well.
I'm still kind of baffled that AC4 is out so soon after the 3rd game, which wasn't released that long ago. It looks like Ubisoft's business strategy is to churn out sequels to a popular series as fast as possible until they milk it for all its worth.
That said, I don't care about the AC games so that doesn't really affect me. I am bummed out about how long it takes for new games to come out in just about any series that I am a fan of, though. And usually when they do come out, they seem to have at least some flaws that keep me from completely enjoying them. Maybe I just have shit luck that way. :-\
Like I said before, I'm pretty sure AC4 was actually supposed to be another game initially. I think it was in development for as long as or longer than AC3. Don't remember where I read that though, so take this with a grain of salt.
And Liberation HD in a few months. I never played the Vita game, so it's like getting two new AC games in a matter of months to me.
I've been playing Super Castlevania IV on Wii-U VC. I took a break at stage 3. Still a classic.
I got to The City Of Gold on Spelunky for the 3rd time ever, I believe. I finally got the Book Of The Dead. I got to the golden head boss for the first time with the book in my inventory and went on to kill Anubis II. Then some red bird mask guy killed me...
Two days ago, I got to The City Of Gold and then Olmec again. I did pretty good for not having a Jet Pack or climbing glove but still died.
That Super Puzzle Fighter HD demo sure is addictive! I still have the music stuck in my head.
Well I know what I want for Christmas. :swoon:
So while I was away for a bit, I also had a couple of days off from work and had some free time.
King of Fighters 13
The controls alone got Street Fighter 4 beat in terms of being hard. My goodness, people who're using a regular DS3 controller and is successful with it, you have my utmost respect because I already have a hard time doing a half circle motion, so to add a quarter circle motion in front of that is just brutal of my thumb. I don't see how people are playing this without the arcade stick. I did manage to play the story mode, and I didn't attention to it, because quite frank, there's no point in them. I only use the CPU as combo practice anyway. That said, I'm still considering Kyo, K, Iori/Shen, if I'm not scared away by the controls first.
BlazBlue: Continuum Shift Extend
In terms of being technical, this game put Street Fighter to shame. I was lost with the cancels alone. Rapid Cancels, Dash Cancel (I'm not exactly sure if it's better than FADC, but it's gonna take a bit to get used to it), and I still feel like I'm missing something. I gotta speak about that tutorial. That thing is friggin amazing. That's how a tutorial should be. I haven't explored the challenges or the training mode yet, but that tutorial is robust, and I still haven't finished it. I just recently finished the intermediate stuff. I must admit though, that I am a little turned off by the roster. Unlike Guilty Gear there really isn't a character that really sticks out to me, whereas in Guilty Gear; Sol, Johnny, Order Sol, Testament and Jam instantly stuck out to me (for SF4, that would be Cody and Guy). However, I am anticipating the next game because I do like Terumi Yuuki.
Super Street Fighter 4: Arcade Edition 2012
And then we come back to this. After playing both BB and KoF13, it's easy to see why people play this game over the other 2. It's a lot more easily accessible. Here I thought the links in this game was hard, it has nothing on the other games. And honestly I think that's why I'm digging this more and more now. Don't get me wrong, KoF13 and BB, from what I gather of it is all skill and execution. Nothing wrong with that at all. You mess up you're gonna feel it badly. In SF4, you can blame the game somewhat lol.
Dynasty Warriors 8
I recently finished up DW7 and jumped right into this. Definitely the same game. I ended up skipping 5 and 6, but I'd imagine that it's all the same as well, but DW8's graphics makes a helluva difference. I won't say it's funner, but I do feel more interested due to the graphics.
That's honestly why I prefer Street Fighter over BB and KOF. Those other games are so busy being as technical as possible that they just aren't any fun (for me) unless you spend tens of hours just so much as getting decent at them. Street Fighter 4 is fun for me whether I'm good at it or not.
I can play BB and KoFXIII just fine, despite not really being particularly good with either, then again, I mostly stay away from online (I always get my ass kicked) and usually just stick to vs CPU matches and Arcade or Story modes. It's also worth noting that the only SF I own is the very technical Third Strike, my mind will probably change once I'm able to play SFIV on a regular basis.
Oddly enough, if it's not SFIV or MVC3, it's usually BB that get's called a "casual" game among more uptight Fighting Game elitists.
Well, keep in mind, I flat out SUCK at fighting games. I just made the simple observation that BB and KOF have way stricter timing than any of the Capcom fighters that I hav played. Outside of training mode, I flat-out cannot pull off combos even in CPU matches in KOF13 (at least not consistently).
It's funny, because as someone who loves hack n' slash games, I really do love a deep combat system. But fighting games always make me realize just how lenient the timing for combos are in games like Ninja Gaiden, Devil May Cry, and Bayonetta.
From what I've played of BB, I wouldn't say timing is much of an issue. I think what makes BB so intricate is the cancel's (then again, you are right since those require a certain timing as well). I think in the tutorial it said something along the lines of almost every attack can be canceled into a special or something like that. In terms of timing, I'd say BB is more along the lines of MvC3 because light, medium, heavy, (can't remember that last button) all chain into each other.
KoF13, you just gotta have perfect execution, flat out.
In another character crisis, somewhat. Nothing new here. I suppose I should really stick with Cody since somehow I just keep on coming back to him. The reason I keep shying away from him is that he kinda sucks here. Tier wise, I have no idea where he at, but controlling him, yeah, he kinda sucks mainly because of the slow walk speed, and his "get off me" move requires you to hold a punch button (good luck do EX Zonk on pad). But the reason I keep coming back to him is because that's my dude. I'm also considering throwing Dudley into the mix again. He hits like a tank and I like that.
Speaking of Cody and Dudley, I'm gonna drop Ken and make those 2 the Capcom characters I'll be using. Fireball characters kinda have hard time in this game because it's pretty easy to get around them, especially if you're using someone like Jin, Kazuya, and Hwoarang. Anyway, this is the main fighter I'll be playing at the moment.
Dynasty Warriors 8
Shu, Wu, Wei stories are complete. Right now I'm playing Jin's story. I think out of all of them I like Wu the most. Zhou Tai is possibly my favorite character (mainly because he's basically the samurai in the game). There is another character in Jin that I just found out about that's become another favorite as well. I don't know his name, but he throw knives and wear a trench coat.
I'll probably start playing Max Payne 3 soon as well. For the most part I don't particularly care for games done by Rockstar, but considering that I'm hearing this game is good for releasing that pinned up aggression, and well, shooting someone in the face/head in slow motion definitely might make me feel good (as demented as that sound, I swear I'm still sane).
They finally fixed the leaderboards:
Not bad, I guess.
Into the Nexus is really good so far. The new controls are pretty easy to get used to, and it definitely still feels like Ratchet & Clank. 30FPS is a bit of a bummer, but it plays very smooth. (I recommend restarting your PS3 before playing after installing, though. The frame rate was dipping really low until I did. Some kind of glitch I guess.) The level design, graphics, and story have all been great so far. I especially love the Clank puzzle-platformer levels and the jetpack upgrade. The arena is pretty short, but more interesting than any of the other PS3 ones. I miss rail grinding and swimming, though. R&C is pretty much the only 3D platformer to ever have fun water levels IMO, but here you die instantly if you try to go for a dip. Oh well.
Sounds good. I'm going out tomorrow for Christmas shopping, so if we come across it I'll see if I can swing it.
How's the length so far?
I've done the prologue, the first two main planets, and what's currently accessible of the arena. I think I've been playing for about 3 and a half hours, but I'm not sure. I believe that's almost the exact halfway point. From what I hear, there are two more main planets, a final level, and another set of arena challenges.
I just wanted to say that if anyone here with a 3DS has a fondness for Bomberman Hero-style N64 platformers, then you might want to give Jett Rocket II a go.
It scratches that itch.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on November 14, 2013, 09:10:38 PM
I just wanted to say that if anyone here with a 3DS has a fondness for Bomberman Hero-style N64 platformers, then you might want to give Jett Rocket II a go.
It scratches that itch.
Noted. Will keep an eye out.
SSF4: 2012
So I played about 6 matches online, and won about 3 of them. Honestly, I'm almost kind of fed up because my internet is terrible. I thought it was already bad at my old house, but here at my new house it's even worse (not to mention it seems like the wind blows every night making it seem like it's unbearable). Usually taunting me don't do anything, but because of the extreme lag it was even hard to respond to it. I'm a little salty, no doubt, but to play fighters under that much lag, no. I will be putting fighting games on hold, at least until my internet is upgraded.
Devil May Cry 3 (HD collection)
It's been a long time. A very long time since I've played this beastly game. It feels pretty good too. Since it's been so long I decided to stick with Trickster, but eventually I'll end up switching to Swordmaster and Gunslinger soon enough. Seeing that opening fight scene, so good.
I tried to play Max Payne 3, and I'm sure it's a good game, but I lost interest within the first 10 minutes of gameplay.
AssCreed 4 beaten. A definite improvement over 3.
And Tales Of Graces F is ready to go. Only about an hour in, but god this is pretty. .3.
Remember a while ago when I said that I finally started out Epic Mickey?
The day after I did, I decided to pop in City Folk instead, and, well, I'm hooked all over again. Yep...
I beat Into The Nexus. It was surprisingly lengthy and definitely worth the $30. I think it took me about 7-8 hours to complete, which isn't much shorter than most of the other games. It actually has quite a bit of content - that content is just limited to five planets (and a spaceship). The level design is generally excellent throughout, reminding me more of the PS2 games than the previous entries in the Future series. My only real complaints with ITN are that the frame rate is noticeably worse than past games, the new gameplay elements are underutilized, and the ending of the story feels extremely rushed. Highly recommended. :thumbup:
Good to know. Shame I didn't see it anywhere on Friday when I saw Thor 2. But I'll get it eventually.
Attention all action/adventure fans with an Xbox 360 or gaming PC: you MUST buy Marlow Briggs and the Mask of Death. So far I've played the first two hours, and it's already one of my favorite games of the year. It's tons of fun, hilarious, and very cinematic (in a good way). I highly recommend it.
The Two Best Friends Play of it was absolutely hilarious, and sold me on it. :lol:
Now I picked up Kirby 64, and damn, I wish I had played this one as a kid. It's a lot of fun!
Been in quite the pissy mood as of late mainly (work related... I swear I've never seen such stupidity 3 days back to back to back)
Batman: Arkham City
Started my 4th playthrough of the game, and I suppose I've played this quite enough now. It's not giving me that satisfaction that I'm looking for. Not to mention I'm still waiting for Origins to get a release with everything to come with it, as well as get rid of them glitches I've been hearing so much about.
Uncharted 2: Among Thieves
Probably one of the last games I should be playing being in such a foul mood, but I figure with Nate's sarcasm and the epic-ness that's in this game I get some form of relief. Not to mention I've been neglecting this game for quite some time and I still need to finish it before moving onto U3 (I also heard U4's been announced for the PS4)
Assassin's Creed 2
Between this and Dynasty Warriors 8, not sure which feels better. Hacking away at a bunch of folks on screen or just assassinating people with that hidden blade. Another game that I've neglected to finish, but this is probably the best remedy for me now.
Mass Effect
Does nothing for me in terms of relieving my anger, but I'm currently playing this on the ps3, so "shrugs".
Insomniac bought me a copy of Young Justice: Legacy. It might honestly be the worst game I've played from this gen. It makes me want to kill myself.
Wait, you mean this generation of WiiU/PS4/XBone or the PS3/360/Wii generation.
Really the only negative things I've heard outside of Foggle was GWOtaku saying the 3DS version was something that shouldn't have seen the light of day and Lighthammer saying that the PC version was crappy as well.
I guess I meant last gen. It's the PC version.
Seems like the 3DS versions of cross-platformers tend to be the worst of the lot; I've heard the same things said about Sonic Lost World (which, coincidentally, is the version I
almost bought; thanking my stars now that I didn't).
Quote from: Avaitor on November 23, 2013, 08:09:13 PM
Now I picked up Kirby 64, and damn, I wish I had played this one as a kid. It's a lot of fun!
Started Doom 64 today and got to the 2nd level. Getting used to the controls will take me some time.
Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater
Decided to make this and Uncharted 2 the main games I play for a bit. It's been a long time since I've played this game, and while I kinda forgot how to play (CQC against The Boss is gonna be a pain) a bit, I still got it a little. Pointing with square feels weird to me. I know it's been that way forever, but I like the idea of having R1 being the shoot button. I guess this is why I prefer MGS4's setup (although that took a while to get used to as well). Anyway, I just met up with Eva for the first time. Yeah, I won't speak about that when I first played the game lol. Granted I know Kojima likes to throw that tidbit of fanservice in there. Now I frown upon it these days (although, for some reason it don't bother me as much here).
Hmm.. I won't say I'm done with SSF4, but I am staying away from it for a while. Not really sure if I like where it's heading. So at the moment I'm gonna make 3rd Strike and Guilty Gear my main fighting games. In SSF4 I had a hard time figuring out who my main character was gonna be whereas (I think I'm repeating myself here lol) I know who I'm gonna use in both 3S and GG (Ken and Order Sol). Reason I'm going with Ken is mainly the same reason you'd hear for picking Ryu in SSF4. He's a balanced character and you can basically learn everything through him. I may switch off to Yun and/or Dudley later on once I get better with Ken, but right now I'm looking at this tutorial video and I'm liking what I see (so many ways to combo into his SA3. Ryu in SSF4 = Ken in 3S)
For Guilty Gear, originally I chose Johnny, but that guy is fairly difficult to use (I may be getting ready to move to 2nd shift so I definitely won't have that time to try to learn how to mist cancel and whatnot) so I chose Order-Sol instead. I'm growing into more of a rushdown type of guy (at heart I'm a balanced type) and I like the idea of baiting and punishing the hell out of someone. I saw a video of a high level OS player and I was amazed at what I saw. I like Sol Badguy, but because my brother-in-law is prone to choosing the main character in all fighting games I chose not to play as him, OS seems to be a lot more fun. If only I had the patience to try to learn Zato/Eddie.
Ninja Gaiden III is out on the 3DS. With save-states, I'm ready to give it a shot.
And I got clumsy at the first boss and died on my first life. Where did it send me? The beginning of the level.
Sigh. Tecmo.
3D Space Harrier. Man, Space Harrier is perfect for a portable game and the 3D makes it even better.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on November 28, 2013, 05:30:23 PMAnd I got clumsy at the first boss and died on my first life. Where did it send me? The beginning of the level.
Sigh. Tecmo.
I thought you had save states, though. As for sending you to the beginning, I think it was only the NA version that did that. I recall the Japanese version sending you to the last checkpoint, like in the previous games.
I did, but I forgot about them. I changed that pretty fast though.
I'm currently on stage 2 and working my way through. Other than the annoying increase in damage and lack of checkpoints (and continues), the level design has been pretty good.
I like the addition of having areas where you have to scale up rather than left or right. I also like that Ryu can now hang off of pipes, ceilings, and vines to shimmy across platforms. And the best thing that's taken out from the previous games is that most attacks don't knock Ryu back into the nearest pit.
Honestly, I think the gameplay itself is an improvement. It's just that the levels are hit or miss, so the quality isn't as consistent as the first 2 games. That, and the music is kind of a dissapointment for how forgettable most of it is.
Have any of you guys ever beaten the original NG in one sitting?
Stage 2 was pretty awesome. Total platforming fun, even though it was hard.
Quote from: talonmalon333 on November 28, 2013, 07:36:41 PM
Have any of you guys ever beaten the original NG in one sitting?
Up to the last stage before the checkpoint issue got to my nerves. That's as far as I've made it in one session.
No. I can get to the final stage without having to use any continues when I'm playing at my absolute best, but I have to use at least some continues with Act 6-2, and I just downright can't do the final 3 boss fights without the use of save states in-between each one.
To be honest, I constantly forget about the save-state features on Wii U and 3DS. Kick myself over not using them so much. :lol:
With Contra 3 out, now might be a good time to use 'em. ;)
But yeah, I only use them on games with limited continues or bad checkpoints. I rarely ever use them otherwise.
From GameStop's Black Friday deals, I scored the Batman Arkham Bundle (first two games in one package with all the dlc) for $20 and Borderlands 2 GOTY Edition for $30. And then for the fuck of it, I bought Super Mario 3D World, The Legend Of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds and Mario Party: Island Tour from Amazon. Free shipping!
I'm poor! :joy:
Man I haven't played a Mario Party since the days of the 'Cube, at least. I wanna say 7 was the last one I've tried.
I know Hudson is obviously not making them anymore, are the new ones about the same?
Quote from: Kiddington on November 30, 2013, 08:45:57 AM
Man I haven't played a Mario Party since the days of the 'Cube, at least. I wanna say 7 was the last one I've tried.
I know Hudson is obviously not making them anymore, are the new ones about the same?
What I played of 8 was sort of different, in like how all the boards functioned, and of course, waggle minigames and all. 9 was kind of meh. All the players stay together in a car as it moves across the board. Might have worked well as one board's gimmick, but for the whole game it kind of ruins it.
Party Tour's apparently been getting some pretty bad reviews, and I've heard people saying that only two of the boards are any good, but I just kind of decided to buy everything that came out from Ninty on the 22nd because I'm stupid. :light:
Hell, I even bought the red-case version of Mario Party DS for the hell of it last month. I can't believe the thing had come out in 2007. I'd never even heard of it.
I think 5's the last one I played. That's the one with the mecha stuff, right? That was okay.
3 is still my favorite, personally.
3 was the best one.
Unfortunately, every MP game since then has been so-so at best. I wish they would just make an all-star MP with the best boards and games all in one package. At this point it's the only MP I'd be interested in.
Also, Nintendo bought the Mario Party team from Hudson and now they are part of Nintendo. So technically it has been the same team for the whole series.
There's a part of me that just wishes they'd take the whole Smash Bros. route and turn the Mario Party and Mario Kart franchises and just include all of their IPs into it. Keep the brand name, but just start throwing in LoZ, Kirby and Metroid stuff for the hell of it.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on November 28, 2013, 07:39:32 PM
Stage 2 was pretty awesome. Total platforming fun, even though it was hard.
Stage 3 was incredibly aggravating. Projectiles and high flying enemies everywhere, usually to interrupt you in mid-jump. And the boss was pretty dumb.
I liked the first two stages, but that one was pretty bad.
Trying to get bomb parts on Cave Story.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on December 02, 2013, 10:46:07 PM
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on November 28, 2013, 07:39:32 PM
Stage 2 was pretty awesome. Total platforming fun, even though it was hard.
Stage 3 was incredibly aggravating. Projectiles and high flying enemies everywhere, usually to interrupt you in mid-jump. And the boss was pretty dumb.
I liked the first two stages, but that one was pretty bad.
And then came stage 4 which was excellent in both design and music.
Such an odd game, but so far it's a good one.
You talking to Desen, Spark?
I was using the clone technique from NG2.
If we're talking about NG3 again, yeah, it's certainly a flawed game, but it's also hardly the shit-stain of the franchise that it has the reputation of being (we have the OTHER NG3 for that title). Truth be told, it's best levels have even better level design than NG2 (NES). It's just that it has a couple of terrible ones as well, which is why it's kind of a mixed bag, but much like the modern NG2, it's a game in which I feel that the pros outweigh the cons by enough to make the game an overall fun experience.
Beat the Frog boss in Grass Town on Cave Story today. The difficulty stepped up first from Egg Corridor. I think this is the first time a normal enemy killed me. then I killed the Frog boss on the next try.
You see... I'm failing to grab The Concept of this game. There is skill involved... yet, it's also partially chance. And, the stupidest damn chance you can take: like its name, you are walking onto a minefield with no clue where the mines are. It half-hooks me in, half infuriates me to the point of vocal outbursting. And I can't friggin' cheat. I want a bigger playing board and more spaces, but they force you to take Way More Bombs. Motherfuckers! If you want to play to test your skills, you'll be irritated by the kamikaze aspect of the game. If you feel like wasting your time losing almost every turn, it will no doubt inconvenience you to suddenly have to think.
On Cave Story, yesterday I beat Omega and today I got all of the Sand Zone dogs except one before meeting Curly. I liked switching things up a little bit. :sly: The last Sand Zone boss gave me a bit of trouble but after a few tries I beat it without much effort near the last try. I just straight up walk towards it and shot it to get the kill. Next I got the Snake in Labyrinth W...and forgot to save at the place I got it. So I went back to kep my Polar Star.Then I beat Monster X on the first try and without getting the medicine. That damn cat isn't too hard if you kill all the enemies before the boss fight starts. I then got Booster 0.2 (?) just because then reloaded so I could skip it for obvious reasons.
I got my games in the mail today. And A Link Between Worlds is FANTASTIC! Holy crap I'm loving this.
Oh wow, if you're loving this... Argh. I can't wait. :'(
They got the range of the sword-swing perfect. They got Link's running speed perfect. The mini-map on the bottom screen looks exactly like ALttP's but as you explore the overworld, you notice all these little changes. And the plot only takes 10 minutes to get started. It's everything I've wanted from a Zelda game for years.
Quote from: Nel_Annette on December 04, 2013, 10:15:24 PM
They got the range of the sword-swing perfect. They got Link's running speed perfect. The mini-map on the bottom screen looks exactly like ALttP's but as you explore the overworld, you notice all these little changes. And the plot only takes 10 minutes to get started. It's everything I've wanted from a Zelda game for years.
Oh man, too good!
And of course, the music is fantastic as well. A lot of classic ALttP themes re-imagined here, and of course, the 3D game house theme is here as well.
I got Super Mario 3D World as well, but I'm waiting until I can hang out with my friend tomorrow so we can co-op that mofo.
EDIT: Reached Lorule. What happened when I got there was completely unexpected. Also, I really like how each of the seven sages has an identity and you can sort of tell which OoT sages some of them descended from. It's a nice little touch.
Now that Ravio's willing to sell rather than rent, I kind of want to just grind money to buy everything, because I've died quite a few times and Lorule definitely amps up the difficulty.
I have no idea how I've been able to abstain from playing it for this long, but I don't think I can anymore.
It sounds perfect.
I got past the Core on Cave Story. I love that place's music. Still stuck in my head. Curly had to beat him when all the red on his bar was gone because I was too busy trying to upgrade my weapons. And I made sure I did all the right secret things so i could get to the secret levels.
Super Mario 3D World has turned out to be a winner too. Loving this game.
There's a freaking
Mario Kart level. You run a track while the old SNES music plays.
Made my night. You can tell they enjoyed making this one.
And yesterday I also got back to Mimiga Village and then to the Egg Corridor. That concludes the part from my sig.
Ooh, this is pretty cool. (
I think Spark in particular will like this. ;)
Got past Egg Corridor. I completely forgot I had Booster 2.0 so it was harder than it should have been and i got past it without the spur. Only until right after I beat it, I remembered. lol Then i went back and got the Spur and i went back and forth and got Nemesis. Now I am at the Plantation.
Today I downloaded System Shock Portable and jut got done getting it to work.
Quote from: Avaitor on December 08, 2013, 01:17:50 PM
Ooh, this is pretty cool. (
I think Spark in particular will like this. ;)
Just got done losing in the last Doctor fight on Cave Story. Ugh, so much going on onscreen.
Today I finally beat The Doctor (in this playthough) on Cave Story. How well you do against Misery really makes the difference. I got to Hell for the first time in like two years and still can't get past the mini-boss.
If you are a Star Fox fan and own a 3DS, then you need to get Galaxy Force II on the eshop.
Classic Sega action.
FUCK ME! I just got to Ballos final form for the first time and died. That was the third time I got to that boss fight at all.(those 3 times would all be today). I'm getting better every time. I got up their with 34 life and the life pot.
Ocarina of Time 3D. Shamefully, I've owned it for about a year now but haven't actually played it much beyond just looking at how pretty everything is.
...but yeah, it's just as great as ever. This game simply refuses to get old.
Ocarina of Time might be the hardest action adventure game to dislike. It's certainly the hardest Zelda to dislike.
OK, maybe that wasn't his last form I faced earlier. A couple of minutes ago I died against Ballos again. Ugh, at least I did even better this time. I got to him with full life and farther then ever.
I'm playing the new Tomb Raider game based on my girlfriend's recommendation (wouldn't have even touched it otherwise) and, well, it's really good. It's a lot different from what I expected. For one, the unnecessary violence and darkness all but cease after the first hour, and the violent content is nowhere near as graphic or fetishy as I'd been led to believe by previews. Also, while certain parts are very movie-like, they're still quite enjoyable to experience, and don't dominate the game at all. There's a good deal of exploration and the platforming/puzzles feel very similar to previous entries in the series. The bow is extremely satisfying to use and a lot of combat areas can be completed using stealth. The story is also genuinely interesting so far. Pre-release previews really played up the Uncharted-esque moments and "dark 'n edgy" brutality, but the majority of the game isn't even like that at all. A shame to think that horrible advertising and misleading hype almost made me miss out on such a cool action-adventure title.
How'd you get a girlfriend? :thinkin:
...I don't know what that is.
Magic with an A on the end.
Not following what you are saying...
I'm saying it was magic that brought us together. Like, we both sacrificed goats at just the right time. You know how it goes.
(But really, we started talking a lot after she watched my Tomoyo After livestream, and now we're dating.)
tl;dr Your sexy voice did the job. :thumbup:
Quote from: gunswordfist on December 13, 2013, 01:38:27 AM
tl;dr Your sexy voice did the job. :thumbup:
I just learned something about GSF.
Word it in a way that'll get you banned.
Quote from: gunswordfist on December 13, 2013, 02:05:32 PM
Word it in a way that'll get you banned.
Tell me what you recommend I say, word for word.
Quote from: talonmalon333 on December 13, 2013, 02:10:59 PM
Quote from: gunswordfist on December 13, 2013, 02:05:32 PM
Word it in a way that'll get you banned.
Tell me what you recommend I say, word for word.
( win this word talonmalon.
OK, yesterday, i had to stop in the middle of my Ballos fight and tonight I continued it. I got killed by some weaklings but I got a new strategy now.
Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance
During my 1st playthrough I recall saying something along the lines of not caring for the stealth usage in the game. I suppose I am a bit better with it, but at the same time I still feel the same way. I don't think it takes anything away from the game, but as far as I'm concerned it don't give me a reason as to why I should try to do stealth kills. They're not as fun as running in and being spotted. With that said, I just finished getting through as that small Gekko bot. I think if there was something in the game that I really didn't care for, it would be that, and then I still feel that the sub weapons are useless. Still having fun hacking away though.
DmC: Devil May Cry
Still haven't finished my 1st playthrough, and I don't recall where I last left off so I'll be starting from the beginning. Not much to really say about this game that I haven't said before.
The 3rd game I'll be playing will be between Ninja Gaiden Sigma and Mass Effect. Both needs to be finished (and I'm a long way from doing so in both). I have tried playing Max Payne 3 and Sleeping Dogs, and I don't care for either.
Attempting to take another break from the fighting games, although it's gonna be hard since my brother-in-law is coming to town Wednesday and will be staying till early January or something like that, and he's the one that got me back into fighting games to begin with so yeah, we'll see how long that last.
Beat Tomb Raider. I liked it so much that I foolishly went for 100% (don't do this). Finding the collectibles is mostly fun, but some of those optional challenges are incredibly tedious. My previous thoughts on the game still ring true; it's very good, and even if you don't think you'd like it, I still recommend giving it a try. You might be surprised like I was. :thumbup:
As of 1:36 PM, I finally beat Ballos on Cave Story and then I got the real ending. Like Rocky would say, "You ain't so bad. You ain't so bad." :light:
Quote from: Homura Akemi on December 15, 2013, 03:07:42 PM
Quote from: Foggle on December 15, 2013, 08:53:40 AM
Beat Tomb Raider. I liked it so much that I foolishly went for 100% (don't do this). Finding the collectibles is mostly fun, but some of those optional challenges are incredibly tedious. My previous thoughts on the game still ring true; it's very good, and even if you don't think you'd like it, I still recommend giving it a try. You might be surprised like I was. :thumbup:
That's good. More people need to play Tomb Raider.
So this would be the latest Tomb Raider game we're talking about, correct?
I've played everything in the franchise from the start but the latest TR game. Found myself delaying to play it because the price of buying it didn't match the supposed length of playtime. How long of a game is it without going full 100%? Haven't checked but I'm sure I could get a nice low price for a copy by now.
Retro for the win!!! Decided to dig out the ol' Sega Genesis today. Should be
very interesting. :il_hahaha:.
The main story is about 9-10 hours long. Add another 7-8 hours for 100%. The pacing is fantastic throughout with hardly any filler, so I'd say it's a pretty good length for an action-adventure game.
Quote from: Homura Akemi on December 15, 2013, 03:07:42 PM
Been playing God Eater recently. Tedious, but fun - a really good time waster.
How is it compared to Monster Hunter (assuming you've played those games as well)?
Quote from: Foggle on December 15, 2013, 04:38:37 PM
The main story is about 9-10 hours long. Add another 7-8 hours for 100%. The pacing is fantastic throughout with hardly any filler, so I'd say it's a pretty good length for an action-adventure game.
Thanks for the info. :thumbup: Think I'll finally pick up a copy during the holidays.
MAYBE I'll borrow the game from a friend. To be honest I watched a good chunk of gameplay videos of Tomb Raider and it seems a bit too scripted for my liking, but there is such a lack of good AAA action/adventure titles these days that I might as well give it a shot.
It's scripted, but it doesn't play itself. Only the major story points are really like that. A lot of it honestly feels just like the older Tomb Raider games but with easier platforming and better shooting, to me.
So, after a month of not gaming, I went back to playing DMC3 on DMD mode. I expected to do horrible, but to my surprise I got through Mission 9 without too much struggle. A lot of people complain about the spiders in this game, especially on DMD mode, but honestly they didn't give me too much trouble. Just attack them until they are about to attack back, and then do a single jump to dodge them and rinse and repeat until they are dead.
Anyways, I'm hoping to clear this game on DMD mode before Christmas.
Rayman 3 HD and Beyond Good & Evil HD are TWO DOLLARS AND 49 CENTS today and then the sale will be over. I just bought them. You should too if you are even remotely interested in these games. Also Prince Of Persia Forgotten Sands is a few cents under 5 bucks.
Restarted Noitu Love and even though I wanted to beat just 1 stage and go start Rayman 3, I ended up beating 3. The game is kind of addictive. I love stage 3. The music in the first half is great and the boss cracks me up.
I just beat Mission 10 of DMC3 on DMD mode. OK, remember when I said that the spiders weren't that hard to deal with? Yeah, well, let me rephrase that: The small white spiders aren't that bad....but the big green spiders are fucking ass-holes! Good god am I lucky that none of them even devil-trigger'd on me, because even in their base form they were such a bitch to deal with. I guess on their own they aren't that bad, but when you have to fight 2 of the regular spiders along with them, then shit gets serious, and these fuckers can do massive amounts of damage to you on this difficulty setting. I finally had to cave in and use items to get past that last fight in mission 10, and this is one of the few times that I won't beat myself over the head for resorting to that because otherwise this fight would just be pure frustration and no fun. Of course, since I did finally use items, this difficulty punishes you hard for it, so I got a "D" ranking on the mission for the first time in the game (before then, I rarely ever even got a "C").
Meanwhile I went and played through Mission 7 as Vergil on Normal mode. I actually managed to clear that Secret Mission where you have to stay in the air for 20 seconds, which is even harder to do as Vergil than as Dante since Vergil lacks Air Hike (which you can basically use as a cushion of sorts if you happen to miss an Enemy Step opportunity). That was easily what I consider to be the hardest Secret Mission in the game to actually do legitimately, so the rest of them should be cake compared to this one. I also tried to get that blue orb fragment from the Combat Adjudicator in this level, but good god does Yamato suck as a solo-weapon for combos. I tried as much as I could but I could only ever manage to get as high as an SS level combo. To be fair, I don't have Yamato fully maxed out yet, but the same could be said for Rebellion and I still managed to execute an SSS combo with Dante before even maxing that weapon out, so I think it's safe to say that Yamato isn't a very proficient weapon on its own. Anyways, I did shamefully die once on this level on the Vergil boss-fight, because I had only a sliver of health left when I got their, and I only had such little health because I stupidly took damage as Vergil being that I was so used to Dante and kept forgetting that Verigl couldn't use Air Hike and that his Dark Slayer style didn't work the same way as Dante's Trickster style did. Of course, I totally massacred "Red" Vergil on my second attempt at the fight, so all things considered it went down pretty smoothly.
Started Rayman 3 yesterday. I got to get used to hearing him talk.
3D Shinobi III.
If you own a 3DS but not this then you need to vanish from my sight immediately. Don't argue, just vanish. :oo:
What if you own a 2DS and not this? :sly:
Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on December 19, 2013, 04:25:02 PM
What if you own a 2DS and not this? :sly:
Then you would be 5 years old and therefore not the target audience. >:(
Why would owning a 2DS mean that the owner has to be of a different demographic? :humhumhum:
Because! That's why!
I'm so mad! :burn:
Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on December 19, 2013, 06:00:50 PM
Why would owning a 2DS mean that the owner has to be of a different demographic? :humhumhum:
To be honest, I wish I had waited and bought a 2DS instead of a 3DS. They're cheaper and I hate 3D. :P
Quote from: Foggle on December 19, 2013, 06:14:52 PM
Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on December 19, 2013, 06:00:50 PM
Why would owning a 2DS mean that the owner has to be of a different demographic? :humhumhum:
To be honest, I wish I had waited and bought a 2DS instead of a 3DS. They're cheaper and I hate 3D. :P
I agree. The 2DS should've been the handheld they released back in 2010, but with a better design.
The 3D in Shinobi III is quite excellent. Sprite games really benefit from it with their layers.
It's a shame Nintendo stopped their 3D Classics line short. They should do as Sega did and hire M2.
Quote from: Foggle on December 19, 2013, 06:14:52 PM
Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on December 19, 2013, 06:00:50 PM
Why would owning a 2DS mean that the owner has to be of a different demographic? :humhumhum:
To be honest, I wish I had waited and bought a 2DS instead of a 3DS. They're cheaper and I hate 3D. :P
But it looks stupid as fuck and being seen with it would decrease your dignity by 200%. :P
But I never use my 3DS outside of my house.
Quote from: Foggle on December 19, 2013, 08:07:47 PM
But I never use my 3DS outside of my house.
Nobody un publik will call u a babby, I swaer! ;)
It's more that, if I'm out somewhere, I'm probably not going to have time to or want to play video games. :P
I just got done playing through one of the hardest boss fights that I've ever had to endure. I'm talking about Beowulf from DMC3....on Dante Must Die mode. It took me 1h 57min to clear the entire mission. Guess what 90% of that time was spent on. :whuh:
Honestly, I wasn't ever having "that" much trouble with this difficulty setting up to this point, but good god, Beowulf just made me his bitch. It took me 37 tries----THIRTY-FUCKING-SEVEN----before I finally managed to take this SOB down. And no, I couldn't even use items if I wanted to because I was too low on red orbs by the time that I hit the boss checkpoint. It got to the point where I had to completely ditch my Trickster strategy from the lower difficulties and instead force myself to get pretty good at using the Royal Guard style from scratch (which I actually did, and now it may just end up being my new favorite style in the entire game). My god if it wasn't at least satisfying as hell on my final attempt when I had only a few bars of health left (which is nothing on this difficulty, since Beowulf can easily clear at least a fifth of your health by so much as tapping you), and Beowulf unleashed his strongest attack (which of all things was a fucking AOE), and I managed to perfectly time my block for it and finish him off with an equally perfectly placed Royal Release right into his fucking eye. That moment alone made the endurance run totally worth it.
It's worth noting that I can't play anymore tonight, because my right hand is so fucking soar from that one boss fight. I won't be surprised if it feels even worse tomorrow. Very few video games have managed to drive me to this point before.
Quote from: Foggle on December 19, 2013, 08:49:45 PM
Look, guys. Please, guys. I'm not insecure. I don't care what people think about me. :cry:
Fixed your post for you. :D
So many missed streetpasses... :'(
Quote from: talonmalon333 on December 19, 2013, 11:06:03 PM
Quote from: Foggle on December 19, 2013, 08:49:45 PM
Look, guys. Please, guys. I'm not insecure. I don't care what people think about me. :cry:
Fixed your post for you. :D
But it's true. On the rare occasion that I actually would play video games while out (like, on a train or plane or something), I'd gladly use the 2DS in public without embarrassment.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on December 19, 2013, 11:30:55 PM
So many missed streetpasses... :'(
I still don't know what that even does. :sweat:
I walk around with my 3DS in my pocket every day. Always looking for street passes, mostly for Animal Crossing New Leaf and the Mii Plaza, even though my home in ACNL probably puts people to shame and I might have a lot more items than most people. Most of the items I probably want are non-orderable from the catalog. I will say that out of most of the games where I enabled Street Pass for, New Leaf is probably my favorite, except for maybe the times where I get some villages unwanted villagers. Luckily I know a method to get them out whenever that happens.
I just found out today that none of my streetpass/dream address stuff for AC:NL wasn't working for some reason. All that travel time with it for nothing. Half an hour of tinkering with parental controls later, and now I'm finally good to go.
What the fuck is a street pass???
Haven't had much to post lately due to laziness or not having time, but I have a nice week and a half vacation (finally). I'll continue my 2nd playthrough of MGR a little later, but since my last post I've been watching videos footage of SSF4:AE2012 and GGXXAC+.
Been watching footage of different people play Evil Ryu. I'm still trying to find that 1 character to stick with and right now I'm liking Sakonoko's playstyle using him. From what I remember when I used him, I had fun (especially when I bodied a Makoto), but he was very taxing on my thumb (haven't switched to my fight stick yet), but seeing the damage output that he can do, I can't do that stuff on the regular controller.
Been watch Satou use Johnny. My goodness Johnny is too stylish. I already know I'm going to have to put in work. I've also been watching Inoue (Kazunoko) use Order Sol. Also, I'm looking for top players that uses Milia and Jam as well.
GameStop is having a buy 2. get 1 free deal on used Wii and DS games. My friend took this chance to get me a couple of games, while scoring me a copy of Punch-Out. ;D
Also, I noticed the recent Nintendo points cards only seem to work for the 3DS and Wii-U. So I guess no more Virtual Console purchases for the original Wii.
Wii-U and 3DS only use money while the Wii uses actual points. You'd need to specifically find the blue point cards that some stores still have stocked in nooks and crannies.
And score for Punch-Out! One of the best games of last gen.
So I finally got a new-ish Pokemon game - SoulSilver! This is literally the first thing in the series I've bought since Platinum!
It's okay so far, but I'm having the same problems with this that I am the D/P/P line; everything just seems really clunky to me in comparison to the older games. I'm just not crazy about the graphics and overall presentation for some reason. Not a bad game by any means though, and the music is pretty sweet; remixes don't get much better than this (
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on December 19, 2013, 04:05:04 PM
3D Shinobi III.
If you own a 3DS but not this then you need to vanish from my sight immediately. Don't argue, just vanish. :oo:
Little update with MGR. I don't remember it so well, but I think I'm at the area with the brains and on my way to face Sundowner. Favorite part of the game is right before all of that though, where you are basically running through all of the gunfire. While it don't have as much of an effect on me now I still think that part of the game is just so fun to play. During my 1st playthrough I had a lot of adrenaline pumping, running through all that stuff.
Fighting what's his name, the boss before Sundowner (wind blows, rain falls guy... Man I'm terrible with names) was a pretty good boss fight as well. I will say that he was pretty easy this time around although I do have his pattern down a bit.
The guy you fight before Sundowner is Monsoon. :)
I played through missions 8 and 9 of DMC 3 as Vergil, plus I went through a fair bit of Bloody Palace mode in 2 attempts to farm some red orbs. I find it funny how the extra character in DMC 3 has far deeper combat than the main character from DMC 4, Nero. Overall, I'm still not that good with Vergil, but I'm really starting to appreciate his wide arsenal of moves and his own set of intricate nuances.
Played more Rayman . The first boss... :gonk: Ugh. The 2nd boss was much better though.
Decided to put MGR on hold for a bit since Batman: Arkham Origins arrived today. I think it was already established that it wasn't going to be a new batman game, not to mention that Montreal said they were using the same mechanics as Arkham City (So I ignore all that hoopla about it being Arkham City). I watched a little bit of a walkthrough yesterday (spoiling myself to some degree) and I'm actually thinking that I might enjoy this game a lot more than AA and AC, and that's mainly because of the group of villains in this game (Minus Elektrocutioner/Electrocutioner, I have no idea who he is). Granted I like Joker (best villain in DC), but I'm a bigger fan of Deathstroke, and to see Black Mask finally be put in something, and I welcome this approach. Now I gotta see if they deliver.
1st impressions. Got bopped pretty badly against Croc even though he seems to be fairly easy. I didn't expect the controls to give me much of a problem, but it just feels weird. R2 not being detective mode is pretty awkward. I wouldn't advise playing this and then jumping back to Arkham City/Asylum. Played a portion of Deathstroke and he seems pretty good. Had to quit though because the folks with the shields and knives were giving me issues and I don't know how to counter them yet, so I'll wait till I advance more in the story before going back to that training.
Graphics are amazing. Look like the team was really trying to push the PS3 to the limit with this game.
Even though he's no Conroy, I still like the v/a they got for this batman, but then again so far the voices sounds pretty good.
Anyway, all I really gotta do is get used to the weirdness of these controls and I should be good to go.
Quote from: Kiddington on December 21, 2013, 09:08:05 AM
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on December 19, 2013, 04:05:04 PM
3D Shinobi III.
If you own a 3DS but not this then you need to vanish from my sight immediately. Don't argue, just vanish. :oo:
Thank you. 8)
Oh, so today's Wiki article was Mario Power Tennis.
Y'no, I never actually played this one. If it's anything like the first one, I might look for either the original or Wiimake soon.
OK, I don't play this card often, but I'm going to have to come right out and say that Geryon on DMD mode is a cheap boss. The difficulty is frustrating and unfair, since the hit detection for this boss is abysmal, his missile spam is annoying to deal with, and his ability to slow down time every time you knock him down in order to escape being combo'd is beyond ridiculous. I'm not going to lie, I eventually just said "fuck it!" for this fight and restarted the mission with my Super Dante costume and took this guy out with the use of unlimited DT. If the developers aren't going to play fair with this one, then neither am I.
Overall I still love this game, but good god does DMD mode suck the fun out of it all. My recommendation for anyone tackling the higher difficulties for this game is to just stop after beating Very Hard mode. It's the pinnacle of where this game's difficulty is challenging, but still balanced enough to be fun.
Finally made it through expert ninja mode of Shinobi III without using shurikens.
Now that was a challenge.
But it can be done! That's good game balance right there.
Batman: Arkham Origins
Beat Deathstroke. I can imagine this fight being very epic on higher difficulties simply because of all the countering. I can see some people complaining about them, but I like it. I did get hit quite a few times, and eventually got a game over because I was still trying to get used to the controls, and then instead of trying to time the counters I was mashing. So it's good to know that I can't get away with mashing in this game (Funny, you'd think fighting games can learn from this). That said, I am liking this game more and more.
Street Fighter 3: 3rd Strike
My brother-in-law came over today and we ran a set (about 6-7 games). I won one match, but all of them were epic matches except for when he busted out his Akuma against my Dudley. It was my first time using Dudley, so, yeah. Still great games. I wasn't expecting it to be that epic or fun. Anyway, I used Ken, Dudley and Yun while he used Ryu and Akuma. My Ken is still in it's beginning stages, but I did figure out that I'm going to main him and probably make Yun my secondary (or vice versa). What's even better is that I had more fun playing this game more than SSF4 (and we all know how much I like that game). I'm not good at parrying at all, but it just seems better than FADC. Granted FADC is hard to master, but for those that uses a regular controller, that stuff is tedious and more complicated than it really needs to be. Anyway, very fun set. Probably get in another by this weekend.
Quote from: Avaitor on December 23, 2013, 07:19:16 PM
Oh, so today's Wiki article was Mario Power Tennis.
Y'no, I never actually played this one. If it's anything like the first one, I might look for either the original or Wiimake soon.
It's... okay. My friend and I played it a hell of a lot when it came out, but the rampant abuse of the special moves (on both the players and the computer) take the fun out of it after a while.
Anyone know how the 3DS one is?
I got Street Fighter 3 when it was on sale. ;D
I've been playing Rayman might be the worst 3D platformer I've ever played. not outright bad but like in a 5 or 6 out of 10 territory bad.
Quote from: gunswordfist on December 24, 2013, 06:33:29 PMI've been playing Rayman might be the worst 3D platformer I've ever played. not outright bad but like in a 5 or 6 out of 10 territory bad.
I've never played it, but I have heard it's a pretty big disappointment. I mean, it did almost kill the series so there must be a reason it isn't well liked, like, 2 is ported to everything, but 3 is rarely ever talked about.
What do you think are the biggest problems with it?
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on December 24, 2013, 09:17:09 PM
Quote from: gunswordfist on December 24, 2013, 06:33:29 PMI've been playing Rayman might be the worst 3D platformer I've ever played. not outright bad but like in a 5 or 6 out of 10 territory bad.
I've never played it, but I have heard it's a pretty big disappointment. I mean, it did almost kill the series so there must be a reason it isn't well liked, like, 2 is ported to everything, but 3 is rarely ever talked about.
What do you think are the biggest problems with it?
So they say 2 is good?
Where do I start? OK, R3 has a bunch of tiny, boring stages. You can explore a little but it's not much. The levels take about 2 minutes to beat. It started out promising with some decent platforms for a few levels but then they focused too much on making you go back and forth getting powerups that have a short time limit to advance. The enemies and platforming is too separated. Basically, you platform and then you fight enemies. They are decently intelligent, I'll give them that. Imo, they take too long to kill though, also, there's some horrible boss fights in this game. Ugh, I am about to try and beat it anyway.
So, out of the four games that I got for Christmas, I decided to start with MGRR. I only played through the first mission so I can't say too much yet, but here are my first impressions.
-Combat is extremely fluid and responsive
-Blade mode is a cool concept
-Music is kind of cheesy but also really gets you pumped up
-Aesthetically the game looks really sharp, and I love the character models
-Boss fights were kind of cool (a bit too scripted, though)
-Story is full of crappy dialogue and makes no goddamn sense (but it's a Metal Gear game, so....duh)
-Environments are kind of bland
-Some scripted sequences are more annoying than fun (like running down the wall)
I played a little bit more of MGRR. I'm starting to get a better hang of the combat system. Parrying is surprisingly easy, but I haven't had much use for it so far outside of boss fights. At first I was getting my ass kicked by certain enemies until I learned that you're supposed to finish most of them off with Zandatsu, which itself is a really cool gameplay mechanic for a ninja game (and meanwhile, we had to deal with that SOB shit in NG3). My only gripe with the game so far is that the regular combat seems to be too button-masher friendly, in that I've found little need to properly time attacks or to use certain types of combos against certain enemies in certain situations. So far it just feels like button-mashing most normal enemies will win you most of your fights. I'm assuming that will change further on into the game.
As for the other games I got, I'm going to hold off on DmC until after I finish DMC3 on DMD mode. That said, I did just play through mission 1 of the game on Nephilim difficulty to sort of get a feel for it. Much like the demo I played about a year ago, the gameplay is certainly entertaining and not completely shallow, but so far the game clearly lacks the nuance of the older games, and the enemies are really unimaginative and generic, so I don't foresee this game having nearly as much replay value as the other games in the series (save for DMC2, of course).
As for Gears of War: Judgement and Vanquish, I'll probably end up playing GoW first if only because I'm so used to GoW games that I'll most likely finish it off rather quickly. I also want to separate my experiences with two PG developed games from each other, so I'm most likely not going to touch Vanquish until I beat MGRR.
Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on December 25, 2013, 04:11:20 PM
-Story is full of crappy dialogue and makes no goddamn sense (but it's a Metal Gear game, so....duh)
This is actually a plus, for me. :lol:
Quote-Some scripted sequences are more annoying than fun (like running down the wall)
Eh, I thought that stuff was fun, but I can see why you wouldn't. ;)
On Normal, you definitely can't mash your way through the whole game, but it's also not particularly hard as long as you know what you're doing. In that regard, I'd say the difficulty is comparable to Bayonetta, which was perfect for me (though probably too easy for you).
Be sure to download the DLC missions - they're free now!
Yeah, it's a bit too easy, but I'm also not that far into the game yet. Plus, I can always tackle the higher difficulties later on.
MGRR gets progressively better as it goes on. I really like how insane and over the top it is. Combat still doesn't feel anywhere close to as deep or nuanced as DMC, NG, or Bayonetta, but I still find it more fun than shallow crap like Ninja Blade thanks to this game implementing unique gameplay elements that make it stand out and feel fresh, such as Zandatsu. I guess it does make sense that the game isn't balls out deep, though. I think they were keeping MGS fans in mind at least somewhat when designing it, and figured that a good chunk of them might not necessarily be fans of hack n' slash games, so they probably decided to make something that was very simple to grasp, but different enough from other games to still be fun.
Speaking of MGRR, this game really brings out my bad habit of feeling the need to break every breakable object in the room. In games like DMC and NG this is really simple. In this game, though, practically everything is breakable, and yes, I do break a lot of shit to stack up some extra BP, so for a short game that takes most people only 4 hours to beat, I can easily see it lasting me at least twice as long on my first run through it.
Also, despite saying that I wasn't going to play anymore DmC until I finished my DMD run on DMC3, I of course ignored what I said to play some more DmC. Honestly, the game is a lot of fun, and even though I already gave it credit for being an above average hack n' slash, it's still a great deal more sophisticated than I expected. The combos can be greatly varied, and contrary to what I've been told, the game actually does really seem to dock your style meter for taking hits (a single enemy hit usually knocks me down by at least 2 letter rankings). I think where the game hits a ceiling that prevents it from being as great as the classic DMC games, though, is in the fact that it takes little effort and skill to string together advanced combos, and the enemies are too lackluster to make it harder for you to get your timing down. It took a lot of practice and skill to get good at combos in the other games, and there was much more nuance and practicality to each kind of attack, so getting good at those games felt rewarding. With this game, it just feels like with a little bit of playtime, anyone can do just about anything that can be done in the game. Therefore it lacks the sense of self-improvement that you get from the other DMC games, which to fans such as myself is a really big deal in the long run.
At about 1:00 AM (20 minutes ago), I beat Street Fighter 3. That was the first time I played the full (non-demo) game. I went o_O when Gill did Resurrection the first time I won...should have won a round against him. I basically beat him 2 or 3 times but he cheated. Thank God he only used that crap once during the last time we fought. i was going to hold off the game until I beat Rayman 3 but a few hours ago, I saw it was going to take me forever to try and beat a boss again so I gave up on the game.
Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on December 26, 2013, 11:43:22 PM
Speaking of MGRR, this game really brings out my bad habit of feeling the need to break every breakable object in the room. In games like DMC and NG this is really simple. In this game, though, practically everything is breakable, and yes, I do break a lot of shit to stack up some extra BP, so for a short game that takes most people only 4 hours to beat, I can easily see it lasting me at least twice as long on my first run through it.
I wouldn't say *most* people. That's just the folks who are skilled and like to rush through games.
MGRR continues to be awesome. I love how tougher enemies slowly start to become the regular enemies that you face as the game progresses. One gripe I have is that I do wish there were more ways to transition into a Zandatsu animation when fighting them. Each of them require the same tactic of needing to be stunned and then Raiden has just one Zandatsu animation for each enemy type. A little more variety would've been nice, since it gets to feeling repetitive before too long. A good example of a game that varies things up with in-game cinematic-style animations is NG2/Sigma. In that game RYU has a 3 or 4 different OT animations per enemy type per weapon. That keeps a single mechanic from ever feeling too repetitive.
That's more of a nitpick, though, as other than that the game is still really fun. I just wish it had more interesting looking environments, but you can't have it all, I suppose.
I just got past the Jetstream Sam boss fight in MGRR. It was a lot of fun but surprisingly easier than I expected since it was strangely easy to time my parries for this guy's attacks. Still, the fight went smoothly after my first try, and it was perfect how I didn't have any healing items left, making it a straightforward man-to-man affair.
Overall I've really enjoyed the game. My only major gripe is with that one section in R-04 when I was in that Japanese courtyard type room. The camera there was horrendous, and those stupid robots kept using that cheap jumping attack to knock me down, and I also got attacked a lot from off-screen. I really hated that section in the game.
As for DmC, I'm all the way up to Mission 16 now. The game is rather easy, even on Nephilim difficulty, but still surprisingly fun. Aquila is easily the most unique and interesting weapon in this game. I actually wouldn't mind seeing the proper series implement its own version of that weapon if they ever made a new game. Overall, though, the combat still doesn't hold a candle to DMC 3 and 4, and the enemy design is nowhere close to that of the classic games (minus DMC2, of course).
All that's left before I can go to the final final final world of SM3DW is that freaking dark version of the swamp level where you need to light all the torches to get the green stars. Tried it alone, tried it with friends. This level's obnoxious.
Street Fighter 3rd Strike
Played another set against my brother-in-law this past Thursday or Friday (don't remember). I got bopped, but they were all pretty close and fun games again. Again he busted out Ryu and Akuma and surprised me with Makoto (she scares me). I did try to play Yang this time, and he does feel easier to use I still had a fairly hard time combo-ing into his mantis slashes. The same with Dudley and Ken as well, I couldn't combo into anything because I can't react fast enough with my thumbs (and the placement on a regular controller is wonky for me right now) Don't get me wrong, I'm not using that as an excuse, I'm just giving more credit to him for being able to do combos and parry. Me, I have to switch to my fight stick (but I haven't unpacked anything, and I have to go digging through my box for it)
Batman: Arkham Origins
After beating Deathstroke (topping Ra's Al Ghul as best boss fight in the series) I've reached a point where I'm dealing with helicopters... I hated in Arkham City, and no doubt I'll hate it here, if I ever play it again. As much as I was waiting for this game, and hoping that I'd like more than the other games, I'm running into the same issue as AA and AC. And while I usually ignore comments complaining about something being the same. Here, it matters a lot since the combat wasn't/isn't great (it was good), but it led me to become very bored... I'm usually able to keep myself entertained because the blows were pretty impacting, but I've become bored with the game and I'm not even 3 hrs into the game.
Dynasty Warriors Gundam
No secret that I like the Musou games (and I hate the idea of Zelda looking like it's going to be one), and while this game is fun I am disappointed in it as well. I hate that Scwartz is in the Burning Gundam. I hate that the other members of the shuffle alliance aren't in this game, and I hate that the other Gundam Meisters are DLC and can't be played in the regular story. And then a lot of the Gundams feel clunky. Out of the ones I've unlocked so far, Athrun's Gundam feels like a DW character for some odd reason. Probably because his melee weapon feels more like something that belongs to Zhao Yun or Zhou Yu. All that being said, I'm still having a bit of fun with this one (but it's certainly no DW8 or WO3)
Speaking of Street Fighter, I saw footage of the new characters and mechanics for USFIV. What interested me the most is that you can apparently have both of a character's ultras equipped in a match, but I hope they aren't implying that you can chain both ultras together, because I could see that potentially breaking the game.
Putting that aside, I was actually interested by the new characters. I don't care what anyone else says, I'm looking forward to this DLC.
Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on December 29, 2013, 03:06:00 PM
Speaking of Street Fighter, I saw footage of the new characters and mechanics for USFIV. What interested me the most is that you can apparently have both of a character's ultras equipped in a match, but I hope they aren't implying that you can chain both ultras together, because I could see that potentially breaking the game.
Putting that aside, I was actually interested by the new characters. I don't care what anyone else says, I'm looking forward to this DLC.
That is a definite no, since you can only use ultra once (twice at most, maybe three times, but I've only seen it used 2 times) per round. It's basically giving you more options at your disposal. Take Ryu for instance (bastards buffing him even more by letting him Shoryu-ken > FADC > Ultra 2), you let him get a full stock of everything (DON'T JUMP and ALWAYS BLOCK), you're now at risk of eating big damage across the board simply because he has access to both ultra's. You jump = Uppercut > FADC Ultra 1/2, You jump = Ultra 2 (anti-air). The bad side to it is that picking the option to use both ultras weakens the damage when used (although Capcom is thinking about changing that). Hell, grapplers are freaking me out even more, especially Zangief.
FUCK the boss fight with the Senator, and FUCK whoever designed it! Good god, I was really enjoying most of MGRR up to this point, but fighting the final boss on fucking normal mode with no healing items is proving to be ridicuoulsly frustrating. It's not a fun boss fight in any way (the Metal Gear made a far more FUN boss fight, and should've been the finale), and it really highlights all of the games flaws in one fight. I've been attacked off camera, had my Zandatsu completely miss its mark because I so much as twitched my finger (the aiming on that thing is way too sensitive, IMO), and generally I've been stuck in ridiculously stupid situations, especially whenever I get stuck on the narrow end of his fire-wall. It may be a challenging boss fight, but nothing about it is the least bit fun.
I mean, as much as I love the rest of this game, this fight is going to leave a bad taste in my mouth. And no, I STILL haven't beaten it. I'm the type of gamer who usually sees a hard fight through to the end, but at this point I had dealt with this BS for long enough. For a reference point, an example of a good (as in actual fun) challenging boss fight is Vergil from DMC3 or Doppleganger Ryu from Ninja Gaiden. This shit is more like the Arkham fight.
I finally beat Senator Armstrong. He was a fucking terrible boss. I could have gone back and stocked up on healing items for that fight, but that would be like admitting defeat, so I stubbornly fought this boss without the use of items. Other than that and the scripted running sequences and that one room in the game, most of the rest of the game was awesome. I'll be replaying it soon. Overall, this is the most appealing Metal Gear game that I have played because fuck stealth.
For now, though, I'm going back to focusing on finishing off my DMC3 DMD run.
Armstrong is actually a pretty decent boss once you find out you can simply dodge the debris he throws at you instead of using Blade Mode on them.
I already found that out myself. I still found the boss fight frustrating, though. Mostly it was because of how the block mechanic works in this game. You have to constantly press the direction toward the enemy along with the attack button. In most cases I could do that just fine, but with the camera constantly moving back and forth throughout the battle, I inevitably screwed up at least once throughout the battle, and as it turns out, one time was all that it took in each attempt at that battle in order for him to utterly punish me with a full combo. He could easily take out more than half of my health in a moment if I so much as twitched in the wrong direction because of a sudden camera shift, even if my timing was perfect. That combined with the fire-wall shenanigans really drove me up the wall.
I like the block/parry mechanic in this game for the most part, but I prefer the Royal Guard mechanic from DMC. The latter allows you to block ANY attack in the game no matter how big or small it may be, and it only requires a single button press per attack without a directional input accompanying it. This ensures that the angle your character is facing doesn't screw you over. The compromise, of course, is that the timing for it is way stricter, so it prevents it from breaking the game.
But aside from how much I detest that boss fight, I really do like the game on the whole. I wouldn't quite say that it's on par with Ninja Gaiden Black, Bayonetta, or Devil May Cry 1 or 3 (though it certainly has the potential to be with a sequel if it improves the noticeable flaws with this game). To me it's more comparable to Ninja Gaiden 2 or Devil May Cry 4, both of which are great games that just fall short of the best in the genre due to their own set of problems holding them back.
So, how's Dr. Luigi? Worth $15?
I'm still having trouble with the 2nd Vergil fight on DMC3's DMD mode, so I'll have to look up a guide for good ways to take him down. I might have to go back to using the Quicksilver style like I did for the 3rd boss fight with Vergil on Very Hard mode so that I can knock him out of his Devil Trigger state as quickly as possible. The main problem with it on this difficulty is that he rapidly recovers health while he's in that state, so it'll negate most of the damage that you did to him unless you knock him out of it quickly.
Other than that, I started replaying MGRR on hard mode. The game definitely feels smoother the second time around when you get used to the mechanics. I do find it kind of lame that I couldn't use any of my upgrades for Mission R-00, though. I know it's mostly a prologue chapter for story, but even so there are enough actual fights in it to make it useful to have your upgrades handy. Other than that, though, I've been liking the game better the 2nd time around. It's still flawed, but when everything clicks together, it really delivers on some amazing action. It's very telling that when I went back to playing some of DmC after this game, it felt painfully slow in comparison.
I've been playing through a good chunk of Gears of War: Judgement. I like it better than the first 2 games, but I haven't decided if I like it more than 3 yet. But, yeah, it's a Gears game, and despite it seeming like the type of modern game that I would rag on, I actually like these games, for the most part. This one is actually not made by the original development team, but rather by the same developers who made Bullet Storm, People Can Fly, and the difference shows, for both better and worse. What I really enjoy about the game is that it has little to nothing of that cinematic bull-shit. It's just pure gameplay through-and-through, and the mission structure of this game, despite making it feel disjointed compared to the other games in the series, gives it an arcade-like feel that really compels me to keep playing in a way that the other Gears games couldn't quite do. It's very telling that I like this game so much, yet this is also the least critically well-received Gears game. I chuckled a bit when Adam Sessler showed his disappointment in this game, and complained that it lacked the "dramatic story" of Gears of War 3 (yeah....), whereas this game was clearly geared more towards replayability and co-op (he referred to those elements as if they were a bad thing). I guess it just goes to show how different my tastes are from the modern gamer's mentality, but it is what it is, I suppose.
The only reason this isn't automatically my favorite Gears game is because some of the mechanics have been changed for the worse. While I don't like the story in Gears 3, I also don't care about it. But it definitely has the most finely-tuned mechanics in the entire series, so that's why it's still my current favorite game in the franchise. Still, Judgement is a lot of fun, and it's refreshing to see a AAA TPS besides Vanquish that actually doesn't cater too much to the casual crowd who'd rather play through a movie than an actual game.
Oh, and speaking of Vanquish, I finally started playing it. Yeah, I know, pretty late to the party, aren't I? Many of this game's aesthetics remind me of MGRR, but on the whole I actually like the look better for how crisp and interesting the environments look. I remember Desensitized complaining about that aspect of the game before, but I'll have to respectfully disagree with him on that. I LOVE this type of futuristic look. Maybe there's a lack of color, but it works for the art-style that they are going for, and everything just comes off really crystal clear, and each environment looks very distinguished. With something like MGRR, I found the environments to be less creative and more boring, but admittedly that game had some highlights as well. As for the gameplay, I've made it all of the way through Act I, and I absolutely love it. This is a game that I can see myself instantly replaying once I'm done with my first run through it, but that's Platinum for you. ;)
Glad you're liking Vanquish too! Don't forget to grab the free DLC packs for MGRR though. ;)
I definitely will. I just need to clear some room on my HDD. I'll probably just delete NGB since the downloadable version of the game keeps crashing on me, anyways.
And yeah, Vanquish is awesome. Shinji Mikami definitely knows how to make great TPS games.
Yep, Quicksilver did the trick against Vergil. The main thing to do for this fight is to just play it safe and avoid all of his attacks (which is easy to do as long as you keep a reasonable distance from him) until he leaves an opening for you to attack. Whenever he decides to Devil Trigger, activate your Quicksilver style, and a few well-placed hits on him with Rebellion is enough to knock him right out of it before he recovers too much health. It's still a challenging boss fight, but it's not frustratingly unfair like the fight with Geryon on this difficulty setting.
Other than that I played a bit more of Vanquish and Gears of War: Judgement. Both games are still plenty of fun, but of course Vanquish stands out as the better game for how unique and fun it is to play.
I also replayed through all of the 1st mission on Hard mode in MGRR. As is the norm with these sorts of games, Hard mode barely feels any different from Normal mode. That said, the game is still fun. As for the DLC, I'll probably get around to that next weekend or so, depending on how busy I am with my upcoming rotation.
Man, DMD mode in DMC3 doesn't fuck around in the 2nd half. In the first portion of the game, it was challenging, but it wasn't THAT brutal, for the most part. Everything from mission 11 onward has been chaotic as all hell, though. I mean, for crying out loud, even the Damned Chess Pieces are a nightmare if you have to fight them in enclosed spaces on this difficulty setting.
I'm up to Mission 15, now, which is by far my least favorite mission in the game.
I got Street Fighter 3 and Beyond Good & Evil a couple of weeks ago. I beat SF3 the day I got it but I of course still absolutely suck at the game. I started Beyond Good & Evil this week. I can see it sucking up all my I barely played it. :D
I also played Street Fighter 2 on SNES (forget which version. Hyper Fighting, maybe??!) and beat TMNT IV: Turtles In Time with the same friend. Actually, the controller was passed around a lot but I still played a good amount and had fun. As a kid, my brothers and I actually never got past the boss fight where Shredder shoots you in 2nd person because we sucked at throwing ninjas at the screen (I still do) so I have always wondered why the hell they called the game Turtles In Time because I thought that was pretty much the last level. :D
Okay, SoulSilver is really growing on me. Like, really growing on me. I haven't been able to put it down all week.
It's nice to know that I can still become addicted to a Pokemon game at this point (it's been a while). Man, this doesn't change the fact that I'm still woefully behind on the series though. I got X for Christmas, but still haven't even broken into it yet. :??:
I just beat DMC3 as Vergil. It was on Normal, of course, which is way too easy, but also allowed me to be sloppy and really experiment with Vergil's move-set. That said, in retrospect, I probably should've started playing as him on hard mode.
But good god, it really is amazing just how much replay value this game has. It's no wonder it's my 2nd favorite game in the genre. If the level design was tighter and more creative, and the bosses were designed a bit better, it could've even surpassed NGB as my favorite game ever. Then again, good level design takes a lot of extra talent, and it's clear that the development team focused all of their talent on the combat. NGB's ability to succeed in all of those areas is a testament to how talented Itagaki and company were when they were in their prime. That said, I really don't mean that to deter from DMC3's awesomeness in any way. Even if you take out the fact that it has a fully fleshed out alternate character to play as, there is so much to the gameplay that even playing as Dante alone has netted me over 50 hours of playtime with this game, and for me that's quite a lot. There are few games out there that can even come close to this level of replay value in a game.
I somehow managed to get a Cyndaquil in Wonder Trade on Wednesday, then I ended up deciding to breed these guys to spread the love around. I ended up using my Japanese Ditto, and after a box, I got a shiny Cyndaquil. I mean, Holy Hell, I tried this method before and gave up, but after this... I might try even harder now. THANK YOU BASED MASUDA!!!!
This is my 4th one from Generation 6, following the Poliwag, Vivllion and Mankey I caught.
I'm in the very definitely final dungeon of Tales Of Graces F a few months after starting the game. I'd say overall, good game. A nice plot, fun cast (I actually liked all the party members this time). I also liked how the title/skill system works in this too. I think that, barring Lineage And Legacies, this may be the second shortest Tales game I've ever played, behind Symphonia's sequel. I think by the time I reached the Ghardia Shaft, I was about 30 hours in. As for what I didn't like, well, the game felt extremely linear most of the time, barring you from certain areas and kind of forcing you along to the next plot point. And the actual battle system. That CC meter is kryptonite. A single attack? Costs CC. Sidestepping and dodging? Costs CC. Running freely? That thing you could do since Abyss? Costs CC. And then you run out and all you can do is guard or walk feebly until it refills enough to do anything substantial. Blargh. Give me back my MP meter any day.
And you know what really, really irks me? I decided that for my NG+ run, I'd do it in different costumes. But all the good costumes are DLC and they're... $3.99 each? What are you smoking, Namco? I'd pay $3.99 for all the costumes together, at the very least, but for each one? Screw yourselves. (And yes, I know I'm late to the party complaining about this. :p)
Welp, time to finish up the final stuff, and finally move on to Xillia.
Street Fighter 3: 3rd Strike
Been trying to find videos of top players using Dudley, but I only found a couple of videos Kokujin and Kuroda. Anyway, decided to make him my main, and while I haven't really thought of a secondary character, I am considering Yun and/or Yang. I'm definitely coming to the conclusion that this is the better (probably the best) fighting game out. I won't know that for sure until I get my hands on GGXXAC+R and CvSNK2. From what I've been seeing is that there are only 2 top tier characters (Yun and Chun Li) with possibly 5-7 high tier and after that everyone else is viable. And then there's only 20 characters in the game (I know devs must have a hard time trying to balance a game with 30+ characters). Between this and GG, I'd say no more than 27 characters would make for that perfect number because anymore would be too much to learn, although, learning different matchups is what makes fighting games fun so, yeah, but 20 is a great number, and it makes it even easier for me to decide on that 1 character that I want to use. I have to give credit to SSF4 for getting me more acquainted with the 3rd Strike characters because had it not been for SSF4 I would not have been playing this game.
Speaking of SSF4 though, considering the direction Ultra SF4 is going, and the more I play 3rd Strike (and considering that I said that I am anticipating USF4) I'm actually on the fence and almost off the bandwagon altogether. I'm not feeling the idea of porting Poison, Hugo, Rolento and Elena from SFxT. Lost interest in waiting for this 5th character to be revealed. Not really caring about these nerfs or buffs. I'm still playing the wait and see card, I'm just not feeling any of this stuff. I'd rather get a new game instead.
Warriors Orochi 3
Just got it, or rather, am downloading it at the moment. I had no idea this game would take this long to download. Had I known this I probably would've kept my X360. I won't say these games are great (hell, I won't say they are good), but I do have fun with them (although I was very disappointed in Dynasty Warriors Gundam 3). I am debating on if I should get One Piece Pirate Warriors 2 though. I'm curious about it mainly because I wouldn't mind sluggin through this type of game as Ace, Zoro and Mihawk (and probably a few others)
After WO3 is done downloading I may go after Final Fantasy 7 and 8. It's been so long since I've played FF8. First FF game I've played (1st RPG I played) and first FF I actually had some attachment to. And then I just like the junction system over all the other mechanics in the other FF games.
Finally completed the 3 Kalos dexes, Central/Coastal/Mountain in my copy of Pokemon X, minus Articuno/Zapdos/Moltres. But eh... the game gave me an Oval Charm, so now the egg output will be even greater. Now I just need to wait for Pokemon Bank to come to finish up the National Dex yet again.
Quote from: Daxdiv on January 17, 2014, 10:31:31 PM
Finally completed the 3 Kalos dexes, Central/Coastal/Mountain in my copy of Pokemon X, minus Articuno/Zapdos/Moltres. But eh... the game gave me an Oval Charm, so now the egg output will be even greater. Now I just need to wait for Pokemon Bank to come to finish up the National Dex yet again.
how do you do this shit so fast
Like I'm still in Cianwood in SoulSilver, and I think my Pokedex is like at 50 or something right now. Still haven't even played X yet, despite having owned it for about a month now. *shrugs*
I have most of my dexes finished as well. Also the Bank was open wasn't it? I've gotten several 'mons in the last couple weeks that were previously unavailable(some of the starters like Totodile and Cyndiquil, as well as Meowth and Rattata) through trades on the GTS.
Quote from: Kiddington on January 17, 2014, 10:39:01 PM
Quote from: Daxdiv on January 17, 2014, 10:31:31 PM
Finally completed the 3 Kalos dexes, Central/Coastal/Mountain in my copy of Pokemon X, minus Articuno/Zapdos/Moltres. But eh... the game gave me an Oval Charm, so now the egg output will be even greater. Now I just need to wait for Pokemon Bank to come to finish up the National Dex yet again.
how do you do this shit so fast
Like I'm still in Cianwood in SoulSilver, and I think my Pokedex is like at 50 or something right now. Still haven't even played X yet, despite having owned it for about a month now. *shrugs*
I catch everything I see in sight. I resort to Serebii and Bulbagarden to help me locate things, write down what I need to breed and or evolve. That and the whole experience share in Gen VI makes the game a cakewalk, so when it came to evolving, I just took one of my party members, fought on Victory Road and took 5 Pokemon that needed to evolve and was able to use the EXP Share like that. What's weird is that, I did get both X & Y around launch, but thought a little bit hard if I wanted to store my Pokemon on my Physical X or Digital Y. I went with Physical. After I decided that and beat the Elite Four, then I decided to complete the dexes.
Quote from: Comeau on January 17, 2014, 11:00:20 PM
I have most of my dexes finished as well. Also the Bank was open wasn't it? I've gotten several 'mons in the last couple weeks that were previously unavailable(some of the starters like Totodile and Cyndiquil, as well as Meowth and Rattata) through trades on the GTS.
Yep. it was opened up in Japan on Christmas day, then closed down due to the heavy traffic Nintendo was experiencing over the holiday due to the influx of new users. Right now if you visit the page on the official Nintendo website, it just gives a TBD as a date. I love Nintendo, but in hindsight.... releasing an app for your biggest game during the holidays probably wasn't the smartest idea. I still blame the fact that Japan's Christmas isn't like America's. I mean, I don' think they see Christmas as the biggest gift giving day of the year over there. Last I checked, they see it as a holiday for lovers and don't treat it like a national holiday like we do in the states where they close a majority of stores and schools. It's kind of like "Have fun, see ya after work!"
As for bank mons... I did end up getting a Cyndaquil, Totodile, Treecko and Feebas from Wonder Trade. Last week I did breed Cyndaquils and did end up getting a shiny out of it. I was so surprised to see a Shiny hatch from an egg. Since I got an Oval charm, I might look into getting Extrasensory on Cyndaquil and passing those around later.
I used the Wonder Trade to help fill out the dex(I still have a whole box in my PC filled up with starters that I got from Wonder Trade). Even got most of the version exclusives that way. Some of the better ones I would get off Wonder Trade I'd put up on GTS and barter for Pokemon I wanted; Friend Safari helped as well(especially when you get Pokemon like Magmar, Quilladin, Ivysaur, and Rhydon in your Friend Safaris). My Kanto bird was Moltres, but I traded him on GTS for Zapdos, then traded Zapdos for Articuno. I can't remember what I managed to trade for Yveltal though, I know it took a good amount of patience.
The down side is that I did spend a ton of time in Wonder Trade, because more often than not you get traded something useless, like those damn monkeys, can't tell you how many times I got traded those things.
Quote from: Homura Akemi on January 18, 2014, 12:54:10 PM
I've almost finished the first half of Nier in an attempt to get 100% quest completion. It is far too tedious, but I'm in it for the long run now. In that hindsight, the plotline for the game is as good as I remember it was back when I played it in mid-2012.
I just beat Nier for the first time! Didn't get anywhere close to 100% though. The story, characters, voice acting, and music were amazing, and the gameplay was pretty good too. I highly recommend it to anyone! (Make sure to do the second and third playthroughs as well.)
Quote from: Comeau on January 18, 2014, 02:43:42 AM
The down side is that I did spend a ton of time in Wonder Trade, because more often than not you get traded something useless, like those damn monkeys, can't tell you how many times I got traded those things.
Yeah for me I notice I always get dupes of the following
Elemental Monkeys
Froakie (Sometimes with Protean, which I kind of find as a blessing, since I don have access to someone with a Frogadier in their FS.)
Pretty much some trash, but I do like the prospect of getting someone's breeding left overs, especially the ones with good IV spread. Luckily I do have someone on my friend list that has Ditto in their Safari, which kind of makes breeding/IV looking more easy.
In other news, some one gave me a Chimchar with Iron Fist on Wonder Trade and I'm now working on making some with Fire and Thunder Punch on them.
I finally got some time to get back to my games. I played a bit more of Vanquish. That section where you fight 2 copies of the first boss at once was terrible, IMO. Any fight in which you can get hit by instant-kill attacks from off-screen is not well balanced. Come on, Platinum, you guys should know better than that. Other than that, though, the rest of the game has still been awesome. Honestly, I like it even more than MGRR, even though I typically prefer Hack n' Slash games to TPS games.
Speaking of MGRR, I finally got around to the Jetstream Sam DLC. I like the feel of his combat more than Raiden's, and I like how they fine-tuned the parry mechanic so that you can't spam it as much anymore. That said, I swear that it feels like enemies purposely keep moving out of the sight of my camera to make it hell for me to fight them. I can still (amazingly) parry a good chunk of their attacks from off-screen, being that I can usually gauge the general direction that they are coming from, but having them able to attack from off-screen in the first place is yet another thing that I'd expect Platinum to know better about. I wish more games (including NG) would take a cue from DMC3 and 4 by not allowing enemies to initiate attacks from off-screen. It doesn't make the game easy as long as the enemies are still aggressive yet can also attack with some level of intelligence, rather than just attacking randomly and sporadically.
Anyways, despite my complaints, much like the main game I do like the DLC. I just feel that the flaws hold it back from being one of the greats of the genre. That said, I have also been playing through more of the main story-line on Hard mode, and I have gotten considerably better with Raiden to the point where the problems that I do have with the game don't bother me as much anymore since my skill can get me through most fights without sustaining too much damage.
I just finished replaying Black Mesa. This really is one of the best video game remakes of all time, if not the best. I highly recommend it to everyone, especially those who have yet to experience the original Half-Life. Seriously, play it. It's free!
I also highly recommend installing the Surface Tension Uncut and On A Rail Uncut meta-mods. They add about 2 hours of extra gameplay total altogether and greatly improve the experience IMO. (ST was unfinished and OAR was shortened too much in the official release.)
Didn't even know it was out.
Quote from: gunswordfist on January 29, 2014, 12:45:12 AM
Didn't even know it was out.
It's been out since 2012, actually. I'm surprised I never directly talked about playing it here. :sweat:
I got up to Mission 10 of DmC on SoS mode. It's a little better this time around, but still not challenging enough, and the combat really starts to show its weaknesses compared to the other games on this difficulty.
Meanwhile I'm about half-way through Mission R-04 of MGRR. I really have to stress how much this reminds me of NG2, not just in terms of certain gameplay similarities, but also in terms of how both games are really awesome but also essentially feel incomplete. Just like with NG2, I really get the feeling that Platinum wanted to do more stuff with this game and spend more time balancing it, but if what I've heard is correct, they only had little more than a year to develop this game when Kojima brought it to them, in which case I'm more amazed that the game turned out as good as it did rather than be a broken mess. I feel like if Platinum ever makes a sequel to this, it'll possibly be one of the best games in the genre if it fully capitalizes on the potential of this game. As it stands, I think this is a really good game that is just short of being amazing because of those various flaws that kind of hold it back for me (once again, just like with NG2).
Why doesn't anyone like Parasite Eve 2.
Quote from: Zac Bertschy's Sex Slave on February 06, 2014, 08:22:24 AM
Why doesn't anyone like Parasite Eve 2.
I like it! I thought the only one people generally didn't was The 3rd Birthday. :o
Thanks to Pokemon Bank being opened up finally, I was able to complete the National Dex in Pokemon X. All 718 entries. All those mons I wasn't able to get due to not having the right Friend Safari or due to them not being obtainable in the games in any other form. Though Marquis did get me thinking about how easy completing the Dex will be from now on, considering that Bank is going to Nintendo's long term plan for transferring between gens, and when the next gen comes out, I can just deposit my mons into Bank and then into that other game, since I will most likely pay the $5 a year for it. I do recall reading somewhere the Junichi Masuda mentioned that 3DS games had no way of communicating with DS games, so we probably would have had another Gen 2 to Gen 3 incident.
I will say as far as the bank is concerned, my only gripes are why the Bank and the Transporter are 2 different apps and why do we need to use Box 1 in the Gen 5 games? My theory for the former is that it's probably some form of future proofing.
I finally got some time to play again.
I beat Mission's R-04, 05, and 06 on Hard mode, and I'm about at that point in the game where I've for the base mechanics down well enough and am now trying to experiment with more advanced forms of play, like trying to get the enemy attack timings down so that I can counter them more frequently. It's at times like these when action games of this sort are at their most fun. I am also liking this game considerably more on this replay than I did on my first run through it, which is the way that it should be.
I also went back to play some more DMC3, and it was Mission 15, the worst mission on the game. On top of that, it was on DMD mode, and in case any of you guys were wondering why I'm still not done with it yet, it's. not because its hard (of course it's hard, but that's to be expected), but because its not the fun kind of hard. I hate difficulties in which the enemies and bosses are attack sponges, and that's what DMD mode on this game is. I especially hate how enemies being able to Devil Trigger is no longer based on how long it takes you to kill them off before they do, like how it was in the first game on DMD mode. Overall this game's ideal difficulty is Very Hard mode, which I found to be both very challenging but also still very fun.
As for Vanquish, I finally got back to that as well, and I just managed to beat Act 3, which for some reason I thought would be the last actor the game, but then I remembered that ever since Gears of War it had been commonplace for TPS games to have 5 full acts (and even before that, RE4 had 5 chapters), so I guess that it's just a video game thing.
So, you guys want to know what fuck-up I just made? When I beat MGRR on Hard mode I accidentally selected New Game to play Very Hard mode instead of doing it through the chapter select. And thus I lost all of the upgrades that I had acquired through 2 full playthroughs of the game. Yes, I certainly feel like a dumb-ass. Luckily this game is short, and now that I'm good enough I can breeze through Normal and Hard mode again in a day each. Still, it sucks being set-back like this, especially when it comes to the collectibles.
I just replayed through the entire game on Normal mode, which really shows you how short yet replay able it all is. My new issue that I ran into has to do with upgrades, though. For some reason I can't buy anything beyond the level 1 upgrades, even though I beat the game again. I DID skip mission R-00, so perhaps I need to complete that as well to gain access to the rest of the upgrades, but if that's not the case then I have a problem here.
I went back and beat File R-00, and sure enough it unlocked the rest of my upgrades. Now I'm replaying through the game on hard mode (again) and I'm really being pretty sloppy this time around, but only because I'm trying to perfect my counters in order to make this difficulty feel a little bit more interesting. Of course that means taking a bunch of hits until I really manage to get my timing down.
Playing Hotline Miami. This is a real gem. Excellent gameplay, music, and - surprisingly - story. I love it!
Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on February 08, 2014, 02:11:25 AM
So, you guys want to know what fuck-up I just made? When I beat MGRR on Hard mode I accidentally selected New Game to play Very Hard mode instead of doing it through the chapter select. And thus I lost all of the upgrades that I had acquired through 2 full playthroughs of the game. Yes, I certainly feel like a dumb-ass. Luckily this game is short, and now that I'm good enough I can breeze through Normal and Hard mode again in a day each. Still, it sucks being set-back like this, especially when it comes to the collectibles.
You are not the only one. I also did that, but how it happened with me, I was finishing JSS and decided to do a new game of the main story only to end up saving over my original file (this is the 2nd time it happened). I really don't feel like going through all that stuff again.
Anyway, this is my 4th or 5th Saturday off so I've had a bit more time to fit in some games.
Mass Effect 1Main game I've been replaying at the moment. Playing on the PS3 (I think I mentioned that I gave my 360 to my brother). Some differences that I've noticed is that the load times are definitely longer on this version, and maybe it's because I can't move my thumb as fast, but when doing the button sequences, it seems like there's not a lot of time or my timing just might be off because I've failed quite a few of them and have been resorting to using Omni-gel. Anyway, I'm playing as male Shepard whose a soldier going the paragon route. Just got Liara into my crew and doing some side missions before I head to Feros.
Warrior's Orochi 3Ryu Hayabusa is a beast.
Street Fighter x TekkenIn some ways I'm going through a character crisis. I know for certain that I want Hwoarang as my main character, but who to team him up with has been my problem. I've got it down to Asuka, Ibuki, Chun Li, and Cammy. Don't want to go over no more than 4 characters (May try to take it down to 3 characters for the time being)
Well, I forgot to mention that I did actually end up going through the game twice again. But now my problem is that after 4 full playthroughs, I'm kind of burned out on it, so I'll take a break from this game while I'm still trying to finish up Vanquish, and I'll go back to trying to beat DMC3 on DMD mode. I really just want to get it over with at this point. As much as I love this game, I can't stand this difficulty setting.
Guys, Dungeon Keeper is free on GOG right now.
It's excellent, and old, so it will run on your computer. I highly recommend it!
EDIT: They're also having a sale on Dungeon Keeper 2, old-school D&D-based cRPGs, and some other games as well. Pick 'em up!
Etrian Odyssey Untold is beaten, so I feel the time has come to get into the latest Mario And Luigi game.
I also finally got around to Pokemon X again, and did the post-game Looker sidequest. The plot of that was better than anything involving Team Flare. I honestly wish that had been the main plot, but spread out over the whole region instead of just Lumiose. Teaming up with Looker to save Emma and stop a mad scientist, while simultaneously getting gym badges? Would have been awesome. If they had made your rival
the one stuck in the Essentia suit, that would have been a great twist on the whole rival thing.
Ah, what might have been. Oh well. Also, the Poke transfer thing is convoluted as hell and took me three hours of cartridge switching to get everybody I wanted into X.
"I have never been more bored in my life." -- My girlfriend on playing Beyond: Two Souls
Quote from: Foggle on February 21, 2014, 01:21:10 PM
"I have never been more bored in my life." -- My girlfriend on playing Beyond: Two Souls
Not enough
gameplay in your
game? Thy expecteth too much from the
gaming industry.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on February 21, 2014, 01:41:25 PM
Quote from: Foggle on February 21, 2014, 01:21:10 PM
"I have never been more bored in my life." -- My girlfriend on playing Beyond: Two Souls
Not enough gameplay in your game? Thy expecteth too much from the gaming industry.
Now she's playing Heavy Rain.
"I have to change a baby's nappy in a video game for the PlayStation 3 in the year 2014! What a time to be alive."
Gameplay is a failure of game design.
Look, either you clean the baby's ass or you can suddenly have every piece of furniture in the house fly at you for no reason in an overly-long quick time event.
...Man, fuck David Cage.
Mass Effect
Lot's of technical hiccups popping up. Gunfights are over and my crew are still shooting at nothing. I order my squad to go into a room ahead of me and they say their path is blocked because they're too busy looking up at walls. These button sequences are annoying as well, but then again I'm blaming the controller on this one. Scratch that. Playing this on the PS3 is a no no, but maybe it's because the controller is uncomfortable in my hands. The layout is the same as the 360 controller, but the buttons don't feel nearly as comfortable. It's like this game (series) was specifically made for the 360 (considering it was a 360 exclusive at one point. Probably should've kept it that way), but like I said, I only got the series on the PS3 simply because the DLC was easier to obtain.
Street Fighter 3: 3rd Strike
Practicing some combos and trying to punish things such as a Shoryuken as Ken and Dudley.
P.S. I'm starting to regret giving my brother my 360 since I'm starting to miss playing Halo (and Mass Effect feels much better on there)
Quote from: Foggle on February 22, 2014, 08:52:34 AM
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on February 21, 2014, 01:41:25 PM
Quote from: Foggle on February 21, 2014, 01:21:10 PM
"I have never been more bored in my life." -- My girlfriend on playing Beyond: Two Souls
Not enough gameplay in your game? Thy expecteth too much from the gaming industry.
Now she's playing Heavy Rain.
"I have to change a baby's nappy in a video game for the PlayStation 3 in the year 2014! What a time to be alive."
Ah David Cage, I remember when he said gaming needs to grow-up. While that is debatable, he is the last kind of person that should be opening his mouth about that. From what I've seen of his "games" his content feels like that kid that does stuff that makes him feel mature, even though doing that stuff is probably the most immature thing you can do.
On a side note, I look forward to the day your girlfriend plays Gone Home and realizes she can beat it in the same amount of time it takes me to make a big bowl of popcorn.
David Cage is a very mature storyteller. That's why he had Madison Paige go to this strip club and manipulate a Mexican pimp by squeezing his nuts so she could get information on who the Origami Killer was. And that was after Madison escaped this random taxidermist who wanted to turn her into a doll for some reason.
:D :worship:
I just love the realism of everything in Heavy Rain. Cage gets everything down perfectly, right down to the crimeglasses and crimeglove from 2045 being available to an FBI agent. Did you know those are standard issue?
I also adore Blake's in-depth and heavily layered character. When he tries to murder Ethan without any real evidence and yells at Jayden for motives that are never really discussed, I am enamored by his personality. He truly knows how to deal with crime in a realistic and grounded matter. David Cage must have talked to a hundred cops in order to write Blake as a true human being.
I have actually heard very mixed opinions on Heavy Rain (though I haven't played it yet, so I can't really say). Might these negative opinions have more to do with the cinematic style of the game rather than its actual story?
I played it years ago.
It's kind of like if Law & Order and Batman TAS had a baby. It tries hard to be realistic and grounded, but keeps throwing cockamamie bullshit at you which feel more at home in a Bruce Timm show.
Quote from: talonmalon333 on February 23, 2014, 12:20:38 PM
I have actually heard very mixed opinions on Heavy Rain (though I haven't played it yet, so I can't really say). Might these negative opinions have more to do with the cinematic style of the game rather than its actual story?
To be honest, the story is easily the worst thing about the game, aside from the voice acting. It has some of the worst writing I've ever seen in a video game, though it's still better than the second half of Indigo Prophecy. David Cage should not be allowed to write scripts. And speaking of that voice acting, it's about on the level of Resident Evil 3.
Quote from: Foggle on February 24, 2014, 12:45:17 AM
Quote from: talonmalon333 on February 23, 2014, 12:20:38 PM
I have actually heard very mixed opinions on Heavy Rain (though I haven't played it yet, so I can't really say). Might these negative opinions have more to do with the cinematic style of the game rather than its actual story?
To be honest, the story is easily the worst thing about the game, aside from the voice acting. It has some of the worst writing I've ever seen in a video game, though it's still better than the second half of Indigo Prophecy. David Cage should not be allowed to write scripts. And speaking of that voice acting, it's about on the level of Resident Evil 3.
To be honest, I don't know a lot about Heavy Rain except that its big on story... To the point where I honestly thought at least 90% of the game was story.
I actually like the actors for Scott Shelby and FBI guy. It's just too bad they were given such shit material to work with.
To think, the story is the one thing hailed as amazing by the gaming industry and yet if it was a novel, TV show, or movie, it would be up there with Manos.
Something's wrong here.
There are many game stories that, while considered masterpieces, are still far from what you can get in literature, film, or television. This medium still has a really long way to go before it reaches those levels. I feel like most people who disagree with that statement are just critics who are getting paid to say something, or gamers who have no knowledge of those other forms of media.
I can think of a handful of game stories that are good or that, in general, I just like. But this is all why, in the video game story thread on this forum, I carefully made a point of saying I can only think of two or three great video game stories.
David Cage should do a 50 Shades Of Grey adaptation.
Quote from: gunswordfist on February 24, 2014, 05:24:55 PM
David Cage should do a 50 Shades Of Grey adaptation.
Boner quick-time events! :joy:
I can imagine some "Press X repeatedly" style games.
Mario And Luigi: Dream Team
And I've gotta say, I haven't enjoyed the M&L series this much since Superstar Saga. I love the island resort theme, how open all the areas are, the Luiginary devices are creative, each area takes just the right amount of time without overstaying its welcome by having a sort of 2-part thing with the real world version of the area followed by a proper dream version of the area. And there's so many character callbacks to the first three games, while new characters are awesome as well. And the battles can be absolutely brutal. The humor is spot on.
There are a few things I'm really not digging though. While the 3D environments are lovely, the character sprites themselves are kind of blurry, and look sort of half-assed as a result. All the dream sections are in 2D, which is better here than it was in BIS, but still. Bowser's place in the story is somehow both a breath of fresh air and aggravating at the same time, as it kind of gives Antasma less room to develop as a villain. And then the two most annoying things of all. Mandatory minigames have been plaguing this series from the start, and they're still just as obnoxious here. And finally, they brought back the freaking giant battles from BIS. Only instead of Bowser, this time you play as Luigi. They still take too long, the stylus still doesn't work half the time, and of course, I still suck at them.
But all in all, an enjoyable experience. The cons will probably keep me from ever replaying it though, just like the rest of the series.
How many hours does the final boss take to beat? You must inform us on that.
Played the Strider demo a few hours ago. Feels like a really well-made and fast-paced game, lackluster music aside. Despite being a Metroidvania, there was an undeniable focus on combat in the sections available, not once did I have to look at the map to see where I was going, and the combat was very smooth once I got used to the controls. Definitely check this one out if you're interested in side-scrollers and hack'n slashes.
Playing Splinter Cell: Blacklist with John. All I can say is WOW. This might just be the best stealth game of the entire previous gen, surpassing even the fantastic Hitman: Blood Money. While I'm one of the few who actually likes Double Agent and Conviction, I was pretty leery of this game based on the previews, but goddamn, did Ubisoft really give it their all this time. The core stealth mechanics are excellent, the levels are well-designed with multiple routes (including hidden ones), the co-op is implemented perfectly, and the gadgets are all fun to use. Ignore the trailers and such that make it look like a bland TPS, this is stealth gaming at its absolute finest. I think it's good enough at what it does to please both hardcore fans of the genre and newcomers alike. Highly recommended!
Whoa, it did look bland and Tom didn't really help sell the game "Sam can be a dick :D". I love me some stealth so I'll check it out.
It's great fun, especially with a friend. I hear the Spies vs. Mercs mode is also very fun, though I haven't had a chance to try it yet.
I'm glad they brought that back. I'll have to get this game.
This May, Nintendo is shutting down online multiplayer for the Wii.
My friends and I still use it, and were expecting to still be able to use it by that point.
I currently hate Nintendo.
Also Foggle, I just remembered. :P
Quote from: Foggle on October 17, 2013, 01:40:18 PM
Quote from: talonmalon333 on October 17, 2013, 12:30:24 PM
Are we going to make a new thread once this one hits 100 pages?
Probably is not yes.
I'll make it later tonight unless someone else wants to.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on February 25, 2014, 12:22:06 PM
How many hours does the final boss take to beat? You must inform us on that.
I've heard horror stories about bullshit healing, but I'm not there yet. The final dungeon is dragging like crazy.
I got my Tales Of Symphonia Chronicles copy in the mail yesterday, so I popped that into the PS3. Nostalgia boner abound. And the first thing it did was see that I had Graces and Xillia data, and gave me costume sets from Abyss, Vesperia, Xillia, and Xillia 2 right off the bat. I'm going to have all the characters dressed up as characters from games that came out after Symphonia. Awesome! I also got the Collector's Edition, so much swag was had. Artbook, optional steelbook case, four mini-figurines, four-disc soundtrack, and a little 100+ page novel. Totally worth it. I only played enough to get those costumes though. I still want to finish Xillia before a give the Symphonia games another proper go.